CV-Soumitra Das-Feb2020 PDF

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Soumitra Das

Teaching Exp: 22 yrs

Industry Exp: 01 yrs & 6 months


Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Flat No. E-202, Prime Plus Hos. Soc.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology Pimple Saudagar
Pimpri, Pune-18, Maharashtra, India Pune- 411027, Maharashtra
E-mails: [email protected] E-mails: [email protected]
Contact No.: 0 8668452481 Mobile: +91-9270364627


Sr. Degree Awarded Institute/University Major Subject Completion/Class

01 PhD (Computer Sci & Sathyabama Institute Wireless Sensor Jan 2019
Engg) of Science and Networks
Technology, Chennai
Masters of Engineering DY Patil College of Computer First Class
02 (61.33%)
M.E.(Computer Engineering, Pune / Engineering
Engineering) University of Pune May 2007
Bachelors of SSBT’s College of Computer First Class
03 (64.66%)
Engineering Engineering, Jalgaon Engineering
B.E. (Computer Sci & / North Maharashtra June 1998
Engg) University
HSC (12th Board) Maharashtra State Physics, First Class
04 Chemistry, (63.17%)
Maths, May1993
SSC (10th Board) Maharashtra State First Class
05 (60.00%)
June 1991


 One Year Advanced Diploma in Computer Applications from January 1999 to December
1999 with a concentration in Unix, AS/400, Oracle, SQL Server, D2k, VB, ASP, from
Integrated Information Technology Pvt. Ltd., Pune, Maharashtra, India.
 Three Months Advanced Diploma in Software Testing in 2006 with a concentration in

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Manual Testing, Writing Test Cases, Win runner, Load runner, QTP, Test Director, Silk
Test, Website Testing, Database Testing and Documentation from ATS, Pune, Maharashtra,


Post Graduate: Data Mining, Advanced Computer Architecture, Distributed OS.

Under Graduate: Microprocessor & Microcontrollers, WSN, IoT, Computer Organization, Data
Mining, Data Analytics

 Life Member of ISTE Society
 Life Member of Eurasia Research
 Membership of Institute for Engineering Research and Publications (IFERP) valid till
 International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)
 International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

 College level NAAC Activity: 2017-2018 (Coordinator) & 2019-2020 (Team Member).
 Invited by Jaihind College of Engineering to conduct the NAAC Mock Inspection on 1st April
 Admission In charge 2015-2016.
 Reviewer in The Computer Journal, (Scopus Indexed)
 Reviewer in Journal of Green Engineering, (Scopus Indexed)
 Reviewer for Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181
 Reviewer of IEEE Access (Scopus Indexed)
 Reviewer of National Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Engineering 2013 at
Modern Educational Society’s College of Engineering.
 Session Chair for National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology 2016
by Government College of Engineering, Karad.

 Worked in the capacity of HoD (Computer Engineering) for more than 11 yrs.


Sr.No. Post & Organization From To

1. Associate Professor 06/01/2020 Till date

Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune

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2. HoD & Associate Professor 27/05/2019 03/01/2020
Indira College of Engineering and Management,
Parandwadi, Pune.
3. HoD & Assistant Professor 28/08/2014 30/04/2019
DY Patil School of Engineering, Lohgaon, Pune.
4. HoD & Associate Professor 01/07/2011 28/08/2014
KJ College of Engineering &
Management Research, Pune.
5. Assistant Professor 18/06/2007 30/06/2011
MAEER’s Maharashtra Academy of Engineering,
6. HoD & Senior Lecturer 05/07/2004 15/06/2007
Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s (JSPM)
Group of Engineering Colleges
7. Lecturer 22/12/2002 15/06/2003
VIIT College of Engineering, & &
Baramati 01/07/2003 30/06/2004
8. Lecturer 09/01/2002 30/04/2002
AISSM’S College of Engineering, Pune, India & &
01/08/2002 17/09/2002
9. Lecturer 03/08/1998 06/05/1999
SSBT’s College of Engineering & Technology, & &
Jalgaon 07/07/1999 11/09/1999


Sr.No. Post & Organization From To

1. Web Developer 07/12/2000 31/12/2001

Vision Technology Group Inc,
Pune, India
2. CBT Developer 02/06/2000 05/12/ 2000
Versa ware Technologies’ (I)
Pvt. Ltd., Pune, India
3. Technical Trainer 01/10/1999 30/05/2000
Disha Internet Services, Pune.


 Approved as Lecturer w.e.f. 01.07.2005, Ref.No.CCO/9179 dated 23.12.2005.

( Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s(JSPM) Group of Engineering Colleges)

 Approved as Lecturer w.e.f. 02.07.2007, Ref.No.CCO/App/132 dated 16.10.2007. ( MAEER

Pune’s Maharashtra Academy of Engineering, Alandi)

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 Approved as Assistant Professor w.e.f. 25.02.2009, Ref.No.CCO/1723 dated 27.01.2010.
( MAEER Pune’s Maharashtra Academy of Engineering, Alandi)

 Approved as Assistant Professor w.e.f. 05.08.2011 to end of academic year 2011-2012

Ref.No.CCO/458 dated 17.01.2012. ( KJ College of Engineering and Management Research)

 Approved as Assistant Professor w.e.f. 24.11.2012, Ref.No.CCO/843 dated 26.02.2013.

( KJ College of Engineering and Management Research)

 Approved as Assistant Professor w.e.f. 30.06.2015 to end of academic year 2015-2016,

Ref.No.CCO/2089 dated 21.09.2015. ( D Y Patil School of Engineering)

 Approved as Assistant Professor w.e.f. 22.08.2016 to end of academic year 2016-2017,

Ref.No.CCO/4223 dated 31.12.2016. ( D Y Patil School of Engineering)

 Approved as Assistant Professor w.e.f. 29.03.2017, Ref.No.CCO/2258 dated 10.11.201

( D Y Patil School of Engineering)


 Recognition as P.G. Teacher w.e.f. 20.04.2011 to 19.04.2016, Ref.No.BUTR/Engg/1801-499

dated 13.06.2011. ( MAEER Pune’s Maharashtra Academy of Engineering, Alandi)

 Recognition as P.G. Teacher w.e.f. 20.04.2016 to till the age of superannuation,

Ref.No.BUTR/Engg/86/300 dated 04.05.2017. ( D.Y. Patil School of Engineering, Charoli
Bk, Pune)


Sr.No. Year Title Application Status
1. Feb MOC- Blockchain Method: Medical 202041006500 Published
2020 Observation Care using Blockchain Method
2. Feb IADA-IOT Based Technology : Intelligent 202021006286 Published
2020 Automotive Device, System and Process
using IOT Based Technology

Sr.No. Year Title ROC Number Status
1. 2019 Power aware clustering and routing based on L-88139/2019 Registered
chamolean and ACO: A hybrid approach
2. 2019 Low Cost ECG Reporting System SW-12587/2019 Registered
3. 2019 Student Information Manual L-89596/2020 Registered

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 Soumitra Das, Barani S, Sanjeev Wagh, S S Sonavane,(2017), “Extending Lifetime of

Wireless Sensor Networks using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion”, Sadhana Indian Academy of
Sciences, Springer, Vol. 42, No.7, pp.1083-1090.(SCI Indexed)

 Soumitra Das, Barani S, (2017), “Power aware clustering and routing based on chameleon and
ACO: A Hybrid Approach”, National Conference on Electronics, Communication and
Computing (NCECC-2017), 24 – 25 Feb 2017 at Trinity College of Engineering and Research,

 Soumitra Das, Barani S, Sanjeev Wagh and Sonavane S.S. (2017), “Optimal Clustering and
Routing for Wireless Sensor Network based on Cuckoo Search”, International Journal of
Advanced Smart Sensor Network Systems (IJASSN), Vol. 7, No. 2/3, pp. 1-13

 Soumitra Das, Barani S,Sanjeev Wagh,S S Sonavane,(2016), “Energy Efficient and Trustable
Routing Protocol for wireless sensor networks based on genetic algorithm (E2TRP)”,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization
Techniques (ICACDOT), 9-10 September 2016, pp 1-6, International Institute of Information
Technology (I²IT), Pune. IEEE Publication (Scopus Indexed)

 Soumitra Das, Barani S, Sanjeev Wagh, S S Sonavane, (2016), “Energy Aware Routing based
on Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Conference on
Smart Trends for Information Technology and Computer Communications-
SMARTCOM2016”, 6-7 August 2016, pp. , CSI-Udaipur Chapter, Springer-Communications
in Computer and Information Science. (Scopus Indexed)

 Soumitra Das, Sanjeev Wagh,(2015)" Prolonging the Lifetime of the Wireless Sensor Network
based on blending of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization" Journal of Green
Engineering, Vol 4, Issue 3 April 2015,Pages: 245-260, SciVerse Scopus, ISSN: 1904-4720
(Print Version),ISSN: 2245-4586 (Online Version).

 Soumitra Das, Sanjeev Wagh, (2015)" Chameleon based Clustering for Wireless Sensor
Network", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No. 8 Pages:
20581 - 20595 Print ISSN 0973-4562 Online ISSN 1087-1090 (Scopus Indexed)

 Soumitra Das, Barani S, Sanjeev Wagh, S S Sonavane,(2015) “A Survey of Nature Inspired

Computing for Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of
Computer Technology and Applications(IJCTA),Vol.6, Issue 6, Pages: 931-942.

 Soumitra Das, Barani S, Sanjeev Wagh, S S Sonavane, (2015)“An Exhaustive Survey on

Nature Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms for Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor
Network”, ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology(IJCT),Vol.6,Issue 4,Pages: 1173-

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 Soumitra Das, Barani S, Sanjeev Wagh, (2015),“Energy and Trust Aware Clustering based on
Genetic Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks”, National Conference on Advances in
Computing(NCAC- 2015), Conference proceedings published in the IJCA Journal, ISSN:0975-
8887,Pages: 27-31,2015.

 Soumitra Das, Sanjeev Wagh,(2014) “A Secured Energy Efficient Clustering and Data
Aggregation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference on Applied Information and Communications Technology”, Middle East College,
Muscat (28-29 April 2014),Page:493-499, Elsevier ISBN: 978-93-5107-285-0 (Scopus

 Soumitra Das, Sanjeev Wagh, Pramod D Ganjewar,(2014) “ Energy Efficient Cluster based
Hierarchical Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network- a Survey”, Multidisciplinary
Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2014, pp. 06-22.

Research Funds
Co - Principal Investigator: Research Project on Image Processing Server based on Java
Advanced Imaging for Distributed Applications” Grant received of Rs.1, 00,000 form University
of Pune (2008-2009).


 Subject Chairman TE,BE & ME for Theory & Term Works/Oral Exams
 Paper setter & Examiner for various Theory/Practical/TW/Oral Exams subject at of SE,
TE, BE & ME Exams


 Program Coordinator and Participated in Workshop on ME (Computer Engineering)
SPPU syllabus revision & drafting (2013-2014) at KJCOEMR, Pune
 Member of S.E. Computer SPPU syllabus revision & drafting ( 2019-2020) at Zeal
College of Engg., Pune.


 M u s c a t , O m a n (Middle East College)


 Convener for International workshop on information and communication technology
2013 organized by wireless world, GISFI and KJ College of Engineering & Management
Research, Pune.

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Information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

Dr. Soumitra Das

Associate Professor
Dept. of Computer Engineering
Dr. D Y Patil Institute of Technology,
Pimpri, Pune.


Publications (Co-Authored)

 Nivedita B Nimbalkar, Soumitra S Das, “Genetic Algorithm based Energy Aware

Clustering Technigues: A Survey”, International Journal of Computer Applications
(0975 – 8887), Volume 95, No.10, June 2014, pp. 11-16.

 Soumitra Das, Rutul S Sanghavi, Nilesh R Lendghar, Deepak S. Khade,

“Implementation of Trustable Routing Framework for WSNs”, International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 5, May
2014,pp. 6669-6673.

 Nivedita B Nimbalkar, Soumitra S Das, “A Survey on Cluster Head Selection

Techniques”, Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology,
Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2014, pp. 01-05.

 Soumitra Das, Dattatraya Londhe,Praveen Barapatre,Nisha Gholap,“ A Survey On

GPU System considering its Performance on different Applications”, Computer Science
& Engineering: An international Journal(CSEIJ), Volume 2, No.4, Aug 2013, pp. 11-19.

 Nisha Gholap, Prof.S.S.Das, Prof. Londhe D N, “ Location and Authentication Based

Encryption Scheme Application Design for Mobile Device”, International Journal of
Engineering Research & Technology(IJERT), Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013, pp. 1619-

 Vaibhav B.Kate, Prof. Soumitra S.Das, “Secure energy optimized natural science based
routing algorithm in WSN”, 3rd Post Graduate Symposium on Computer Engineering

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(cPGCON) 2014,MCERC, Nasik, M.S. India, 28-29 March 2014.

 Nivedita B.Nimbalkar, Soumitra S Das, “Trust based Energy Efficient Clustering using
Genetic Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks (TEECGA)”,3rd Post Graduate
Symposium on Computer Engineering (cPGCON) 2014,MCERC, Nasik, M.S. India, 28-
29 March 2014.

 Pravina B. Chikankar, Soumitra S. Das, “An Automatic Irrigation system using Energy
Optimized Wireless Sensor Networks”, 3rd Post Graduate Symposium on Computer
Engineering (cPGCON) 2014,MCERC, Nasik, M.S. India, 28-29 March 2014.

 Manisha V Bhosle, Prof. Soumitra S Das, “Dependable and Reliable Routing with In
Network Aggregation using spatial Attribute in Wireless Sensor Network”, 3rd Post
Graduate Symposium on Computer Engineering (cPGCON) 2014,MCERC, Nasik, M.S.
India, 28-29 March 2014.

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