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Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 12–19

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Full length article

Nexus between economy-wide metal inputs and the deterioration of T

sustainable development goals
Keisuke Nansaia,b, , Yasushi Kondoc, Damien Giurcod, David Sussmane, Kenichi Nakajimaa,

Shigemi Kagawaf, Wataru Takayanagia, Yosuke Shigetomig, Susumu Tohnoh

Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, 305-8506, Japan
Integrated Sustainability Analysis (ISA), School of Physics, Faculty of Science, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, 2006, Australia
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, 1-6-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-8050, Japan
Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, 235 Jones St, Ultimo, 2007, Australia
Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University, 44 Teele Avenue, Somerville, MA, 02144, USA
Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nish-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395, Japan
Faculty of Environmental Science, Nagasaki University, 1-14, Bunkyo-machi, Nagasaki, 852-8521, Japan
Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan


Keywords: This study investigates, at the country level, the adverse effects of changes in metal inputs on the achievement of
Sustainable development sustainable development goals (SDGs). It also highlights the relationships between metals use and various socio-
Social impact economic consequences that urgently require decoupling in order to achieve the SDGs. We performed panel data
Scarce metals analysis to evaluate, on a national scale and over a ten-year period (2004–2013), the impact of changes in the
International trade
material flows of 11 metals on 96 SDG indicators corresponding to the 17 SDGs defined by the UN. On average,
Material flow
an increase in the material flow of the targeted metals was found to be correlated with a deterioration in
approximately 10% of the 96 indicators. Among the affected SDGs, the adverse impact of metals on SDG 3
(Health), SDG 8 (Economic Growth), and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) was particularly
noteworthy. More SDGs were negatively impacted in metal-mining countries than in metal-importing countries.

1. Introduction essential to establish “responsible mining” that promotes coordination

with downstream industries, i.e. those using the materials in manu-
Society’s current approach to sustainable material use (Bruckner facturing, in order to mitigate social and environmental impacts
et al., 2012; Giljum et al., 2014; O’Rourke and Lollo, 2015; Schandl (Giurco et al., 2014).
et al., 2016; UNEP, 2011) appears broken, as rising populations and Practical attempts to minimize the adverse social and environ-
deepening industrialization lead to modern society’s ever-growing ap- mental effects of extraction are being propelled forward by the policies
petite for raw materials, reflected notably in an eightfold rise in ex- and actions of various actors on multiple scales. For example, the 2003
traction over the past century (Krausmann et al., 2009). Establishing Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) encourages ac-
sustainable material use requires increased focus on decoupling mining- countability by countries, international financial institutions, compa-
related production and consumption activities from negative environ- nies, and civil society actors in order to reduce social and environ-
mental and social impacts (Bebbington et al., 2008; Franks et al., 2014). mental harms from mining, while the 2010 National Resource Charter
Mining industries have been tackling such decoupling via the concept of outlines principles for resource governance (EITI, 2017; Natural
a “social license to operate” (Demuijnck and Fasterling, 2016; Dare Resource Governance Institute, 2014). The 2010 Dodd-Frank Act en-
et al., 2014; Prno and Slocombe, 2012) designed to avoid, in advance, acted in the US is an example of legislation requiring corporations to
environmental pollution and social impacts on the communities around mitigate social impacts generated during resource extraction (Ayogu
mining sites that may impede the mining operation. Today, extending and Lewis, 2011).
this same concept to the entire mining supply chain is becoming The 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Corresponding author at: Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, 305-8506, Japan.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Nansai).
Received 12 February 2019; Received in revised form 9 May 2019; Accepted 16 May 2019
Available online 28 May 2019
0921-3449/ © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
K. Nansai, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 12–19

(United Nations, 2015) represent a shared recognition by governments measuring human prosperity, or moving on from GDP altogether
around the world of the imposing challenges of sustainable develop- (Stiglitz et al., 2018). Population, for its part, is more often considered
ment by establishing 17 goals with 169 targets. To accomplish these in terms of the SDGs’ impact on population, rather than vice versa
goals and meet these targets, the supply chain of materials use needs to (Abela et al., 2016). Studies have also shown governance (e.g., effec-
be tied in some way (Tseng et al., 2019), directly or indirectly, to all the tiveness, regulations, and the rule of law) and development to be po-
SDGs. Some recent research papers have mapped these connections, sitively correlated (Keser and Gökmen, 2018) (Ayre and Callway,
although without providing quantitative measures (Columbia Center on 2013). In addition, some research has considered the relationship be-
Sustainable Investment (CCSI), 2016). However, several recent sys- tween the energy needed to support the development of human socie-
tematic literature reviews have found that most investigations con- ties and the impact of its use on global sustainability (Brand-Correa and
necting mining to SDGs focused on the environmental aspect, leaving a Steinberger, 2017). These concerns about energy use and sustainability
significant gap with respect to the social goals of sustainable develop- have led to a focus on decoupling (Akizu-Gardoki et al., 2018).
ment (Fernandes de Mesquita et al., 2017), with the social impacts of Most relevant to this investigation, there is potential for mining, and
mining relating mainly to three areas: land use and territorial aspects, the raw materials thereby accessed, to play a constructive role in
environmental impacts affecting health, and human rights (Mancini and helping countries meet the defined Sustainable Development Goals
Sala, 2018). Another review (Tost et al., 2018) on environmental sus- (World Economic Forum, 2016). Yet there is still uncertainty regarding
tainability in mining concluded that the mining industry is at risk of how exactly to measure their association. This research need occurs at a
falling behind society’s expectations with regard to climate change. The time of rapidly growing evidence of aggregate adverse human influence
little research that does address these social issues often considers only on the planet, including concerns about resource limits, especially given
a single country or region (Antwi et al., 2017; Yakovleva et al., 2017). the fact that minerals and metals remain essential for sustainable
One sound approach to identifying factors impeding the achieve- technologies and lifestyles (Arrobas et al., 2017). Overall, there is a
ment of SDGs within the material use supply chain is bottom-up surveys need to develop further means of comparing the influence of macro-
on individual mining sites and industrial groups (Bebbington and economic variables, particularly those relating to metals, on SDGs.
Humphreys Bebbington, 2018), which can yield highly detailed and The literature cited motivated us to formulate Eq. (1) to describe the
accurate assessment (Amirshenava and Osanloo, 2018, 2019; Dialga, relationship between these factors along with the material flow of
2018; van den Brink et al., 2019). Given the wide spectrum of SDG metals and the aforementioned WB-SDG indicators. A regression ana-
targets, however, this approach would be neither comprehensive nor lysis using Eq. (1) and the country-level panel data that we developed
rapid, and would be prohibitively expensive on a global scale. In ad- was performed to identify metals for which increasing material flows
dition, such narrowly focused efforts cannot be aggregated or relied on were significantly related to a worsening of SDG indicators. Of the
to draw broader conclusions about the impact of material flows on various material flow indicators available, direct material input (DMI)
SDGs. Taking an opposite approach to make up for these shortcomings, (Eurostat, 2001) was adopted here as an indicator of the amount of
this study aims to identify materials associated with a deterioration in metal directly input into a given country, because of its widespread use
various SDGs. It then addresses efficient prioritization of the environ- for analyzing economy-wide material flows (Fischer-Kowalski et al.,
mental and social impacts that should be decoupled from material use 2011), and the ease of data compilation for continuous calculation and
from a global and macroscopic perspective. Specifically, focusing on management by individual countries. Here, a separate DMI was calcu-
base and scarce metals, we adopt a top-down approach in which the lated for each metal. Given that the social and environmental impacts
relationship between metal use and various indicators corresponding to occurring at the time of mining have received considerable attention in
the SDGs is statistically determined using panel data (cross sectional the past, we separated the DMI pathway into domestically mined metal
time-series data) for the targeted 10-year period. and metal imported from elsewhere:

yit = + 1log(GDPit ) + 2 log(POPit ) + 3log(GOVit ) + 4 log(ENEit )

2. Material and methods 0
+ k=1 k
MINEkit + k=1 M+k
IMPORTkit + D + ui
s = 2 s st
2.1. Panel data analysis
+ vit (i = 1, …, N ; t = 1, …, T ) (1)
This study used panel data analysis to demonstrate the association where i is the economic entity (country or region); t is the fiscal year; j ,
between metal use on a national scale and a wide range of issues related k , and s are parameters to be estimated; yit is an indicator of the WB-
to SDGs. Specifically, to quantify the status of the SDGs, we assembled SDGs; and GDPit , POPit , GOVit , and ENEit are the indicators for GDP,
panel data on the quantitative indicators included in the Sustainable population, political governance score, and primary energy consump-
Development Goals Database (WB-SDGs) developed by the World Bank tion, respectively; MINEkit and IMPORTkit are the DMI (mined and im-
(The World Bank, 2017). This database provides multiple quantitative ported amounts) for metal k = 1, …, M ; Dst is a time dummy for year s
indicators corresponding to each SDG, with scores for each indicator such that Dst = 1 when s = t , and Dst = 0 otherwise; ui is an unobserved
broken down by country and year. (time-constant) effect; and vit is an idiosyncratic error term. Letting x it
In this study, a formulation of panel data analysis has been devel- refer to the vector of all the explanatory variables above, we assumed
oped that fits within and builds on the literature concerning the asso- that E(vit x it , ui) = 0 (t = 1, …, T ), E(vit2 xit , ui ) = v2 (t = 1, …, T ), and
ciation between macroeconomic variables and socio-economic in- E(vis vit x it , ui) = 0 (s, t = 1, …, T ; s t ). Whereas parameters j , k , and
dicators such as the Sustainable Development Goals. This relationship s are constant across economic entities and over time, they are allowed
can be assessed on a variety of scales. While there is value in examining to vary with the WB-SDG indicators. We applied the fixed-effects
relevant indicators on a per capita basis (El-Maghrabi et al., 2018), it is method to estimate the parameters (Wooldridge, 2010), where the ef-
also worthwhile to consider SDG measures at the national level (Kanbur fects of time-invariant variables are controlled and whatever effects
et al., 2018). Other research has focused on the interconnections and those variable have are assumed to be more or less the same across
interrelationships among the SDGs (Pradhan et al., 2017). countries because of random assignment.
A number of macroeconomic indicators have been compared with For each of the indicators, we first used all the explanatory variables
social outcomes. There is a recognized link between economic growth and estimated the parameters. Next, we eliminated from Eq. (1) the
and human development (Ranis et al., 2000). However, GDP, which metal-related explanatory variables for which the p-values were larger
serves as one numerical yardstick, cannot capture all the intricacies of than 0.3 and then re-estimated the parameters. We considered an ex-
an economy, such as inequality or sustainability (Stiglitz et al., 2018). planatory variable to affect the indicator under study when its coeffi-
Some researchers have promoted the use of other indicators for cient was significant at the 5% level. The same procedure was repeated

K. Nansai, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 12–19

for every indicator. Analyses were performed with Matlab2018a using unprocessed ore. For regenerated metals, we estimated amounts using
the panel analysis function developed by Alvarez et al. (Álvarez et al., USGS estimates (Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Al), market survey data (Pt) (O’Connell
2017) et al., 2018), recycled stainless (Ni, Cr) (World Bureau of Metal
Statistics (WBMS), 2015; Daigo et al., 2010) and recycling rates (Co in
2.2. Data compilation the US only) from USGS(U.S. Geological Survey, 2018). No regenerated
volumes were estimated for Nd or Mo, and for Co in the US only. Metals
2.2.1. Explained variables in the mined waste rocks were not included, because DMI focuses on
The WB-SDG database contains 316 indicators pertaining to 17 resources entering the industrial economy for further processing
SDGs for 263 countries and regions for every year between 1990 and (Adriaanse et al., 1997).
2017. However, some of the indicators are lacking data for certain We attempted to comprehensively capture the amount of metal used
countries and regions or fiscal years. Given that the most recent year in a given country by including not only ore and unprocessed metal, but
with usable data for all explanatory variables was 2013, we chose the also the amount contained in raw materials and products that are im-
10-year period from 2004 to 2013 as the observation period for this ported. Because no database exists that would enable direct assessment
study. As dependent variables, we only used indicators with multi-year of the amounts of metals imported, we estimated the amounts of metals
data within the observation period for 20 countries or more (i.e., an contained in materials and products that are transferred between
unbalanced panel). Many of the 316 indicators in the WB-SDG database countries through trade using existing methods (Nakajima et al., 2017;
are similar or related to other indicators. By de-selecting such re- Nansai et al., 2014) and created time-series data for imported metals.
dundancies, we ended up with 96 indicators as dependent variables. Descriptive statistics for the explanatory variables are provided in Table
Descriptive statistics and the corresponding SDGs for each of the in- S2 of the SI.
dicators are provided in Table S1 in Supporting Information (SI).
For indicators whose histograms indicated that their distribution
was substantially skewed, we used the log-transformed indicator score 2.3. Identification of positive and negative contributions to SDG indicators
as an explained variable, yit , in Eq. (1). In all other cases, we did not log-
transform indicators and used their levels as explained variables. In The coefficient, k , for a material flow-related explanatory variable
Table S1, indicators for which the log-transformed score was used are represents its marginal effect on the explained variable — either a WB-
identified as “log.” SDG indicator or its log-transformed value; that is, an increase (or de-
crease) in the indicator associated with a unit (for metals, 1 t = 106g)
2.2.2. Explanatory variables increase in material flow. The direction of change, or the sign of the
For individual countries, we used real GDP values (at constant 2005 marginal effect, is of considerable interest and varies according to the
prices) from UNstat, and populations as published by the UN in World indicator. Specifically, there are indicators such as the Primary com-
Population Prospects. For governance, we used Political Stability and plete rate for which a decrease in score indicates a worsening of an
Absence of Violence/Terrorism scores from the Worldwide Governance issue, and indicators such as Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day, for
Indicators issued by the World Bank (World Bank Development which a decrease in score indicates an improvement. In this study, to
Research Group, 2016). This indicator measures “perceptions of the determine the impact of increasing the material flow of a given metal in
likelihood of political instability and/or politically-motivated violence, a given country on social indicators based on the coefficient estimates,
including terrorism.” For primary energy consumption, we used tonnes ˆ , obtained from panel data analysis, we grouped the indicators into
of oil equivalent (1toe = 41.868 GJ) values from the International En- those where a positive coefficient indicates a worsening of the social
ergy Agency (IEA). issue and those where a negative coefficient indicates a worsening of
For DMI (mined and imported amounts), which we used as a mea- the social issue. The direction of change and estimated parameters ( j ,
sure of the material flows of metal in individual countries, we in- k ) for each indicator are shown in Table S3 in the SI.
dependently compiled time series data. For mined metal amounts, we We also performed the following two calculations using ˆk to de-
included metals recovered from ‘urban mines’ (i.e., discarded items). In termine the breadth and strength of the impact of each metal on SDGs.
light of data availability for compiling time series, we selected five base First, to quantify the breadth of impact of each metal on SDG-related
metals (Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Al) and six scarce metals (Nd, Co, Pt, Ni, Cr, issues, we counted the number of negatively significant indicators. The
and Mo). The base metals have long been in widespread use in multiple greater the number of indicators impacted, the broader the impact of
applications, while the scarce metals are presently being used in small the material flow of a given metal on SDG-related issues. The number of
quantities in specific applications in connection with new energy indicators impacted was summed separately for each of the 17 SDGs. In
technologies. For example, neodymium (Nd) is a key element of para- addition, to investigate the breadth of impact of different metal cate-
ment magnets necessary for electric and hybrid vehicle motors (Alonso gories on SDGs, we divided the metals into categories and calculated
et al., 2012b; Nansai et al., 2015, 2014), while cobalt (Co) is needed for the mean impact by dividing the number of adversely impacted in-
the lithium-ion batteries embedded in these vehicles and various mobile dicators by the number of explanatory variables in each category. The
electric appliances(Nansai et al., 2015, 2014; Simon et al., 2015; Zeng categories were: Metal (= all metals), Base (= base metals), Scarce (=
and Li, 2015). Platinum (Pt) is used as an electrode catalyst for fuel cells scarce metals), Mine (= mined metals from both terrestrial and urban
(Alonso et al., 2012a; Nansai et al., 2015, 2014). Nickel (Ni) and mines), and Import (= imported metals).
chromium (Cr) are added to steel mainly to increase corrosion re- Second, to quantify the strength of impact of each metal on each
sistance (Nakajima et al., 2017, 2013). Molybdenum (Mo) improves the indicator, we focused on the metal with the largest absolute value of k
strength and hardness of steel at high temperatures (Nakajima et al., as identified above (p < 0.05, with sign indicating adverse impact) on
2013). Wind power and high-efficiency fossil-fuel-based power gen- each indicator among all mined and imported metals. In short, only one
eration as well as carbon capture and storage require steel with such mined metal or imported metal was selected as the metal having the
characteristics (Kleijn et al., 2011). Hence, demand for the these metals greatest adverse impact on each indicator. By adding up the number of
is expected to rise substantially in the future as progress in carbon indicators on which the various metals had the greatest impact, sorted
mitigation develops apace in the nations of the world (de Koning et al., by their associated SDGs, we summarized the relationship between a
2018; Deetman et al., 2018; Kleijn et al., 2011; Månberger and unit increase in the DMI of mined or imported metals and the SDGs
Stenqvist, 2018; Tokimatsu et al., 2018; Vidal et al., 2013). whose deterioration should receive the greatest attention.
To establish the mined amounts of each metal, we used the USGS
values (U.S. Geological Survey, 2018) for the metal contents of

K. Nansai, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 12–19

Fig. 1. Number of SDG indicators that wor-

sened in response to an increase in GDP, po-
pulation, governance level, primary energy
consumption, and metal input. The 17 goals
correspond to 1: Poverty, 2: Hunger and food
security, 3: Health, 4: Education, 5: Gender
equality and women’s empowerment, 6: Water
and Sanitation, 7: Energy, 8: Economic
Growth, 9: Infrastructure, industrialization, 10:
Inequality, 11: Cities, 12: Sustainable con-
sumption and production, 13: Climate Change,
14: Oceans, 15: Biodiversity, forests, desertifi-
cation, 16: Peace, justice and strong institu-
tions, 17: Partnerships.

3. Results Across the SDGs, increasing metal input was correlated with a
worsening (in average terms) of 0.05–2.45 indicators, with the impacts
3.1. Comparison of metals and key socio-economic factors on SDG 3 (Health), SDG 8 (Economic Growth), and SDG 16 (Peace,
Justice and Strong Institutions) of greatest concern. In the case of SDG
Fig. 1 shows the number of SDG indicators that have worsened with 3, increasing metal input was correlated with an average worsening of
increases in selected socio-economic factors (GDP, population, gov- 1.5 indicators, indicating a narrower impact than population (4 in-
ernance level, and primary energy consumption) and metal inputs. The dicators) but a broader impact than GDP or governance (both 1 in-
greater the value (shown on the vertical axis), the broader is the role of dicator). In the case of SDG 8, while GDP was correlated with a wor-
a given socio-economic factor or metal input to the country in nega- sening of five indicators, increasing metal use (considered as the
tively influencing SDGs. The colors in the bar graph indicate the sig- average of all metals) was correlated with the worsening of 1.14 in-
nificantly affected SDG, while the numbers indicate the specific SDG- dicators and had a broader impact than population, governance level,
related indicators. (There are no numbers for the “metals” category or primary energy consumption. As for SDG 16, although the impact of
since it represents an average value for all the metals studied). The increasing metal inputs to an economy was extremely small (0.05 in-
graph clearly illustrates which SDGs warrant the greatest concern in dicators), given that the other socio-economic factors have no impact,
countries where metals and the four key socio-economic factors are the relationship of metal inputs to this SDG cannot be ignored.
increasing. At the same time, the factors and SDG indicators appearing
in the graph are those for which decoupling should be given top
priority. 3.2. Mined metal vs. imported metal
Because the number of SDG indicators associated with each SDG
differs, it would not be appropriate to directly compare impacts across Fig. 2(a) shows the effect of increasing material inputs of mined
SDGs based on the number of indicators that worsened for each SDG. (from both terrestrial and urban mines) and imported metals on SDG
Rather, in this study, we used the number of indicators that worsened in indicators (average number of indicators that worsened). To compre-
response to increasing the DMI of the metal for each SDG as a reference hensively capture the amount of metal used in an individual country,
for comparing the impacts of key socio-economic factors (GDP, popu- imported metals here includes not only ore and unprocessed metal, but
lation, governance level, and primary energy consumption). In doing also the amount contained in raw materials and products that are im-
so, we found that metal inputs warrant greater concern than the other ported. The colors in the bar graph indicate the SDG that is significantly
socio-economic factors. related. On average, increasing the input of mined metals was corre-
On average, increasing the DMI of metals was significantly corre- lated with the worsening of 10.3 indicators, while increasing use of
lated with the worsening of 9.4, or roughly 10%, of the 96 SDG in- imported metals was correlated with the worsening of 8.6 indicators.
dicators. These results indicate the importance of implementing mea- This demonstrates that use of mined metals has a broader adverse im-
sures to mitigate adverse effects on SDGs in countries where metal pact on SDGs than use of imported metals.
inputs are increasing. The other socio-economic factors were found to The difference between the two can be attributed to differing im-
impact a broader range of SDG indicators than did metal inputs, with pacts on SDG 3 (Health) and SDG 8 (Economic Growth). In the case of
GDP, population, and primary energy consumption impacting 29, 13, SDG 3 (Health), increasing use of mined metals impacted 1.8 indicators,
and 12 indicators, respectively. The impact of governance, which was compared with 1.2 indicators for imported metals: a difference of 0.6
correlated with a worsening of 9 SDG indicators, was found to be of indicators. The greatest difference in impact between mined (1.6 in-
similar magnitude to that of metal inputs to an economy. dicators) and imported (0.64 indicators) metals was observed for SDG 8
Increasing the material flows of metals, when considered collec- (Economic Growth). Compared with the impact of GDP and the other
tively, was correlated with a worsening of indicators within each SDG socio-economic factors shown in Fig. 1, increased input of mined metals
studied. However, there was insufficient data in WB-SDGs to enable had a broader adverse impact on SDG 3 (Health) than GDP or gov-
analysis for SDG 10 (Inequality), SDG 15 (Biodiversity, Forests, ernance, and a broader adverse impact on SDG 8 (Economic Growth)
Desertification), and SDG 13 (Climate Change). than population, primary energy consumption, or governance. While
these results mirror those obtained for increased use of all metals

K. Nansai, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 12–19

Fig. 2. Number of SDG indicators that worsened in response to expansion of metal input: (a) comparison of mined and imported metals, (b) comparison of base and
scarce metals, and (c) comparison among elements. The 17 goals are the same as in Fig. 1.

described above, the impact of mined metals on SDG 7 (Energy) was given to monitoring social indicators related to SDG 3 (Health).
found to be similar in magnitude (1 indicator) to that of GDP. Mean-
while, the impact of imported metals was found to be similar in mag-
3.4. Individual metals
nitude to GDP and governance only in the case of SDG 3 (Health). Al-
though “social license to operate” is becoming a requirement for
Fig. 2(c) shows the number of SDG indicators and corresponding
existing mining sites, greater efforts to mitigate adverse impacts on
SDGs negatively correlated by increasing inputs of individual metals
SDGs are required in countries where the use of mined metals is in-
broken down by source (mined and imported). The characteristics of
some metals are described briefly below.
Increasing use of Fe was significantly correlated with a worsening of
3.3. Base metals vs. scarce metals sustainable development indicators, with mined Fe (10 indicators)
having a more extensive impact than imported Fe (8 indicators). SDGs
Fig. 2(b) shows the relationship between increasing the DMI of base impacted only by mined Fe include SDG 2 (Hunger and Food Security),
and scarce metals and the various SDG indicators (number of indicators SDG 6 (Water and Sanitation), SDG 7 (Energy), and SDG 8 (Economic
that worsened, averaged for base and scarce metals). Increasing the use Growth). In contrast, SDGs impacted only by imported Fe include SDG 5
of base and scarce metals impacted 9.3 and 9.5 indicators, respectively; (Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment), SDG 12 (Sustainable
unlike the above-described categorization of mined and imported me- Consumption and Production), and SDG 17 (Partnership). Thus, im-
tals, no substantial difference was observed between the two metal pacts warranting attention were found to differ substantially between
categories. Although the quantity of base and scarce metal inputs in a mined and imported Fe. The only SDGs impacted by both mined and
given country may differ by an order of magnitude or more, metals in imported Fe were SDG 3 (Health) and SDG 4 (Education). However,
the two categories have a similar impact on SDGs per unit mass. This among the individual indicators associated with these SDGs, none were
result suggests that future increases in demand for scarce metals, as impacted by both mined and imported Fe.
anticipated with the spread of new energy technologies, may hinder Increasing use of Cu had the broadest impact among base metals,
attempts to achieve many or all of the SDGs. with mined and imported Cu being correlated with a worsening of 14
Although the relative impacts of metals in the two categories vary and 10 indicators, respectively. Similarly to Fe, only a small number of
somewhat by SDG, they are generally of similar magnitude. The SDGs (SDG 4 (Education) and SDG 7 (Energy)) were impacted by both
greatest difference in impact was observed for SDG 12 (Sustainable mined and imported Cu. These results suggest that, in economies where
Consumption and Production), for which the impact of base metals (a use of Cu is increasing, steps should be taken to mitigate adverse im-
worsening of 0.3 indicators) was 3.6 times that of scarce metals (0.08 pacts on not just this one indicator, but on overall educational quality.
indicators), followed by SDG 3 (Health), for which the impact of base Besides Cu, of all the metals investigated in this study, increasing
metals (1.8 indicators) was approximately 1.4 times that of scarce use of Co had the greatest impact on SDGs, with both mined and im-
metals (1.25 indicators). Considering that the impact on SDG 3 (Health) ported Co being correlated with a worsening of 12 indicators. However,
of GDP or governance was 1 (Fig. 1), this result suggests that, in none of the indicators were impacted by both mined and imported Co.
countries where use of base metals is increasing, priority should be Of the SDGs impacted by mined Co, SDG 4 (Education) and SDG 8

K. Nansai, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 12–19

Fig. 3. The number of SDG indicators by SDGs

to which mined and imported, base and scarce
metals cause the largest adverse change. Each
red flag represents one indicator. The 17 goals
are the same as in Fig. 1. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this

(Economic Growth) contained numerous indicators related to un- SDGs, 3 and 7, with one flag for each; however, mined Mo had the
employment. Although Co is not designated as a ‘conflict mineral’, child greatest number of red flags (seven in total) among the mined metals,
labor is known to exist, suggesting that recent efforts by companies to on SDGs 4, 6, 7, and 8. Following Mo, the metals Ni and Cr showed the
ensure ethical procurement of materials are justified (Umicore, 2017). next largest number of red flags: six and five, respectively. Mined Ni
Increasing use of mined and imported Pt was correlated with a had a red flag on SDG 17 only, while imported Ni had a red flag on
worsening of 6 and 12 indicators, respectively, with no common in- SDGs 6, 9 and 17. Similarly to Ni, mined Cr was strongly associated
dicators impacted. Mined Pt was found to adversely impact only one only with SDG 17, but with imported Cr a strong relationship with SDGs
SDG, namely SDG 1 (Poverty). A responsible procurement scheme si- 4, 9 and 12 was found.
milar that for Co is needed to ensure that the increasing demand for Pt
for fuel cells to improve sustainability does not come at the expense of
4. Discussion
increased poverty in countries where this metal is mined.
In this study we performed a regression analysis using panel data on
3.5. Strength of impact on SDGs material flows of metals and SDG indicators for each of the WB-SDGs.
By analyzing changes in metal demand across the economies of in-
Fig. 3 indicates the number of indicators to which a metal causes the dividual countries, the overall influence on different SDGs was em-
largest adverse change, totalized for each SDG. If we interpret the figure pirically evaluated. We examined 11 types of metal and 96 indicators.
as focusing on a particular base or scarce metal (mined or imported), In cases where increasing the DMI of a metal was found to adversely
the figure shows with red flags the SDGs most negatively associated impact an indicator, we investigated the relationship in more detail,
with an increase in the DMI of each particular metal. The metals with including the specific contributions to adverse impacts arising from
multiple red flags for a particular SDG imply an extensive effect on that mining and importing metal.
goal. While the use of metals is essential for realizing sustainable devel-
Because in Fig. 3 the comparison is on a per unit mass of DMI basis, opment goals, this paper sought to highlight the oft-overlooked detri-
rather than on the basis of RME (Raw Material Equivalent) (Eurostat, mental impacts from both imported metals and metal mining (from
2001), which converts the metal’s mass to a raw material basis, a both terrestrial and urban mines). We identified the role of increased
greater number of red flags tends to be associated with scarce metals. use of base and scarce metals on specific SDGs. This more compre-
Producing a gram of a scarce metal requires a greater volume of ex- hensive analysis is essential if global impacts from metal use are to be
tracted mineral than in the case of base metals. The metal with the better understood and responsibly managed along the supply chain. It
greatest number of red flags (18 in total) was Pt, which was found to was found that material consumption has an impact on SDGs compar-
have an adverse impact on 12 SDGs. Mined Pt strongly impacted SDGs able with that of economic growth and population growth.
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8, while imported Pt affected SDGs 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, and Consequently, in countries or regions where metal demand is in-
17. The second most negatively associated metal was Nd (17 red flags), creasing, these empirical results indicate the need to better monitor
with mined Nd having a red flag on SDGs 4, 7 and 17, and imported Nd adverse impacts on SDGs and, importantly, to adopt policies and reg-
having a red flag on SDGs 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 17. In particular, SDG 3 had ulations to decouple metal use from SDGs, in addition to increasing
the highest number of red flags (five in total), and is therefore the social consumer awareness of the impacts of metal use. The study revealed
indicator that is most correlated with imported Nd. While mined Co had that whereas base metals and scarce metals impact a similar number of
a red flag only on SDGs 4 and 8, imported Co had a red flag on SDGs 2, SDG indicators, with respect to the DMI pathway, mined metals have a
3, 4, 8, 9, and 14. There is a tendency to focus on social issues in more extensive impact than imported metals. In terms of the magnitude
countries where Co is mined, but the results for imported Co, with eight of the adverse impact on indicators per unit mass of DMI (strength of
red flags, show that it also has a potentially high impact on SDGs, as impact), scarce metals have a greater impact on SDGs than base metals,
was seen with Pt and Nd. In contrast, imported Mo impacted only two with the majority of SDGs impacted being impacted strongly. This

K. Nansai, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149 (2019) 12–19

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