Introduction of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)
Introduction of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)
Introduction of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)
MANET stands for Mobile adhoc Network also called as wireless adhoc network or adhoc
wireless network that usually has a routable networking environment on top of a Link Layer ad
hoc network.. They consist of set of mobile nodes connected wirelessly in a self configured,
self healing network without having a fixed infrastructure. MANET nodes are free to move
randomly as the network topology changes frequently. Each node behave as a router as they
forward traffic to other specified node in the network.
MANET may operate as standalone fashion or they can be the part of larger internet. They
form highly dynamic autonomous topology with the presence of one or multiple different
transceivers between nodes. The main challenge for the MANET is to equipped each devices
to continuously maintain the information required to properly route traffic. MANETs consist of
a peer-to-peer, self-forming, self-healing network MANET’s circa 2000-2015 typically
communicate at radio frequencies (30MHz-5GHz). This can be used in road safety, ranging
from sensors for environment, home, health, disaster rescue operations, air/land/navy
defense, weapons, robots, etc.
Characteristics of MANET –
Dynamic Topologies: Network topology which is typically multihops, may change
randomly and rapidly with time, it can form unidirectional or bi-directional links.
Bandwidth constrained, variable capacity links: Wireless links usually have lower
reliability, efficiency, stability and capacity as compared to wired network.The throughput
of wireless communication is even less than a radio’s maximum transmission rate after
dealing with the constraints like multiple access, noise, interference conditions, etc.
Autonomous Behavior: Each nodes can act as a host and router, which shows its
autonomous behavior.
Energy Constrained Operation: As some or all the nodes rely on batteries or other
exhaustible means for their energy.Mobile nodes are characterized with less memory,
power and light weight features.
Limited Security: Wireless network are more prone to security threats. A centralized
firewall is absent due to its destributed nature of operation for security, routing and host
Less Human Intervention: They require minimum human intervention to configure the
network, therefore they are dynamically autonomous in nature.
Since the topology in the mobile ad-hoc network is dynamic, these routing tables are updated
periodically as and when the network topology changes. It has a limitation that is doesn’t
work well for the large networks as the entries in the routing table becomes too large since
they need to maintain the route information to all possible nodes.
1. Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing Protocol (DSDV):
It is a pro-active/table driven routing protocol. It actually extends the distance vector
routing protocol of the wired networks as the name suggests. It is based on the Bellman-
ford routing algorithm. Distance vector routing protocol was not suited for mobile ad-hoc
networks due to count-to-infinity problem. Hence, as a solution Destination Sequenced
Distance Vector Routing Protocol (DSDV) came into picture.
Destination sequence number is added with every routing entry in the routing table
maintained by each node. A node will include the new update in the table only if the entry
consists of the new updated route to the destination with higher sequence number.
2. Global State Routing (GSR):
It is a pro-active/table driven routing protocol. It actually extends the link state routing of
the wired networks. It is based on the Dijkstra’s routing algorithm. Link state routing
protocol was not suited for mobile ad-hoc networks because in it, each node floods the
link state routing information directly into the whole network i.e. Global flooding which
may lead to the congestion of control packets in the network.
Hence, as a solution Global State Routing Routing Protocol (GSR) came into the picture.
Global state routing doesn’t flood the link state routing packets globally into the network.
In GSR, each of the mobile node maintains one list and three tables namely, adjacency
list, topology table, next hop table and distance table.
2. Reactive routing protocols:
These are also known as on-demand routing protocol. In this type of routing, the route is
discovered only when it is required/needed. The process of route discovery occurs by flooding
the route request packets throughout the mobile network. It consists of two major phases
namely, route discovery and route maintenance.
1. Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR):
It is a reactive/on-demand routing protocol. In this type of routing, the route is
discovered only when it is required/needed. The process of route discovery occurs by
flooding the route request packets throughout the mobile network.
It consists of two phases:
Route Discovery:
This phase determines the most optimal path for the transmission of data packets
between the source and the destination mobile nodes.
Route Maintenance:
This phase performs the maintenance work of the route as the topology in the
mobile ad-hoc network is dynamic in nature and hence, there are many cases of link
breakage resulting in the network failure between the mobile nodes.