Screenshot 2020-03-20 at 08.25.44 PDF
Screenshot 2020-03-20 at 08.25.44 PDF
Screenshot 2020-03-20 at 08.25.44 PDF
0 3/17/2020 4:00PM
• This document was developed by members of the ID division at MGH in conjunction with
pharmacy, radiology, and other medicine divisions to provide guidance to frontline
clinicians caring for patients with COVID-19.
• This document covers potential off-label and/or experimental use of medications and
immunosuppression management for transplant patients as well as a suggested laboratory
work up. It does NOT cover recommendations for infection control, PPE, management of
hypoxemia or other complications in patients with COVID-19.
• This is a living document that will be updated in real time as more data emerge.
Table 1: Laboratories for diagnosis, prognosis / risk stratification, and/or safety of agents
Suggested for all hospitalized patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19
For a primer on liver issues related to COVID19 and treatment, please seek link.
Viral serologies assist for interpretation of ALT elevations, present in ~25% of presentations. Lopinavir/ritonavir
should not be used as the sole agent if HIV positive. Active viral hepatitis increases risk of hepatotoxicity due to
lopinavir/ritonavir. Note: follow-up molecular testing for HIV/HBV/HCV may have longer turnaround times than usual
Elevated troponin (> 2 times upper limit of normal) without hemodynamic compromise, can repeat troponin in 24
hours; echocardiogram not necessary unless otherwise indicated. Up-trending troponin with hemodynamic compromise
or other concerning cardiovascular symptoms /signs should prompt consideration of obtaining an echocardiogram..
If starting QTc prolonging drug, can repeat ECG in 24-48 hours to monitor QTc. If baseline QTc > 500, repeat within
24 hours and consider stopping other QTc prolonging drugs.
Approval for SARS-CoV-2 may be obtained through the MGH Biothreats Pager, 26876
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If clinically indicated, consider sending Pneumocystis DFA from sputum (no induced sputum given
risk of aerosolization). If unable to send sputum, consider sending serum beta-d-glucan
If clinically indicated, consider sending fungal/AFB sputum cultures
§ If flu unknown or positive, start oseltamivir 75 mg BID in all adult patients with normal
renal function (may stop if flu A/B PCR negative and low suspicion)
o Adjust for pediatric patients and those with renal insufficiency
§ Considerations for empiric treatment for bacterial pneumonia:
o Other centers have reportedly not, to date, seen a lot of bacterial superinfection in
COVID-19 patients; we should monitor for this on a case-by-case basis.
Ceftriaxone 1 g [or cefepime if MDRO risk factors]
Azithromycin 500 mg x1, then 250 mg daily x 4 days
Vancomycin if risk factors for MRSA
o All for 5 days, or longer guided by clinical status and microbiology
o Note that from studies to date, procalcitonin remains low in the first 7-10 days of
infection and can rise later on, even without bacterial superinfection.
§ Inhaled medications should be given by metered dose inhaler rather than nebulization.
Nebulization risks aerosolization of SARS-CoV-2. If nebulized medications given, use
appropriate PPE.
Not recommended
§ Systemic steroids should in general be AVOIDED for these patients given potential
harm. Steroids may be considered if indicated for another reason (e.g. refractory septic
shock, or specific to lung transplant guidelines, as delineated below)
Note: Consider discontinuation of inhaled steroids as they may reduce local immunity
and promote viral replication, unless necessary for acute indications
§ At this time, we do not recommend starting ACEi / ARBs or ribavirin for COVID-19
§ There are reports of NSAID use preceding clinical deterioration in some patients
with severe COVID-19 disease. We recommend frontline providers assess and
document recent NSAID use and avoid prescribing NSAIDs while patients are
Identify High Risk Patients: High risk features may include:
The infectious disease consult service is actively discussing how to meet the needs of frontline clinicians. More
information to follow.
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Table 3:
For patients with mild disease Supportive care with very close
with SpO2 >90% along with monitoring and consideration of
risk factors for severe disease application for clinical trial of
remdesivir (see below)
For patients with moderate or Obtain remdesivir (RDV) For compassionate use,
severe disease (patients in ICU through a clinical trial8 or through apply through portal here:
or with progressive disease) compassionate use.9 Current
dosing of remdesivir is 200 mg IV
If already on a statin, no need to change to these agents
Currently open trial:
As of 3/15/2019, compassionate use is for hospitalized patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 by PCR and mechanical
ventilation. Exclusions include evidence of multi-organ failure, pressor requirement, ALT>5xULN, CrCl<30/ HD/
CVVH, or use of other investigational agents. Investigational agents do not include off-label approved agents.
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For patients with moderate or With guidance from Infectious Check ECG prior to
severe disease (patients with at Diseases, can consider adding initiation given risk of QT
least one Category 1 and one hydroxychloroquine (400 mg prolongation. Risk is
Category 2/3 feature on floor BID x2 followed by 400 mg daily increased in patients on
or any patients in ICU or with while hospitalized, up to 5 days). other QT-prolonging
progressive disease) Note chloroquine has activity but agents.
limited supply so
hydroxychloroquine preferred
For certain refractory or With ID approval, interferon Note IFN would need to be
progressive patients (who are beta B1 (Betaseron) can be combined with another
in ICU) considered antiviral (likely LPV/r). It
can be combined with
For patients with evidence of With ID approval, tocilizumab Need to send serum IL6
cytokine release syndrome (Actemra) can be considered level prior to giving first
(see staging criteria below in dose of tocilizumab
Table 6)
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Table 4:
No change to usual
immunosuppression (avoid high
levels, tailor to patient)
Outpatient management:
prednisone taper 60mg x 4 days --
40mg x 4 days – 20mg x 4 days
then back to baseline
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Background: Studies indicate advanced stage disease responses to beta-coronaviruses including COVID-19
have a high IL-6 cytokine signature. This response is similar to CAR-T cell based immune side effects where
anti-IL-6 interventions have been of benefit.
Step 1. Establish clinical status to COVID-19 (adopted and based on the Penn CRS criteria)
Grade 1 – no treatment
Grade 2 – send for serum IL-6
Grade 3 – send for serum IL-6; consider tocilizumab, if no effect can repeat x 2 more doses Q8H apart; if
no response, consider low dose corticosteroids
Grade 4 – send for serum IL-6; consider tocilizumab as Grade 3; consider corticosteroids
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Confirmed Positive