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about Plasmas from the Coalition for Plasma Science

ightning was striking the Earth long before human life began, and may even
have played a crucial role in the evolution of life on our planet. Around the
globe, lightning lights up the sky fifty to one hundred times per second, and
while not every lightning bolt reaches the ground – about 75% of lightning
discharges remain in the clouds – each year in the United States alone lightning
hits the ground about twenty-five million times. While there are clearly negative
aspects to such strikes, there are also unwarranted concerns and even positive
aspects. Although lightning can sometimes cause significant damage, especially for
unprotected people and objects, the number of people killed by lightning is small
compared with other accidental causes of death. And although each commercial
aircraft is struck by lightning on average once a year, it is not a significant hazard
since today's airplanes are designed to handle such strikes without serious problems.
Furthermore, over 30% of all electric power line failures and many forest fires are
lightning-related. It is worth mentioning, however, that lightning-initiated forest
Lightning, a natural plasma spectacle,
fires play an important role in the natural life cycle of forests. is a challenge to understand.

Lightning is a high-current electric discharge in air, releasing most of its energy in pulses about one-hundred-millionth of
a second long. With its length measured in miles and a diameter of only one or two inches, a typical lightning bolt carries
a peak current of tens of thousands of amperes and has a peak temperature greater than 50,000ºF, about five times hotter
than the surface of the Sun. At that high temperature the lightning column is a plasma, a gas with many of its atoms
broken into electrically-charged particles, both negatively-charged electrons and positively-charged ions. Such a gas is
said to be “ionized.” It is the movement of those charged particles through the lightning channel – primarily the
movement of electrons – that constitutes the electrical current.

Lightning arises from electrical charges residing on soft hail and

ice crystals that move about in the air. When positive and
negative charges accumulate in separate regions, large voltages
can develop between the charged regions and between one
charged region and the ground. When this voltage becomes large
enough – in the range of 50 to 500 million volts – the air in
between may become significantly ionized and form a plasma
column, the electrically-conducting channel we see as lightning.

Not all lightning develops in the same way or in the same

direction. In about 90% of global cloud-to-ground lightning,
negative charge is effectively transported from a cloud to the
All images in these photos are of the same lightning
ground. This type of lightning is called “negative downward
flash. The left photo (a) was taken with a stationary
lightning.” Other types of cloud-to-ground lightning include
camera; photo (b) was taken with a camera that was
moving horizontally during the flash (time advances
positive downward, negative upward and positive upward
from right to left). This is a downward flash as discharges. Lightning can extend upward from a tall grounded
indicated by the downward direction of the branches. object such as the Empire State Building in New York or the CN
Photo (b) appears to show at least seven separate Tower in Toronto. But lightning is so fast, the naked eye cannot see
individual strokes following the same path from cloud and appreciate its stages of development and its complex structure.
to ground, with the first stroke being on the far right. And we can only determine the direction of lightning development
if we can see branches extending off from the main channel.
Continued on back
A flash of lightning can consist of a number of individual strokes, each following the same path from cloud to ground. The
plasma is recreated over and over again in the same channel. The dark intervals between these strokes are typically in the
range of tens of milliseconds. This explains why the human eye perceives lightning as “flickering.” A lightning flash
typically contains three to five strokes, although the observed number of strokes ranges from one to twenty-six.

Each downward stroke is composed of a downward-moving “leader,” followed by an upward-moving “return-stroke.” The
leader creates a conducting path between the cloud and ground and distributes negative charge from the cloud along that
path; the return stroke follows the same path moving from the ground toward the cloud, distributing positive charge to
neutralize the negative leader charge.

The electrical current in a lightning flash varies from stroke to stroke as well as during each stroke. The return-stroke
current rises rapidly to an initial peak of tens of thousands of amperes. That initial current pulse may be followed by a
current of hundreds of amperes lasting for tens of thousandths of a second. The high return-stroke current rapidly heats
the channel to a peak temperature near or above 50,000ºF, increasing the pressure in the channel to ten or more times
normal atmospheric pressure. This makes the channel produce the intense light that we see and makes it expand,
producing a shock wave that eventually becomes the thunder sound wave we hear in the distance.

Extracting useful energy from lightning appears to be impractical. First, the total energy in each cloud-to-ground lightning
flash is only about 360 kilowatt-hours, approximately the energy required to operate five 100-Watt light bulbs continu-
ously for one month. And only about one-thousandth to one-hundredth of that energy is delivered to the strike point,
the bulk of the energy being lost to heating the air and producing thunder, light, and radio waves. Secondly, even if it
were possible to capture all of a flash's energy, the probability of lightning striking a given point on the ground is very low.
For example, a grounded 60-meter tower located in Florida is expected to be struck by lightning only once every other
year. Since most of the U.S. experiences two to three times lower lightning activity than Florida, capturing lightning
strikes would require an impractically large number of tall towers.

Lightning can be triggered intentionally to research and test various schemes that will help protect people and buildings.
The most effective technique for inducing lightning involves
launching a small rocket toward a charged cloud overhead, with
the rocket trailing a thin grounded wire.

Lightning is not limited to the Earth’s atmosphere. There is

convincing evidence for lightning-like discharges on Jupiter.
Electric currents in Jupiter lightning are expected to be ten to
one-hundred times larger than in Earth lightning.

While we have come to understand much about lightning,

questions remain, such as concerns about high-energy radiation
It is common for lightning to form ground surface arcs from lightning, which might be sufficiently intense to harm
(plasma channels) that develop horizontally outward people. Also of interest are the nitrogen oxides produced during
from its ground termination point. The photograph a flash, which might affect global warming. In addition, certain
shows surface arcing during a rocket-triggered flash. The types of lightning, such as ball lightning, are not well under-
lightning channel is outside the field of view. One of the stood. Further studies should produce some answers and solutions
surface arcs approaches the right edge of the photo-
to the continuing challenges of this fascinating natural plasma.
graph, a distance of 10 meters from the rocket launcher.

Suggested Reading::
V. A. Rakov and M.A. Uman, Lightning: Physics and Effects, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
M.A. Uman, Understanding Lightning, Bek Technical Publications, Carnegie, PA, 1971.
J. R. Dwyer, "A Bolt Out of the Blue," Scientific American, Vol. 292, No. 5, May 2005, pp. 64-71.

Text: Vladimir Rakov, University of Florida. Editors: Paul Rivenberg, Gerald Rogoff
Images: Used with permission. Michael Bath (; Second and third photos from V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman,
Lightning: Physics and Effects, Cambridge University Press, 2003 (Figures adapted from publications by J. Hendry and by R.J. Fisher, G.H. Schnetzer and
M.E. Morris), with permission from the book authors and publisher.

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