Bataha Santiago
Bataha Santiago
Bataha Santiago
Sulawesi. He is the third king of the Manganitu Kingdom. Don Jugov (Jogolov)
Sint Santiago is the full name (Bataha means magic). Born in the village of
Bowongtiwo-Kauhis, Manganitu in 1622. He was the only king in the Sangihe
Islands who was stubborn and refused to sign a trade agreement with the Dutch
VOC (Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie).
He was sent to school by his father at the University of Santo Thomas in Manila,
Philippines in 1666 (at that time he was 44 years old) and completed his studies
four years later. Upon his return from the Philippines, he was crowned king of
the Manganitu Kingdom and for five years he held the reins of power.
The VOC forced Santiago several times to sign a long contract (Lange Contract).
He refused and declared war on the VOC. The contents of the rejected Lange
Contract included instructions for eliminating clove plants and all items deemed
infidels by the VOC. They used Sultan Kaitjil Sibori, Sultan Mandarsyah's son, to
persuade Santiago to sign the contract. But Santiago still did not want to sign it.
Sultan Kaitjil Sibori returned home without success. The VOC was disappointed
and angry and Santiago was ready with all the consequences. His famous
sentence which was conveyed when he gathered the royal officials and all
parties involved and who would involve themselves against the VOC was "I kite
to wuntuang 'u seke, nusa kumbahang katumpaeng." That sentence means we
must prepare the army for war, our country being entered by the enemy.
The VOC then sent Sultan Kaitjil Sibori to Sangihe to marry Maimuna, daughter
of the king of Tabukan, so that the VOC and its allies entered Sangihe. VOC
troops and Manganitu's royal troops led by Santiago fought at sea for days.
Victims of both are very many. The VOC withdrew and stopped the fierce war
because of heavy losses. The VOC then used Sasebohe and Bawohanggima,
close friends of Santiago, to surrender but failed. Fighting between the VOC and
Santiago's forces ensued and Sasebohe and Bawohanggima continued to
persuade Santiago. But he was successfully brought by the VOC to his office in
Tahuna. Forced again to sign a contract. However, Santiago still upholds its
principles. The VOC prepared a firing team. They shoot. But none of the bullets
managed to injure Santiago's body. They were scared and surprised, then took
Santiago to the cape of Tahuna and hung it up.
Sultan Kaitjil Sibori was not sure that Santiago's body was not pierced by
bullets, but could be killed by a rope. He ordered one of his troops to behead
Santiago. Before dawn arrived, Santiago's younger brother named Sapela, came
to take the body of his old brother. He could only bring Santiago's head and
bury it among the roots of large trees, a few meters above the beach and mark
the place with a pile of stones in Nento in the village of Karatung-Paghul in
1675. The undisclosed grave of Santiago's head was revealed in 1950. While his
body was thought to be buried where he was sentenced to death, in the current
Santiago village.
A few months ago, my family and I went to the existing Bahu beach on Siau
Island to spend a vacation. Located a few kilometers from the capital, Ondong.
When we got there, we were amazed by the beauty of the Bahu beach of the
coast. The waves there are quite safe for swimming. We swam only for a few
moments because it was very cold and windy. We walked around the beach and
realized that there were only a few people who spent the holidays here. I just
realized that this is Christmas break, so most people spend their Christmas
holidays at home.
After spending a few hours on the beach, we thought we needed to find food.
We went to a nearby tavern and bought some fried bananas. The taste is quite
After we felt full enough we went back to the beach to play a little with the
white sand that was there while waiting for the sunset.
When it was almost 5:00 in the afternoon, we returned to our rented house in
Ondong. Even though it's tiring, I feel happy to have a great experience at the
Bahu beach. I hope I can visit this beach later on.