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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Copyright 2000 by the American Psychological Association. Inc.

2000, Vol. 79, No. 5, 701-721 0022-3514/00/$5.00 DOI: 10.1037//0022-3514.79.5.701

The Role of Transportation in the Persuasiveness of Public Narratives

Melanie C. Green and Timothy C. Brock

Ohio State University

Transportation was proposed as a mechanism whereby narratives can affect beliefs. Defined as absorp-
tion into a story, transportation entails imagery, affect, and attentional focus. A transportation scale was
developed and validated. Experiment 1 (N = 97) demonstrated that extent of transportation augmented
story-consistent beliefs and favorable evaluations of protagonists. Experiment 2 (N = 69) showed that
highly transported readers found fewer false notes in a story than less-transported readers. Experiments 3
(N = 274) and 4 (N = 258) again replicated the effects of transportation on beliefs and evaluations; in
the latter study, transportation was directly manipulated by using processing instructions. Reduced
transportation led to reduced story-consistent beliefs and evaluations. The studies alSO showed that
transportation and corresponding beliefs were generally unaffected by labeling a story as fact or as

The scientific study of persuasion has reflected an unfortunate were "transported" into the world of the narrative and became
displacement of poetics by rhetoric. Advocacy messages rather involved with its protagonists.
than narrative messages have been the subject matter of persuasion In essence, a narrative account requires a story that raises
scholars for the past half-century (e.g., Hovland, Lumsdaine, & unanswered questions, presents unresolved conflicts, or depicts not
Sheffield, 1949; Shavitt & Brock, 1994). This striking imbalance yet completed activity; characters may encounter and then resolve
in scientific attention has been sustained even though in the expe- a crisis or crises. A story line, with a beginning, middle, and end,
rience of people everywhere, public narrative predominates over is identifiable. In Bruner's (1986) words, "[Narrative] deals in
public advocacy: Novels, films, soap operas, music lyrics, stories human or human-like intention and action and the vicissitudes and
in newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio command far more consequences that mark their course. It strives to put its timeless
waking attention than do advertisements, sermons, editorials, bill- miracles into the particulars of experience and to locate the expe-
boards, and so forth. The power of narratives to change beliefs has rience in time and place" (p. 13).
never been doubted and has always been feared. Consequently, Are the processes that underlie narrative persuasion different
censorship has been ubiquitous for centuries: In the United States, from those that mediate the impact of nonnarrative or nonfiction
. one out of three high school students experiences banning of books communications on beliefs? When a narrative is explicitly labeled
(Davis, 1979). A film version of Lolita, the "fourth best English- as fiction, under what conditions can it change beliefs about issues
language novel published this century" (Modem Library Editorial entailed in the story? Can a narrative affect broader attitudes, ones
Board, 1998), was withheld for 2 years from American audiences. only implied by the focal text?
Yet, the persuasive impact of public narratives has been virtually
ignored by empirical researchers; indeed, persuasiveness of narra- Transportation T h e o r y
fives is a nonexistent reference item in a recent authoritative,
comprehensive graduate-level textbook with 2,800 references (The To the extent that individuals are absorbed into a story or
Psychology of Attitudes, Eagly & Chaiken, 1993). In an attempt to transported into a narrative word, they may show effects of the
redress the rhetoric-poetics imbalance, we explored the persuasive story on their real-world beliefs. We conceptualized transportation
impact of a narrative in terms of the extent to which recipients into a narrative world as a distinct mental process, an integrative
melding of attention, imagery, and feelings. Our conceptualization
of transportation was based on Gerrig's (1993) description:
Melanie C. Green and Timothy C. Brock, Department of Psychology, Someone ("the traveler") is transported, by some means of transpor-
Ohio State University. tation, as a result of performing certain actions. The traveler goes
This article was based in part on portions of a master's thesis by Melanie some distance from his or her world of origin, which makes some
C. Green. We thank the members of the thesis committee, Richard Petty aspects of the world of origin inaccessible. The traveler returns to the
and Philip Tetlock, for their insightful suggestions regarding the research. world of origin, somewhat changed by the journey. (pp. 10-11)
We also thank Lee Fabrigar for statistical assistance and Richard Gerrig for
his thoughtful comments on various aspects of the research. Darcy Reich, Gerrig used the literal experience of traveling to explain the
Christian Wheeler, Sharon Shavitt, and Lee Fabrigar provided insightful processes that occur when a reader encounters a text. The feeling
and helpful comments on earlier drafts of this article.
of being lost in a story (Nell, 1988) is familiar to many people; one
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Melanie
C. Green, who is now at the Department of Psychology, University of of our theoretical alms was to specify components and conse-
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, or to Timothy C. Brock, quences of this experience.
Department of Psychology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Following Gerrig, we conceived of transportation as a conver-
Electronic mail may be sent to [email protected] or brock.1 @ gent process, where all mental systems and capacities become focused on events occurring in the narrative. The first consequence


of transportation is that parts of the world of origin become whereas transportation is an immersion into a text. Elaboration
inaccessible. In other words, the reader loses access to some leads to attitude change via logical consideration and evaluation of
real-world facts in favor of accepting the narrative world that the arguments, whereas transportation may lead to persuasion through
author has created. This loss of access may occur on a physical other mechanisms. First, transportation may reduce negative cog-
level--a transported reader may not notice others entering the nitive responding. Transported readers may be less likely to dis-
room, for example--or, more importantly, on a psychological believe or counterargue story claims, and thus their beliefs may be
level, a subjective distancing from reality. While the person is influenced. Next, transportation may make narrative experience
immersed in the story, he or she may be less aware of real-world seem more like real experience. Direct experience can be a pow-
facts that contradict assertions made in the narrative. erful means of forming attitudes (Fazio & Zanna, 1981), and to the
Some initial empirical support for the role of immersion in extent that narratives enable mimicry of experience, they may have
narrative-based belief change comes from work by Strange and greater impact than nonnarrative modes. Finally, transportation is
Leung (1999). In their study, engagement in a narrative moderated likely to create strong feelings toward story characters; the expe-
observed belief differences (judgments of responsibility for school riences or beliefs of those characters may then have an enhanced
dropouts) between readers of two different stories. Their engage- influence on readers' beliefs.
ment measure included narrative-focused attention, story-cued re- Transportation is considered a convergent process, whereas
mindings, story-cued elaboration, and imagery; some of these elaboration might be conceived of as a divergent process. Rather
components overlap with our conceptualization of transportation than having a single focus (e.g., the narrative), a person engaged in
(discussed later), whereas others are distinct. elaboration might be accessing his or her own opinions, previous
Beyond loss of access to real-world facts, transported readers knowledge, or other thoughts and experiences in order to evaluate
may experience strong emotions and motivations, even when they the message at hand. Under high elaboration, connections are
know the events in the story are not real (see Gerrig, 1993, pp. established to an individual's other schemas and experiences. In
179-191). For example, when transported into narratives with contrast, under high transportation, the individual may be dis-
unhappy endings, transported individuals are likely to engage in tanced temporarily from current and previous schemas and
what Gerrig (1993) termed anomalous replotting: "actively think- experiences.
ing about what could have happened to change an outcome" (p.
177). A third consequence is that people return from being trans- Stories Versus Persuasive Messages
ported somewhat changed by the experience. Our research at-
tempted to measure these changes as they may be reflected in Our research has focused on stories rather than rhetorical ma-
individuals' beliefs and attitudes. terials because transportation is less likely to occur with rhetorical
Transportation is not limited to the reading of written material. passages and because stories may be held to different truth stan-
Narrative worlds are broadly defined with respect to modality; the dards than rhetorical messages (Bruner, 1986). For example, if a
term "reader" may be construed to include listeners, viewers, or person were told that an advertiser was making false claims, he or
any recipient of narrative information. Whether the narrative is she would be unlikely to suspend disbelief when hearing about
fictional or nonfictional, the same processes involved in transpor- product attributes from that advertiser. In contrast, people are
tation are theorized to occur. Our research focused explicitly on motivated to at least temporarily accept a fictional world, often for
public narratives. Although informal storytelling and other forms enjoyment purposes (e.g., Rubin, 1994). The power of a narrative
of personal narratives are widespread, our hypotheses addressed format has been demonstrated in domains ranging from jury de-
the effects of external narratives, those to which numerous people cision making (Pennington & Hastie, 1988) to likelihood estimates
could be exposed on different occasions or at the same time. (Gregory, Cialdini, & Carpenter, 1982). Although other forms of
communication might also elicit transportation--for instance, a
particularly stirring speech might sweep away an audience--trans-
Transportation Versus Cognitive Elaboration portation more commonly occurs in response to narratives.
Because transportation is hypothesized to be related to belief or
attitude change, it is helpful to distinguish between transportation Role of Protagonists
and cognitive elaboration. In recent years, dual-process models
"Character is the driving force in fiction" (Surmelian, 1969, p.
such as the elaboration likelihood model (ELM; Petty & Cacioppo,
139; see also Radway, 1997, p. 282), and therefore attachment to
1981) and the heuristic-systematic model (HSM; Chaiken, 1980)
characters may play a critical role in narrative-based belief change.
have dominated persuasion research. The critical element in these Source credibility is usually an external "given" in rhetorical
theories is the amount of thought an individual devotes to the
communications; however, for fictional or narrative communica-
message. In conditions that promote high elaboration, central or tions, attachment to a protagonist may be an important determinant
systematic route processing ensues: A message recipient thought-
of the persuasiveness of a story. Because a protagonist may serve
fully considers the central arguments of the message. The alterna-
as an "internal" source of information or beliefs, transportation
tive route, under low elaboration conditions, is to use peripheral or
may lead to greater liking for sympathetic protagonists. Readers
heuristic processing, whereby attitude change results from either
may not only enter a narrative world, they may also become highly
shallow processing of cues or reliance on simple rules. involved with the people they find there.
Rather than amount of thought per se, transportation theory
posits processing that is qualitatively different from the traditional
Hegemony of Text Versus Transportation
systematic or heuristic modes described in dual-process models of
persuasion (e.g., Chaiken, 1980; Petty & Cacioppo, 1981). Elab- Our own reading of enduring fiction has been transporting in the
oration implies critical attention to major points of an argument, sense of our theory. The following excerpt from The Great Gatsby

(Fitzgerald, 1925; "second-best English-language novel this cen- that narratives, regardless of their real-world truth status, can
tury," Modern Library Editorial Board, 1998) draws readers into a change beliefs. Gilbert suggested that the default is for people to
different place: believe anything they read or hear, and that "disbelieving" is an
effortful correction process. Building on this work, we suggest that
One autumn night.., they had been walking down the street when the
transportation into a story causes people to be less motivated (or
leaves were falling, and they came to a place where there were no
trees and the sidewalk was white with moonlight. . . . His heart beat less able) to disbelieve any particular conclusion; transported
faster and faster as Daisy's white face came up to his own. . . . He individuals are so absorbed in the story that they would likely be
waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning fork that had been reluctant to stop and critically analyze propositions presented
struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips' touch she blos- therein. Public narratives often imply certain beliefs, but without
somed like a flower. (p. 11 t) stating them outright. Furthermore, stories are generally presented
as entertainment, rather than as vehicles for attitude change. These
The controversial text hegemony hypothesis (e.g., Bloom, 1994,
qualities of public narratives provide few explicit triggers for
p. 191) states that texts of high quality may override the effects of
critical thinking, and thus counterarguing is less likely to occur.
variations in situations and in readers' predispositions to be
Although some early evidence indicated that facts encountered in
moved. If hegemony of text is correct, exogenous instructions or
a narrative are stored separately from real-world knowledge (Potts
manipulations or labeling might have difficulty increasing the
& Peterson, 1985), Gerrig and Prentice (1991) showed that readers
level of transportation above the high levels instigated by readings
seemed to be incorporating context-free assertions, even false ones
such as the excerpted Fitzgerald passage. However, our intuition is such as "mental illness is contagious," into their real-word belief
that manipulations or labeling might be able to decrease the levels
structures. Fiction-based belief change has now been demonstrated
of transportation experienced by readers of even such canonical
by independent investigators (Prentice, Gerrig, & Bailis, 1997;
fiction. The text hegemony hypothesis proposes that the storytell-
Strange & Leung, 1999; Wheeler, Green, & Brock, 1999).
er's craft is the primary determinant of transportation and that,
therefore, when that craft has found a responsive recipient, moti-
vating or demotivating instructions or framing may not affect Overview
magnitude of transportation. In contrast to text hegemony, we posit In sum, individuals reading stories may become transported into
that transportation is the key determinant of narrative impact, and a narrative world. Transportation is a convergent mental process, a
further assume both that transportation may be affected by text- focusing of attention, that may occur in response to either fiction
external manipulations and that individuals will vary in their or nonfiction. The components of transportation include emotional
proclivity for transportation. reactions, mental imagery, and a loss of access to real-world
information; the resulting transportation may be a mechanism for
Text Quality narrative-based belief change.
Two yardsticks are readily available to determine the quality of We first summarize the development of a scale designed to
a text. First, a text may become part of a literary canon; scholars measure the extent of individuals' transportation. We then show
and general readers alike may fred a particular text to be absorbing, that transportation affects the impact of a story on readers' story-
regardless of how much time has passed since its writing or of the implicated beliefs and on their evaluation of protagonists. We also
differences in background among the readers (e.g., Modern Li- report preliminary evidence regarding the extent io which trans-
brary Editorial Board, 1998). On the other hand, some works that portation can be text-driven.
may not necessarily last through the ages may be transporting
during a certain time period. Best-seller status could be a mark of S u m m a r y o f Scale D e v e l o p m e n t
transportingness. Detective thrillers or romance novels may not be
"great" literature, but thousands eagerly devour such books. In- We relied on Gerrig's (1993) exposition of transportation to
deed, these books may be explicitly designed to elicit transporta- create a scale intended to capture its major dimensions, including
tion (Radway, 1997). "Genre fiction is put together using tech- emotional involvement in the story, cognitive attention to the
niques that allow the r e a d e r . . , to disappear into the story, to story, feelings of suspense, lack of awareness of surroundings, and
experience the emotions that are intended by the writer" (Oatley & mental imagery.
Gholamain, 1997, p. 278). The final Transportation Scale included 11 general items and 4
imagery items specifically related to the target narrative. The first
Individual Differences and Situational Influences narrative, tided "Murder at the Mall," was adapted from How We
Die, a bestseller by Sherwin Nuland (1994, pp. 123-128). (The
Of course, not all works of fiction are equally transporting for all second narrative is described later, in Experiment 4. Only the first
readers; even a devoted teacher of literature could be quite bored story was used in scale validation.) "Murder at the Mall" is a true
by some canonical works. Just as there may be individual differ- story about a little girl, Katie, who goes to the mall with her
ences in both the general tendency to become transported and in college-age sibling. While at the mall, Katie is brutally stabbed to
the types of texts that one finds to be transporting, there may also
be situational factors that influence the level of transportation
experienced by a reader. i However, a text may be accorded canon status in part because its
ability to move readers is relatively independent of the reading context or
Fiction a n d B e l i e f C h a n g e the backgrounds of most individual readers--for example, Gatsby's "abil-
ity to tap into and refigure recurring American beliefs and concerns: the
Theory advanced by Gilbert and colleagues (e.g., Gilbert, 1991; myth of the self-made man, for instance, and our ambivalent relationship
Gilbert, Tafarodi, & Malone, 1993) is consistent with the proposal with the American Dream" (Denmar, 1998, p. B6).

death by a psychiatric patient. The tragic story is moving and When treated as subscales of the Transportation Scale, the
shocking. cognitive (Items 1, 3, and 4 from Table 1), affective (Items 5, 7,
All items were measured on a seven-point scale anchored by 11), and imagery (Items 12-15) items showed acceptable interitem
very much and not at all. (See scale items in Table 1.) In a sample reliability (all Cronbach alphas > .65); however, the subscales
of 274 undergraduates, the scale had a Cronbach's alpha of .76. generally did not differentially predict relevant outcomes. There-
Dropping items would not have significantly improved the alpha. fore, we have reported results using the full scale.
The theoretical range of the Transportation Scale was 15 to 105,
where higher scores represent greater transportedness. The actual Gender Differences
range across Experiments 1-3 (discussed later) was 31 to 99. The In this sample, women reported significantly greater transpor-
lack of extreme low scores was not surprising, given that "Murder tation than men, F ( 1 , 2 7 3 ) = 5.06, p < .05 (M men = 73.47, M
at the Mall" was highly involving. women = 76.26). When the subscales were considered, a signif-
A m a x i m u m likelihood exploratory factor analysis was per- icant gender difference appeared only for the emotional subscale,
formed on the transportation questionnaire on the basis of 272 F ( 1 , 2 7 3 ) = 18.27,p < .01 ( M m e n = 11.13, M w o m e n = 12.84),
observations (data were missing for two cases). Three eigen- indicating that women reported greater emotional involvement.
values in the unrotated solution exceeded 1, and examination of However, using other stories (e.g., Exp. 4), the gender difference
a scree plot showed that three factors seemed to precede a reversed or disappeared, indicating that transportation may not
sudden drop in values. Examination of fit measures indicated generally be affected by gender.
that the three-factor solution provided better model fit than one
or two factors. The root-mean-square error of approximation Discriminant Validation: Need for Cognition
(RMSEA) was .06, indicating an adequate factor solution.
Transportation and cognitive elaboration are hypothesized to
Three interpretable factors were extracted and rotated, using
be distinct constructs. Thus, the Need for Cognition Scale
direct quartimin (oblique) rotation. These seemed to be tapping
(Cacioppo & Petty, 1982), which predicts which individuals
into cognitive aspects, emotional-affective aspects, and visual
will be likely to spontaneously elaborate on information, would
imagery. However, these factors were intercorrelated (rs ranged
not necessarily predict transportation. However, individuals
from .41 to .21).
who enjoy thinking in general may also be motivated to pay
enough attention to the story to b e c o m e transported. Thus, we
Table 1 expected either no correlation or a small positive relationship
Transportation Scale Items between enjoyment of thinking and transportation. Results in-
dicated that the correlation between need for cognition and
Item transportation was small and nonsignificant, r(272) = .09; p >
.10. 2 These findings provided some support for the distinctive-
Panel 1: General items ness of transportation and elaboration.
1. While I was reading the narrative, I could easily picture the events
in it taking place. Convergent Validation: Tellegen Absorption Scale
2. While I was reading the narrative, activity going on in the room
around me was on my mind. (R) Transportation can be expressed as immersion or absorption into
3. I could picture myself in the scene of the events described in the a narrative w o r d . Thus, transportation should be related to a
narrative. general tendency to become absorbed into life experiences. We
4. I was mentally involved in the narrative while reading it. compared participants' responses on the transportation scale with
5. After finishing the narrative, I found it easy to put it out of my
mind. (R) Tellegen's (1982) Absorption Scale, 34 true-false self-descriptive
6. I wanted to learn how the narrative ended. items (e.g., "I sometimes 'step outside' myself and experience an
7. The narrative affected me emotionally. entirely different state of being"). We found a moderate associa-
8. I found myself thinking of ways the narrative could have turned out tion between transportation and absorption, r(59) = .24, p < .05.
9. I found my mind wandering while reading the narrative. (R) Transportation was also significantly correlated with the six items
10. The events in the narrative are relevant to my everyday life. comprising the "disassociative oblivion" factor of the scale,
11. The events in the narrative have changed my life. r(59) = .23, p < .05; example item: "It is sometimes possible for
me to become completely immersed in nature or in art and to feel
.Panel 2: Items Specific to "Murder at the Mall" (Experiments 1-3)
as if my whole state of consciousness has somehow been tempo-
12. While reading the narrative I had a vivid image of Katie. rarily altered". The observed association made sense, because
13. While reading the narrative I had a vivid image of Joan (John). transportation is assumed to involve a loss of access to the real
14. While reading the narrative I had a vivid image of the psychiatric
15. While reading the narrative I had a vivid image of the registered
nurse. Effect of Text Manipulation
Panel 3: Items specific to "Two Were Left" (Experiment 4) To test the sensitivity of the transportation instrument to differ-
ent stories, we created an alternative version of "Murder at the
12. While reading the narrative I had a vivid image of the boy.
13. While reading the narrative I had a vivid image of the dog.
14. While reading the narrative I had a vivid image of the ice island.
15. While reading the narrative I had a vivid image of the pilot. 2 The correlation may have been somewhat attenuated because need for
cognition is a dispositional tendency, whereas the Transportation Scale
Note. R = reverse-scored. referred to a specific situation (reading "Murder at the Mall").

Mall" intended to be m u c h less compelling. W e retained much o f tends to be highly involving, thus providing scope for a sensitive test of the
the imagery and patterns o f social interaction in the story but transportation hypothesis.
altered the plot so that rather than being murdered, Katie was Source manipulations. Participants were assigned to either the fiction
o v e r c o m e with giggles by a c l o w n b l o w i n g bubbles. This event or nonfiction conditions. These manipulations were not subtle; the infor-
mation was provided in bold, double-spaced print on the top of the first
was trivial in comparison to the killing described in the original
page of the narrative, and the narratives were formatted to reflect the
narrative, but the story length was unchanged. W e rifled this
alleged source. The nonfiction narrative was in small print arranged in
version "Bubbles in the Mall." columns, resembling a newspaper, and the fiction narrative resembled a
W e c o m p a r e d this version o f the story with "Murder at the literary magazine.
Mall" in a sample o f 38 undergraduates (20 male, 18 female) and Fiction condition participants were informed that "the events in Murder
found that, as expected, readers reported significantly less trans- at the Mall comprise a short story, the Fiction Feature, as published in
portation into "Bubbles in the Mall" than into "Murder at the Akron Best Fiction, an Ohio Fiction magazine, in December 1993. Resem-
Mall," M "Bubbles" = 62.31, M "Murder" = 73.94, F(1, blance to real persons and places is of course coincidental."
36) = 7.36, p < .01. Thus, the transportation scale was sensitive In the nonfiction condition, participants were led to believe that the
to alteration in the quality and meaning o f the text. narrative was a journalistic account: "The events in Murder at the Mall
occurred recently and were reported in the Akron Beacon Journal, an Ohio
daily newspaper, in December 1993."
Experiment 1

To o b s e r v e w h e t h e r our p r e l i m i n a r y m e a s u r e o f transporta- Measures

tion w o u l d be related to the b e l i e f s o f story recipients, w e
Participants completed the following measures (described later) in the
c r e a t e d m e a s u r e s o f b e l i e f s that m i g h t be a f f e c t e d by the story.
order listed: story-specific beliefs, just-world items, the transportation
T h e s e b e l i e f s w e r e logical i m p l i c a t i o n s o f the story events. W e questionnaire (Table 1), thought listings, character evaluations, reality
e x a m i n e d w h e t h e r p e o p l e w h o r e p o r t e d h i g h e r transportation monitoring, source manipulation checks, and a recall test.
w o u l d h a v e b e l i e f s m o r e c o n s i s t e n t with the story. F o r e x a m p l e , Story-specific belief measures. Participants answered a series of story-
a m u r d e r occurring at a s h o p p i n g mall s u g g e s t s that malls are specific belief items. They responded to the statements on a 0 - 6 0 scale,
n o t safe places; the fact that the killer was a p s y c h i a t r i c patient anchored by agree completely and disagree completely, with neither agree
i m p l i e s that such patients s h o u l d not be left u n s u p e r v i s e d ; and nor disagree as the center point. Topics included freedoms for psychiatric
the fact that the v i c t i m was an i n n o c e n t child i m p l i e s that the patients and the likelihood of attacks in public places. For the two violence
w o r l d is unjust. T h e s e b e l i e f s w e r e i m p l i e d rather than stated, items, participants chose from a series of options. The item "Someone is
getting stabbed to death somewhere in the USA" had eight choices, ranging
b e c a u s e the p u r p o s e o f H o w W e Die (Nuland, 1994), the source
from every 10 minutes to every month (reverse-scored), and the item "The
o f our story, was to d e s c r i b e the p h y s i o l o g y o f d y i n g f r o m a
likelihood of a stabbing death at an Ohio mall is:" had eight choices,
m e d i c a l p e r s p e c t i v e . H o w p e o p l e c a m e to m e e t their deaths w a s ranging from once every 50 years to once every week.
incidental, and so b e l i e f s about t h e s e causes w e r e a d d r e s s e d Just world. We also expected transportation to affect general beliefs
only implicitly. implicated by the story. Injustice could be considered a theme of "Murder
Because o f the central role that character plays in most narra- at the Mall"; an innocent child is randomly murdered because a careless
fives, we wanted to examine the effects o f transportation on judicial system allowed a man with a history of violence to walk the streets.
evaluation o f the characters. W e expected that highly transported Thus, it was possible that people's general perceptions of a just world
participants w o u l d feel more positively toward the (sympathetic) might be swayed by reading about such blatant injustice. To assess this
characters in the narrative. W e also manipulated the alleged truth possibility, we chose global belief items from the Belief in a Just World
status o f the narrative. For s o m e participants, the narrative was Scale (Rubin & Peplau, 1975). We selected items most relevant to the
story, as well as ones that asked directly about just-world views. These
represented as fiction, and for others the same story was presented
beliefs were assessed on a 0 - 6 0 agree-disagree scale.
as fact.
Creation of dependent variable indexes. To increase the power of our
tests, we created three multi-item indexes from conceptually related de-
Method pendent variables? The psychiatric patient index included two items:
"Psychiatric patients who live in an institution should be allowed to go out
Participants in the community during the day" and "Psychiatric patients who have
passes to leave their institution should be free of supervision." Individuals
For partial credit, 97 undergraduates participated in groups of with story-consistent beliefs would reject these items. The violence index
10-15. consisted of ratings of the frequency of stabbing deaths in the United States
and at Ohio malls. The story could lead individuals to think that stabbing
Procedure deaths are more likely. The just-world index included "Although there may
be some exceptions, good people often lead lives of suffering" and "By and
Participants read "Murder at the Mail" and completed the dependent large, people get what they deserve" (reverse-scored). Katie did nothing to
variable packet. bring on her tragic fate; therefore, perceiving an unjust world was
Experimental narrative: "'Murder at the Mall." The experimental nar- story-consistent.
rative was the previously described story adapted from How We Die
(Nuland, 1994, pp. 118-139). This nine-page story, "Murder at the Mall,"
is about a college student, Joan, whose little sister Katie is brutally stabbed 3 The items comprising the dependent variable indexes were also em-
to death by a psychiatric patient at the mall. This narrative was selected pirically related; within each index, the items were significantly positively
because it was plausibly framed as either fiction or nonfiction. Events are • correlated. In a dataset combining Experiments 1-3, Cronbach alphas for
presented realistically; however, the author has a rich descriptive style that the indexes were as follows: psychiatric patient index, ct = .69; just-world
would not be typical of a straight journalistic account. The narrative also index, a = .28; and violence index, ct = .47.

We separately examined another just-world item: "Crime doesn't pay." these items). Factual and fictional characters were similarly
Although story-relevant, this item appeared conceptually distinct from the evaluated.
other just-world items. Agreeing that crime does not pay indicates a belief Source manipulation checks. A number of participants (19 in
in a just world; however, participants have just read a story in which crime
nonfiction condition, 13 in fiction condition) either misidentified
truly did not pay. The murderer received no benefit from his actions, and
the costs to the girl and her family were immeasurable. Thus, we believed the source of the story or reported that they did not know the story
that this item might be affected in the opposite direction from the just- source. However, even if only individuals who correctly recalled
world index. the truth status of the narrative (N = 30 for nonfiction, N = 33 for
Character evaluations. Participants rated Joan and Katie on four 60- fiction) were considered, the basic pattern of results remained the
point semantic differential scales: good-bad, pleasant-unpleasant, same. Fiction-nonfiction status did not affect transportation, F(1,
attractive-unattractive, and responsible-irresponsible.
62) = 1.92; p > .15. Truth status also did not affect responses on
Thought-listings. Participants were instructed to list all the thoughts
the belief indexes (all Fs < 1, all ps > .45) or character evalua-
and ideas they had while reading the story, without worrying about spelling
or grammar (e.g., Brock, 1967). tions (Fs < 2.05, ps > .15), with the exception of the violence
Reality-source monitoring. Participants were asked to check whether index, F(1, 62) = 4,38, p < .05. Violence beliefs were more
the story was true, meaning "the events actually happened," or false, consistent with the story (higher likelihood of violence) in the
meaning "the events did not actually happen." fiction condition (M = 11.55) than in the nonfiction condition
Source manipulation check. Participants were asked to indicate (M = 10.37).
whether the story was fiction, nonfiction, or "don't know."
Recall test. Participants completed an 18-item true-false recall test of
factual information from the story, designed to measure whether partici- Transportation Effects
pants had read the entire story carefully. It included assertions about
Katie's age, the setting of the attack, and the name of the attacker. Transportation and beliefs. W e conducted a median split to
divide participants into high and low transportation groups
Belief Pretesting (mdn = 72, range = 4 1 - 1 0 3 ) . Seven participants who scored at
the median were excluded (M high transportation = 80.97; M
We conducted a pretest (N = 49) to determine the extent to which low transportation = 63.17). In an analysis of variance
participants thought each belief was related to the story and how persuasive ( A N O V A ) with source and transportation as factors, there was
the story was regarding each statement. Participants read "Murder in the
a significant effect of transportation on the violence index, F(1,
Mall," and then rated each statement on two scales ranging from 1 (not at
all related~persuasive) to 7 (very related/persuasive). To determine the 84) = 3.85, p = .05, in the expected direction, with highly
score for the indexes, we averaged the ratings for the component items. For transported participants indicating that violence was more
both story-specific indexes, the mean ratings of relatedness and persua- likely (M high transportation = 11.35; M low transporta-
siveness were above the scale midpoint, indicating high levels of agree- tion = 10.26). The psychiatric patient index showed a margin-
ment (psychiatric patient, M related = 6.01, M persuasive = 5.45; vio- ally significant effect of transportation, F(1, 84) = 3.38, p =
lence, M related = 4.60, M persuasive = 4.19). As we expected, the .07. As predicted, highly transported participants reported be-
just-world items, which were less tightly linked to story content, received
liefs more consistent with those implied in the story, indicating
somewhat lower ratings (just world, M related = 2.89, M persua-
sive = 2.24; "crime doesn't pay," Mrelated = 2.67, Mpersuasive = 2.63). that psychiatric patient freedoms should be restricted (M high
If transportation affected even these distal beliefs, this would be strong transportation = 95.93, M low transportation = 87.45). Highly
evidence for far-reaching impact. transported participants also reported just-world beliefs that
were more story-consistent than low-transported participants,
but the difference was not reliable ( p > .10). M e a n s are
presented in the rows of Table 2 for Experiment 1 4
We dropped two participants who missed more than four items Transportation and evaluation of characters. In two-way
on the recall measure from all analyses because these individuals (transportation and source) A N O V A s , transportation had a sig-
may have read the story partially or carelessly. nificant effect on the evaluations of Katie Mason, with highly
transported participants reporting greater positivity toward Ka-
Source Effects tie, F(1, 83) = 10.52, p < .01; M high transportation = 47.96;
M low transportation = 43.04. The evaluations of Joan M a s o n
Effect of source on reported transportation. The source of the were directionally consistent, but did not achieve statistical
story did not affect reported transportation, F(1, 94) < 1, p > .80. significance. Means are given in the rows of Table 3 for
Participants were equivalently transported into the story whether it Experiment 1. No significant interactions emerged.
was labeled as fiction or as nonfiction.
Effect of source on beliefs and character evaluations. We
examined the effect of source on participants' beliefs. Interest-
ingly, responses on the belief indexes did not differ as a function
4 An uninterpretable interaction emerged between transportation and
of story source, all Fs(1, 94) < 2.5, all ps > .20. Readers re-
source on the just-world index; no other interactions attained statistical
sponded similarly to fact and fiction.
significance. We also examined the effects of transportation and source on
W e averaged the four semantic differential character evalu- source remembering (source manipulation check). These interactions were
ation items into indexes for analysis purposes ( C r o n b a c h ' s a = at best marginally significant and did not replicate across studies. There-
.66 for Joan; .78 for Katie). These indexes were not affected by fore, they are not discussed in this article. Details are available from the
source, Fs(1, 93) < 1, p s > .40 (one participant did not answer authors on request.

Table 2 ready have beliefs consistent with the conclusions of the story--
Belief Means (and Standard Deviations) as a Function for instance, that violence is likely and the world is unjust--were
of Transportation more likely to become transported into the story. To rule out this
alternative explanation, we conducted a study (N = 50) using a
High-low pretest-posttest design. Participants provided story-related beliefs
Transportation difference
in a mass testing session at the start of the quarter and participated
Item High Low p z in the study 5 to 9 weeks later. Regression analysis revealed that
initial beliefs were not a significant predictor of transportation.
Violence Furthermore, separate regression analyses showed strong, signifi-
Experiment 1 11.35 (2.42) 10.26 (2.66) .025 1.96
cant effects of transportation on belief change scores for the
Experiment 2 11.12 (3.20) 10.22 (2.93) .120 1.18
Experiment 3 11.56 (2.48) 10.78 (2.51) .003 2.75 psychiatric patient and just-world items (complete results available
Combined .001 3.40 in Green, 1996).
Psychiatric patient
Experiment 1 95.93 (22.42) 87.45(19.93) .030 1.88
Experiment 2 88.73 (20.00) 85.90 (20.66) .290 0.55 Discussion
Experiment 3 97.50 (22.10) 94.25(19.42) .099 1.29
Combined .016 2.15 The data provided initial evidence that transportation is associ-
Just world
ated with story-consistent beliefs. Highly transported participants
Experiment 1 55.89 (19.08) 50.74 (24.53) .140 1.08
Experiment 2 70.67 (22.06) 65.68 (18.65) .160 0.99 showed beliefs more consonant with story conclusions as well as
Experiment 3 66.32 (22.75) 59.57(23.54) .013 2.24 more positive evaluations of the story protagonists. B e c o m i n g
Combined .006 2.49 involved in a narrative world seemed to have measurable conse-
Crime doesn't pay quences. Although these correlational analyses cannot establish
Experiment 1 47.65 (13.49) 46.21(15.83) .330 0.44
Experiment 2 50.82 (11.99) 39.97 (15.03) .001 3.09 causality, a likely possibility is that individuals altered their real-
Experiment 3 43.99 (15.33) 38.44 (15.76) .004 2.65 world beliefs in response to experiences in a story world. Further-
Combined .001 3.57 more, readers reacted to the people inhabiting the story world, with
highly transported readers showing greater positivity toward
Note. Higher numbers indicate beliefs more consistent with the story. For characters.
this table, all ps were one-tailed, from one-way analysis-of-variance F
tests. Combined z score and associated p values were calculated following Experiment 1 also showed that fact versus fiction labeling did
Rosenthal (1995, p. 44). not affect transportation. Individuals were as transported into a
narrative world that was perceived as fictional as one that was
believed to be factual. Furthermore, individuals did not appear to
be differentially persuaded by factual versus fictional narratives.
Gender Where a belief difference emerged once between the two condi-
Although transportation was associated with gender in the scale tions, individuals who read a fictional story showed more story-
development sample, here gender was not related to transportation, consistent beliefs.
F(1, 93) = .42, p > .50. 5 The effects of transportation on beliefs were reliable for our
story-specific items, but not for "just world" and "crime doesn't
Ancillary Measures pay." Thus, one impetus for Experiment 2 was to see whether these
more distal issues could be reliably affected by degree of
Thought-listings. We discovered that traditional thought- transportation.
coding procedures (e.g., Brock, 1967; Petty, Ostrom, & Brock, An interesting problem raised by Experiment 1 was the inability
1981), which divide thoughts into favorable, unfavorable, and of traditional cognitive responses to map readers' processing. We
neutral categories, were not appropriate for the responses given to were unable to code these thoughts in the traditional manner. As
"Murder at the Mall." The thoughts listed in the current study noted earlier, readers tended to list more emotion-laden and global
tended to be global reactions or emotions rather than belief-related thoughts, rather than favorable or unfavorable reactions to specific
comments. For example, a participant in a traditional experiment story-related beliefs. It appeared that a different approach would be
(Petty & Cacioppo, 1986) might read an essay supporting senior needed to accurately capture cognitive responding to stories. A
comprehensive exams and write thoughts such as "Senior exams
are a bad idea" or "If the exams will get me into grad school, I ' m
all for them." These thoughts can readily be categorized as favor- 5 In several studies, there were also occasional gender main effects on
able or unfavorable. In contrast, readers of "Murder at the Mall" belief or character evaluation items. These differences were not theoreti-
wrote thoughts such as "Horrifying," and "The sister will be cally interesting and did not typically replicate across studies; therefore,
they are not discussed herein. Interested parties may contact Melanie C.
emotionally scarred for life." Although participants were clearly
Green for details.
thinking about and reacting to the story, it was impossible to code The only interaction between transportation and gender in Experiment 1
these thoughts as favorable or unfavorable toward the focal belief was on the ratings of Katie, F(1, 85) = 5.91, p < .05. Inspection of means
items. suggested that men evaluated Katie similarly regardless of transportation
level, whereas women evaluated Katie more positively when highly trans-
Summary of Ancillary Study ported (M high-transportation women = 52.01, M low-transportation
women = 43.51; M high-transportation men = 44.60, M low-
Perhaps the causal link that we have proposed between trans- transportation men = 42.64). This interaction was not predicted, and its
portation and beliefs was reversed; perhaps individuals who al- interpretation was unclear.

Table 3 differences in content and style, we selected two potentially im-

Evaluation of Characters as a Function of Transportation portant real-world variables. First, we again varied the truth status
of the narrative--fact versus fiction--as in Experiment 1. W e also
High-low manipulated the instructions given to participants about how to
Transportation difference
approach the task of reading; some were encouraged to focus on
Character High Low p z surface aspects of the story, whereas others were urged to become
immersed in it.
Katie Mason For Experiment 2, we also created a new measure to assess
Experiment 1 47.96 (7.28) 43.04 (6.75) .001 3.09
Experiment 2 47.95 (8.35) 40.43 (9.02) .001 3.09 questioning or doubtful reactions to a story. Experiment 1 revealed
Experiment 3 49.45 (7.30) 43.35 (7.54) .001 3.09 that the traditional thought-listing coding categories (e.g., Petty et
Combined .001 5.35 al., 1981) were insensitive to actual responding to stories. To shed
Joan Masona light on the processes underlying transportation effects, we in-
Experiment 1 40.68 (29.99) 38.39 (20.53) .080 1.40
structed participants to go back over the story after they had
Experiment 2 41.38 (8.02) 31.95 (10.97) .001 3.09
Experiment 3 41.01 (11.68) 36.98 (10.33) .001 3.09 finished filling out the dependent measures and circle any "false
Combined .001 4.37 notes," or parts of the story that did not ring true to them. We
called this task "Pinocchio circling," after the puppet whose nose
Note. Standard deviations are presented in parentheses after means. High grew when he told a lie; just as Pinocchio's nose signaled false-
scores indicated more positive evaluations. For this table, all ps were
one-tailed, from one-way analysis-of-variance F tests. Combined z score hood, so might certain elements of the story. False noting to
and associated p values were calculated following Rosenthal (1995, p. 44). narrative communication is roughly analogous to counterarguing
a For Experiment 3, protagonist gender was matched to participant gender; (Brock, 1967) to rhetorical communication in that they are pro-
this table shows combined results for Joan and John. cesses that might undermine the impact of the text.
We hypothesized that participants who were more transported
primary goal of Experiment 2 was t o evaluate a new measure of into the story would be less likely to find false notes in the story;
story processing. they would be less critical of the story. If highly transported
Having demonstrated that measured transportation was related participants showed less false noting, this finding would support
to beliefs and character evaluations, we next attempted to create our theoretical distinction between transportation and cognitive
conditions wherein external instructions might augment or under- elaboration (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986).
mine the transporting power of the text. Finally, because need for cognition is often used as an individual
difference variable in the persuasion literature (Cacioppo, Petty,
Feinstein, & Jarvis, 1996), we wanted to examine the relationship
Experiment 2
between need for cognition and story-related beliefs. Individuals
Our purpose of Experiment 2 was to subject hegemony-of-text high in need for cognition are motivated to think, whereas those
to empirical challenges by manipulating story frame and readers' low in need for cognition tend not to think unless external forces
instructions. Our measurement of transportation scores for under- motivate them to do so. High need-for-cognition people will typ-
graduates reading stories of varying length and quality (see Table ically be more persuaded by strong arguments and less persuaded
4) revealed that stories judged of high quality by external stan- by weak arguments, whereas those low in need for cognition will
dards, such as inclusion in the literary canon or bestseller status, not distinguish between arguments of differing quality. However,
elicited higher transportation than less-acclaimed tales. Quality of there were no arguments per se presented in the story. Because of
text affected transportation. However, to move beyond textual these differences from rhetorical persuasive messages, we ex-

Table 4
Mean Transportation Scores for Stories of Varying Quality

Story Status Transportation

"Murder at the Mall" (Nuland, 1994; 9 pages): A young girl is brutally Best-selling nonfiction (excerpt) 72.44 (N = 95; Expt. 1)
murdered in a shopping mall by a psychiatric patient. 69.58 (N = 69; Expt. 2)
74.87 (N = 269; Expt. 3)
"The Sniper" (O'Flaherty, 1923; 10 pages): A sniper kills his enemy, Anthologized classic fiction 73.52 (N = 44)
who turns out to be his brother.
"The Kidnapping" (Gerrig & Prentice, 1991; 20 pages): A college Experimental materials 60.20 (N = 137)
student is kidnapped as a birthday prank.
"The Raven" (Twohy, 1985; 20 pages): A clever detective uncovers a Popular mystery magazine 59.03 (N = 64)
murder and finds the killer.
"The Fisherman" (Maxwell, 1991; 8 pages): An outcast fisherman Anthologized short story 60.75 (N = 149)
saves others from a storm through his singing.
"Two Were Left" (Cave, in Berger, 1956; 3 pages): Stranded and Published short story and text used in research 61.27 (N = 166)
starving Eskimo boy and dog resist evil impulses and are then on reading behavior (Cave, in Berger, 1956; 58.97 (N = 87)a
rescued from an ice floe by airplane. Sadoski, Goetz, & Kangiser, 1983) 63.81 (N = 79)b

Note. All samples consisted of Ohio State University undergraduates. For "The Sniper," only Items 1-9 (range = 9-63) of the Transportation Scale were
used; each item was weighted by the proportionate contribution of idiosyncratic items as estimated from "Murder at the Mall" data. Expt. = Experiment.
a Reduced transportation condition, b Baseline transportation condition.

pected that need for cognition might not be related to beliefs in a Instructions: "Study 2." The story cover page was titled "Project II."
narrative context. Instructions were varied to encourage, discourage, or neither encourage or
A n additional aim o f the current study was to test w h e t h e r the discourage transportation.
Absorption Scale (Tellegen, 1982) could predict narrative-based
Theater condition instructions encouraged people to become more trans-
ported into the story. Participants were told the following:
belief change. Perhaps the more general tendency to b e c o m e
absorbed in experiences was a strong enough predictor to preclude Today, you will be reading a narrative that will be used to help actors
a separate transportation scale. and actresses become involved in a role . . . . While reading this nar-
rative, use your imagination. Think about the setting, about how the
characters are feeling, and how you might feel in the situation.
Design Immerse yourself in the action of the story. You are now Joan Mason!

The study was a 2 (source: fiction, nonfiction) × 3 (instructions: Narrative condition participants were expected to show baseline levels
theater, narrative, fourth grade) factorial design. Students read of transportation. These participants were told the following:
" M u r d e r at the Mall," as in Experiment 1.
W e used three written instruction sets, referred to as theater, In this study, we are testing several stories for possible use in future
experiments. You will be reading one of these stories . . . . Your re-
narrative, and fourth-grade instructions. Theater instructions were
sponses will help us evaluate the story for use in future studies on
intended to foster higher transportation by encouraging partici-
memory and information processing . . . . While reading this narrative,
pants to i m m e r s e themselves in the text as an actor playing a role use your attention. Think about what is happening. You are now ready
might do. Narrative instructions, telling participants to simply pay to begin.
attention, served as the baseline transportation condition. The
fourth-grade instructions were intended to undermine transporta- Fourth-grade instructions, designed to reduce transportation, informed
tion. Fourth-grade directions asked readers to focus on identifying participants of the following:
w o r d s that w o u l d not be understandable to a person reading at the
Many adults in adult literacy programs are able to reach fourth-grade
fourth-grade level. This task should not have been a distraction
level reading. Interesting stories at the fourth-grade level are therefore
from the content o f the narrative, yet it might plausibly reduce
needed for these adults.
To manipulate fact versus fiction framing, we told s o m e partic- For the fourth-grade reader, it is important to avoid long words (too
many syllables), avoid complex sentences (too many clauses), and
ipants that "Murder" was a nonfiction n e w s p a p e r account; others
avoid difficult expressions (familiar words in hard-to-understand
were told it was a short story from a fiction magazine.
combinations). Today, we are asking you to read a narrative a n d . . .
evaluate it for use by adults who read at the fourth-grade
level . . . . While reading this narrative, concentrate on the writing
style and difficulty level.

Participants Reminder page. To strengthen the impact of the instructions, after the
first page of the story we included a page that said, "Reminder! Your job
In partial fulfillment of course requirements, 69 undergraduates partic- while reading this narrative is t o . . . " and then repeated the main point of
ipated. Sessions were run in a classroom setting in groups of 10 to 25 the instructions (e.g., "look for words and phrases that are too difficult for
participants. a fourth-grade reader").
Experimental narrative: "Murder at the Mall." The experimental nar-
rative was the previously described story (Experiment 1).
Source manipulations. Participants were assigned to fiction or nonfic-
tion conditions, as described in Experiment 1. We slightly altered the
Participants were told that they wouM be participating in two studies during
instantiation of fact-fiction labeling. We retained the wording of the
the session. The 'Ttrst study" consisted of reading two brief narratives and
manipulations, but instead of changing the formatting of the text, we
circling words that were too difficult for a fourth-grade reader. Two experi-
reprinted the source information in bold at the top of each page. The
menters were present, and when participants had finished the first task, one of
appearance of the text was identical in the two conditions and looked like
the experimenters collected the materials and left the room.
a typewritten manuscript.
Fourth-grade practice circling: "Study 1." Pilot test participants had
expressed some doubts in their ability to identify difficult words or phrases.
Thus, the first task was designed to be simple enough to give fourth-grade Measures
condition participants confidence in their ability to follow the later instruc-
tions, while not affecting responses in the other conditions. The practice Participants completed the following measures in the order listed: story-
task, called the first study, presented two stories (one fictional, one based specific belief items, manipulation checks for instructions and story source
on actual current events) in counterbalanced order. These brief narratives (with order of belief measures and manipulation checks counterbalanced
included several difficult or obscure words. An answer page followed each between participants), the Transportation Scale (Table 1), thought-listings,
story; the narrative was presented again, with difficult words circled. evaluations of characters, just-world items, a recall test, Need for Cognition
Participants were instructed to circle words or phrases that a fourth- (Cacioppo, Petty, & Kao, 1984), the Tellegen (1982) Absorption Scale, and
grade reader would not understand--for example, "detritus" and "eradica- the Pinocchio task, described later. Except where described below, all
tion." After finishing, participants checked their answers. All were able to measures were identical to Experiment 1.
identify the difficult words. Instruction manipulation checks. The manipulation checks used a 0-60
Because of the explicit separation between the warm-up task and the scale to assess participants' attention to instructions. Questions asked about the
main study, including different experimenters and new sets of instructions, participants' attempts to become immersed in the story, their attempts to
we did not expect the effects of the fourth-grade task to carry over to the evaluate the story for use in future experiments, and their efforts to identify
primary experiment. words and phrases not understandable to a fourth-grade level reader.

Fact--fiction manipulation check. Rather than asldng participants fourth grade = 1.58); furthermore, there was no effect of source,
whether the narrative was fiction or nonfiction, as in Experiment 1, we asked transportation, or their interactions on recall.
participants whether the story was "true (these events actually occurred)" or
Effect of source and instructions on reported transportation.
"not true (the events did not actually occur)." We felt that this wording would
I n an A N O V A on reported transportation using source (fact vs.
eliminate any potential confusion between the terms fiction and nonfiction.
Need for cognition. Participants completed the 18-item Need for Cog- fiction) and instruction as factors, neither main effects nor the
nition Scale (Cacioppo et al., 1984), which assesses individuals' enjoyment interaction attained statistical significance. Even though the ma-
of thinking. nipulations were effective, the instructional conditions only mar-
Potocchio instructions. The final page provided instructions for cir- ginally affected reported transportation, F(2, 67) = 2.93, p < .10
cling "Pinocchios," or false notes in the story. False notes were described (M theater = 73.85, M narrative = 70.72, M fourth
as something in the story that contradicts a fact or does not make sense. The
grade = 65.00). No participants reported difficulty following
instructions explained that sometimes authors leave clues when they are
theater and narrative instructions. In contrast, a number of fourth-
being untruthful, just as Pinocchio's nose grew after he told a lie.
We provided an example paragraph with phrases circled for participants. grade condition participants spontaneously commented that they
Additionally, they were given a sample paragraph to do circling them- had tried to look for difficult words and phrases but had gotten
selves. The last sentence on the page instructed participants to go back to caught up in the story and had been unable to do so. It appeared
"Murder at the Mall" and circle the Pinocchios (false notes). Participants that the power of the narrative text, for some readers, overwhelmed
were told they could circle as few or as many Pinocchios as they wanted. task intentions.
As expected, and consistent with Experiment 1, there was no
Results significant effect of source on reported transportation, F(1,
No participants were dropped because of insufficient story 67) = 0.10, p > .50.
recall. Effect of source and instructions on beliefs and character eval-
uations. We conducted ANOVAs on the belief indexes using
Instructions and Source Effects source and instruction set as factors. Fiction-nonfiction labeling
did not affect beliefs on any of the dependent variable indexes,
Manipulation checks for instructions. The mean responses to Fs(1, 62) < 3.5, all p s > .06. Instruction set also did not signif-
the manipulation check items for each condition are shown in icantly affect beliefs, Fs < 2, p s > .20, nor were there any
Table 5, where higher numbers indicate more agreement with the significant interactions between these two factors, Fs < 2,
statement. Five items reliably differentiated between the instruc- ps > .10.
tion groups, Fs(2, 67) > 3.5, p s < .05, indicating that, in general,
As in Experiment 1, we averaged the four semantic differential
our manipulations were successful. Theater participants tried to
items to create an overall evaluation index for both Katie, the
immerse themselves in the action and "become" Joan Mason;
murder victim, and her sister, Joan (Cronbach's cxs = .82 for Joan
fourth-grade participants looked for difficult words. These checks
and .85 for Katie). A N O V A revealed no effect of source or
also indicated that there was no carryover effect from the fourth-
instructions on character evaluations, nor were there interaction
grade practice task. Participants in the theater and narrative groups
stated that they were not looking for words or phrases that would effects (Fs < 2.0, p s > .10).
be difficult for a fourth-grade level reader. Source manipulation checks. As in Experiment 1, a number of
Effect of instruction set on recall. To rule out the possibility participants could not correctly recall whether the story they read
that the fourth-grade instructions interfered with comprehension of was true (nonfiction) or not true (fiction). In the nonfiction con-
the story, we examined the relationship between instructions and dition, 11 participants failed this manipulation check; in the fiction
recall of story facts. A three-way A N O V A including transporta- condition, 14 people failed to correctly identify the truth status of
tion, source, and instructions revealed no significant difference the story. To examine the effects of fiction-nonfiction on beliefs,
between instruction conditions in misses on the recall test, F(2, we considered only people who correctly identified the story
53) = .56, p > .50 (M theater = 1.05, M narrative = 1.77, M source.

Table 5
Means (and Standard Deviations) for Instruction Manipulation Checks (Experiment 2)


Theater Narrative Fourth grade

Item (N = 20) (N = 22) (N = 26)

1. Become J. Mason 50.30a (12.66) 36.09 b (16.44) 21.50c (19.51)

2. Immersed in action 50.55, (13.70) 48.13a (7.50) 27.38 b (20.11)
3. Good for memory studies 13.00a (15.84) 23.95a (19.31) 17.57a (17.03)
4. Evaluate for future 15.60a (17.04) 30.63b (20.53) 19.46,. b (18.74)
5. Looking for fourth-grade words 9.10 a (12.55) 13.52a ( 11.38) 48.80b (13.50)
6. Pay attention to help experimenters 37.65, (19.83) 51.72b (8.97) 32.50a (19.92)

Note. One participant was omitted from these analyses as a result of missing data. Scores ranged from 0 to 60,
with higher scores indicating more agreement with the statement. Means in the same row that do not share
subscripts differed at p < .05 in the Tukey honestly significant difference comparison.

There was no significant effect of source on the just-world or tion = 17.22). Highly transported participants appeared more
violence indexes (Fs < 1.7; ps > .20). However, for this sub- accepting of the story. This finding was also consistent with the
sample, the psychiatric patient and "crime doesn't pay," indexes idea that transported individuals are less likely to doubt, to ques-
revealed source effects. For the psychiatric patient index, M non- tion, or to engage in disbelieving processing. Transportation in-
fiction = 95.71, M fiction = 84.5; F(1, 41) = 4.40, p < .05. For creased perception of authenticity. 6
"crime doesn't pay," M nonfiction = 51.21, M fiction = 38.74,
F(1, 41) = 8.37, p < .01. In both cases, nonfiction readers showed
more story-consistent beliefs.
Source did not affect evaluations of Katie, F(1, 41) = .05, p > Women were more transported than men, F(1, 68) = 11.47, p <
.50; however, there was a marginal effect on evaluations of Joan, .01 (M men = 66.22, M women = 75.87). However, there were no
F(1, 41) = 3.19, p < .10. Nonfiction readers tended to be more interaction effects involving gender and levels of transportation.
positive toward Joan. Furthermore, even when source was cor-
rectly identified, there was no reliable difference in reported trans-
portation between fact and fiction readers. Ancillary Measures
Thought-listings. As in Experiment 1, we found the results of
Transportation Effects the thought-listing procedure to be impervious to traditional ~ e t t y
& Cacioppo, 1986) coding. Thought-listings were therefore not
Transportation and beliefs. We again used a median split on further examined.
transportation (range = 38-94; mdn = 69), excluding three par- Need for cognition, beliefs, and character evaluations. As
ticipants who scored at the median (M high transportation = 79.70, expected, A N O V A including need for cognition with source and
M low transportation = 58:87). An A N O V A including transpor- instructions revealed no relationship between need for cognition
tation with the other factors revealed a main effect on "crime and beliefs. Those high in need for cognition (as measured by a
doesn't pay," F(1, 53) = 8.16; p < .01, such that highly trans- median split; mdn = 58; M low need for cognition = 46.88, M
ported people were more likely to agree (M high transporta- high need for cognition = 66.92) did not show differences from
tion = 50.82, M low transportation = 39.97). The violence index those low in need for cognition on beliefs, Fs(1, 56) < 1, all ps >
neared significance, F(1, 53) = 3.68, p < .06 (M high transpor- .30. Similarly, need for cognition was not associated with character
tation = 11.12, M low transportation = 10.22). Other belief evaluations (Fs < 2.5, ps > . 10). In contrast to transportation, need
measures were in the expected direction, with highly transported for cognition did not seem to be a reliable moderator of the impact
readers reporting more story-consistent beliefs; the pattern of re- of a story on beliefs or character ratings.
suits was identical to Experiment 1. However, no other compari- Needfor cognition and Pinocchio circling. Individuals high in
sons or interactions attained statistical significance. See Experi- need for cognition did not show increased doubting or disbelieving
ment 2 rows of Table 2. relative to those low in need for cognition. An ANOVA including
Transportation and evaluation of characters. Transportation need for cognition, source, and instructions revealed that Pinoc-
was a significant predictor of positive evaluation--for Joan, F(1, chios were not related to need for cognition, F(1, 56) = 0.70, p >
53) = 15.85, p < .01; for Katie, F(1, 53) = 7.71,p < .01. Highly .40 for lines; F(1, 56) = 0.57, p > .50 for circles.
transported participants rated both characters more positively (for Absorption, beliefs, and character evaluations. We examined
Joan, M high transportation = 41.38, M low transporta- the effect of absorption on beliefs and character evaluations, using
tion = 31.95; for Katie, M high transportation = 47.95, M low a median split (mdn = 20; M high absorption = 24.34, M low
transportation = 40.43), as shown in Table 3 rows for Experi- absorption = 12.91). Three participants scored at the median and
ment 2. No significant interactions between transportation and the were excluded from analyses. ANOVA revealed no significant
other factors emerged. effect of absorption on either beliefs, all Fs(t, 65) < 1.05, all ps >
Transportation and Pinocchio circling. Our measure of story .30, or character evaluations, Fs(l, 65) < 2.70, ps > .10.
acceptance asked readers to identify parts of the text that rang
false. Pinocchios were scored two ways--the number of circles
made and the number of lines of text on which circles appeared. A Discussion
circle was considered a single unit, but might correspond to a
The results of Experiment 2 showed that framing and instruc-
single word or several sentences. Circles were intended to account
tions appear to have negligible effects on felt transportation. Fo-
for the number of ideas people saw as "false notes," whereas lines
cusing on "surface" elements of the story, such as grammar or
provided a measure of the actual amount of text participants
word choice, appeared to slightly, but not reliably, lower transpor-
rejected. Three participants who did not complete the sample
tation, while at the same time allowing participants to remain
circling task were dropped from the analysis; data were missing for
aware of story content.
one participant.
In the current study, one of the distantly related items, "crime
The number of circles recorded ranged from 0 to 48, and lines
doesn't pay," was reliably related to transportation. However, the
of text circled ranged from 0 to 80. A N O V A using reported
low N did not allow a strong test of the degree to which transpor-
transportation, source, and instruction sets as factors revealed only
a main effect of transportation on both lines and circles, with
highly transported participants drawing fewer circles, F(1, 6 It is possible that the negative cognitive responding captured by the
53) = 4.75, p < .05 (M high transportation = 4.13; M low Pinocchio measure was a mediator of the influence of transportation on
transportation = 10.52) and circling fewer lines, F(1, 53) = 4.92, beliefs. However, the low sample size combined with some unreliable
p < .05 (M high transportation = 6.71; M low transporta- effects of transportation on beliefs did not allow us to test mediation.

tation might affect both highly related and more distantly related Source manipulations. Participants were assigned to either the nonfic-
items. tion, fiction, or dream source conditions. These conditions form a putative
As in Experiment 1, story thought-listing responses did not continuum from most to least basis in reality, such that the dream source
convey evaluations of implied beliefs; rather, they tended to be was intended to be even less "real" than the fiction source. As in Experi-
more global reactions to the narrative as a whole. Thus, we devised ment 2, source information was provided on the first page of the narrative
and repeated on every page. The fiction and nonfiction manipulations were
a novel measure for assessing responses to a narrative that allowed
identical to those in Experiment 2. Dream condition participants were told
participants to indicate rejection of as much or as little of the text that "The events in Murder at the Mall comprise a physician's dream, as
as they desired. Persons high in transportation identified fewer reported and published in the Akron Dream Proceedings, an Ohio confer-
"false notes" in the story than persons low in transportation. The ence on Dreams and the Interpretation of Dreams, in December 1993."
Pinocchio findings illuminated one possible means by which trans-
portation may influence belief change--specifically, by reducing
discounting processes. Results
The Pinocchio technique also provided further support for the
Results did not include five participants who missed more than
distinction between transportation and cognitive elaboration. four recall test items.
Highly transported individuals indicated that they found fewer
false notes in the story compared with their less transported coun-
terparts. No such differences emerged between individuals high Instructions and Source Effects
versus low in need for cognition. These findings lent further
Manipulation checks for instructions. An A N O V A with in-
support to the distinction made here between transportation and
structions as a predictor revealed that three of the four checks on
elaboration. 7
acceptance of the instructions showed significant differences be-
Finally, level of absorption could not account for story-
tween theater and narrative conditions (see Table 6). As before,
consistent beliefs. Thus, the Transportation Scale provided an
participants appeared to be attentive to the instructions.
advance in predictive power for narrative persuasion.
Effect of instruction set on recall We did not expect instruc-
tion to affect story recall. As predicted, theater participants did not
Experiment 3 differ from narrative participants in their recall of story facts, F(1,
243) = 1.17, p > .20; similarly, source, transportation, and their
Transportation was related to beliefs in Experiment 2 in the interactions did not affect recall. Even when participants who
predicted directions and thus replicated the results of Experi- missed more than four items on the recall test were included,
ment 1. However, the only reliable difference was for "crime instruction set did not affect recall, F ( 1 , 2 7 3 ) = 1.19, p > .15.
doesn't pay" (see Table 2). To correct for the relatively small cell Effect of source and instructions on reported transportation.
sizes of Experiment 2, we conducted a third study with increased We conducted a 2 (source) × 2 (instructions) A N O V A on trans-
power. An additional aim of Experiment 3 was to further challenge portation. Source (nonfiction, fiction, or dream) did not affect
the text hegemony hypothesis. We therefore repeated the theater reported transportation, F(2, 268) = 0.77, p > .20. Comparable
and narrative instructions. We dropped the fourth-grade condition transportation occurred in response to fiction, nonfiction, and
because of the added time burden created by the practice task; dream-framed stories. Once again, it appeared that transportation
similarly, we were unable to include the Pinocchio task in was resistant to external manipulation; the instruction effect was
Experiment 3. nonsignificant, F ( 1 , 2 6 8 ) = 0.04, p > .50. There was no signifi-
We retained our fiction-nonfiction manipulations but added a cant interaction between source and instruction set, F < 1, p > .50.
third source condition--some participants were told the story came Effects of source and instructions on beliefs and character
from a dream. In the real world, fiction does not always come evaluations. A series of 2 (source) × 2 (instructions) ANOVAs
clearly labeled as fiction. We wanted to test an additional way of revealed no main effects of either source or instruction set on the
describing a narrative as imagined or made-up. Would extending dependent variable indexes. Because instructions did not affect
the boundaries of fiction affect readers' reactions to source label- transportation, it was not surprising that they also failed to affect
ing? Dreams appear to be even further away from real-world the belief measures, all Fs < 2, all ps > .15. The lack of
events, and thus the dream condition allowed us to explore a
different instantiation of fictionality.
7 Our Pinocchio measure captures only negative cognitive responses,
whereas elaboration might lead to either positive or negative thoughts.
Method Thus, our comparison between transportation and elaboration assumes that
for this story, elaboration should lead to more story-consistent thoughts and
Participants fewer negative thoughts. One might predict, then, that need for cognition,
the natural tendency to elaborate, would be negatively related to the
Undergraduates (N = 274) participated !n partial fulfillment of course
circling of false notes in the story. (This prediction also assumes that the
requirements. Sessions were run in groups of 10-30 in a classroom setting. story-reading context itself evokes low or moderate elaboration likelihood;
high elaboration conditions could overwhelm need for cognition effects.)
Procedure, Materials, and Measures For further investigation of these issues, the technique could be adapted for
positive cognitive responses; participants might circle "true notes," or
Except where otherwise noted, materials and measures were identical to especially compelling parts of the narrative.
Experiment 2. The fourth-grade circling task and reminder sheet were s In this study, the gender of the sibling was matched to the gender of the
omitted for this experiment, as were the thought-listing and Pinocchio participant, such that male participants read about a brother, "John," and
tasks. All participants read "Murder at the Mall. ''8 female participants about a sister, "Joan."

Table 6
Means (and Standard Deviations)for Instruction Manipulation Checks (Experiment 3)


Theater Narrative
Item (N = 133) (N = 136)

1. Become J. Mason 46.75, (13.11) 32.82b (16.47)

2. Become immersed in action 48.77 a (10.46) 44.63 b (12.29)
3. Decide if good narrative for memory studies 18.48a (16.97) 21.83~ (18.01)
4. Evaluate for future experiments 16.58a (15.19) 26.52b (19.03)

Note. Means in the same row that do not share subscripts differed at p < .05 in analysis-of-variance F tests.

source-related findings suggested that material presented as fiction tation = 41.01, M low transportation = 36.98), and for Katie, F(1,
(short story or dream) was about as persuasive as a nonfiction 228) = 40.98, p < .01 (M high transportation = 49.45, M low
newspaper article (all Fs < 3, all ps > .05). transportation = 43.35). Transportation was linked to caring for
We again created indexes for character evaluation semantic story protagonists. 9 Transportation did not interact with source or
differentials (Cronbach's as = .84 for Joan/John and .81 for instructions in influencing character evaluations.
Katie). There were no significant effects of source, instructions, or
their interaction on either index, all Fs < 1.5, all ps > 20. Gender
Source manipulation checks. Not all participants remembered
whether the story they read was fiction or nonfiction. Twenty-two Women were more transported than men, F(1,268) = 4.85, p <
nonfiction condition participants, 29 fiction participants, and 40 .05 (M men --- 73.69, M women = 76.42), but transportation and
dream participants incorrectly identified the truth status of the gender did not interact in affecting dependent variables.
narrative. When only those who correctly identified the truth status
of the narrative were considered, source differences approached Ancillary Measures
significance only on the psychiatric patient index. Nonfiction
readers were more likely than fiction readers to endorse restric- Need for cognition, beliefs, and character evaluations. As in
tions on psychiatric patients, F(2, 165) = 3.01, p < .06; M Experiment 2, we expected that need for cognition would not be
nonfiction = 98.28, M fiction = 88.67, M dream = 95.21. There related to beliefs. This expectation was confLrmed; one-way
were no effects on character evaluations, Fs < 1, ps > .50. Even ANOVAs with need for cognition as an independent variable
when source was correctly identified, readers of nonfiction, fiction, indicated that individuals high in need for cognition (by a median
and dream did not report different transportation, F(2, 177) < 1, split; mdn = 61) did not significantly differ from individuals low
p > .50. in need for cognition in their beliefs (all ps > .05). Similarly, need
for cognition did not significantly affect character evaluations
(Fs < 2.8, ps > . 10). As in Experiment 2, need for cognition did
Transportation Effects
not appear to be reliably associated with beliefs or character
Transportation and beliefs. We again used a median split on evaluations.
transportation (range = 46-99; mdn = 76), excluding 14 partic-
ipants who scored at the median (M high transportation = 83.45; Discussion
M low transportation = 66.75) as well as participants with missing
data. In an A N O V A including the other factors (source and in- The Experiment 3 results were consistent with the hypothesis
structions), highly transported participants were significantly more that transportation would influence the effect of narratives on
likely to respond in a direction consistent with the story, such as beliefs about violence, psychiatric patients' freedom (albeit unre-
saying that violence was more likely, F(1,243) = 6.14, p < .01 (M liably), whether the world is just, and whether crime pays. Al-
high transportation = 11.56, M low transportation = 10.78) and though the direction of causality cannot be established by corre-
that the world was less just, F(1,228) = 5.32, p < .05 (M high lational results, both closely related items and more distant beliefs
transportation = 66.32, M low transportation = 59.57). Highly were related to extent of transportation. Transportation was also
transported participants were more likely to agree that crime does correlated with the evaluation of characters: Individuals who were
not pay, F(1,228) = 6.25, p < .01 (M high transportation = 43.99, highly transported into "Murder at the Mall" showed more positive
M low transportation = 38.44). The psychiatric index difference
was unreliable but directionaUy consistent with Experiments 1 and
2; see the Experiment 3 rows in Table 2. In sum, transportation led 9 Liking for story characters may be a mediator between transportation
and beliefs. Following Baron and Kenny (1986), we tested for mediation
to story-consistent beliefs on both specific and general items
using evaluations of both Joan (John) and Katie. The only belief measure
implied by the narrative. No significant interactions emerged be-
that showed evidence of mediation--reducing the relationship between
tween transportation and the other factors. transportation and beliefs to nonsignificance--was "crime doesn't pay."
Transportation and evaluation of characters. Transportation None of the other belief indexes suggested mediation, so the degree to
was significantly related to positive evaluation of both John/Joan which character evaluations mediate transportation effects remains an open
and Katie; for Joan, F(I, 227) = 7.66, p < .01 (M high transpor- question.

evaluations of both Katie, the murder victim, and Joan (John), her rescued by an airplane pilot, whose attention is attracted by the sun
older sibling. Neither framing the story (as fiction or as dream) nor glinting on the knife the boy had thrown away. This story implies
motivating instructions (theater performance) systematically mod- beliefs about the value of loyalty and friendship; these beliefs
erated the effect of transportation on beliefs. Once again, fiction comprised our dependent measure.
was as effective as fact in influencing most story-related beliefs An additional goal of the current study was to provide empirical
(although again, a number of participants had difficulty recalling support for the distinction between involvement and transporta-
source information, despite its repeated presentation). As a caveat, tion. Although in lay terminology, transportation and involvement
the story used here was based on a true story, and thus may have may be synonymous, transportation is distinct from involvement as
had realistic tones that caused it to have a high impact on the it has been used in the persuasion literature. Involvement has been
reader. Of course, naturally encountered narrative fiction often conceptualized differently by different researchers (see Eagly &
exploits realistic and graphic description. Chaiken, 1993, pp. 288-289 for a discussion). It is frequently used
to refer to outcome-relevant or issue involvement, also called
personal relevance--the extent to which the communication is
Experiments 1-3 Combined
likely to personally affect the recipient. In contrast, transportation
Strong evidence for these primary findings resulted from an can create engagement with characters and events that may have
omnibus analysis--statistical combination of results from the three no impact on a reader's life: A reader swept away by Shake-
experiments. We used Rosenthal's (1995) Z-score method to test speare's Hamlet does not need to believe that the outcome of the
the significance of our results across studies as shown in the play will affect current political events. Similarly, the term value-
right-hand panels of Tables 2 and 3. The combined results across relevant involvement (or ego-involvement) has been used to de-
Experiments 1-3 supported the theorized relationship of transpor- note situations where self-defining values are made salient in the
tation to narrative-related beliefs and to evaluation of the narra- communication. Although it is possible that readers may become
tive's protagonists. All of the combined belief indexes showed more transported into stories that tap into important values, we
significant differences (p < .01), in the predicted directions, propose that transportation can occur and can affect beliefs even
between high- and low-transported participants. 1° when a story is not immediately relevant to a reader's cherished
Experiment 4
The previous three studies presented a convincing case that
transportation is associated with more story-consistent beliefs and Participants
is related to more positive character evaluations; an independent
manipulation of transportation was still needed to establish cau- Undergraduates (N = 258) participated in partial fulfillment of course
requirements. Sessions were run in groups of 10-20 in a classroom setting.
sality. A primary goal of our final study was to create stronger
external manipulations of transportation.
Further, although we repeatedly demonstrated that fact versus Procedure, Materials, and Measures
fiction did not affect story-consistent beliefs, we did not include
Procedures were identical to Experiment 2, except that only one exper-
concurrent no-message or irrelevant-story control conditions, imenter administered all materials. Participants also completed the fourth-
which would have allowed us to assess the power of the story to grade practice circling task, followed by a one-page filler essay on the
change beliefs from baseline. Experiment 4 included two types of benefits of literacy. For the target story, we used the same narrative
control conditions to address this issue. Another concern in our instructions and slightly altered the fourth-grade instructions described in
first three studies was the large number of individuals who could Experiment 2. Because of its failure to produce any differences in our
not recall the fact-fiction manipulation. Although these findings previous studies, we omitted the theater manipulation. Slight modifications
provided suggestive evidence that fiction is as persuasive as fact, were also made to the source manipulations. In addition to the measures
a troubling alternative explanation is that our null-effect replica- described later, we also included the Transportation Scale (with imagery
items keyed to appropriate characters) and manipulation checks for source
tions were simply the result of a failed manipulation. To provide
and instructions. We included two control groups: a no-story control and an
more compelling support for our fact-fiction findings, we strength-
irrelevant-story control.
ened the fact-fiction manipulation by requiring participants to Instruction set modifications. We slightly modified the fourth-grade
indicate their understanding of the story source before reading the instructions to include an example sentence with difficult words identified.
Perhaps our findings were limited to the type of narrative that
was used. For the present experimental story we chose "Two Were lo We also conducted regression analyses on the combined data from
Left" (H. B. Cave, in Berger, 1956). The fable-like story is Experiments I-3, using transportation as a continuous variable predicting
moderately transporting (Table 4), and, like "Murder," it builds to beliefs and evaluations, and obtained the same strong pattern of results. For
an involving outcome (see Sadoski, Ooetz, & Kangiser, 1983). all belief measures and character evaluations, Bs > .09, ps < .05.
We conducted regression analyses within each study using transporta-
However, unlike "Murder," evil impulses in "Two Were Left" are
tion as a continuous predictor variable. In general, the same pattern of
always surmounted and the outcome is thoroughly positive. In the
results emerged as with ANOVA. For the belief measures, some effects
tale, an Eskimo boy and his dog are stranded on an iceberg without were slightly stronger with regression than with ANOVA, whereas others
food or supplies. The boy, fearing starvation, makes a crude knife were slightly weaker. The strength of results did not differ for character
from a splint on his leg. He considers killing his dog for food, but evaluations depending on the analysis method. For clarity, we have chosen
he is unable to bring himself to kill his friend. Similarly, the dog, to present ANOVA results here; regression results are available from the
though hungry, does not attack the boy, and in the end, they are authors on request.

We also added a sentence noting that college students are good at identi- beliefs more consistent with "Two Were Left"). Clearly, the ex-
fying difficult grammar and vocabulary. For both narrative and fourth- perimental story changed beliefs from baseline.
grade conditions, at the bottom of the page, the main point of the directions Contrasts within a one-way A N O V A comparing the narrative,
was repeated (e.g., "My job today is to focus on finding difficult words and
fourth-grade, and control conditions, F(2, 299) = 8.69, p < .01,
sentences"). Students were instructed to circle "yes" if they understood the
task and "no" ff they did not. If they circled "no," they were told to read indicated that the narrative condition differed significantly from
the directions again or to ask the experimenter any questions. both the control condition, t(299) = 4.16, p < .01, and the
Control groups. One control group (N = 36) read a story of similar fourth-grade condition, t(299) = 2.19, p < .05. The fourth-grade
length to "Two Were Left" called "Pretty as a Flower." This story was and control conditions were marginally different, t(299) = 1.83,
about a beautiful but self-centered Japanese shopgirl who comes down with p < .07.
a serious disease and then miraculously recovers. We did not expect this
story to be relevant to any of our belief items. Another control group (N =
99) completed the belief measures without reading any story, at the end of Instructions and Source Effects
an unrelated study.
Source manipulations. The fiction manipulation retained the same Manipulation checks for instructions. An A N O V A revealed
wording as in previous studies. However, due to the setting of the story, we significant differences in the expected direction for the instruction
altered the nonfiction manipulation to refer to a historical account rather manipulation checks. Fourth-grade condition participants agreed
than a newspaper story. Specifically, nonfiction participants read that "The
significantly more than narrative participants with the statement
narrative you are about to read is an historical account, the Moments in
History Feature, published in Akron Historical Review, an Ohio book "While reading the narrative, I was looking for words and sen-
series, in December 1993. All narratives published in the series are reports tences that might not be understood by a fourth-grade level read-
of actual past events." er,"/7(1, 164) = 322.04, p < .001 (M fourth grade = 6.04, M
We informed participants that it was important to the psychological narrative = 2.04). Similarly, narrative participants showed greater
validity of the study that they be aware of the "background information" endorsement of the statement "I read the narrative carefully, just
about the stories. To ensure that participants understood the source manip- like I would read a story or article for fun," F(1,164) = 24.01,p <
ulatiun, they were asked to circle whether the story they were about to read
.001 (M fourth grade = 4.56, M narrative = 5.83). In sum,
was fiction or nonfiction. The correct answer was then given; participants
were told that if they did not understand this information, to read the participants appeared to understand the instructions.
instructions again or ask the experimenter. Effect of instruction set and source on recall. Although in-
Belief measures. Belief measures were derived from story content. struction set significantly affected story recall, F(1, 162) = 16.89,
Example items included, "A person should lay down their life for their best p < .01, the means suggested that this difference was small in
friend," "Life is not worth living without sticking to one's values," and "A magnitude: On average, participants in both groups missed less
starving person may betray friends in order to obtain food." Agreement was
than one recall item (M fourth grade = 0.51, M narrative = 0.11).
assessed on a 7-point scale ranging from not at all to very much.
Both groups seemed to comprehend the story content. Source did
Character evaluations. The two main characters in the story (the boy
and the dog), as well as the minor character (the pilot), were evaluated on not affect recall, F(1, 162) = 2.07, p > .15, nor did source and
semantic differentials anchored by good-had, pleasant-unpleasant, and instructions interact.
attractive- unattractive. Effect of instructions and source on reported transportation.
Recall test. Six items tested recall of story facts.H As expected, instruction set had a significant impact on reported
Involvement measures. We included several items intended to tap the transportation, F(1, 164) = 6.34, p = .01. Fourth-grade partici-
extent of traditional concepts of involvement in the story. To measure
pants reported less transportation (M = 58.97) than narrative
outcome relevance or issue involvement, we asked participants to rate
their agreement with the statements, "The reading material was person- participants (M = 63.81). For this moderately compelling narra-
ally relevant" and "The events described in the reading material will five, external instructions affected felt transportation.
have an impact on my life." We also attempted to tap value-relevant Source did not affect reported transportation, F(1,164) < 1, p >
involvement with the item "This reading material was about a topic that .50, nor was there a significant interaction between source and
is important to me," and task involvement with the item "While reading instruction set, F(1, 162) < 1, p > .50.
this material, I was concentrating on carrying out the instructions given
Effect of instructions on beliefs and character evaluations.
to me."
Our successful manipulation of transportation was also reflected in
the effect of instructions on reported beliefs and character evalu-
Resul~ ations. Means are reported in Table 7. A two-way A N O V A
(Source × Instructions) revealed that fourth-grade participants, in
One participant missed more than four recall test items, and was
whom transportation had been reduced, showed beliefs less con-
dropped from analyses.
sistent with the story, F(1,163) = 4.34,p < .05. They also showed
less liking of the boy, F ( 1 , 1 6 2 ) = 4.66, p < .05, and the dog, F(1,
Differences B e t w e e n Experimental and Control Groups 162) = 9.81, p < .01. A similar pattern emerged for ratings of the

There were no significant differences between the no-story and

"Flower" story control groups on the dependent variables, all Fs(1,
133) < 1, all ps > .30, so we combined these groups for analysis
purposes. The belief index, our primary dependent variable,
showed significant differences from control in the expected direc- ~1On further inspection, one item on the original recall test was deter-
tion, F ( 1 , 2 9 9 ) = 12.34, p < .01 (M control = 4.50, SD = 0.55, mined to be ambiguous and was dropped from scoring, leaving a total of
M experimental = 4.75, SD = 0.63; higher numbers indicate five items.

Table 7 in the effect of transportation on character evaluations, it did not

Mean (and Standard Deviation) Belief Scores and Character appear to explain the effects of transportation on story-related
Evaluations as a Function of Manipulated Transportation beliefs.
(Experiment 4) Effects of source on beliefs and character evaluations. There
were again no main effects of source on either the belief index,
Transportation Fs < 1, ps > .30, or on character evaluation, Fs < 1.7, ps > .15.
Index and Lowered Normal Low-normal Fact and fiction had equivalent impact. No significant interactions
evaluation (fourth grade) (narrative) difference (p) between source and instructions emerged on the belief measures or
on ratings of the dog and boy, Fs < 1.5, ps > .20.14
Belief index 4.65 (0.65) 4.86 (0.59) .02 Source manipulation checks. The majority of participants cor-
Character evaluations rectly answered the source manipulation checks. In the fiction
Boy 4.53 (0.79) 4.80 (0.75) .02 condition (n = 84), only 1 participant answered incorrectly (re-
Dog 4.95 (1.03) 5.42 (0•89) .001 porting that source was not specified). In the nonfiction condition
Pilot 4.62 (0.95) 4.77 (0.78) .14 (n = 81), 8 participants reported that the story was fiction, 1
Note. For this table, ps are one-tailed, from Source × Instruction analyses reported "not specified," and 1 did not recall the source.
of variance. Scores range from 1 to 7, with higher scores indicating more When we considered only people who had successfully identi-
story-consistent beliefs and more positive character evaluations. In addition fied the story source, the pattern of results remained the same as
to those items listed in the text, the belief index included the following with the full sample: On reported transportation and on the belief
items (R = reverse-scored): people form relationships with animals that are
as real as with other people; a starving dog will no longer be loyal to its index, source effects did not approach significance (all Fs < 1, all
master (R); there are very few ways in which humans are different from ps > .50).
nonhuman animals; when dogs are starving they become killers (R); the Involvement. In contrast to the effects of instruction set on
hard road is usually more rewarding than the easy road; and the rules of transportation, there was no significant difference between the
society must prevail in the fmal analysis (R).
When controlling for comprehension, using true-false recognition, the fourth-grade and narrative conditions on the outcome in-
two-tailed p values for the instruction set differences and true-false co- volvement-personal relevance items or the value-relevance item,
variates were as follows: belief index, p = .10 (true--false p = .22); boy all Fs < 1, all ps > .30. A significant difference emerged only on
rating, p = . 15 (true-false p = .04); and dog rating, p = .01 (true-false p = the task-involvement item, F(1, 165) = 20.41, p < .001 (M fourth
.10). When controlling for comprehension using coded thought-listings, the
p values for instruction set differences were as follows: belief index, p = grade = 5.21, M narrative = 3.95). Fourth-grade readers reported
.04 (thoughts p = .78); boy rating, p = .07 (thoughts p = .61); and dog being more involved in the task given to them (finding difficult
rating, p = :02 (thoughts p = .04). Ratings of the pilot did not achieve words). There were no effects of source on involvement, nor were
statistical significance with either comprehension control. there interactions of source and instructions.
Measured transportation showed significant but moderate cor-
relations with the issue involvement measures (for "personally
pilot, F(1, 162) = 1.22, p > .25, but did not achieve statistical
relevant," r = .26, p < .01; for "impact on my life," r = •28, p <
.01) and the value-relevant item ("topic important," r = .27, p <
Mediational analyses. To provide a further test of the causal
.01). Transportation was negatively correlated with task involve-
path we proposed, we conducted mediational analyses (Baron &
ment, r = 7.20, p < .01. Thus, transportation appeared to be
Kenny, 1986) to examine whether the direct effect of instructions
on beliefs and character evaluations was reduced when transpor- distinct from traditional involvement, both conceptually and
tation was included in a regression analysis. As expected, results empirically.
indicated that instructions affected transportation, which in turn
affected beliefs and character evaluations (see Figure 1). Gender
Instructions, comprehension, and beliefs. A possible alterna-
tive explanation may be that individuals in the fourth-grade con- Reported transportation did not differ across gender, F(1,
dition did not comprehend the story as well as those in the 164) < 1, p > .50.
narrative condition, and this difference was responsible for the
belief results. We examined this possibility by considering two
proxy measures of comprehension--the true-false recognition test 12Results using a median split on measured transportation mirrored the
described earlier as "recall," and a coding of thought-listings 13 i n effects reported here, with highly transported readers reporting more story-
covariance analyses of Experiment 4 dependent variables. Incon- consistent beliefs and more positive character evaluations.
sistently with the proposed alternative explanation, neither proxy t3 Thought listings were scored for number of story elements mentioned,
measure of comprehension was significantly associated with be- regardless of the form of the thought (declarative, interrogative, etc.).
liefs (see Table 7). Moreover, comprehension was not consistently Scoring was done by one of the authors (blind to condition) and an assistant
(blind to both condition and hypotheses). These raters agreed on 95% of
associated with character evaluations, although the true-false score
thoughts. Disagreements were resolved by discussion. Fourth-grade con-
was significant for ratings of the boy, and the coded-thoughts score dition participants listed an average of 1.11 story elements; narrative
was significant for the dog ratings. Finally, although significance condition participants listed a mean of 1.90 story elements, F(1,
levels of the effects of transportation were changed slightly in • 163) = 15.06, p < .01.
these covariance analyses, at least one was still reliable with the 14 For the pilot, a significant interaction emerged, F(1,162) = 5.99, p <
true-false measure (ratings of the dog), and all were reliable, or .05, such that fourth-grade participants liked the pilot better when the story
approached reliability, when coded thoughts controlled for com- Was fiction rather than nonfiction, whereas the reverse was true for narra-
prehension. Thus, although comprehension may have played a role tive participants. Interpretation of this interaction was unclear.


Boy Evaluations
.19~jv~ .31"**


.19" @ .41"**

Figure 1. Mediationof the relationshipbetween instructionset and beliefs (or evaluations)by transportation
(Experiment 4). For the instructionsto beliefs or evaluationspath, the direct effect is indicated by the beta
coefficient above the arrow. The coefficientbelow the arrow represents the strength of the relationshipwhen
transportation is also included in the equation. Attenuation of the relationship between instructions and
evaluations--beliefswhen transportationis simultaneouslyentered into the regression indicates mediation by
transportation. *p < .10. **p < .05. ***p < .001.

Discussion stood the importance of following them. This change seemed to be

critical; the fact-fiction information, for example, could not be
By using a positively toned narrative that had a demonstrated dismissed as irrelevant by a student hurrying through the study.
buildup of rated imagery and affect during the course of the story Additionally, the story we used in this study was at a more
(Sadoski et al., 1983), and by means of external instructions that moderate level of transportation. "Murder" was an extremely well-
affected the extent of transportation experienced, Experiment 4 written, gripping tale; it may have drawn readers in despite in-
showed that transportation may be a mechanism of narrative-based structions to focus on a different task (identifying difficult words).
belief change. "Two Were Left" influenced both character evalu-
'q'wo Were Left" may have allowed more variation in reading
ations and general beliefs about loyalty and friendship, and these
effects were reliably greater than in the control story or no-story Experiment 4 also demonstrated that transportation was only
conditions. Consistent with the results of Experiments 1-3, there weakly associated with issue- and value-relevant involvement.
was no effect of fact versus fiction framing on transportation, Moreover, transportation was affected by external instructions,
beliefs, or character evaluations. However, we were able to lower whereas measures of involvement were not.
transportation with an external manipulation of processing instruc-
tions: Persons in this transportation-lowered condition also showed
General Discussion
reduced story-consistent beliefs as well as reduced positivity of
character evaluations. The present demonstrations of an association between transpor-
Manipulating transportation and establishing fact-fiction status tation into a narrative world and the reporting of story-consistent
proved to be difficult in Experiments 1-3; the power of the text or beliefs contributed to redressing the emphasis on rhetoric, rather
participants' preexisting reading goals in those experiments than poetics, in the scientific study of persuasion. The dearth of
seemed to overwhelm external instructions. An important alter- empirical studies of narrative-based persuasion may be attributable
ation in Experiment 4 was the requirement that participants ac- to the failure of mainstream attitude-change theories to offer
tively acknowledge their understanding of the instructions and the apposite mechanisms. In their review of the use of dual-process
source information (cf. Strange & Leung, 1999), thus ensuring that models (ELM, HSM) to explore distinctions between fictional and
they had paid attentionto these instructions and that they under- nonfictional communication, Prentice and Gerrig (1999) wrote that

they "have been hesitant to embrace either of these [dual-process] pressiveness. As reported earlier, when these factors were allowed
m o d e l s . . , because neither of them [the models] seems to capture to stand in for the entire Transportation Scale they did not consis-
the phenomenological experience of reading (or hearing or view- tently predict beliefs and evaluations across the several data col-
ing) a work of fiction" (p. 543). Measured transportation (Table 1) lections. A direct test of absorption (Experiment 2) provided no
attempted to capture that experience and, in so doing, provided support for its role as a mediator of the observed belief and
evidence that transportation is a mechanism whereby narratives evaluation scores. It is possible to think of other potential media-
may exert their power to change beliefs. The results were note- tors such as field dependence and hypnotic susceptibility. At
worthy in that the belief-change dimensions were not explicitly present, transportation appears to have good predictive value, and
articulated in the story. In addition, highly transported participants it may be more fruitful to explore alternative moderators than
routinely reported greater liking for story protagonists. mediators.
Even when the narrative was clearly labeled as fiction, real- Experiment 4 suggested that a moderately compelling text
world beliefs were affected by magnitude of transportation. Across ('°rwo Were Left") may be susceptible to transportation-
all four studies, both specific (e.g., extent of violence) and general weakening instructions. It would be worthwhile to explore a fuller
(just-world) beliefs were affected similarly by fiction and range of transportation for subsequent research texts. The present
nonfiction. theory also implies that cognitive load might interfere with the
The inadequacy of traditional thought coding for cognitive convergent attention posited to be associated with high
responses (Petty et al., 1981) led to the development of the Pinoc- transportation.
chio circling technique. Extent of transportation reliably distin-
guished between participants who circled many false notes (low- Fact-Fiction Manipulations
transported participants) versus few false notes (highly transported
We attempted to emphasize the truth status of the story in ways
participants). In contrast, need for cognition (Cacioppo et al.,
such as repeated, boldfaced declarations of the story source and
1996), which measures natural enjoyment of (elaborative) cogni-
altered formatting of the text to correspond with real-world instan-
tive effort, was unrelated to the circling of false notes. Either the
tiations of fact and fiction. Nevertheless, many "Murder" readers
"doubting" responses measured by the Pinocchio technique or
failed to correctly recall whether the story they read was fact or
character liking might be paths through which transportation
fiction. Why? The least interesting reason may be that readers
changes beliefs. Further research is needed to examine the possible
simply failed to pay attention to the source information. Most
mediating role of these variables in explaining the effect of trans-
participants, however, were able to correctly recall both the in-
portation on beliefs (see footnotes 6 and 9).
structions, and details from the narrative itself. Thus, it seemed
unlikely that only the fiction-nonfiction manipulation would es-
Nature of Transportation: Cross-Experiments' Evidence cape participant attention.
Another alternative is that participants may have misunderstood
The repeated experimental tests and the use of multiple stories
the manipulation check; they may have interpreted the item as a
afforded three kinds of evidence that transportation is a distinctive
request for their opinion on whether the story was true, rather than
process in which affect, imagery, and cognition play integral roles.
a test of their recall of story source. Participants may have been
First, we noted the inability of an alternative process, need for
using a plausibility criterion to determine the story's truth status. If
cognition, to moderate story-consistent beliefs and evaluations.
this explanation is correct, the real-world implications are disturb-
Second, the thought-listing outcomes in these experiments were
ing; individuals may believe realistic fictional programs while
impervious to traditional (Petty et al., 1981) coding. Participants
discounting news reports that seem implausible (Hofstadter, 1998).
did not offer favorable or unfavorable commentary on the story-
Perhaps the most interesting possibility is a failure of source
implied beliefs. Inspection of thought listings further revealed
monitoring. Although failure to recall story source occurred in all
negligible evidence that participants were using their other sche-
conditions, the most frequent error was that readers in the fiction
mas and experiences to evaluate or refute implications of the story.
conditions reported that the events were true (nonfiction). Memo-
Finally, we examined the belief and evaluation dependent vari-
ries for real events tend to be more concrete (Johnson, Hastroudi,
ables as a function of the earlier described Transportation sub-
& Lindsay, 1993). Narratives often contain rich, concrete descrip-
scales (see Summary of Scale Development section). We found
tions, and our stories were no exception. These vivid images may
few statistically reliable effects--less than 20% of all appropriate
have made the story seem more like a real event. Rather than
comparisons--and none that replicated for belief measures across
attempting to recall the publication venue of the narrative, partic-
Experiments 1-3. In contrast, scores on the entire Transportation
ipants may have simply noted that their recollections matched
Scale were predictive of beliefs and character evaluations across
characteristics of real events in their memory, and concluded that
the four experiments. In sum, transportation appeared to be distinct
the story must be real.
from cognitive elaboration (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986) and to dis-
How readers react to factual and fictional information is a
play characteristics consistent with the conceptualization from
question of critical importance; if individuals can be easily swayed
Gerrig (1993): immersion (involving imagery, emotionality, and
by realistically presented fiction, or if they ignore the sources of
attentional focus) in another setting with temporary distancing
the information they receive, they may be at the mercy of manip-
from a reader's original situation.
ulative communicators.

Mediators and Moderators Rhetorical Versus Narrative Persuasion

Among potential mediators of the effect of narratives on beliefs Transportation into narrative worlds is a form of message pro-
are attentional focus, production of imagery, and emotional ex- cessing that is distinct from cognitive elaboration; it entails an

experiential component as well as a melding of cognition and the information was presented (Reyes, Thompson, & Bower,
affect. Although transportation theoretically could occur with any 1980). The persistence-conferring advantage of narratives may
text, it is far more likely to be experienced in response to narra- trade on the extent to which narratives instigate transportation and
fives, especially well-crafted, high-quality narratives (Table 4). the accompanying integrative imagery (Green & Brock, in press).
Could elaboration figure in processing narrative as well as it Of course, rhetorical persuasion can include both affective and
does in processing rhetoric? Elaboration is currently defined cognitive bases, but the effective blending of these bases is rou-
broadly as "effortful consideration and scrutiny of the evaluative tinely attained in narrative persuasion. Further, transportation is
implications of attitude-relevant information" (Petty & Wegener, unlikely in response to even very good rhetoric, whereas, as shown
1998, p. 327). The present narrative treatments (Experiments 2-4) herein, it can readily occur in response to a moderately compelling
may be considered fair proxies for an elaboration induction; par- narrative. In sum, the strong form of our proposal is that transpor-
ticipants expected to answer questions to help evaluate the story tation fosters attitude-change persistence and that transportation is
for future research use. If elaboration was heightened in the nar- far more likely in response to narrative than it is to rhetorical
rative condition in comparison with other conditions (e.g., theater), persuasion.
it was not reflected in differentially higher belief and character
evaluation scores. Thus, while elaboration may play some role in
Role of Liking for the Protagonist(s)
response to narrative communication, our results, including the
need-for-cognition findings, appeared to favor the transportation Greater transportation was systematically associated with a
alternative. more positive evaluation of the main characters of the narrative.
The present demonstration of the power of fictional narratives The persuasion literature indicates that liked sources can be more
highlights an interesting difference between rhetorical communi- effective in inducing attitude or belief change (Eagly & Chaiken,
cations and narratives. Rhetoric is much influenced by framing: 1993). Transported individuals may have a greater affinity for
For example, the impact of arguments is affected by source cred- story characters and thus may be more likely to be swayed by the
ibility or perception of speaker's intent (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993). feelings or beliefs expressed by those characters.
In contrast, our f'mdings suggested that once a reader is rolling In the current research, we used the term "source" to refer to the
along with a compelling narrative, the source has diminishing fiction or nonfiction status of the narrative; the external source
influence. In this fashion, the belief positions implied by the story from which the story itself was procured. If characters are consid-
might be adopted regardless of whether they corresponded with ered as sources for given points of view or belief statements, then
reality (e.g., Wheeler et al., 1999). Thus, narratives might be used one might argue that to the extent that persuasion is source-driven,
to advantage by low-credible sources or by speakers who lack narratives may have an advantage over rhetorical messages. Au-
cogent arguments. thors can create sources within a story. Narrative is the quintes-
sential medium for developing a character; rhetoric normally does
Persistence-Resistance of Narrative-Based Belief Change not possess the structure or scope for doing so.

In the current research, all of the belief or belief change mea- Transportation and Emotion
sures were taken during the experimental session in which expo-
sure to the narrative occurred. Perhaps only transitory images of Some have argued (e.g., Adaval & Wyer, 1998, p. 240) that the
psychiatric patients were activated or individuals' sensitivity to efficacy of narratives may be limited to positive texts. However, in
violence was only temporarily increased. Because we did not take the canons of literature, the bulk of the stories entail human
delayed measures or confront participants with a message suggest- suffering. Indeed, the most powerful tales tend to be those that
ing beliefs opposite to those espoused in our experimental narra- involve negative aspects, such as dilemmas to be overcome or
fives, we did not obtain evidence to address those concerns. obstacles to be surmounted.
Nevertheless, there is a theoretical basis for differentiating the Demonstration of belief change with a negative text ("Murder
strength and persistence of narrative- versus rhetoric-based beliefs. in the Mall") challenges Adaval and Wyer's (1998) proposed
The present results suggested that initial belief change based on limitation, and further, we have shown that transportation ef-
narrative might not be greater than change based on rhetoric. In fects can occur with a positively toned narrative. Evidence that
fact, because advocacy in propaganda is usually explicit, rhetoric positively toned narratives can be transporting is shown in
might enjoy an initial advantage over narrative. However, we Table 4; "Two Were Left" contains elements of hardship, but
predict that narrative-based belief change, particularly to the extent has an uplifting, happy ending. This story was not as transport-
that it instigates transportation, would lead to stronger and more ing as "Murder," but was slightly more transporting than two
persistent beliefs than rhetoric-based change. other stories tested. Furthermore, manipulated transportation
The three premises underlying this prediction are (a) the uni- affected belief change for this positively toned story. Although
versal human affinity for narrative as the preferred organizing and emotional reactions may be one consequence of a transportation
retrieving mental structure (Schank & Abelson, 1995); (b) other experience, there is no a priori reason why the instigation of
things equal, narrative, more than rhetoric, can effectively marry negative imagery by a story should be necessary for story-
affective and cognitive contributions to opinion formation; and (c) implicated beliefs to be affected.
attitudes based both affectively and cognitively (e.g., Edwards,
1990; Fabrigar, 1995) are more persistent (RosseUi, Skelly, &
Text Versus Transportation Hegemony: A Reappraisal
Mackie, 1995). Previous research suggests that image-evoking
descriptions of events conveyed in a narrative had greater impact Although Experiments 1-3 demonstrated the insensitivity of
after a period of time had elapsed than they had immediately after reported transportation to motivational and source manipulations,

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