1888 RE-EXAMINED - Robert J. Wieland and Donald K. Short - Word 2003 - Revised and Updated
1888 RE-EXAMINED - Robert J. Wieland and Donald K. Short - Word 2003 - Revised and Updated
1888 RE-EXAMINED - Robert J. Wieland and Donald K. Short - Word 2003 - Revised and Updated
1888 RE-
1888 – 1988
The story of a century of confrontation
between God and His people
This book addresses these and other vital questions. It was written
originally as a private document for the General Conference. It is now
updated and released in response to numerous requests world-wide. In many
previously unpublished statements Ellen G. White is permitted at last to
speak freely and frankly to 1888 issues of paramount interest. The bulk of
these statements were unknown to most of her contemporaries. What she
says will come as a surprise to many in this generation.
Donald K. Short and Robert J. Wieland are ordained ministers with an
aggregate total of nearly 100 years of service to the Seventh-day Adventist
Church, 62 as missionaries in Africa. Publication of this book has been
initiated by The 1888 Message Study Committee composed of laymembers
and ministers who wish to revive that "most precious message."e writer living
in Meadow Vista, California.
Preface .............................................................................................................
............................................. 4
Chapter 1 – Why Re-Examine Our Adventist
Past? ................................................................... 8
Chapter 2 – The Sin of Leaving Our First Love
............................................................................ 14
Chapter 3 – The Loud Cry to Come in a Surprising Way
......................................................... 19
Chapter 4 – Acceptance or Rejection: in Search of a Sharper Focus
.................................. 30
Additional Note to Chapter Four
......................................................................................... 49
Chapter 5 – The Fundamental Problem: How to Evaluate the 1888 Message
............... 56
Chapter 6 – The 1888 Rejection of Ellen
White .......................................................................... 67
Chapter 7 – A Closer Look at the
"Confessions" .......................................................................... 82
Chapter 8 – Crisis at the 1893 General Conference
Session .................................................. 94
Chapter 9 – A False Righteousness by Faith: Sowing the Seed of
Apostasy ...................
Chapter 10 – Why Did Jones and Waggoner Lose Their
Way? .............................................
Chapter 11 – The "Alpha" and "Omega"
Crises ............................................................................
Chapter 12 – The Pantheism
Apostasy ...........................................................................................
Chapter 13 – Ellen White's Predictions of Baal-
Worship .......................................................
Chapter 14 – From 1950 to
1971 ......................................................................................................
Chapter 15 – From 1971 to 1987 and
Beyond ............................................................................
Appendix A: Did A. T. Jones Teach the "Holy Flesh"
Heresy? ................................................
Appendix B: The Righteousness by Faith
Comparisons ..........................................................
Appendix C: One Source of the Acceptance
Myth .......................................................................
Appendix D: What Is the Future of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church? ..........................
Appendix E: A Brief Review of 1987-1988
Publications .........................................................
Index ................................................................................................................
The authors hold the firm conviction that God has entrusted to Seventh-
day Adventists His last message of more abounding grace for humanity. This
message must supply a final cure for the problem of sin, demonstrate
righteousness in believing humanity, and vindicate the sacrifice of Christ.
Nothing can enter the kingdom of heaven "that defileth, neither whatsoever
worketh abomination or maketh a lie."
The authors also believe that the Saviour has an immeasurable longing
for His people to prepare the way for His return. The message the Lord sent
this people in 1888 was intended to complete His work of grace in human
hearts so that the great controversy could be brought to an end. But
something went wrong a century ago. The Lord's plan was frustrated and
delayed. What happened? Why this long delay?
The beacon lights of a century ago have grown dim and in many cases
have flickered and gone out. The hallmarks of Adventism have become
tarnished. Our people have not verbally abandoned confidence in the second
coming of Christ, but the expectation of His near return has faded. Many are
bewildered and confused. The present world entices to fashion, amusements,
and me-first luxury.
Even in enlightened Seventh-day Adventist communities with a rich
historical heritage, divorce has become almost epidemic. Social drinking is a
problem in our colleges and universities and in too many of our homes. Most
Seventh-day Adventists in North America have no clear concept of a
heavenly Day of Atonement or of our unique duty of temperance and self-
control in relation to it. It is amazing that in a time of exploding human
knowledge, we as a people generally still have only a vague concept of what
Christ is doing as High Priest in this final Day of Atonement, and scant
sympathy with His aims. And what we do not understand we cannot
communicate to the world.
It is well known that a large proportion of our youth lack clear-cut
convictions of Seventh-day Adventist identity. A series in the Adventist
Review of June 1986 recognizes a new phenomenon: Adventist youth are
joining Sunday-keeping churches (see chapter 13 of this book).
Off-shoots and independent ministries proliferate. Financial scandals and
heresies supply grist for the mills of the critics. Serious questions are raised
about whether the Seventh-day Adventist church is destined to become
another segment of Babylon.
The "most precious message" the Lord "sent" this people nearly a
century ago contains the "beginning" of the solution to all these problems. It
was a message of much more abounding grace. Our increasing perplexities
are the direct result, the certain harvest, of an unbelief, past and current, of
that 1888 message. When truth is refused, error always rushes in to fill the
vacuum. But no problem is too great to be rectified through repentance.
Without further delay the world church must know the full story of our
century-old confrontation with Christ. Ellen White often likened our 1888
default to the Jews' rejection of Him two millennia ago. This book will re-
examine her letters and manuscripts as well as published statements. She
must be allowed to speak frankly without inhibition. When the full truth is
comprehended, whether these authors can tell it clearly enough or whether
other authors yet to come must succeed better, repentance and reformation
will take place and a people will be prepared for the coming of the Lord. The
Laodicean message will not fail, but will result in healing and restoration.
Ellen White's confidence is neatly summed up in a brief word written by her
son shortly before her death: "I told Mrs. Lida Scott how Mother regarded the
experience of the remnant church, and of her positive teaching that God
would not permit this denomination to so fully apostatize that there would be
the coming out of another church" (Letter, May 23, 1915). This statement
implies that there would indeed be very serious apostasy—but the Lord
would not permit it to become total. Until her death she cherished the
conviction that denominational repentance would eventually come.
This book is not intended to reproduce the message itself. Several other
works prepared by the authors attempt to do this.1 But for those who do not
have access to these publications or to original sources, we list in very brief
form a resume of the unique, essential elements of that message. Readers
will recognize that these concepts are in contrast to ideas generally (or
officially) held by our people today (documentation is available in the books
cited in the footnote):
(1) Christ's sacrifice is not merely provisional but effective for the whole
world, so that the only reason anybody can be lost is that he has chosen to
resist the saving grace of God. For those who are saved at last, it is God who
The 1888 Message—An Introduction, Review and Herald, 1980; Gold Tried in the Fire, Pacific Press,
1983; The Good News is Better Than You Think, Pacific Press 1985; A Summary of the History and
Content of the 1888 Message, 1977, The 1888 Message Study Committee.
has taken the initiative; in the case of those who are lost, it is they who took
the initiative. Salvation is by faith; condemnation is by unbelief.
(2) Thus Christ's sacrifice has legally justified "every man," and has
literally saved the world from premature destruction. All men owe even their
physical life to Him, whether or not they believe. Every loaf of bread is
stamped with His cross. When the sinner hears and believes the pure gospel,
he is justified by faith. The lost deliberately negate the justification Christ has
already effected for them.
(3) Justification by faith is therefore much more than a legal declaration
of acquittal; it changes the heart. The sinner has now received the
atonement, which is reconciliation with God. Since it is impossible to be truly
reconciled to Him and not also be reconciled to His holy law, it follows that
true justification by faith makes the believer to become obedient to all the
commandments of God.
(4) This marvelous work is accomplished through the ministry of the new
covenant wherein the Lord actually writes His law in the heart of the
believer. Obedience is loved, and the new motivation transcends fear of
being lost or hope of reward in being saved (either of those motivations is
what Paul means by his phrase, "under the law"). The old and new covenants
are not matters of time but of condition. Abraham's faith enabled him to live
under the new covenant, while multitudes of Christians today live under the
old covenant because self-centered concern is their motivation. The old
covenant was the promise of the people to be faithful; under the new
covenant salvation comes by believing God's promises to us, not by our
making promises to Him.
(5) God's love is active, not merely passive. As Good Shepherd, Christ is
actively seeking the lost sheep. Our salvation does not depend on our
seeking the Saviour but on our believing that He is seeking us. Those who
are lost at last continue to resist and despise the drawing of His love. This is
the essence of unbelief.
(6) Thus it is difficult to be lost and it is easy to be saved if one
understands and believes how good the good news is. Sin is a constant
resisting of His grace. Since Christ has already paid the penalty for every
man's sin, the only reason anyone can be condemned at last is continued
unbelief, a refusal to appreciate the redemption achieved by Christ on His
cross and ministered by Him as High Priest. The true gospel unveils this
unbelief and leads to an effective repentance that prepares the believer for
the return of Christ. Human pride and praise and flattery of human beings is
inconsistent with true faith in Christ but is a sure sign of prevailing unbelief,
even within the church.
(7) In seeking lost mankind, Christ came all the way, taking upon Himself
and assuming the fallen, sinful nature of man after the fall. This He did that
He might be tempted in all points like as we are, yet demonstrate perfect
righteousness "in the likeness of sinful flesh." The 1888 message accepts
"likeness" to mean what it says, not unlikeness. Righteousness is a word
never applied to Adam in his unfallen state, nor to sinless angels. It can only
connote a holiness that has come into conflict with sin in fallen human flesh,
and triumphed over it.
Thus "the message of Christ's righteousness" that Ellen White endorsed
so enthusiastically in the 1888 era is rooted in this unique view of the nature
of Christ. If He had taken the sinless nature of Adam before the fall, the term
"Christ's righteousness" would be a meaningless abstraction. The 1888
messengers recognized the teaching that Christ took only the sinless nature
of Adam before the fall to be a legacy of Romanism, the insignia of the
mystery of iniquity which keeps Him "afar off" and not "nigh at hand."
(8) Thus our Saviour "condemned sin in the flesh" of fallen mankind. This
means that He has outlawed sin; sin has become unnecessary in the light of
His ministry. It is impossible to have true New Testament faith in Christ and
continue in sin. We cannot excuse continued sinning by saying that we are
"only human" or that "the devil made me do it." In the light of the cross, the
devil cannot force anyone to sin. To be truly "human" is to be Christlike in
character, for He was and is fully human as well as divine.
(9) It follows that the only element God's people need in order to prepare
for Christ's return is that genuine New Testament faith. But that is precisely
what the church lacks. She imagines herself to be doctrinally and
experientially "rich and increased with goods" when in fact her root sin is a
pathetic unbelief. Righteousness is by faith; it is impossible to have faith and
not demonstrate righteousness in the life, because true faith works by love.
Moral and spiritual failures are the fruit of perpetuating Israel's ancient sin of
unbelief today through the confusion of a false righteousness by faith.
(10) Righteousness by faith since 1844 is "the third angel's message in
verity." Thus it is greater than what the Reformers taught and the popular
churches understand today. It is a message of abounding grace consistent
with the unique Adventist truth of the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary, a
work contingent on the full cleansing of the hearts of God's people on earth.
There are other aspects of the 1888 message such as reforms in health
and educational methods, but our principal concern in this book is its heart,
as recognized by Ellen White—righteousness by faith. It is not true that the
1888 message was opposed to church organization (see chapter 10).
The 1888 history and message supply a key to reconciliation with the
Lord Jesus. The great "final atonement" will become reality. "There shall be a
fountain opened to the house of David [the church leadership] and lo the
inhabitants of Jerusalem [the organized church] for sin and for uncleanness."
Some, perhaps many, will despise and reject that fountain which Zechariah
speaks of, but we believe that the inner heart of God's people is honest.
When they know the full truth, they will respond. "Thy people shall be willing
in the day of Thy power," says the Psalmist. The latent genius of Adventism
will yet perceive and receive truths as now dimly perceived. In spite of
opposition within the church structure, the Adventist conscience will yet
recognize Ellen White's 1888 testimony to be a genuine manifestation of the
gift of prophecy, "the testimony of Jesus." In its impact on honest hearts,
truth is invincible.
The world and the universe await that other angel who comes down from
heaven "having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory." If it
was the Lord's plan that the 1888 message be the "beginning" of that angel's
work and the "beginning" of the latter rain, could anything be more
important than seeking the full truth about it?
May this book be read with a prayer for discernment and a spirit of faith
and repentance.
The Authors.
June 3, 1987
The Advent Movement has not thus far made progress
consistent with its prophetic destiny. There has been
progress, but not that which Scripture says must come. The
three angels of Revelation 14 have not yet stirred the world.
Billions still know little or nothing about this life or death
We cannot deny that the fourth angel of Revelation 18
has not yet lightened the earth with the glory of his
message. God's program of loving concern for this planet has
somehow been thwarted. The long delay deepens perplexity
in the church and assumes vexing proportions.
To say that we have failed to do our duty is merely to
state the problem in different terms: Why haven't we done
our duty, and when will we do it? And to say that God will
soon arise and do something is to state it in still another
form: Why hasn't He already done what He will eventually
We would not dare to charge God with negligence in
fulfilling His word. We know that He so loves the world that
He gave His Son for its redemption, and He has been ready
to bring the plan of salvation to its ultimate triumph long
ago. The cross demonstrates His total devotion to the human
problem. Such love denies any possibility of divine
indifference. Yet billions know almost nothing about His
message of grace. Must they never know, never have a
chance to appreciate the redemption price He paid and His
on-going High Priestly ministry? The questions insist on
answers: What is the reason for the delay, and how can the
difficulty be rectified?
For the greater part of a century we have looked for
answers in each succeeding program, evangelistic
resolution, policy and strategy. If only some supernatural
power would render the propagation of the message
universally phenomenal so that world population could at
least understand what it is, then the movement would be
vindicated, and its long-awaited triumph would be realized.
There would then be no need to re-examine our history.
But God cannot vindicate a lukewarm people. This would
surrender His century-long insistence on their following right
principles communicated through an inspired messenger.
Such compromise would amount to His admission of defeat,
virtually that of the entire plan of redemption, because its
true success depends on its final hour.
The hope of God's people in all ages has been the first
resurrection. For Biblical reasons, Seventh-day Adventists
cannot agree with their brethren of other communions who
believe that the saved go immediately to their reward at
death. Scripture indicates that they "sleep in Jesus" until
they come forth in the first resurrection. But this hope is vain
unless Christ comes a second time, because His personal
presence alone can make a resurrection possible. "This same
Jesus" must return literally and personally. No ethereal spirit
substitute can raise the dead.
But this Adventist belief immediately poses a serious
problem which calls into question popular theories of
righteousness by faith. If the human soul is by nature
immortal and the saved go to heaven at death, no special
character preparation for the second coming can be
necessary. There is no further work that "the everlasting
gospel" can accomplish other than what it has accomplished
for thousands of years for those who have died. Thus popular
concepts of righteousness by faith allow of no special
preparation for a second coming.
This is the reason why most non-Adventist Protestants
conceive of righteousness by faith as limited to a legal
justification. In their view, perfect obedience to God's holy
law is neither necessary nor possible. A special preparation
for Christ's second coming is simply excluded from thought.
But the Bible truth of the nature of man requires that a
community of living believers be ready for Christ's second
coming, so that a resurrection of the dead can take place. He
is a Farmer who cannot come for His harvest until it is ripe
(Mark 4:26-29). But suppose God's people never do get
ready either because they cannot, or because they will not?
Christ says of Himself, "I ... overcame" (Revelation 3:21),
and He says that "the angel of the church of the Laodiceans"
must overcome "even as" He overcame. Evidently a special
preparation is necessary. But if that special preparation
never takes place, must He admit at last that His people
cannot or will not overcome, that His standard for them has
been too high, that He has never seriously expected it could
be attained? Have we misunderstood Him for over a century,
assuming that He demands obedience to His law when
obedience is impossible? Could it be that no special
readiness of His people is necessary?
These are serious questions. A sizable segment of the
church and its ministry lean toward popular concepts that it
is not possible to overcome sin per se. These ideas have
been adapted to Adventism, following the Calvinist view that
as long as one possesses a sinful nature, continued sinning is
unavoidable and therefore excusable. (This of course
logically denies the significance of the unique Adventist idea
of the antitypical Day of Atonement).
To lower God's expectation in order to vindicate an
uncaring, lukewarm people would insult divine justice. It
would mean establishing the Old Jerusalem in the new earth,
continually backsliding, unrepentant and disobedient, in
place of the spiritually triumphant and thoroughly repentant
New Jerusalem. It would disappoint the hopes of Abraham
who "looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder
and maker is God." This "city" would be a finally victorious
community of his spiritual descendants, not merely a few
scattered, uncoordinated individuals (cf. Hebrews 11:10).
Abraham's faith dare not prove to be in vain! There must be
a people who attain to that maturity of Christian experience
and faith of which he was the true spiritual ancestor. This is
the climax toward which history has been moving.
And not only did Abraham exercise such faith. We read
that Christ Himself has exercised faith in His people, despite
the fact that in the past they "did not believe." He gave His
blood for human beings and for the complete redemption of
the human race. That's an expensive investment if the
returns prove unsatisfactory! In the end "the faith of God"
must not prove to be "without effect" (Romans 3:3).
Otherwise, the everlasting gospel will be called in question
and He will be eternally embarrassed for having exercised a
naive faith in mankind.
Even though Christ died for us and paid the price of all
our sins as our divine Substitute, there must be some
response of faith on our part. Without a people truly ready
for Christ's second coming, and without their world mission
comprehended, the Lord cannot return. He cannot "thrust in"
His mighty sickle until "the harvest of the earth is ripe"
(Revelation 14:15, 16). Adventism is deeply rooted in this
obvious truth. There is no way we can get away from it and
remain Adventists.
Before the Lord can vindicate His remnant church, the
present generation must somehow in principle rectify every
failure of God's people to follow the light. This must be
accomplished not by a program of works, but by their
maturely developed faith. As Judge, God cannot clear the
unrepentant, whether individuals or a movement.
The findings of this essay suggest there has been some
grave official misunderstanding of vital Seventh-day
Adventist history. There is evidence that truth concerning
the latter rain of the Holy Spirit and the loud cry of
Revelation 18 has been distorted and even covered up.
There have been tragic world-wide consequences.
Misunderstanding our past also throws our understanding of
the present out of focus and weakens confidence in our
unique mission. And that can leave us prey to disaster. It is
impossible for any people anywhere to understand current
events correctly if they have distorted the facts of their past.
If God has ever spoken by me, the time will
come when we shall be brought before councils
and before thousands for His name's sake, and
each one will have to give the reasons of his
faith. Then will come the severest criticism
upon every position that has been taken for the
truth (RH December 18, 1888).
occur in "the investigative judgment," a corporate and final
Day of Atonement.
The present issue is not the salvation of the souls of
those dear leaders of a century ago who resisted the
message. They rest in the Lord, at peace, while they remain
prisoners in their tombs. The issue now is the finishing of the
work of God on earth, developing a long overdue empathy
with the Lord so that we can truly "give glory to Him, for the
hour of His judgment is come." We must recover in this
generation the priceless blessing which our brethren of a
century ago "kept away from the world" and "from our
people, in a great measure" (1 SM 234, 235). We are "one
body" in Christ, "a city" or a spiritual community corporately
involved with those brethren of the past. Their sin is our sin,
apart from specific, intelligent repentance.
The "body" is lukewarm, ill with spiritual disease that can
be traced to 1888. A new generation must now correctly
interpret what happened in a past generation because of its
profound implications for our spiritual state today. Christ's
message to His last-day church implicitly demands a re-
examination of our history which underlies our "rich-and-
increased-with-goods" complex (Revelation 3:14-21).
A failure to do so invokes upon ourselves the guilt of
previous generations. We are being tested as truly as they
were. Like Calvary, 1888 is more than a mere historical
event. God's providence will not permit it to be covered with
dust in the Adventist attic, forgotten by a new generation. It
represents the outworking of principles that reapply in every
generation until the final victory of truth.
In a certain real sense, we today are each one at Calvary;
we are also "delegates" at the 1888 Conference. We shall be
called upon to do what a past generation failed to do. An
inspired prophecy tells us how 1888 must be re-examined:
A former president of the General Conference also
recognized that this issue of 1888 must remain a perennial
test among us until at last we do fully overcome:
unless you and I have every fiber of that spirit
rooted out of our hearts, we will treat that
message and the messenger by whom it is sent,
as God has declared we have treated this other
[1888] message (ibid., p. 185).
truth is the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary, a High
Priestly ministry of the world's Saviour which has never
taken place in history previous to 1844.
The next step will be for those who claim to cherish "the
blessed hope" to decide to follow, in the sense of utter
devotion, one Lord or the other. The implications of such a
decision are staggering to contemplate.
Adventist Church was conceived in an experience of genuine
love and was born in a travail of soul by those few who
risked everything on their recognition of a genuine work of
the Holy Spirit. Thus she was well born, conceived in true
faith and not in legalism.
In her early years, she loved the Lord with a true heart,
and appreciated the presence of the Holy Spirit. Her later
difficulties stem from a tragic leaving of that "first love," and
a consequent failure to recognize the true Holy Spirit.
As early as 1850, this warmth of devotion for Jesus began
to be gradually replaced in the hearts of many by a "stupid
and dormant," "half awake" condition, according to the
young messenger of the Lord. An insidious love of self began
to replace true love for the Saviour, producing
lukewarmness. Pride and complacency in possessing a
system of truth gradually crowded out much of the simple
heart-felt faith in Jesus which led to its acceptance originally.
walking humbly in utter dependence on the Lord, "we" began
to walk proudly with our indisputable doctrinal evidence of
"the truth."
The result was inevitably a form of legalism. The same
experience has been repeated often in the individual lives of
new Adventist converts. Rightly understood, the history of
the Advent movement is the story of our own individual
hearts. Each of us is a microcosm of the whole, as each drop
of water embodies the essence of the rain. In all that we say
about the experience of past years, we remember that we
are no better than our forefathers. As Paul informed the
believers at Rome, "we" do the same things (Romans 2:1).
Only through an insight which recognizes corporate guilt can
the failures of our denominational history be resolved with
positive, encouraging value.
would actually be "insulted" by the responsible delegates at
an official General Conference Session (cf. Ms. 24, 1892;
Special Testimonies, Series A, No. 7, p. 54; see chapter six).
How could Seventh-day Adventists do such a thing?
Had it not been for Ellen White's continued ministry, it is
doubtful that the movement could have survived other than
as a legalistic cult like the Jehovah's Witnesses or the
Worldwide Church of God. This in itself--usually recognized
as true--is a strikingly plain commentary on the nature of our
deep seated unbelief. We were repeating in a few decades
history which ancient Israel took centuries to traverse. No
Seventh-day Adventist would deny that the church was
"Jerusalem." But she was still the old city, not yet the New.
We failed to see the three angels' messages as "the
everlasting gospel." The doctrines were true. But ministers
and members were blinded to a proper discernment of the
third angel's message in verity, as the blindness of the Jews
prevented them from discerning the true message of the Old
Testament. That verity which the Jews couldn't see was the
place of the cross in their sanctuary services and in the
ministry of their long-expected Messiah. Likewise, the place
of the cross in the third angel's message eluded our late-
nineteenth-century brethren.
As early as 1867, Ellen White spoke of the principle of the
cross (rather than dress reform) as the fundamental motif
inspiring all of our Seventh-day Adventist commitment and
prosperous growth numerically, financially, and in prestige.
This was reflected in a steady increase of institutional,
financial, and organizational strength. The fledgling
movement, starting from less than nothing in the face of the
world's post-1844 scorn, had assumed the form of a
permanently established denomination, well respected. We
had what was widely recognized as the finest health
institution in the world, and one of the most advanced
church printing plants in the "west."
Of course, there was nothing wrong with such material
progress. Most of the advances made were at the insistence
of the agent of the gift of prophecy. It was right and proper
that institutions be established, that the work spread into
new regions and churches everywhere be raised up. But
ministers and laity alike mistook this growth for the true end
and purpose of the Advent movement--a spiritual
preparation for the return of Christ. Confusion resulted, and
self-esteem and complacency began to surface in the weekly
reports of "the advance of the cause" as published in the
The spirit evident in those reports of "progress" contrasts
with the fervent messages of counsel which Ellen White sent
out at the same time. Many of the brethren expressed
almost incessant optimism about the results of their work.
True, God was leading, and the movement was His. But
inspiration and history report that the most remarkable
aspect of the "work" was not its material progress, but its
lack of spiritual maturity.
The primary purpose of the Advent movement has
always been to develop the Christlike character of a remnant
which vindicates His sacrifice. No other community of saints
in all history have welcomed such a maturity of experience,
symbolized in Scripture as the Bride making "herself ready"
(Revelation 19:7). This last remnant will become the
population of a "New Jerusalem," having overcome the
backslidings of all previous generations. In their character
will be seen the practical results of the cleansing of the
heavenly sanctuary. The plan of salvation is to reach its
culmination, and the doubts and objections of Satan and his
hosts are to be forever answered. The unfallen universe itself
is to be reassured by watching a grand demonstration of the
complete success of the plan of salvation in its final hour.
The gospel is to be demonstrated as "the power of God unto
salvation" (Romans 1:16).
Bound up with the attainment of this primary objective is
the realization of a secondary one: finishing the gospel
program of world mission. The attainment of the secondary
goal is represented in Scripture as virtually assured once the
primary one is realized (Mark 4:26-29; Revelation 14:15; John
Had "we" not been blinded by self-love, a true
understanding of the verity of the three angels' messages
would long ago have ensured genuine progress toward the
attainment of that primary goal of Christlikeness of
character. Instead, there has been an imagined progress in
the fulfillment of the secondary goal.
But a serious problem immediately becomes evident.
Other denominations are making the same kind of numerical
and institutional "progress," even far better, which suggests
that such growth means little so far as Heaven's real
blessings on our work are concerned. In the process we have
largely lost sight of the primary goal in this illusory
fulfillment of the secondary one. Official reports reach ill-
advised conclusions based on financial or statistical
advancement. One example follows, the tip of an iceberg of
pride and complacency:
became so painfully evident in an all-pervasive
lukewarmness. In desperate efforts to help, she sent burning
messages of entreaty to "us" in the years preceding the
1888 Conference, messages to motivate ministers and
people to recover the deep, heart-felt love for Jesus that had
become nearly lost. She worked hard, but for some reason
the appeals largely fell on deaf ears and were not successful.
truth that we should not have had unless God
had sent somebody to bring it to us.... I accept
it, and I no more dare to lift my hand against
these persons [than] against Jesus Christ, who
is to be recognized in His messengers....
We have been in perplexity, and we have
been in doubt, and the churches are ready to
die. But now here we read [quotes Revelation
18:1] (Ms. 2, 1890).
For decades preceding 1888, the church and its
leadership looked forward to the "times of refreshing" when
the long-expected latter rain would come. This was a
cherished expectation among us a century ago like the long-
awaited coming of the Messiah was to the Jews in John the
Baptist's time.
However, few seemed to recognize that the latter rain
and the loud cry would be primarily a clearer understanding
of the gospel. The loud cry was expected to be increased
noise. It took us by surprise that it turned out to be increased
We expected a thunderous shaking of the earth with a
message of "Get ready, or else!" and were not prepared for
the still small voice of a revelation of grace as the true
motivation of the third angel's message. The supernatural
power we hoped for must be consequent on our accepting
that greater gospel light. that must lighten the earth with
There was a terrible danger that the Jewish leaders might
reject their Messiah when He should come "suddenly." And
there was an equal danger that the responsible leaders of
our church might spurn the loud cry when it should begin. As
far back as 1882 Ellen White had warned that they might
someday be unable to recognize the true Holy Spirit:
Those who have trusted to intellect, genius,
or talent, will not then stand at the head of
rank and file. They did not keep pace with the
light. Those who have proved themselves
unfaithful will not then be entrusted with the
flock. In the last solemn work, few great men
will be engaged (5T 80).
Ellen White had looked forward to the time when the Lord
would take leadership into His own hands and raise up
human instruments whom He could trust:
pass by experienced ministers, to use younger or more
obscure agents:
In that very year, 1882, E. J. Waggoner began a course of
training that was evidently under the special guidance of the
Holy Spirit. He was being prepared to be the agent of a
special work. He later described his experience:
earnest, and deep- feeling person whose effectual prayers
gave evidence that he knew the Lord (interview, June 4,
Young Jones' keen intellect was balanced by warm,
simple, child-like faith. In the days when he was used of God,
he was powerful in preaching and in personal ministry. In the
years immediately following 1888, there were significant
demonstrations of the Spirit of God working through him,
including special ministry in Washington at the U. S. Senate
to defeat the Blair Sunday bill. In fact, this near-century of
continuing religious liberty that Americans enjoy is a legacy
of the effective efforts of the unrecognized and unhonored
Jones and Waggoner in opposing religious intolerance of their
The Spirit of God was truly preparing these two young
men to herald to the remnant church and to the world itself
the "beginning" of the long-awaited loud cry:
Olson, Through Crisis to Victory, p. 279;
hereafter, Olson).
The message given us by A. T. Jones and E. J.
Waggoner is the message of God to the
Laodicean church (Letter S24, 1892).
Several have written to me inquiring if the
[1888] message of justification by faith is the
third angel's message, and I have answered, "It
is the third angel's message in verity." The
prophet declares, "And after these things I saw
another angel come down from heaven, having
great power; and the earth was lightened with
his glory" [Rev. 18:1] (RH, April 1, 1890).
position; but I warn you against doing this....
Excited feelings will lead to rash moves (Ms. 15,
1888; Olson, p. 295).
I can never forget the experience which we
had in Minneapolis, or the things which were
then revealed to me in regard to the spirit that
controlled men, the words spoken, the actions
done in obedience to the powers of evil... They
were moved at the meeting by another spirit,
and they knew not that God had sent these
young men to bear a special message to them
which they treated with ridicule and contempt,
not realizing that the heavenly intelligences
were looking upon them.
I know that at that time the Spirit of God
was insulted (MS. 24, 1892).
Ellen White described what was happening, using the future
tense to depict events in the present:
message which they bear? Will you dare to turn
from, or make light of, the warnings, because
God did not consult you as to what would be
preferred? (RH December 27, 1890).
God ... gave you opportunity to come up
armed and equipped to the help of the Lord....
But did you make ready? ... You sat still, and
did nothing. You left the word of the Lord to fall
unheeded to the ground; and now the Lord has
taken men who were boys when you were
standing at the forefront of the battle, and has
given to them the message and the work which
you did not take upon you.... Will you criticize?
Will you say, "They are getting out of their
place?" Yet you did not fill the place they are
now called to fill (TM 413).
supporting the idea that Jones and Waggoner
contributed a contentious spirit to the "terrible
experience at the Minneapolis Conference."]
They bore almost exclusively upon faith as
the factor in salvation, ... [were] not disposed
to consider the other side calmly.... Were not
wholly without fault in conceit and
Failed to show the humility and love which
righteousness by faith imparts.... Extreme
teaching of Jones and Waggoner is observable
still in the mystical pronouncements of those
who make faith all and works nothing.
... [They were] imperfect channels.... As we
look back on the controversy we perceive that
it was the rancors aroused by [Jones' and
Waggoner's] personalities, much more than the
differences in beliefs, which caused the
difficulty (A. W. Spalding, Captains of the Host,
pp. 591-602).
Ellen White foretold that this tragic development would
take place if opposition to their message continued.
Nevertheless, she added, their later failure would in no way
invalidate their message and ministry from 1888-1896, the
period of her endorsements (see chapter 10). For us to
criticize these "messengers" during that era of the
"beginning" loud cry is to endorse the objections of their
contemporary opponents. Logically, it justifies spurning the
special blessing which came from heaven. It's amazing that
after a hundred years we still feel compelled to blame the
Lord's special messengers for the consequences of our own
Ellen White notably regarded Jones and Waggoner as
showing a genuine Christian spirit during and after the
Minneapolis conference (contemporary eyewitness accounts
substantiate her judgment):
Waggoner started in, it seemed very different
from what I was looking for. By the close of his
second lesson I was ready to concede that he
was going to be fair and his manner did not
show any spirit of controversy, nor did he
mention any opposition that he was
anticipating. Very soon his manner, and the
pure gospel that he was setting forth materially
changed my mind and attitude, and I was an
earnest listener for Truth ... At the close of
Elder Waggoner's fourth or fifth lesson I was a
subdued, repenting sinner....
.... After Elder Waggoner had finished his
eleven studies, the influence of which had in
quite a measure taken out of a good many the
debating spirit.... (C. McReynolds, "Experiences
While at the General Conference in
Minneapolis, Minn., in 1888." E. G. White
Estate, D File, 189).
vital importance, and will put such firmness
and decision into their testimonies that they
will make a break against the barriers of Satan
(TM 410, 412, 413).
1893, quoted in FE 242, 243; RH April 18,
God at that time, they would have received the
richest blessings, disappointed the enemy, and
stood as faithful men, true to their convictions.
They would have had a rich experience; but self
said, "No." Self was not willing to be bruised;
self struggled for the mastery, and every one of
those souls will be tested again on the points
where they failed then.... Self and passion
developed hateful characteristics (Letter 19,
Some have been cultivating hatred against
the men whom God has commissioned to bear a
special message to the world. They began this
satanic work at Minneapolis. Afterward, when
they saw and felt the demonstration of the Holy
Spirit testifying that the message was of God,
they hated it the more, because it was a
testimony against them (TM 79, 80; 1895).
The Holy Spirit will, from time to time,
reveal the truth through its own agencies; and
no man, not even a priest or a ruler, has a right
to say, You shall not give publicity to your
opinions, because I do not believe them. That
wonderful "I" may attempt to put down the
Holy Spirit's teaching (TM 70; 1896).
They [the opposers] heard not, neither
would they understand. Why?--Lest they should
be converted and have to acknowledge that all
their ideas were not correct. This they were too
proud to do, and therefore persisted in
rejecting God's counsel and the light and
evidence which had been given.... This is the
ground which some of our leading brethren are
travelling over now (Ms. 25, 1890).
Six years later Ellen White identified those who rejected
the message with a generic designation. The "some" were
the bulk of our leading, most influential brethren: "The light
that is to lighten the whole earth with its glory was resisted,
and by the action of our own brethren has been in a great
degree kept away from the world" (Letter 96, 1896; 1 SM
235; emphasis added). Without exception she consistently
identifies those "of our own brethren" who rejected as
"many" and those who accepted as "few" (see chapter 4).
The parable of 1888 throws light on our position today:
Whether the 1888 message was accepted or rejected is
more than a trivial academic controversy. As it is impossible
to separate the gospel from the history of the cross, so it is
impossible to appreciate the 1888 message apart from
seeing the truth of its history. We cannot correctly
understand our present corporate relationship to Christ
unless we understand that reality. Confusion is dangerous,
for it is well known that a people who do not know history
are fated to repeat it, and may already be doing so.
predominant leadership, and has been the secure doctrinal
possession of the church ever since. Here is a "rich and
increased with goods" assumption. Briefly stated, the official
view follows:
opposition.... Only a small hard core of "die-
hards" continued to reject it....
The "some" who rejected turns out to be
less than twenty out of more than ninety--less
than one quarter. And, according to Olson most
of those twenty made confessions, hence
ceased being "rejectors" and thus becoming
accepters (ibid., pp. 367-369; emphasis
It has ... been suggested by a few--entirely
erroneously--that the Seventh-day Adventist
Church has gone astray in failing to grasp this
great fundamental Christian teaching [the 1888
message] (R. R. Figuhr, General Conference
President, in Foreword to By Faith Alone, p. vii,
by N. F. Pease; 1962).
message to that of the Jews against Christ.2 That was not
If these statements are true, it is hard to understand why
Ellen White should be so concerned for a decade and even
longer about what she said was continued rejection of the
message on the part of "our brethren" at headquarters when
so few opposed it. Would the Lord withhold from the entire
world church the blessings of the latter rain and the loud cry
if less than ten ministers persisted in opposing it, and they
not even leaders?
If so, can we ever hope for a better percentage of
acceptance of any message Heaven might send us? If the
Lord withholds from all of us the blessings of His Holy Spirit
because of such miniscule opposition, what hope do we have
that there ever can be a finishing of the gospel commission?
Pease makes one brief reference to Ellen White's November 22, 1892 statement identifying the
message as the "beginning" of the loud cry (By Faith Alone, p. 156). But in general he identifies the
message as a mere re-emphasis of the popular Protestant "doctrine." Froom often positively and firmly
recognizes the message as the "beginning" of the latter rain and the loud cry, but illogically contradicts
himself by maintaining just as firmly that it was the same message as the popular Evangelical
revivalists of the time were preaching (Movement of Destiny, pp. 262, 318-325, 345, 561-570, 662-
667). The other writers totally ignore Ellen White's identification of the message.
resisted and rejected the message, most of the others
repenting, so that in the end the message was quite well
accepted by the responsible leadership of the church.
Dr. Froom tells us that A. W. Spalding's and L. H.
Christian's accounts of the 1888 history are "in complete
harmony" with the facts (op. cit., p. 268). And A. V. Olson
likewise suggests that Spalding presents "the whole truth" of
the matter (op. cit., p. 233). Their accounts differ markedly
from Ellen White's, but since they enjoy such full modern
endorsement, they deserve our close attention:
angel of the church" (Revelation 3:14, 17) who claims to be
"rich and enriched" through an assumed acceptance of the
The "mighty revival" that others say took place, Daniells
placed in the category of a "what might have been:"
beginning ... opposed then and all the way
since by every question ... that they could
devise, the truth of righteousness by faith as
that truth is in the plain word of the Scriptures.
This I know because more than once have I
been held up by the hour in that very way by
these very men (A. T. Jones letter to R. S.
Owen, February 20, 1908.)4
assumed that "many" who initially rejected or were neutral
later repented, the great majority are assumed to have
ended up accepting the message. Jones' 1921 statement
continues with a different view:
This letter was written when Jones was not far from his
death. It reveals a chastened spirit of loyalty to all Seventh-
day Adventist doctrinal beliefs, and to the full inspiration of
Ellen White's prophetic ministry.
Within five years, A. G. Daniells published his view that
essentially agrees with that of Jones: "The message has
never been received, nor proclaimed, nor given free course
as it should have been in order to convey to the church the
measureless blessings that were wrapped within it" (Christ
Our Righteousness, p. 47; 1926).
But we do not need to depend on Jones' or Daniells'
appraisal of what happened. We have other testimony.
Why was this? Next week she told the reason why the lay
members and younger ministers were hesitant:
She also agreed with Jones' statement that there was not
one of the leading brethren at headquarters willing to take a
firm stand for the message of Christ's righteousness:
Again and again did I bear my testimony to
those assembled [Minneapolis, 1888] in a clear
and forcible manner, but that testimony was
not received. When I came to Battle Creek, I
repeated the same testimony in the presence of
Elder Butler, but there was not one who had the
courage to stand on my side and help Elder
Butler to see that he, as well as others, had
taken wrong positions.... The prejudice of Elder
Butler was greater after hearing the various
reports from our ministering brethren at that
meeting in Minneapolis (January 25, 1889;
Letter U3, 1889; emphasis added).
have made full confession of their mistaken
zeal, their blindness, their jealousies and evil
surmisings, their defiance of truth? Not one ...
(Letter, November 5, 1892; B2a 1892).
Men ... stand in the way of sinners, and sit
in the seat of the scornful.
Many have entered dark, secret paths, and
some will never return.
They have tempted God, they have rejected
They have chosen darkness rather than
light, and have defiled their souls.
They have not only refused to accept the
message, but they have hated the light.
These men are parties to the ruin of souls.
They have interposed themselves between the
heaven-sent light and the people. They have
trampled upon the word of God, and are doing
despite to His Holy Spirit.
Have stood for years resisting light and
cherishing the spirit of opposition.
How long will you hate and despise the
messengers of God's righteousness?
They have taunted them [the messengers]
with being fanatics, extremists, and
You will, when it is too late, see that you
have been fighting against God.
Your turning things upside down is known of
the Lord.
Go on a little longer as you have done, in
rejection of the light from heaven, and you are
So long as false guideposts, pointing the
wrong way.
If you reject Christ's delegated messengers,
you reject Christ.
Despise this glorious offer of justification
through the blood of Christ.
I entreat you ... cease your stubborn
resistance of light and evidence (TM 89-98).
"beginning of a great spiritual awakening among Adventists,"
a "denomination-wide revival"! Ellen White wrote better than
she knew in 1895: "Your turning things upside down is
known of the Lord."
Seven or eight years after the Conference afforded ample
opportunity for repentance, confessions, and a hearty
participation in a "denomination-wide revival." The
chronology of rejection can be catalogued year by year:
their candlestick will be removed out of its
place (TM 167, 168, 161; July 15, 1892).
That men should keep alive the spirit which
ran riot at Minneapolis is an offense to God. All
heaven is indignant at the spirit that for years
has been revealed in our publishing institution
at Battle Creek ... A voice has been heard
pointing out the errors and, in the name of the
Lord, pleading for a decided change. But who
have followed the instruction given? who have
humbled their hearts to put from them every
vestige of their wicked, oppressive spirit? (TM
76, 77; May 30, 1896).
Jones and Waggoner. The acceptance theory is based largely
on these statements. We must give due weight to them. The
following are samples of her glowing enthusiasm:
considered. An impression of leadership acceptance must be
balanced by reality.
Jones said that those meetings "turned the tide with the
people." However, there never was an issue or tide to be
turned with the people. The problem was entirely with the
leaders and the ministry. The people were ready to accept
the light gladly if the leaders should permit it to come to
them undistorted and unopposed, or rather, if they should
join heartily in presenting it. Many younger ministers were
keenly interested. But the continually noncommittal attitude
or outright opposition of responsible leaders in Battle Creek
and elsewhere quenched the movement. Not only do Ellen
White's remarks attest this fact, but the General Conference
correspondence in the Archives is also clear.
In fact, it is not necessary even to summon her to the
witness stand to testify to this official Battle Creek rejection
of the message. The documentation in the recorded
correspondence demonstrates an undercurrent of opposition,
which Jones spoke of as "a secret antagonism always carried
on" (see Additional Note at the end of this chapter).
those upon whom the ends of the world are
At this meeting ... opposition, rather than
investigation, is the order of the day....
unbelief, of those who ought to have faith, that
keeps the churches in feebleness (RH July 26,
1892; emphasis added).
Now although there has been a determined
effort to make of no effect the message God
has sent, its fruits have been proving that it
was from the source of light and truth. Those
who have ... stood to bar the way against all
evidence, cannot be supposed to have clearer
spiritual eyesight for having so long closed
their eyes to the light God sent to the people....
There will be resistance from the very ones we
expected to engage in such a work (Letter O19,
Holy Spirit testifying that the message was of God, they
hated it the more" (TM 80; 1895). A few years before, Ellen
White had pathetically appealed for unity with the
Light has been shining upon the church of
God, but many have said by their indifferent
attitude, "We want not thy way, O God, but our
own way." The Kingdom of heaven has come
very near, ... but they have barred the door of
the heart, and have not received the heavenly
guests; for as yet they know not the love of
There is less excuse in our day for
stubborness and unbelief than there was for
the Jews in the days of Christ.... Our sin and its
retribution will be the greater, if we refuse to
walk in the light. Many say, "If I had only lived
in the days of Christ, I would not have wrested
His words, or falsely interpreted His
instruction. I would not have rejected and
crucified Him, as did the Jews"; but that will be
proved by the way in which you deal with His
message and His messengers to-day....
Those who live in this day are not
accountable for the deeds of those who
crucified the Son of God; but if with all the light
that shone upon His ancient people delineated
before us, we travel over the same ground,
cherish the same spirit, refuse to receive
reproof and warning, then our guilt will be
greatly augmented (ibid., April 11, 1893).
evidences that God has given to balance the
mind in regard to truth? (ibid., April 18, 1892).
Some of the brethren recognized in 1893 that because
reformation had been refused, revival had consequently
failed. Jones said:
tended to make of no effect the light God had
given to His people through the Testimonies ...
because some of those who occupy responsible
positions were leavened with the spirit that
prevailed at Minneapolis, a spirit that
beclouded the discernment of the people of
God (ibid., p. 419).
This does not mean that the war has been lost. Far from
it. Only a battle was lost. We have here, however, a most
intriguing situation. A few paragraphs later in the same
letter, Ellen White predicted that Satan would work up his
advantage skillfully. "The deep plotting of Satan will reveal
its working everywhere." He would be far too keen to make
the blunder of assuming the livery of the devil; he would
pretend to be the Christ. "The appearance of a false Christ
will arouse delusive hopes in the minds of those who will
allow themselves to be deceived."
Satan is too keen-minded to claim his victory before it is
complete, even though the partial victory is true. Such
boasting would drive the remnant church to her knees in the
repentance of the ages, for she is honest in heart. Telling her
the truth will never work--she must be kept in deception until
the very last.
Therefore, Satan's desire is that we should be deceived
about our 1888 history. He will slyly admit defeat and
concede the victory, pretending to lie prostrate at our feet.
But the deception, if cherished, can lead only to an
infatuation with the false Christ. If we cannot read the past
aright, how will we be able to interpret the future correctly
as it unrolls before our eyes?
Do these obvious truths paint a dark or discouraging
picture? Not if we love Him who says He is the Truth.
Recognizing truth is the only way to come close to Him!
While it is true that our history is a clear call to
repentance, we must remember that calls to repentance
have always been up-beat, positive, hope-inspiring, and
That experience is no evidence that God will have cast off
His church. Peter, when he threw himself on the ground in
Gethsemane and wished that he might die, was at last
converted (Matthew 26:75; DA 713). When the above words
are fulfilled, the remnant church will likewise be converted.
Her Pentecost will be no further away at that time than
Peter's was when he came to know himself, and in so doing,
found His Lord's forgiveness.
A true understanding of the 1888 experience will figure
largely in our coming to know ourselves: "Sometime it will be
seen in its true bearing, with all the burden of woe that has
resulted from it" (GCB 1893, p. 184).
A. T. Jones at the 1893 meeting also referred to that long-
delayed "sometime" of reparation:
(3) When the 1888 message of righteousness by faith,
the true "beginning" of the latter rain, is accepted, there will
be seen in the remnant church a revival of primitive
godliness heretofore unknown. "The enemy of God and man
is not willing that this truth should be clearly presented; for
he knows that if the people receive it fully, his power will be
broken." (GW 103, old edition). The only conclusion possible:
the message of Christ's righteousness was not truly
(4) The message being of God in a special sense, the
authoritative, responsible, and persistent opposition to it
constituted a spiritual defeat for the Advent movement; but
this defeat must be recognized as a battle in a larger war,
and not the losing of the war itself.
Such a view of the matter will require that this generation
recognize the facts of the case, and thoroughly rectify the
tragic mistake. This can be done, and the living, righteous
God will help us.
This has to be good news.
We have had good meetings here... Bro. A.
T. Jones has been doing most of the preaching.
I wish you could have heard some of his
sermons. He seems altogether different from
what he did [sic] at Minneapolis. Some of his
sermons are as good, I think, as I ever heard.
They are all new too. He is original in his
preaching and in his practical preaching seems
very tender and deeply feels all he says. My
estimation of him has raised considerably since
I have seen the other side of the man (Letter to
J. W. Watt, January 1, 1889).5
than those upon which there is a difference of
opinion among our leading brethren. I do not
think you want to bring that spirit into the
Missouri Conference (Letter to N. W. Alee,
January 23, 1890; emphasis supplied).
professing acceptance of "the doctrine of justification by
We can be grateful that he was a prolific letter-writer, for
he gives valuable insights into the behind-the-scenes
attitudes of leadership. He discloses his inner feelings with
candor. His continuing heart opposition to the message was
evidently a heavy burden to his conscience like Saul's
kicking against the pricks. Concerning this confrontation with
Waggoner he writes to Butler:
than was necessary." This would be politically astute.
Waggoner spoiled his plans by telling the open truth, and "let
the whole thing out; and all I could do was to say that we
had thought best to ask Dr. Waggoner to postpone the
covenant question for the present."
Ellen White, W. C. White, Waggoner and A. T. Jones
labored to set matters right before the brethren in Battle
Creek, with the result that the truth forced Dan Jones, Uriah
Smith, and others unwillingly into a corner. Again, Dan Jones
was candid in telling his friends of the discomfiture they had
how it could be so. Every circumstance seemed
to add to the evidence to prove the things true;
but, regardless of all this, they have been
proven false (Letter to J. D. Pegg, March 17,
am trying to think as little about it as possible
(Letter, April 1, 1890).7
Two weeks later, Dan Jones is still not sure, and can now
bring himself to speak with some derision of what was in fact
the leading of the Lord in the beginning of the latter rain. He
wants to see Jones and Waggoner whittled down to size, and
assures Elder Butler that he and the brethren are still nobly
carrying on the fight against them. What Ellen White and
history have recognized as "a most precious message" he
still considers in the category of "peculiar views" that he
hopes never again will be tolerated:
Uriah Smith and Ellen White's modern critics are mistaken in attributing to her a significant change in
her position on the law in Galatians. She urged J. H. Waggoner not to make prominent his view that the
law in Galatians is the moral law, but it appears there is no evidence that she said to him what Smith
thought she did. Undoubtedly J. H. Waggoner did not grasp the larger heart-warming truths of
Galatians as clearly as his son did later. She could not endorse the father's message as "most
precious." Smith mistakenly relied on a partial fact to condemn the further light that the Lord sent
through Waggoner's son in 1888.
peculiar views than they have been in the past
(Letter to Butler, April 14, 1890).
as easy for us today to consider the larger gift of the Holy
Spirit a disaster as it was for him to do so. He sees the
leading of the Lord as a great "calamity." We can note his
arguments only briefly:
situation to me, when, because I venture a
word of caution on some of these points, I am
held up in public as one who is shooting in the
dark, and does not know what he is opposing. I
think I do know to some degree what I am
opposing. I probably do not know the full
extent of this work of innovation and
disintegration that is going on; but I see
enough to cause me some anxiety. I believe I
am willing to receive light at any time, from
anybody. But what claims to be light must, for
me, show itself to be according to the
Scriptures and based on good solid reasons
which convince the judgment, before it appears
light to me. And when anyone presents
something which I have long known and
believed, it is impossible for me to call that new
light (Letter of Uriah Smith, February 17, 1890).
It's too late now for our brethren of a century ago to dig
deep enough into their souls to repent of rejecting the most
significant outpouring of the Holy Spirit since Pentecost.
Thank God, it's not yet too late for us to do so, for we can
easily see ourselves in them.
leaders also proclaimed "the same general ... emphasis,"
having obtained their message "from the same Source."
Without exception, all these highly endorsed books of recent
years logically imply that the "verity" of the third angel's
message is nothing more than popular Protestant teaching.
Not one takes a consistent position to evaluate the 1888
message as Ellen White did, nor recognizes any unique
Adventist element in it. Froom's insistence is very clear:
borrow from the Evangelicals, the essence of Seventh-day
Adventism is legalism. Certainly therefore we have no
mandate to call the Christian world to judgment and
What is the true evaluation of the 1888 message? Was it
the "same doctrine" that the Protestant Reformers and 19th
century Evangelicals taught, as our authors insist? Or was it
a distinct, unique understanding of "the everlasting gospel"
in relation to our special sanctuary message? Our officially
endorsed authors all ignore any such special sanctuary
The truth of this is crucial to understanding our identity
as a people.
If the message of 1888 was only the historic Protestant
doctrine of justification by faith, we face some serious
(1) Suppose we accept that Ellen White is correct in
saying repeatedly that the 1888 message was resisted and
rejected; it must follow logically that Seventh-day Adventist
Church leadership rejected "the same doctrine" that Luther
and Wesley taught concerning justification by faith.
In other words, for us to say that the message of 1888
was the "same doctrine that Luther, Wesley ... had been
teaching" logically requires that our 1888 forefathers
rejected the historic Protestant position. Such a rejection
would be as disastrous as Rome's rejection of Luther, or the
Church of England's rejection of Wesley. This would be
tantamount to a spiritual fall as bad as the fall of Babylon.
But this cannot be, for it would destroy the foundations of
the church. Thus our authors are forced to assume that "we"
accepted the message of 1888, and had a "great ... revival."
are today losing ministers, members and youth for the same
basic reason--they see nothing unique and attractive in our
gospel message. These officially endorsed views imply that
there is nothing unique about it.
Have our trusted historians unwittingly short-circuited the
Seventh-day Adventist movement of destiny? If so, great
damage has been done, for authoritatively published ideas
have a great impact on the world church.
believed and had preached some twenty, thirty, or forty
years before? Or if this session of 1888 included a new
generation of Adventist preachers, how could they reject a
"glorious truth" their immediate forebears had been
(2) Again, how could we defend ourselves against the
charge that the Adventist church suffered a moral fall similar
to that of Babylon if we accept the view that the 1888
brethren rejected a re-emphasis of truth that they believed
at the beginning of the Advent movement? When one is
climbing upwards, and suddenly goes backward, that is a
We deplore offshoots and uncharitable critics unjustly
saying that the church has fallen as did Babylon. We don't
believe it. But the official version of our 1888 history logically
concedes this discouraging view. Many reasoning minds
follow it to its ultimate conclusions, as did Conradi. The more
we ferret out the truths of 1888, the more apparent it
becomes that off-shoots, fanaticism, apostasies, and
lukewarm complacency proliferate because of our long-
standing failure to recognize those realities.
entered upon that last phase of His work in 1844. From there
He ministers true justification by faith to those who follow
Him by faith. Hence there is something unique about
justification by faith in the light of the Day of Atonement, and
the 1888 message recognizes it.
If allowed free course for heart acceptance and
theological development, the message would have prepared
a people to meet the Lord "not having spot, or wrinkle, or
any such thing," "without fault before the throne of God"
(Ephesians 5:27; Revelation 14:5). It was intended by its
Divine Author to ripen the "firstfruits unto God and to the
Lamb." If this is not true, Ellen White's lifetime credibility
must suffer, as well as our denominational self-respect.
Further, the obvious undeniable rejection of that
message did not constitute a moral or spiritual fall of the
remnant church involving a repudiation of Protestant
theology. It was rather an arresting of her ordained spiritual
development, a pitiful blindness and inability to recognize
the eschatalogical consummation of the love and the call of
the Lord.
The rejection of that message virtually eclipsed an ethical
and practical understanding of the cleansing of the heavenly
sanctuary. It left only the outward shell of doctrinal structure,
such as the chronological proofs of the 2300 years, and the
mechanical concept of the "investigative judgment" as
preached by us before 1888. Our own retarded growth in
understanding has invited the scorn of Evangelical
opponents who deride this unique Adventist truth as "flat,
stale, and profitless." This is why so many of our own people,
especially our youth, see the sanctuary "doctrine" as boring
and irrelevant.
Doctor has placed it before us. You say, many of you,
that it is light and truth. Yet you have not presented
it in its light heretofore.... That which has been
presented harmonizes perfectly with the light which
God has been pleased to give me during all the years
of my experience. If our ministering brethren would
accept the doctrine which has been presented so
clearly ... the people would be fed with their portion
of the meat in due season (Ms. 15, 1888; Olson, op.
cit., pp. 294, 295).
the order of God that light has been kept from
our people--the very present truth which they
needed for this time. Not all our ministers who
are giving the third angel's message, really
understand what constitutes that message (5T
714, 715).
for this time (Ms. 8a, 1888; Olson, pp. 273,
things than have ever been needed before
(ibid., February 25, 1890).
We have been hearing His voice more
distinctly in the message that has been going
for the last two years.... We have only just
begun to get a little glimmering of what faith is
(ibid., March 11, 1890).
Thus it is evident:
1. The message of 1888 was "light" which the brethren
had not seen or presented "heretofore."
2. It was our "meat in due season"--food for today, not
manna restored from yesterday.
3. Ellen White heard at Minneapolis for the first time a
doctrinal unfolding of what she had been "trying to present"
all along--the matchless charms of Christ in the light of His
Day-of-Atonement ministry. No other human lips had
preached it.
4. She recognized in E. J. Waggoner an agent used by the
Lord for an advanced revelation of truth to His people and to
the world.
5. The "verity" of the third angel's message had not been
comprehended by our ministers because they had not
advanced in understanding as they should have forty-four
years after the beginning of the cleansing of the sanctuary.
Instead, advanced light had been kept from the people.
6. The brethren at the time understood her support of
Waggoner and Jones as a recommendation of the new light
which they brought. It was not a call to their original
understanding of the "established doctrines." It opposed a
mere re-emphasis of old understandings. Had Brethren
Butler, Smith and others so understood it, would they not
have been strong to champion it instead of opposing it as
they did?
7. Therefore, what the brethren rejected was the call for
"most decided changes." They did not refuse to go back;
they refused to go forward. Thus they tried to stand still--a
difficult thing for any army on the march.
because the new wine must have new bottles, and that
means a crucifixion of self (cf. Matthew 9:16, 17):
Note how clearly Ellen White saw the 1888 message in
the light of Revelation 18:
Although this tragedy occurred, there is no need to
conclude that the Lord withdrew His blessings from His
people. What was despised and rejected was the latter rain,
but the former rain has continued to fall. Unnumbered souls
have been led to the Lord during the past century--including
every reader of this book. Not one person is living today who
took part in the 1888 history.
God has not forsaken His people. But our attitude tied His
hands, making it impossible for Him to send any more
showers of the latter rain. He could not, would not, cast His
choicest pearls before those who would not reverence His
more abounding grace. Therefore, those showers of the
latter rain ceased after the initial outpouring was persistently
repulsed. He is not beyond the capacity of being grieved.
In a thought-provoking, almost cryptic sermon at
Minneapolis, Ellen White spoke of Elijah fed by a widow
outside of Israel because those in Israel who had light had
not lived up to it. "They were the most hardhearted people in
the world, the hardest to impress with the truth," she said.
The Syrian Naaman was cleansed from his leprosy while
Israelite lepers remained defiled. When the inhabitants of
Nazareth rose up against the Son of Mary, "some" were
ready to accept Him as the Messiah, but an influence
"pressed in" to counter their conviction. These were
illustrations of our 1888 history:
We are losing a great deal of blessing we
might have had at this meeting [Minneapolis],
because we do not take advance steps in the
Christian life, as our duty is presented before
us; and this will be an eternal loss (ibid., Olson,
p. 257).
That light which is to fill the whole earth
with its glory has been despised by some who
claim to believe the present truth.... I know not
but some have even now gone too far to return
and repent (TM 89, 90; 1896).
If you wait for light to come in a way that
will please every one, you will wait in vain. If
you wait for louder calls or better
opportunities, the light will be withdrawn, and
you will be left in darkness (5T 720).
doctrine from them. But in the process of doing so, the 1888
truths have been neglected, and even opposed.
The following is typical of this widely held view. It
seriously confuses Reformationist views with the 1888
message. Here is an example of the venerable foundation on
which rests the phenomenal confusion of recent decades:
light placed where it should be in the third
angel's message.... This was not new light to
me, for it had come to me from higher authority
for the last forty-four years (Ms. 24, 1888; 3 SM
168; Olson, p. 48).
Laborers in the cause of truth should
present the righteousness of Christ, not as new
light, but as precious light that has for a time
been lost sight of by the people (RH March 20,
1894; Olson, p. 49).
conviction gradually deepened that it was the fulfillment of
the Revelation 18 prophecy, she saw how it harmonized with
the unique concept of the cleansing of the heavenly
sanctuary. This was the genius of the message.
This is truth that sincere fellow Protestants have never
comprehended. Could one reason be that we have never
made it clear to them?
It is shocking to orthodox Jews who have been praying for
the coming of their Messiah to realize that He came long ago
but was rejected by their forefathers. It is no less shocking to
Seventh-day Adventists who keep praying for the outpouring
of the latter rain to realize that the blessing came a century
ago, but was rejected by their forefathers.
(1) The Holy Spirit Was Insulted
cry, this is clear evidence that we have not received the
message that the Lord sent to us.
What is important in understanding 1888 is not the
negative attitude of a few individuals, a so-called die-hard
minority, but the spirit which "controlled" or "prevailed" at
the 1888 Conference and thereafter. This is what had a
determinative effect on that generation, and has had on
every generation since. Ellen White is clear about that
"controlling" influence:
Some10 have treated the Spirit as an
unwelcome guest, refusing to receive the rich
gift, refusing to acknowledge it, turning from it,
and condemning it as fanaticism (TM 64; 1896).
Never does Ellen White say that the "some" who opposed were "few," nor does she say that those
who accepted were "many." Without known exception, those who rejected the message were "many"
and those who accepted were "few."
See for example, 1 Samuel 8:7; 12:6-12; Isaiah 50:1; 54:5-17; 61:10; 63:9-14; Jeremah 31:1-9;
Ezekiel 16; Hosea, passim .
pantheism attacked this truth of the personality of the Holy
Spirit; the "omega" will doubtless renew that error).
Grieved and insulted, He has a right to retribution. And
how can He seek it, consistent with His character of love? His
retribution is more poignantly painful to endure than any
other, for it will still be the voice of love that speaks:
To accuse and criticize those whom God is
using is to accuse and criticize the Lord who
sent them....
With many the cry of the heart has been,
"We will not have this man [Christ] to reign
over us." ... The true religion, the only religion
of the Bible, that teaches forgiveness only
through the merits of a crucified and risen
Saviour, that advocates righteousness by the
faith of the Son of God, has been slighted,
spoken against, ridiculed, and rejected (TM
The present message ... is a message from
God; it bears the divine credentials, for its fruit
is unto holiness (RH September 3, 1889).
This message as it has been presented [by
Jones and Waggoner] should go to every church
that claims to believe the truth, and bring our
people up to a higher standpoint.... We want to
see who have presented to the world the
heavenly credentials (ibid., March 18, 1890).
compromising mixture of legalism and gospel. They did most
emphatically proclaim righteousness by faith alone--but it
was New Testament faith which demonstrates its built-in
motivating power for true obedience to all the
commandments of God (TM 92).
Did those messengers who were declared to represent
our Lord "arouse" the "rancors" that made Heaven turn from
the scene with shame? Would the Lord grant "heavenly
credentials" to messengers who were not disposed to
"calmly reason"? Ellen White, for sure, could never recognize
"precious light" in unsanctified "shouting" or the
unreasonable "extreme teaching" that our author attributes
to them (Spalding, op. cit., pp. 593, 601).
Back of the shameful scene at Minneapolis, and back of
the confusing shadows caused by our unbelief today, stands
the Figure who was the Rock of offence and the Stone of
stumbling at that fateful meeting. We come face to face with
falsely interpreted His instruction. I would not
have rejected and crucified Him, as did the
Jews." But that will be proved by the way in
which you deal with his message and His
messengers today (RH April 11, 1893).
definitions of these two terms they often bring
their own ideas and speculations. Why try to be
more minute than is Inspiration on the vital
question of righteousness by faith? Why try to
work out every minute point, as if the salvation
of the soul depended upon all having exactly
your understanding of this matter? (Diary,
February 27, 1891).
time will come when they will be willing to do
anything and everything possible in order to
have a chance of hearing the call which they
rejected at Minneapolis.... Better opportunities
will never come, deeper feelings they will not
have (Letter O19, 1892).
His brethren. All this the heavenly Watcher
noticed, and it was written in the book of God's
remembrance (Special Testimony to the Review
and Herald Office, 1896, pp. 16, 17).
These were not the words of a woman who was
overwrought emotionally. She had good reason for her
within me. I had never pictured before my mind
what dependence we might place in those who
claim to be friends, when the spirit of Satan
finds entrance to their hearts. I thought of the
future crisis, and feelings that I can never put
into words for a little time overcame me.... "The
brother shall betray the brother to death"
message they bore. They have taunted them
with being fanatics, extremists, and
enthusiasts (TM 97; 1896).
These men [the opposition] have been
holding positions of trust, and have been
moulding the work after their own similitude,
as far as they possibly could ... They have been
zealously declaiming against enthusiasm and
fanaticism. Faith ... that God has enjoined upon
His people to exercise, is called fanaticism. But
if there is anything upon the earth that should
inspire men with sanctified zeal, it is the truth
as it is in Jesus, ... Christ, made unto us
wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification,
and redemption.
... If there is anything in our world that
should inspire enthusiasm, it is the cross of
Calvary (ibid., pp 80, 81; 1895).
Her remarks were not directed against any "extreme
views" Waggoner had. Instead of charging him with being
radical or extreme, she intimates that some of his views
were immature--there was not "perfection." In God's plan,
this immaturity was to be overcome by faithful, earnest
"digging in the mines of God for the precious ore." The light
that shone in 1888 was only the "beginning" of the light
which was to lighten the earth with glory.12 Such glorious
light began to shine through imperfect but divinely chosen
It was not God's plan that one or two young men should
do all the digging. Other more mature minds should go on
with it, willing to receive "every ray of light that God shall
send ... though it should come through the humblest of His
servants" (Ms. 15, 1888). Within their lifetime the everlasting
gospel should unfold in a mature and complete whole, ready
to lighten the earth with the glory of truth.
If this was God's purpose, it would be necessary that the
views of both Waggoner and Jones should not be perfect or
mature at this early stage of development. They were merely
to challenge their brethren to the greatest treasure hunt of
the ages. The very imperfections and immaturity of their
views would rally the hearty cooperation of their brethren.
Had the two young men seen all the light in its perfection,
where would have been the joy of their brethren in the sheer
delight of discovery? God, in His infinite mercy, would share
it among them.
It was this gracious privilege that the brethren scorned,
taunting the pioneer miners of hidden veins of truth with
being "fanatics" and "extremists." To suggest that the
messengers even at Minneapolis were unstable, in danger of
being "carried away" with their "extreme views," casts an
unjustified aspersion on Ellen White herself. Would she not
be naive if she endorsed young messengers so
She almost recklessly risked her reputation on
enthusiastic and persistent support of their message. Could
Incidentally, although Ellen White took no firm stand on the "law in Galatians" in 1888, by 1896 she
was ready to take a stand. Waggoner had been right all along! "The law in Galatians [is] . . .
especially . . . . the moral law" (1 SM 234, 235).
See Appendix for a discussion of the charge that Jones was teaching the error of "holy flesh" and
perfectionism as early as a few months after the 1888 conference.
the Lord choose messengers so unstable? Would He endow
them with a message so potentially self-destructive? Is it
dangerous to yield to be the Lord's messenger? Surely God's
mercy is greater than to endow His servants with self-
destruct messages!
We must note briefly how in several General Conference
assemblies speakers have openly recognized that the anti-
1888 spirit included virtual defiance of Ellen White's ministry:
White to attend your camp meetings or special
meetings? I cannot come. I could not do you
any good, and it would only be trifling with the
sacred responsibilities the Lord has laid upon
To have these words distorted,
misapprehended by unbelievers, I expect, and
it is no surprise to me; but to have my brethren
who are acquainted with my mission and my
work, trifle with the message that God gives me
to bear, grieves His Spirit and is discouraging
to me....
My way is hedged up by my brethren (Letter
U-3, 1889).
Of course, not all the brethren opposed her so. But open
support for her was inconspicuous. The Lord's humble
messenger realized at Minneapolis what was happening. The
larger blessings of the latter rain caused former friends to
change their attitude from positive to negative:
never His will that she go at that time. She says that the Lord
wanted the inspired trio to stay together in America and to
fight the battle through to victory. Her own writings indicate
that the leading brethren wanted both Ellen White and
Waggoner out of the way.
It is well known that Mrs. White went only because the
General Conference appointed her to go (a laudable example
of cooperation with the church leadership!). In 1896 she
wrote very frankly to the General Conference president:
displeased, for He had set us to stand at the
wheels of the moving machinery at Battle
This is the reason I have written you. Elder
Olsen had not the perception, the courage, the
force, to carry the responsibilities; nor was
there any other man prepared to do the work
the Lord had purposed we should do. I write
you, Elder Olsen, telling you that it was God's
desire that we should stand side by side with
you, to counsel you, to advise you, to move
with you.... You were not discerning; you were
willing to have the strong experience and
knowledge that comes from no human source
removed from you, and thus you revealed that
the Lord's ways were miscalculated and
overlooked.... This counsel was not considered
a necessity.
That the people of Battle Creek should feel
that they could have us leave at the time we
did, was the result of man's devising, and not
the Lord's.... The Lord designed that we should
be near the publishing houses, that we should
have easy access to these institutions that we
might counsel together.... O how terrible it is to
treat the Lord with dissimulation and neglect,
to scorn His counsel with pride because man's
wisdom seems so much superior (Letter to O. A.
Olsen, 127, 1896).
According to W. C. White, Mrs. White, who
apparently still had memories of the injustices
of the post-1888 period, stated that it had been
shown to her "that whereas some of our people
were well pleased to have him [E. J. Waggoner]
removed from the work at Battle Creek by his
appointment to work in England," he should be
brought back "to assist as a teacher at the
heart of our work" (W. C. White to A. G.
Daniells, May 30, 1902; William Warren
Prescott: Seventh-day Adventist Educator, Vol.
1, p. 289).
Oh, it is the hardest place in the world, to
speak where great light has come, to men in
responsible positions. They have been
enlightened, but have chosen darkness rather
than light....
You may depend I have great sorrow of
heart.... What will be the end of this stubborn
unbelief we have yet to learn (Letter W32,
Mutual dependence is a wonderful thing.
Reciprocal influence should be carefully
Every generation takes up some phase of
evil in advance of the one which preceded it,
moving onward in the march of impenitence
and rebellion. God is looking on, measuring the
temple and the worshipers therein....
No man liveth to himself. Consciously or
unconsciously he is influencing others, either
for good or evil.... Is it not time that a people
stood forth in moral independence, cherishing
at the same time a sense of their dependence
on God? ...
The Lord has sent to our world a message of
warning, even the Third Angel's Message. All
heaven is waiting to hear us vindicate God's
law (RH, April 16, 1901).
temptations and deceptions that Satan will
bring upon the world.
We are near the close of the controversy
between the Prince of light and the prince of
darkness, and soon the delusions of the enemy
will try our faith, of what sort it is (RH
November 29, 1892).
Though their confession did not spring from
true repentance, it served to vindicate the
justice of God in His dealings with them.
The Lord still works in a similar manner to
glorify His name by bringing men to
acknowledge His justice.... And though the
spirit which prompted the evil course is not
radically changed, confessions are made that
vindicate the honor of God, and justify His
faithful reprovers, who have been opposed and
misrepresented (PP 391, 393).
Minneapolis, the indefinite postponing of the world-wide
proclamation of the loud cry message, could not be averted.
(5) With the exception of W. W. Prescott, there is no
evidence that any of the confessors recovered the essence
of the 1888 message sufficiently to proclaim it well. (Saul of
Tarsus repented so thoroughly that he ever after proclaimed
the gospel with power). Pease discloses that when the
nineteenth century became the twentieth, none of those who
initially rejected the 1888 message were in evidence to
proclaim it effectively:
out with clear confessions (C. McReynolds,
"Experiences while at the G. C. in Minn. in
1888," D File, 189, E. G. White Estate. Cf. N. F.
Pease, op. cit., pp. 142, 143).
The confessions mentioned above were
doubtless, in some cases, precipitated by sober
reflection after the individuals concerned were
far removed from the scene of controversy
(Pease, op. cit., p. 144).
There Are Problems With This View
hoped-for reformation: "Many who have been more or less
out of line since the Minneapolis meeting will be brought into
line" (p. 205).
One of the most poignant of Ellen White's prophetic
messages is her "What Might Have Been" testimony (January
5, 1903; 8T 104-106). The beautiful repentance that our
historians say took place turns out to have been only a
dream instead of "reality."
Only Ellen White's influence secured the pulpit and the classroom for him. W. W. Prescott joined
Smith in seeking to bar Jones from the pulpit in Battle Creek.
at the head of the work keep themselves aloof?
For nearly two years we have been urging
the people to come up and accept the light and
the truth concerning the righteousness of
Christ, and they do not know whether to come
and take hold of this precious truth or not.... I
can speak to the ear, but I cannot speak to the
heart. Shall we not arise and get out of the
position of unbelief? (RH March 18, 1890).
pass along and forget them. Men may cherish
this sin until there is no forgiveness for them
(Diary, January 10, 1890, Battle Creek).
enemy of righteousness looks on pleased.... If
you should recover your faith how can you
remove the impressions of unbelief you have
sown in other minds? Do not labor so hard to do
the very work Satan is doing. This work was
done in Minneapolis. Satan triumphed (Letter
59, 1890).
Herald office and the [General] Conference, who brought in
elements of unbelief, so that the light given was not acted
upon" (GCB 1901, p. 23; emphasis added).
After his confession, she encouraged him to look upon
things in the right light. She knew that he was not giving the
trumpet a certain sound in the Review. More than a year
after his confession, she wrote him in a tone of warning and
counsel, plainly stating that he had returned to his former
stance of opposition:
accelerating its footsteps to its final triumph
(RH, March 14, 1892).
Would it be the proper course now for the
people of God to fix their minds upon these
future blessings and this future power, and
dropping all else, make these things the direct
end to be specially sought for? To fix the mind
upon what is to be, and then to reason, Now
the church must have such and such mighty
works, they are to attain to such and such a
condition, and then conclude that they must, to
the neglect of duties nearer by, seek by special
means to gain that power and those
attainments now, --is that the way in which
these blessings are to be secured? ...
All these other developments will come in
the Lord's good time. God will in His own good
time bestow upon His people the needed
power.... He will bring the loud cry of the
message.... Leave future blessings to be
granted by Him whose the work is, when and
how it shall please him (RH May 14, 1892).
the time of the loud cry itself, he re-hashes in a polemical,
debating style the caviling opposition of unreasoning
opponents to the sabbath truth, something more in place
thirty years earlier. We can hear the angels pleading, "Mr.
Laodicea, please wake up!"
Concerning such blindness to recognize the work of God
Ellen White wrote:
In the same issue occurs a half-hearted editorial
admission that we might have delayed the work, but not at
all seriously. We quote his statement because his Calvinist
laissez faire attitude is immensely popular among many
Adventists in these last years of the 20th century who say
that God's people can neither hasten nor delay the return of
the Review, he himself must present the
opposite position, then the matter would
appear in a different light from what it now
does. But the course pursued in this case was
the same as that taken at Minneapolis. Those
who opposed Brethren Jones and Waggoner
manifested no disposition to meet them like
brethren.... Yet this blind warfare is
continued.... We know that Bro. Jones has been
giving the message for this time, meat in due
season to the starving flock of God....
The conference at Minneapolis was the
golden opportunity for all present to humble
the heart before God, and to welcome Jesus as
the great Instructor; but the stand taken by
some at that meeting has proved their ruin.
They have never seen clearly since, and they
never will; for they persistently cherish the
spirit that prevailed there, a wicked, criticizing,
denunciatory spirit.... They will be asked in the
judgment, "Who required this at your hand, to
rise up against the message and the
messengers I sent to My people? ... Why did
you block the way with your own perverse
spirit? And afterward when the evidence was
piled upon evidence, why did you not humble
your hearts before God, and repent of your
rejection of the message of mercy He has sent
you?" (Letter January 9, 1893; emphasis
refuse the message, ... these brethren ... will
meet with eternal loss; for if they should repent
and be saved at last, they can never regain that
which they have lost through their wrong
course of action (emphasis added).
noblest confessions that I have ever heard
(Letter to C. E. Holmes, May 12, 1921).
Jones later in the same letter said of the others that their
change of heart "was only apparent, it was never real, for all
the time in the General Conference Committee and amongst
others there was a secret antagonism always carried on."
No opposition is more difficult to deal with than that
which goes underground. The confessions after Minneapolis
drove the spirit of unbelief beneath the visible surface.
Hence it is that we can sincerely assume that we are rich
as a people with the "contribution" to Adventism made in
1888, and that we are increased with goods in understanding
righteousness by faith, so that all we need is more money
and technological resources for propagating our present
understanding of our beliefs.
The symptoms of our denominational neurosis are
apparent; the causes lie buried in a deep antipathy to the
light that shone on our pathway in 1888, which reflected the
true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the
world. A final atonement, an ultimate reconciliation with
Christ, is our only solution.
The primary purpose of this chapter was to show how the
confessions that followed Minneapolis cut the "tops" down
but left the "roots" of unbelief intact (cf. TM 467). As the
investigation developed, a secondary purpose emerged. It is
a logical consequence of the first, but is of far greater
(1) In some serious instances, our present official views
of righteousness by faith are identical to the opposition to
the 1888 message. The real teaching of the latter is only
slightly evident in our current presentations.
(2) Parallel with misconceptions of the message is the
highly optimistic view of the "velocity" and "rapidity" with
which the work supposedly advances today, when in reality it
is being retarded by our deep heart unbelief. Statistical
reports beguile us.
(3) Confusion regarding righteousness by faith spawns a
sort of "continual" transgression of principles God has
entrusted to the remnant church for the administration of
our medical, educational, publishing, and evangelistic work.
"There has been a departure from God's plan in many
ways ... and we have been steadily progressing in the ways
of the Gentiles, and not after the example of Jesus Christ"
(cf. GCB 1893, p. 459 and FE 221-230). Our hope rests in
God's mercy and love, and His hope rests in the honesty of
the souls of His professed people.
(4) The true cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary requires
a complementary work in our hearts. There must be a
cleansing of hidden, buried, "underground" roots of
alienation from Christ. Light which will lay bare this reality
and a means of spiritual therapy adequate for dealing with it,
is more needful than any amount of technological resources
for the propagation of our present "faith."
In other words, the power needed is light, and the
finishing of the gospel commission will be a natural
consequence. A true understanding of the 1888 history
supplies a diagnosis; a true understanding of the gospel of
the cross is the therapy.
The 1893 General Conference session ranks next in
importance to that of 1888 in determining how the message
was received. The acceptance theory requires this view of
the 1893 meeting: "It was really at the General Conference
session in 1893 that light on justification by faith seemed to
gain its greatest victory" (Christian, op. cit., p. 241).
We must examine the printed reports of that session in
order to understand the nature of that "victory." According to
Ellen White's later perceptive testimony, the "victory" gained
in the end was Satan's (cf. 1SM 234, 235). The session
clearly marked the withdrawal of Heaven's gift of the latter
rain. Developments at that conference are of profound
significance to those of us living today.
From the beginning of the institute and session, the
message of 1888 was the overwhelming issue of importance.
A few months before, the now- famous statement had
appeared in the Review of November 22, 1892 that it was
the actual "beginning" of the loud cry. That statement was
like a bombshell. Several of the speakers could talk of little
except that all-important issue. Even some in far-off Australia
knew what was happening. A. T. Jones reported:
message should loom the blessed thought of the soon
coming of Christ. Not since the Midnight Cry of 1844 had
such a solemn joy thrilled believing hearts:
They knew the Lord in His mercy would not withdraw the
latter rain until giving them a reasonable opportunity to
respond. That would require at least a few years after 1888.
The following words quoted at the conference express the
principle of God's fairness and patience:
transgressors stand in full humility before
God.... And when these persons are tried, and
brought over the ground again, the same spirit
will be revealed. When the Lord has sufficiently
tried them, if they do not yield to Him, He will
withdraw His Holy Spirit (Letter O19, 1892).
transcended the Calvinist determinism idea of God's
irresistible sovereign will:
departure into counterfeit light and apostate ideas would
result. The delegates heard the following message from Ellen
they set up false standards. ("To Brethren in
Responsible Positions," ibid., p. 182).
proportionate to the light and privileges which
we have not improved (Ms. 8a, 1888; Olson, pp.
279, 280, emphasis added).
temptations and deceptions that Satan will
bring upon the world (RH November 22, 1892).
the land.... The Lord is with us.... But all the
congregation bade stone them with stones
(Numbers 14:7-10; compare 5T 383).
remnant church, rendered so by our own unbelief in the past.
God's purpose has had to be altered.
We must consider the recorded evidence.
A. T. Jones' Studies
Now she has been exiled to Australia and Waggoner to
Britain; Jones is left standing virtually alone:
I say again, that in all cases he who believes
in Jesus Christ most fully will work most fully
for Him.
Now let us have this word, and that will be
the best close I could make to the whole thing
tonight. "Steps to Christ," page 79 [original
edition of 1892]: "The heart that rests most
fully upon Christ will be the most earnest and
active in labor for Him." Amen. (Congregation:
"Amen.") ... Do not think that the man who says
that he rests wholly upon Jesus Christ is either
a physical or a spiritual loafer. If he shows this
loafing in his life, he is not resting in Christ at
all, but on his own self.... That is faith that will
bring to you the outpouring of the latter rain
(GCB 1893, p. 302; emphasis original).
He is going down to the depths, and He will
reach the bottom at last; and when He finds the
last thing that is unclean or impure, that is out
of harmony with His will, and brings that up,
and shows that to us, and we say, "I would
rather have the Lord than that"-- then the work
is complete, and the seal of the living God can
be fixed upon that character....
Which would you rather have, the
completeness, the perfect fulness of Jesus
Christ, or have less than that, with some of
your sins covered up that you never knew of? ...
So He has got to dig down to the deep places
we never dreamed of, because we cannot
understand our hearts.... Let Him go on,
brethren; let Him keep on His searching work
(ibid., p. 404).
session, so deeply indited by the Holy Spirit under a hovering
pillar of fire and cloud that beckoned onward to
eschatalogical fulfillment.
But fanaticism crept in near the close of the session,
introduced by someone other than A. T. Jones.
(The 1893 General Conference Session,
Part II)
The rejection of the 1888 light opened the way for false
ideas to enter under the guise of righteousness by faith.
Indeed, if we turn from the genuine, nothing can prevent our
grasping the counterfeit.
Before presenting the evidence of such misconceptions,
Jones reminded the 1893 session congregation of the
rejection of light at Minneapolis and thereafter for four years.
Then he showed how the mind devoted to self becomes the
mind of Satan. He traced its development through paganism
to the subtleties of Romanism. There are two kinds of
justification by faith--a true and a counterfeit:
The mind of self being crucified "with Christ" in no way
lessens true self-respect, but enhances it through union with
Christ. There was a misconception of righteousness by faith
already apparent by 1893, after the "in-a-great-measure"
rejection of the genuine (1 SM 234, 235). Indeed, it is a
principle that "those who have been in any measure blinded
by the enemy ... will be inclined to accept a falsehood"
(Special Testimonies, Series A, pp. 41, 42). Jones unmasked
the falsehood:
Adventists have made to me as to what
justification by faith is....
This is justification by faith. That other thing
is justification by works. This is of Christ; that
is of the devil. One is Christ's doctrine of
justification by faith; the other is the devil's
doctrine of justification by faith (ibid., pp. 261,
of Louis XIV of France, who spent his life energies seeking to
convert Protestants back to Rome.18 The residue of author
Smith's devitalized faith was termed "trust in Christ." Once
the "surrender" is made, the soul must assume itself to be
"saved," and any conviction of the true Holy Spirit warning to
the contrary must be instantly repulsed by a repeated
psychological affirmation that all is well.
Jones sensed the fatal danger. Some of our people had
been reading Smith's book and mistakenly assumed that it
was the essence of the 1888 message, and that Jones and
Waggoner got their light from it. Jones set the record
W. W. Prescott's Studies
meeting he gave no indication that he had been on the
wrong side, or that such a confession had been necessary.
Whereas Jones expressed the principle of corporate guilt,
speaking of "what we there rejected" (pp. 165, 183) although
he was one of the messengers, Prescott set himself up as
one who had always been on the right side. An honest,
humble confession on his part would have done wonders to
open the way for the Spirit of God to work in the session, but
such was never expressed.
Instead, he proceeded to identify himself prominently
with Jones as one who shared his special divine commission.
Perhaps Jones naively invited him to help, for he no doubt
felt lonely defending the 1888 message with Ellen White and
Waggoner both in exile overseas.
Prescott's sermons preceded Jones' nightly. When Jones
was speaking he was forward enough to interrupt him and to
interject ideas or quotations or even exhortation to the
audience. With a less mild and less appealing spirit, he
vehemently demanded that the brethren get right.
It is painful to note a certain imperiousness of manner
and impatience of appeal. The subtle difference of
temperament would hardly be effective in binding up
wounds and healing sores. His spirit was in stark contrast to
that of Jones' whose sense of corporate repentance20 enabled
him to share the guilt of the rejectors of the message.
Prescott's sermons give evidence of no such humility. Note
how a hierarchical spirit, foreign to the 1888 message, crept
theological discussions [1888] was to try to maintain a neutral stance although he felt a strong pull to
the side of Uriah Smith and G. I. Butler, to both of whom he felt a sense of loyalty and obligation. He
was also rather disturbed by and prejudiced against Jones' provocative and somewhat uncouth
style. . . .[and had been] a party to actions designed to prevent A. T. Jones from preaching at the
Tabernacle altogether and to restrict his teaching at the college to that which had previously been
taught by the denomination."
Note that Waggoner also from the beginning of his interest in righteousness by faith clearly
understood the concept of corporate guilt and repentance. Cf. his letter to M. C. Wilcox, May 16, 1916,
where he refers to his 1882 experience of insight.
anyone, but something must be done,
something different must come to us than has
come in this Conference yet, that is sure....
That is why we [!] are urging you to accept
the righteousness, because the Spirit will be
there. Do you not see? (GCB 1893, pp. 386,
I say that if ever there was a needy
company, it is this company....
Now I am perfectly aware that I am speaking
with great plainness.... If we don't make this a
matter of earnest prayer, I say it simply means
death to you and to me....
It is no use to go this way any longer, and
my advice is most solemnly to every one who
cannot go out now imbued with power from on
high and bear this light from heaven, and to do
the work that God has to be done now, stay at
Now I know that this is very severe. But I tell
you, brethren, something must come to us,
something must take hold of us....
The question is, What are we to do about it?
What are you and I going to do about it right
here, now, at this Conference? ... Again I say,
What are we going to do about it? (ibid., p. 67).
The servants of God under this message will
go out with faces lighted up with a holy joy and
holy consecration. I want to see these brethren
go out in that way; I want to see their faces
lighted up as did that of Stephen when he was
in the council (ibid., p. 389).
Now I say in all sincerity that we might as
well make up our minds here and now, before
we go a step further, to face death and down
it.... Unless we stand right there at this
moment, and say that we will give up friends,
homes, and that nothing shall separate us from
the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord,
we might as well stop now (ibid., p. 241).
fanaticism as an "I-told-you-so" example. (Even to this day,
fanatics and self-appointed reformers cause many sincere
church members to be prejudiced against the 1888
message). Three days before this meeting began, Ellen
White had warned through the Review and Herald :
Compare GCB 1893 pp. 279, 459 with FE 220-230.
This sounds fine, right on target. But the problem
becomes apparent when we continue:
jamming of the spiritual ether waves which unsettled even
Prescott was unmistakably against sin, but he seemed to
have no clear sense of what was the root of the sin which
troubled the congregation. The present truth of accepting
the latter rain and proclaiming the loud cry was his heart
burden; but how to deal with the present hindrance, a true
comprehension of the guilt which hung over them for the
past four years, seemed to elude his understanding.
Some of his perplexity may have been the result of
understanding the real issue but being afraid to say so
clearly because of the imposing presence of the leading
prejudiced brethren. Even the prophet Jeremiah would have
been "confounded" if he had allowed the leaders of Judah to
intimidate him (1:17). When a speaker feels forced to beat
around the bush, he inevitably communicates confusion.
Finally, about ten days before the close of the session,
Prescott began to develop a novel method of receiving the
Holy Spirit. It bears a close resemblance to the ideas
expressed in The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life.
What was necessary was simply an "act of faith" in
assuming that you have the gift of the final outpouring of the
Holy Spirit, specific repentance for the sin of 1888 being by-
passed. There seemed to be a feeling of desperation:
Now began a devious, nebulous argument that led the
audience to believe they could receive the latter rain gift of
the Holy Spirit by simply assuming and claiming they had it.
We must not feel we have the power of the Holy Spirit, we
must know we have it. Such a conscious assumption will not
include true self-knowledge nor an awareness of the depth of
our sin, for that could be dangerous and discourage us:
Thus was ignored the true function of the law, and the
congregation was led into confusion. Ellen White's frequent
appeals for honesty in facing inward reality were
The speaker paraphrased or repeated some ideas that
Jones had presented, but gave them a subtle twist to aid his
argument that instead of bringing the healing conviction of
sin, the Comforter removes it. The cloud over the Conference
must be lifted somehow, by any means possible. We must
now assume that without a need for repentance, God has
forgiven the sin that has caused the trouble. Now we must
just claim that our sins are gone. Here appears his
indebtedness to Hannah Whitall Smith:
Perhaps the best way to review this argument is to quote
from him the following:
His theory could only confuse. The trumpet was not given
a certain sound, and the sin of Minneapolis was never
squarely faced and dealt with. It was assumed that the sense
of guilt must be of Satanic origin and vigorously repulsed.
Thus was fulfilled the 1890 testimony that the 1888 tops
were cut down and the roots left intact (TM 467). If any
truthful conviction should intrude into the heart that the
roots were still there, the conviction was to be considered a
work of the devil.
Such would of course be the logical result of a doctrine
which taught (1) that a blanket lip-confession of unconscious,
unrealized sin was sufficient without the sins being brought
to consciousness; (2) that it was wrong to pray for true self-
knowledge; and (3) that the real work of the Holy Spirit is not
to bring a conviction of sin but to take away all such
conviction--directly contrary to Christ's teaching in John 16:8,
A fourth point would follow logically in any reasoning
mind: any doubt that you now have the Holy Spirit in latter
rain power would be a lack of faith in God. You must
therefore assume that you have received it. This is the idea
that was now developed:
Jones Confused
Then that Spirit has come to those who can
look into the face of Jesus Christ.
Brethren, that is the message now ... and
he who cannot carry it should not go. Oh, do
not go.... Let no one go without the
consciousness of that abiding presence--the
power of the Spirit of God (ibid., pp. 498, 499).
Prescott's Predictions of Apostasy
either to be translated or to be deceived by the devices of
was not to be, or rather it could not be, unless they found a
genuine repentance for 1888, which they did not find.
We read that Caleb and Joshua were also over-
enthusiastic about conquering the Canaanites, telling Israel,
"The Lord is with us: fear them not," after Israel's rebellion
made it impossible for the Lord to be with them in that
program (Numbers 14:9).
Just before the 1893 session convened, Ellen White had
cautioned the General Conference president concerning the
Minneapolis issue:
judgment ... He wrote and taught pantheism
before and quite as decidedly as Doctor
Kellogg. These are not the footprints of a safe
leader. He does not err so often and constantly
(Letter, August 29, 1919).
The course of the 1893 session reveals the possibility of
preaching about the Holy Spirit without understanding Him
or recognizing Him, and even while resisting Him.
It would be well for us all to pray, "Lord, is it I?"
However, an inspired judgment declares they were
straight and true at the time of the Minneapolis meeting:
A Mysterious Providence
perplexing history. God’s footsteps may be mysterious, but
that is no reason why we should carelessly misunderstand
this strange providence.
To suppose that the Lord made a strategic mistake in
choosing Jones and Waggoner is unthinkable, for He never
errs in counsel. To suppose that He made the wrath of men
to praise Him against their own will is also unthinkable, for it
is evident that both were sincere, earnest, humbleminded
Christians when they were used by the Lord. They neither
"ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward," loving
"the wages of unrighteousness" (Jude 11; 2 Peter 2:15), nor
was there a trace of dishonesty evident in their ministry.
Inspired evidence suggests an answer to our questions,
and indicates that:
(1) Jones and Waggoner were not "carried away" by any
"extreme views" regarding the righteousness of Christ, but
they were driven away by the persistent and unreasoning
opposition of the brethren whom God sent them to enlighten.
(2) Ellen White recognized the seriousness of the
opposition to them personally and to their message, and
fixed the ultimate blame for their later failure "to a great
degree" upon the opposing brethren.
(3) The Lord permitted the sad event to take place as a
test to the opposing brethren; and the failures of the 1888
messengers have had the effect of confirming "us" in a state
of virtual unbelief. It was an example of what Paul calls a
"working of error" which God "sent" (permitted), "that they
all might be condemned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12, mg).
It seems that the Lord is such a Gentleman that He
apparently goes out of His way to provide hooks for us to
hang our doubts on if we want them. He does not want any
of us to receive the latter rain unless we are fully heart-
committed to Him and to His truth. Somehow His character
of jealousy is involved here. Anyone who will back away from
the blessing for the slightest excuse is given ample
opportunity to do so. But, oh, how that can be a severe
(4) The practical results of the investigative judgment will
require that the remnant church, before the time of final
victory, come to see the truth of the message and its history
and recognize Jones’ and Waggoner’s work from 1888-96 for
its true value, the "beginning" of the latter rain and the loud
The Deep-Seated Nature of the Opposition
If the rays of light which shone at
Minneapolis were permitted to excert their
convincing power upon those who took their
stand against light, … they would have received
the richest blessings, disappointed the enemy,
and stood as faithful men, true to their
convictions. They would have had a rich
experience; but self said, No. Self was not to be
refused; self struggled for the mastery (Letter
O 19, 1892).
heavenly intelligences were watching with deep interest the
unfolding of the drama. They further knew they were living in
the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary when, of all times,
the past unbelief and failures of old Jerusalem must not be
repeated. Never had there been a like crisis; never had
heaven granted greater evidences in vindication of a special
But, to their astonishment, never had history recorded a
more shameful human failure to improve heaven-sent
opportunity. It seemed to the young messengers to be the
final, complete failure of God’s people to believe and to enter
into His rest. What could possibly lie beyond?
Luther had it easy compared to them. When persecuted
by Rome, all he had to do was read the prophecies of Daniel
and Revelation and recognize the papacy as the little horn
and the beast. That made him feel good, even to the point of
providing courage to burn the Pope’s bull. But Jones and
Waggoner could find no such heart comfort. Prophecy
indicated no eighth church to succeed Laodicea. The
possibility of God’s people delaying His program for a
century or longer seemed beyond their comprehension.
It must be said to their credit that Jones and Waggoner
did not renounce faith in the God of Israel. They never
became infidels or agnostics or atheists. They never gave up
the Sabbath or their lifelong devotion to Christ. In today’s
climate of church fellowship they would still be members in
good and regular standing. Their sin was that they lost faith
in the corporate body of the church and its leadership. They
were not confident of denominational repentance. They
came to doubt human nature; hence Jones’ bitterness and
the failings of their own human nature. The enemy will press
us sorely to repeat their failure. But we need not give in!
The little shrubs in the valley, bending beneath the
zephyr winds that occasionally stir their quiet calm, would do
well to refrain from critical comment when the mighty oaks
on the mountain top go down in the crushing fury of the
tempest. Let God speak when He says truly there was no
excuse for Jones’ and Waggoner’s faltering; let us be slow to
speak, when we realize that "we" were largely the cause of
C. S. Lewis knew nothing of our 1888 episode, but he
made an insightful comment in his Reflections on the
Just as the natural result of throwing a
lighted match into a pile of shavings is to
produce a fire, … so the natural result of
cheating a man, or "keeping him down" or
neglecting him, is to arouse resentment; that
is, to impose upon him the temptation of
becoming what the Psalmists were when they
wrote the vindictive passages. He may succeed
in resisting the temptation; or he may not. … If
that sin utterly corrupts him, I have in a sense
debauched or seduced him. I was the tempter
(p. 24).
message and the messenger would triumph;
but it would not at all clear the men who are
guilty of rejecting the message of God. …
I have deep sorrow of heart because I have
seen how readily a word or action of Elder Jones
or Elder Waggoner is criticized. How readily
many minds overlook all the good that has
been done by them in the few years past, and
see no evidence that God is working through
these instrumentalities. They hunt for
something to condemn, and their attitude
toward these brethren who are zealously
engaged in doing a good work, shows that
feelings of enmity and bitterness are in the
heart (Letter O19, 1892).
bitterness and suspicion as late as 1892, after the
confessions had been made.
(2) The opposing brethren naively thought this attitude
was a zeal for God, yet it was "the very same spirit which
refused to accept Christ."
(3) The opposition became a very difficult and
overmastering temptation to the young messengers.
(4) The tragic result confirmed the opposing brethren in
disparaging the message .
(5) For the messengers to lose their way was a "triumph"
for the opposing brethren, and, sad to say, for Satan. This
development therefore became conclusive evidence that the
opposing brethren had not truly repented of the Minneapolis
sin. Their "triumph " would constitute their "fatal delusion."
Thus the failure of the messengers would tend to confirm
the on-going Seventh-day Adventist Church leadership,
pastoral, administrative, and academic, in impenitence. To
this day the messengers’ eventual failure is frequently cited
as evidence that the 1888 message must be somehow
dangerous. This was precisely Satan’s purpose, and it fulfills
Ellen White’s prediction to the letter.
(6) The success of Ellen White’s prayers that the two
brethren would endure the test would be dependent on the
attitude the opposing brethren would take from late 1892 on.
A few months later, she wrote to the General Conference
delegates in session about the true cause of the messengers’
possible failure:
but coldness and distrust have brought
disunion that has shorn us of our strength
(Letter, Jan. 6, 1893; GCB 1893, pp. 419-421).
In my dream you were presenting the
subject of faith and the imputed righteousness
of Christ by faith. You repeated several times
that works amounted to nothing, that there
were no conditions. The matter was presented
in that light that I knew minds would be
confused. … You state this matter too strongly.
… I know your meaning, but you leave a wrong
impression upon many minds. …
You look in reality upon these subjects as I
do, yet you make these subjects, through your
expressions, confusing to minds. … These
strong assertions in regard to works never
make our position any stronger. The
expressions weaken our position, for there are
many who will consider you an extremist, and
will lose the rich lessons you have for them
upon the very subjects they need to know. …
Do not lay one pebble for a soul that is weak in
the faith to stumble over, in overwrought
presentations or expressions. … Remember
that there are some whose eyes are intently
fixed upon you, expecting that you will
overreach the mark, and stumble, and fall
(Letter 44, 1893, April 9; 1 SM 377-79).
1893 letter, because he humbly repented of his temporary
In a letter to S. N. Haskell one year later she declares that she has more confidence in Jones now
than she had before he erred in endorsing Anna Phillips. The letter says that Jones is the Lord’s chosen
messenger, beloved of God, His ambassador. This mistake would not have happened if Uriah Smith
and G. I. Butler had united with Jones and Waggoner as they should have; Jones and Waggoner hear
the voice of the Lord and the people recognize in their interpretations of the word of God marvelous
things from the living oracles and their hearts bum within them as they listen; they have fed the
people with bread from heaven; the Lord has the very men He wanted; they have carried forward the
work with faithfulness, and have been the mouthpiece for God; they know the voice of counsel and
obeyed it; they have drawn draughts from the well of Bethlehem; these chosen agents of God would
have rejoiced to link up with Smith and others, including Butler; if union had existed, mistakes would
not have been (Letter H-27, 1894).
What better method of "burial" than to allow the messengers
to lose their way in disgrace?
It is frequently said that their numerous speaking
appointments after 1888 indicate official acceptance of their
message. But this is an erroneous deduction. Several factors
must be noted: (1) lay members and local elders (who
welcomed the message) had more voice in arranging
speakers’ appointments than they do now; (2) Ellen White’s
influence virtually demanded for them the hearing they
received at General Conference sessions; (3) their speaking
appointments when their message was unwelcome to many
leaders imposed on them a heavy emotional burden. An
example of this is the prevailing attitude at the 1893 session
as evidenced in the Bulletin.
Nevertheless, many who had spurned their message
when they were right eagerly followed them when they were
unsettled in the faith. This made matters worse. In 1912 a
former General Conference president wrote about them:
they needed. The havoc wrought by unwise adulation
became secondary.
Considering the nature of the message they bore, this
two-fold cause could only derange their spiritual faculties. If
they could have received greater light so as to endure until
victory came, they would have faced the world in the
strength that those must possess who finally finish God’s
work on earth. But further light and power had to be shut off
after the rejection of the message. Waggoner had been
exiled to England, and both had to labor without Ellen
White’s help. They knew only the "beginning" of the loud cry
light, and that was not sufficient to perfect sanctification,
even in honest hearts. (Neither is it sufficient for us today!)
conscience to oppose the revision of the 1901 constitution.
In their view the 1903 revision was a step backwards from
the reformation principles of 1901. Whether they were right
or wrong in that conviction is beyond us to settle at this
point, but they were undoubtedly sincere in holding their
convictions. As the debate dragged on, "voices" called for
"Elder Butler" to speak.
Seven times he went out of his way to say how he
"dearly" loved "dear brethren" Jones and Waggoner; but the
Bulletin reveals that he proceeded to misrepresent their true
position over their interjected verbal protests. Then he held
them up to public ridicule (pp. 145-164).
They had said in the session that "God’s people are to be
under Him, and Him alone. There is one Shepherd, and He
has one flock," and that primarily "the committee must
belong to Jesus Christ, and serve Christ, and let the other
man alone, and let him preach the gospel which Christ
gives.’‘ Elder Butler misconstrued this as favoring the
abolition of all organization, and unjustly compared their
position to the fanatical anarchists against whom the
pioneers had to contend:
(8T 233). Yet Elder Butler publicly contradicts those
statements, denying that it was even possible for any "kingly
power" to occur in the General Conference presidency:
pathetically, Jones arose at this point to make a plea to the
delegates. It may mark a wound that never healed:
I hold precisely the same opinions that I
always have held since I came to be a Bible
student. … The later crop that came on to run
things after I went out of office [as General
Conference president] have remodeled things
somewhat. Elder Waggoner was a leading spirit
in these changes. He seems to have remodeled
himself from a preacher into a doctor. Perhaps
it is just as well for him and all concerned. I
wish him well in every way (Letter, September
9, 1904).
A letter to Elder Butler, the 1888 General Conference
president, indicates that Kellogg’s eventual apostasy was "in
a large measure" our responsibility. For sure, it was not
God’s will:
not do. The spirit of criticism shown to his work
from the first has been very unjust, and had
made his work hard. … It is a fact that our
ministers are very slow to become health
reformers. … This has caused Dr. Kellogg to
lose confidence in them (Ms. 13, 1901, Diary,
January 1898).
give us this day bread convenient for us, meat in due
As surely as there is a living God, the prayer would not be
1900's. Ellen White described it as the "alpha" of "seducing
spirits and doctrines of devils." Could it be that this "alpha"
deception was related to the rejection of the 1888 light?
In direct proportion as genuine light is undiscerned and
misunderstood does counterfeit light take its place,
undiscerned and misunderstood for its true nature. We were
told after 1888 that apostasy within would be unconscious
and subtle and likely become widespread before it could be
This principle of deception following rejection of light is
an unalterable law of history. Jesus said to the Jewish
leaders, "I am come in My Father's name, and ye receive Me
not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will
receive" (John 5:43). A true understanding of the post-1888
era is necessary in order to recognize the "sparks of
kindling" which took the place of the true light.
The ministry in the 1888 era were good men,
consecrated, working long hours, enduring privations.
Sincerely professing the truth, they managed somehow to
ignore or reject its reality. What happened is one of the most
amazing developments in the history of God's work.
The brethren were sincerely unaware of a heart attitude
which prompted an unholy reaction against the most glorious
light which had ever shone upon this church. But they were
no worse than we are by nature. We are one body with them.
It follows that the sin of rejecting that light of the loud cry
can never be truly overcome until those unseen motives
equally present in all our hearts are laid bare to our
consciousness. This work certainly must be included in the
cleansing of the sanctuary. What we failed to believe a cen-
tury ago we must learn through traversing a devious detour
of our own devising. Our history is an outworking of
principles divinely ordained to lead us to reconciliation with
The Lord cannot, will not, force nor conquer by fear what
He would win only by love. Hence His long patience during
our detour. What else can He do but await our
disillusionment? But His patient wisdom will win at last,
because it is the wisdom of love, a truly divine strategy.
Understanding the 1888 history is powerful good news!
Whether in 1844 or in 1888, a rejection of light made
inevitable a submission to deception. Here is how the
principle worked when some early Adventists rejected the
increased light of the sanctuary truth:
At the Minneapolis session, we were told that failure to
advance under the generalship of Christ would expose us
without our realizing it to the generalship of Satan:
Those who have had great light and who
have not walked in it will have darkness
corresponding to the light they have despised
(TM 163).
Since the light which came in 1888 was the verity of the
third angel's message, it makes sense for the enemy to seize
the chance to confuse our understanding of that truth:
disciples after them." This will surely be seen
among the people of God....
There will be those who ... will mistake light
for error, and specious error they will
pronounce light, mistaking phantoms for
realities, and realities for phantoms.... They will
fall into deceptions and delusions that Satan
has prepared as concealed nets to entangle the
feet of those who think they can walk in their
human wisdom without the special grace of
Christ.... Men will accept one delusion after
another until their senses are perverted (Ms.
16, 1890; Ev 593, 594).
safety rely on men who are not in close connec-
tion with God. They will accept the opinions of
men, but cannot discern the voice of the True
Shepherd, and their influence will lead many
astray (RH, December 13, 1892).
It seems a strange quirk of fate that the foremost teacher of "alpha" heresy was Dr. J. H.
Kellogg, who was truly converted at the Minneapolis conference according to Ellen White (GCB 1903, p.
86). W. W. Prescott, who for a time taught some aspects of the message, also taught pantheism in the
early stages of the crisis. Even Waggoner erred in some of his expressions, giving his opponents oc-
casion to accuse him of being a pantheist, although Ellen White did not fault him on that point. Some
today mistakenly conclude that the evil of pantheism is implicit in the 1888 message.
Absolute accuracy is essential in expressing vital truth, for the track of error lies close to it. This
was especially true of the message that was the beginning of the latter rain and the loud cry. The 1888
concepts emphasize how near to us the Saviour has come in His incarnation and in His ministry
through the Holy Spirit. Determined and persistent opposition unsettled the messengers, creating an
alienation of fellowship. Unnecessarily put on the defensive and deprived of wholesome brotherly
correction, Waggoner strayed away from the fine line dividing precious truth from error.
come within His church? Israel's history casts an alpenglow
on ours:
banish from the church the spirit of discord and
strife. ... All will be in harmony with the mind of
Christ. (8T 250, 251; emphasis added.)
When God's people receive this Spirit, power
will go forth from them. (ISM 116, 117; 1898;
emphasis added).
When the reproach of indolence and
slothfulness shall have been wiped away from
the church, the Spirit of the Lord will be
graciously manifested.... The earth will be
lighted with the glory of the Lord.
Heavenly angels have long been waiting for
human agents—the members of the church—to
cooperate with them in the great work to be
done (9T 46, 47; emphasis added).
In visions of the night representations
passed before me of a great reformatory
movement among God's people. ... A spirit of
genuine conversion was manifest.... The world
seemed to be lightened with the heavenly
Yet some refused to be converted ... These
covetous ones became separated from the
company of believers (9T 126, emphasis
The Holy Spirit is to animate and pervade
the whole church, purifying and cementing
It is the purpose of God to glorify Himself in
His people before the world (9T 20, 21).
An understanding of our own history will be necessary for
attaining that goal. "We have nothing to fear for the future,
except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and
His teaching in our past history" (LS 196). The honest in
heart will see it, and be glad:
esteem, thinking that they are capable of
removing the pillars of our faith, and replacing
them with pillars they have devised (Elmshaven
Leaflets, The Church, No. 4; Ms. 28, 1890).
removed from this people? Shall idols be
smuggled in? Shall false principles and false
precepts be brought into the sanctuary? Shall
antichrist be respected? Shall the true
doctrines and principles given us by God, which
have made us what we are, be ignored? ... This
is directly where the enemy, through blinded,
unconsecrated men, is leading us (Ms. 29,
The reason why I hang out the danger signal
is, that through the enlightenment of the Holy
Spirit of God I can see that which my brethren
do not discern (Letter 68, 1894).
The path of presumption lies close beside
the path of faith. ... If there is not careful,
earnest, sensible work, solid as a rock in the
advancement of every idea and principle, ...
souls will be ruined (Letter 6a, 1894).
with which to infatuate the minds of men (YI
Feb. 7, 1895; HE 331, 332).
bless them so wonderfully with a wealthy new convert like
Captain Norman!
The man turned out to be an agent of the devil, said Ellen
White.26 (He disappeared with his fiancée’s life savings). But
those who were thus deceived by an agent of the devil were
also to be confused soon after by what Ellen White termed
"doctrines of devils" in the "alpha" history.
The last decade of the nineteenth century was a time of
darkness and confusion at the headquarters of our work.
There was much outward progress which masked a spiritual
destitution. Mervyn Maxwell describes the stark contrast
between the 1888 message and the spiritual state of the
This incident was related to us by Elder S. A. Wellman in the winter of 1949-50. It can be confirmed
by "Captain Norman's" entry in the 1899 Bulletin. The lady who accepted his proposal lost her life
savings. Fifty years after "Captain Norman" a similar incident occurred at Takoma Park headquarters
when "Dr. Legge," a cunning criminal, deceived some General Conference leaders with his pretended
conversion, who likewise interpreted the "conversion" as the marvelous blessing of the Lord.
ushered in one of the gravest near-tragedies the church has
met. Only the personal intervention of the humble
messenger of the Lord saved the good ship from foundering
as did the Titanic a few years later.
The "iceberg" was the subtle pantheism heresy promoted
by some of the most highly respected leaders of Adventism
who were as deaf to warnings of impending danger as was
the captain of the ill-fated Cunard liner.
When it seemed to Ellen White that no one would do
anything to resolve the crisis brought by Dr. Kellogg’s
heretical teachings, she was given an inspired dream:
the "in" thing, the chic symbol of progressive theology. There
was a bewitching beauty about them. The heady ideas
enjoyed wide promotion, virtually without protest. "That
those whom we have thought sound in the faith should have
failed to discern the specious, deadly influence of this
science of evil, should alarm us as nothing else has alarmed
us" (ibid., Series B, No. 7, p. 37).
(2) Ellen White herself might not have recognized the
subtle error without unusual discernment. Nevertheless, she
hoped that her brethren and sisters would also be in close
touch with the Holy Spirit so as to be able to discern it:
condemning him and we rejoice in the deliverance wrought
by the gift of prophecy. But the lesson is disturbing: the
repeated warnings given since 1888 had failed to arouse
most of our people.
Thus the pantheism crisis reveals the entrenched nature
of the post-Minneapolis unbelief in the readiness with which
many fell for delusions about a decade later. Those who
maintain there was repentance for the 1888 blindness find it
difficult to explain the subsequent pantheism blindness.
(3) Unfortunately, the pantheism test could not be the
final one. The repeated warnings concerning the 1888
reception should have enabled our brethren on their own to
steer the good ship safely through the perilous pantheism
waters. But a personal, emergency intervention of Ellen
White became necessary, or the ship would have foundered.
Satan must therefore be allowed to try us again, this time
when the living agent is no longer present. It must be a
supreme test as to whether we have come to maturity or
whether as children we still need the personal guidance of a
governess. Thus we find that the pantheism crisis was only
an "alpha, " and an "omega" trial must follow. It may be
closer now than we think:
The spiritual ferment in Battle Creek caused by heart opposition to the message could not provide
nurture for Kellogg’s soul.
"Living Temple" contains the alpha of these
theories. I knew that the omega would follow in
a little while, and I trembled for our people
(Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 2, p. 53).
Be not deceived: many will depart from the
faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and
doctrines of devils. We have now before us the
alpha of this danger. The omega will be of a
most startling nature (1SM 197; 1904).
The omega will follow, and will be received
by those who are not willing to heed the
warning God has given (ibid., p. 200; Special
Testimonies, Series B, No. 2, p. 50; 1904).
those who desire to know the truth. He would
have His people understand to what lengths
the sophistry and devising of the enemy would
lead (ibid., No. 7, p. 36).
Thus the "Living Temple" crisis could not mark the end of
Satan’s efforts to mislead, captivate, confuse, and bewilder
the Advent people. The danger from subtle, inward apostasy
in our midst is still present, more so than ever before: "One
thing is soon to be realized—the great apostasy, which is
developing and increasing and waxing stronger and will
continue to do so until the Lord shall descend from heaven
with a shout" (ibid., pp. 56, 57).
(4) The popular presentations of post-1888 history as a
grand victory cancel the object lesson inherent in the Kellogg
apostasy. That which God allowed to "reveal the danger
threatening us" that we might understand "to what lengths
the sophistry and devising of the enemy would lead" is
portrayed as a victory for the wisdom of men and evidence
of God’s indulgent, approving care. The point of the
experience is buried by saying that the "omega" was an
event past and gone long ago:
If it is true that the loss of the Battle Creek Sanitarium
was the omega, we may rest assured that the greatest trials
and dangers to the Advent movement took place eighty
years ago. With the alphabet of Satan’s gamut of specious
temptations already exhausted in the dim past, we have
nothing to prepare for in the future.28
Apostasy, wrong principles, brilliant
sparkling ideas, theories and sophistries that
undermine the foundation principles of the
faith, perversion of truth, fanciful and
spiritualistic interpretations of the Scriptures,
deceivableness of unrighteousness, seeds of
discord, of unbelief, of infidelity … sown
broadcast, insidious fallacies, sentiments of the
enemy, falsehood and pleasing fables, infidelity
and skepticism, a multitude of deceptions, a
yoke of human manufacture, cunningly devised
fables, a lie (these are verbatim expressions
taken from Special Testimonies, Series B., Nos.
2 and 7, concerning the alpha).
teaching." This assertion struck right to my
heart. I felt heartbroken. …
There may be in my writings many
statements which, taken from their connection,
and interpreted according to the mind of the
writer of "Living Temple," would seem to be in
harmony with the teachings of this book. This
may give apparent support to the assertion
that the sentiments in "Living Temple" are in
harmony with my writings (Special Testimonies,
Series B, No. 2, pp. 7, 52, 53; cf. Ellen White’s
statements that appear to come close to
pantheism in 8T 255-261. There is no
pantheism there, but an undiscerning reader
might think it is there).
devices of the devil. … They should watch every
conceivable sin that Satan will try to
immortalize (Letter, Elmshaven, February 24,
Could any other kind of loud cry than that which would
follow our repentance lighten the earth with glory?
“missionary volunteer” youth of previous generations. “Not
exciting, not positive, not big enough, and not related to
life”—these are “the specific inadequacies” our youth see in
today’s Adventism.
If the Seventh-day Adventist mission is that of the three
angels of Revelation 14, can it possibly be true that it is “not
exciting, not positive, not big …, and not related to life”? Not
unless we have misunderstood reality! But for some strange
reason, it has appeared so to many youth.
The true leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is
not the General Conference or a hierarchical clergy. It is
Christ Himself, the same Christ whom the pioneers in the
1840’s saw as commencing His ministry in the Most Holy
Apartment of the heavenly sanctuary. Is He not sufficiently
exciting, positive, big, and related to life to capture the
whole-hearted devotion of today’s youth? Or is that vision of
our pioneer youth as irretrievably lost to them as John and
Charles Wesley’s vision is lost to modern Methodist youth?
If the Seventh-day Adventist Church has become as dull
as most of our youth think, the reason can not be that its
Leader is “dull.” According to the prophetic insight of Ellen
White, the problem is that a false christ has usurped the
place of the true One. She says that Baal-worship has
captivated many of us as surely as it deceived God’s ancient
people in the days of Elijah and Jeremiah. The proportionate
number may even be similar.
This does not mean that the church has fallen as has
“Babylon” or that it has ceased to be the supreme object of
the Lord’s loving concern. Dissidents and off-shoots who
write off the church as fallen do not understand the Baal-
worship reality. The full truth is good news, for repentance,
reformation, and reconciliation with Christ become possible
when reality is recognized, just as they were in Elijah’s day.
Israel in his day was still the Lord’s chosen nation, and
Judah likewise in Jeremiah’s time. According to Bible
prophecy, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is still today
entrusted with the message of Revelation 14. The truth
means simply that genuine repentance and reformation are
necessary if this church is to proclaim “the everlasting
gospel” to the world in a way that lightens the earth with
Lord. And such a spiritual experience is possible.
If this is not true, we must simply squeeze ourselves into
another denominational niche beside the “Baptists,
Presbyterians, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Catholics,” who
with other churches, says the Review, are welcoming
increasing numbers of Adventist youth who forsake
Adventism. These formerly Adventist youth see
“denominational distinctiveness … as of lesser importance
than a general belief in a Supreme Being.” This mind set
would cancel our history and put us back to square one in a
world that had never heard of the Seventh-day Adventist
However, the prophetic scenario of Revelation does not
call for the extinction of that unique people defined in
chapter 14, nor for the suppression of their special message.
the perceptions, and blind the understanding of
those with whom you connect, in regard to the
message and the messengers....
Infidelity has been making its inroads into
our ranks; for it is the fashion to depart from
Christ, and give place to skepticism. With many
the cry of the heart has been, “We will not have
this man to reign over us.” Baal, Baal, is the
choice. The religion of many among us will be
the religion of apostate Israel, because they
love their own way, and forsake the way of the
Lord. The true religion, the only religion of the
Bible, that teaches forgiveness only through
the merits of a crucified and risen Saviour, that
advocates righteousness by the faith of the Son
of God, has been slighted, spoken against,
ridiculed, and rejected. … What kind of future is
before us if we shall fail to come into the unity
of the [1888] faith? (TM 467, 468; 1890).
say, “Not this man, but Barabbas” … Let the
son of deceit and false witness be entertained
by a church that has had great light, great
evidence, and that church will discard the
message the Lord has sent, and receive the
most unreasonable assertions and false
suppositions and false theories. … Many will
stand in our pulpits with the torch of false
prophecy in their hands, kindled from the
hellish torch of Satan ….
The conflict is to wax fiercer and fiercer.
Satan will take the field and personate Christ.
He will misrepresent, misapply, and pervert
everything he possibly can, to deceive (TM 407-
11; 1897; emphasis added).
What Is Baal-Worship?
preserved a distinct difference in his conception of God (1
Kings 18:26).
It is commonly assumed that there was a vast apparent
difference between the true religion of Israel and the
contemporary religions of paganism. But scholars say that
there were striking similarities—a morning and evening
sacrifice conducted daily, a tithe paid to the priests, animals
offered without blemish, sacred books and penitential
psalms, many concepts and ideas that were copies of the
The temples of Babylonia and Assyria had much in
common with Solomon’s temple. The people of Israel often
stumbled over these similarities and were deceived into
various forms of apostate worship. It was difficult for Israel to
sense that they were worshiping a false god when the name
was the one commonly used for the true God. The language
and terminology were similar, but only an inspired prophet
and those who believed him could discern how the motifs
and concepts were different. Ellen White’s prediction raises
the frightful possibility that an apostasy as serious has
quietly permeated the modern church while we have slept. If
true, the situation is frightful, but not hopeless. Repentance
was possible in Elijah’s day, and it is possible in ours.
The apostasy in Elijah’s day is often misunderstood as a
departure from truth so obvious and striking as to make the
Israelites seem unusually dull and inexcusable. The facts are
that Israel’s apostasy was gradual and unconscious,
requiring about a century to assume the proportions Elijah
recognized in his day. He must have had a very keen mind to
discern it (cf. 3T 273; PK 109, 133, 137). We must remember
that Elijah still lives, having been translated. Would he feel at
home among us, recognizing Jezebel and her prophets?
Baal being a false christ, it is obvious that all worship of
self which is disguised as worship of Christ and which evades
the principle of the cross is in reality Baal-worship. The roots
go deep, often beneath our consciousness.
The verbal use of the name of Christ and other Christian
terminology means nothing so far as identifying truth is
concerned. Christ’s enemy is to “impersonate Christ,” that is,
assume the appearance of and usurp His identity through
exceedingly clever deception. But long before the
impersonation will come his misrepresentation. The non-
Adventist Frederick A. Voigt recognized an aspect of this
superb deception: “The ‘Christian Ethic’ is the Anti-Christ of
the Western world. It is the most insidious and formidable
corruption that ever afflicted that world.”
One small example is the cult of self-love. Through a
clever manipulation of Scripture, the sinful love of self has
been transformed into a virtue. During the last fifteen years
it has been strenuously taught to our youth as a supposed
Christian duty. The divine command to love our neighbor as
we love ourselves is twisted into a command to love self,
when in fact the Lord taught that the motivation of our
natural-born sinful love of self is now redirected through
genuine faith to a Christlike love of our neighbor.
Genuine self-respect is indeed a virtue, but it becomes
authentic through an appreciation of Christ’s self-emptying
love revealed at the cross. True self-esteem is thus rooted in
His atonement. But the me-first love of self is antithetical to
devotion to Christ and His work. It is understandable that an
enemy would promote the cult of selfism as though it were
Christ’s teaching. What is difficult to understand is why
Seventh-day Adventists should promote it.
Undoubtedly it is ignorance or disregard of Ellen White’s
statements about Baal-worship that has made it possible
also for the New Age philosophy to be tolerated in our midst
as much as it has been. But fundamental to all of our modern
confusion is the mistaking of a false christ for the true in
consequence of our 1888 tragedy. The roots go back for
nearly a century.
We are all familiar with the description of the final stage
of Satan’s impersonation when he will counterfeit the second
The 1890 Salamanca vision unveils a mystery. In
consequence of our 1888 misconception of the true Christ,
this false Christ will find a way to worm himself in through
misrepresentation by false doctrines and concepts long
before he takes the final step of physical impersonation. This
is how Ellen White’s words can be fulfilled, “The religion of
many among us will be the religion of apostate Israel” —
Baal-worship. Wherever self becomes the true object of
devotion while we profess to serve Christ, there is Baal-
worship. Wherever ladder-climbing, promotion, prestige, and
power are the true motivations of ministry, there we have
the prophets of Baal.
But this cannot happen where the true message of
righteousness by faith is understood and believed. Baal-
worship is the fruit of a species of corrupted teachings that
encourage a profession of faith in Christ while self is not
crucified with Him:
Baal-worship finds a way to intrude through popular but
inadequate theories of righteousness by faith.
in the house which is called by My name, to
pollute it” (7:9, 10, 30).
There are countless good, sincere people and ministers in
the popular Sunday-keeping churches. They are happy,
loving, zealous, as devoted to their families as we are to
ours, in some cases more missionary-minded than we have
become. Their success in church growth fabulously outstrips
ours in many cases, and their moral standards seem to be as
high. The Lord’s question, “What do ye more than others?” is
one they have a right to ask us (Matthew 5:47, KJV). And that
is the embarrassing question many of our youth are asking.
The full light of the third angel’s message in verity “has
been in a great degree kept away from the world” ever since
the 1888 era (cf. 1SM 234, 235). As a result, the world has
stood in a different relationship to God than His plan
anticipated. While “Elijah” has had to go into exile, some
“Obadiahs” have had to nourish the sincere prophets of the
Lord “in a cave” as it were. The fall of Babylon has been
checked. Not yet has it become what it will be when the loud
cry is proclaimed. Not yet has that voice of Revelation 18:4
sounded clearly and powerfully, “Come out of her, My
Our Lord tells us plainly what the trouble is: He cannot
yet work for His remnant church as powerfully as He would
like to (cf. 6T 371). The Greek expression our Lord uses
means that we make Him so nauseated that He feels like
throwing up (Revelation 3:16, 17).29 Is it too much to say that
sincere people who are close to Jesus also feel nauseated, as
He does, by the self-centered Baal-worship that finds its way
into the modern equivalent of the Lord’s temple? The vanity
of spirit, the emptiness of sermons, the praise and flattery of
men and women, the screaming and shouting into the
microphones, the joking and jesting, the pathetic egocentric
legalism—how does Christ feel? And how do those whom He
describes in Revelation 18:4 as “My people” feel?
It is terrible to think that Baal-worship has infiltrated
modern Israel as it did ancient Israel, but the Lord’s servant
insists it is true. Human nature being the same in all ages,
our tendency has been the same as that of the Lord’s
ancient people—to assimilate the thinking of the people
around us. The rejection of the 1888 message set the
The original language is not a firm promise that the Lord will spue out His church of Laodicea. The
Greek is mello se emesai, an expression that means literally, “I am about to vomit you out.” The same
word mello is used in Revelation 10:4 where the action anticipated does not take place. The Laodicean
message declares that we can heal Christ’s sickness of nausea by our repentance (verse 19). The word
Laodicea is not a dirty word; it means “judging, or vindicating, the people.” The problem with Laodicea
is her lukewarmness, not her identity as the seventh or last of the churches.
pattern for nearly a century of such assimilation, beginning
with the exposure of counterfeit ideas at the 1893 session
that purported to be the same as genuine righteousness by
That was only the beginning. We have turned again and
again to the popular churches and their leadership for ideas
and inspiration which we have assumed was the same
message, not discerning the fundamental distinctions.
Already in the 1890’s there were tendencies to confuse
Roman Catholic justification by faith for the genuine (GCB
1893, pp. 244, 261, 262, 265, 266).
Just after World War I we borrowed “the victorious life”
enthusiasm from The Sunday School Times. Froom’s
Movement of Destiny even boasts that the 1888 message
was essentially the same as a vast array of Evangelical
preachers were teaching (pp. 255-258, 319-321; 1971 ed.).
This is not to say that all such ideas have been bad, but
the unique concept of the cleansing of the sanctuary has
been absent from them all. This vacuum has invited Baal-
worship to rush in.
What makes this account important is not the issue of guilt
or lack of it for rejecting the 1844 light. The reality is the
terrible deception entering in for lack of a vital truth
regarding Christ and His present-day work in the final Day of
Atonement. This statement has profound implications:
churches are elated, and consider that God is
working marvelously for them, when it is the
work of another spirit (ibid., pp. 260, 261).
honor and vindication of the Saviour so that the great
controversy can be ended in victory for Him.
For this to take place in any community of human hearts
and lives, the full truth of righteousness by faith must be
clearly understood. And the popular churches cannot
understand this truth, however sincere they may be, for they
“have no knowledge of the way into the most holy [place],
and they can not be benefited by the intercession of Jesus
Genuine righteousness by faith is not only a truth but an
experience that accompanies it which the heavenly High
Priest ministers in His closing work of atonement. Continued
centuries of ignorance of this truth cannot resolve the
problem. The third angel’s message in verity is vitally
needed. In the absence of that truth, no body of people
anywhere can be prepared for the second coming of Christ,
regardless of their religious affiliation.
(4) Ellen White is on target in depicting Satan as a sly
counterfeiter. He succeeds only when “he leads the minds of
these professed Christians” away from the special, unique
work of Christ in the Most Holy Apartment. According to the
Early Writings statement, his method is to appear to
perpetuate the same ministry of Christ that continued in the
first Apartment from His ascension to 1844. His intent is to
eclipse a knowledge of the change in that ministry.
The High Priest’s ministry must change, because He
cannot forever minister His blood in substitution to cover the
perpetual sinning of His people. He must accomplish
something on the Day of Atonement that was never
accomplished previously. He must have a people who
overcome “even as” He overcame, a people who “condemn
sin in the flesh” through His faith. Satan must zero in on this
truth and eclipse it if possible. Thus the counterfeiter leads
minds “to himself” by deflecting their interest from the
unique work the true High Priest must accomplish.
If Third World entrepreneurs can counterfeit Swiss
Omega watches so as to fool sophisticated buyers, is it hard
to believe that Satan has by now polished a highly successful
imitation of Christ and the true gospel message? It includes
“light and much power, but no sweet love [agape], joy and
peace.” He has diligently studied the work of the true Holy
Spirit and has invented a superb imitation that will deceive, if
possible, the very elect. He has his counterfeit righteousness
by faith nearly perfected for deception. Of course, it lacks an
understanding of Christ’s work in the Most Holy Apartment,
that vital ingredient of agape that alone can cleanse human
hearts of all fear and self-centered motivation which
perpetuates sin.
(5) If Ellen White is correct, multitudes of “sincere,”
“loving” Christians will succumb to terrific pressure to
restore the religious intolerance of the Dark Ages and will
enforce the mark of the beast. Various forms of terrorism can
easily accomplish this for a nation, a world, and churches
given to materialism, sensuality and “spiritual” spiritualism.
Ellen White unmasks the horrible specter of a false Christ
spreading “his influence over the land by means of false
reformations, … the work of another spirit” (ibid., p. 261).
(6) There are wheat and tares growing together in
“Babylon” as there are within the church that professes to
bear the third angel’s message. But the stalemate of a near-
century must be resolved. The human race is in a process of
disintegrating morally and spiritually. We face problems of
potential global suicide through drug abuse, drunkenness,
infidelity, break-up of homes, violence, polarization of the
rich and the poor, terrorism, and the always looming shadow
of nuclear disaster.
The great controversy between Christ and Satan will
likely appear to resolve itself into a contest to see which can
preserve life on this planet. “The beast” will make it appear
that he is the world’s savior. Thus his mark will at last be
urged as the only way to prevent the destruction of the
human race. The “false reformations” brought by the
counterfeit “high priest” who has pretended to take over the
ministry of the first apartment of the heavenly sanctuary will
be the means to effect this vast deception.
(7) Thus there are truths inherent in the 1888 message of
Christ’s righteousness that are not comprehended by any
segment of Christians who do not understand the two-
apartment ministry of the heavenly High Priest. The “gospel”
proclaimed by the “little horn” power virtually justifies sin
and therefore logically upholds Satan’s rebellion. This is the
secret of the lawlessness that pervades the modern world on
all levels. All churches everywhere desperately need to have
the gospel of the three angels’ messages in verity effectively
communicated to them.
The third angel’s message in verity proclaims a Saviour
who “condemned sin in the flesh,” offering the only valid
rebuttal of Satan’s charges against God. It effectively
“condemns sin,” that is, demonstrates that sin in human
nature is unnecessary and is actually doomed to extinction.
Ralph Larson explains the close relationship between “the
Nature of Christ and the Saving Work of Christ” who cannot
heal that which He has not assumed (The Word Was Made
Flesh, pp. 277-283). The third angel’s message thus presents
a Saviour who was in all points tempted like as we are, yet
without sin, and who therefore can save to the uttermost
those who come to God by Him. The message will prepare a
people for the Lord’s return.
Those who follow Christ by faith in the change of His High
Priestly mission appreciate three distinct and unique truths:
(a) The perpetuity of the law of God, including the holy
sabbath. The true “fulfillment of the law” is agape (Romans
13:10) because it produces heart-obedience through the
atonement. This is the unique aspect of righteousness by
faith that is ministered only in the Most Holy Apartment
ministry .
(b) The non-immortality of the soul. Apart from clearly
comprehending the truth of the nature of man it becomes
impossible to appreciate what happened on the cross of
Calvary. Thus true motivation to holy living is weakened, and
righteousness by faith is nullified.
(c) The cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary is the final
Day of Atonement ministry. This ensures the ultimate
demonstration of righteousness by faith in the hearts and
lives of those who believe the truth.
These three “pillars” of truth support the Seventh-day
Adventist Church (CWE pp. 30, 31). They embrace a
complete message that can prepare a people for the return
of Christ. But apart from understanding the 1888 message,
the verity of truth therein necessarily eludes us. As surely as
night follows day, the pioneers’ confidence in the imminent
return of Christ consequently fades away; we lose their
vision and their star disappears.
abound, the love [agape] of many will grow cold” (Matthew
24:12). It is this genuine love that Ellen White saw is
ministered only by Christ in His closing work of atonement.31
A counterfeit love is ministered by a counterfeit holy spirit,
who is the essence of spiritualism. Here is what is happening
before our eyes:
“pillars” of truth embodied in the message of the three
angels. No way should their work have been delayed or
hindered, according to God’s plan. But because of the 1888
unbelief, the Lord’s messenger in 1889 predicted a terrible
falling away from truth and purity:
Those who can so easily be led by a false
spirit show that they have been following the
wrong captain for some time,—so long that
they do not discern that they are departing
from the faith (Southern Watchman, April 5,
How Satan would exult to have a message
go broadcast that the only people whom God
has made the repositories of His law are the
ones to whom this message [the fall of
Babylon] applies ….
Evidence which makes the message to the
Laodicean church applicable … will not blot out
the church that it will not exist (2 SM 66-69;
A new order of things has come into the
ministry. There is a desire to pattern after
other churches, and simplicity and humility are
almost unknown. … Some open revival
meetings, and by this means call large numbers
into the church. But when the excitement is
over, where are the converted ones?
Repentance and confession of sin are not seen.
The sinner is entreated to believe in Christ and
accept Him without regard to his past life of sin
and rebellion. The heart is not broken. There is
no contrition of soul. The supposed converted
ones have not fallen upon the Rock, Christ
Jesus (Undated MS, 111).
Only a few days after the 1888 session closed, on
November 23 Ellen White spoke at the Potterville, Michigan,
state meeting (A. L. White, The Lonely Years, p. 418). Her
three sermons are recorded in the Review and Herald. In her
sermon of November 24 she makes reference six times to
the Jews, drawing comparisons with us:
coming of Christ—how the enemy sought every
occasion to blind the minds of God’s servants,
that they may not be able to discern the
precious truth (ibid., February 18, 1890).
Every line I trace about the condition of the
people in the time of Christ, about their
attitude toward the Light of the world, in [this]
I see danger that we shall take the same
position.... We shall have to meet unbelief in
every form in the world, but it is when we meet
unbelief in those who should be leaders of
[God’s] people, that our souls are wounded
(ibid., March 4, 1890).
Ellen White’s comparison with the Jews is not casual. It
penetrates to the very heart of the plan of salvation. The
denial of John 3:16 is implicit in our “insubordination”
because resisting Christ is involved in it. When this is seen,
there will come a repentance commensurate with the
transgression. The difficulty is that the transgression has not
yet been appreciated for its true nature. We have not yet
seen ourselves as Heaven sees us.
There is a new generation on the scene now, and no
living church member can testify from experience in
attending the 1888 session. Everything we can learn about it
now must come from inspired written records.
Since 1950 a concerted effort has been made to publish
books that convey the idea that 1888 was a victory for the
church. Thus several authoritative books totaling nearly
1500 pages attempt to establish that “we” accepted the
1888 message. Two were endorsed by General Conference
presidents; a third was written by a vice-president. Their
publication attests the deep interest that 1888 holds for the
Seventh-day Adventist conscience.
The Holy Spirit has led through all these years, and truth
will emerge triumphant over all confusion. The solution to
our problems lies not in criticizing church leadership or
weakening church organization; it lies in repentance and
reconciliation with Christ within the church organization. We
dare not deny or suppress truth; fully disclosed and
understood by honest hearts, truth overcomes fanaticism,
legalism, and a holier-than-thou spirit of criticism. It can lead
only to a humble, Christlike repentance that will bring
effective healing.
We turn now to a brief overview of these developments.
The appeal was firmly, officially rejected: “We do not
believe that [a denominational repentance] is according to
God’s plan and purpose.” “You will not wish to press your
rather critical views nor circulate them any further” (General
Conference, Defense Literature Committee letter, December
4, 1951). The General Conference position was that a
denominational repentance is unnecessary and inappropriate
in view of our large baptisms in the “double our
membership” program in the 1950’s, and our widespread
denominational and institutional prosperity.
The authors would not rebel against General Conference
direction. They have always firmly supported the principle of
church organization and order. But they could not
conscientiously retract their basic convictions which they
believed were based upon the inspired testimony of Ellen
White. Therefore they appealed the matter to the next
higher authority—the Lord Himself in the investigative
judgment and to “the disposition of His providence.” They
went on with their missionary duties in Africa (Letter to
General Conference officers, February 5, 1952).
However, a copy of the manuscript somehow found its
way outside the headquarters offices. While the authors
were working as missionaries in Africa, various lay members
and ministers in North America laboriously copied and
reduplicated it. Without the concurrence of the authors, it
was widely distributed on several continents.
spiritual growth. Long ere this we should have
been in the Promised Land.
But the message of righteousness by faith
given in the 1888 Conference has been
repeated here. Practically every speaker from
the first day onward has laid great stress upon
this all-important doctrine, and there was no
prearranged plan that he should do so. It was
spontaneous on the part of the speakers. No
doubt they were impelled by the Spirit of God
to do so. Truly this one subject has, in this
conference, “swallowed up every other.”
And this great truth has been given here in
this 1952 Bible Conference with far greater
power than it was given in the 1888 Conference
because those who have spoken here have had
the advantage of much added light shining
forth from hundreds of pronouncements on this
subject in the writings of the Spirit of prophecy
which those who spoke back there did not
No longer will the question be, “What was
the attitude of our workers and people toward
the message of righteousness by faith that was
given in 1888? What did they do about it?”
From now on the great question must be,
“What did we do with the light on
righteousness by faith as proclaimed in the
1952 Bible Conference?” (W. H. Branson, Vol.
Two, pp. 616, 617).
If this is true, it follows logically that the 1952 messages
were a “far greater” manifestation of the latter rain and the
loud cry of Revelation 18 than was the 1888 message.
Further, the 1952 messages were filly accepted without
opposition, either officially in the General Conference or in
the world field.
If what was tragically lacking in 1888 was so abundantly
supplied in 1952, should not the earth have been lightened
in that generation with the glory of the loud cry message? A
similar acceptance of the 1888 message sixty years earlier
would have prepared a people in that generation to finish the
gospel commission. Did the blessing come in the 1952
A careful study of the two-volume report discloses a
problem. None of the speakers reproduced the unique motifs
or essentials of the 1888 message. Edward Heppenstall’s
messages on the two covenants were refreshingly in
harmony with the 1888 position, and several other speakers
said nothing contradictory to it. And there is no question that
they were all “sincere, honest, earnest, devoted, loyal men,”
and each gave thoughtful presentations.
But the problem is that most, if not all, gave evidence
that they were sincerely uninformed of the actual content of
the 1888 message. No one gave evidence that he had as yet
given careful study to the original sources of that “most
precious message,” which of course were all out of print. No
one apparently saw any clear difference between the 1888
message and the popular Protestant doctrine of
“righteousness by faith.”
It is painfully evident that the 1888 messengers whom
Ellen White endorsed were persona nun grata at this
conference (see for example, Vol. One, p. 256). It was as
though some “pre-arranged plan” had forbidden any
recognition of them or of the content of their unique
message. The essential nutriments being largely absent from
the 1952 messages, they could not exert the spiritual power
of the 1888 message for revival and reformation.
No doubt much good came from the conference. But the
latter rain and the loud cry did not have another “beginning”
35 years ago.
Meanwhile, a widespread spontaneous distribution of
1888 Re-examined continued. By 1958 relevant inquiries to
the General Conference from church members in the field
had stirred up another response.
The original report of the Defense Literature Committee had said rather the opposite: “The
Manuscript gives every evidence of earnest, diligent, and painstaking effort.”
GCB 1893, p. 359). We look in vain in the contemporary
writings of popular Protestant theologians for the unique
elements that constitute the 1888 message.
(c) This raises the question, If the Protestant churches of
the 1800’s possessed the essence of our 1888 message, how
could it be “the third angel’s message in verity”? Where is
the uniqueness of a Seventh-day Adventist evangel?
(d) The Seventh-day Adventist Church is represented as
becoming “more evangelical with the passing years,”
enjoying a “crescendo of emphasis on justification by faith
during the past forty years” (Pease, pp. 227, 239, 240). The
question remains—what kind of “justification by faith” is
this? Is it popular Protestantism, or is it the 1888 message?
(e) The book raises an anomaly. It is stated that “we”
have “preserved for the denomination the spiritual emphasis
of the revival movement of that [1890’s] decade,” and yet,
strangely, “the revival of the nineties died away” (pp. 164,
177). Here is a discouraging implication. Logically this view
implicitly denies the prophecy of Revelation 18:1-4. When
the loud cry message is truly accepted by the leadership of
the church, it can never “die away,” but is prophetically
destined to “lighten the earth with glory.” This is the
grandest scene of the world’s prophetic future. The fact that
the “revival” of the 1890’s “died away” is itself the clearest
evidence that the loud cry message was not truly accepted
by the church leadership. This must be clarified, or we face
the terrible prospect that all genuine revival likewise is
doomed to “die away” even if the message is accepted. Can
Revelation 18:1-4 never be fulfilled?
Questions from church members continued to come.
the word victory” (p. 7). But again, there are serious
(a) Those thirteen years were not marked by victory but
by outstanding unfaithfulness in administration at the church
headquarters. There were prophetic demands for
reformation and reorganization, and eventual judgments
from the Lord in disastrous fires at the Battle Creek
Sanitarium and the Review and Herald Publishing
Association. This came after the “victory” date of 1901. Ellen
White’s multitudinous letters from Australia during that
period indicate anything but “progressive years” if
spirituality and fidelity are important and if the 1888
message and experience are the criterion.
(b) The book tries to establish a legal basis for proving
that the 1888 message was not “officially rejected” because
“no action whatever was taken by vote of the delegates to
accept it or to reject it” (p. 36). While it is true that there is
no “official” record of a negative vote at Minneapolis, the
fact is that a vote was taken and the official Bulletin of 1893
speaks of it. Ellen White also confirms it.
Several definite references to a vote of rejection occur
agree to keep the commandments of God, and a
lot of other things that you are going to do, and
that was to be passed off as justification by
faith (p. 265).
Thus the only reason the vote was not recorded is that
Ellen White wisely forbade it. Clearly, the delegates intended
to pass such a vote of rejection. It would have passed
overwhelmingly because she declared at Minneapolis that
“the spirit and influence of the ministers generally who have
come to this meeting is to discard light” (Letter B21, 1888);
“our ministering brethren ... are here only to shut out the
Spirit of God from the people” (Ms. 9,1888, Olson, p. 291);
and “at this meeting, ... opposition, rather than investigation,
is the order of the day” (Ms. 15, 1888, Olson, p. 301). Such a
recorded vote would have been virtual denominational
suicide. Thank God she saved us from ourselves!
Pease acknowledges the force of the nearly total
opposition: “It is probably safe to say that Waggoner and
Jones would not have stood a chance without her support”
(The Faith That Saves, p. 41). Without her direct support for
them, the 1888 General Conference session would have
officially voted to condemn their message.
(c) Olson minimizes the impact of the 1888 opposition by
referring to a mere “twenty-three workers ... involved in it
one way or another.... To suggest that there was wholesale
collusion and organized opposition is not correct” (p. 84).
Again we have a conflict with what the inspired messenger
said in many statements. This also contradicts the
eyewitness reports of C. C. McReynolds and R. T. Nash (see
chapter 15).
(d) The book concludes with a painful, discouraging
dilemma. The leadership and the ministry are faithful, the
laity are not: “Adventist pastors and evangelists have
announced this vital truth from church pulpits and public
platforms, with hearts aflame with love for Christ.” But “to
many church members the message of righteousness by
faith has become a dry theory.... They have neglected the
light.... They have failed.... Their poor souls are naked and
destitute.... They will soon be rejected by their Lord” (pp.
238, 239; emphasis added). The logical end of this thesis is
the Roman Catholic concept of a faithful hierarchy and an
unfaithful laity.
When “the angel of the church,” its leadership, responds
to Christ’s last-day call, God’s “people shall be willing in the
day of [His] power” (Psalm 110:3). A faithful ministry and an
unfaithful laity is an indictment not only of God’s people
today, but of all sacred history, and offers no hope for the
future other than an unfaithful people always resisting a
faithful hierarchy. This cannot be and will not be.
“new emphasis on justification,” “the same everlasting
gospel by which Christians have been saved in all ages” (pp.
25, 39, 45, 54). There seems no recognition of a unique truth
constituting the “third angel’s message in verity,” no
concept of its special relation to the cleansing of the
(b) Again we are told that “the [1888] delegation was
divided three ways,” implying that opposition was not
serious. Rebutting those who say “that the ‘denomination’
rejected righteousness by faith in 1888,”34 the author relies
on the assumption that no vote recorded means that “no
official action was taken on the subject,” and that “most of
those who failed to see the light in 1888 repented of their
blindness and gave enthusiastic support” (p. 41). Evidence
for that “enthusiastic support” is lacking.
Again we are reminded of Ellen White’s plaintive letter to
her nephew on November 5, 1892, well after the principal
leaders’ confessions had come in, saying that “not one” of
the initial rejectors had “come to the light” and discerned
the message (Letter B2a, 1892). Pease elsewhere recognizes
that at the end of the decade no “Elisha” was preaching the
message effectively except Jones, Waggoner, and Ellen
White (By Faith Alone, p. 164). Where was their supposed
(c) Seeking to rebut the present authors’ suggestion that
the church “republish the writings of Waggoner and Jones so
we might have the benefit of their teaching,” Pease declares
“that there was nothing said by Waggoner and Jones” that
Ellen White did not say “better.... Ellen White was able to
present this same everlasting gospel with a beauty and
clarity that none of her contemporaries were able to equal”
(p. 53).
This raises a serious question: Why did the Lord send the
1888 messengers if they could not present the message
properly? Would He not have been wiser to appoint Ellen
White as the agent of the latter rain and the herald of the
loud cry message? Sacred history demonstrates that the
Lord always chooses messengers for a reason.
Ellen White never regarded Jones’ and Waggoner’s
message as superfluous; she endorsed it nearly 300 times in
language unsurpassed for enthusiasm, and clearly supported
Who these are is not clear. The authors of 1888 Re-examined have never declared that “the
denomination” rejected the beginning of the latter rain. They have only cited Ellen White evidence that
the leadership rejected it, and “in a great degree” kept it away from the church at large so that “the
denomination” never had a proper chance to accept it (cf. 1 SM 234, 235).
them as especially “appointed,” “delegated,” “credentialed”
by the Lord to do a work that she was not called to do.35
The 1888 messengers’ books are based on the Bible
alone (e.g., Christ and His Righteousness, The Gospel in
Creation, The Glad Tidings, The Consecrated Way to
Christian Perfection, which use no Ellen White statements).
Their message was a beautiful demonstration of the power
inherent in a pure Scripture message of righteousness by
faith. To denigrate it thus implies logically a disregard of
Ellen White’s endorsements.
(d) Our author concludes with an endorsement of the
1926 Milwaukee General Conference messages as more
important that those of 1888. They are strong evidence that
the 1888 message had been accepted, he says:
This of course is absurd. The only logical conclusion we can come to is that we need all the light that
the Lord sees fit to send us. Ellen White never claimed that she was sent to proclaim the latter rain or
loud cry message, but she recognized it in the Jones and Waggoner presentations. It is impossible to
accept Ellen White genuinely and not accept her endorsements of the 1888 message as proclaimed by
Jones and Waggoner during the time of her endorsements.
were greater and more important than those of 1888; yet (2)
unlike 1888, the “greater unanimity on the meaning of the
gospel” in 1926 meant that there was no opposition as there
was in 1888; (3) over 60 years have dragged by since 1926,
when Ellen White declares that had the 1888 message been
accepted, the gospel commission could have been
completed within a few years (GCB 1893, p. 419). (4) This
understanding of 1926 would tell us therefore that “greater
unanimity” and acceptance of the message bring no
successful completion of the gospel commission. Could
anything be more discouraging?
The fact is that the righteousness by faith taught in the
1926 messages as recorded in the General Conference
Bulletin of that year is not the essential truths of the 1888
message. The same thing happened as later in 1952. Those
messages were inspired by “the victorious life” enthusiasm
of the Sunday School Times and other prominent Protestant
leaders’ theological doctrines of the day. This is why no
lasting revival and reformation could follow either the 1926
session or the 1952 conference.
We turn now to the most significant developments of an
entire century in the growing concern about 1888.
Bible teachers, editors, mass communication
men, scientists, physicians (p. 8).
(a) It takes the opposite view of the 1888 history from
that of Daniells’ book, Christ Our Righteousness, and yet it
was Daniells who commissioned it. The contrast is readily
seen in the two following excerpts:
participants, observers, or recorders at the crucial
Minneapolis Session of ‘88” (p. 239). Of the total number
provided, only 13 were by persons actually in attendance, so
that there could only be 13 “eyewitnesses.” Careful count
indicates that 64 references are made to these 26 persons
and their letters or interviews. One is mentioned 14 times.
But the inscrutable mystery is why the author, after
making such impressive claims, does not allow them to
speak. With one exception, not a single sentence is quoted
from any of the entire 64 references, eyewitnesses or
Reason demands that testimonies said to prove so much
be made visible in support of the claim. Froom states
categorically in his italics, “There was no denomination-wide,
or leadership-wide rejection, these witnesses insisted” (p.
256). And then we are left without a single sentence from
any one of them that supports that statement.
There is not a court or jury in the free world that would
accept this kind of inference without evidence. And when
supposed evidence so obviously contradicts the testimony of
Ellen White, Seventh-day Adventist church members should
very earnestly demand that they be permitted to see such
Dr. Froom wrote to the present authors on December 4, 1964, before the publication of his
Movement of Destiny, demanding a retraction of the positions they had taken in 1888 Re-examined.
We were required to “make a public and published disavowal . . . of certain conclusions advanced by
you [that is, that the 1888 leadership rejected the beginning of the latter rain and the loud cry]. . . .
Ere long the full, documented story of the 1888 episode will doubtless be put into print. And unless you
have modified your presentation, you may find yourself in a most unenviable position. The contrast will
be marked.” On April 16, 1965 he wrote to us further: “In my view, you had better act first, and
without much delay. . . . Your contention . . . stands out like a sore thumb, conspicuously alone, and in
conflict with the virtually unanimous verdict of our scholars. . . . You have a lot of temerity to
contradict the findings of this whole group of men. . . . I . . . feel . . . no obligation to share any further
evidence with you. . . . Your unhappy plight makes me think of Elijah’s situation. . . . He sharply
disagreed with the historians and the experts in Israel about the situation. He was right, he felt, and
they were all wrong. He only was loyally left, and was maligned and persecuted because of his claims
and conclusions. . . . Elijah thus actually defamed and vilified Israel, and gave a misleading and
blackening report. He bore an untrue witness, casting aspersion upon Israel and its leadership [Ahab
and Jezebel?]. . . . You should cease, retreat, and retract.” He claimed that he spoke with the authority
of the General Conference behind him, as indeed their unprecedented endorsement of his book soon
One of us replied on May 10, 1965: “To retract on the basis of fear without inspired evidence would
hardly . . . be the right thing . . . to do. . . . The Lord has never asked a man to do such a thing. In fact,
a man can very well ruin his soul by yielding to a pressure of fear and anxiety, and cravenly retracting,
without evidence, what he has held in good conscience.” On November 10, 1965, the same author
wrote to Dr. Froom: “I have repeated my willingness to retract if you will let me see clear evidence
from the Spirit of Prophecy. You have categorically refused to let me see such evidence . . . . It seems
strange to me and to others that you should demand I ‘retract’ while at the same time you deny me
evidence which you say you have in unpublished Ellen G. White material that would require of an
One of the 26 letters referred to (p. 248) had always
existed in the White Estate files. The five- page letter written
by C. C. McReynolds (1853-1937) entitled “Experiences
While at the General Conference in Minneapolis, Minn. in
1888” is indexed as “D File 189.” The letter closes with these
two sentences:
honest conscience such a retraction. . . . My prayer is that in the final outcome of this matter [God’s]
name be honored.”
When Movement of Destiny appeared in print, the documentary “evidence” was completely absent.
None of these eyewitness statements found its way into
Movement of Destiny. Instead, the reader is constantly
assured that invisible “affidavits” say the opposite.
successfully negate one inspired testimony from the Lord’s
(h) As with Olson’s book, Froom exonerates the ministers
and the post-1888 leadership and blames the laity for
delaying the finishing of the gospel commission: “The Holy
Spirit—ready, willing, and able—could not do His allotted
work because of the unpreparedness of the membership” (p.
582). “What now remains is entrance of His people into full
provision of God for the finishing of the Great Commission”
(p. 613).
In fact, what now remains is a leadership acceptance of
the message, for it was leadership rejection of the message
of the loud cry, says Ellen White, that was the initial cause of
the long delay (cf. 1 SM 234, 235).
(i) The reader is told that she “rejoiced in the growing
acceptance” of the 1888 message (p. 605), and that “the
nineties were marked by a succession of powerful revivals,”
and “tremendous gains” (p. 264). We must look at an
interesting example of the contrast between what she
actually said and Froom’s portrayal of the post-1888 General
Conference leadership.
He rightly says that “the leading post-1888 mold on the
Movement was, of course, largely given by the incoming
General Conference president. We must consequently look
chiefly to him for determinative evidence.” In other words,
the attitude of Elder O. A. Olsen as General Conference
president will “chiefly” determine the truth of the message
being accepted or rejected by the church leadership. This is
true. We continue with Froom:
Clearly, Olsen did not reject the message
(pp. 354-358).
Minneapolis meeting. They have not repented
of their course of action in resisting light and
The disease at the heart of the work poisons
the blood, and thus the disease is
communicated to the bodies they [General
Conference leadership] visit ( ibid.).
Ellen White did not go behind Elder Olsen’s back; she had
earlier written him the same things on November 26, 1894.
Again she wrote him on May 31, 1896:
field that the people themselves might know what was going
on in Battle Creek. Elder Olsen had “rejected” the trust
placed with him, according to the autographed copy of the
letter in the White Estate file (Letter E51, 1897). In another
autographed carbon copy in a private collection, she crossed
out the word “rejected” and wrote in her own handwriting,
“neglected.” What was the mysterious reason that motivated
this continued official resistance/neglect of the Holy Spirit?
It will be recalled that Froom sets forth the high ethical
standard he was to follow, mandated by Daniells. His book
was to be “one that would honor God and exalt truth” (p.
An explicit confession is due the Church
today by promulgators of a misleading charge,
first of all against the names of the post-1888
leadership, now all sleeping. Moreover, it is
likewise due those in the Church today who
have been confused and misled by such an
allegation. In the ultimate, then, it actually
constitutes an impeachment of the dead. That
is a gravely serious matter (p. 358).
surface to be minor, but it is significant. We quote from the
1973 Appeal:
immediately we have hope, for we can recover and proclaim
the objective message as it is recorded in the existent
sources. The power of the Holy Spirit is manifested in “the
truth of the gospel” (Galatians 2: 14; Romans 1:16).
However, the Annual Councils of 1973 and 1974 did
nothing practical and effective to recover and promulgate
the 1888 message itself. Rather, they inadvertently ensured
that the vacuum would be filled with an infusion of Calvinist
“Reformationism.” The 1888 message has never been freely
and clearly proclaimed to the world church with full General
Conference support.
The second outgrowth of this 1973-74 interest in 1888
was in consequence of the misunderstanding evident above.
Recognizing that the church needs “righteousness by faith,”
the General Conference convened the Palmdale Conference
in 1976 where certain theologians dominated the discussions
and demanded support for their “Reformationist,” Calvinist
views of “justification by faith.”
They claimed that their views were a true revival of the
1888 message content, when in fact they were a denial of
every basic essential of that “most precious message.” But
their prominence in Australia and North America gave them
wide influence throughout the world field. The general
ignorance of the 1888 essentials plus an antipathy for
“legalism” created the vacuum into which these
“Reformationist” ideas rushed.
Time soon demonstrated how these views are
incompatible with the Adventist truth of the cleansing of the
sanctuary. If the General Conference and our publishing
houses had appreciated the unique content of the 1888
message itself and faithfully published and upheld it, these
views could never have taken deep root in North America,
Europe, Africa, the Far East, and the South Pacific.
Misreading the history of the 1890’s resulted in repeating
that history, with even more tragic consequences. We can
document the loss of hundreds of ministers, and no one
knows how many laity and youth.
There is a root from which these Calvinist views of
righteousness by faith can be traced: the General
Conference and White Estate insistence for decades that the
1888 message was only a re- emphasis of popular Protestant
views. Our theologians in the 1970’s were only building on a
foundation laid for them beginning in the 1920’s.
place. As we have previously noted, such votes were taken
“with uplifted hand” (GCB 1893, pp. 244,265)—but not
recorded solely due to Ellen White’s veto.
We note the next statement in full:
How this works will be seen by an example. On page 468
occurs this clear 1890 statement: “It is the fashion to depart
from Christ.... With many the cry of the heart has been, ‘We
will not have this man to reign over us.’ ... Righteousness by
the faith of the Son of God, has been slighted, spoken
against, ridiculed, and rejected.” The Appendix note cautions
the reader to be careful. Apparently he should not too readily
believe what the text says: “While some took the attitude
here referred to there were many who received the message
and gained a great blessing in their own personal
experience” (p. 533). This directly counters many statements
in the text.
This can only breed dismay among thoughtful church
members who have a right to expect literary integrity, for
they can read the contradicting evidence for themselves in
the full context of Ellen White’s words.
There is another denial of a straightforward Ellen White
statement about the 1888 history. On March 16,1890 she
said, “Christ ... has a blessing for us. He had it at
Minneapolis, and He had it for us at the time of the General
Conference here [1889]. But there was no reception”
(emphasis added). This statement is made available in
Release No. 253, but a footnote counters it: “The wording of
this sentence is clearly faulty for, isolated, it is out of
harmony with what follows and other of her statements
relating to the General Conference of 1889.”
However, the entire document in context clearly supports
this statement as it reads. The context indicates that its
wording cannot be faulty. Always the “some” who accepted
were a few of lesser influence, while those who rejected were
the “many” of influence.
But the matter does not end here. In 1980, Selected
Messages, Book Three, was published with a 33-page
chapter on “The Minneapolis Conference.” Seven pages are
again taken up with additional inserted “Historical
Backgrounds.” Although there was a “tragic setback,” a
“gradual change for the better ... ensued in the five or six
years after Minneapolis” (p. 162). Yet Ellen White’s strongest
testimonies of reproof for post-1888 unbelief are dated
seven or eight years after Minneapolis. (Ellen White’s clear
reference to a negative “vote” taken at Minneapolis is
deleted from her Ms. 24,1888 document that forms the bulk
of the chapter; cf. p. 176).
Again we are reminded that we must all seek the Lord’s
guidance in our search for vital truth. It would seem that
1888 presents a problem unique in the long history of God’s
confrontations with His people. There is a precious truth
involved therein that seems more elusive than any in the
history of past ages. How else could it be possible that
scholars and leaders who possess the most outstanding
opportunities for knowledge in all time should fail to
recognize the obvious evidence? Repentance is incumbent
on all of us; we should all inquire, “Lord, is it I?”
Incidentally, those who are confused about reports of
Ellen White’s occasional literary borrowing would find the
true 1888 history helpful in resolving their doubts. Her
integrity and qualifications as an agent of the gift of
prophecy are uniquely demonstrated in her role in that
history. Without any human help whatever, she threaded her
way unerringly through the theological pitfalls inherent in
that difficult controversy. Her courage in standing alone
against “nearly all the senior ministers” in a General
Conference session is fantastic.
Her extemporaneous sermons were taken down in
shorthand and transcribed for us today. Who else could
preach ten sermons without notes in the emotional heat of
theological battle with every word recorded, plus writing
scores of extant letters and diary entries, and stand clear of
the slightest embarrassment a hundred years later? There is
not an unfortunate word in any of them. Her enthusiastic
endorsement of the message, against great odds, is
miraculously in harmony with the keenest, most competent
theology of today. Never does that little lady stand so tall as
in this 1888 history.
us in an unrepentant, lukewarm Laodicean state. The simple
solution is an honest faith that includes a belief of truth and
an open, contrite recognition of it. The hour is late, but thank
God it is not too late for a new spirit of fidelity.
We have been told that the unfallen universe is watching.
The honor of the Lord Himself is at stake. We know that
someday there must be a people in whose “mouth [is] found
no guile” (Revelation 14:5).
To consider “righteousness by faith” as merely the
Protestant doctrine is to miss the point. Yet this has been the
constant official approach to 1888. An example of far-
reaching spiritual blindness is a quotation from A. W.
Spalding (Origin and History, Vol. 2, p. 281). Note how this
position contradicts the heart of the 1888 message itself:
church. The question now is, Will we accept our history, or
will we also “stone Stephen”?
After a century of delay, it is time to see how the cause of
God is imperiled. We have already witnessed the first-fruit of
the 1888 rejection in the “alpha” pantheistic crisis of the
early 1900's. Now we are in the time when the “omega” is
due. The “alpha” was “received even by men who ... had
long experience in the truth, ... those whom we thought
sound in the faith” (Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 7, p.
37). “The omega will follow, and will be received by those
who are not willing to heed the warning God has given” (No.
2, p. 50). The great controversy continues and the dragon is
wroth with the “woman” and will spare no efforts to win.
We were told in the “alpha” days that the truth would be
discarded; books of a new order would be written; a system
of intellectual philosophy would be introduced; the Sabbath
would be lightly regarded; the leaders would concede that
virtue is better than vice, but they would place their
dependence on human power (cf. Series B, No. 2, pp. 54,
We see these words fulfilled today.
“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that
build it” (Psalm 127:1). He has told us, “My thoughts are not
your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the
Lord” (Isaiah 55:8). The beginning of the latter rain and the
loud cry was not Madison Avenue strategy and
demographics; it was a clear understanding of good news, an
actual message itself, something which every believer
however humble could employ efficiently.
Inherent in that beautiful, heart-appealing “good news”
message is the experience of the final atonement. The blood
of Christ is to purge the conscience from dead works. The
message is not merely to prepare a people for death, but for
translation, and the power is in the objective message itself.
Billions of dollars spent on the latest electronic and graphics
communications will never lighten the earth with glory until
“the light of the angel whose glory shall fill the whole earth”
is wholeheartedly, humbly received and appreciated.
The Lord’s method of true and lasting church growth is
simplicity itself. Note how a true message of righteousness
by faith will be the “light” that will do the work:
God; we shall become mature people, reaching
to the very height of Christ’s full stature. Then
we shall no longer be children, carried by the
waves and blown about by every shifting wind
of the teaching of deceitful men, who lead
others into error by the tricks they invent.
Instead, by speaking the truth in a spirit of love
[agape], we must grow up in every way to
Christ, who is the head. Under his control all
the different parts of the body fit together, and
the whole body is held together by every joint
with which it is provided. So when each
separate part works as it should, the whole
body grows and builds itself up through love
[agape] (Ephesians 4:14-16, TEV).
of legalism will die. Fanaticism will discredit itself and die
Finally, the ultimate experience awaiting the church is
like that which Jesus went through at Gethsemane. Only His
very own will be willing to accept it, but He has staked the
honor of His throne on His confidence that they will.
Facing the cross is what Peter would not accept, until he
was converted. He denied his Lord; only a similar modern
denial of Christ can account for the supreme self-centered
motivation that continually expresses the concern that “I get
to heaven.” It was heaven that Christ forsook with no
assurance that He would ever return—so that sin and death
might be eradicated from the universe. True faith in Him is
not centered on our receiving a reward.
Now the last, the seventh church, is on the scene, and we
are surely in the last moments that can be allotted to her.
There is no eighth.
When His people gladly accept all the truth that He has
for them, they will fulfill the same role that Christ filled when
He was on earth. That “short period of three years was as
long as the world could endure the presence of the
Redeemer” (DA 541).
When the power of Satan is broken among the Lord’s
people, the unbelieving world will not be able longer to
endure their presence. They will have demonstrated true
righteousness by faith, that closer intimacy with the world’s
Saviour that He still offers as He continues knocking at our
How much longer will He knock?
Attempts are being made to represent A. T. Jones’
message of righteousness by faith as leading into the “holy
flesh” heresy. It is said that he taught this false doctrine as
early as a few months following the 1888 conference. One
example, doubtless based on research at the General
Conference, follows:
discredited as naive and fanatical. During her long and
distinguished career, she never at any time uttered
endorsements of anyone as repeatedly and as
enthusiastically as she did of Jones’ message and labors from
1888 through 1896.
While it is true that Jones was a human being as prone to
weaknesses as any of us, she would never have endorsed
him so highly if she had entertained the slightest suspicion
that his teaching was “drifting” to a fanaticism as
horrendous as that which afflicted the Indiana Conference at
the turn of the century. It will not help to excuse Ellen White
for endorsing him on the grounds that she was honestly
deceived by him. She exercised the prophetic gift and
claimed heavenly inspiration. There is no way that we can
respect her if she was mistaken about Jones.
(3) The only message that Ellen White ever identified as a
genuine beginning of the Holy Spirit’s gift of the latter rain
and the loud cry is that of the 1888 messengers. If it almost
immediately “drifted” toward the “holy flesh” fanaticism,
how can we trust any similar message that the Holy Spirit
may in future inspire? We can be sure that Satan would like
to dissuade the church from ever again receiving any true
spiritual blessing sent from heaven.
Evidence Concerning the Charge Against Jones
It is Christ’s obedience that avails and not
ours that brings righteousness to us. Well then
let us stop trying to do the will of God in our
own strength. Stop it all. Put it away from you
forever. Let Christ’s obedience do it all for you
and gain the strength to pull the bow so that
you can hit the mark....
In the fact that the law demands perfection
lies the hope of mankind, because if it could
overlook a sin to a single degree, no one could
ever be free from sin, as the law would never
make that sin known, and it could never be
forgiven, by which alone man can be saved. The
day is coming when the law will have revealed
the last sin and we will stand perfect before
Him and be saved with an eternal salvation ... It
is a token of His love for us, therefore,
whenever a sin is made known to you, it is a
token of God’s love for you, because the
Saviour stands ready to take it away (May
It is only by faith in Christ that we can say
we are Christians. It is only through being one
with him that we can be Christians, and only
through Christ within us that we keep the
commandments—it being all by faith in Christ
that we do and say these things. When the day
comes that we actually keep the
commandments of God, we will never die,
because keeping the commandments is
righteousness, and righteousness and life are
inseparable—so, “Here are they that keep the
commandments of God and the faith of Jesus,”
and what is the result? These people are
translated. Life, then, and keeping the
commandments go together. If we die now,
Christ’s righteousness will be imputed to us
and we will be raised, but those who live to the
end are made sinless before He comes, having
so much of Christ’s being in them that they “hit
the mark” every time, and stand blameless
without an intercessor, because Christ leaves
the sanctuary sometime before He comes to
earth (May 18, 1889; the newspaper attributes
this sermon to W. C. White).
019,1892). This time it wasn’t a “word or action.” It was only
an imagined one.
3. Jesus taught that the love of self is a virtue, a
necessary precondition to loving others. Love of self and
proper self-respect confused.
3. Jesus taught that the converted person will love his
neighbor as before conversion he found it natural to love
self. When self is crucified with Christ we find true self-
respect in Him. Faith expels self-love, an invention of Satan.
7. God will torture and destroy the lost in hell-fire.
Emphasis is on His vindictive initiative in punishment.
7. Sin pays its wages—death. The second death
mercifully ends the misery of the lost. God’s love is
manifested in their fate.
declaration. It makes the believer obedient to all the
commandments of God.
16. “Made under the law” in Gal. 4:4 means that Christ
was made under the Jewish ceremonial law (cf. Seventh-day
Adventist Bible Commentary, Vol. 6, p. 966).
16. “Made under the law” means under the moral law.
Christ was not “exempt” from our genetic inheritance; yet
He did not sin. To do His Father’s will, He had to deny His
own will; He denied self.
18. Christ bore our guilt only vicariously.
18. Christ bore our guilt actually. He truly identified with
us, and condemned sin “in the flesh,” that is, in our flesh.
20. Thus cut off from our genetic inheritance, Christ was
“naturally” good. His own will was identical to His Father’s
will. No inner struggle. Thus His righteousness could not be
by faith.
20. Christ’s righteousness was by faith. He said, “I seek
not Mine own will.” He bore the cross all His lifetime,
something the sinless Adam did not need to do. Christ
constantly denied self.
21. Since He did not take our fallen, sinful nature, Christ
could not truly meet and conquer sexual temptations.
21. Scripture gives us no right to exempt Christ from any
human temptation. Heb. 4:15 is too clear.
unbelief. The second coming is impossible unless Christ
ceases to be our Substitute.
grasp the principle of corporate guilt—their relationship to
“the sins of the whole world.” Heaven will aid the believers in
overcoming “even as” Christ overcame.
31. Christ is eager to return as a bridegroom eager for a
wedding. He will come whenever His Bride makes herself
ready. The delay is her responsibility.
35. The 1888 message had its origin in “the creeds of the
Protestant churches of the day” (Pease, By Faith Alone, pp.
138, 139). We have no distinct gospel.
35. The message is distinctly different from that of the
popular churches. The “third angel’s message in verity” is
biblical, “Christ and Him crucified.”
finish God’s work. “This is the work of God, that ye believe
on Him whom He hath sent.” We need the 1888 message He
sent us!
wide believe that it was accepted by the leadership of that
Part of the problem is a persistent confusion of thought
that appears almost to be willful. As a people we do accept
the popular Protestant “doctrine” of righteousness by faith
just as Protestants profess to believe it. Therefore our
apologists insist that this “doctrine” was not rejected in 1888
or thereafter. But this is not the full truth of our history. Our
brethren “in a great degree” did reject the message which
was the beginning of the latter rain and the loud cry. This
obvious fact explains the long delay, and nothing else can
explain it.
What is the source of this persistent and widespread
confusion and misconception? Doubtless it is the human
judgment of good men whose basic mindset is
understandably Laodicean. We all partake of that same
mindset, by nature. It is painful for any of us to believe what
the True Witness says, that the truth of our history reveals
us as “wretched and miserable,” our 1888 history in
particular being a replay of the Jews’ history at Calvary. That
history pinpoints our great need: denominational
This unwelcome conviction must at any cost be repressed
with assurances of being “rich and increased with goods.”
Hence the acceptance myth. One prime source of that myth
enjoys such unique credibility that it has seemed impossible
for anyone to question it.
In his The Lonely Years 1876-1891, Arthur L. White
informs us that “the concept that the General Conference,
and thus the denomination, rejected the message of
righteousness by faith in 1888 is without foundation and was
not projected until forty years after the Minneapolis meeting
and thirteen years after Ellen White’s death” (p. 396). The
author is a grandson of Ellen White.
We have already noted how rejection of the 1888
message was clearly recognized by Ellen White and her
contemporaries from 1893 through 1901 (see chapter four of
this book).
“Forty years after the Minneapolis meeting” would bring
us to around 1928. It was in that era that Taylor G. Bunch at
Pacific Union College publicly likened our 1888 history to that
of Israel at Kadesh-Barnea rejecting the report of Caleb and
Joshua. W. C. White, Ellen White’s son, remonstrated with
Bunch, assuring him that such a rejection in 1888 did not
take place. He was present at that conference, he said, and
he knew. It is only natural that he would convey the same
acceptance view to his son, Arthur L. White, who has served
for so many years as secretary of the Ellen G. White Estate,
and under whose supervision and endorsement some 1500
pages of books regarding 1888 have been published since
Both Ellen White’s son and grandson have rightly enjoyed
great esteem in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They
have been utterly sincere in their efforts to educate several
generations of our people to believe that the 1888 message
was not rejected. We accord to both of them the utmost
respect which their unique place in our history warrants. At
the same time, we must recognize that Ellen White exercised
a still more unique ministry, that of an inspired messenger of
the Lord whose ministry is an expression of the testimony of
Jesus, the Spirit of Prophecy. Her prophetic gift endowed her
with discernment that penetrated beneath the surface. Even
if a thousand eyewitnesses with uninspired judgment
contradict the word of an inspired prophet, we must trust
that inspired word, for a “thus saith the Lord” is implicit in it.
Ellen White’s testimony is so clear and straight-forward that
the common man can readily understand it. The future of
this church depends upon this issue of prophetic guidance
being settled rightly.
An indication of how the acceptance view gained official
credence is found in a statement made by W. C. White in a
sermon at Lincoln, Nebraska, November 25, 1905. He is
describing an incident in Avondale, Australia, a decade
earlier when W. W. Prescott was visiting. The mail had come
in from America, and he and Prescott were reading to Ellen
White letters from the leading brethren of the General
Conference in faraway Battle Creek. The letters told of
alleged great progress in the cause in America and of
wonderful spiritual victories in respect of the 1888 issues. W.
C. White recalls the incident thus:
be wrong for me to gather up all the words of
cheer, and all the good news that will comfort
her heart, and every incident that will show the
power of Christ working in the church, and that
will make manifest the best side of the
workings of men who are bearing heavy
burdens in the work of the Lord; therefore I will
endeavor to bring to her attention to the bright
side of things....
Well, one day while we were living at
Cooranbong, New South Wales, we received
letters from the President of the General
Conference, filled with cheering reports, telling
us about the good camp meetings, and how
that some of these businessmen who had been
reproved by the Testimonies38 were going out
to various states and speaking in the camp
meetings, and that they were getting a new
spiritual experience, and were a real help in the
We [he and Prescott] were made very happy
by the reading of these letters. We were fairly
overjoyed about it, and we united in praising
the Lord for the good report. Imagine my
surprise when in the afternoon of the next day
Mother told me that she had been writing to
these men of whom we had received the good
report, and she then read me the most far-
reaching criticism, the most searching reproof
for bringing in wrong plans and principles in
their work, that were ever written to that group
of men.39 This was a great lesson to me
(Spalding-Magan Collection, p. 470).
Harmon Lindsay and A. R. Henry, “opposed to the work of God ever since the Minneapolis meeting,”
EGW Letter August 27,1896.
Examples of such communications can be found in Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 63-77, 89-98.
containing such good news. The spirit pervading the church
was always up-beat, rejoicing in progress and victories.
But the heart attitude of all human beings is naturally in
conflict with “the testimony of Jesus,” unless specifically
enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Writing to the General
Conference president, Ellen White describes how she felt
when her son and Prescott tried to assure her that glowing
reports from Battle Creek were true:
Because the issue of the latter rain and the loud cry is so
important, it is imperative that the church and its leadership
now place unqualified reliance on the inspired testimony of
the Spirit of Prophecy. When human judgment conflicts with
that inspired testimony, no matter how honored the human
agents, the Spirit of Prophecy must take the clear
For the better part of a century, we as a people have
been prone to revel in this easily prevalent false optimism.
The tragic consequence is a complementary widespread
distrust of the counsel of the True Witness. Would not great
spiritual blessings result from a full recognition of the truth?
Rightly understood, our denominational history is one
continual commentary on Christ’s words in Revelation 3:14-
21, and a call to appropriate repentance.
He who controls the past controls the future.
Lukewarmness and spiritual weakness are a consequence of
misinterpreting history.
a crew member and under the leadership of Christ as
Captain sail a tight ship into port?
Ellen White likened the Seventh-day Adventist Church to
a “noble ship which bears the people of God,” and declared
that it would sail “safely into port.”42 What is the true church?
Is the organized church still the fulfillment of the Revelation
12 prophecy of “the remnant of [the woman’s] seed, which
keep the commandments of God, and the testimony of Jesus
Christ” (vs. 17)? Or is the true “remnant” merely a non-
cohesive, unorganized, nongroup scattering of “faithful
souls”? These questions probe into the reasons for our
existence as a people for nearly 150 years.
No intelligent person would dare say that a nominal
connection with the organized church can guarantee an
individual’s personal salvation. Of course not. That’s not the
issue. The important question is whether church membership
and supporting the church are valid duties which the Lord
requires of “faithful souls.” What is “the mind of Christ”
toward the Seventh-day Adventist Church? If we can
determine the answer to that question, we can know what
our “mind” toward it should be.
There are guidelines in Scripture that are helpful, as well
as numerous Ellen White statements:
(1) God’s intention has always been that His people on
earth be an organized, denominated, visible “family.” The
reason is that they might be His witnesses, His soul-winning
agents in the world. Abraham’s “seed was the ancient
equivalent of the church. The Lord said to him, “In thee shall
all families of the earth be blessed ... Unto thy seed will I
give this land.” “I will establish my covenant between me
and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations ... and
to thy seed after thee. My covenant will I establish with
Isaac” (Gen. 12:3, 7; 17:7, 21).
(2) God has never changed that covenant and He cannot
change it. Through all the centuries of ancient Israel’s and
Judah’s apostasies, the Lord remained faithful to His promise.
In the days of Elijah and the apostate king Ahab and his
wicked queen Jezebel, Israel was still Israel. At the nadir of
Judah’s history in Jeremiah’s day when the Lord gave them
up to be taken captive to Babylon, they were still the Lord’s
denominated people. They never became Babylon, although
they were in captivity in Babylon. Only those who refused to
come back at the end of the Captivity lost their place in
2SM 390; 1892.
history. The covenant still extended to those who retained
their denominated identity, and through them the Messiah
finally came.
(3) This is not to say that fleshly descent from Abraham
made any individual to be an heir of the covenant. Always it
was “in Isaac [that] thy seed shall be called.” “They which
are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham” (Rom.
9:7; Gal. 3:7). The true Israel were always those who had the
faith of Abraham. But they were always to be a
denominated, identifiable people, according to God’s plan, so
they could function efficiently to evangelize the world. Even
Naaman’s wife’s servant girl preserved that loyal relationship
in her slavery and won souls.43
(4) The early Christian church of the apostles was not an
appendage or an offshoot from Israel. It was the true Israel.
This was because its members cherished the faith of
Abraham44 From its very beginning when Jesus called the first
disciples, His church was an organized, denominated body.45
Through the years of His earthly ministry it was tightly
organized with Him as its Head.
The New Testament indicates that in apostolic times the
church was also highly organized and denominated, with
apostles, elders, evangelists, teachers, deacons,
deaconesses and others with various gifts all functioning in
disciplined inter-relationship under the guidance of the Holy
Spirit.46 When Saul of Tarsus was converted, the Lord
brought him into immediate fellowship with His organized
church.47 “Faithful souls” indeed constituted the early
church, but that church was by no means disorganized.
There are numerous examples of its tight discipline. When
used to imply that the organized church cannot be the true
one, the AA 11 statement about “faithful souls” has been
wrested from its context.
(5) The records of God’s care over “the woman [who] fled
into the wilderness ... a thousand two hundred and
threescore days” indicate that again this persecuted church
during medieval times followed New Testament patterns of
organization and discipline.48 True believers always
See 2 Kings 5.
Galatians 3: 7-9, 29.
AA 18: DA 29.
1 Cor. 12: 1-28; Eph 4: 8-16; 1 Tim 3: 1-15; Titus 1: 5-11.
Acts 9:10-19; AA 122, 163.
Cf. GC 62, 63, 67-69.
functioned as a body, although the precise details of the
methods of organization varied.
(6) In the early days of Seventh-day Adventists, battles
were fought over organization, with fanatical anarchists
rebelling against proper discipline within the body.49 The Holy
Spirit set His unmistakable seal of approval on the need for
order. Our pioneers saw the denominated Seventh-day
Adventist Church in its organized state as the fulfillment of
Revelation 12:17 and 14:12. They saw it as divinely
appointed to function efficiently to proclaim the message to
the world and prepare a people for the coming of the Lord.50
Any movement that the Holy Spirit leads must be
organized and disciplined, because “God is not the author of
confusion.”51 The century-long establishment of the world
Seventh-day Adventist Church among so many diverse
cultures is clearly the work of the Holy Spirit. There is no
other worldwide movement or body of believers that can
even remotely be identified as the fulfillment of Revelation
14:6-12. Ellen White never doubted our historical
Here is a body already in existence superbly crafted by
the Lord to accomplish the task of proclaiming “the
everlasting gospel.” No offshoot or independent movement
can possibly grow within anyone’s lifetime to become such a
potentially efficient soul-winning instrument. True Seventh-
day Adventists are more concerned for the honor and
vindication of Christ than for their own personal reward. They
think primarily in terms of accomplishing His gospel
commission for the world rather than their own security. For
them, self-love has given way to an experience of being
crucified with Christ. They are “under grace,” a new
motivation imposed by an appreciation of His sacrifice,
rather than “under law,” their former motivation of spiritual
self- concern.
They endure the same test that Moses endured. When
God proposed to abandon His organized people Israel and
prosper Moses as the leader of their off-shoot successors,
Moses chose to have his name blotted out of the book of life
rather than see God’s honor thus compromised.53 The
TM 26-29.
FE 254: 1T 271,413; 3T 501.
1 Cor. 14:33.
See for example 9T 19; 1 T 186187; 1 SM 91-93; 7BC 959-61.
Exodus 32.
“shaking” in the last days will separate from God’s people all
whose deep heart-motivation is mere concern for their own
(7) An “under law” motivation of self-concern comes from
a failure to appreciate righteousness by faith. It has poisoned
the application of our principles of church organization.
James and Ellen White pleaded for recognizing Christ as the
true Leader of the church:
almost impossible to conceive of any other kind of effective
(8) An important truth that will help us understand the
mind of Christ toward the Seventh-day Adventist Church is
our 1888 history. In spite of decades of lukewarmness within
it, the Lord sent the “beginning” of the final latter rain
through delegates to a General Conference session. He
honored this people with the “revelation of the righteousness
of Christ” in this “most precious message” destined to
lighten the earth with glory.
(9) The 1901 re-organization was intended to bring
revival and reformation and a return to the leadership of
Christ working through those who believe His word, “All ye
are brethren.” But the spiritual renewal did not take place. It
was only a dream, a “what might have been.” The 1888
pattern of unbelief was not reversed.55
The 1903 General Conference session was seen by some
as a backward step. Jones’ and Waggoner’s attitude toward
the revised constitution was considered in chapter 10 of this
book. A few others joined them in their convictions:
See TM 359-364.
8T 104-106; EGW Letter to Judge Jesse Arthur, January 15, 1903.
(10) If she believed that the 1903 revision was a mistake,
Ellen White did not publicly oppose it, although some of her
later remarks may be construed as disapproval. But the
important fact to note is that she did not withdraw her
support from the organized church following 1903, but
remained true and loyal until her death in 1915. This was
despite the fact that she was deeply disappointed with the
spiritual results of the 1901 session.56 The Lord continued
through all those years to honor this church with the ministry
of His messenger.
The solution to our problem does not consist in
destroying or changing the mechanical system of our
constitutional organization, but in finding repentance and
reconciliation with Christ within it. All is futile unless the axe
is laid to the root of the tree. Weaknesses or errors in
organization will be rectified almost overnight when the Holy
Spirit succeeds in leading us to repentance.
(11) Literally millions of people can testify that the only
agency which led them to a knowledge of the everlasting
gospel of Revelation 14 is the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
despite its failures. The best hope for an ultimately
successful proclamation of the last message to the world is a
repentant Seventh-day Adventist Church that not only
proclaims the message with crystal clarity but demonstrates
without question that it works. This was Ellen White’s
conviction; in the midst of the 1888-era unbelief, she had
hope for reformation:
all be careful not to make an outcry against the
only people who are fulfilling the description
given of the remnant people who keep the
commandments of God and have faith in Jesus,
who are exalting the standard of righteousness
in these last days. God has a distinct people, a
church on earth, second to none, but superior
to all in their facilities to teach the truth, to
vindicate the laws of God.... Let all unite with
these chosen agents (TM 49,57,58; 1893).
When anyone is drawing apart from the
organized body of God’s commandment-
keeping people, when he begins to weigh the
church in his human scales and begins to
pronounce judgment against them, then you
may know that God is not leading him (3 SM 18;
Victory will attend the third angel’s
message. As the Captain of the Lord’s host tore
down the walls of Jericho, so will the Lord’s
commandment-keeping people triumph, and all
opposing elements be defeated (TM 410; 1898).
I was never more astonished in my life than
at the turn things have taken at this meeting
[the 1901 session]. This is not our work. God
has brought it about.... I want every one of you
to remember this, and I want you to remember
also that God has said that He will heal the
wounds of His people (GCB 1901, pp. 463,464).
a people to be a peculiar treasure unto Himself.
He has appointed that His church on earth shall
stand perfectly united in the Spirit and counsel
of the Lord of hosts to the end of time (2 SM
397; 1908).
The fear of God, the sense of His goodness,
will circulate through every [Seventh-day
Adventist] institution. An atmosphere of peace
will pervade every department. Every word
spoken, every work performed, will have an
influence that corresponds to the influence of
heaven ... Then the work will move forward
with solidity and double strength. A new
efficiency will be imparted to the workers in
every line ... The earth will be lightened with
the glory of God, and it will be ours to witness
the soon coming, in power and glory, of our
Lord and Saviour (MM 184,185; 1902).
I am encouraged and blessed as I realize
that the God of Israel is still guiding His people
and that He will continue to be with them, even
to the end (remarks to 1913 General
Conference session; LS 437, 438).
true spirit by speaking of the church as “you” or “they.” They
couldn’t care less for its honor or prosperity. But true
believers in Christ manifest a corporate oneness with the
church, speaking of it instinctively as “we.” They are more
concerned for its honor as representing Christ than for their
own personal reward.
(12) What is the significance of God’s promises being
conditional? Should we take a wait-and-see attitude and
withhold our loyalty and support until we have evidence that
the church has fulfilled the conditions? The following
statement emphasizes the conditions:
failure which has hovered over God’s Israel be lifted; then
shall God’s name be cleared as His people demonstrate His
plan of salvation to be a success; then shall the sacrifice of
Christ be vindicated. A cynical attitude which says, “Suppose
the church fails and the conditions are not met” is the same
as saying, “Suppose the sanctuary will not be cleansed.” The
honor of God requires that it shall be cleansed!
This is the ultimate issue in the great controversy. We
have the privilege of standing in absolute loyalty to Christ
and to His Bride-to-be.
The testimony quoted above is entitled “Shall We Be
Found Wanting?” Ellen White answered her own question as
she closed the chapter:
Appendix E
be lurking unseen within the withheld confines of this or that
ellipsis, for there are no ellipses.
The truth is here disclosed that the leadership of this
church did in fact "in a great degree" reject the beginning of
the latter rain and the loud cry while stoutly professing to
accept "righteousness by faith." Further, the post-
Minneapolis "confessions" are seen as in no way reversing
that tragedy. And Ellen White's unqualified endorsements of
the doctrinal content of the message turn out to be far more
numerous and emphatic than anyone appears previously to
have realized. Such multiple endorsements in these 1,812
pages may perhaps approach the better part of a thousand.
It is a solemn experience to read these unedited
documents, often photographed from awkwardly typed
originals with her emendations in her handwriting. How could
that little woman stand almost alone against almost the
entire leadership of this church, writing that vast amount of
correspondence without saying at least something in the
heat of controversy that would prove embarrassing a century
later? She emerges from this 1888 saga vindicated both in
her positions and in the spirit which she demonstrated.
Nothing ever published by the White Estate does such credit
to her as this ingenuous outpouring of her heartfelt zeal.
She never expresses any criticism of the righteousness
by faith theology of Jones and Waggoner from 1888 on
through 1895 and 1896. Those who in our Centennial
denigrate the 1888 message rely exclusively on one
sentence that appears to be critical, but it is possible that
they wrest it from its context and may even misquote it as
well. In that one lone sentence stenographically reported in
1888 she says, "Some interpretations of Scripture given by
Dr. Waggoner I do not regard as correct" (Ms. 15, 1888).
The stenographer could not record the emphasis Ellen
White might have given to that "I", but it is clear in her
immediate context that she finds no fault with his doctrinal
message. Rather, she is willing to surrender her personal
opinions for greater light to be received through Waggoner:
"I would have humility of mind, and be willing to be
instructed as a child. The Lord has been pleased to give me
great light, yet I know that He leads other minds, and opens
to them the mysteries of His Word, and I want to receive
every ray of light that God shall send me, though it should
come through the humblest of His servants [an obvious
reference to Waggoner].... Some interpretations of Scripture
given by Dr. Waggoner I do not regard as correct. But ... I
see the beauty of truth in the presentation of the
righteousness of Christ in relation to the law as the doctor
has placed it before us.... That which has been presented
harmonizes perfectly with the light which God has been
pleased to give me during all the years of my experience. If
our ministering brethren would accept the doctrine which
has been presented so clearly, ... their prejudices would not
have a controlling power.... Let us pray as did David, 'Open
thou mine eyes'" (Ms. 15, 1888, emphasis added).
For a decade Ellen White expresses only consistent, often
joyous, recognition that the Holy Spirit was endorsing
Waggoner's and Jones's doctrinal message, while the
unreasonable opposition they suffered isolated them and at
times drove them to unwise expressions, as ancient Israel
drove Moses to a rash word and act. Her famous April 9,
1893 letter to Jones unequivocally commends his theology
while cautioning him against being pressured into extreme
expressions to defend it.
Although the 1888 messengers were human, as are we
all, there is here no Ellen White hint that they showed a lack
of Christian spirit toward their brethren during these early
years, no evidence that harshness or an abrasive spirit on
their part gave just cause for their brethren to oppose them
so. These four volumes seem to make clear that our
published Centennial criticism of Jones and Waggoner
perpetuates the 1888 unbelief. This is phenomenal—after a
century of our history, like the Jews' continued rejection of
Christ and His apostles after nearly 2000 years of their
But "the entrance" of truth "giveth light." With the
publication of these four volumes we have at last turned on
to the right runway, and we can expect the Lord to begin to
work henceforth. Any scholar will now hesitate to publish
misrepresentations of Ellen White's 1888 testimony, for the
humblest layman can check the sources for himself.
(2) Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis 1888
(Pacific Press, 1988). This further 591 page collection
includes documents from other contemporaries of Jones and
Waggoner. They reveal that many of "the brethren" leave a
record of spiritual blindness and resistance to the Holy Spirit
in a time of unprecedented eschatological opportunity. All
were hardworking men consecrated to the cause of the
church, professing to believe the gospel, while with few
exceptions they reveal an insensitivity to the actual leading
and teaching of the Holy Spirit in "the truth of the gospel."
And the most prominent among them were absorbed in
heart-opposition to Ellen White.
Further, in these documents none of those who confess
rejection of the 1888 message cite as an excuse that Jones's
or Waggoner's personality provoked them to reject it. Self-
justifying human nature would exploit significant failure on
their part if it had been prominent.
Two brethren who do express criticism of Jones's 1888
personality wait until 42 years later to do so, but one (W. C.
White) in 1889 strangely contradicts his disparaging 1930
testimony with an opposite view of warm commendation. In
1931 A. T. Robinson recalls Jones's sharp Minneapolis remark
to Uriah Smith concerning the "ten horns," but at the time it
apparently did not impress Ellen White enough to mention it
in her diaries or extensive reports of the Minneapolis story,
nor do any of the others in this collection do so.
This isolated incident apparently made little impression in
1888 against the backdrop of a steady, unequivocal Holy
Spirit endorsement. Either the lapse of time superimposed
the image of the post-1903 Jones onto Robinson's earlier
memories, or Jones's spirit in that remark was not as severe
as he assumed.57
There is something pathetic in reading this vast
correspondence of leaders of the church who conduct
business as usual in a time which we now know was one of
unprecedented eschatological opportunity.
(3) From 1888 to Apostasy --The Case of A. T. Jones, by
George R. Knight (Review and Herald, 1987). This special
"1888 Centennial Series" volume appears to be a
transparent effort to discredit both Jones and the message
which the Lord gave him for this church. The book gives
clear recognition that the message was rejected at
Minneapolis and thereafter, a step toward reality; but it
confuses the picture by presenting a bungling God who
made a poor choice of a messenger and His naive prophet
who was over-enthusiastic about the message and
Capitalizing on every possible defect in Jones's
personality and ministry, real or imagined, and often
J. S. Washburn told these authors of the incident in 1950, but his context also is highly supportive
of Jones as demonstrating his "heavenly credentials" at that time. See transcript of June 4, 1950
interview as published in the 1888 Message Study Committee Newsletter, 2934 Sherbrook
Drive, Uniontown, Ohio 44685.
imputing evil motives gratuitously, the author pictures him
as a man of "careless mouth and harsh speech," using
"sensational language" with "pompous attitudes," "self-
confident," "egotistic," a man who "never mastered the art of
... Christian kindness," who had an "abrasive and cocksure
personality." Even as he arose from the baptismal waters in
Walla Walla the youthful Jones is saddled with this "perennial
problem of extremism." Why would the Lord specially choose
such a man?
Jones's gospel message is dismissed as having "error
mixed" in it; thus it is clearly implied that it is dangerous to
accept it. Specifically, he is charged with heavy responsibility
for fathering both the "holy flesh" and pantheism heresies of
the turn of the century.
Many readers who are unable to check the original
sources will conclude that nothing such a quixotic figure as
Jones says is worth serious attention today. This appears to
be the thesis of the book.
But if one pursues Ellen White's contemporary accounts
of Jones's character and message, a problem comes into
focus. She describes him as one who "bears the word of the
Lord," "Christ's delegated messenger," a "man whom God
has commissioned ... [with] the demonstration of the Holy
Spirit," a "chosen servant ... whom God is using." He is one
of only two Seventh-day Adventist ministers in history who
she said had "heavenly credentials. "58 Is it not strange that
such a villification of Jones is published and endorsed in our
Centennial Celebration? Do nations or churches normally
villify the principals whom they celebrate in centennials?
Our author endorses the popular misconception that the
1888 message itself is lost. But Ellen White's enthusiastic
endorsements of both Jones's message and manner of
presenting it continue for nearly a decade following 1888,
indicating that the "message" was more than the supposedly
lost presentations at Minneapolis. Years later she says in the
present tense, "The message given us by A. T. Jones ... is a
message of God to the Laodicean church." "God has upheld
[him], ... given [him] precious light." (Letter S24, 1892;
Letter 51a, 1895).
During this decade she even speaks with enthusiasm of
Jones's personality and method of speaking, directly
contradicting the impression of gauche abrasiveness: he "set
Sources for quotations from Knight and Ellen White are found in A. T. Jones: The Man and the
Message (1888 Message Study Committee, 2934 Sherbrook Drive, Uniontown, Ohio, 1988).
forth [the message] with beauty and loveliness," "with light,
with grace, and power." Listening to him, the people "saw
the truth, goodness, mercy, and love of God as they never
before had seen it." She considers "it a privilege to stand by
the side of [Jones] and give my testimony with the message
for this time" {Review and Herald, May 27, 1890; February
12, 1889; March 18, 1890; Letter, January 9, 1893). It is
difficult to relate these words to the "cocksure," "harsh"
personality which our Centennial writers attribute to him.
Would she not consider it embarrassing to "stand by" such a
But this book does not create its disparaging view of
Jones from modern imagination. There are indeed historical
sources critical of him. He had enemies in his day who
taunted him "with being a fanatic, extremist, and
enthusiast," who "criticized and depreciated, and even
stooped to ridicule the messenger through whom the Lord
has wrought in power" (cf. Testimonies to Ministers, p. 97).
But these were unbelieving opponents fighting the Holy
Spirit's leading. Why is their judgment superior to that of
Ellen White?
The Lord's endorsements of Jones are pretty serious, for
she says that those who "accuse and criticize [Jones] ...
accuse and criticize the Lord who has sent" him. Opposers
"will be asked in the judgment, 'Who required this at your
hand, to rise up against the message and the messenger I
sent to My people with light, with grace, and power?'" (Ibid.,
p. 466; Letter, January 9, 1893).
The charge that Jones virtually fathered the "holy flesh"
fanaticism rests literally on one word that he used in an 1898
editorial, which turns out to be a direct quotation from the
apostle Paul. The context of the November 22 editorial is
health reform, having nothing to do with "holy flesh."
Likewise, the charge that Jones taught or believed pantheism
rests on the assumptions or prejudices of others. Not one
sentence is quoted from him as objective evidence that he
believed or taught pantheism.
This may seem like an unimportant detail, but the
integrity of the "most precious message" the Lord sent this
people is the issue at stake. If that message led its believers
into pantheism, Ellen White must be seriously wrong
because the message was most dangerous, not "most
precious." But in Jones's case it did not lead him into
pantheism, proving thus that it could not have been a factor
to lead Waggoner into pantheism. What led to the pantheism
(or pan-entheism) problem was the climate of rejection of
their 1888 message, not its acceptance.
But Knight justifies his charge by suggesting a novel
definition of pantheism. Its true definition is an impersonal
"God" dwelling in grass and trees. For Knight, the dangerous
source of pantheism is the 1888 concept of a personal God in
close fellowship with us, linking the experience of
righteousness by faith in the believer's heart with "the
doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary and its cleansing." "The
concept of the indwelling power of Christ ... inherent in the
1888 message ... when pushed too far ... easily crosses the
border into pantheism."
But this contrived definition creates insurmountable
problems, for it logically suggests that the author of Hebrews
was also a pantheist, as was Ellen White. And Jesus also
pushes the concept very far, assuring His followers that the
Holy Spirit, His Vicar, will not only "abide with you forever,"
but "shall be in you." That which proves too much proves
There is indeed evidence that at one period of his life
Jones became harsh and abrasive. He lost his hold on the
grace of meekness and became a bitter critic of his former
brethren. But this was more than a full decade after
Minneapolis. There are "two" Jones's: (a) the 1888-1903
"servant of God" who in general honored his commission and
justified his "heavenly credentials," albeit at times exhibiting
human weaknesses; and (b) the post-1903 Jones who lost his
way tragically. Modern opponents of Jones confuse the two.
And the really critical years were 1888-1893, for the
opposition had so hardened by that time that our long
wandering became inevitable after 1893. Jones's record
during those early years seems clear.
The Centennial literature about Jones fails to give
attention to a missing ingredient in the fascinating story.
During those early years of his faithfulness, he suffered
severe "unchristlike" "persecution," to borrow Ellen White's
phrases {General Conference Bulletin 1893, p. 184). Its
cumulative impact unsettled and deranged his spiritual
faculties. The Lord could not have made a mistake in
selecting him for his unique role—heralding "the beginning"
of the loud cry message. Neither did Ellen White err in
supporting him. "To a great degree" his later failure is the
consequence of "our" uncharitable rejection of his message,
which Ellen White often likened to the spirit of the ancient
Jews in rejecting Christ.
Jones's failure thus had something to do with the
consequence of what she said was our brethren insulting the
Holy Spirit. When He comes in the form of the latter rain
blessing and is "insulted," in that unique sense He has to
leave. The latter rain blessing has to be withdrawn in the
very time when it is desperately needed. Yet the ferment of
time can not be halted; history must go on, and then all
kinds of bad things develop. This is our denominational story.
Knight insists that Ellen White was not concerned about
the doctrinal or theological aspects of Jones's and
Waggoner's message. But her own writings demonstrate a
keen concern for the same. He urges the church to "start
living the caring Christian life now," but without benefit of
the "most precious message" that the Lord sent which alone
can make such a reformation a reality. Thus his position
logically sets the clock of reformation back and vitiates a
hundred years of history.
In pre-Minneapolis times Ellen White often urged the
church to start living "the caring Christian life now." But she
complained that her exhortations were largely ineffective.
When the message of Jones and Waggoner came, she
rejoiced because she saw how it could transform Adventist
imperatives into joyous enablings. Knight's position logically
reiterates the 1888 opposition, holding to the popular
legalistic imperatives while denigrating the God-given gospel
enablings implicit in the actual 1888 message itself.
(4) The Adventist Review of January 7, 1988, the
"Centennial Edition," honors the 1888 message while in fact
disparaging it, saying that "Jones and Waggoner had error
mixed in their message." In other words, be afraid of their
message! Significantly, the entire issue does not permit
them to say a word, rendering them virtually persona non
grata even more effectively than did the Review editor of a
century ago. The unique essentials of their message find no
place in this issue. Yet Luther, Paul Tournier, and even
Uriah Smith, the foremost opponent of their message, are
allowed to speak.
(5) Ministry, International Journal for Clergy, February
1988, the "righteousness by Faith—Special Edition." The
main points as set forth by the various writers can be briefly
summarized in italics. Our comments which follow in
indentation are not intended to be critical or fault-finding. It
is a blessing that this magazine was published for it has
directed many thoughtful minds to study into the issues.
These comments are offered in view of the shortness of time
while the Lord still commissions the four angels to hold the
four winds a little longer:
(a) The 1888 Session was marked by open rebellion
against Ellen White on the part of a large number of our
ministers. She even wondered at one point whether God
might have to call out another movement, but her
confidence in God's leading of the church was restored. Most
of the delegates, "the ministers generally," "nearly all," were
opposed to the beginning of the glorious loud cry message
(cf. pp. 4, 6).
in shorthand, and that he adapted and expanded
the material for his 1889 Signs editorials, his 1890
Christ and His Righteousness, and The Glad
removed. She says that she is ready to exchange
personal preconceived opinions for greater light.
of the final issues is impossible without the full
truth of the gospel which communicates a saving
knowledge as its built-in feature.
(h) The apostasy of Jones and Waggoner is a warning not
to trust their message. In other words, it cannot be "most
precious" if it led to their downfall (cf. pp. 13, 61).
influence of determined opponents of the
message. See her clear statements cited in this
book, pp. 178, 179.
has always been a misnomer. "Corporate
repentance" is the proper term, and thank God it
has now been recognized as worthy of serious
[when] immediately He puts in the sickle." "The
time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of
the earth is ripe" (Mark 4:39; Revelation 14:15).
Our author makes no reference to these two key
Bible passages, but causes Ellen White virtually to
contradict both. He further remarks that "Ellen
White did say that Christ has delayed His coming,"
but causes her to use the language of the
unfaithful servant in the parable. In reality it is we
who have delayed it.
honest in stating our convictions as conscience
requires, and to state them in a spirit of Christlike
love and loyalty.
Christ's character; the practical relation of the
cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary to the
cleansing of human hearts; the motivation of
concern for Christ's honor that transcends self-
centered seeking of reward or avoiding
punishment; the reality of the lost taking the
initiative to be lost; and the truth that the sacrifice
of Christ accomplished far more than making a
mere provision that does nothing unless we do
something— He gave His blood for the world,
therefore the world owes its present life to Him.
The 1888 message probed the depths of the
atonement in a way that must yet capture the
attention of the world.
he can ridicule by the derogatory use of his own verb:
"Believers" do not "actually achieve" "perfect
righteousness ... in their personal historical lives."
But the true, issue is not whether believers will achieve a
Christlike character but whether through faith in Him they
will demonstrate such a character "in their personal
historical lives." Scripture overwhelmingly says they will.
The volume misses the point of the 1888 concept of
justification by faith. The legal declaration of justification that
results from Christ's sacrifice applies to the "whole world," to
"all men" (Romans 3:23, 24; 5:18; 2 Corinthians 5:19; 1 John
2:2; John 1:29, etc.). But those who respond to the Good
News, who believe, experience justification by faith, and are
thus made truly obedient to all the commandments of God.
The instrumentality which accomplishes this miracle is "faith
which worketh by love." Thus God's people will demonstrate
"in their personal historical lives" a true obedience.
The White Estate Staff in early 1988 released an
"Analysis" of Ott's book which concludes that it is
incomprehensible that it could have been published by a
Seventh-day Adventist press. The analysis demonstrates that
it makes "of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God"
as presented in the writings of Ellen White, and that the
arguments used are supported by the same misuse and
misinterpretation of Ellen White statements that were
characteristic of Desmond Ford. (January 20, 1988).
1979, this book thoroughly contradicts the rich-and-
increased-with-goods thesis of the major works about 1888
that have been authoritatively published for the past forty
The author makes abundantly clear that the gracious
message was resisted and rejected by "the majority of the
ministers at the [1888] conference," and that the resistance
continued "with the passing of the years." He says that we
have been in a "state of rebellion against God." Seventh-day
Adventist leaders "cruelly treated" the Holy Spirit with "hard
words ... aimed at Christ Himself." Our true history is a
"groupthink" "betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus" which
"staggers one's imagination." We must learn "not to follow
leaders blindly." "If the majority of the delegates to the
Minneapolis conference had not followed their leaders in
rejecting the 1888 message, Ellen White would not have
implied that Christ was figuratively crucified at the
Further, he notes that the repentance of the most
influential of the opponents of the message "was not
wholehearted and complete." "A largely imperceptible
ground swell of opposition was rising against it" in the
decade following Minneapolis. "By 1899 the church's
righteousness had become nauseating to our Saviour." Ellen
White's exile to Australia was related to the 1888 unbelief: "It
was largely discomfort among certain influential leaders with
her and her messages that had spawned the plan that took
her to Australia in 1891." Little improvement followed 1901:
"Apparently, by 1902 to 1904 the church was in danger of
sliding back to the same state that had existed prior to the
Minneapolis conference." Ellen White did not believe "that
the majority of Seventh-day Adventists had accepted the
1888 message as a personal experience before her death in
1915." In 1926, A. G. Daniells "believed that the Adventist
Church was still waiting for the experience that God had
hoped to introduce at Minneapolis."
According to Wallenkampf, we have created tragic
unbelief today by "pretending" that initial rejection turned
into later "enthusiastic acceptance." "If we do not forthrightly
present the history of the 1888 General Conference session
and its aftermath, we as a denomination perpetuate the sin
committed at Minneapolis in 1888. By doing so, we join our
spiritual forefathers and virtually crucify Christ anew in the
person of the Holy Spirit."
A General Conference leader is speaking forthrightly at
last: "It is incumbent on us as a people to confess that for a
long time we have largely glossed over the virtual rejection
of the 1888 message.... God wants all His followers to be
truthful and honest." "Our present responsibility is to tell the
truth about the Minneapolis conference of 1888 and its
aftermath. There is no virtue in saying that all has been well
when this is not so." These are his words, not ours.
May the Holy Spirit in great mercy enable us all to be
honest in this Centennial year! He can grant revival,
reformation, and repentance if we will simply tell the full
truth and stop repressing or denying it. This will bring
reconciliation with Christ and heal our internecine
alienations. Surely 100 years is time enough to face the
reality of Christ's call to "the angel of the church of the
Laodiceans" to repent. (Wallenkampf recognizes that this
"angel" is the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church, and that our decades of denial have produced world-
wide lukewarmness and lethargy in the church). The
evidence is now clear that Christ has had enough. He cannot
forever endure His nausea.
There is definitely progress in the 1988 Centennial.
Focusing denominational attention on 1888, its history and
its message, even by misinformation, can be blessed of the
Lord to the awakening of many minds. Especially youth who
are confused by contemporary Adventism will be intrigued
by the new candor. And the Holy Spirit permits even the
publication of falsehood to be overruled by sharper
delineations of truth. (Wallenkampf attacks the idea of
corporate repentance but gives clear evidence he sincerely
does not understand it. The widespread 1988 ridicule of
corporate and denominational repentance will be overruled
by the Holy Spirit to stir up many serious minds to ponder
more deeply Christ's call in Revelation 3:19. It is abhorrent
for Adventist leaders to heap-scorn on His call). .
Hopefully, this generation will come to realize our true
spiritual need as a people, and experience a hunger and
thirst for the righteousness (by faith) that the Lord in His
great mercy tried to give us. Repentance cannot be worked
up by ourselves or forced even by the publication of
overwhelming documentary evidence. It remains a precious
gift from God.
We hope and we pray that He will graciously give it to
this generation.
Authors hold conviction message is final cure for sin
SDA's lack clear concept of heavenly Day of Atonement
Off-shoots and independent ministeries proliferate
Full truth requires repentance and reformation
God will not permit denomination to fully apostatize
What Did the 1888 Message Say?
Ten points
Significance of the Message Today
Special preparation for second coming
Abraham's faith not in vain
Failure: An Unthinkable Denouement of God's
Must be response of faith on our part
God's people must rectify every failure
Official misunderstanding of history
Need for thorough investigation
Repentance and Day of Atonement
Cleansing of sanctuary depends on understanding history
Lukewarm disease traced to 1888
Like Calvary 1888 more than historical event
Resentment indicates war with Holy Spirit
Insight Needed Rather Than More Works
Facing truth is not being critical
History must bring us to a confrontation
Church must decide one Lord or other—Baal
Statistical records usurp faith and zeal
God's Simple Remedy for a Serious Denominational
God sent two young agents
EGW delighted with their message
Affirmed God sent truth, Christ in messages
Our Problem Today
Lukewarmness, denominational pride is staggering
Key to understanding lies in true appraisal of 1888
Priceless blessings shut off, Holy Spirit insulted
EGW considered it privilege to stand with messengers
The True Reason Why the Message Was Rejected
Mistakenly assumed brethren accepted message
Message for finishing work became beginning of long
Who Were the "Some"?
The "some" were the bulk of leading influential brethren
Jews refused Christ, did not come in accordance with
1888 message far more than re-emphasis of neglected
Love of Christ that melts hearts unwelcome
Daniells recognizes EGW statements regarding leaders
Twenty-two EGW statements showing leadership disdain
and resistance
Chronology of rejection, 1892, 1893, 1895, 1896,
The Story of the Post-1888 Revivals
Undercurrent of antagonism persisted
The Counter-Revival Pressure
EGW saw leadership problem, appealed for trust in God
Leadership saw demonstration of Holy Spirit, but "hated"
the message
"Just Like the Jews"
"Woes upon the Pharisees" applied to leadership
Our Upside-Dawn History
Historians assumed "revival" but history says otherwise
Warning the world depended on acceptance
There Is Good News in the 1888 History!
A battle was lost but not the war
Satan desires we should be deceived about our 1888
Historians sincere in proclaiming 1888 glorious victory
Critics say church now in hopeless condition
This is not true; Israel will never become Babylon
Sometime history will be seen in its true bearing
Fire was quenched, light put out by human
Message of Christ's righteousness not received, battle
lost but not war
This generation must recognize facts and rectify tragic
Uriah Smith Defends His Rejection of the Message
Uriah Smith's opposition logical, scholarly, apparently
There may be "Uriah Smiths" in church today
Heart enmity prevented good brethren from recognizing
Holy Spirit
The Source of Reformationist Misunderstanding
For decades 1888 message disparaged as "new light"
Message was an advanced revelation to the church
Jews pray for Messiah; SDA pray for latter rain; both
reject history
Without Holy Spirit, not able to discern truth from error
In no other way than facing truth can we prepare for
future tests
Continued resistance for century hindered the Gift,
despite our prayers
Sincere, good, lovable brethren misread actual situation
in Battle Creek
Uriah Smith prototype conservative unbelieving SDA's
never changed
"Tops" of unbelief cut down, "roots" left intact
In some instances official views today identical to
opposition in 1888
Parallel misconceptions cause statistical reports to
beguile us
Confusion regarding message spawns transgression in all
Cleansing of heavenly sanctuary requires complementary
work in hearts
Power needed is light, gospel completion natural
(The 1893 General Conference Session, Part II)
EGW had warned, "Change leaders and not know it"
Letter stated his views correct, as "our position"
Jones writings do not say "works amount to nothing"
Jones led astray by Prescott's influence
No Sin is Ever Excusable
J & W failure has kept later generations from idolatrous
EGW insisted unchristlike persecution primary cause of
They knew "beginning" of loud cry, not sufficient for
How Good Men Can Lose their Way
Office of GC president not justify wounding brethren
J & W promotion of 1901 constitution misconstrued by
President denied charge of "kingly power" by EGW
Jones challenged delegation to show he was against
J & W defeat in 1903 probably beginning eventual
human bitterness
Jones' "heavenly credentials" to herald "loud cry" not
The 1888 Spirit and the Kellogg Tragedy
EGW states Dr. Kellogg was truly converted at
Kellogg's eventual apostasy largely our responsibility
says EGW
The "manna" of 1888 had been rejected, it spoiled, sad
Waggoner acknowledged "superior goodness of the
Could not understand why God had given him light
Jones died with confidence in SDA message
Their messages reprinted would provide grand view of
pure gospel
What we failed to believe, must learn by detour we
The Alpha History of the Early 1900's Illustrates This
Lord cannot force by fear, must await our disillusionment,
win by love
Warned at Minneapolis, follow Christ or fall under Satan's
Enemy seized chance to confuse our understanding
Daniells recognized in 1926 warning justified, enemy won
"Alpha" deceptions effective because of previous
rejection of light
The Danger of Impatience
Lord had to alter His purpose, keep in step with His
Human critics impatient, delay for sake of church
End of detour good, church will sense true repentance
"The Whole Church" Versus "the Whole Church"
Whole church revived after the "shaking," not before
Understanding of our history necessary to attain that goal
The Foundation of the Pantheism Heresy
Arrogance of human heart became soil for deception to
take root
"Eyes not anointed with heavenly eyesalve ...
understanding blinded"
"Fanaticism will appear in the very midst of us.
Deceptions will come"
Pantheism is foreign to third and fourth angel's
The Dark Decade of Our History
Light calling for repentance extinguished in clouds of
"Captain Norman" deception, agent of the devil
"Astonishing backsliding" with God's people, church
Source of spiritual difficulty, rejection of latter rain and
loud cry
Pantheistic sentiments bewitched ministers, physicians
"Watchman ... on the walls of Zion? Are they asleep?"
Pantheism test not final, Satan must bring supreme
Presenting post-1888 history as "victory" cancels Kellogg
Loss of Battle Creek Sanitarium not the "omega"
Where Lies the Truth About the "Omega"?
"Omega" being an event is contrary to EGW declarations
She said, "many will depart from the faith".
She said omega will be a "danger," end of alphabet of
deadly heresies
When omega should come she said, "I trembled for our
Alphabet symbolism requires development of apostasy
within the church
EGW regarded the omega trials as experience following
her death
Truth of our past history gives hope and confidence for
the future
Long detour of wandering must lead in time to Christ
He has staked His throne on the honesty of His people
Many stand in our pulpits with torch of "false prophecy"
in their hands
What Is Baal-Worship?
Are EGW predictions of Baal-worship of serious concern
Baal the god of the Canaanites means "the lord"
Striking similarities between Israel's religion and
contemporary paganism
Apostasy in Elijah's day gradual, unconscious over a
Worship of self disguised as worship of Christ is Baal-
Current cult of self-love is antithetical to devotion to
Ladder-climbing, promotion, prestige, power motivates
prophets of Baal
Baal-worship intrudes where self-centered motivation
How Jeremiah Confronted Baal-Worship
Baal-worship unconscious apostasy, leaders and people
tried to deny
Apostate worship was combined with true worship of the
Religious leaders of the nation aided and propagated
Word of the Lord came to Elijah, he did not seek to be
Has Babylon Continued to Fall?
Ignorance tempts youth to think SDA church merely
religious option
Full light of third angel's message has been kept away
from the world
Fall of Babylon checked, pending when loud cry
Lord's servant insists Baal-worship has infilterated
modern Israel
We turn to popular churches for inspiration not discerning
The 1888 Message and the Day of Atonement
Fall of Babylon not yet complete, only initial stages
Christianity's alienation, ignorance of High Priest's
Result, "Satan... trying to carry on work of God"
(1) Christians in 1844 rejected messages of three
different angels
(2) God cannot hold guilty modern descendants of 1844
(3) Preparation for 2nd coming demands knowledge of
three angels
(4) Substitution must change, people must overcome as
He overcame
(5) False christ spread influence by false reformations
(6) "Beast" will appear as saviour, urges mark to
prevent destruction
(7) Understanding 1888 message and two-apartment
ministry go together
Why the Third Angel's Message in Verity Is Needed
Third angel's message presents Saviour tempted in all
points as we are
Those who follow High Priest's ministry appreciate three
unique truths
(a) The perpetuity of the law of God, including holy
(b) The non-immortality of the soul
(c) Cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary is final Day of
These three truths support SDA Church, the verity being
in 1888 message
How Baal-Worship Robs Us of Our Distinctive Message
Satan has sought earnestly to counterfeit New Testament
Counterfeit love ministered by counterfeit holy spirit
"Satan will enter any door thrown open for him"
EGW predicted in 1889 a terrible falling away from truth
and purity
Christ and His righteousness not dropped out of
experience verbally
Christ and His righteousness not dropped out consciously
Christ and His righteousness would be dropped out
"Lead by a false spirit ... following the wrong captain"
Appreciation of Christ's cross leads to self being crucified
with Him
Spiritual impotence bewilders SDA members, promotes
SDA Church not Babylon. Baal-worship foreign disease,
can be healed
"Honesty and policy will not work together in the same
There is resurrection with Christ when sinful love of self is
GC reply: A Further Appraisal of the Manuscript "1888
Authors charged: "distortion of facts," "manuscript ...
70-page reply prepared: An Answer to "Further Appraisal"
Appraisal withdrawn, no longer available
Serious questions continued during another four years
By Faith Alone published 1962; said book would set
"record straight"
(a) Book fails recognize 1888 message "beginning"
latter rain
(b) 1888 message referred to as merely "doctrine" of
(c) Question: Did Protestant churches have three angels'
(d) SDA church becoming more evangelical: what
(e) "Revival of the nineties died" evidence message not
truly accepted
Questions from church members continue
EGW Estate publishes Olson's book: Through Crisis to
Victory, 1888-1901
Purpose of book: combat "misleading conclusions"
(a) EGW letters indicate not "victory" or "progressive
(b) Book tries to establish message not "officially
rejected," no vote
GC Bulletin 1893 definitely speaks of vote taken
EGW herself mentions vote of rejection
Vote of rejection not recorded because EGW forbade it
(c) Olson minimizes opposition; conflicts with EGW and
(d) Painful conclusion: pastors aflame, church members
"have neglected"
Pease published sequel: The Faith That Saves, concerns
(a) Again evasion of unique truth of three angels
(b) Opposition not serious, no vote, repented, supported
(c) Nothing said by J & W not said better by EGW
If true, why did Lord send J & W as His messengers?
(d) 1926 Milwaukee GC endorsed as more important
than 1888
This view logically plunges church into confusion, no
lasting revival
EGW said Olsen "has ventured on directly contrary to the
"As unfaithful watchman .... does not regard the
Froom's contradiction of EGW and official support of book
is alarming
How can SDA help others unless we are loyal to truth?
Dr. Froom charged authors of this manuscript to retract
In 1972 they prepared: An Explicit Confession ... Due
the Church
Reiterated their conviction, our history calls to corporate
Officers urged Confession not be published; two
developments followed
Annual Council 1973 made earnest appeal but misread
Loud cry not subjective revival but it was the objective
message itself
(a) If revival dies out has the Holy Spirit become tired?
(b) Loud cry is message itself and Holy Spirit's power
1888 message has never been clearly proclaimed to
world church
Outgrowth of 1973-74 interest was Palmdale Conference
in 1976
"Reformationist," Calvinist views presented, denial of
1888 message
Tragic results, loss of hundreds of ministers and laity
Further publication dealing with 1888, The Lonely Years,
Author Arthur L. White says "disproportionate emphasis "
given 1888
Says EGW documents and memory statements supply
Dilemma is, disproportionate reliance placed on
uninspired opinions
Repeats "no official action was taken" but GCB says there
was vote
Paragraph 8, p. 396, emphatically denies truth of 1888
Thoughtful church members dismayed at such literary
How is it possible scholars and leaders overlook obvious
EGW unerring endorsement of message stands clear
after century
1888 An End-Time Test
How can we explain official efforts since 1950 to
contradict EGW?
Were our enemies to research this history, we would be
Spiritual blindness says justification by faith most difficult
of all truths
This distorted understanding makes us "modern ancient
"For Our Admonition"
Our history as important as crossing Red Sea and stoning
of Stephen
Question is, will we accept our history or "stone
After century of delay, cause imperiled, "omega" pending
Inherent in "good news" message is experience of final
Angels restraining winds, world stability depends on
fidelity God's people
God's work can be finished in an incredibly short time
Will require repentance of the ages, understanding,
correction of confusion
Ultimate experience awaiting church like that of Jesus in
Christ forsook heaven, true faith not centered on our
Seventh church on scene in last moments, no eighth
Power of Satan broken when true righteousness by faith
If J & W blacklisted, church foolish to give attention to
their message
Falseness of charge exposed by Dr. Leroy Moore,
Theology in Crisis
(2) If Jones drifting in 1889, EGW must be discredited as
Endorsed Jones 1888-1896, if mistaken no way to
respect her
(3) Satan would like to dissuade church from receiving
spiritual blessing
Evidence Concerning the Charge Against Jones
Supposed evidence taken from condensed sermons in
(a) Study of Jones newspaper sermons disclose no "holy
flesh" heresy
(b) At no time following 1889 is there any record
favoring this heresy
(c) Primary statement actually by W. C. White but
agrees SDA concept
(d) J & W both refuted "holy flesh" fanaticism at turn of
Another example of continued opposition to "most
precious message"
EGW's son and grandson rightly enjoy great esteem in
SDA church
EGW's ministry unique, inspired, beyond a thousand
Future of SDA church depends on issue being settled
Human attitude naturally conflicts with "testimony of
Jesus" without HS
Imperative church now place unqualified reliance on
Spirit of Prophecy
Lukewarmness, spiritual weakness consequence of
misinterpreting history
No other world-wide body of believers remotely fulfills
Rev. 14:6-12
Body crafted by the Lord to proclaim gospel, no offshoot
can replace
True SDA's concerned for honor, vindication of Lord, not
They are "under grace," a new motivation, rather than
"under law"
"Shaking" separates from God's people all merely
concerned for safety
(7) "Under law" self-concern fails to appreciate
righteousness by faith
Recognizing Christ as church Head, requires heart-
Otherwise "kingly power" exercised, ministers, people
look to humans
(8) 1888 history shows Lord sent "beginning" through
delegates to GC
(9) 1901 re-organization intended to return leadership
to Christ
Only a dream, "what might have been," 1888 unbelief not
1903 session seen as backward step by others besides J
(10) 1903 revision did not cause EGW to withdraw her
church support
Solution not in destroying church but in repentance
within it
(11) Millions testify SDA Church despite failures, brought
gospel Rev. 14
Best hope for success, church that not only proclaims but
EGW reminds: "God has said that He will heal the wounds
of His people"
"God would not permit... fully apostatize ... be ... another
Bride of Christ is sick, needs healing, all-out cooperation
(12) Should members withhold loyalty, support, pending
Promises to Israel conditional but God remained loyal,
always tried again
Foundation church Dan. 8:14, honor of God requires
"shall be cleansed"
This is the ultimate issue in the great controversy
"When.... When ... when she seeks God ... she will be
Duty now to remove hinderences within church
preventing reformation