Molecular Genetics and Metabolism: Kevin M. Antshel

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Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 99 (2010) S52–S58

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ADHD, learning, and academic performance in phenylketonuria

Kevin M. Antshel *
SUNY Upstate Medical University, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Despite having average intellectual abilities, academic difficulties are relatively common in children and
Received 5 August 2009 adolescents with PKU. These academic difficulties may be a function of attention deficit hyperactivity dis-
Received in revised form 23 August 2009 order (ADHD), executive functioning deficits, and processing speed deficits, all of which are known to
Accepted 9 September 2009
affect academic performance in non-PKU populations. This review focuses on what is currently known
about academic performance in youth with PKU and offers suggestions for future research.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

ADHD, learning, and academic performance in phenylketonuria ADHD in individuals with PKU

Over the past 40 years, newborn screening and dietary restric- ADHD occurs in approximately 4–6% of the population [1–3]
tions to limit phenylalanine (Phe) intake have prevented mental and is defined by developmentally inappropriate levels of inatten-
retardation and global cognitive delays in children, adolescents, tion, hyperactivity, or impulsivity [1]. A highly heritable condition
and young adults with phenylketonuria (PKU; OMIM 261600 and thought to have its basis in dopaminergic abnormalities [4], ADHD
261630). In this regard, PKU treatment is one of the true success is currently categorized into three subtypes with varying rates of
stories in modern medicine. Children who were once destined to prevalence: ADHD-inattentive subtype (approximately 25–30%),
have mental retardation and significant global developmental de- ADHD-hyperactive/impulsive subtype (<5%), and ADHD-combined
lays are now able to successfully navigate school and function subtype (65–70%). Stimulant medications such as methylpheni-
independently. date and mixed amphetamine salts, in conjunction with psychoso-
The remarkable efficacy of the combination of newborn screen- cial treatments such as behavioral management training for
ing and a Phe-restricted diet remained largely unquestioned until parents, are the most efficacious treatments for ADHD [5,6]. In
the mid 1980s. At that point, research began to surface indicating ADHD, stimulant medications work by increasing dopamine avail-
that while children with PKU were clearly spared from mental able in the synaptic cleft, either by blocking reuptake or producing
retardation, many of these children were struggling academically more dopamine presynaptically [7].
despite an average intellectual quotient (IQ). Over the past Although better substantiated in ADHD, both individuals with
25 years, research has accumulated demonstrating that children, ADHD and PKU are thought to have low levels of dopamine, espe-
adolescents, and young adults with PKU are more likely than their cially in the prefrontal cortex and striatum [8,9]. This hypodopam-
non-PKU peers to have academic difficulties. inergic state (and the resulting noradrenergic effects) potentially
This article reviews what is presently known about PKU and links ADHD and PKU. Dopamine is organized into three pathways:
academic performance, with a focus on attention deficit hyperac- the mesolimbic, nigrostriatal, and mesocortical subsystems
tivity disorder (ADHD), executive functioning deficits, and process- [10,11]. Mesocortical system dysfunction has been hypothesized
ing speed deficits, all of which are known to affect academic to link PKU and attention regulation deficits [12]. Projecting from
performance in non-PKU populations. the ventral tegmental area to the motor, premotor, and prefrontal
cortices, the mesocortical system influences a variety of cognitive
processes, including working memory and attention regulation
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH; EC is an enzyme
Abbreviations: PKU, phenylketonuria; Phe, phenylalanine; ADHD, attention
necessary to convert Phe to tyrosine (Tyr). In PKU, the gene that
deficit hyperactivity disorder; Tyr, tyrosine.
* Fax: +1 315 464 3163. codes for PAH is absent or defective. Thus, without treatment,
E-mail address: [email protected]. Phe levels rise, Tyr is limited, and available Tyr competes with

1096-7192/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K.M. Antshel / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 99 (2010) S52–S58 S53

Phe to cross the blood–brain barrier. The net result is lower levels been prescribed a stimulant medication. Eight children were pre-
of Tyr that are available to synthesize dopamine in the brain. scribed methylphenidate, one mixed amphetamine salts, and one
The prefrontal cortex is especially sensitive to low levels of dextroamphetamine. Pediatricians were the most common pre-
dopamine, more so than other areas of the brain [14]. As such, even scribing physicians. In contrast, in the diabetes sample, 5 of the
mild elevations of Phe create a cascade effect, which can lead to 76 youths (6.5%; 4 boys, 1 girl) were prescribed a stimulant medi-
low levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex. ADHD and PKU cation. The prevalence of the stimulant prescriptions in the PKU
are therefore theoretically linked by low levels of dopamine avail- sample was significantly higher (p < 0.006) than the stimulant pre-
able in the prefrontal cortex. scriptions in the type 1 diabetes sample, a control group with a
Given the overlap in the neurobiological mechanisms and the chronic disease given dietary treatment. In addition, stimulant pre-
clinical anecdotes reported by metabolic physicians, it is surprising scriptions were higher than in the general population (6%).
that very few studies have been published in which the association The mean Phe levels over 12 months for the PKU sample were
between PKU and ADHD has been examined. That said, in a series also significantly associated with inattentive symptoms
of studies that empirically investigated the relationship between (p < 0.02). The mean Phe level for the past year in the stimulant-
PKU, maternal PKU (MPKU), and ADHD, Antshel and Waisbren using group was 13.2 mg/dL (SD = 6.6), whereas the non-stimu-
[15,16] studied 46 children with early- and continuously-treated lant-using group had a mean Phe level of 8.1 mg/dL (SD = 5.6). All
classical PKU (Age M = 10.8 years, SD = 2.1 years), 15 MPKU off- parents of children with PKU who were prescribed a stimulant re-
spring (Age M = 11.2 years, SD = 2.3 years), and 18 typically devel- ported that the medication was efficacious and none discontinued
oping control children (Age M = 10.7 years, SD = 1.1 years). Using the medication due to side effects. Nonetheless, the efficacy of the
strict DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, 6 of the 46 children with PKU stimulant medication was not achieved through lowering Phe lev-
(13%) and 6 of the 15 MPKU offspring (40%) met full DSM-IV crite- els; the mean Phe levels in the years before and after initiating
ria for ADHD. No control children met criteria for ADHD. The PKU stimulant use were not significantly different.
and ADHD prevalence in this study was 2.5 times greater than that In the Arnold et al. study [17], the association between higher
of the general population, while the MPKU prevalence rate was 8 Phe levels and stimulant use in the PKU group is interesting and
times greater. Both the PKU and MPKU groups had higher ADHD raises the possibility that the stimulant medications are being used
prevalence rates relative to controls (p < 0.001). to manage less well-controlled dietary Phe intake. If dietary man-
Most children with PKU in the Antshel and Waisbren studies agement improves and the inattentive symptoms disappear, there
[15,16] did not meet full DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for ADHD be- may be no need for the stimulant medication. However, it is also
cause many lacked significant functional impairments in two or conceivable that even with improved metabolic control the inat-
more settings and/or had an age of onset after age 7 years. None- tentive symptoms may persist, because the Phe levels in individu-
theless, of the 9 DSM-IV inattentive symptoms, a mean (SD) of als with well-treated PKU are still 2–10 times higher than in the
5.5 (1.1) was endorsed by both teachers and parents of children general population [18]. If this is the case, and if the inattentive
with PKU as occurring ‘‘often” or ‘‘very often.” In the MPKU sample, symptoms are affecting the ability to function, it may be prudent
a mean (SD) of 5.9 (1.5) of the 9 DSM-IV inattentive symptoms was to consider the use of a stimulant medication. Moreover, if meta-
endorsed by teachers and parents as occurring ‘‘often” or ‘‘very bolic control improves and the impairing inattentive symptoms
often.” In contrast, in the control sample, the mean (SD) number still persist, providers need to be aware that diagnostic overshad-
of these symptoms endorsed by parents as occurring ‘‘often” or owing may be present [19]. Diagnostic overshadowing refers to a
‘‘very often” was only 1.3 (0.8). process by which symptoms (i.e., inattentive symptoms) are misat-
The number of DSM-IV hyperactive/impulsive symptoms tributed to one condition (i.e., PKU) without consideration of a sec-
(M = 1.1, SD = 0.4) was rated by parents of children with PKU as ond comorbid condition (i.e., ADHD).
being far less than the number of DSM-IV inattentive symptoms. Future research should continue to investigate the prevalence of
All children with PKU who met formal diagnostic criteria for ADHD ADHD in PKU. Prospective studies should focus on associations be-
were diagnosed with ADHD-inattentive type. Conversely, DSM-IV tween ADHD symptoms, metabolic control, and use of both psycho-
hyperactive/impulsive symptoms (M = 6.3, SD = 1.4) were rated by logical tests administered in a controlled clinical setting and real-
parents of MPKU offspring as occurring more than DSM-IV inatten- world functional outcomes (e.g., scholastic grades). For example,
tive symptoms. All MPKU offspring who met formal diagnostic cri- in the general population, several hundred studies have been pub-
teria for ADHD were diagnosed with ADHD-combined type. The lished supporting the association of ADHD and academic under-
authors concluded that the developmental timing of exposure to achievement and learning disabilities. A meta-analysis reported
elevated levels of Phe may affect the expression of ADHD symp- the mean difference in academic achievement between ADHD and
toms. Although exposure at any time appears to affect attention control groups to be in the moderate to large range (Cohen’s
regulation, prenatal exposure is associated with greatly increased d = 0.71) [20]. On average, a child with ADHD attains roughly 11
hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. In addition, both PKU and MPKU points less than his or her non-ADHD peer on a standardized test
samples demonstrated a dose-dependent relationship between of reading, math, or written expression [20]. Similarly, several hun-
ADHD symptoms and Phe levels; higher levels of Phe exposure were dred studies have been published demonstrating that youth with
associated with a greater number of ADHD symptoms [15,16]. ADHD are at increased risk for grade retention and dropping out
The Antshel and Waisbren series of studies is, surprisingly, the of school (see Barbaresi et al. [21] for a review and epidemiological
only data that have been published on the prevalence of ADHD in data.) To date, no data have been reported on the association be-
PKU and MPKU samples. However, Arnold and colleagues [17] tween ADHD and scholastic outcomes in the PKU population. This
examined the prevalence of stimulant medication use in a sample is a crucial area of research in PKU that needs to be addressed.
of 38 youths (23 males, 15 females; age range 5–20 years) with
early- and continuously-treated classical PKU. Seventy-six youths
with type 1 diabetes (46 males, 30 females; age range 5–20 years) Academic performance in individuals with PKU
comprised a control group. The mean age in both groups was
approximately 11 years. School performance and scholastic outcomes have been studied
Nineteen (50%) of the parents of youths with PKU reported that in the early-treated PKU population for more than 30 years. Many
their child had significant inattentive symptoms. Of those 19 chil- adolescents and young adults with PKU struggle academically, and
dren, 10 children (26% of total PKU sample; 7 boys, 3 girls) had much data have been reported demonstrating that individuals
S54 K.M. Antshel / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 99 (2010) S52–S58

with early-treated PKU are more likely than both siblings and unaf- For example, Stemerdink et al. [27] compared 37 youths with
fected peers to struggle academically [22–36]. early- and continuously-treated classical PKU with 37 non-PKU
In one of the earliest studies of cognitive and academic perfor- control participants matched for age, sex, and education. The aver-
mance in youth with early-treated PKU, Berry et al. [25] followed age age in both groups was roughly 13 years (SD = 2). Parents and
69 individuals with PKU (31 female, 38 male) ranging in age from teachers completed rating scales assessing behavior and school
4 to 35 years. The majority of individuals in the Berry study had performance. Results indicated that teachers rated the average aca-
classical PKU (n = 37). Of those with classical PKU, 21 were early- demic performance of children with PKU to be significantly lower
treated and the remainder was either late-treated or untreated than that of control participants. Teachers rated over half (58%) of
(because late-treated or untreated PKU is currently quite rare, in the early- and continuously-treated children and adolescents with
this review results from only the 21 early-treated individuals will PKU as below grade level compared to 17% of control participants,
be discussed). Parents and siblings of the PKU group comprised (p = 0.005). Teachers rated the amount of effort that the PKU cohort
the control group. The IQ of the early-treated cohort with classical put into their school work as significantly less than that of controls
PKU (M = 98, SD = 14) was well within the average range. Nonethe- (p = 0.03) Nonetheless, even when statistically controlling for the
less, as shown in Table 1, the IQ of the early-treated PKU group was lower level of effort, the school performance difference between
significantly lower than that of the parents and non-PKU siblings of the two groups was maintained (p = 0.008).
the individuals with PKU (p < 0.001). In addition, in the Stemerdink et al. study [27], a teacher’s re-
In addition, academic achievement was studied using the Wide port on academic performance correlated negatively with average
Range Achievement Test (WRAT), for which the normative sample Phe levels in the 2 years prior to the study (r = 0.45). Higher levels
has a mean (SD) score of 100 (15). As shown in Table 1, academic of Phe were associated with poorer academic performance
attainment in reading and spelling were average for age and not (p < 0.05). However, no significant relationship was found between
significantly different from non-PKU siblings. Academic attainment Phe levels during the first 2 years of life and any of the teachers’ re-
in math, however, was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the early- ports of current academic functioning, possibly due to the re-
treated classical PKU cohort than in non-PKU controls [25]. stricted range of Phe levels during the first 2 years of life.
A larger scale study of academic achievement in PKU has also Gassio et al. [34] similarly relied on real-world functional out-
been conducted. The United States PKU Collaborative Study comes rather than psychological tests conducted in a clinic. The
(PKUCS) was a prospective, longitudinal study of the impact of a study looked at 26 youths (14 males, 12 females) with early- and
Phe-restricted diet on PKU outcomes. Conducted at 19 treatment continuously-treated PKU (Age M = 12.3 years, SD = 3.7). Twenty-
centers across the United States, the PKUCS followed 120 youths one age- and sex-matched control participants consisted of class-
with early-treated PKU between the years of 1967 and 1983. In late mates of the youths with PKU or volunteers from the same school.
childhood or early adolescence, mean IQ scores were in the average The mean IQ of the PKU cohort was 102 (SD = 9), indicating average
range and mean WRAT scores were in the average range for all aca- intellectual abilities.
demic subjects [37]. Nonetheless, compared to non-PKU siblings, Results regarding academic functioning indicated that 13 of the
the PKU cohort had lower WRAT scores (on average about 4–6 26 (50%) individuals with PKU had school difficulties: 10 youths
points lower) across all academic subjects, and WRAT reading (38.5%) required special tutoring and 3 (11.5%) had to repeat a year
and arithmetic were statistically lower in the PKU group of school. Both percentages were higher than those of the control
(p < 0.01). Those who continued diet throughout the PKUCS had participants (19% and 4.8%, respectively; p < 0.03). The 10 individu-
significantly higher scores in late childhood or early adolescence als with PKU all required tutoring in multiple subjects, whereas of
on all WRAT subjects than those who did not continue diet [37]. the four control subjects who did require tutoring only one required
Rather than using psychological test performance in the clinic tutoring in more than one subject. Older children with PKU tended
as an outcome variable, other data have been obtained from the to have more difficulty in school than younger children, although
teacher’s report of the child’s classroom functioning. This possibly this difference did not reach statistical significance [34].
enhances the ecological validity of the data. The teacher’s report of The PKUCS mentioned earlier also included real-world aca-
a child with PKU on academic functioning is generally more con- demic functional outcomes. Of the 112 children with early-treated
cerning than the child’s performance on a psychological test. For PKU who had school records, 32% were having difficulties by the
example, most of the academic attainment data that have been first grade, and by the fourth grade 34% were deemed to be at least
published using standardized tests such as the WRAT or Wechsler 1 year below grade level in one or more academic subjects [37].
Individual Achievement Test suggest that youths with PKU are aca-
demically attaining scores in the average (reading, spelling) to low
average (math) ranges for their age [22–36]. Nonetheless, a tea- Possible explanations for math difficulties
cher’s report on the day-to-day classroom performance of a child
with PKU is often below average for age. Math has consistently been reported as an area of vulnerability
for individuals with PKU [22,28,30,35,36], but no studies have been
conducted that explain why math is particularly vulnerable.
Table 1 Hypotheses can be formed, however, based upon existing knowl-
Means of IQ and academic achievement data. edge of PKU neuroanatomy and physiology. Potential influences
Sample IQ Reading Spelling Math of PKU-associated math difficulties include visuospatial or percep-
tual deficits [34,38–45], executive functioning deficits
Berry et al. [25]
PKU 98a 103 100 92a [12,16,30,46–57], and myelin anomalies [58–64] (especially within
Siblings 104 107 96 97 the parietal lobes) [65–67]. All of these potential influences on
Parents 113 — — — math performance have been reported in PKU.
PKUCS [37] From a cognitive perspective, positive associations between vis-
PKU 101a 101a 100a 96a uospatial/perceptual abilities and math performance have been
Siblings 107 107 104 100 demonstrated in typically developing populations [68–70] and
Note. PKUCS: PKU Collaborative Study. IQ measured by WISC-R (Berry et al.) or clinical populations such as neurofibromatosis type 1 [71], Turner
WISC-III (PKUCS). All academic achievement measured by WRAT. syndrome [72], and velocardiofacial syndrome [73]. Visuospatial/
Significant between-group difference. perceptual deficits may be associated with impaired non-symbolic
K.M. Antshel / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 99 (2010) S52–S58 S55

magnitude judgments, mental number-line skills, alignment er- the context of a one-to-one testing environment, the child’s day-
rors, place value confusion, fractions, geometry, and reading to-day functioning in the real-world classroom may be quite differ-
graphs, all of which are elements of mathematical problem solving. ent. Overall, although very little data have been reported on the
In addition, executive functions, especially working memory, play prevalence of learning disabilities in the PKU population, many
a central role in math skills [74–79]. children with PKU struggle academically.
From an anatomical perspective, the parietal lobes are central to
visuospatial/perceptual task completion. Not surprisingly, much
data have been reported demonstrating the functional activity of Academic performance and executive abilities
parietal regions and various aspects of math performance, includ-
ing numerosity [80,81] and symbolic representations of quantity Multiple studies have reported that academic outcomes worsen
[82–84]. In the PKU population, white matter anomalies are asso- with age in early-treated PKU [32,34,35,37,90]. Although this may
ciated with poorer performance in arithmetic but not reading or simply be a function of the difficulty in adhering to the PKU diet
spelling [85]. In addition, frontal regions are particularly active [91] and the negative consequences which accompany elevated
during math calculation tasks [86], and these regions are especially Phe levels, this negative association may also be explained by the
vulnerable in individuals with PKU due to elevated Phe and associ- increased demand for executive functions in the middle- and
ated dopamine disregulation. high-school years relative to elementary school. Beyond elemen-
It is therefore plausible that math difficulties arise in individu- tary school, children and adolescents are required to manage and
als with PKU due to concomitant deficits in visuospatial/perceptual comprehend larger amounts of more complex information, to per-
or executive/working memory abilities, parietal myelin anomalies, form tasks more rapidly, to flexibly shift between activities, and to
frontal neurotransmitter abnormalities, or some combination of link sequences of cognitive operations in an on-line fashion. Most,
these variables. Future research should investigate math attain- if not all, of these requirements are dependent upon executive
ment in PKU using both functional neuroimaging and biochemical functions [92,93]. Therefore, as a result of executive functioning
measures to explain the particular vulnerability of math abilities in deficits (which are associated with poor dietary adherence), youths
the PKU population. with PKU may be at risk for increasingly poorer academic perfor-
mance as they age.
Cross-sectional data by White et al. [47,94] provide support for
Learning disabilities in individuals with PKU this notion. In a series of studies, White and colleagues performed a
cross-sectional investigation of working memory and strategic pro-
Although much data have been published suggesting that indi- cessing in long-term memory, both aspects of executive function,
viduals with PKU struggle academically, far fewer data have been in children with early- and continuously-treated PKU. In the
reported which suggest the presence of learning disabilities. This 2001 study [47], 23 youths (12 female, 11 male) with PKU com-
may be a function of how learning disabilities are operationalized pleted a series of cognitive tests. Mean concurrent Phe level at
or it may be that academic outcomes have been examined far less the time of testing was 8 mg/dL (SD = 4). Results were contrasted
than other cognitive variables such as IQ, processing speed, and with those of an age- and gender-matched control group of typi-
executive functions. cally developing children. Mean age for both groups was roughly
The DSM-IV diagnosis of a learning disability is made when an 11 years.
individual’s achievement on standardized measures of academic As a component of the cognitive battery, the California Verbal
attainment are substantially below expectation for age, schooling, Learning Test—Children’s Version (CVLT-C), a commonly used test
and level of intelligence [1]. Substantially below expectation is of long-term learning and memory, was administered [47]. In the
usually defined as a discrepancy of >1.5 standard deviations be- CVLT-C, a 15-item word list is presented over five trials, with free
tween achievement and IQ. The academic disturbance must inter- recall occurring after each presentation of the list. Words in the list
fere significantly with academic achievement or activities of daily comprise three semantic categories (fruits, clothing, and toys). A
living that require the academic skill. Merely having an IQ or aca- semantic clustering ratio is computed that reflects the degree to
demic achievement discrepancy is not sufficient; the academic dis- which words are spontaneously clustered on the basis of semantic
turbance must interfere significantly with the individual’s categories during recall, which is thought to reflect the use of an
performance in the academic setting or in activities of daily living executive strategy that enhances recall [95].
[1]. In this study, no differences between PKU and control partici-
As noted above, mean IQs and academic attainment scores are pants emerged in terms of the number of words recalled on Trial
both generally reported to be in the average range (math excluded) 1; both groups had a mean recall of just less than seven words.
in PKU research studies. Psycho-educational assessments given by On Trial 5, however, control participants recalled a mean of over
the school districts generally consist of intellectual and academic 11 words, which was one more word recalled than PKU partici-
measures. Although there are exceptions, most children with PKU pants (p < 0.05). Although initial list recall was similar, the control
score in the average range on formal tests of academic attainment participants appeared to benefit more than the PKU participants
or fail to show a substantial discrepancy between IQ and academic from continued presentation of the list. This finding could be ex-
attainment. Thus, a learning disability may not be diagnosed and plained by the fact that control participants were more likely to
the academic accommodations and interventions that accompany use semantic clustering than individuals with PKU (p < 0.05).
such a diagnosis may not be granted by schools [87]. White et al. also divided the PKU group into younger (10 years
Nonetheless, despite having average IQs and academic attain- and below) and older (11 years and above) subgroups. Older indi-
ment scores, many youths with PKU struggle academically, espe- viduals with PKU performed comparatively poorer than older con-
cially in middle and high school. This may be a function of the trol participants on Trial 5, but younger individuals with PKU
slow processing speed and executive dysfunction which often oc- performed comparably to control participants on Trial 5, indicating
cur in PKU. For example, there are ample research data suggesting that performance was poorer as a function of increasing age for the
that executive functions account for large portions of the variance PKU group [47].
in day-to-day academic functioning in non-PKU populations In the 2002 study [94], 20 youths (11 female, 9 male) with
[88,89]. In other words, although children with PKU may perform early- and continuously-treated PKU completed a computerized
capably on many of the formal academic tests administered in task assessing working memory for different types of materials:
S56 K.M. Antshel / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 99 (2010) S52–S58

letters, objects, and spatial locations. Mean concurrent Phe level at outcomes. However, data which have been published in the non-
the time of testing was 8 mg/dL (SD = 4). Working memory results PKU population provide insight into possible associations between
were contrasted with those of an age- and gender-matched control processing speed and school performance. For example, in ADHD
group. Mean age for both groups was roughly 11 years (SD = 4). Re- literature, a sizeable subset of individuals with ADHD-inattentive
sults indicated that control participants performed better on the type (about 30–50%) has been described as having a ‘‘sluggish cog-
working memory tasks (p < 0.01), with no significant effect of stim- nitive tempo” (SCT) [97–100]. Processing speed deficits are com-
ulus type, indicating that controls outperformed individuals with mon in ADHD-inattentive type [101,102], and they are a defining
PKU across all three tasks. Of greater interest, however, were the feature of individuals with SCT.
linear regression analyses which assessed the developmental tra- In the ADHD literature, a moderately positive relationship also
jectory of working memory. The slope of the regression line for has been demonstrated between processing speed and academic
the control group (0.29) was more positive than that of the PKU outcomes [103,104]. Moderate relationships between processing
group (0.08). These findings indicate that age-related improve- speed and academic performance have been demonstrated in other
ments in working memory were occurring for the control group populations as well, such as learning disability [105], survivors of
but not for the PKU group. acute lymphoblastic leukemia [106], and people with autism
The younger cohort (10 years and under) of individuals with [107]. Although further research is clearly warranted, by extension
PKU had lower mean Phe levels (7 mg/dL) than the older cohort one might predict that the processing speed deficits associated
(9.3 mg/dL). Thus, to assess the impact of concurrent Phe levels with PKU contribute to the difficulties in academic performance
on working memory, White et al. [94] recomputed analyses using observed in individuals with PKU.
Phe level as a covariate. After statistically controlling for concur-
rent Phe levels between subgroups (younger PKU vs. older PKU), Conclusion
differences in working memory between the lower (younger) and
higher (older) Phe groups remained significant. Thus, the poorer Prior to the 1960s, individuals with PKU were destined to have
performance for older than younger children was not driven by dif- serious delays in general cognition and academic skills due to ele-
ferences in Phe levels but by differences in age (which may, how- vations in Phe. In this regard, the treatment of PKU is one of the
ever, reflect exposure to elevated Phe over a longer period of the more remarkable successes of modern medicine. Although dietary
life-time). restrictions to limit Phe intake has unquestionably improved the
White et al. [45,94] concluded that their working and long-term academic functioning of individuals with PKU, more subtle but sig-
memory findings in PKU represent a developmental deficit rather nificant difficulties remain. On standard psycho-educational test-
than a developmental delay. In other words, youths with PKU ap- ing assessing only IQ and academic attainment, individuals with
peared to grow into, rather than out of, their memory difficulties. PKU may perform adequately. Nonetheless, children (and espe-
Given that much of middle and high-school academic performance cially adolescents and young adults) with PKU struggle academi-
relies on test grades, these difficulties in executive aspects of mem- cally, especially in math. These academic difficulties may be a
ory may negatively affect academic outcomes in adolescents with function of ADHD, executive functioning deficits, processing speed
PKU more than younger children with PKU. deficits, and/or neuroanatomical abnormalities.
In summary, very few data have been reported that suggest In addition to controlling Phe levels, future efforts should focus
learning disabilities are over-represented in the PKU population. on further understanding the academic vulnerabilities in the PKU
However, large amounts of data have been reported which suggest population. Promising research avenues to consider include: (a)
that many (but not all) children, adolescents, and young adults using real-world academic outcomes (e.g., grades, teacher’s re-
with PKU struggle academically. In addition, it is possible that ports, SAT scores, etc.) in conjunction with psychological tests
age-related deficits in executive and/or other cognitive abilities completed in a controlled clinical setting; (b) incorporating neuro-
may result in worsening academic attainment over time, and re- imaging tools such MRS or fMRI with longitudinal research focused
search is needed to address this issue directly. on academic functioning; (c) further investigating the predictive
power of executive functioning, processing speed, and other cogni-
tive variables as predictors to academic functioning; and (d) inves-
Academic performance and processing speed tigating behavioral and pharmacological treatment outcomes
aimed at improving academic performance. Research ventures
Processing speed deficits are reliable cognitive vulnerabilities in such as these will enable individuals with PKU to academically per-
the adolescent and adult early- and continuously-treated PKU pop- form at their potentials.
ulation [96]. A 2007 meta-analysis of 11 PKU studies (>200 PKU
participants, >200 control participants) suggested that, on average,
effect sizes between PKU and control participants were the largest Funding statement
for processing speed measures (e.g., reaction time on continuous
performance tests). The average effect size indicated that adoles- Dr. Antshel serves as a consultant to BioMarin Pharmaceutical
cents and adults with early- and continuously-treated PKU per- Inc.
formed nearly one standard deviation below control participants
on processing speed measures. These processing speed differences References
emerged regardless of the type of psychological test (e.g., visual,
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