Civilization Is Not Known Yet The Indus Script
Civilization Is Not Known Yet The Indus Script
Civilization Is Not Known Yet The Indus Script
◦The Basic Teachings of ◦Confucius (or Kongzi) was a Chinese philosopher
Buddha which are core to who lived in the 6th century BCE and whose
Buddhism are: thoughts, expressed in the philosophy of
The Three Universal Truths; • Confucianism, have influenced Chinese culture
The Four Noble Truths; right up to the present day. ... Chief among his
The Noble Eightfold Path. philosophical ideas is the importance of a
In reincarnation, the individual may recur virtuous life, filial piety and ancestor worship.
repeatedly. In rebirth, a person does not
necessarily return to Earth as the same The Yellow River — “Mother River of
entity ever again. He compares it to a leaf growing China”
on a tree. ◦The Yellow River or Huang He is the "mother river
When the withering leaf falls off, a new leaf will of China". Its basin was the center of Chinese
eventually replace it. It is similar to the old leaf, politics, economy and culture for over 2,000 years.
but it is not identical to the original leaf. Buddhism It is the second-longest river in China (after the
is a philosophy of life expounded by Gautama Yangtze), and sixth longest in the world.
Buddha ("Buddha" means "enlightened one"), who Quick Facts
lived and taught in northern India in the 6th century
B.C. Chinese name: 黄河 Huánghé /hwung-her/ 'Yellow
The Buddha was not a god and the philosophy of River'
Buddhism does not entail any theistic world view. ◦Source: the Bayankala Mountains, the Plateau of
The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at Tibet, western central China
liberating sentient beings from suffering. ◦Mouth: Dongying, Shandong, 500 km SE of Beijing,
on the Bohai Gulf
HINDUISM ◦Claims to Fame: world's muddiest major river,
The goal of life in Hinduism is to attain salvation, or "China's cradle"
moksha ◦Length: 5,464 kilometers (3,398 miles)
◦Hinduism actually believes in only one god, but in ◦Suited for: Culture and history enthusiasts, and
many forms nature lovers
◦Hinduism is the 3rd largest religion in the world, ◦The name "Yellow River" comes from the huge
after Christianity and Islam amounts of
◦Hinduism believes in a circular rather than a "yellow" loess sediment it carries when flowing
linear concept of time through the Loess Plateau. It is the world's major
river with the most excessive siltation.
◦ The Yellow River is 5,464 kilometers (3,398 miles) Darwin, himself an agnostic, was accorded the
long, stretching west–east 1900 km (1,180 miles), ultimate British accolade of burial in Westminster
and meandering north–south 1,100 km (684 miles). Abbey, London.
◦ Its basin area is 752,443 km2 (290,520 mi2), Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is widely held notion
containing about 200,000 km2 (77,000 mi2) of that all living organisms are related and have
arable land and over 100 million people. descended from a common ancestor
◦ The average flow rate of the Yellow River is 1,800
cubic meters per second. Its biggest tributary is Charles Darwin’s facts
the Wei River which flows past Xi'an. He is most famous for his work on natural
◦ The upper reaches, about 3,500 km (2,000 mi), selection, the idea that all species of life have
includes the upland swamps and pastures of the evolved over time from common ancestors.
Tibetan Plateau and gorges in foothill country to Not only did Darwin develop the idea of natural
the Gobi Desert in Inner Mongolia. selection, he also presented compelling evidence
◦ The middle reaches, about 1,200 km (700 mi) from from his detailed research which included a five
Hekou Town to Zhengzhou, occupies plain and hills year voyage on the HMS Beagle. On this voyage,
in China's Loess Plateau region, where huge Darwin visited ecologically diverse regions such as
amounts of sediment are suspended. Brazil, Chile, Australia, the Falkland Islands and
◦ The lower reaches, from Zhengzhou to the Bo the Galapagos Islands.
Sea, is about 800 km (500 mi). Due to sediment His 1859 book ‘On the Origin of Species’, detailed
accumulation, the riverbed is several meters much of his research on natural selection, it
above the cities and farmlands, forming the world- contained a large amount of evidence to back up
famous "above ground river". his ideas and became a landmark work in the field
of evolutionary biology.
China's Sorrow
The Yellow River is also called "China's Sorrow". What is evolution?
Each year, over 1.6 billion tons of soil flows into the The basic idea of biological evolution is that
Yellow River, which causes the continual rise and populations and species of organisms change over
shift of the riverbed. Before damming, it was time.
extremely prone to flooding, and had
caused millions of deaths, including the deadliest DARWIN’S THEORY OF EVOLUTION
disaster in human history. The widely held notion that all living organisms are
◦Between 608 BC and 1938 AD, the Yellow River related and have descended from one common
changed course 26 times, and flooded over 1,500 ancestor
times. Complex Creatures are believed to evolve from
more simplistic ancestors naturally over time.
Charles Darwin, in full Charles Robert Darwin, Natural Selection
(born February 12, 1809, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Natural selection is a mechanism of evolution.
England—died April 19, 1882, Downe, Kent), English Organisms that are more adapted to their
naturalist whose scientific environment are more likely to survive and pass
theory of evolution by natural selection became on the genes that aided their success. This process
the foundation of modern evolutionary studies. causes species to change and diverge over time.
Darwin at first shocked religious Victorian society Natural selection is one of the ways to account for
by suggesting that animals and humans shared a the millions of species that have lived on Earth.
common ancestry.
and ecclesiastical acceptance of his deeply radical
idea, he did not present his theory on evolution
until 1858 when he made a joint announcement
with British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, who
was about to go public with a similar concept to
Darwin’s. The next year, Darwin published his
seminal work, “The Origin of Species by Means of
Natural Selection.”
He was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of SUPEREGO, the unconscious realm of higher
psychoanalysis, a movement that popularized the morality. It is the one who suppresses any urges
theory that unconscious motives control much or desires of the id
behavior. “You can’t have it. It’s not right.”
Erik erikson
Personality develops in a series of predetermined
Social experience affects personality throughout Mesoamerican Civilization
the entire lifespan Christopher Columbus 1451-1506
Psychosocial stages Was an Italian explorer and navigator. In 1492, he
sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain in the
Santa Maria, with the Pinta and the Niña ships
alongside, hoping to find a new route to India.
The Olmec inhabited a small area of about 125 by Aztec state was a despotism in which the military
50 miles in what is today southern Mexico from arm played a dominant role. Valour in war was, in
around 1400 BCE to about 400 BCE. The dates vary fact, the surest path to advancement in Aztec
amongst research. The Olmecs emerged greatly society, which was caste- and class-divided but
because the area they inhabited was a nonetheless vertically fluid. The priestly
great natural habitat. There was good soil and and bureaucratic classes were involved in the
plenty of water. The area's river system made for a administration of the empire, while at the bottom
similar environment to places like the Nile and the of society were classes of serfs, indentured
Indus River Valleys. servants, and outright slaves.
Mesoamerican rubber ball and textile. The date of Mayan Calendar is determined by civil
and divine calendar
Ball Game These align the sacred year with solar year. This
mark specific times in the cycles.
Cultivation Techniques By Mesoamerican Farmers 52 years for the calendar for full cycle.
• Combination of Crop Rotation and Slash- The long count calendar is based counted from the
and-Burn Technique original date
It is used from series of counting principles
Baktun, Katun, Tun, Unial and Kin Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
He is a German Lutheran theologian and
Kin – 1 day to 19 mathematician. Sought to prove Copernican model
Unial – 20 day or 1 solar month correct.
Tun – 18 Unial ( months) counts up to 19
Katun – 20 tun, count up to 19 He saw Copernican model as representing God in
Example of long counts is the center of the universe with his creation surrounding him. He believed that God created the
12 bakun, 18 katun, 14 tun, 9 unial, 6 kin universe using the language of geometry. Used the
The last date in the calendat this was the 5 regular solids with equal sized faces to hold up
so called “END OF THE WORLD “ in mayans. the celestial spheres. That explained why there
were only 6 planets. TOTALLY WRONG, but he
COPERNICAN REVOLUTION believed in it until he died.
Rise of Astronomy
Kepler's Law’s
Scientific Revolution KEPLER’S FIRST LAW- Planets orbit
the Sun in elliptical paths with the
Contributor during the Copernican Sun at one focus
revolution KEPLER’S second LAW (Law of
AREAS- A line connecting the Sun
Clauduis Ptolemy and a planet sweeps out equal
He was a Greek mathematician, astronomer, areas in equal times. This means
geographer, and astrologer. that a planet moves fastest when it
Ptolemic Model - This model supported the is closest to the Sun.
belief that the Earth was the center of the KEPLER’S third LAW (THE harmonic
Universe and the moons and planets law)- P2 = a3 where
rotated in circles as they went around P = orbital period in years
Earth. a = semi-major axis in Astronomical
Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) Units (au)
He is a Modern European scientist and the Father An au = average distance between
of Astronomy. Earth and Sun ~ 93,000,000 miles or
150,000,000 Km.
Observed night sky from an observation Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
tower. He is an Italian Philosopher, Astronomer, and
Trying to solve the calendar problem. Mathematician and the Father of Physics. In 1610 he
Suggested a Sun centered Universe in a wrote The Starry Messenger in which he published
book titled “De Revolutionibus”, which was his observations.
not published until the year he died.
NOTE: He was well educated and had read Greek Galileo’s Telescopic Discoveries
astronomy. Craters on Moon- Moon is NOT perfect
It has craters and mountains
HELIOCENTRIC Sunspots- Sun is NOT perfect. It has dark spots
The Sun is the center of the universe. The Sun may rotate, which implies the
Earth may rotate.
Moon’s of Jupiter- January 7-15, 1610 magnitude (strength) of the force applied in
These moon’s do not revolve around the the direction of the force.
Earth or the Sun! Newton’s tHIRD LAW (INTERACTION)- For
They form a miniature solar system of their every action there is an equal and opposite
own. reaction.
F1 = -F2
Phases of Venus m1a1 = -m2a2
Forces act in opposite directions on
different objects.
Forces act in opposite directions on
different objects.
Newton’s Gravity
The Universal Law of Gravitation:
1. Every mass attracts every other mass.
2. Attraction is directly proportional to the
product of their masses.
3. Attraction is inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between their
Galileo Galilei’s Observations centers.
Studied balls rolling down inclined planes. Center of Mass
The only way to determine the mass of a planets is
The smoother and more polished the surface the to observe a moon orbiting it.
farther the ball rolled. The only way to determine the mass of the stars is
to observe double stars orbiting each other.
Therefore, balls rolling down infinitely smooth
surfaces roll infinitely far. Mass is not equal to weight.
Counter to Aristotle! Weight is force of gravity acting on a mass.
• F = ma = mg.
Isaac Newton (1642-1727) • W = mg.
He developed the Laws of motion and idea of • W = (1.0kg)(9.8m/s2)
= 9.8N.
gravity to get Edmund Halley off his back. Derived
Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion using laws
of motion and gravity.