Video essays
- Alien (1979)
o Gender was not thought about when writing
o Gender plays a very little role in the movie- this is because of the lack of stereotypes
- The Silence of the lambs (1991)
o A female lead in a male dominated career- she is not taken seriously, and she is
o In intro- whilst doing training, she is helping herself up on the rope
o The use of gender elevates emotive response due to people relating
- Kill Bill (2003)
o Not emotive
o The role of the bride would usually be taken by men
o The bride focuses on revenge and being a male hero
o She plays a masculine role- aggressive, dominant and takes revenge
o She is never the victim
o The shooting at the wedding is like the death of a delicate character
Bechdel Test
- 1985
- Alison Bechdel
o Two named women
o Who must talk to each other
o About something other then men
- “women had fewer speaking roles in movies than they did a decade ago”
In the 1600s, in Shakespeare’s plays women were not allowed to participate, this led to men playing
the female roles. Women were legally restricted from the stage. Women were believed to be
mentally and physically weaker than men, and they required supervision. England was heavily reliant
and immersed with religion, and due to the Bible being immensely prejudice and sexist towards
women, this would have influenced the laws and how people perceive women. “dressing in
women’s clothing was understood as a perversion of masculinity and a sign of moral and sexual
Men are given strong and independent roles, because men are perceived/used to be perceived as
the stronger sex and their role is to save. Roles like these can be seen in Doctor Who, where the
doctor’s main role is to save the earth and the human race, it also took 13 regenerations for there to
be a female doctor, and also over half of the companions are female, are the rest are male or robots.
This could be interpreted that women are meant to be the companion of men (this idea could have
stemmed from The Bible where Eve was made from Adam’s rib and made to be his companions).
“Sexual exploitation of women in the media dates to 19th century Paris, in which ballerinas were
exposed to harassment and objectification. The ballerinas in the Paris Opera Ballet were ogled by
their male audience members and often even expected to perform sexual favours for the male
subscribers behind the scenes”