Noel Duarte Instructor: Stephanie Droker Political Science 5-Page Research Paper 4-15-11

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1 Duarte

Noel Duarte

Instructor: Stephanie Droker

Political Science

5-Page Research Paper


Pro-Life/ Pro-Con (Abortion)

Women each year, around the globe have unintended

pregnancies. “Up to twenty million abortions are performed every

year, and with rising percentages every other year" (Abortion

Overview P5). “19% of all abortions are from women between the

ages of 15 through 19, all the other abortions categories in the

ages of 25, 30, and 45 years of age women do this or which have

done this procedure (Abortion)”(Age P1). Women around the world

experience many decisions in their life, but should they have a

choice to take a life away? Or should they be responsible for

their own actions? When does life actually begin?

The history of Aborting/Abortion has been in this world

since the 18th Century, maybe even much farther into that. 1973

was a historical date, to which abortion took place. On that

date, the Supreme Court had a case of “Roe v. Wade”, which made

history in the making, making abortion legal. “Since the

landmark 1973 US Supreme Court decided to make abortion legal,

hundreds of federal and state laws were proposed and

passed”(Making Abortion Legal P1). “Abortion up to date is one

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of the most visible, legal, and controversially active in the

field of medicine” (Making Abortion legal P1). The field of

medicine is catching up on new methods to do abortions.

The estimate date of the abortion performance is around the

dates of 1700’s. People used to think abortion was a common thing

to do in the United States of America, let’s just say that it was

in style, “The thing to do”. But looking back to the consequences

frequent things happened during the period of the time the women

were pregnant. “Different types of physical ways to kill a fetus

were introduced, but also endangering women” (Abortion before

Roe P2). Women didn’t really know of the consequences, or what

could have happened to them.

To some individuals abortion is necessary, to some it’s not,

but do you think Access to abortion is necessary at all?

According to (NAF) National Abortion Federation access to

abortion is very complicated, but they can help. Women have to

travel to get the abortion they deserve, for their health care.

An Abortion is necessary if the women desire it. “Today, about

95% of women who need abortions have them in clinics or in

private doctor’s offices where costs can be kept low without

increasing health risks"(Declining Number of Hospitals Providing

Abortion Services P1). Everywhere else it is dangerous and

risky, for the fact that the doctors have had very little
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experience with abortions.

Access to legal abortions is always a better option than

illegal abortions. Having a legal abortion can lead to a better

safety procedure towards women. Surgical abortion is a well known

type of abortion, "Abortion actually is based on which stage of

pregnancy women are, according to (APA) (American Pregnancy

Association)"(Surgical Abortion Procedure P1). The way this

procedure is done has a common name to it or also referred as

"Suction Aspiration". "Suctions aspiration is a surgical

abortion procedure performed during the first 6 to 12 weeks

gestation, It is also referred to as "vacuum"

aspiration”(Suction Aspiration P1). This legal procedure takes

about ten to fifteen minutes, and like 2 hours of rest, and the

abortion would be complete.

Having a baby leads towards responsibility, consideration,

planning, and being prepared. Approximately 49% of all

pregnancies come as unintentional. When you are having a baby

when you’re not prepared leads to a different turning point in

life, not having a baby in your teenage years or beginning of

adulthood is quite a better option towards succeeding to your

goals. According to Dr. Phil, "Life is about choices, you choose

your behavior, and therefore you choose your consequences” (P11).

Don't choose the behavior if you can’t deal with the

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consequences. “Babies are a lot easier to make than they are to

raise"(P11). Saying that children play a big role, raising a

child takes responsibility and expenses. Take into consideration

parenthood is not to play around. "Having a child can be

extremely stressful, emotionally and financially, and the child

must take center stage in your life. You will no longer have the

freedom to do what you want when you want, and paying for a

child's need and wants is expensive"(Cons-P1). For example, when

you don’t have kids, you don’t have to worry about anything,

except yourself, you can actually go out with friends, have time

to go to college, focus in school and get a good degree, and have

time to be successful in your life. You can do a lot more things

when a innocent baby isn’t involved in your life.


Fetuses are alive during the women’s pregnancy, it’s a

living thing. During an abortion you are putting the fetus or

fetuses in pain. According to Kanwaljeeet J. S. Anand, MBBS,

DPhil, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Arkansas

“they have literally stuck their hands into a hornets’

nest”(P6) , saying she believes fetuses as young as 20 weeks old

feel pain. Dr. Kanwaljeet also informed that her discovery is

going to be the main source under the scientist’s eyes, which are

very knowledgeable in the medical area. “This is going to

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inflame a lot of scientists who are very, very concerned and far

more knowledgeable in the area” (P6). I believe Dr. Kanwaljeet is

made an effort to present an objective report, which she had

evidence over a debatable problem. What she is doing, she’s

making women think twice before attempting and abortion.

Women using contraceptives or other known as birth control

can prevent unwanted pregnancies. There are many types of methods

women can use to prevent unwanted pregnancies according to "U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services". "All women and men have

control over when, and if they become parents, also making

choices about birth control, or contraception, is not easy"(What

Is the Best Method of Birth

Checking with your doctor about women using contraceptives also

gives you alternatives ways to use different methods. One of the

methods commonly used is "The Pill" which is an oral

contraceptive. How the pill works? According to U.S. Department

of Health and Human Services, “The pill contains the hormones

estrogen and progestin. It is taken daily to keep the ovaries

from releasing an egg. The pill also causes changes in the

lining of the uterus and the cervical mucus to keep the sperm

from joining the egg"(Hormonal Methods-P1). The majority of women

who are trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies are using

contraceptives, which is the other use abortions. Centers for

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Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that every year women

go through abortions, with an increase of abortions each year.

"A total of 827,609 abortions were reported to CDC for 2007.

Among the 45 reporting areas that provided data every year

during 1998--2007, a total of 810,582 abortions (97.9% of the

total) were reported for 2007; the abortion rate was 16.0

abortions per 1,000 women aged 15--44 years, and the abortion

ratio was 231 abortions per 1,000 live births"(Results-P1- Women would think about it twice, if women didn’t have

the abortion method.

The industry of abortion gets an income of $831 million

annually. A common known abortion industry is "Planned

Parenthood"; they have so many abortion clinics around the

country. Many, many people think this is a good clinic with such

great procedures. According to "", "There are

some disturbing realities behind the scene"(Abortion Industry-

P2). They never really tell you the downside of a legit abortion,

in the metropolitan areas. And their promising confidentiality

principles, "Planned Parenthood’s confidentiality principles (it

promises not to tell anyone of a teenager’s problems) conflict

with laws in every state that require health care workers to

report suspected sexual abuse or statutory rape to law

enforcers"(Abortion Industry-P2).What this means is that, for

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example, a young girl gets raped by her boyfriend and she wants a

abortion, all the confidential principles promises to tell law

enforcement officer and report a crime, but little do they know

that the Planned Parenthood don’t do nothing about it, they fail

to report sex crimes. As you can see, the abortion industry

promise principles, plus it’s expensive for an abortion. Also,

"Planned Parenthood performed more abortions than ever — 264,943

in 2005-06. “Abortions bring in at least a third of its $345

million in clinic income"(Abortion industry-P5). Believe that

these abortion companies, industries, don’t really care about

their clients, there in it for the money.

Adoption over abortion is an option women can take. Women

have a wise choice to give away their unwanted babies. Women who

take an abortion, later in life go in depression, or regret it.

“Over 70 percent of women who have had abortions state they

experienced negative feelings about the situation"(Abortion-"Adoption has a process of placing the unwanted

baby with someone else to raise them as their own, It allows

adoptive parents to capable raise a baby providing loving care,

and love them as if it was their baby they could never

have"( It gives a chance to a humble

couple who can’t have children, a chance to raise and adopt an

adorable child like they were theirs. There are careless women in
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this country who rather use abortion than rather put their

unwanted babies to adoption. It is up to women, about their

choices, they know what they want and what’s a better choice for

them, no one can really convince them but themselves.

Women have the power over a lot of things, especially

bringing a life to the world. It’s up to the women for the

abortion method. No one can decide what to do, only them. Women

actually project themselves as how they want to be seen as. Some

women make the right choice, some . . . make the wrong choice. It

also depends on what they think is right for them. Many Women

regret an abortion months & years after it happens. The power is

in the women’s hands, the power to bring a life or kill a life.

“With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility”-Stan Lee; Uncle

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Noel Duarte

Political Science

Instructor: Stephanie Droker


REFERENCE PAGE: Pro-Life/ Pro-Con (Abortion)


 "Abortion - Types, Preparation and Procedure Information on" EMedicineHealth - Experts in Everyday

Emergencies, First Aid and Health Information. Web. 24 Mar. 2011.


 "National Abortion Federation: Women Who Have Abortions."

National Abortion Federation (NAF). Web. 24 Mar. 2011.



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"Abortion - Types, Preparation and Procedure Information on" EMedicineHealth - Experts in Everyday

Emergencies, First Aid and Health Information. Web. 24 Mar. 2011.


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"Before and After Roe." National Organization for Women (NOW).

Web. 24 Mar. 2011.

10 Duarte

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"National Abortion Federation: Access to Abortion." National

Abortion Federation (NAF). Web. 24 Mar. 2011.



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"Surgical Abortion Procedures : American Pregnancy Association."

Promoting Pregnancy Wellness : American Pregnancy Association.

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"Advice - Should You Have a Baby?" Dr. Web. 24 Mar.

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Anderson, Elaine. "Pros and Cons of Having Kids |" EHow

| How To Do Just About Everything! | How To Videos & Articles | Web. 24 Mar. 2011.



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Women's Health -" Breaking News, Weather, Business,

Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science,

Technology, Local, US & World News - Web. 24 Mar.

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"Birth Control Methods | Frequently Asked Questions |" Women's Health Information Center | Web. 24 Mar. 2011.


"Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2007." Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 24 Mar. 2011.



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Wednesday. "The Abortion Industry - Washington Times." Washington

Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News. Web. 24 Mar.

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"Facts About Adoption Instead Of Abortion | LIVESTRONG.COM."

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