This document provides an outline of the contents of a research paper on insurance marketing in India. It includes 10 chapters that cover:
1. Introduction to the history and development of insurance marketing in India.
2. The research methodology used in the paper.
3. An overview of market research in the Indian insurance sector.
4. Customer relationship management strategies for insurance companies.
5. A general analysis of the Indian insurance market.
6. Principles of insurance marketing in India.
7. An introduction to Bajaj Allianz including its history, products, and operations.
8. An analytical analysis of Bajaj Allianz's marketing strategies.
This document provides an outline of the contents of a research paper on insurance marketing in India. It includes 10 chapters that cover:
1. Introduction to the history and development of insurance marketing in India.
2. The research methodology used in the paper.
3. An overview of market research in the Indian insurance sector.
4. Customer relationship management strategies for insurance companies.
5. A general analysis of the Indian insurance market.
6. Principles of insurance marketing in India.
7. An introduction to Bajaj Allianz including its history, products, and operations.
8. An analytical analysis of Bajaj Allianz's marketing strategies.
This document provides an outline of the contents of a research paper on insurance marketing in India. It includes 10 chapters that cover:
1. Introduction to the history and development of insurance marketing in India.
2. The research methodology used in the paper.
3. An overview of market research in the Indian insurance sector.
4. Customer relationship management strategies for insurance companies.
5. A general analysis of the Indian insurance market.
6. Principles of insurance marketing in India.
7. An introduction to Bajaj Allianz including its history, products, and operations.
8. An analytical analysis of Bajaj Allianz's marketing strategies.
This document provides an outline of the contents of a research paper on insurance marketing in India. It includes 10 chapters that cover:
1. Introduction to the history and development of insurance marketing in India.
2. The research methodology used in the paper.
3. An overview of market research in the Indian insurance sector.
4. Customer relationship management strategies for insurance companies.
5. A general analysis of the Indian insurance market.
6. Principles of insurance marketing in India.
7. An introduction to Bajaj Allianz including its history, products, and operations.
8. An analytical analysis of Bajaj Allianz's marketing strategies.
Insurance Mark eting: Historical (i) Background and General Introduction Marketing of Service-Present (ii) Scenario Emergence of Private Sector (iii) Insurance Co. Various Services Provided in Indian (iv) market International Scen ario and India (v) formation and Structure General and Life Insurance of Private (vi) Insu rance Companies Liberalization process and (vii) Government Policy of Insurance Companies Formation and Organizational (viii) Structure of Bajaj Allianz Insurance Company CHAPTER- II RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 49-73 Purpose and Objects of Research (i) Work (ii) Hypothesis (iii) Statistical Tools Area and Sc~pe of the Present (iv) Research (v) Limitation s of the Study CHAPTER-III MARKET RESEARCH IN INDIA 74-80 (i) Introduction-Present Scenario (ii) What is and Wh y Market Research (iii) When and Where Market Research (iv) How to do Marke t Research Growth a nd Strategies for Private (v) Insurance Companies and Market Research CHAPTER-IV CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT 81 -93 (i) Introduction Customer Relationship Management- (ii) An Overview (iii) Key Issu e for marketer in the Making (iv) Ch aracteristics to differ Services from Goods (v) From Product to Services (vi) To Increase Service Quality Managing Relationship to Meet (vii) Various Challe nges MARKETING OF INSURANCE- A GENERAL CHAPTER-V 94-126 VIEW OF INDIAN MARKET (i) Introduction (ii) Insurance Services-An Ana ly sis (iii) Trends in Insurance Services (iv) Insurance Consultancy Future Prospects in insurance and (v) Service Sector A Brief Overview of prominent Players (vi) in thio Sector in Tndio CHAPTER-VI I NSURANCE MARKETING 127-154 (i) Insurance Marketing : An India (ii) Users of Services (iii) Behavioural Profile of Users (iv) Market Segmentation (v) Market Information Sector (vi) Insurance Product (vii) Product Planning (viii) Marketing Mix (ix) Promotion, Price, Place Mix CHAPTER-VII BAJAJ ALLIANZ: AN INTRODUCTION 155-199 (i) Historical Background (ii) Financial Overview (iii) Organizational Structure (iv) Insurance Products of Bajaj Allianz (v) Operation Analysis (vi) Product Planning in Bajaj Allianz Analysis of Promotional Plans , Price (vii) and Place Mix (viii) Marketing Mix in Bajaj Allianz Marke t Information and (ix) Segmentation Users Services and Their Behavioural (x) Profile Promotional strategy for Various (xi) Products of Ins urance Evaluation of Service Strategy of the (xii) Company (xiii) Concluding Observations ANALYTICAL ANALYSIS OF MARKETING CHAPTER-VIII 200-229 STRATEGY OF BAJ AJ ALLIANZ (i) Introduction Branch Expansion Location and (ii) Pattern of Branches Coverage and acces sibility of Services (iii) in Various Branches Facilities and Physical Evidence in (iv) Selected Branches (v) Motivational Policies (vi) Grievance Settlement of Customers Product Mix and Product (vii) Development (viii) Product Range and Pricing Policy Performance Evaluation of Various (ix) Plans (x) Con cluding Observations CHAPTER-IX PROBLEMS AND CRITICAL STUDY 230-239 CHAPTER-X CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 240-274 BIBLIOGRAPHY 275-28 8 APPENDICES i-xlvii