Pit Side Wall and Base Slab Calculation

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(V2) Side wall & Base slab design calculation for Type-1

Size 4'-0"X4'-0" and Depth range 5'-0" to 10'-0"

Roadway & Footpath
Concrete Strength,f'c =
3000 psi
60000 psi
Reinforcement, fy =
Ƴ1 105 lb/ft3 (assumed)
Ƴ𝑠𝑎𝑡 116 lb/ft3 (from soil report)
Ƴ𝑤 62.4 lb/ft3
Ø'= 26
lb/ft3 (from soil report)
Ko= (1 − sinØ')=(1 − sin26°)

= 0.56
Base projection, A= 6 inch
Maximum depth, H= 10 feet
h1= 1 feet (assumed)
h2= 3 feet (assumed)
h3= 6 feet
Span,Ln= 4 feet
Soil Load factor,Lf= 1.7
Live Load factor,Lf= 1.7
Pa(soil)= {Ƴ1*(h1+h2)+(Ƴsat-Ƴw)*h3}*Ko+Ƴw*h3
= {110*(1+3)+(120-62.4)*6}*0.56/1000+62.4*6/1000
= 0.79 ksf Thickness= 6 inch
Pa(LL)= q*K0=0.23*0.56 a= 0.4 inch
= 0.13 ksf clear cover= 2 inch
Umaximum pressure, Pau= 1.7Pa(Soil)+1.7Pa(LL)=1.7*0.79+1.7*0.13 1.56 ksf As(min.)= 0.13 sq-in/ft
Side wall design: Top slab= 9 inch
Considering one way slab action at horizontal direction for side wall due to earth pressure Length,L= 4 feet
Design moment, Mu= Lf*(Pau*𝐿2𝑛 /8)=3.12 k-ft/ft (horizontal) Width,B= 4 feet
𝑀𝑢∗12 3.12∗12 Conc. Wt.= 150 lb/ft3
Horizontal Reinforcement,As= Ø∗𝑓𝑦∗(𝑑−𝑎) = 0.9∗60∗(3.75−0.15) = 0.2 sq-inch/ft
2 Wheel load= 16 kip
OK Base slab,Tb= 6 inch
𝐴𝑠∗𝑓𝑦 0.2∗60 clear cover= 2.5 inch
Check,a= ′ = = 0.39 OK
0.85∗𝑓 𝑐∗𝑏 0.85∗3∗12 a= 0.2 inch
Provided Reinforcement: d10@6"c/c Single layer Vehicle load= 80 kip
Vertical load on single wall,DL= 6/12*0.15*10= 0.75 kip/ft Load area= 350 sft
Vertical load on single wall,DL= 16/4= 4 kip/ft q= 0.23 ksf
Ultimate vertical load, Pu= 1.4DL+1.7LL= 5.27 kip/ft K= 0.8
BNBC Part-6 lc= 4.5 ft
= 0.55*0.7*3*12*6*{1-(0.8*4.5/32/10)}
Chapter-6 eqn-6.9.1:
= 82.22 kip/ft Section satisfies structural demand h= 10 ft
As(min.) for wall= 0.0015*b*t= 0.108 sq-in/ft
Vertical Reinforcement,As= d10@5"c/c Same as provided for base slab considering
moment transfer from base slab to side wall.

Base slab design:

Dead Load on wall,PDL= (top slab+wall self weight)

Max. possible Vehicle Load on wall,PLL= (HS40 vehicle load)
Ultimate Moment,Mu= 1.1 kip-ft/ft (from software analysis)
𝑀𝑢∗12 1.1∗12
Base Reinforcement,As= 𝑎 = 0.9∗60∗(3−0.25) = 0.08 sq-inch/ft Use As(min.)
Ø∗𝑓𝑦∗(𝑑− 2 )
𝐴𝑠∗𝑓𝑦 0.09∗60
Check,a= = 0.85∗3∗12 = 0.16 OK
0.85∗𝑓′ 𝑐∗𝑏
Provided Reinforcement: d10@5"c/c Single layer both direction

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