10.1007@s12221 018 8023 4
10.1007@s12221 018 8023 4
10.1007@s12221 018 8023 4
Abstract: Currently, greater environmental awareness promotes research and development advances in biodegradable
materials; they represent an alternative that decreases the environmental impact caused by traditional synthetic plastics. This
study consists of the development and characterization of thermoplastic corn starch-based composites, reinforced with barley
straw particles made by thermal compression. The study materials were prepared by using three particle concentrations (5,
10, and 15 %), while the matrix (0 %) was used as a reference. A mechanical evaluation of all samples was carried out, as
well as that of their water absorption properties. They were also characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and flammability tests. The inclusion of straw in the thermoplastic
matrix increased water absorption and quickened carbon formation, although it also increased its tensile strength (7 MPa) and
the Young’s modulus of activity (MOE) (420 MPa) with a 15 % reinforcement. The FTIR analysis highlights the presence of
a carbonyl signal (1720 cm-1) caused by a thermal breakdown (caramelization) linked to barley particles. Moreover, X-ray
diffraction demonstrated a VA-type crystallinity pattern (anhydrous) within the biocomposites and an increase of the
crystallinity index, through incorporating barley particles in the thermoplastic corn starch-based matrix.
Keywords: Thermoplastic starch, Barley straw, Green composites, Thermal compression
Corn TPS-Barley Straw Composites by Thermal Compression Fibers and Polymers 2018, Vol.19, No.9 1971
and compostable: their handling is also safer in comparison mixtures were transferred to a stainless steel mold (170 mm
with synthetic fibers. High-resistance products are obtained ×170 mm×3 mm) to process composite. A hydraulic press
with a highly specific modulus, as well as suitable thermal (Smart Steel model HI-TR2014) with a heating system and
stability, high electric resistance, and good acoustic properties controlled cooling was used to obtain the laminates of both
[9]. Barley is an agricultural waste that is increasingly the thermoplastic starch (TPS) matrix and composites. The
produced in large amounts, but has no intended use. According processing conditions used were: temperature 160 oC with
to reports by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) applied pressure 100-150 bar and pressurization time of
in 2014, it is the fourth most harvested cereal worldwide, 50 min. From the resulted laminated biocomposites were
with approximately 145.5 million tons produced [10]. obtained the specimens for mechanical testing, water
Barley straw represents an important source of lignocelluose absorption, X-ray diffraction, behavior to the flame and
material that may be used as raw material in several industrial chemical characterization by FTIR.
processes or as a reinforcement of polymeric matrices
[11,12]. Water Absorption Test
Thermoplastic starch (TPS) is a sustainable component The percentage of water absorption was evaluated
that incorporates reinforcements of natural origin to form following the EN 317 standard (EN 317-1993) [13]. For this
biocomposites that are completely biodegradable. Most of test, specimens measuring 30×30×3 mm cut from the
them are obtained following a typical injection-extrusion laminates plaques were first dried in an air-circulating oven
process of several steps; every step involves time and energy at 60 oC and then immersed in water at room temperature
consumption. On the other hand, biocomposites prepared by (23 oC) for 2 and 24 h respectively. To determine the
thermal compression offer several advantages in comparison percentage of water absorption, the samples were weighed
to the traditional injection-extrusion process: (i) the process before and after immersion.
is relatively new, (ii) fibers are used as a reinforcement to be The water absorption (WA) of the laminates was
better distributed in the matrix, (iii) they are economically calculated using the following equation:
profitable, since the complete process of plasticization takes
% WA = [(M1 – M0/M0) × 100] (1)
place in one step, saving energy and preparation time.
Thus, this study aims to develop biocomposites from where, M0 and M1 are the masses of the sample before and
thermoplastic corn starch by incorporating barley straw after immersion in water.
particles to act as a reinforcement by thermal compression
(within the scope of producing environment-friendly Tensile Strength
materials). Mechanical, structural, and chemical evaluations of Tensile samples of the matrix and the composites were cut
the matrix and biocomposites (related to different amounts of from respective laminates (plaques) using a laser cutting
barley straw) assess tensile strength, water absorption, and machine (Guian Modelo GN 600 LS). The samples obtained
use a flammability test (knowing the combustible properties were tested in a universal testing machine (Instron model
of biocomposites are an important parameter), optical 4411), following ASTM standard D 638M [14] (specimen
microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray type 1). All the specimens were tested after of thermal
diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). treatment of which consisted of placing them in a drying
oven at 50 oC for 5 hours. Seven specimens were tested for
Experimental each sample and the average values of the tensile strength,
Young’s modulus and percentage of elongation were
Materials recorded.
Native corn starch was supplied by Indumex, Monterrey
N.L., barley straw (Financiera Cebaderos S.A de C.V del Flammability Test
Valle de Apan, Hidalgo, Mexico) and glycerol reactive The behavior to the composite specimens to flame was
degree (Golden Bell) were used for preparing the TPS made based on the ASTM D-635 [15]. For this assay, the
matrix and the composites. samples are approached to a flame of a Bunsen burner for 10
seconds to start burning. The parameters that were measured
Samples Preparation were the amount and color of smoke, the color of the flame,
The barley straw was dried, milled and sieved to obtain the kind of combustion, the odor, if fire is self- extinguished,
particles of length of mostly 425 µc. The cornstarch was the possible deformation of the test and combustion rate
mixed thoroughly with 30 wt. % glycerol in a plastic bag (mm/s).
until attaining a homogeneous mixture. Then, the particles
of barley straw were added in different proportions to Infrared Spectroscopy with Attenuated Total Reflectance
prepare the composites with 5, 10 and 15 %, they were (ATR)
compared with the thermoplastic matrix (0 %). These The FTIR analyses of the native starch and the bio-
1972 Fibers and Polymers 2018, Vol.19, No.9 José Antonio Silva-Guzmán et al.
composites samples were performed in a Perkin-Elmer Table 1. Water absorption in matrix (0 %) and the biocomposites
(model Spectrum GX) spectrophotometer by means of ATR Water absortion
(Attenuated Total Reflectance) technique. All IR spectra Material
2 hr (%) 24 hr (%)
were the average of 64 scans with a resolution of 4 cm-1
0% 41.6 (4.9) 95.1 (9.0)
within a frequency of 4000-700 cm-1.
5% 48.3 (3.4) 105.0 (5.6)
Optical Microscopy 10 % 86.3 (4.2) 113.9 (5.1)
A Motic stereoscope microscope (model K-400L) 15 % 100.6 (4.5) 116.9 (6.4)
equipped with a Moticam camera was used to observe the
transparency obtained in the composites, porosity and the
distribution of the particles of barley straw in the matrix of different amounts of particles of barley. After 2 h, the TPS
thermoplastic starch. The composites were observed with no matrix showed 41.6 % of water uptake, while incorporation
previous preparation. of barley straw increased this amount up to 100 %, in the
composite with 15 %. Incorporation of barley particles in the
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) starch matrix with water uptake was more evident after 24 h.
Through a Hitachi (model TM 1000) scanning electron The thermoplastic starch matrix absorbed water up to
microscope was observed the fracture surface of the 95.1 %, while all composites (5, 10, and 15 % barley straw)
specimens used in the tensile strength test, without gold showed water absorption above 100 %. Increased incorporation
addition. of barley straw particles in the starch matrix also increases
water uptake. This may be because barley straw has a great
X-ray Diffraction (XRD) deal of parenchyma, and a hydrophilic character. Saetun et
X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies were carried out using a al. [6] reported an increase of water absorption with 12 wt%
Shimadzu diffractometer (Model XRD 7000), with mono- rubber wood sawdust in TPS composites. However, several
chromatic Cu Kα radiation (k=1.5418 Å), at operation authors report a less hydrophilic nature of composites when
conditions of 40 KeV and 20 mA to determine the lignocellulosic fibers are included in the matrix, as
crystallinity of the materials. All samples were dried at 60 oC biocomposite water absorption decreases when cellulose
during 8 h, composites specimen used had dimensions of fiber is added with its crystalline features [18].
40×20×0.3 mm, while the starch sample was in the powder
form. The analysis was carried out in the 2θ angle range of Tensile Strength
2.5o to 60 o with a scanning speed of 1 o/min. The relative Figure 1 shows the matrix tensile strength (0 % particles),
crystallinity of starch and composites was calculated as well as that displayed by biocomposites containing 5, 10,
according to equation (1) [16], based on the deconvolution and 15 % barley particles. It is noticeable that only 10 and
calculus of amorphous and crystalline areas calculated with 15 % concentrations show significant differences for
the aid of the computer program ORIGIN 8.5. increased tensile strength by including a reinforcement.
Shah et al. [21] and Müller et al. [22] point out that the
IRC = (AC/AC + AA) (2)
where, RC is the index relative crystallinity, AC is the
crystalline area and AA is the amorphous area in the XRD
pattern obtained.
Water Absorption
Water sensitivity is an important criterion for many
practical applications of starch-based thermoplastic products:
their water absorption in high humidity or in direct contact
with water is very important, because it determines their
integrity and performance under adverse conditions [17,18].
Thermoplastic starch composites have a hydrophilic character
due to their chemical composition of starch (amylopectin
and amylose), and the hydroxyl groups and oxygen form
hydrogen bonds with water [18]. In addition, a plasticizer
increases the affinity to moisture [19]. Table 1 shows the Figure 1. Results of tensile strength of matrix (0 % barley straw
percentage of water uptake by the composites containing particles) and the biocomposites (5-15 %).
Corn TPS-Barley Straw Composites by Thermal Compression Fibers and Polymers 2018, Vol.19, No.9 1973
Figure 3. Percentage of elongation at break of matrix and the Figure 4. Stress-strain curves compared the matrix (0 %) and the
biocomposites. biocomposites (5, 10 and 15 %).
Figure 7. Images of the biocomposites with 5 % (a), 10 % (b) and 15 % (c) of barley particles.
glycerol biocomposites with 5, 10, and 15 % barley particles barley straw. The uniform and homogenous distribution of
observed under a stereomicroscope. When the original semi- particles within the matrix is also observed. Vallejos et al.
crystalline structure of the starch granule is completely [38] reported poor dispersion of fibers during preparation of
disorganized by heat, shearing, and pressure, it becomes a thermoplasticized cassava starch composites with 10 %
thermoplastic starch characterized by amorphousness, sugarcane bagasse, processed in a rheometer (Haake).
transparency, and low crystallinity. A main feature of Oniszczuk and Janssen [39] point out that the size of the
amorphous polymers is their transparency [37], especially in fiber or particle is a limiting factor for extrusion and
the polymeric phase (TPS matrix in Figure 7), allowing for injection methods. Very long fibers or those in high amounts
observation of the parenchymal tissue characteristic of the may cause an excessive increase in viscosity that induces
Figure 8. SEM micrographs of barley straw (a), and composites 5 % (b), 10 % (c), 15 % (d).
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