cwts2 Midterm
cwts2 Midterm
cwts2 Midterm
2. What type of volunteerism gives importance for the well-being and benefit
of a community?
a. Virtual
b. Community
c. Skills-based
d. Environmental
3. It refers to the local or foreign group that recruits, trains, deploy, and
supports volunteer workers.
a. Volunteer
b. Voluntary Sector
c. Non-profit organization
d. Volunteer Service Organization
5. This is known as the "National Defense Act" which was enacted by the
National Assembly of the Philippines on 21 December 1935 to provide for
obligatory military service for all male citizens of ages between 18 and 30.
a. Republic Act 7077
b. Republic Act 9163
c. Commonwealth Act No. 1
d. Presidential Decree No. 1706
6. This refers to the collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that
is discarded because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful.
a. Segregating b. Solid Waste Management c. Composting
7. According to the Philippines Business for Social Progress, this refers to the
systematic, planned and liberating change process of transforming a
complacent, deprived malfunctioning community into conscious,
empowered, self-reliant and just humane entity and institution
a. Community Organizing b. Community Immersion c. Community
8. A collective of people with similar interest and goals whether living on the
same geographic locality or not.
a. Community Organizing b. Community Immersion c. Community
1. What makes an Ideal community? 10%
2. What is the role of each institution/community participants in the
establishment of peaceful and orderly community? 10%
3. What is Community Organizing? 10%
4. What is your Program in developing the Environmental advocacy in your
area? 30%
FORMAT: Name of Project, Place, Duration, Administrator, Project Overview,
Project Objectives, and Project Estimated Budget.