DOI 10.1007/s12648-016-0859-0
Received: 12 November 2015 / Accepted: 04 February 2016 / Published online: 26 April 2016
Abstract: Sagdeev potential approach is used for the study of nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves in plasma
consisting of cold positive ions and nonthermal electrons. The nonlinear equation so derived are analysed with the help of
Bogoliubov–Mitropolosky method. The profiles of Sagdeev potential solitary waves are evaluated in first-, second- and
third- order which are depicted for different values of nonthermal parameter of electrons. It is seen that nonthermal
electrons has considerable impact on the shape of ion-acoustic solitary waves in each order. The plasma consisting of cold
positive ions and no negative ions can support the formation of compressive as well as W-type solitary waves in second-
and third- order for certain value of nonthermal parameter of electrons. The results are new because W-type ion-acoustic
solitary wave is found by earlier authors in plasma in presence of negative ions only. The ion-acoustic solitary waves near
critical value of nonthermal parameter and arbitrary amplitude solitary waves in presence of nonthermal electrons have also
been studied in the paper. Moreover, the solution for ion-acoustic double layers in plasma consisting of nonthermal
electrons is obtained. Our results in the paper would be useful to understand the nonlinear wave processes in ionospheric
and magnetospheric multicomponent plasma having nonthermal electrons.
Keywords: Ion-acoustic waves; Nonthermal electrons; Pseudo-potential and W-type solitary waves
Ó 2016 IACS
1196 I Paul et al.
plasma Mamun [17, 18], Bandhopadhyay and Das [19–21] waves in a negative ion plasma. To get better theoretical
and other authors have theoretically studied ion-acoustic results to match the experimentally observed value, Das
solitary waves. In a bounded plasma, Bhattacharaya et al. et al. [36] and his co-workers [37] have considered the
[22] have investigated the effects of non-thermal electrons effect of higher-order nonlinear and dispersive terms up to
on ion-acoustic solitary waves using pseudo-potential the third order approximation and have studied ion-
technique and have shown that both compressive and rar- acoustic solitary waves in a plasma.
efactive solitons would be excited for any value of non- However, no author has studied ion acoustic solitary
thermal electron parameter in plasma. Paul et al. [23] have waves critically in presence of the nonthermal electrons in
obtained exact analytical solutions of the nonlinear equa- plasma specially considering higher order nonlinearity
tions governing the propagation of ion-acoustic solitary and dispersive effects. So, in the present we are motivated
waves in a plasma consisting of warm streaming positive to investigate theoretically the ion acoustic solitary waves
ions and nonthermal electrons with necessary and sufficient correct up to third order having nonthermal electrons in
conditions for the existence of ion-acoustic solitary waves. cold plasma. To get higher-order effects on the solitary
The critical values of nonthermal parameter, ion tempera- waves we have applied the pseudopotential method which
ture and velocity of ion- acoustic solitary waves have been is different from the standard method adopted in previous
numerically evaluated and discussed their dependence on investigations. Starting from the governing equations, an
the plasma parameters. They have analyzed the structure of integrated form of the equations in terms of the pseudo-
the solitary waves as a function of the non-thermal electron potential is derived and then perturbation solutions of this
parameter which measures the deviation from the ther- equation up to third- order approximation for ion acoustic
malized state. Later, Ghosh et al. [24] have theoretically solitary waves in plasma are obtained using the Bogoli-
investigated the effect of nonthermal electrons and warm ubov–Mitropolosky method [38]. It is seen that com-
negative ions on ion-acoustic solitary waves in multi- pressive as well as rarefactive W-type solitary waves
component drifting plasma. would be excited in the third order in plasma consisting
However, from the experimental observations [25–28] of cold positive ions and nonthermal electrons.
it is found that theoretically predicted values of the
amplitude, width, and velocity of the solitary waves do
not obey the experimental results. To remove the dis- 2. Basic equations
crepancy between theoretical and experimental results
researchers realized the necessity of considering higher- We consider an unmagnetized collisionless plasma con-
order nonlinear and dispersive terms in the propagation of sisting of cold ions and nonthermal electrons. The gov-
solitary waves in a plasma, Ichikawa et al. [29] were the erning equations for such a plasma system can be written in
first to examine such higher-order effects by the reductive the following dimensionless form:
perturbation method for ion-acoustic solitons in plasma oni o
consisting of cold ions. Considering the temperature of þ ðni ui Þ ¼ 0 ð1Þ
ot ox
ions in plasma, Lai [30] has investigated the higher-order
oui oui ou
effect on the ion-acoustic solitary waves. Kodama and þ ui þ ¼ 0: ð2Þ
Taniuti [31] have reconsidered this problem and have ot ox ox
shown by the method of renormalization how to eliminate o2 /
¼ ne ni ð3Þ
the secular terms appearing in higher-order terms of the ox2
expansion. Considering the effect of higher order non- where ni and ne are, respectively, the number densities of
linearity ion-acoustic solitary waves correct up to second ions and electrons; ui is the ion-fluid velocity; / is the
order in a plasma have been studied by various authors electrostatic potential. The quantities ni, ne, ui and u are
[32–37]. Taking the electrons as nonisothermal, Kalita made dimensionless by n0, n0, (kBTe/Temi.mi)1/2 and kBTe/
and Bujarbarua [32] have investigated the propagation of Tee.e, respectively, where n0 is the unperturbed electron or
higher-order ion-acoustic solitary waves in a plasma. ion density, mi is the mass of the ion, and kB is Boltzmann
Tagare and Reddy [33] have considered the effect of constant.
higher-order nonlinearity on ion-acoustic solitary waves The non-thermal electron distribution function is
in a plasma consisting of negative ions and nonisothermal assumed as [14]
electrons. Subsequently, Moslem [34] have studied " 2 #
higher-order contributions to ion-acoustic solitary waves no v 1 v
fe ðvÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 þ p 2 2/ exp 2
in warm multicomponent plasma with an electron beam. ð1 þ 3pÞ 2pVe2 Ve 2 Ve
Paul et al. [35] have considered the electron-inertia and ð4Þ
drift motion and on the higher order ion acoustic solitary
W-type ion-acoustic solitary waves in plasma consisting of cold ions 1197
where p(C0) is a parameter that determines the proportion In addition to that, the condition for the localized soli-
of the fast energetic electrons, v is the velocity of electrons tary wave solution is
in phase space and is normalized by the average thermal
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi o2 w
speed Ve ¼ KB Te =me and me is the mass of electron. \0
o/2 /¼0
From Eq. (4) the normalized electron density ne is
obtained as which implies inequality
ne ¼ 1 b/ þ b/2 e/ ð5aÞ 1
\1 b ð11Þ
Inequality (Eq. 11)) gives the condition for the existence
4p of a potential well.
b¼ ð5bÞ
1 þ 3p From Eq. (12) the critical values of velocity (V = Vc)
b measures the deviation from thermalized state. The and non-thermal parameter (b = bc) are obtained as
parameter b cannot exceed a certain range (0 B b B 1.3), 1
beyond which p is negative which is not acceptable. When Vc ¼ ð12Þ
b ? 0, Eq. (5a) gives the Boltzmann distribution of
electrons. and
bc ¼ 1 2 ð13Þ
3. Sagdeev potential and conditions for solitary wave
4. Solitary wave solutions
For a solitary-wave solution we assume that the dependent
variables depend on a single independent variable Expanding the right-hand side of Eq. (9) in ascending
n = x - Vt, where V is the velocity of the solitary wave. powers of u we get
Using the boundary conditions n ! 1; / ! 0 as n ! 1
d2 u
we obtain from Eqs. (1)–(3), ¼ D1 u þ D2 u2 þ D3 u3 þ D4 u4 þ . . .: ð14aÞ
ui ¼ V 1 ð6Þ where,
1 1 3
V D1 ¼ ð1 bÞ þ 2 D2 ¼ 1 4 D3
ni ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð7Þ V 2 V
V 2u 1 b 5 1 b 35
¼ þ ; and D4 ¼
d2 u 1 6 2 2V 6 24 3 8V 8
¼ ð1 bu þ bu2 Þ expðuÞ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð8Þ
dn 2 ð14bÞ
1 2u V2
An integral of Eq. (14a) satisfying the conditions
Eq. (8) can be written as du=dX ! 0; u ! 0 as n ! 1 is
d2 u dw
¼ ð9Þ e du 2 1 1 1 1
dn2 du ¼ D1 u2 þ D2 u3 þ D3 u4 þ D4 u5 þ . . .
2 dX 2 3 4 5
W is the Sagdeev potential and it is given by ð15Þ
wð/Þ ¼ ð1 þ 3bÞ e/ þ bð/ 1Þe/ b /2 2/ þ 2 e/ where we have stretched the n coordinate according to the
2u relation
þ V2 1 1 2 ð10Þ
V X ¼ 21=2 n: ð16Þ
For the solitary wave solution, Sagdeev potential w(/) The parameter e is dimensionless and small e \ 1. It
in Eq. (10) must satisfy
the following conditions: measures the dispersion and nonlinear effects.
ow We now make the following perturbation expansions for
(a) wð/Þj/¼0 ¼ o/ ¼ 0
/¼0 u and V.
(b) w(/) = 0 for some / = /m where /m is some
maximum value of /. / ¼ e/ð1Þ þ e2 /ð2Þ þ e3 /ð3Þ þ . . . ð17aÞ
(c) w(/) \ 0 in 0 \ |/| \ |/m|.
V ¼ V0 þ eV ð1Þ þ 22 V ð2Þ þ . . . ð17bÞ
1198 I Paul et al.
where, /(1), /(2), /(3) are the first-,second- and third order /ð1Þ ¼ l0 sec h2 g ð22Þ
perturbed values of / and V(1), V(2), V(3) are the perturbed
values of velocity V. where
Now, for linear dispersion relation, (D1)0 = 0. ð1Þ
3 d1
Therefore, l0 ¼ ¼ 3V0 V ð1Þ ð22aÞ
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 dð0Þ
1 1
1 b 2 ¼ 0; i:e:V0 ¼
V0 ð1 bÞ
: ð18Þ V0 ¼ ð3 V04 Þ1 ð22bÞ
ð1Þ 3 ð1Þ 1=2
With the expansion of V given by (17b) the expansions d1 V0 V
g¼ X¼ X ð22cÞ
for D1 ; D2 ; D3 and D4 become 2 2
ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ ð3Þ
D1 ¼ d1 þ ed1 þ e2 d1 þ e3 d1 þ /(1) vanishes at infinity and it attains a maximum value
ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ at g = 0 giving the amplitude of first order solitary wave l0,
D2 ¼ d2 þ ed2 þ e2 d2 þ ð19Þ l0 = a01 (say).
D3 ¼ d3 þ ed3 þ
ð1Þ The width ‘D’ of the solitary wave is defined as half the
value of width of pulse at a height of 0.42 of its amplitude.
ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
D4 ¼ d4 þ ed4 þ e2 d4 þ The first order width D1 of the solitary wave is
where 2
D1 ¼ g1 ð22dÞ
ð0Þ ð1Þ V03 V ð1Þ
d1 ¼ 0; d1 ¼ 2V03 V ð1Þ ;
ð2Þ 2 where g1 is the positive root of the equation,
d1 ¼ 2V03 V ð2Þ 3 V04 V ð1Þ ; tanh2g1 = 0.58.
d1 ¼ 2V03 V ð3Þ 6V04 V ð1Þ V ð2Þ þ 4V05 V ð1Þ3 ;
4.2. Equation at the second order and its solution
ð0Þ 1
d2 ¼ ð1 3V04 Þ ð20Þ
2 At the second order we get the following equation for
d2 ¼ 6V05 V ð1Þ ; u(2)using (16) and (22a)
ð1Þ 2 3
ð2Þ ð1Þ
d2 ¼ 6V05 V ð2Þ 15 V06 V ð1Þ
d/ð2Þ /gg ð2Þ d /ð1Þ 2d2 /ð1Þ
ð1Þ / ¼ 1 ð1Þ ð1Þ þ
dg /g V0 V / g 3V0 V ð1Þ /gð1Þ
ð0Þ 1 b 5 6
d3 ¼ þ V0 ; d3
6 2 2 þ ð23Þ
2V0 V ð1Þ /gð1Þ
d3 ¼ 15V07 V ð1Þ ;
Removing the secular term, solution of (23) is obtained
ð0Þ 1 b 35 8
d4 ¼ V : as
24 3 8 0
/ð2Þ ¼ l1 þ l2 tan h2 g sec h2 g ð24Þ
Substituting the expansions (17a) in (15) we get a
sequence of equations for the uðiÞ ’s and the equation for where
uðiÞ at each order becomes a first-order inhomogeneous ð0Þ ð1Þ
differential equation for i [ 1. For linear dispersion 2l20 1 ð1Þ 1 ð0Þ l30 d3 3d
l1 ¼ d
ð1Þ 3 2
þ l0 d ; l2 ¼ ; l0 ¼ 1ð0Þ ;
relation, (D1)0 = d(0)
1 = 0. d 2 3 2d ð1Þ 2d
1 1 2
ð1Þ 2
4.1. Equation at the first- order and its solution and V ð2Þ ¼ 3ðV2V0 Þ
The amplitude of second order solitary wave is (at
In the first order i.e. in lowest order which is at the order of g = 0) l1 = a02 (say),
e3 we obtain the following equation for /(1), The second order width D2 of the solitary wave is
2 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!
1 duð1Þ 1 ð1Þ 2 1 ð0Þ 3 2
¼ d1 uð1Þ þ d2 uð1Þ ð21Þ D2 ¼ 3 ð1Þ
g2 ð24bÞ
2 dX 2 3 V0 V
The solution of which is the first order K-dV soliton where g2 is the positive root of the equation
W-type ion-acoustic solitary waves in plasma consisting of cold ions 1199
ðl2 =l1 Þ tanh4 g2 ½1 þ 2ðl2 =l1 Þ tanh2 g2 þ ½ðl2 =l1 Þ þ 0:58Þ 27 7V02 9 13V02
c2 ¼ þ ;
¼0 32 10
ð 1Þ 3
ð24cÞ and V ð3Þ ¼ 52 ðVV 2 Þ
The amplitude of third order solitary wave is l3,
l1 and l2 are given above. l3 = u03 (say), a03 ¼ 65 a2 V03 V ð3Þ ¼ 3a2 V0 ðV ð1Þ Þ3 .
So using the perturbed values of u at first, second and
4.3. Equation at the third order and its solution third order i.e. /ð1Þ ; /ð2Þ ; and /ð3Þ given by (22), (24) and
(26), respectively, the first, second and third order solitary
We obtain the following equation for u(3) at the third order, wave solutions U1, U2, U3 with corrections become
in which we use relation (16) and introduce the new vari-
able g given by (22a),
d/ð3Þ /gg ð3Þ 2 1 ð1Þ ð2Þ2 1 ð3Þ ð1Þ2 ð0Þ 2
ð1Þ 2
ð1Þ / ¼ d / þ d1 / þ d2 /ð1Þ /ð2Þ þ d2 /ð1Þ /ð2Þ
ð1Þ 2 1
dg /g ð1Þ
V0 V /g 2
!2 3 ð25Þ
1 ð2Þ 3
ð0Þ 3 1 ð1Þ 4 1 ð0Þ 5 1 d/ð2Þ 5
þ d2 /ð1Þ þd1 /ð1Þ /ð2Þ þ d3 /ð1Þ þ d4 /ð1Þ V0 V ð1Þ
3 4 5 4 dg
Removing the secular term, solution of (25) for /(3) is U1 ¼ uð1Þ ¼ l0 sec h2 g ð27aÞ
obtained as
U2 ¼ uð1Þ þ uð2Þ ¼ a1 1 þ a01 tanh2 g sec h2 g ð27bÞ
/ð3Þ ¼ l3 þ l4 tan h2 g þ l5 tan h4 g sec h2 g ð26aÞ
U3 ¼ uð1Þ þ uð2Þ þ uð3Þ
" # ¼ a3 ½1 þ a2 tan h2 g þ a4 tan h4 g1 þ sec h2 g ð27cÞ
2 ð1Þ
ðl1 þ l2 Þ d1 ð0Þ l0 ðl1 þ l2 Þ ð1Þ l0 ð2Þ
l3 ¼ þ d2 þ d2 þ d2 where,
2l26 2l0 2l26 3
l2 l4 l2 l5
l ð0Þ l0 ð1Þ l ð0Þ a1 ¼ l0 þ l1 ; a01 ¼ a2 ¼ ; a4 ¼ ; a3
þ 02 ðl1 þ l2 Þd3 þ d3 þ 0 d4 a1 a3 a3
2l6 4 5
¼ l0 þ l1 þ l3 ; ð27dÞ
" #
4 d l2 ð1Þ l2 ð1Þ l0 ; l1 ; l2 ; l3 ; l4 ; l5 are given above.
l4 ¼ l2 ðl1 þ l2 Þ þ 22 þ 2 l0 d2 þ d1
l0 l6 2l6 2l0 The amplitude of solitary waves U01, U02, U03 are given
l ð0Þ l0 ð1Þ 2 ð0Þ by
þ 02 ðl1 þ 2l2 Þd3 þ d3 þ l20 d4
2l6 4 5 U01 ¼ l0 ¼ a01 ; U02 ¼ l0 þ l1 ¼ a01 þ a02 ; U03 ¼ a
" #
l20 l20 ð0Þ
d2 ¼ l0 þ l1 þ l3 ¼ a01 þ a02 þ a03 ð28Þ
ð0Þ 2 4
l5 ¼ 2 l2 d3 þ d4 l2 þ
6l6 5 3l0 6l26 The width D3 of third- order solitary wave is obtained as
1 ð1Þ 2
l26 ¼ d1 D3 ¼ g3 ð29Þ
4 3 ð1Þ
V0 V
After simplification we get
where g3 can be obtained from the positive root of the
6V 3 V ð3Þ 6V 3 V ð3Þ 6V 3 V ð3Þ following equation of g,
l3 ¼ 0 a2 ; l 4 ¼ 0 b2 ; l 5 ¼ 0 c2 ; ð26bÞ
5 5 5
a4 tanh6 g þ ða2 a4 Þ tanh4 g þ ð1 a2 Þ tanh2 g 0:58 ¼ 0
27 15V02 27 13V02 81 7V02
a2 ¼ þ 9; ð30Þ
32 10 8
81 7 9V02 27 13V02 81 19V02 a2 and a4 in (30) are given above.
b2 ¼ þ ; The phase velocity V1, V2 and V3 of the solitary waves
32 32 8
correct up to third order becomes,
1200 I Paul et al.
p ffiffiffi
V1 ¼ V0 þ V ð1Þ ; ð31aÞ In critical case (d(0)
2 = 0) we obtain from (20), V0 ¼
" 2 # Using (18) the critical value of b is 0.432. At b & 0.432,
ð1Þ ð2Þ V ð1Þ 3 V ð1Þ the solution of first order solitary waves in plasma with
V2 ¼ V0 þ V þV ¼ V0 1 þ þ
V0 2 V0 cold ions and nonthermal electrons is given by (36).
5.2. Arbitrary amplitude solitary waves
V3 ¼ V0 þ V ð1Þ þ V ð3Þ
" 2 3 #
V ð1Þ 3 V ð1Þ 5 V ð1Þ To find the arbitrary amplitude solitary waves up to second
¼ V0 1 þ þ þ ð31cÞ order we take the terms up to u3 of Eq. (14a) and obtain
V0 2 V0 2 V0
d2 u
Assuming c = V0V which can be considered as a ¼ S1 u þ S2 u2 þ S3 u3 ð38Þ
parameter and in terms of this parameter the Mach numbers
become where S1 = D1, S2 = -D2, S3 = D3.
For first-order solutions for arbitrary amplitude solitary
V1 V2 3c2
M1 ¼ ¼ ½1 þ c; M2 ¼ ¼ 1þcþ ; waves, the terms up to /2 of the right hand side of Eq. (38)
V0 V0 2 are taken into account and the solution is obtained as
V3 3c2 5c3 rffiffiffiffiffi !
M3 ¼ ¼ 1þcþ þ
V0 2 2 3S1 2 S1
u1 ¼ sec h g ð39Þ
2S2 4
¼ k sec hg0 ð36Þ o2 w
\ 0 at u ¼ um : ð43Þ
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffi To obtain the double layer solution from Eq. (14a) we
2 d3 0 1 ð1Þ integrate it and then use the stretching n- coordinates as
k ¼ ð1Þ
; g ¼ d1 X ð37Þ
2d1 2 X = en Thus we obtain
W-type ion-acoustic solitary waves in plasma consisting of cold ions 1201
e2 d/ 2 1 1 1 1
¼ D1 /2 þ D2 /3 þ D3 /4 þ D4 /5 þ
2 dX 2 3 4 5
We also assume the perturbation expansion of V as 0.01
V ¼ V0 þ e2 V ð1Þ þ 23 V ð2Þ þ
Sagdeev Potential
In order to consider higher order nonlinearity both
quadratic and cubic, we take the co-efficient of /3 in 0.01
Eq. (44) as 3e D2 . Then using Eqs. (17a) and (45) in Eq. (44)
we take coefficient of e4 on both sides. Thus the first order
equation for /(1) is obtained as
1 d/ð1Þ 1 1Þ 1 ð0Þ 1 ð0Þ 0.03
¼ d1 ð/ð1Þ Þ2 þ d2 ð/ð1Þ Þ3 þ d3 ð/ð1Þ Þ4
2 dX 2 3 4
0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
The double layer solution of Eq. (46) is obtained as
Electrostatic Potential
ud ¼ P½1 tanhðX=lÞ ð47Þ
ð0Þ Fig. 1 Sagdeev potential profile for different values of nonthermal
where, P ¼ 13 ð0Þ ,
P is the amplitude of double layers; parameter b. The curves labeled with a, b, c, d, e refer to five different
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
values of b = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 with V = 1.3
l ¼ P1 2=d3 , l being the thickness of double layers. It is
important to note that the term d(0)
3 should be positive for
the excitation of double layers in plasma. solitary waves will exist in plasma consisting of cold
The double layers in plasma may be compressive or positive ions and nonthermal electrons.
rarefactive. For the compressive double- layers P [ 0 and The structures of solitary waves in plasma are shown in
for rarefactive double-layers P \ 0. Figs. 2(a)–2(c). The perturbed potentials /(1), /(2) and /(3)
of solitary waves given by Eqs. (22), (24) and (26a) at first-,
second- and third- order for nonthermal parameter b = 0.2
6. Results and discussion and b = 0.6 are shown in Fig. 2(a). It is seen that solitary
wave (i) at first- order is compressive for b = 0.2 and rar-
To observe the existence of solitary waves in plasma, we efactive for b = 0.6, (ii) at second- order it is compressive
have plotted Sagdeev potential w (/) against electrostatic and wavy for b = 0.2 and rarefactive and wavy for b = 0.6;
potential / for different values nonthermal parameter (b) (iii) at third order it is rarefactive for b = 0.6 but it is
of electrons. During our numerical calculations, we have compressive b = 0.2. In Fig. 2(b), corrected second- and
chosen the values of nonthermal parameter in such a way third-order electrostatic potentials of solitary waves U2
that the condition given in Eq. (12) is satisfied. Moreover, (= /(1) ? /(2)) given by Eq. (27b) and U3
the values of nonthermal parameter are suitable for labo- (=/(1) ? /(2) ? /(3)) given by (27c) including U1 (=/(1))
ratory as well as space plasma. According to Cairns et al. given by Eq. (27a) for nonthermal parameter b = 0.2 and
[14] the value of nonthermal parameter b is 0 B b C 1.3. 0.6 are shown. It is seen that corrected solitary waves are
But from the condition obtained in our present paper it is compressive for b = 0.2 but the solitary waves are rar-
seen that for existence of solitary waves the value of efactive for b = 0.6. It is interesting to note that corrected
nonthermal parameter b of electrons should be less than third order solitary wave for b = 0.6 is W- shaped which is
unity, otherwise the phase velocity V of the ion-acoustic generally observed for the second order solitary waves in a
wave will be imaginary which is unphysical. So, for all negative ion plasma [33] without the nonthermal electrons.
values of b suggested by Cairns et al. [14] the solitary Since, third-order solitary waves are seen to be W-shaped
waves will not be excited at all in the plasma having due to presence of nonthermal electrons, its variations for
nonthermal electrons. different values of b (b = 0.1, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.9) are shown in
Following the condition (12), we have plotted Sagdeev Fig. 2(c). It is seen that W-shape of third- order solitary
potential w (/) given by (10) against electrostatic potential waves is prominent for large values of b.
/ (shown in Fig. 1) taking the values of b (unit- less) up to For different values of b, (i) the amplitudes of corrected
0.2. The potential-well in Fig. 1 indicates that ion-acoustic first-, second- and third-order solitary waves [U10, U20, U30
1202 I Paul et al.
(a) (b)
0.2 0.25
ϕ1 β= 0.2 β= 0.2
0.2 Ф2
β= 0.2
Ф3 β= 0.2
0.1 ϕ3 β= 0.6
0.05 0.05
ϕ2 β= 0.2
β= 0.6 β= 0.6
ϕ2 Ф3
ϕ3 β= 0.2 β= 0.6
0.1 Ф1
0.1 Ф2 β= 0.6
ϕ1 β= 0.6
0.15 0.2
3 2 1 0 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
η η
Third Order Solitary Wave Potential
4 2 0 2 4
Fig. 2 Profiles of (a) first-, second- and third-order perturbed solitons (c) W-type third-order corrected solitons (U3)—the curves labeled
(/1, /2, /3)—solid curves for b = 0.2 and dadotted curves for with I, II, III, IV refer to b = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.6; [U1 = /1,
b = 0.6; (b) first-, second- and third-order corrected solitons (U1, U2, U2 = /1 ? /1, U3 = /1 ? /2 ? /3]
U3)—solid curves for b = 0.2 and dadotted curves for b = 0.6;
given by (28)] are shown in Fig. 3(a) and (ii) the widths widths are decreased with the increase of nonthermal
[D1 and D2 given by Eqs. (22d) and (24b)] for perturbed parameter b. The width of second order solitary wave is
first- and second-order solitary waves are shown in greater than the width of first order solitary wave for all
Fig. 3(b). It is seen from Fig. 3(a) that third order ampli- possible values of b.
tude is greater than second order amplitude and second- It is known that solitary wave will not be excited at
order amplitude is greater than first-order amplitude, critical value of nonthermal parameter (bc = 0.432) since
Moreover, all amplitudes are increased with the increase of at this situation the nonlinear term d(0)
2 = 0 of Eq. (20) will
b. Fig. 3(b) shows that both first-order and second-order be vanished. However, it has been shown in Eq. (35) that
W-type ion-acoustic solitary waves in plasma consisting of cold ions 1203
Ф30 0.57
Ф20 0.565
Ф10 0.56
0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Nonthermal Parameter 7. Conclusions
Fig. 3 Variations of (a) first-, second- and third-order amplitudes An integrated form of governing equations in a plasma
(A01 A02, A03) of solitons; (b) first- and second-order width (D1, D2) consisting of cold positive ions and nonthermal electrons
of solitons for different values of b
has been derived and expressed in terms of pseudopotential
for the study of higher order ion-acoustic solitary waves.
near critical value of b solitary wave will be excited in the Nonlinear equation derived from the Sagdeev potential are
plasma with sech(g) profile instead of sech2(g) profile. The solved with the help of Bogoliubov–Mitropolosky method
profile of solitary waves near critical value of b is shown in for first-, second- and third- order ion acoustic solitary
Fig. 4 in which the solitary wave is compressive in nature. waves and their profiles are depicted for different values of
It is important to mention that solitary waves discussed nonthermal parameter of electrons. It is seen that non-
here are for the small-amplitude waves. Arbitrary ampli- thermal electrons has important role on the shape of soli-
tude solitary wave has been discussed in Sect. 5.2. The tary waves in each order, particularly in third order where
solution of arbitrary amplitude first- and second-order ion W-shaped solitary wave is excited.
acoustic solitary waves in plasma having nonthermal Our present method for the study of higher order ion
electrons are given by Eqs. (39) and (40). Profiles of the acoustic solitary wave is advantageous than other
1204 I Paul et al.
6 0
Arbitrary Amplitude 1st-Order Soliton
β=0.3 0.6
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
2 0 2 Fig. 6 Profiles of ion-acoustic double layers for three different values
θ of b = 0.2, 0.5 and 0.9
order nonlinear and dispersive effects are considered. But,
(b) if we consider the effect ion temperature in plasma
including nonthermal electrons, we will get more signifi-
Arbitrary Amplitude 2nd-Order Soliton
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