AT:O - Rules Questions: Battle-Phase

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AT:O – rules questions

Please add any questions that arose during your play of the AT:O mod for TTS that are not yet
listed. It helps if you are as specific as possible by quoting card names or rulebook pages.

If you know the answer to a question, add a comment!


1. If you crit on the lvl I BP -card „Shield Fist“ and decide to attack again, does this second attack
cancel the escalation and/or leaving of kratos tokens of the first attack? Or does the Action Chain
Break rule (p.23) only apply to AI and trauma cards?

Page 16: “When you beat the Primordial’s [AT Field] in the AT Break roll, you deal a
wound. ... Y
​ ou need to escalate every time a wound is dealt.​”

A: It only applies to AI/Trauma; this means you finish escalating, leave the tokens, then attack

2. Is trauma drawn ANY time danger is increased? e.g. if a successful wound response on a BP card
causes a titan to have their danger increased by 2. If yes, what happens when the wound response
increases danger, pushes back and due to collision with terrain you get another danger. Do you draw
two trauma cards (one after each instance) or only one after the reaction is finished?

Answer on rulebook page 22: “After you resolve any ‘After Hit’ effects, you resolve the
main part of the attack: Danger and Trauma.” So first you would resolve all the effects (e.g.
increasing danger from hits, increasing danger from collision with terrain) and only after that you
would check your current danger level and draw a trauma card.

A: No, Trauma is only dealt during an Attack or when it specifically says you need to draw it.
Otherwise, when you gain Danger, you simply raise its level.

3. In instances where a BP response on wound is “Pushback” does that mean the titan is initiating
the pushback or the monster? who is pushing who in other words? Does the Primordial turn towards
the titan before pushing/knockback?

A: No, that’s a Primordial pushback! Whenever a Primordial does something as a reaction towards
a certain target (like the attacker), it always turns first.

4.If you crit on another version of lvl 1 BP “Shield Fist” the result of “Hekaton has -1 AT from the
rear” is ambiguous as to whether this is for this round or for the remainder of the fight.
A: This needs to be made clearer, but it’s for the rest of the Battle!

5. Can a primordial also move across titans, for example to reach the priority target? If so, what
happens to these titans if the primordial does not have any hurtful additional effects?

A: Yes. The Tutorial Hekaton simply moves over them. Starting from Lvl 1, when it gets the Throng
of Elbows trait, it does ‘Crash’, i.e. knocks them down and deals Danger. A Labyrinthauros is even
more vicious in this respect!

6. How does the attack of the Primordial proceed when he has a target "in sight" but it is not within
range. After step 2 (Move to Target), do we simply go directly to step 7 (End of Attack)?

A: Exactly. When an Attack targets someone in sight and they are out of range, the Primordial
simply moves and ends its Attack.

7. The Kratos Table Reminder on page 17 reads “If you hit” you can leave Kratos Tokens. This
isn’t mentioned in the rules on page 13. Can you only leave Kratos Tokens if you at least hit?

A: Yes.

8. For weapons, what does the modifier stand for on the die rolled? Is it:

● X additional die per hit (or for the whole attack)?

● X guaranteed break points per hit (or for the whole attack)?

9. When does Breakaway happen? Immediately after the attack? Before wound/fail reactions? After
the BP card is resolved? Can I use this to negate pushback/ knockback?
10. If i use a ranged weapon to wound a Primordial how does things like pushback/ knockback from
BP responses get resolved when Titan is not near the Primordial.

11. I succeeded on my “attack” roll, but failed to roll sufficient damage for the “break” roll - can I
still leave kratos tokens? I did hit the primordial, but dealt no damage. The rules seem to suggest
that merely “hitting” is sufficient to be able to leave tokens, but it doesn’t explicitly say that you can
leave them whether or not you damaged the enemy.

12. When placing a Labyrinth tile it states that it needs to be placed in front of the Labyrinthaurus,
over the Titan being attacked but cannot overlap another Labyrinth. What happens when a tile is
called to be placed but cannot fit according to these rules?

A: If a Labyrinth tile would overlap an existing tile (city, pillar, Labyrinth etc.) Labyrinth tiles can
also be placed adjacent to the Labyrinthaurus i.e. not limited to just “in front”. If a Labyrinth can do
so it must cover as many Titans as possible.

has yet to be implemented

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