Differential Equations-1

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Study material of B.Sc.

(Semester - I)
(Differential Equations -1)
Prepared by Nilesh Y. Patel
Head,Mathematics Department,V.P.and R.P.T.P.Science College


1. Differential equations
1.1. Definition. An equation involving derivatives of a dependent variable with respect
to one or more independent variables and is called a differential equation.

The following are examples of differential equations.

(1) dy
− 2x cos x = 0.
( 2 )3 ( dy )5
d y
(2) x2 dx 2 + y dx + xy = 0.
[ ( dy )2 ]5/2
(3) y − x dx = 1 + dx
[ ( )3 ] 12
d2 x
(4) dy2 + 1 + dx dy
= 0.
∂z ∂z
(5) x ∂x + y ∂y = z.
∂2z ∂z
(6) ∂x∂y
= ∂y
If a differential equation contains one dependent variable (or function) and one independent
variable, that is, if all the derivatives appearing have reference to the same single indepen-
dent variable, then the differential equation is called an ordinary differential equation. If
there are two or more independent variables, so that the derivatives are partial, then the
equation is called a partial differential equation. Thus, the differential equations (1) to (4)
above are ordinary differential equations and (5) and (6) are partial differential equations.
The order of a differential equation is the order of the highest differential coefficient which
appears in it. The degree of a differential equation is the highest degree of the highest order
derivative appearing in it, when all the derivatives are free from radicals and fractional
powers. For example, in the above the differential equation (1) is of first order and of first
degree; (2) is of second order and of third degree; (Observe that there is a fifth power term
in the equation however, it is the power of first order derivative). Equation (3) is of first
order and of tenth degree. Equation (4) is of second order and of second degree; (5) is of
first order and of first degree; and (6) is of second order and of first degree. Note that in
equation (3), to make the highest order differential dx independent of any rational power,

we have to take the square of both the sides, which in turn, will give rise the highest power
10 of the differential coefficient dx .
Exact Differential Equations.
Let M and N be functions of x and y. A differential equation of the form
Mdx + Ndy = 0, (1.1.1)
is said to be exact if the expression on the left hand side of (1.1.1) can be obtained directly
by differentiating some function of x and y.
1.2. Theorem. The necessary and sufficient condition for the differential equation
Mdx + Ndy = 0 (1.2.1)
to be exact is that
∂M ∂N
= . (1.2.2)
∂y ∂x
Proof. Necessity: Suppose that (1.2.1) is exact. So, Mdx + Ndy can be obtained
directly by differentiating some function f = f (x, y). Thus,
∂f ∂f
d[f (x, y)] = Mdx + Ndy ⇒ dx + dy = Mdx + Ndy.
∂x ∂y
∂f ∂f
= M and = N;
∂x ∂y
∂ 2f ∂M ∂ 2f ∂N
= and = . (1.2.3)
∂y∂x ∂y ∂x∂y ∂x
Since, we assume the function to be many times continuously differentiable, (see Proposi-
∂2f ∂2f
tion ??), ∂y∂x = ∂x∂y . As a result, (1.2.3) gives ∂M
= ∂N
∫ ∂2P
Sufficiency. Let P = Mdx. Then ∂P ∂x (
= M. Hence ∂y∂x = ∂M . This together with
2 2
) ∂y

(1.2.2) gives, ∂N
= ∂M ∂y
∂ P
= ∂y∂x ∂ P
= ∂x∂y = ∂x∂ ∂P
. This, on integrating with respect to x,
N= + φ(y),
where φ is a function of y only. Thus we have,
[ ]
∂P ∂P
Mdx + Ndy = dx + + φ(y) dy
∂x ∂y
∂P ∂P
= dx + dy + φ(y)dy
∂x ∂y
= dP + d(F(y)) (where d(F(y)) = φ(y)dy)
= d[P + F(y)],
which shows that Mdx + Ndy = 0, is an exact differential equation. 
A working rule for solving an exact differential equation
1. D.E. 3

Let us assume that the differential equation (1.1.1) is exact. The following algorithm
describes a working rule to solve the equation.
(1) Integrate M with respect to x regarding y as a constant.
(2) Integrate with respect to y, the terms in N not involving x.
(3) Add the two expressions obtained in the above two steps and equate the result to an
arbitrary constant. This gives the required solution.
1.3. Example. Solve (x2 − 2xy − y 2 )dx − (x + y)2 dy = 0.
Solution. Here M = x2 − 2xy − y 2 and N = −(x + y)2 = −x2 − 2xy − y 2 . Hence,
∂M ∂N
= −2x − 2y and = −2x − 2y.
∂y ∂x
Thus ∂M∂y
= ∂N
. Hence the given equation is an exact equation. Integrating M with respect
to x treating y as constant, we obtain
∫ ∫
Mdx = (x2 − 2xy − y 2 )dx = − x2 y − y 2 x. (1.3.1)
Also, there is only one term −y 2 in N that does not involve x which, on integration, gives

−y 2 dy = − . (1.3.2)
Adding the right hand side terms of (1.3.1) and (1.3.2) and equating the result with a
3 3
constant gives the solution x3 − x2 y − y 2 x − y3 = C, where C is constant of integration. 
1.4. Example. Solve xdx + ydy + x2 +y 2
= 0.
Solution. First of all we have to simplify the given equation to express it in the form of
xdy − ydx
xdx + ydy + =0
x2 + y 2
[ ] [ ]
y x
⇒ x− 2 dx + y + 2 dy = 0.
x + y2 x + y2
y x
M=x− and N=y+
x2 + y 2 x2 + y 2
∂M y 2 − x2 ∂N y 2 − x2
⇒ = 2 and = 2 .
∂y (x + y 2 )2 ∂x (x + y 2 )2
Hence the given equation is exact. Now integrating M with respect to x regarding y as
constant, we get,
∫ ∫ [ ]
Mdx = x− 2 dx
x + y2
∫ ∫
= xdx − y dx
x + y2

( )
x2 1 −1 x
= − y tan
2 y y
( )
x x
= − tan−1 . (1.4.1)
2 y
Also, N = y + x2 +y 2
. The only term in N not involving x is y, on integrating it with
respect to y gives 2 . Adding this term to the last term of (1.4.1) and equating the sum
to the constant gives the solution x2 − tan−1 xy + y2 = C. That is, x2 − 2 tan−1 xy + y 2 = C,

where C is arbitrary constant. 

1.5. Example. Solve (y 2 exy + 4x3 )dx + (2xyexy − 3y 2 )dy = 0.

2 2

Solution. Here M = y 2 exy + 4x3 and N = 2xyexy − 3y 2 . Therefore, we have ∂M

2 2
2 2
2yexy + y 2 2xyexy = ∂N∂x
, ensuring that the given equation is exact. Integrating M with
respect to x treating y as constant, we obtain
∫ ∫
2 1 2 2
Mdx = (y 2 exy + 4x3 )dx = y 2 2 exy + x4 = exy + x4 .
Also, −3y 2 is the only term of N free from x whose integral is −y 3 . Hence the required
solution is exy + x4 − y 3 = C, with constant C.

Alternative method. Note that the given equation can be written as

2 2
0 = (y 2 exy + 4x3 )dx + (2xyexy − 3y 2 )dy
2 2
= y 2 exy dx + 4x3 dx + 2xyexy dy − 3y 2 dy
2 2
= y 2 exy dx + 2xyexy dy + 4x3 dx − 3y 2 dy
= d(exy ) + d(x4 ) − d(y 3 ),

which, on integration, gives

C = exy + x4 − y 3 ,

the solution of the given equation. 

Differential Equations of Higher degree

2. Introduction
dy dy
Usually dx is denoted by p in differential equations which involve dx in degree greater
than one. Thus the general form of a first order n degree differential equation is

pn + A1 pn−1 + A2 pn−2 + · · · + An−1 p + An = 0, (2.0.1)

where p = dx and A1 , A2 , . . . , An are functions of x and y. We discuss various methods to
solve such equations.
3. Solvable for p 5

3. Equations solvable for p

Splitting up the left hand side of (2.0.1) into n linear factors, we have,
[p − f1 (x, y)][p − f2 (x, y)] · · · [p − fn (x, y)] = 0.
Equating each factor to zero gives a differential equation of the first order and first degree
which can be easily solved by using various methods discussed in Chapter ??. Suppose the
solutions of these equations are given by
F1 (x, y, C1 ) = 0, F2 (x, y, C2 ) = 0, . . . , Fn (x, y, Cn ) = 0. (3.0.1)
Then the solution of (2.0.1) can be written in the form
F1 (x, y, C1 )F2 (x, y, C2 ) · · · Fn (x, y, Cn ) = 0. (3.0.2)
Here the arbitrary constants C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn have been replaced by a single arbitrary con-
stant C, as every particular solution obtained from (3.0.1) can be obtained from (3.0.2) by
assigning a particular value of C.

3.1. Example. Solve the following differential equations.

(p + y + x)(xp + x + y)(p + 2x) = 0.

Solution. Here we get p + y + x = 0 or xp + x + y = 0 or p + 2x = 0. If p + y + x = 0,

then dx + x + y = 0. Let v = x + y. Then,
−1+v =0
⇒ =1−v
⇒ = dx
⇒ − log(1 − v) = x + C1
⇒ 1 − v = e−x−C1 = Ce−x
⇒ 1 − x − y − Ce−x = 0. (3.1.1)

If xp + x + y = 0, then x dx dy
+ y = −x, that is, dx
+ x1 y = −1, which is linear and its
∫ dx
integrating factor is e x = elog x = x. And its solution is

y × I.F. = −1 × I.F.dx + C2

⇒ yx = − xdx + C2

⇒ yx = − + C2
⇒ 2xy + x2 − C = 0, (C = 2C2 ). (3.1.2)
If p + 2x = 0, then dx
+ 2x = 0, that is, dy + 2xdx = 0. Hence,
y + x2 − C = 0. (3.1.3)

From (3.1.1), (3.1.2) and (3.1.3), the required solution is

(1 − x − y − Ce−x )(2xy + x2 − C)(y + x2 − C) = 0.

3.2. Example. Solve p2 − xy = y 2 − px.
Solution. The given equation can be rewritten as
(p2 − y 2 ) + (px − xy) = 0 ⇒ (p − y)(p + y + x) = 0
⇒ p − y = 0 or p + y + x = 0.
If p − y = 0, then
⇒ −y =0
⇒ = dx
⇒ log y = x + log C
⇒ log =x
⇒y = Cex
⇒y − Cex = 0. (3.2.1)
If∫ p + y + x = 0, then dxdy
+ y = −x, which is linear in y and its integrating factor is
e dx = ex . Hence its solution is

ye = − xex dx + C

⇒ ye = −(xe − ex dx) + C
x x

⇒ yex = −xex + ex + C
⇒ y = −x + 1 + Ce−x
⇒ y + x − 1 − Ce−x = 0. (3.2.2)
Hence from (3.2.1) and (3.2.2), the required solution is
(y − Cex )(y + x − 1 − Ce−x ) = 0.

3.3. Example. Solve p2 + 2py cot x = y 2 .
Solution. Given equation can be written as
p2 + (2y cot x)p − y 2 = 0.
Solving this for p, we get,

−2y cot x ± 4y 2 cot2 x + 4y 2
⇒ p = −y cot x ± y cosec x
4. Solvable for y 7

( )
− cos x ± 1
sin x
( ) ( )
− cos x + 1 − cos x − 1
⇒p=y or p = y
sin x sin x
2 x 2 x
2y sin 2 2y cos 2
⇒p= x x or p = −
2 sin 2 cos 2 2 sin x2 cos x2
⇒ p = y tan or p = −y cot x2 .
If p = y tan x2 , then
= tan x2 dx
( )
⇒ log y = 2 log sec x2 + log C1
⇒ y = C1 sec2 x
⇒ y cos2 x
= C1
⇒ y(1 + cos x) = 2C1 = C, (say)
⇒ y(1 + cos x) − C = 0.
If p = −y cot x2 , then
= − cot x2 dx
( )
⇒ log y = −2 log sin x2 + log C2
sin2 x2
⇒ y sin2 x
= C2
⇒ y(1 − cos x) = 2C2 = C, (say)
⇒ y(1 − cos x) − C = 0.
So, the required solution is (y(1 + cos x) − C)(y(1 − cos x) − C) = 0. 

4. Equations solvable for y

This type of equation can be put in the form
y = f (x, p). (4.0.1)
( dp
Differentiating (4.0.1) with respect to x gives p = dx = φ x, p, dx , which is a differential
equation involving two variables x and p and hence its solution will be of the form
F (x, p, C) = 0, (4.0.2)
where C is an arbitrary constant. We can now eliminate p from (4.0.1), (4.0.2) and obtain
the required solution. In case elimination of p is not possible, we may solve (4.0.1) and
(4.0.2) for x, y to obtain x = F1 (p, C), y = F2 (p, C) as the required solution, where p is
the parameter.

4.1. Example. Solve y = 2px + pn .

Solution. Differentiating with respect to x, we get,

dy dp dp
= 2p + 2x + npn−1
dx dx dx
⇒ − p = (2x + npn−1 )
⇒ p + 2x + npn−1 = 0
dx 2
⇒ + x = −npn−2 ,
dp p
which is linear in x and its integrating factor is
∫ 2
dp 2
e p = e2 log p = elog p = p2 .

Hence, its solution is

x × (I.F.) = −npn−2 × (I.F.)dp + C

⇒ xp = −n pn dp + C

⇒ xp2 = − +C
npn−1 C
⇒x=− + 2. (4.1.1)
n+1 p
Substituting this value of x in the given differential equation we get,
−2pnpn−1 2pC
y= + 2 + pn
n+1 p
2C n − 1 n
⇒y= − p . (4.1.2)
p n+1
The required solution is obtained by eliminating p from (4.1.1) and (4.1.2). 

4.2. Example. Solve y = sin p − p cos p.

Solution. Differentiating the given equation with respect to x we get,

dy dp
p= = (cos p − cos p + p sin p)
dx dx
⇒ sin p dp = dx
⇒ − cos p = x + C1
⇒ cos p = C − x, where C = −C1 .

From the given equation we get,

p cos p = sin p − y
4. Solvable for y 9

1 − cos2 p − y
cos p

−1 1 − (C − x)2 − y
⇒ cos (C − x) = (as cos p = C − x)
C −x
[√ ]
1 − (C − x)2 − y
⇒ C − x = cos ,
C −x
which is the required solution. 
4.3. Example. Solve y = yp2 + 2px.
Solution. The given equation can be rewritten as
y(1 − p2 ) = 2px or y = . (4.3.1)
1 − p2
Differentiating this with respect to x we get,
(1 − p2 )(2p + 2x(dp/dx)) − 2px(−2p)(dp/dx)
(1 − p2 )2
⇒ p(1 − p2 )2 = 2p(1 − p2 ) + [2x(1 − p2 ) + 4p2 x]
⇒ p(1 − p2 )(1 − p2 − 2) = 2x(1 − p2 + 2p2 )
⇒ − p(1 − p2 )(1 + p2 ) = 2x(1 + p2 )
⇒ p(p2 − 1) = 2x
2dp dx
⇒ =
p(p2 − 1) x
[ ]
1 1 2 dx
⇒ + − dp =
p−1 p+1 p x
⇒ log(p − 1) + log(p + 1) − 2 log p = log x + log C
p2 − 1
⇒ = Cx
⇒ p2 − 1 = p2 Cx
⇒ p2 (1 − Cx) = 1
⇒ p2 =
1 − Cx
⇒p= √ .
1 − Cx
Substituting this value of p in (4.3.1), we get,
√ √
2x/ 1 − Cx 2x 1 − Cx
y= =
1 − 1−Cx

⇒ 2x 1 − Cx + Cxy = 0,

which is the required solution. 

5. Clairaut’s equation
The equation
y = px + f (p) (5.0.1)
is known as Clairaut’s equation. To solve it, we differentiate it with respect to x and get,
dp dp
p=p+x + f ′ (p)
dx dx
⇒ [x + f ′ (p)] =0
⇒ = 0 (hence p = C, a constant) (5.0.2)

x + f ′ (p) = 0. (5.0.3)
Now eliminating p from (5.0.1) and (5.0.2) gives
y = Cx + f (C), (5.0.4)
as a solution of (5.0.1). Hence the solution of the Clairaut’s equation is obtained on
replacing p by a constant C. If we eliminate p between (5.0.1) and (5.0.3), we get a solution
which does not contain any arbitrary constant and is not a particular case of (5.0.4). This
type of solution is known as singular solution. Some equations can be reduced to Clairaut’s
form by a suitable substitution.

5.1. Example. Solve y 2 − 2pxy + p2 (x2 − 1) = m2 .

Solution. The given equation can be written as

√ √
(y − px)2 = m2 + p2 ⇒ y − px = ± m2 + p2 ⇒ y = px ± m2 + p2 ,
which is in Clairaut’s form. Hence by substituting p = C, in the given equation we get the
required solution as y 2 − 2Cxy + C 2 (x2 − 1) = m2 . 

5.2. Example. Solve sin px cos y = cos px sin y + p.

Solution. The given equation can be written as

sin px cos y − cos px sin y = p ⇒ sin(px − y) = p
⇒ px − y = sin−1 p
⇒ y = px − sin−1 p,
which is in Clairaut’s form. Hence by substituting p = C, in the given equation we get the
required solution as sin Cx cos y = cos Cx sin y + C. 

5.3. Example. Solve xyp2 − (x2 + y 2 − 1)p + xy = 0.

5. Clairaut 11

√ √
Solution. Let x2 = u and y 2 = v, that is,√x = u and y = v. Hence dx = 12 u−1/2 du
and dy = 21 v −1/2 dv. This gives p = dx
= √uv du
. Substituting these values in the given
equation we get,
( ) √
√ u dv 2 u dv √
uv − (u + v − 1) + uv = 0
v du v du
( )2
dv dv
⇒u − (u + v − 1) + v = 0
du du
⇒ uP 2 − (u + v − 1)P + v = 0, where P =
⇒ u(P − P ) − v(P − 1) + P = 0

⇒ v(P − 1) = uP (P − 1) + P
⇒ v = Pu + , (5.3.1)
P −1
which is in Clairaut’s form. Hence by substituting P = C, in (5.3.1), we get the solution as
v = Cu + C−1 . Now substituting back the values of u and v, we get the required solution
2 2
y = Cx + C−1 .C

5.4. Example. Solve y 2 (y − px) = x4 p2 .
Solution. Let x = u1 , y = v1 . Then dx = −1 du, dy = −1 dy 2
u2 v2
dv, p = dx = uv2 du
. Substituting
these values in the given equation we get,
[ ] ( )2
1 1 u2 dv 1 1 u4 dv
− = 4 4
v 2 v v 2 du u u v du
( )2
1 u dv 1 dv
⇒ 3− 4 = 4
v v du v du
( )2
dv dv
⇒v−u =
du du
⇒ v = P u + P 2 where P = ,
which is in Clairaut’s form and so its solution is v = Cu + C 2 . After substituting the
values of u and v back, the solution becomes C 2 xy + Cy − x = 0. 
5.5. Example. Solve e2x (p − 1) + p3 e2y e−x = 0.
ey dy dv
Solution. Let ex = u and ey = v. Then ex dx = du and ey dy = dv. Hence ex dx
= du
i.e., p = uv du
. Substituting these values in the given equation, we get,
[ ] [ ]3
2 u dv u dv v 2
u −1 + =0
v du v du u
( )3
u3 dv u2 dv
⇒ −u +
v du v du
( )3
dv dv
⇒u −v+ =0
du du

⇒ v = P u + P 3, where P = ,
which is in Clairaut’s form. Its solution is v = Cu + C 3 or ey = Cex + C 3 . 

6. Trajectories of a family of curves

A curve that cuts every member of a given family of curves according to some given
law is called trajectory of the given family of curves. Here we shall consider only the case
when each trajectory cuts every member of the given family at a constant angle. If the
constant angle is a right angle, then the trajectory is called an orthogonal trajectory
6.1. Theorem. Obtain orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves
f (x, y, C) = 0 at a constant angle.
Proof. Suppose that the trajectories cut every member of the
f (x, y, C) = 0 (6.1.1)
at a constant angle α. Differentiating (6.1.1) with respect to x and eliminating C between
equation (6.1.1) and its derivative, we get the differential equation of the given family. Let
it be ( )
φ x, y, = 0. (6.1.2)
Let (X, Y ) be the current coordinates of any point on the required trajectory. Then the
slope of its tangent at this point is dX . At a point of intersection of any member of family
(6.1.2), with the trajectory, we have,
x = X, y=Y (6.1.3)
dy/dx − dY /dX
tan α = .
1 + (dy/dx)(dY /dX)
dy dY /dX + tan α
= . (6.1.4)
dx 1 − tan α(dY /dX)
From (6.1.2), (6.1.3) and (6.1.4), x, y and dx can be eliminated and we get a relation
( )
dY /dX + tan α
φ X, Y, = 0, (6.1.5)
1 − tan α(dY /dX)
which is the differential equation of the required family of trajectories. Solving (6.1.5), we
shall obtain the cartesian equation of the family of trajectories.

6.2. Orthogonal Trajectories (Cartesian coordinates): Suppose that the trajectories
cut every member of the family (6.1.1) at the constant angle π2 . Hence the tangents to
both of these should be perpendicular to each other, i.e., in other words,
dy dY dy dX
= −1 or =− .
dx dX dx dY
6. Trajectories 13

Hence the differential equation of the family of the orthogonal trajectories is φ(X, Y, − dX dY
0. In usual notations, we see that the differential equation of the family of orthogonal tra-
jectories of the given family of φ(x, y, dx ) = 0 is φ(x, y, − dx
) = 0, so that it is obtained on
replacing dx by − dx
6.3. Example. Find the orthogonal trajectories of the semi-cubical parabolas ay 2 = x3 ,
where a is the variable parameter.
Solution. Differentiating the given equation with respect to x, we get
dy dy dy dy
2ay = 3x2 ⇒ 2ay 2 = 3x2 y ⇒ 2x3 = 3x2 y ⇒ 2x = 3y, (6.3.1)
dx dx dx dx
which is the differential equation of the given family. Putting − dx
in place of dx in (6.3.1),
we get,
dx 3
2x(− ) = 3y, ⇒ 2xdx + 3ydy = 0 ⇒ x2 + y 2 = C,
dy 2
which the equation of the family of the orthogonal trajectories of the given semi-cubical
Note: The following example deals with the asymptote. The topic is presently out of the
scope of this text book. If the students have not developed the theory of asymptotes and
the curve tracing, this example may safely, skipped.
6.4. Example. Find the orthogonal trajectories of family of parabolas
y 2 = 4a(x + a), (6.4.1)
where a is the parameter.
Solution. Differentiating (6.4.1) with respect to x, we have
2y = 4a.
Putting this value in (6.4.1), we get,
[ ] ( )2
dy y dy dy dy
y = 2y x+ ⇒ y = 2x + y , (6.4.2)
dx 2 dx dx dx
which is the differential equation of the given family of parabolas. Putting dx dy
= − dx
(6.4.2), we get the following differential equation of the required orthogonal trajectories of
the given family.
( )2 ( )2
dx dx dy dy
y = −2x + y − ⇒y + 2x − y = 0,
dy dy dx dx
which is same as the differential equation (6.4.2) of the given family of parabolas. Hence
the given family (6.4.1) is self orthogonal. That is, the orthogonal trajectories of the system
belong to the system itself. Hence the required equation of the orthogonal trajectories of
the given family is y 2 = 4C(x + C), where C is the parameter. 

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