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Selected exercises from Abstract Algebra by Dummit

and Foote (3rd edition).

Bryan Félix
Abril 12, 2017

Section 4.1

Exercise 1. Let G act on the set A. Prove that if a, b ∈ A and b = ga for some g ∈ G,
T Gb = −1 gGa g −1 . Deduce that if G acts transitively on A then the kernel of the action is
g∈G gGa g .

Proof. For the first part we use the usual containment criterion.

i) We show that g −1 Gb g ⊆ Ga (equivalently Gb ⊆ gGa g −1 ).

Let x ∈ g −1 Gb g, then

x =g −1 b̃g for some b̃ ∈ Gb

x · a =g b̃g · a
=g −1 b̃(g · a)
=g −1 b̃ · (b)
=g −1 (b̃ · b)
=g −1 · b

Therefore Gb ⊆ gGa g −1 .

ii) Now we show gGa g −1 ⊆ Gb .

Let x ∈ gGa g −1 , then

x =gãg −1 for some ã ∈ Ga

x · b =gãg · b
=gã(g −1 · b)
=gã · (a)
=g(ã · a)
=g · a

Hence, gGa g −1 ⊆ Gb as desired.

For the second part, recall that the kernel of the action is given by the intersection of the
stabilizers of the elements in A. Since the action is transitive, we have that the orbit of a is
equal to the entire set A. Then, by means of the previous part we have
\ \ \
gGa g −1 = Gga = Ga
g∈G g∈G a∈A

as desired.

Exercise 2. Let G be a permutation group on the set A (i.e., G ≤ SA ), let σ ∈ G and let
a ∈ A. Prove that σGa σ −1 = Gσ(a) . Deduce that if G acts transitively on A then
σGa σ −1 = 1

Proof. The first part is trivial using exercise 1. Observe that a and σ(a) are elements of A,
with the identity
σ(a) = σ · a.
For the second part, observe that if the action is transitive, then there is only one orbit. Using
Lagrange’s we see that
= |Oa | = |G|
|Ga |
therefore |Ga | = 1 for any a ∈ G. Hence Ga = 1 for any a ∈ G. It follows that
\ \ \
σGa σ −1 = Gσ(a) = 1=1
σ∈G σ∈G σ∈G

Exercise 3. Assume that G is abelian, transitive subgroup of SA . Show that σ(a) 6= a for all
σ ∈ G − 1 and all a ∈ A. Deduce that |G| = |A|.
Proof. If G is abelian we have
\ \
σGa σ −1 = Ga = Ga = 1
σ∈G σ∈G

as desired. For the second part, we use Lagrange’s and we have that

[G : Ga ] = |Oa | = |G|

as desired.

Section 4.2

Exercise 7. Let Q8 be the quaternion group of order 8

a) Prove that Q8 is isomorphic to a subgroup of S8

Proof. This is trivial using Cayley’s Theorem (Corollary 4).

b) Prove that Q8 is not isomorphic to a subgroup of Sn for any n ≤ 7.

Proof. It suffices to show that Q8 is not isomorphic to any subgroup of S7 (since S1 < S2 <
· · · < S6 < S7 ).
Let Q8 act on a set A of order 7. Then we inspect the order of the orbit and stabilizer of an
arbitrary element a ∈ A. From Lagrange’s, the order of the stabilizer divides the order of
the group Q8 . Therefore the order is either 1, 2, 4 or 8. If the order of the stabilizer equals
1 then, from
[G : Ga ] = |Oa |
we have that the orbit has order 8. This is a clear contradiction since the set A has seven
elements. Therefore the order of the stabilizer is either 2, 4 or 8. In any case we can see
form the lattice of Q8 that any such subgroup contains the group h −1, 1 i. It follows that
the kernel of the action \
ker(action) = Ga

contains the subgroup h −1, 1 i. Therefore the action is not faithful, then not injective, and
hence, no isomorphism exists.

Exercise 9. Prove that if p is a prime and G is a group of order pα for some α ∈ Z+ , then
every subgroup of index p is normal in G. Deduce that every group of order p2 has a normal
subgroup of order p.
Proof. We assume that α ≥ 2 otherwise the group is cyclic and the only subgroup of index p
is the identity (which is normal).
We know that groups of order pn are nilpotent. The following lemma is taken from Isaacs
Algebra (2008):
Lemma. The following are equivalent:

i) G is a nilpotent group.

ii) Every maximal proper subgroup of G is normal.

The result then follows for all α ≥ 2. For groups of order p2 we have that G is cyclic, then it
suffices to show that a subgroup of order p exists. Let x be the generator of G, then h x2 i is a
subgroup of G of order p.

Section 4.3

Exercise 6. Assume G is a non-abelilan group of order 15. Prove that Z(g)=1.

Proof. We inspect the order of Z(G). Since Z(G) is a subgroup of G, it’s order divides 15.
Then we have four cases:

i) The order of Z(G) is equal to 1.

Then the conclusion is trivial.

ii) The order of Z(G) is equal to 3.

Then [G : Z(G)] = 5 and therefore G/Z(G) is cyclic. By exercise 36 on section 3.1 we have
that G is abelian arriving at a contradiction.

iii) The order of Z(G) is equal to 5.
Like the previous case G/Z(G) is cyclic and then G is abelian.

iv) The order of Z(G) is equal to 15.

Then G is abelian by definition. A clear contradiction.

Exercise 30. If G is a group of odd order, prove for any non identity element x ∈ G that x
and x−1 are not conjugate in G.
Proof. We proceed by contradiction and we assume that x−1 is a conjugate of x. Then, we look
at the action of G with itself by conjugation and inspect the orbit Ox of x.
If the only elements of the orbit are x and x−1 then the order of Ox equals two and we have a
contradiction (by Lagrange’s theorem) since 2 does not divide |G|. Then, there must be y ∈ Ox
such that y 6= x.
We make a remark and note that y 6= 1 either. Otherwise (by the definition of conjugate
x = g1g −1
x = 1.
is a contradiction.
Now take y and observe that

x =gyg −1
⇔ x−1 =gy −1 g −1

Therefore y −1 is in the same orbit as x−1 and hence both y and y −1 are in Ox . Again, we
observe that the order of Ox is even, and we arrive at a contradiction again.
By the principle of indefinite exhaustion the existence of Ox contradicts the assumption as

Section 4.4

Exercise 7. If H is the unique subgroup of a given order in a group G prove H is characteristic

on G.
Proof. Let σ be an element of Aut(G). Recall that σ is an isomorphism σ : G → G. By
properties of isomorphisms, group orders are preserved; i.e.

|H| = |σ(H)|

Since H is the unique subgroup of G of order |H|, this forces σ to map H to itself.
Remark. It is not necessary that σ(h) = h for h ∈ H.

Exercise 8. Let G be a group with subgroups H and K with H ≤ K.

a) Prove that if H is characteristic in K and K is normal in G then H is normal in G.

Proof. Let G act on K by conjugation and let σg be the associated permutation of a fixed
element in G acting on K. Observe that since K is normal σg (K) = K for all g ∈ G. Fur-
thermore σg is an isomorphism of K, therefore σg ∈ Aut(K). Then, since H is characteristic
in K we have that σ(H) = H for all g ∈ G. Equivalently gHg −1 = H as desired.

b) Prove that if H is characteristic in K and K is characteristic in G then H is characteristic

in G.

Proof. Let σ be an element in Aut(G). Since K is characteristic

in G, σ(K) = K. Further-
more σ restricted to K is an isomorphism of K, therefore σ K ∈ Aut(K). It is easy to see

σ K (H) = H
and therefore σ(H) = H as desired.

Exercise 9. If r, s are the usual generators for the dihedral group D2n , use the preceding two
exercises to deduce that every subgroup of h r i is normal in D2n .
Proof. We will show that h r i is normal in D2n and then show that any subgroup of h r i is
For the first part note that the only generator outside h r i is s. Then it suffices to show that
h r i = h srs−1 i. Observe that

h srs−1 i = h r−1 i
= hri

as desired. Therefore h r i is normal in D2n .

For the second part, recall that a group is cyclic if and only if no two (distinct) subgroups have
the same order. Therefore, by problem 7, the subgroups of h r i are characteristic. The result
then follows.

Exercise 16. Prove that (Z/24Z)× is an elementary abelian group of order 8.

Proof. It suffices to show that for every number n < 24 relative prime to 24, n2 ≡ 1 mod 24.
Observe that

12 =1 ≡ 1 mod 24
52 =25 ≡ 1 mod 24
72 =49 ≡ 1 mod 24
112 =121 ≡ 1 mod 24
132 =169 ≡ 1 mod 24
172 =289 ≡ 1 mod 24
192 =361 ≡ 1 mod 24
232 =529 ≡ 1 mod 24

Hence, (Z/24Z)× is an elementary abelian group of order 8.

Section 4.5

Exercise 13. Prove that a group of order 56 has a normal Sylow p-subgroup for some prime p
dividing its order.
Proof. Using Sylow’s theorems we see that

n2 = 1 or 7

n7 = 1 or 8.
We proceed by contradiction and we assume that neither of the Sylow subgroups is normal.
Therefore we necessarily have n2 = 7 and n7 = 8. Since the Sylow 7-subgroups only intersect
at the identity we have 8(7 − 1) = 48 non-identity elements of order 7 in G. Observe that none
of these elements can belong to the Sylow 2-subgroups by Lagrange’s. Then we are left with 8
elements belonging to the 8 distinct Sylow 2-subgroups. This is impossible and we have our

Exercise 16. Let |G| = pqr, where p,q, and r are primes with p < q < r. Prove that G has a
normal Sylow subgroup for either p,q,r.
Proof. We inspect the values of nr and nq . By the Sylow theorems we must have that nr
nr ≡ 1 mod r
nr pq.
The latter restricts the options to nr being either 1, p, q or pq. Note that if nr = 1 then the
Sylow subgroup is normal and we are done. Otherwise note that the assumption p > q > r,
forces nr to be equal to pq (otherwise the congruence is not satisfied).
Likewise we inspect the possible values of nq and conclude that nq is either r or pr.
Now, we make the standard count element. The pq Sylow r-subgroups contribute with pq(r − 1)
elements while the Sylow q-subgroups contribute with at least r(q − 1) elements. In total we

pq(r − 1) + r(q − 1) > pq(r − 1) + p(q − 1)

= pqr − pq + pq − p
= pqr − p

Recall the t the order of G is pqr. Therefore we only have p elements to distribute to the
renaming Sylow subgroups. This forces the uniqueness of the Sylow p-subgroup, making is a
normal subgroup of G as desired.

Exercise 30. How many elements of order 7 must there be in a simple group of order 168?
Solution. Note that 168 = 23 · 3 · 7. If we inspect the number of Sylow 7-subgroups n7 we see
n7 ≡ 1 mod 7
n7 24

The latter restricts n7 to either 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 or 24. Together with the congruence and the
fact that the group is simple we have that n7 = 8. Since these Slow 7-subgroups are of prime
order, they all intersect only at the identity, therefore we have

8(7 − 1) = 48

elements of order 7 in the group.

Exercise 33. Let P be a normal Sylow p-subgroup of G and let H be any subgroup of G.
Prove that P ∩ H is the unique Sylow p-subgroup of H.
Proof. Since P is normal in G, H is a subgroup of N (P ) and we may use the second isomorphism
theorem. Then, H ∩P is normal in H and by Corollary 20 H ∩P is the unique Sylow subgroup
of H.

Exercise 34. Let P ∈ Sylp (G) and assume N E G. Use the conjugacy part of Sylow’s Theorem
to prove that P ∩ N is a Sylow p-subgroup of N . Deduce that P N/N is a Sylow p-subgroup of
G/N .
Proof. Take any Slyow p-subgroup H of N and observe that H is a p-subgroup in G, therefore
there exist g ∈ G such that
H ≤ gP g −1 .
Furthermore H is also a subgroup of gN g −1 (by the normality of N). Then
H ≤ gP g −1 gN g −1

H≤g P N g −1
and \
gHg −1 ≤ P N.
Note that both gHg −1 and P N are −1
T p-subgroups in G. Since |gHg | = |H| and H is a Sylow
T of N it follows that P N has p-power order at least as large as H. Therefore
P N is a Sylow p-subgroup of N .
For the second part we use the second isomorphism theorem. Since N is normal P ≤ N (N )
and therefore P N is a subgroup of G. We only need to show that p does not divide the order
of the index
[G/N : P N/N ].
By the second isomorphism theorem P N/N ∼ = P/P ∩ N , then

|G||P ∩ N |
[G/N : P N/N ] = [G/N : P/P ∩ N ] = .
|P ||N |

By assumption (P ∈ Sylp (G)) p does not divide |G|

|P |
and by the first part of the problem
P ∩N
(P ∩ N ∈ Sylp (N )) p does not divide N . Thus, p does not divide [G/N : P N/N ] as

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