Genes List

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Rabbit Genes

There are 10 color gene groups in rabbits. They are A, B, C, D, E, En, Du, Si, V, W, and P. There
are also recessive forms of these genes. On top of these, there are also modifiers, which modify a
certain gene(s). These include the rufous modifiers, color intensifiers, and plus/minus (blanket/spot)
modifiers. A rabbit's coat only has two pigments, yellow and dark brown. There can also be no
pigment, causing an albino or white rabbit.

Gene Description Examples

Agouti: light eye circles, belly, and triangles. Has Chestnut, Opal, Orange, Lynx,
banding on hair shaft. Chinchilla
Tan Pattern: Solid color, has tan, fawn, or white eye Silver Martin, Tan, Otter
circles, belly, and triangles.
Self: No banding on hair shaft, one color throughout Blue, Chocolate, Black, Tort

Black: When present with Agouti gene, causes a black Black, Chestnut
band, when present with the Self gene, produces one
B solid color.

Brown (or Chocolate): With Agouti, makes the black Chocolate, Lynx
band brown, when present with the Self gene, makes
b solid chocolate instead of black.

Full Color: All four dark brown and all three yellow Any color except Chinchilla
pigments bands to be present. Completely dominant. (light or dark) or REW.
Dark Chinchilla: Same as full color, except only one Chinchilla, Squirrel
yellow pigment band. Dominant over cch2, cch1, cch,
and c. Denoted by some breeders as cchd (“dark
cch3 chinchilla”), however this is not correct according to
the recommendations of the Genetic Society of
Light Chinchilla: Slight reduction in dark brown Some chinchillas, especially in
pigment creating a more sepia tone in the fur rather colder climates, may be of this
than black. No yellow pigment has been observed. genotype. However, it is not
cch2 Denoted by some breeders as cchm (“medium preferred.
chinchilla”), however this is not correct according to
the recommendations of the Genetic Society of
Pale Chinchilla: Only allows two dark brown Sable Point, Siamese Sable,
pigments and no yellow pigments, which lightens the Smoke Pearl
color. Incompletely dominant, is dominant over only
cch1 the ch and c genes. Denoted by some breeders as cchl
(“light chinchilla”, or “shaded”), however these
nomenclatures are not correct according to the
recommendations of the Genetic Society of America.
Himalayan (Pointed White): Causes the color to be Pointed White, Himalayan,
only on the "points"; ears, nose, feet, and tail. Can Californian
ch produce red eyes. Dominant only over the c gene.

Albino: Stops all color from being expressed. Ruby-eyed White

Produces a white rabbit with red eyes.
Dense Coat: Full color, much like the dominant C Orange, Chestnut, Tort
gene. Eyes are brown.
Dilute: Much like its name, it dilutes the color (e.g. Cream, Lilac, Blue, Opal
Black to Blue, Chocolate to Lilac, etc.). Eyes: Blue-
d gray

Dominant Black: Exactly like it’s name, it is Common in Havanas, English

completely dominant and will turn even a Spots
ED chestnut/agouti into a black looking rabbit.

Steel: When Agouti is present, covers up the middle Gold Tipped Steels, Blue
band of dark pigment and darkens the eye circles, Tipped Steels
Es belly, and triangles. Lesser variant of Dominant Black,
it leaves a ticking effect.
Normal Extension: Works with the C loci, lets the Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac,
dark brown pigment be fully expressed Siamese Sable
Japanese Brindling: Works with Agouti to allow the Harlequin, Tri-Color, Magpie
dark brown and yellow pigments to stay in separate
ej areas instead of on the same hair shaft (like a mosaic).

Non-Extension: Works with the C loci and modifiers Red, Orange, Fawn, Cream
to remove most or all of the dark pigment leaving
e only the yellow pigment.

English Spotting: Causes white spots within the solid English Spot, Tri-color, any
color, also called Broken. Works with the plus/minus Broken EnEn = "Charlie", too
En modifiers to intensify or decrease the amount of much white
Self-Colored: Normal color, no white spots Any selfs.
Enen = normal broken,
en enen=self.

Absence of Dutch Pattern: Causes a "normal" colored DuDu = no pattern

rabbit, no partial white/color pattern. Dudu = partial Dutch pattern
Dutch Pattern: Causes a pattern where there is a Dutch
white triangle on the face, white belt around the
du middle, and white boots on the back feet.

Absence of Vienna White: "normal" colored rabbit. Vv = patches of white like the
VV will result in a "normal" rabbit. dutch pattern
Vienna White: Causes a white rabbit with blue eyes. vv = Blue Eyed White (BEW)

Normal Width: Normal coloring, allows the middle Agouti, Chinchilla
yellow or white band to remain the same.
Wideband: Allows the middle yellow or white band New Zealand Red, Thrianta
to double, which colors the agouti pattern areas
w (triangles, eye circles, and belly).
Non-Silvering: Has no effect on color Basically all rabbits

Silver: Creates silver-white tipped hairs and silver- Silver Martin, Silver Fox
white hairs that intermingle with the normal colored
si hairs in the coat.

No P Mutation: No effect on color Basically all rabbits

P Mutation: Decreases dark brown pigment and Lutino, Shaddow
changes eyes to pink

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