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The Rocc Doc V2: An Introduction To The Rocket Custom Coprocessor Interface

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The RoCC Doc V2:

An Introduction to the Rocket Custom

Coprocessor Interface
Anuj Rao
Taylor’s Bespoke Silicon Group & UCSD

The RoCC interface enables the integration of custom coprocessors or accelerators to RISC-V
cores. The purpose of the document is to understand the RoCC interface signals from the
perspective of designing a RISC-V compatible accelerator in Verilog.

RoCC Interface Overview

The RoCC interface has a basic set of signals that are generally necessary for accelerators. We
refer to these as the ​default​ ​RoCC interface. However, the RoCC interface also provides some
configurable extensions which may be required by accelerators depending on their functionality.
We refer to these as the ​extended​ RoCC interface.

The ​default ​RoCC interface signals may be classified into the following groups of signals

1. Core control (CC):​ for co-ordination between an accelerator and Rocket core
2. Register mode (Core):​ for exchange of data between an accelerator and Rocket core
3. Memory mode (Mem):​ for communication between an accelerator and L1-D Cache

The ​extended ​RoCC interface can provide for the following groups of signals

1. Uncached Tile Link (UTL):​ for communication between an accelerator & L2 memory
2. Floating Point Unit (FPU):​ for an accelerator to send and receive data from an FPU
3. Control Status Register (CSR):​ used by Linux on the core to recognize the accelerator
4. Page Table Walker (PTW):​ for address translation from an accelerator

The system-level diagram in ​Figure 1​ shows the RoCC interface for an accelerator. We prefix
acronyms assigned above to subgroups in verilog signal names through rest of the document.
RoCC Interface Description
The signal names for both the ​default​ and the ​extended​ RoCC interfaces are elaborated from
the verilog generated from an example Chisel-based accelerator. These verilog interface names
would be used by HLS tools to automatically generate the Verilog code for accelerators;
optionally a Verilog interface that employs structs could be used as well.
Please note that signal directions & descriptions are from the accelerator’s perspective.

Default RoCC Interface

The default RoCC interface is composed of 3 subgroups, namely the Control, Register and
Memory mode signals. A comprehensive list of the signals, with short descriptions and their
default values, is provided from a designers’ point of view.

1) Core control (CC)

​ nsure co-ordination between the core and

The core control signals listed in ​Table 1 e
accelerator. All the signal names are prefixed with “cc_” to denote the group they belong to.

Direction Signal name Default value Description

output cc_busy_o 0 Set during in-flight memory requests

input cc_status_i 0 Set when a privileged process runs on the core

output cc_interrupt_o 0 Set for invalid instructions or to indicate any


input cc_exception_i 0 Set by core to trigger exception behavior

input cc_host_id_i host_id Used to distinguish between command packets

from different hosts.
Note: Bit width = log2(number_of_cores)

Table 1: Core control signals

2) Register mode (Core)

The Register mode signals are composed of the RoCC Command and Response subgroups. All
the signal names are prefixed with “core_” to denote their source.

The RoCC Command signals are used by the core to send instructions to the accelerator and
are driven directly by the RoCC Instruction of the RISC-V ISA. The RoCC instruction is shown in
Figure 2​ which indicates bit widths and positions above and below the respective fields within
the instruction. ​Table 2 ​contains a description of signals in the RoCC Command subgroup.

An RoCC response to the command (if expected) is sent by the accelerator using the response
interface. The response signals are described in ​Table 3.

31 25 24 20 19 15 14 13 12 T 6 0

funct7 rs2 rs1 xd xs1 xs2 rd opcode

7 5 5 1 1 1 5 7

Figure 2: RoCC Instruction format

Direction Signal name Default value Description

output core_cmd_ready_o 0
Control lines
input core_cmd_valid_i 0

input [6:0] core_cmd_inst_funct_i funct7 For different kinds of accelerator

instructions; Value is designers’ choice

input [4:0] core_cmd_inst_rs2_i rs2

Source register IDs
input [4:0] core_cmd_inst_rs1_i rs1

input core_cmd_inst_xd_i xd Set if destination register exists

input core_cmd_inst_xs1_i xs1

Set if source registers exist
input core_cmd_inst_xs2_i xs2

input [4:0] core_cmd_inst_rd_i rd Destination register ID

input [6:0] core_cmd_inst_opcode_i 0x1/0x2/0x3/ Custom instruction opcode may be

0x4 used in case of multiple accelerators

input [63:0] core_cmd_rs1_i rs1_data

Source register data
input [63:0] core_cmd_rs2_i rs2_data

Table 2: Register mode RoCC command signals

Direction Signal name Default Value Description

input core_resp_ready_i 0
Control lines
output core_resp_valid_o 0

output[4:0] core_resp_rd_o rd Destination register ID in the response

output[63:0] core_resp_data_o rd_data Destination register data in the response

Table 3: Register mode RoCC response signals

3) Memory mode (Mem)

The memory interface is composed of Memory request and Memory response subgroups. All
the signal names are prefixed with “mem_” to denote the group they belong to.

Memory requests from the accelerator are sent out using signal described in ​Table 4​.

Memory responses to the accelerator are passed through interface described in ​Table 5​. There
is a response for both load and store requests. Usually an accelerator may use just the tag and
data fields from the response. Please note that there is no ready signal from the accelerator to
acknowledge the acceptance of memory responses, which means its is expected that
accelerator should be ready to accept data in every cycle.

Direction Signal name Default Value Description

input mem_req_ready_i 0
Control lines
output mem_req_valid_o 0

output[39:0] mem_req_addr_o addr Memory address corresponds to read/write

output[9:0] mem_req_tag_o tag Unique identity assigned to every memory

request especially to the same memory
location to support out-of-order responses
output[4:0] mem_req_cmd_o cmd Memory request opcode [0x0000=load,

output[2:0] mem_req_typ_o typ Width of response; [0x000=8bits,

0x001=16bits, 0x010=32 bits, 0x011=64 bits]

output mem_req_phys_o 1 De-asserted if addresses are virtual and

need translation

output[63:0] mem_req_data_o w_data Store data

Table 4: Memory request signals

Direction Signal name Default Value Description

input mem_resp_valid_i 0 Control

input [39:0] mem_resp_addr_i addr Displays load/store request addr

input [9:0] mem_resp_tag_i tag To differentiate between responses to

multiple in-flight requests

input [4:0] mem_resp_cmd_i cmd Returns command code of request

input [2:0] mem_resp_typ_i typ Indicates width of the data in response

input [63:0] mem_resp_data_i data Contains data response to a load


input mem_resp_nack_i 0 (To be known)

input mem_resp_replay_i 0 (To be known)

input mem_resp_has_data_i 0 Set if the data field is valid in response

input [63:0] mem_resp_data_word_b bypass_data A store may be bypassed to a read

ypass_i response in the same cycle

input [63:0] mem_resp_store_data_i w_data Returns the data stored in store

request during the corresponding

Table 5: Memory response signals

Extended RoCC Interface
These signals are included only if RoCC is configured to include them. Please note the below
list of signals is not comprehensive but only for representational purposes.

1) Uncached Tile Link (UTL)

The UTL group is composed of 2 subgroups namely ​aUTL​ which is arbitrated uncached tile link
signals and​ UTL​ ​signals.

aUTL is arbitrated with the I-cache link to L2 memory system. The aUTL signals composed of
AUTL acquire and grant subgroups as listed in​ Table 6 and 7 r​ espectively are prefixed with
“autl_” to denote the group they belong to.

The UTL​ ​signals are a vector of signals of the same type as aUTL. The size of the UTL vector is
equal to the number of independent memory channels, which is configurable in the rocket core.
However these signals are yet to be added in the document.

Direction Signal name

input autl_acquire_ready_i

output autl_acquire_valid_o

output[25:0] autl_acquire_bits_addr_block_o

output[2:0] autl_acquire_bits_client_xact_id_o

output[1:0] autl_acquire_bits_addr_beat_o

output autl_acquire_bits_is_builtin_type_o

output[2:0] autl_acquire_bits_a_type_o

output[16:0] autl_acquire_bits_union_o

output[127:0] autl_acquire_bits_data_o

Table 6: AUTL acquire signals

Direction Signal name

output autl_grant_ready_o

input autl_grant_valid_i

input [1:0] autl_grant_bits_addr_beat_i

input [2:0] autl_grant_bits_client_xact_id_i

input [3:0] autl_grant_bits_manager_xact_i

input autl_grant_bits_is_builtin_type_i

input [3:0] autl_grant_bits_g_type_i

input [127:0] autl_grant_bits_data_i

Table 7: AUTL grant signals

2) Floating Point Unit (FPU)

This interface may be used by the accelerator if it has a floating point unit attached to it. All the
signal names are prefixed with “fpu_” to denote the group they belong to. The interface is
composed of FP request and FP response sub-groups as listed in ​Table 8​ and ​Table 9

Direction Signal name

input fpu_req_ready_i

output fpu_req_valid_o

output[4:0] fpu_req_bits_cmd_o

output fpu_req_bits_ldst_o

output fpu_req_bits_wen_o

output fpu_req_bits_ren1_o
output fpu_req_bits_ren2_o

output fpu_req_bits_ren3_o

output fpu_req_bits_swap12_o

output fpu_req_bits_swap23_o

output fpu_req_bits_single_o

output fpu_req_bits_fromint_o

output fpu_req_bits_toint_o

output fpu_req_bits_fastpipe_o

output fpu_req_bits_fma_o

output fpu_req_bits_div_o

output fpu_req_bits_sqrt_o

output fpu_req_bits_round_o

output fpu_req_bits_wflags_o

output[2:0] fpu_req_bits_rm_o

output[1:0] fpu_req_bits_typ_o

output[64:0] fpu_req_bits_in1_o

output[64:0] fpu_req_bits_in2_o

output[64:0] fpu_req_bits_in3_o

Table 8: FP Request signals

Direction Signal name

output fpu_resp_ready_o
input fpu_resp_valid_i

input [64:0] fpu_resp_bits_data_i

input [4:0] fpu_resp_bits_exc_i

Table 9: FP Response signals

3) Control Status Registers (CSR)

Control status registers may be used optionally within the accelerator. If they exist, the interface
signals in ​Table 10​ can be used by the operating system on the core to memory map the
accelerator. Its mechanism is to be added and will be discussed in later versions of the
document. All the signal names are prefixed with “csr_” to denote the group they belong to.

Direction Signal name

input [11:0] csr_waddr_i

input [63:0] csr_wdata_i

input csr_wen_i

output [63:0] csr_rdata_o

Table 10: Accelerator CSR signals

4) Page Table Walker (PTW)

The page table walker signals are used for address translation from the accelerator (if the core
isn’t already handling it). These signals will be added as a part of future work. All the signal
names will be prefixed with “ptw_” to denote the group they belong to. Please stay tuned for
For more details about any information in the document, please do check some useful
resources of the Berkeley RoCC tutorials which were referred while making this document:

● http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs250/sp16/disc/Disc02.pdf
● http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs250/sp16/disc/Disc05.pdf
● http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs250/sp16/assignments/lab4.pdf
● http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs250/fa13/handouts/lab3-sumaccel.pdf

Moreover, there is an example that integrates the Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA) accelerator
with the rocket core and is also tested against sample programs. The SHA repository (with fixes
by UCSD) and the rocket implementation are listed below. Follow the instructions in the readme
for simulations. We will discuss this in greater detail in the following versions of the document.
● https://github.com/ucb-bar/rocc-template
● https://github.com/ucb-bar/rocket-chip

This document will be helpful in designing an accelerator that is compatible with the RoCC
interface. In upcoming versions of the document, we will provide a tutorial on integrating this
accelerator to the core and actually running test programs with custom instructions to use the

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