"Carbon Credits" - A Unique Way To Reduce Pollution: U - Ps2912@yahoo - Co.in

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Paper for Papyrus:

Track: Renewable energy

Urvish Soni (08BIC054) & Ankur Dalal (08BIC072)

Email: [email protected]
(M) 9428532878
Institute of Technology,
Nirma University

Global Warming is a well-known issue in today’s world.

Carbon-di-oxide, Nitrogen-Oxides, Sulphur Oxides and various other harmful
gases have devastated the world environment in which we live. Many ways to
reduce Pollution due to those agents and others have been found. Development
still goes on. Many techniques such as constructing “Renewable –Energy”
sources, Fuels, and other techniques are being developed. One such “unique”
technique is allowing Carbon-Credits for Industries to keep a check in the
emissions of the polluting gases from them.


Carbon-Credits are a key component of National and International-

Emissions trading schemes implemented to lower the effects of global warming.
Credits are exchanged or sold between trading companies internationally at
prevailing market prices. The money which is earned is used to sponsor various
“Carbon-Reduction Schemes” around the world. Many companies sell Carbon-
Credits to individuals or firms at prevailing market prices. They can reduce their
carbon emissions level and thus would be termed as legal polluters.

So the question is what is Carbon-Credit?

As we know that Credit system of a BANK. One has to return money with interest
to the bank.
The Carbon-Credit system is a little different system. ”KYOTO’S TREATY”
according to European standards has to be signed by the Companies who have
to take advantage of this system. This is Open to every industry which pollutes
Standards have been set by this Treaty that only fixed amount of Pollution can
be done or Pollutants can be discharged in a fixed amount in a year.
There are many large
industries which pollute less than or more than the given amount of Pollution.
So the industries which pollute less have some Credits Left with them. While the
industries which pollute more might have to be penalized for polluting more. So
they buy Credits which were left with the Industry Polluting less according to the
existing market rates. Thus the amount of Pollution done is equalized.

The companies which sell Credits can use the money to further develop
their technologies so that they can pollute even less. While the companies which
buy Credits from the other companies have to think about their budgets the next
time so that they might pollute less or buy ECO-FRIENDLY, technology.

This treaty comes under UNFCCC [UNITED NATION’S

members while the other 4 left are the observers. Due to this organization

Following are the advantages of this treaty.

1.) The prices of Credits are decided by the organization and not by Politicians
and so they are flexible.
2.) The “KYOTO’S PROTOCOL” ensures that all investment goes in “Carbon
Reduction Schemes” which is in terms and conditions of this treaty.

Thus we can say that this is not a Technical but a Techno-Manageable way
to reduce pollution. Due to this treaty Companies are made to think about their
standards and equipments.

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