Theories of Punishment
Theories of Punishment
Theories of Punishment
Each society has its own way of social control for which it frames certain laws and also
mentions the sanctions with them. These sanctions are nothing but the punishments. ‘The first
thing to mention in relation to the definition of punishment is the ineffectiveness of definitional
barriers aimed to show that one or other of the proposed justifications of punishments either
logically include or logically excluded by definition.’ Punishment has the following features:
It involves the deprivation of certain normally recognized rights, or other measures considered
It is consequence of an offence.
It is applied against the author of the offence.
It s applied by an organ of the system that made the act an offence.
The kinds of punishment given are surely influenced by the kind of society one lives in. Though
during ancient period of history punishment was more severe as fear was taken as the prime
instrument in preventing crime. But with change in time and development of human mind the
punishment theories have become more tolerant to these criminals. Debunking the stringent
theories of punishment the modern society is seen in loosening its hold on the criminals. The
present scenario also witnesses the opposition of capital punishment as inhumane, though it
was a major form of punishing the criminals earlier. But it may also be observed till recently the
TALIBANS used quite a harsh method for suppression. The law says that it does not really
punish the individual but punishes the guilty mind.
As punishment generally is provided in Criminal Law it becomes imperative on our part to know
what crime or an offence really is. Here the researcher would like to quote Salmond’s definition
of crime:
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“Crime is an act deemed by law to be harmful for the society as a whole though its immediate
victim may be an individual.” He further substantiates his point of view through the following
illustration a murderer injures primarily a particular victim, but its blatant disregard of human
life puts it beyond a matter of mere compensation between the murderer and the victim’s
Thus it becomes very important on behalf of the society to punish the offenders. Punishment
can be used as a method of educating the incidence of criminal behavior either by deterring the
potential offenders or by incapacitating and preventing them from repeating the offence or by
reforming them into law-abiding citizens. Theories of punishment, contain generally policies
regarding theories of punishment namely: Deterrent, Retributive, Preventive and Reformative.
Punishment, whether legal or divine, needs justification. Because the justification of legal
punishment has been given greater consideration by philosophers than has the justification of
divine punishment by theologians, the philosophical concepts and 'theories of punishment’ (i.e.
the justifications) will be used as a basis for considering divine punishment.
Many a time this punishment has been termed as a mode of social protection. The affinity of
punishment with many other measures involving deprivation by the state morally recognized
rights is generally evident. The justifiability of these measures in particular cases may well be
controversial, but it is hardly under fire. The attempt to give punishment the same justification
for punishment as for other compulsory measures imposed by the state does not necessarily
involve a particular standpoint on the issues of deterrence, reform or physical incapacitation.
Obviously the justification in terms of protection commits us to holding that punishment may
be effective in preventing social harms through one of these methods.
As punishments generally punish the guilty mind it becomes very important on the part of the
researcher to what crime really is. But it is quite difficult on the part of the researcher to say
whether or not there must be any place for the traditional forms of punishment. In today’s
world the major question that is raised by most of the penologist is that how far are present
‘humane’ methods of punishment like the reformative successful in their objective. It is
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observed that prisons have become a place for breeding criminals not as a place of reformation
as it was meant to be.
It may be clearly said that the enactment of any law brings about two units in the society- the
law-abiders and the law-breakers. It is purpose of these theories of punishment to by any
means transform or change these law-breakers to the group of abiders. To understand the
topic the researcher would like to bring about a valid relation between crime, punishment and
the theories. For that purpose the project is divided into three parts:
i. Crime and Punishment
ii. Theories of punishment
iii. Conclusion
The researcher due to certain constraints of limited time and knowledge is unable to cove the
area of the evolution of these theories separately but would include them in the second
chapter. The researcher would now like to move on to his first chapter in which he would be
vividly discussing ‘crime and punishment.’
The researcher in his first draft had included the chapter on the evolution of the theories from
the early ages to the modern era, but due to certain limitations included them and discussed
them during the due course of the project.
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Crime And Punishment:
Crime: Any act which is (usually grave offence) punishable by law; shameful act charge with or
convict of offence.
Punishment: Punishing or being punished; penalty inflicted on the offender;
Punish: Cause to suffer for offence, chastise, inflict penalty on offender for his crime.
One can surely observe how closely are crime and punishment related. The researcher would in
this chapter precisely like to stress on this point itself.
Crime is behaviour or action that is punishable by criminal law. A crime is a public, as opposed
to a moral, wrong; it is an offence committed against (and hence punishable by) the state or the
community at large. Many crimes are immoral, but not all actions considered immoral are
In different legal systems the forms of punishment may be different but it may be observed that
all arise out of some action or omission. All these constitute all moral as well as legal wrongs
such as murder, rape, littering, theft, trespass and many more. As crime is quite different in
different geographical area it is quite evident that the forms of punishment would vary as it was
mentioned earlier that punishment as well as crime are socially determined. A type of action
may be a crime in one society but not in another. For example euthanasia is an offence in India,
but in many European countries such as Holland it is legalized. But there are certain offences
which are recognized almost universally like murder.
Durkheim explains crime, as crime exists in every society which do and do not have laws, courts
and the police. He asserts that all societies have crime, since all societies involve a
differentiation between two kinds of actions, those that are allowed and those that are
forbidden. He calls the latter type criminal.
Law is the string that binds society, and he who attempts to break the string is a danger to the
society as a whole and dealt with sternly by the powerful arms of law. Punishment though most
times confused with imprisonment is something much different from it. Punishment though
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most times confused only with sanctions may also be of moral nature like
ostracism. Punishment, whether legal or divine, needs justification. Because the justification of
legal punishment has been given greater consideration by philosophers than has the
justification of divine punishment by theologians, the philosophical concepts and 'theories of
punishment, (i.e. the justifications) will be used as a basis for considering divine punishment.
A complete definition will now be made in such a way as to include both legal and divine
punishment. A.Flew first suggests that punishment must be an evil, an unpleasantness to the
victim. J. Mabbot objects to the use of the word 'evil' in connection with punishment. He
maintains that 'evil' carries too much moral flavour and also that it suggests positive suffering.
Mabbot states: The world is a worse place the more evil there is in it and perhaps the more
suffering. But it does not seem to me necessarily a worse place whenever men are deprived of
something they would like to retain; and this is the essence of modern punishment. While
deprivation may be a more appropriate description of modern punishment this does not
necessarily exempt it from being an evil. Nor does the suggestion that 'evil' carries a moral
flavour, for in fact the word punishment itself carries a moral flavour. (Like 'evil', punishment is
not in itself a moral term but it is suggested that it usually occurs in an ethical context.) While
we must eventually come to some conclusion as to whether punishment is an evil, it would be
preferable at present to use, as does W. Moberly, the slightly more neutral term 'ill'. Both of
these thinkers of punishment believe that the offender must be answerable for any wrong that
he has done.
But Durkheim has a different approach to punishment altogether. He treats punishment as the
reaction of the society against a crime. According to him a if punishment be a proportionate
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response to the harm caused to the society then the extent of the punishment inflicted must be
clearly sorted out. He also stressed on the point that punishment can never be calculated; it is
an intensely emotional- sense of outrage- the desire to exact punishment. He says, It is not the
specific nature or result of the offending action as such which matter, but he fact that the action
transgresses widely shared ad strongly held sentiments, whatever these might be in any
particular case. He explains that if punishment is a reaction of the society against the offenders
then it is generally in the form of an outrage or anger thus rather being reparative or
reformative becomes punitive. This approach of the society towards the criminals is what
makes us treat them as outcasts and treated as a deviant from the social norms. This two-fold
approach has been criticized severely by various penologists, as at one time there is the use of
both reformative and retributive theories.
Punishment and crime are very strange phenomena to deal with. It is only if the acts done are
within the course of the provisions provided under the Code then any benefits take out of it is
not questioned. But any action through which maybe the same benefit is gained still the person
may be punished as because his action was not within the scope of the provisions. Also there
are certain elements in the society who though do many immoral acts but as because any
provisions or sanctions are not mentioned so that they can be punished they continue to do
that act. One should not earn any benefits or satisfaction out of such acts.
The legitimacy of any form of has always been criticized. Though there are many legal coercive
measures but it is quite different from punishment. If the punishment were any retribution to
an evil done then regardless of any consequence it would try to end that evil in itself. But if the
objective of the punishment given is to prevent the crime from further occurrence then it
would rather than using coercive methods it would be using persuasive measures and
discourage the offender from committing that act in the future. Treating punishment as a
conventional device for the expression of resentment, indignation, disappointment felt either
by the sufferer and his family or the punishing authority as such J.Feinberg argues that certain
kinds of severe treatment become symbolic of the of the attitudes and judgement of the
society or community in the face of the wrongdoing, and constitute a stigma which castes
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shame and ignominy on the individual on whom the punishment is applied. The distinctiveness
of the unpleasant measure could consist of the way of executing them. Thus, summarizing the
concept of punishment one can suggest that punishment includes the following areas :
# Punishment inflicted is a feeling of uncomfortable and unpleasant circumstances.
# It is a sequel of a wrongful act.
# There must be some relationship between the punishment inflicted and the crime committed.
# The punishment is a form by which a criminal is made answerable to the society.
Theories of Punishment:
With change in the social structure the society has witnessed various punishment theories and
the radical changes that they have undergone from the traditional to the modern level and the
crucial problems relating to them. Kenny wrote: "it cannot be said that the theories of criminal
punishment current amongst our judges and legislators have assumed...."either a coherent or
even a stable form. B. Malinowski believes all the legally effective institutions....are....means of
cutting short an illegal or intolerable state of affairs, of restoring the equilibrium in the social
life and of giving the vent to the feelings of oppression and injustice felt by the individuals.
The general view that the researcher finds is that the researcher gathers is that the theories of
punishment being so vague are difficult to discuss as such. In the words of Sir John Salmond,
“The ends of criminal justice are four in number, and in respect to the purposes served by the
them punishment can be divided as:
1. Deterrent
2. Retributive
3. Preventive
4. Reformative
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Of these aspects the first is the essential and the all-important one, the others being merely
accessory. Punishment before all things is deterrent, and the chief end of the law of crime is to
make the evil-doer an example and a warning to all that are like-minded with him.
The researcher in this chapter would like to discuss the various theories and explain the pros
and cons of each theory. The researcher’s main aim in this chapter is to show the evolution of
the theories as such.
1. Deterrent Theory:
One of the primitive methods of punishments believes in the fact that if severe punishments
were inflicted on the offender would deter him from repeating that crime. Those who commit a
crime, it is assumed, derive a mental satisfaction or a feeling of enjoyment in the act. To
neutralize this inclination of the mind, punishment inflicts equal quantum of suffering on the
offender so that it is no longer attractive for him to carry out such committal of crimes. Pleasure
and pain are two physical feelings or sensation that nature has provided to mankind, to enable
him to do certain things or to desist from certain things, or to undo wrong things previously
done by him. It is like providing both a powerful engine and an equally powerful brake in the
automobile. Impelled by taste and good appetite, which are feelings of pleasure a man over-
eats. Gluttony and surfeit make him obese and he starts suffering disease. This causes pain. He
consults a doctor and thereafter starts dieting . Thus the person before eating in the same way
would think twice and may not at all take that food. In social life punishment introduces the
element of 'pain' to correct the excess action of a person carried out by the impulse (pleasure)
of his mind. We all like very much to seize opportunities, but abhor when we face threats. But
in reality pain, threat or challenges actually strengthens and purifies a man and so an
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"General prevention ought to be the chief end of punishment as its real justification. If we could
consider an offence, which has been, committed as an isolated fact, the like of which would
never recur, punishment would be useless. It would only be only adding one evil to another.
But when we consider that an unpunished crime leaves the path of crime open, not only to the
same delinquent but also to all those who may have the same motives and opportunities for
entering upon it, we perceive that punishment inflicted on the individual becomes a source of
security for all. That punishment which considered in itself appeared base and repugnant to all
generous sentiments is elevated to the first rank of benefits when it is regarded not as an act of
wrath or vengeance against a guilty or unfortunate individual who has given way to
mischievous inclinations, but as an indispensable sacrifice to the common safety."
Bentham's theory was based on a hedonistic conception of man and that man as such would be
deterred from crime if punishment were applied swiftly, certainly, and severely. But being
aware that punishment is an evil, he says,
if the evil of punishment exceeds the evil of the offence, the punishment will be unprofitable;
he will have purchased exemption from one evil at the expense of another. 1
The basic idea of deterrence is to deter both offenders and others from committing a similar
offence. But also in Bentham's theory was the idea that punishment would also provide an
opportunity for reform.
"While a person goes on seeking pleasure, he also takes steps to avoid pain. This is a new
system of political philosophy and ethics developed by Jerome Bentham and John Stuart Mill in
the 19th century called Utilitarianism. It postulates human efforts towards "maximization of
pleasure and maximum minimization of pain" as the goal. "The main ethical imperative of
utilitarianism is: the greatest good for the largest number of people; or the greatest number of
goods for the greatest number of people" The fear of consequent punishment at the hands of
law should act as a check from committing crimes by people. The law violator not merely gets
punishment, but he has to undergo an obnoxious process like arrest, production before a
magistrate, trial in a criminal court etc. that bring about a social stigma to him as the accused.
1. Chaturvedi K.C. : Penology & Correctional Administration, (2006) p. 26
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All these infuse a sense fear and pain and one thinks twice before venturing to commit a crime,
unless he is a hardcore criminal, or one who has developed a habit for committing crimes.
Deterrent theory believes in giving exemplary punishment through adequate penalty."
In earlier days a criminal act was considered to be due to the influence of some evil spirit on the
offender for which he was unwillingly was made to do that wrong. Thus to correct that offender
the society retorted to severe deterrent policies and forms of the government as this wrongful
act was take as an challenge to the God and the religion.
But in spite of all these efforts there are some lacunae in this theory. This theory is unable to
deter the activity of the hardcore criminals as the pain inflicted or even the penalties are
ineffective. The most mockery of this theory can be seen when the criminals return to the
prisons soon after their release, that is precisely because as this theory is based on certain
restrictions, these criminals are not affected at all by these restrictions rather they tend to
enjoy these restrictions more than they enjoy their freedom.
2. Retributive Theory:
An eye for an eye would turn the whole world blind- Mahatma Gandhi.
The most stringent and harsh of all theories retributive theory believes to end the crime in
itself. It was based on the retributive justice which suggests that evil should be returned for
evil.2 This theory underlines the idea of vengeance and revenge rather than that of social
welfare and security. Punishment of the offender provides some kind solace to the victim or to
the family members of the victim of the crime, who has suffered out of the action of the
offender and prevents reprisals from them to the offender or his family. The only reason for
keeping the offender in prison under unpleasant circumstances would be the vengeful pleasure
of sufferer and his family. J.M.Finnis argues in favour of retributism by mentioning it as a
balance of fairness in the distribution of advantages and disadvantages by restraining his
2. Sen. P,K: Penology Old and New (1943), p. 27.
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will. Retributivists believe that considerations under social protection may serve a minimal
purpose of the punishment. Traditional retributism relied on punishing the intrinsic value of the
offence and thus resort to very harsh methods. This theory is based on the same principle as
the deterrent theory, the Utilitarian theory. To look into more precisely both these theories
involve the exercise of control over the emotional instinctual forces that condition such actions.
This includes our sense of hatred towards the criminals and a reliance on him as a butt of
aggressive outbursts.
Sir Walter Moberly states that the punishment is deemed to give the men their dues.
"Punishment serves to express and to and to satisfy the righteous indignation which a healthy
community treats as transgression. As such it is an end in itself."3
"The utilitarian theories are forward looking; they are concerned with the consequences of
punishment rather than the wrong done, which, being in the past, cannot be altered. A
retributive theory, on the other hand, sees the primary justification in the fact that an offence
has been committed which deserves the punishment of the offender."
"Judicial punishment can never be used merely as a means to promote some other good for the
criminal himself or civil society, but instead it must in all cases be imposed on him only on the
ground that he has committed a crime; for a human being can never be manipulated merely as
a means to the purposes of someone else... He must first of all be found to be deserving of
punishment before any consideration is given of the utility of this punishment for himself or his
fellow citizens."
"Kant argues that retribution is not just a necessary condition for punishment but also a
sufficient one. Punishment is an end in itself. Retribution could also be said to be the 'natural'
justification", in the sense that man thinks it quite natural and just that a bad person ought to
be punished and a good person rewarded.
3. Sir Walter Moberly : The Ethics of Punishment (1968 Ed.) p. 14.
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However 'natural' retribution might seem, it can also be seen as Bentham saw it, that is as
adding one evil to another, base and repugnant, or as an act of wrath or vengeance. Therefore
as we consider divine punishment we must bear in mind, as Rowell says,
The doctrine of hell was framed in terms of a retributive theory of punishment, the wicked
receiving their just deserts, with no thought of the possible reformation of the offender. In so
far as there was a deterrent element, it related to the sanction hell provided for ensuring moral
conduct during a man's earthly life.
Thus the researcher concludes that this theory closely related to that of expiation as the pain
inflicted compensates for the pleasure derived by the offender. Though not in anymore
contention in the modern arena but its significance cannot be totally ruled out as fear still plays
an important role in the minds of various first time offenders. But the researcher feels that the
basis of this theory i.e. vengeance is not expected in a civilized society. This theory has been
severely criticized by modern day penologists and is redundant in the present punishments.
3. Preventive Theory:
Unlike the former theories, this theory aims to prevent the crime rather than avenging it.
Looking at punishments from a more humane perspective it rests on the fact that the need of a
punishment for a crime arises out of mere social needs i.e. while sending the criminals to the
prisons the society is in turn trying to prevent the offender from doing any other crime and thus
protecting the society from any anti-social elements.
Fichte in order to explain this in greater details puts forward an illustration, An owner of the
land puts an notice that ‘trespassers’ would be prosecuted. He does not want an actual
trespasser and to have the trouble and expense of setting the law in motion against him. He
hopes that the threat would render any such action unnecessary; his aim is not to punish
trespass but to prevent it. But if trespass still takes place he undertakes prosecution. Thus the
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instrument which he devised originally consist of a general warning and not any particular
Thus it must be quite clear now by the illustration that the law aims at providing general threats
but not convictions at the beginning itself. Even utilitarian such as Bentham have also
supported this theory as it has been able to discourage the criminals from doing a wrong and
that also without performing any severity on the criminals. The present day prisons are fallout
of this theory. The preventive theory can be explained in the context of imprisonment as
separating the criminals from the society and thus preventing any further crime by that
offender and also by putting certain restrictions on the criminal it would prevent the criminal
from committing any offence in the future. Supporters of this theory may also take Capital
Punishment to be a part of this theory. A serious and diligent rehabilitation program would
succeed in turning a high percentage of criminals away from a life of crime. There are, however,
many reasons why rehabilitation programs are not commonly in effect in our prisons. Most
politicians and a high proportion of the public do not believe in rehabilitation as a desirable
goal. The idea of rehabilitation is considered mollycoddling. What they want is retribution,
revenge, punishment and suffering.
Thus one an easily say that preventive theory though aiming at preventing the crime to happen
in the future but it still has some aspects which are questioned by the penologists as it contains
in its techniques which are quite harsh in nature. The major problem with these types of
theories is that they make the criminal more violent rather than changing him to a better
individual. The last theory of punishment being the most humane of all looks into this aspect.
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4. Reformative Theory:
But that is the beginning of a new story--the story of the gradual Renewal of a man, the story of
his gradual regeneration, of his Passing from one world into another, of his initiation into a new
Unknown life.
The author of the above excerpt in this concluding paragraph underlines the basic principle of
the reformative theory. It emphasizes on the renewal of the criminal and the beginning of a
new life for him.
The most recent and the most humane of all theories is based on the principle of reforming the
legal offenders through individual treatment. Not looking to criminals as inhuman this theory
puts forward the changing nature of the modern society where it presently looks into the fact
that all other theories have failed to put forward any such stable theory, which would prevent
the occurrence of further crimes. Though it may be true that there has been a greater onset of
crimes today than it was earlier, but it may also be argued that many of the criminals are also
getting reformed and leading a law-abiding life all-together. Reformative techniques are much
close to the deterrent techniques.
Reform in the deterrent sense implied that through being punished the offender recognized his
guilt and wished to change. The formal and impressive condemnation by society involved in
punishment was thought to be an important means of bring about that recognition. Similarly,
others may be brought to awareness that crime is wrong through another's punishment and, as
it were, 'reform' before they actually commit a crime. But, although this is indeed one aspect of
rehabilitation, as a theory rehabilitation is more usually associated with treatment of the
offender. A few think that all offenders are 'ill' and need to be 'cured' but the majority of
criminologists see punishment as a means of educating the offender. This has been the ideal
and therefore the most popular theory in recent years. However, there is reason to believe this
theory is in decline and Lord Windlesham has noted that if public opinion affects penal policy,
as he thinks it does, then there will be more interest shown in retribution in the future.
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This theory aims at rehabilitating the offender to the norms of the society i.e. into law-abiding
member. This theory condemns all kinds of corporal punishments. These aim at transforming
the law-offenders in such a way that the inmates of the peno-correctional institutions can lead
a life like a normal citizen. These prisons or correctional homes as they are termed humanly
treat the inmates and release them as soon as they feel that they are fit to mix up with the
other members of the community. The reformation generally takes place either through
probation or parole as measures for reforming criminals. It looks at the seclusion of the
criminals from the society as an attempt to reform them and to prevent the person from social
ostracism. Though this theory works stupendously for the correction of juveniles and first time
criminals, but in the case of hardened criminals this theory may not work with the
effectiveness. In these cases come the importance of the deterrence theories and the
retributive theories. Thus each of these four theories have their own pros and cons and each
being important in it, none can be ignored as such.
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At the end of this project summarizing understanding about the theories of punishment:
# Though certain theories like the reformative and preventive rely upon humanitarian modes of
punishment, but these have a weakness against the hardcore criminals.
#Punishments such as the retributive and deterrence though the use of fear as an instrument to
curb the occurrence of crime helps in controlling the criminals up to a certain extent. As these
employ the idea of revenge and vengeance these are much more harsher than others.
The researcher would like to add his own views on this very controversial topic. We all know
that truth is stranger than fiction and so is the practice of these theories. Though prisons are
meant to be the place where the criminals would be corrected or for that case deterred from
committing a wrong in the future, but the present day witnesses the prisons to have become
redundant in their objective and becoming sites of breeding for hardcore criminals. This is a fact
that the penologists must look into. Furthermore the techniques applied in executing the
punishment are not fool proof, for e.g. the criminals are able to carry on their illegal activities
even during serving the period of sentence. Though in theory all of the punishments discussed
above may seem perfect if used collectively, but this all becomes a mere joke when tried to
implicate in the practical sense.
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1. Prof. N.V. Paranjape, Criminology & Penology with Victimology, 15th edi., Central Law
2. Paranjape N.V., Studies in Jurisprudence and Legal Theory,7th edi., Central Law Agency,
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