Total Quality Management (M.T.P PDF

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Total Quality Management

A more enlightened approach to quality, emphasis ​building quality into the product
by studying and improving activities that effect quality, from marketing through
design to manufacturing. This new approach is referred to as total Quality
management. It an active approach, encompassing a companywide operating
philosophy and system for continuous improvement quality. It demands system for
continuous improvement of quality. It depends corporation from everyone in the
company from the top management down to the workers.
The philosophy of TQM extends beyond product quality and covers Quality of life
of people. Infact, the primary concern of TQM is people and then comes product.
“When speeking of Quality wright masaki Imai ‘one tends to think first in terms of
product Quality’ nothing could be farther from the truth. In TQM the first and
foremost concern is with the quality of people. Instilling quality into people as
always been fundamental to TQM. A company abele to build Quality into its
people is already half way towards producing Quality products.
W.Edwards Demming had given fourteen principles for making TQM successful.
These are as fallows:
1.​ ​Adopt the new philosophy for economic stability by refusing to allow
commonly accepted levels of delays, mistakes, defective materials and
defective workmanship.
2.​ ​Lease dependence on mass inspection by requiring statistical evidence of
built in Quality in both​ ​manufacturing and purchasing functions.
3.​ ​Create constancy of purpose towards improving products and services,
allocating resources to provide long-range needs rather ​than shorterm
4.​ ​Reduce the number of suppliers for the same item by eliminating those
that don’t qualify with statistical evidence of quality. End the practice of
awarding business solely on the basis of prices.
5.​ ​Focus supervision on helping people do better job. Ensure that immediate
action is taken on reports of defects, maintenance requirements, poor tools,
inadequate operating definitions, other conditions detrimental to the
product’s Quality.
6.​ ​Encourage effective two way communication and other means to drive
out fear throughout organization and help people work more productively.
7.​ ​Eliminate the use of numerical goals, posters and slogans for the work
force that task for new levels of productivity without providing methods.
8.​ ​Use statistical methods for continuing improvement of quality and
productivity, and eliminate work standards. That prescribes numerical
9.​ ​Clearly define top management’s permanent commitment to quality and
productivity and its obligations to implement all this principles.
10.​ ​Remove all barriers that inhibit the worker’s right to pride of
11.​ ​Institute, a vigorous programme of education and retraining to
keep up with change in materials, methods, products, design and machinery.
12.​ ​Search continually for problems in the system to constantly
improve processes.

Management attitude towards Quality:

​In a quality conscious company, defects are not an excuse for blaming
others but it is an indication that everyone in an organization and at shop floor
needs to work together to eliminate the causes of the defects. Today, the traditional
viewpoint that the equality cab be sacrificed in order to promote the delivery or the
cost goal is being replaced by the modern concept that by only producing a quality
product, a company can stay in the market. The quality department is a leader in
thinking about the manufacturing and changes to the product or service.
​Management attitude in many companies has been changed by the
adoption of formally recognized supplier –customer relationship with in operation.
In these companies manages and workers are reached with an understanding that
each of them is supplier to someone as in the company and that each of them is
also a customer of somebody else. They are then evaluated by what their customers
say about them. In this way they come to realize rapidly that the up and down of
the quality depends upon them.
​Changes in the management organization and attitude can be achieved, as
suggested by Crosby a 14 –step procedure which, according to him, is expected to
take 12-18 months to implement fully. These steps as follows:
1.​ ​Obtain the commitment of management: I​f company attitudes are to be
changed, the very top level of management must be personally involved with
sending the right signal to everybody about the importance of quality and
necessity for people to work together to identify quality problems and to
solve them.

2.​ ​Eatablish a quality improvement team:​ A team of influenatial people

from various departments with the company is needed to the changes in
attitudesand procedures that will ensure that things are done right the first
time. The team should have a co-ordiantor who is charged with the staff
work needed to implement the team’s decision.
3.​ ​Take quality measurements: If quality is to be improved. One must have
measures of what it was is whatit is ? every aspect of the process should be
reviewed and measurements must to be difficult to measures especially in
service or support aspect, but even in the most unstructured operations some
measures can be devised for example by asking managers how they know?
Who to promote?
4.​ ​Estimate the cost of quality: ​Given these measures, the cost of quality for
the entire operation should be estimated. The initial estimates may prove to
be low. Many companies find that the cost of quality, before a quality
program is instituted is 15 to 20 percent or more than the cost of sales.
5.​ ​Spread quality awareness: Measures of quality that have been devised
and what quality costs the company should be shared with all employs.
6.​ ​Encourage corrective action: ​This is the first change that employs get to
bring their quality problems to their supervisor for discussion and resolution.
7.​ ​Establish an adhoc committee for the zero defects program: This
committee investigates the zero defects concept, becomes clear about its
meaning. And transmits its importance to the quality improvement team.
This committee also plans for the zero defect concept, becomes clear about
its meaning, and its transmits importance to the quality improvement team.
This committee also plans for the zero defect day. When the company and
its employees formally adopt zero defect as the standard for their work.
8.​ ​Train supervisors: All supervisors at the level of management are
informed about zero defect and removal of the causes of topics no that they
can explain these topics to their subordinates.
9.​ ​Have a zero defect day: On this day , all employees commit themselves
to make zero defects .The standard for their work
10.​ ​Set goals: Under the guidance of their supervisors, group of
employees establish goals for improving quality in their operations.
11.​ ​Remove the causes of errors: Workers identify the causes of
quality problems and ask for the resolution of these problems by the
appropriate group within the operation such as manufacturing, engineering
purchasing etc.
12.​ ​Recognize ​achievements: Senior managers recognize those
groups and employee who have identified problems and suggested remedies.
13.​ ​Establish a quality council: This council of the quality
professionals in the operation communicates among themselves and to
others about the quality program and what remains to be done about it.
14.​ ​Do it over again: Senior management re-establishes
commitment to zero defects, error cause removal and change in management
attitude, so that the operation can keep fresh about the need for quality and
workers about seeking improvements in it.​ s​

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