Marine: Kinds of Indemnity Policies Averages Loss

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There is an implied warranty that
the ship is seaworthy at the time Total
of the inception of voyage. If it is Loss
not, there can be no recovery Partial Valued Open
Warranty of from the insurer Loss Policy Policy
LOSS Averages
Where the nationality or
neutrality of a ship or cargo is A kind of policy wherein A kind of policy wherein
expressly warranted, it is implied Every loss which
Warranty that the the value of the property the value of the
that the ship will carry the is not total is
ship has the is fixed and is conclusive property is not fixed
requisite documents to show such partial. General Rule: The insured may
documents of An actual loss may be between the parties. but must be
nationality or neutrality and that presumed from the either hold the insurer directly Except, when there was determined according
neutrality or
it will not carry any documents, liable for the whole of the fraud when the to Section 163 of the
nationality continued absence of a ship
which cast reasonable suspicion without being heard of. The insured value of the property valuation was fixed. Insurance Code.
thereon sacrificed for the general
length of time which is
sufficient to raise this benefit, subrogating him to his
own right of contribution or
presumption depends on the
circumstances of the case. demand contribution from the
Only in case of improper deviation other interested parties as soon
Warranty against shall the insurer be exonerated as the vessel arrives at her
improper Co-Insurance
from liability for the loss destination.
deviation Clause
Total Loss Particular
The course of voyage shall be Averages
determined in the following
Requisites for the application of
Warranty of a co-insurance clause are:
1. The course agreed upon by the
legality of the In case of constructive total 1. There must be a partial loss;
voyage loss, insured may: General Rule: Insurable if and 2. There is under-insurance.
2. If nothing was agreed upon,
1) Abandon goods or vessel agreed upon by the parties. (The insurance coverage is less
one which conforms to the course
to the insurer and claim for Exception: if there’s a “Free than the value of the property
of sailing fixed by mercantile
whole insured value (Sec. from Particular Average (FPA) insured
140) Clause
3. If there is no mercantile usage,
2) Without abandoning
one which is a master of ordinary
vessel, claim for actual loss
skill and discretion would find to
(Sec. 157)
be the most natural, direct and
Caballes, Danica, EH 404

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