Arduino Real

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Presented by:

Sebastián Toro Parra

David Santiago Ángel Marín

Start date: March 7 2019

Giving Project date: April 26 2019

General Objetive.

 Make a specific Project with the Arduino plaque, learning to use the
procreation language used, making programs and using them in the in the
platform, achieving of this way reach to more people from the adaptable
technological resources until the ones who wish to explore it by their selves.

 Specific Objetives.

The objetive of this prject is to start our lives in the hardware world and the
microcontrollers using the platform Arduino.

It makes high the creativity, and teamwork with the philosophy “Do it
yourself” and the experiments.

 Arduino UNO or similar
 USB cable to connect the Arduino
 Protoboard
 Cables

Circuits, and electronics

The name Arduino comes from a bar in Ivrea, Italy; where some of the Arduino
founders get together. It has the name of “Bar Di Re Arduino”, and renamed in
honor to Arduino of Ivrea, who was an Italian king from the year 1002 to the 1014.
The official name Arduino was formed by Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom
Igoe, Gianluca Martino and David Mellis. Hernando Barragan was not invated to
Then the project Wiring keep ahead with plaques of minor prices that were
distributed all around the world of the open code community.

Arduino is an open platform that makes easier the designing of a microcontroller
and a development environment (software) designed to make easier the use of the
electronic. The microcontrollers are around of us in our daily routine, they are in the
sensors to hear the real world and the actors that interact with it. The
microcontrollers read the sensors and write in actors.
USB PORT: Through of it there is instructions changes to execute, the program is
realized in the Arduino designing. “Communication Arduino-Laptop.
MICROPROCESSOR: Realize the almacenated instructions in the cycle form. It is
an intern circuit that contains so much qualities of a computer. Write the pins
DS2.13 and reads the DE2-13 AE0-5.
PINES DE ENTRADA Y SALIDA: They let to connect the elements that give
information and create actions.
RESET BUTTON. It lets the program to reset the program and makes a new one.
For another side the Arduino gives a software in an IDE “Entorno de desarrollo”
that adds the language of Arduino designing and the Bootloader executed in the
plaque. The principal characteristic of the software is that its that it is easy and
usefully to make projects.
The shields are circuit modular plaques that are put onto others to give extra
functionality to an Arduino. These shields are applicable.

Mega Arduino: There is a lot of

difference is the more powerful, and the one that has more pins, adaptable to
Works that are harder, it has more Ram tan the others and more pins that the other


The Arduino is a microcontroller plaque, in ATMEL. A microcontroller is an intern

circuit (we could about a chip) in which there can be instructions saving. This
instructions are written in designing language that let the user interact with
electronic circuits.

Normally a microcontroller has entrances and digital exits, analogic entrances and
exits for the instructions to connect it with them. It is of a plaque that has all the
necessary complements to give function to the micro and its communication
through a computer serial communication

The giant space and free characteristics of an open Arduino make you can use this
type of plaques literally for everything, from clocks to robots, voice controller or
even your vending machine.

The Arduino is a Project that makes easier the electronic relation projects development, and to get
that system is each time gets easier and there are a good number of stores on the Internet in
which we can get an Arduino plaque and a good number of complemets, to develop any activity

HYPOTHESIS ¿How can I take advantage of an Arduino plaque?

¿What kind of things I can do with an Arduino? Tow for Choose one.

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