This document discusses the content and materials taught in English lessons for elementary schools in Indonesia. It notes that the topics and themes covered differ between regions, so each area requires its own teaching books tailored to the local curriculum. It recommends that English teachers take the initiative to create modules and guidebooks specific to the materials taught in their own regions. Developing quality, region-specific books would help provide teachers with proper guidance for conducting English lessons, rather than relying on student worksheets which only briefly summarize lessons. The document uses the region of Batang Kabupaten as an example area that could benefit from customized teaching books to standardize English instruction.
This document discusses the content and materials taught in English lessons for elementary schools in Indonesia. It notes that the topics and themes covered differ between regions, so each area requires its own teaching books tailored to the local curriculum. It recommends that English teachers take the initiative to create modules and guidebooks specific to the materials taught in their own regions. Developing quality, region-specific books would help provide teachers with proper guidance for conducting English lessons, rather than relying on student worksheets which only briefly summarize lessons. The document uses the region of Batang Kabupaten as an example area that could benefit from customized teaching books to standardize English instruction.
This document discusses the content and materials taught in English lessons for elementary schools in Indonesia. It notes that the topics and themes covered differ between regions, so each area requires its own teaching books tailored to the local curriculum. It recommends that English teachers take the initiative to create modules and guidebooks specific to the materials taught in their own regions. Developing quality, region-specific books would help provide teachers with proper guidance for conducting English lessons, rather than relying on student worksheets which only briefly summarize lessons. The document uses the region of Batang Kabupaten as an example area that could benefit from customized teaching books to standardize English instruction.
This document discusses the content and materials taught in English lessons for elementary schools in Indonesia. It notes that the topics and themes covered differ between regions, so each area requires its own teaching books tailored to the local curriculum. It recommends that English teachers take the initiative to create modules and guidebooks specific to the materials taught in their own regions. Developing quality, region-specific books would help provide teachers with proper guidance for conducting English lessons, rather than relying on student worksheets which only briefly summarize lessons. The document uses the region of Batang Kabupaten as an example area that could benefit from customized teaching books to standardize English instruction.
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The form of country Leader
Republic President and vice president Kingdom King and queen Empire Empror and empress Prime minister
Government in Indonesia
Government’s leader Meaning
arrangement Province Governor Municipality Major Regency Regent Subdistric Subdistric head Village Village chief
Vocabularies in government
Ambassador : duta besar
Attonery general : kejaksaan agung People consultative assembly of Republic of Indonesia : MPR The house of representative of Republic of Indonesia : DPR The Secretary of State/menteri sekretaris negara: Pratikno The Minister of Home Affairs/menteri dalam negeri: Tjahjo Kumolo The Minister of Foreign Affairs/menteri luar negeri: Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries/ menteri kelautan dan perikanan: Susi Pudjiastuti The Minister of Transport/menteri perhubungan: Ignatius Jonan Minister of Tourism/ menteri pariwisata: Arief Yahya Minister of Defense/menteri pertahanan: Ryamizard Ryacudu Minister of Justice and Human Rights/ menteri hukum dan HAM: Yasonna H. Laoly Minister of Communications and Information Technology/ menteri komunikasi: Rudiantara The Minister of Finance/ menteri keuangan: Bambang Brodjonegoro Minister of Trade/ menteri perdagangan : Rahmat Gobel Minister of Religion/menteri agama : Lukman Hakim Saifuddin Minister of Health/menteri kesehatan: Nila F. Moeloek Minister of Social Affairs/menteri sosial: Khofifah Indar Parawansa The Minister for Women's Role/menteri peranan wanita : Yohanan Yambise Minister of Culture and Education of Elementary and Secondary/ menteri kebudayaan dan pendidikan: Anies Baswedan Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education/menteri riset dan teknologi: M. Nasir Minister of Youth and Sports/ pemuda dan olahraga: Imam Nahrawi Answer the following questions!
1. A province consists of some......
2. The king’s wife is....... 3. led by a regent 4. The second president of Indonesia is....... 5. The vice president of Indonesia right now is .......... 6. The emperor leads an .............. 7. A ...............leads municipality 8. The form of Japan country is....... 9. The minister is appointed by ....... 10. A village chief leads..... 11. The form of Indonesian country is......... 12. DPR in English...... 13. The Minister of Maritime Affairs is...... 14. The minister of finance means.......... 15. The minister of religion means............ 16. The capital of west Kalimantan is.... 17. The capital of east Java is....... BATANG kelas 1 Smt 1 1. Greeting and parting 2. Personal identity 3. Color 4. Alphabet Smt 2 5. Number 1 6. School 7. Days and month Kelas 2 Smt 1 1. Greeting and parting 2. Things in the classroom 3. Numbers 2 4. Hobbies Smt 2 5. School activities 6. Thing s in the library 7. Uniform 8. Animals Kelas 3 Smt 1 1. Human body 2. Animal : wild and tame 3. Activities : school and home Smt 2 4. Food and drink 5. Things in the living room 6. Things in the kitchen 7. Things in the bedroom Kelas 4 Smt 1 1. Greeting and parting 2. Colour 3. Things around us 4. Number 5. Part of the body 6. Family Smt 2 7. Hobbies 8. Calendar 9. Toys and games 10. Shopping 11. School activities 12. Fruit and vegetable Kelas 5 Smt 1 1. Hobbies 2. Telling time 3. Daily activities 4. Food and drinks 5. Games and toys 6. Clothes Smt 2 7. Mathematics 8. Profession 9. Transportation 10. Shapes 11. Library 12. Weather and season Kelas 6 Smt 1 1. Direction and location 2. Holiday 3. Describing people and object 4. Shopping 5. Ownership 6. Myth and legends Smt 2 7. Government 8. Order and request 9. Earth and planets 10. Feelings 11. Tourism Di daerah lain di seluruh Indonesia mungkin memiliki perbedaan dalam hal materi dan tema yang diajarkan. Daerah kabupaten Pekalongan dengan Kabupaten Batang contohnya berbeda mengenai konten atau materi yang diajarkan dan tentunya berbeda pula dengan daerah lainya di Indonesia. Karena perbedaan tersebut maka tiap daerah memiliki buku untuk kalangan sendiri di daerahnya. Buku Bahasa Inggris yang diterbitkan oleh berbagai penerbit di Indonesia dirasa kurang cocok karena hanya sedikit menyinggung materi yang diajarkan di masing-masing daerah. Akibat dari perbedaan ini guru Bahasa Inggris harus lebih banyak memiliki buku-buku sebagai penunjang dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di SD. Makin banyak referensi buku makin baik kualitas pengajarannya. Guru Bahasa Inggris di SD menurut saya pribadi harus punya inisiatif dalam membuat modul ataupun buku pedoman yang sesuai dengan materi dan tema di masing-masing daerah. Buku-buku untuk self circle ini dipakai untuk kalangan sendiri. Ini dapat disusun oleh para guru Bahasa Inggris di masing- masing daerah melalui KKG Bahasa Inggris yang sudah terbentuk dan berjalan. Buku-buku ini sangat penting sekali sebagai buku pegangan dan panduan untuk Guru Bahasa Inggris. Tidak dibenarkan guru menjadikan LKS sebagai pedoman dalam mengajar. Karena bagaimanapun juga yang namanya LKS adalah Lembar Kerja Siswa hanya sebagai latihan siswa yang berisi sedikit rangkuman materi pelajaran dan latihan soal yang berkaitan dengan materi atau tema tersebut. Kebanyakan di lapangan guru Bahasa Inggris masih menggunakan LKS sebagai panduan dalam mengajar karena memang belum ada guku pedoman yang sesuai. Kalau di daerah Kabupaten Batang sendiri LKS kebanyakan masih dipakai sebagai pedoman mengajar. Sudah saatnya kita membuat dan menyusun suatu buku yang berkualitas yang dapat kita jadikan pegangan dan pedoman dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris di SD.