Institute of Engineering: Tribhuvan University

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A Feasibility Study report on Kathmandu metropolitan city (KMC) waste to energy plant

Prepared by

Badri Pandey THA074BIE009

Balkrishna Kharal THA074BIE010

Bikram Panthee THA074 BIEO16




Executive Summary

Solid waste management has become a major environmental issue in Nepal. The increase in
population and urbanization are largely responsible for the increase in solid waste. Municipal
Solid Waste (MSW) includes mostly residential waste, commercial waste, and market waste,
Domestic house waste, street sweeping etc. It consists of biodegradable waste, recyclable
waste, inert waste, combustible and non-combustible waste etc

At present any scientific system is rarely been practiced for the safe disposal of municipal solid
waste in city. Inefficient storage, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of waste
lead to contamination of air, surface and ground water, which result in formation of breeding
grounds for vectors, pests, rodents, etc. causing public health problems. Proper planning for
collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of solid waste are therefore, extremely
essential for the protection of environment, health, sanitation and social wellbeing of the

Currently, Kathmandu valley is generating an average MSW of 566 TPD. The Project
Proponent proposes to establish a 320 TPD Integrated MSW Processing and Disposal Facility
in Kathmandu valley with facilities such as Sorting electricity generation from the organic
waste also separating the waste to obtain other recyclable products.

From the sorting machine we get 38608 kg plastics,16256kg paper,332.8 kg metal,7142.4kg

glass and 27417.6 kg other waste material per day. And we get 45 Ton of organic waste material
which is used in our biogas to electricity plant.

The generated electric power is utilized for running solid waste sorting machine and also to run
other different equipment of the plant. Thus, we get extra around 5801 kwh per day which can
be supplied to near village or grid.

For implementation of the project we need around Rs. 1,03,47,87,107 for one time investment
and Rs. 3,95,60,000 for annual expenses of operation the plant. From the financial analysis of
the project cost we can get our investment back in around 9 years.


List of figure ………………………………………………………………………………6

List of table …………………………………………………………………………………7

List of Acronyms and symbol………………………………………………………………8

1 CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND AND HISTORY .................................................... 9

1.1 Description Of project Idea ................................................................................... 10

1.2 Project Objective:.................................................................................................. 11

1.3 Project promotor ................................................................................................... 12

1.4 Feasibility study .................................................................................................... 12

1.5 Cost of preparatory studies and related investigations ............................................ 12

2 CHAPTER TWO RAW MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ........................................... 13

2.1 Classification of raw materials and supplies .......................................................... 13

2.2 Water requirement ................................................................................................ 14

2.3 Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any. ......... 14

2.4 Electricity ............................................................................................................. 14

2.5 Fuel....................................................................................................................... 14

3 CHAPTER THREE LOCATION, SITE AND ENVIRONMENT ............................... 15

3.1 Location analysis .................................................................................................. 15

3.2 Landform, Land use and Land Ownership ............................................................. 15

3.3 Environmental impact assessment ......................................................................... 15

3.4 Socio-economic policies ....................................................................................... 16

3.5 Infrastructural conditions / Existing Scenario ....................................................... 17

3.6 Land Detail ........................................................................................................... 17

3.7 Cost estimates ....................................................................................................... 17

4 CHAPTER FOUR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY....................................... 18

4.1 Production process and plant capacity ................................................................... 18

4.2 Technology choice ................................................................................................ 18

4.2.1 Sorting Machine Technological feasibility study ............................................ 19

4.2.2 Biogas electricity generation Technology ....................................................... 20

4.3 Technology acquisition and transfer ...................................................................... 21

4.4 licensing of the technology.................................................................................... 21

4.5 Detailed plant layout and basic engineering ........................................................... 22

4.5.1 Waste Sorting Plant........................................................................................ 22

4.5.2 Biogas to Electricity Plant .............................................................................. 24

4.6 Selection of machinery and equipment .................................................................. 24

4.6.1 Solid Waste Sorting Plant .............................................................................. 25

4.7 Biogas to electricity plant ...................................................................................... 26

4.8 Civil engineering works ........................................................................................ 27

4.9 Maintenance and replacement requirements .......................................................... 27

4.10 Estimates of overall investment costs................................................................. 27

5 CHAPTER FIVE ORGANIZATION AND OVERHEAD COSTS ............................. 29

5.1 Plant organization and management. ..................................................................... 29

5.2 Organizational design............................................................................................ 30

5.3 Overhead costs ...................................................................................................... 31

5.3.1 Factory overheads: ......................................................................................... 31

5.3.2 Administrative overheads: .............................................................................. 31

5.3.3 Marketing overheads: ..................................................................................... 31

5.3.4 Depreciation costs: ......................................................................................... 31

6 CHAPTER SIX HUMAN RESOURCES ................................................................... 32

6.1 Categories and function......................................................................................... 32

6.2 Senior Officers and Mid-Level Staff ..................................................................... 32

6.2.1 Field Level Staff ............................................................................................ 33

6.3 Socio-economic and cultural environment ............................................................. 33

6.4 Project-related requirements: ................................................................................. 34

6.5 Availability and recruitment: ................................................................................. 34

6.6 Training plans ....................................................................................................... 34

6.7 Cost estimates ....................................................................................................... 35


7.1 Analysis of cost estimates ..................................................................................... 36

7.2 Break Even analysis: ............................................................................................. 37

7.3 Payback period method ......................................................................................... 38

8 CHAPTER EIGHT CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 39

8.1 Major advantages of the project ............................................................................ 39

8.1.1 Social Benefits ............................................................................................... 39

8.1.2 Direct & indirect employment opportunities................................................... 39

8.1.3 Economic Benefits: ........................................................................................ 39

8.1.4 Environmental Benefits:................................................................................. 40

8.2 Major drawbacks of the projects............................................................................ 41

8.3 Chances of implementing the project..................................................................... 41

List of Figure

Figure 1-1 Map of the study area (Kathmandu Metropolitan City) ....................................... 11

Figure 2-1 Compositon of KMC waste ................................................................................ 13

Figure 3-1 Sisdol dumping site location .............................................................................. 16

Figure 4-1 Flow diagram of a mixed municipal waste sorting plant ..................................... 23

Figure 4-2 Layout of Biogas to electricity plant ................................................................... 24

Figure 5-1 Institutional arrangement for the MSWM in Nepal ............................................. 29

Figure 5-2 Organizational Structure of KMC Environment Department .............................. 30

Figure 6-1 KMC field level staff categories ......................................................................... 33

List of Table

Table 1-1 Cost of preparatory studies and related investigations ........................................ 12

Table 3-1 Cost estimation of land ........................................................................................ 17

Table 4-1 Specification of waste sorting Machines .............................................................. 19

Table 4-2 Standard models – Energy Bin TM ..................................................................... 20

Table 4-3 Overview of waste sorting technologies............................................................... 25

Table 4-4 Machineries of biogas to electricity plant ............................................................ 26

Table 4-5 Sorting machine cost estimation .......................................................................... 27

Table 4-6 Cost estimation of biogas plant ............................................................................ 28

Table 4-7 Vehicles cost estimation ..................................................................................... 28

Table 5-1 Annual full cost of solid waste management ........................................................ 31

Table 6-1 1 KMC field level staff categories ....................................................................... 32

Table 6-2 Salary of staff according to level ......................................................................... 35

Table 7-1 Electricity generation analysis ............................................................................. 36

Table 7-2 Revenue generation ............................................................................................. 36

Table 7-3 Total cost calculation........................................................................................... 37

List of Acronyms and symbol

KMC Kathmandu metropolitan city

MSW Municipal solid waste

MSWM Municipal solid waste management

TPD Ton per day

MFA Material flow assessment

IEA Initial Environmental Assessment

EIA Environment Impact Assessment

SWMTSC Solid waste management technical support center

MoFAGA Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration

DoUDBC Department of Urban Development and Building Construction

Because of rapid urbanization, population growth, rapid economic development and
improvement of living standards, the volume of municipal waste generated in the Kathmandu
has increased rapidly in the last few decades.

Kathmandu Metropolitan is facing biggest problem and challenges in management of the

municipal solid waste (MSW). Currently, they have a solution for this management problem is
that only landfill of the waste in Sisdol. Kathmandu Metropolitan City generates nearly about
566 ton of solid waste daily. Due to unmanaged landfilling of the waste, there is a big problem
in the environment due to emission of methane as well as other harmful gases. Also plastics
and other harmful wastes are polluting land, water and air, which is directly affecting the human
and animal health and also creating different undesired environmental issues.

Many aspects such as insufficient financial, human and technical resources and lengthy
bureaucratic procedures as well as political influences are the major challenges for establishing
appropriate municipal solid waste management (MSWM) system in Nepal. Likewise, the
MSWM has never been considered as important issue in Nepal, because the demand for other
public services such as food, road, energy and healthcare is high in all municipalities of the
country take priority.

Solid waste management has now become the necessity for maintaining the public health,
sanitation, environmental and aesthetic vision for the urban local body in almost all developing
countries. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management is one of the essential services for
providing quality of life in urban areas and for ensuring of better standards of health and
sanitation. Presently, the systems adopted are inadequate and inefficient.

For maximum efficiency and effectiveness of this service, it is necessary to tackle this problem
systematically by analyzing the present scenario of the MSW management with a cost-effective
system, which ensures adequate level of MSW management services to all class of citizens.
The system will include effective collection, sorting of solid waste and energy generation
through the organic solid waste.

The waste management industry is not only needed for improving the Kathmandu's
environment, but is also considered to be a hot “industry for the Nepal’s economy “ for the

The problems arising from solid waste can be solved by using innovative technologies. There is no
practice of separating waste at source. We just mix all type of waste and throw them just
enclosing them in a plastic bag. Due to this practice it is very difficult to separate different
types of waste. So, we need a very efficient and automated machine to separate them. For this
separation we introduce solid waste sorting machine.

The main purpose to design municipal solid waste sorting machine is to reduce the amount of
the waste and to turn these wastes into treasure. The MSW sorting equipment uses a variety of
sorting means to maximize the separation rate of organic matter, plastics, metals, masonry and
other substances from municipal solid waste, which is to achieve the purpose of improving the
garbage recycling rate.

This report is an introduction to waste sorting plants and electricity generation from solid
organic waste and describes the framework conditions influencing the sorting plant technically,
their technical configuration and capabilities and the factors that should be considered when
setting a planning process in motion. It aims to spread knowledge plant and the role they can
play in the waste management system.

1.1 Description Of project Idea

Kathmandu Metropolitan City lies between the latitudes 27032’13’’ and 27049’10” to the north
and longitudes 85011’13” and 85031’38” to the east with an altitude around 1400 meter above
sea level. It has total area of 50.67 sq. km (KMC, 2019). Kathmandu is the capital city of
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal and is also the administrative center of Nepal. The
highest population growth rate was recorded in Kathmandu district by 61.23 % during the last
decade. KMC is sub divided into 32 different wards. Kathmandu is the nation’s most populous
city which comprises 1,003,285 population (which is 24.3% of total urban population) with
254,764 households and has the population density of 20,289 per sq. km. The resident of KMC
is escalating by 4.78% annual growth rate which is recorded as the highest expanding
metropolitan area in South Asia.

Solid waste is the unwanted solid materials which get generated due to the domestic,
commercial and also from industrial processing activities. Similar to the other cities in state,
Kathmandu is also facing this problem of scientific management of generated solid waste in
town. In Kathmandu Metropolitan City, the present solid waste generation is around 566TPD,
which is mostly comprising of domestic and commercial waste. The generated solid waste are
mostly organic in nature and are the major causes of generation of greenhouse gases and due

to this temporary dumping site become much vulnerable for catching of fire and emergency
accident. But through the process of scientific waste management, the generated waste will be
utilized in the production of compost and power generation, which on sell off will generate
revenues. The generated power shall be utilized in running plant and excess can be sold to near

Figure 1-1 Map of the study area (Kathmandu Metropolitan City)

1.2 Project Objective:
The main objective of the project is to ensure the systematic urban planning of the whole areas
comes under the jurisdiction of Kathmandu Metropolitan. Further it will introduce and
implement the appropriate technologies for management of MSW, in order to prevent the
health and environmental hazards to the society. Apart from this The major objectives and
capacity building are as follows: -

➢ Effective management of the waste.

➢ Automatic sorting of waste.

➢ Energy generation from the organic waste.

➢ Revenue generation by selling recyclable waste and selling electricity.

➢ Proper management for dumping of inert waste.
1.3 Project promotor
Name: Department of Industrial Engineering, Thapathali campus
Department of Industrial Engineering promotes many types of ideas and stretchy to this project

1.4 Feasibility study

A feasibility study includes a series of stages related to different aspects of a project with the
aim to give an orientation to the management devoted to take the “go/no go” decision for the
following steps of the project development (generally referred as "gates"). A part of a feasibility
study is dedicated to the “technical assessment” whose target is finding answers to questions
such as: is the proposed technology or solution practical? Is the technology mature and reliable?
If not, can it be obtained? At which risk? And so on. The main question is related to the
practicality of the proposed solution, its effects on the market and/ or on the system where it is
applied, on the environment, on the economy, etc. Whatever are the methods and procedures
used to perform the technical feasibility assessment, the material flow assessment (MFA)
carried out at level of goods resulted instrumental for understanding how the proposed process
or system (e.g. a waste management system) functions, facilitating connections and
communications between the stakeholders, authorities, and involved companies.

1.5 Cost of preparatory studies and related investigations

Before any initiation of the projects, we must invest in its research, feasibility study and several
preparatory investigations like site location analysis, land surveys, quality surveys etc. So
almost overall cost estimation during initial phase of project is shown below.

Table 1-1 Cost of preparatory studies and related investigations

Particulars Cost in NRs(lakhs)

Pre-investment studies
Opportunity studies 25
Pre-feasibility studies 100
Feasibility study 300
Partial studies, support studies 50
Experts, consultant and engineering fees 200
Preparatory investigation 500
Total Rs 1200
In this project, the raw materials such as stones, aggregates, cement, sand, bricks, Geo
membrane, PVC sheets, PVC pipes, steel, aluminium etc. will be used as construction material.

2.1 Classification of raw materials and supplies

This plant is fully dependent on the solid waste. We mainly concerned with the management
of the solid waste using advanced technology and is totally depends on the amount of input that
is the waste growth rate.

According to the data of waste collection in Kathmandu, the total waste generated at
Kathmandu metropolitan city was 566 tons per day with 0.3 kg per capita contribution. The
major waste constituent was the organic with 67.77% of the total waste volume. Other bulk
wastes were plastic and paper constituting 10% and 5% by volume respectively. Rest of the
wastes (8%) was categorized as “other". In average, the total moisture content in the wastes
was 49.93%. Total waste generation of all municipalities was found 1435 tons per day. The
calorific value of the plastic wastes had highest energy content (40.61 MJ/kg). The organic
(15.68 MJ/kg) and paper (15.61MJ/kg) wastes had similar energy content while the other
wastes had slightly higher energy content (17.57MJ/kg).

Raw material that is required to run the project are Domestic wastes like vegetable peel, waste
food, materials etc , Industrial wastes such as sawdust, waste from food processing industries
hospital wastes poultry wastes , Plant wastes like husk, grass, weeds etc agricultural wastes etc
will be use which is collected from door to door. Materials will be transported by trucks, tipper
tractor etc.

Figure 2-1 Compositon of KMC waste

2.2 Water requirement
About 15KLD water will be required for operation, dust separation & plantation purpose. For
the drinking purpose advance treated RO water shall be ensured to make available at the facility
for the working staffs.

The domestic wastewater generated at the site shall be treated in septic tank followed by soak
pits. Sludge from soak pit shall be mixed with compost. Leachate generated at site will be
collected in leachate tanks and solar evaporation pond for its proper management.

2.3 Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any.
The proposed project is an Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Project; the waste
will be segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Biodegradable waste will
be processed and converted into compost and recyclable material will be sent to recyclers in
which some fraction of materials shall be reused while remaining part will be recycled.

2.4 Electricity
Initially electricity is use to start the sorting machine. But after the few days electricity will be
produced from the bio gas plant and it is to run the machine.

2.5 Fuel.
Generally, plant operate with electric energy, but for safety factor we use the gasoline generator
which will operate in electricity shortage time, so that we should not stop the production in
absence of electricity. It can be supplied to factory from nearest oil stores.


The selection for the site for landfill and processing facilities is the most important decision to
be made by the municipal Corporation in developing of its waste management plan. The
different factors of overall process of waste management have its direct impacts on human
health, and nearby ecosystem. During site selection sensitive factors must be taken into account
like occurrence of any sensitive receptors, level of underground water table, sensitive flora,
fauna and localized endangered species. Also care shall be taken in minimizing the impacts on
adjoining environment and habitation during site selection for facility development.

3.1 Location analysis

With considering existing environmental features around the proposed site; it is analysed to
understand the environmental and social sensitivity of project. The detail is deliberated in
subsequent section.

3.2 Landform, Land use and Land Ownership

The project site has almost flat topography. The land use around the site is an open land use.
Few babool (Acacia Nilotica) and palm trees have been observed within the site. Some bushes
and grasses are also observed at the site. The terrain is generally plain except one localised
hump. Overall the absolute site is barren land and left abandoned. The proposed site is
environmentally fit for the development of waste processing facility. Also any sensitive
receptor is not localized in nearby areas of proposed project.

3.3 Environmental impact assessment

It will ensure the prevention of air, water & soil contamination. No open dumping of waste will
be carried out, which leads to soil, water & air pollution. Also littering of waste and waste
leachate is the major sources for breeding of mosquitoes and other disease vectors in the local
areas. This project involves scientific management of waste which will prevent spreading of
diseases and environmental pollution. Also, during the whole process of waste processing,
provision for leachate management has been ensured scientifically, so contamination of ground
water due to waste handling has been made totally under controlled. It will definitely improve
the aesthetic and environmental view of city.

Almost all the environmental and social ill effects and adverse impacts will be controlled by
scientifically managing the waste at the processing plant and disposing of the rejects emanating
from the treatment plant at the engineered sanitary landfill.
Figure 3-1 Sisdol dumping site location
3.4 Socio-economic policies
The Solid Waste Management National Policy, 1997 (2053 BS) is the main policy document
for managing solid waste. The policy has envisaged the following objectives to be achieved:

• To make solid waste management work simple and effective,

• To minimize environment pollution and adverse effect on public health caused by waste,

• To mobilize waste as a resource,

• To garnish public participation through promoting public awareness,

To privatize the solid waste management work Similarly, the thirteenth Periodic Plan
(FY2013/14 - 2015/16) has emphasized on coordination among the concerned entities for the
management of hazardous waste. Concerning the environment degradation, Initial

Environmental Assessment (IEA) and Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) should be
carried out by the concerned entity .

3.5 Infrastructural conditions / Existing Scenario

The prevailing local environment and geomorphological features around the project site play
an important role in assessment of impact due to proposed project activity. The land use around
the site is observed to be Open land use. Very few trees have been observed within the site.
Bushes and grass have been observed within the site however plantation is observed in the
nearby area of site. The terrain is generally plain.

3.6 Land Detail

The decentralized advance aerobic processing plant and sanitary landfill site is proposed in
North-East side of the Kathmandu city Sisdol landfill site at Okharpauwa of Nuwakot
district. which is sufficient for the development of processing facility for the next 20 years of
projection. This project doesn’t tend to displacement of any local settlements and communities
hence, does not require a resettlement and rehabilitation study and plan. The proposed land is
barren land and free of settlements area.

3.7 Cost estimates

The project will commence once Environmental Clearance and other necessary clearances are
obtained from the respective departments. Estimated project cost along with analysis in terms
of economic viability of the project. Total cost of the project is Rs.- 494.36/-Lacs, which
includes all components of facility like processing facilities, common facilities, sanitary
landfill, RDF plat, Composting plant as well as Collection, Transportation and Monitoring

Table 3-1 Cost estimation of land

Particulars Cost in NRs

Land cost Rs. 200000000

Taxes and other expenses Rs. 10000000

Total Rs. 210000000

4.1 Production process and plant capacity
Municipal Solid waste is collected from day to day collection plan from household and others
institutions like hospitals and industries. This MSW are now transported to the solid waste
management plant. Now, these solid wastes are stored in storage section and after certain
treatment they are passed to the sorting machine, a long process treatment of sorting is carried
out by several technologies from which the output is generated as separated plastics, metals,
organic waste, inert waste and other wastes. Now sorted organic waste is passed to Biogas
digester to generate electricity from methane produced by that organic waste.

As daily waste generation is 566 Ton per day, we need a plant of handling this capacity. But
according to the quotation provided by Beston Henon Pvt. Ltd, we have the sorting machine
that can feed up to 20 Ton per hour, operating 16 hours a day, we can process only 320 Tons
of waste per day. Remaining waste is stored in storage section.

Also, after sorting 320 ton of waste, we get 212 ton of organic waste daily. Since 70 % of waste
is moisture so after removing moisture, we get 64 Ton of dry organic waste, also there is losses
while sorting and transportation which is considered to be 30%. So, in total we get final dry
organic waste of around 44 Ton per day.

But according to the quotation provided by Xeon Waste Managers L.L.P, we have a biogas
digester plant of only of 2.5 Ton capacity, so to fulfil the need we required around 15 biogas
digesters. By which we can process around 38 Ton of organic waste daily.

We proposed working hours of plant as 16 hours daily, so we need two shifts for human
resource so that plant can run efficiently. Remaining 8 hours in a day is utilized for the regular
check-up and maintenance of the plant.

Working in a waste management plant is not easy task, since all workers have to deal with bad
smell and other unwanted expects, by which it reduces the productivity of workers and finally
the plant. For to extend productivity of the plant we use proper ventilation, special type of suits
that can protect them from health issues, and other several engineering aspects like dealing
with ergonomics.

4.2 Technology choice

For technological analysis of the Waste to energy plant, we divided our work into two parts

that studying sorting machine and biogas electricity generation pants separately for the better
output of the study.

4.2.1 Sorting Machine Technological feasibility study

Table 4-1 Specification of waste sorting Machines

Specification of waste sorting Machines:

Models BFX-100 BFX_200 BFX-400

Raw Materials Municipal waste, household waste, industrial waste, landfill waste etc.

Capacity 5T/H 10T/H 20T/H

Power 149KW 224.7KW 279KW

Area 2400m2 2800m2 3000m2

Working Time 20 Hours 20 Hours 20 Hours

After doing several market researches, we came to the findings that for the sorting plant, Beston
Henon Pvt. Ltd China is providing better municipal solid waste sorting plant for decades. We
decided to go after Beston Henon after reviewing the feedback of their products and company
profile. The quotation provided by the Beston Henon includes machine of various capacity and
different other aspects as shown in table below.

As daily waste generation in Kathmandu is 566 Ton, by analysing the daily waste production
rate we select the model BFX-400 to be the best option.

Operation time per day = 16 hours

Capacity of BFX-400 per day = 20 * 16 = 320 Ton per day

Storage of waste per day = 256 Ton

So, to fulfil the daily generated solid waste BFX-400 is came out to be best option of model.
Considering the environmental impact, this machine is quite environment friendly and doesn’t
produces huge sound and other harmful environmental aspects.

4.2.2 Biogas electricity generation Technology
Table 4-2 Standard models – Energy Bin TM

Particulars EB-250 EB-500 EB-1500 EB-2000 EB-2500

Waste Processing Capacity

250 500 1500 2000 2500

Dimension (L x B x H) m 6.5x2.7x3 6.5x3.5x3.5 12.5x4x4 15x4x4 18x4x4

Electricity Consumed
6 10 25 31 38

Biogas Output (Nmᵌ) 30-32 60-64 180-190 240-260 300-340

LPG Equivalent Biogas (kg) 15 30 90 120 150

Power generation potential

45 90 270 360 450

Manure Output @ 30% TS

25 50 150 200 250

Liquid Manure (litres) 200 400 1200 1600 2000

By the study of market we came to know that for the biogas to electricity plant, Xeon Waste
Managers L.L.P India is providing better organic waste to electricity plant for decades .The
quotation provided by the Xeon Waste Managers L.L.P India includes machine of various
capacity and different other aspects as shown in table below;

Daily Sorted waste = 320 Ton

Composition of organic waste = 66% of 320 Ton = 211 Ton

Dry organic solid waste = 30% of 211 Ton = 63 Ton

Final dry weight obtained by removing losses = 70% of 63 Ton = 44 Ton

Operation time per day = 16 hours

So, by analysing the above data and calculation to fulfil the daily generated solid organic waste
EB-2500 is came out to be best option of model.

For EB-2500

Required No. of digesters = 15

Capacity of EB-2500 per day = 2.5 * 15= 38 Ton per day

Storage of dry organic waste per day = 6Ton

Considering the environmental impact, this machine is quite environment friendly and
doesn’t produces huge sound and other harmful environmental aspects.

4.3 Technology acquisition and transfer

The machine providers are Beston Henon and Xenon Waste managers, they have their own
patent in their technology and design. As per agreement we don’t have any patent right on the
machinery all the patent and licensing belong to them, we just use their machine and services.
But the plant layout and design are designed according to our requirement so we can patent our
design of layout.

For solid waste management a lot of involvement from local government to central government
have done a lot of works on it. Also, several foreign NGO’s and INGO’s are involved for
management of solid waste. They just use simple technology and focusing mainly on effective
landfilling technology. But KMC Waste to Energy plant uses advanced technology that sorts
solid waste into several basic waste and generates electrical energy through organic solid waste.
So in Nepal there will only such plant so there will not be any issues of copying technology
and design, also we are buying the technology so there will not be any issues of licensing and

4.4 licensing of the technology

On the assumption that KMC waste to Energy will obtain patent protection in connection with
its Technology, it is concluded that the KMC waste to Energy embodies suitable intellectual
property rights which can be the subject of a technology transfer license. Based on contacts
(various clients and others in the environmental engineering industry) it appears that the KMC
waste to Energy is potentially “licensable”, provided it can satisfy the relevant regulatory
requirements and become a viable alternative to competing processes and end products.
However, the recycling process developed by KMC waste to Energy would have to compete
with the alternative of relatively inexpensive landfill disposal and strong existing markets for

recyclable products. As such, several contacts concluded that the demand for the KMC waste
to Energy is “uncertain”.

4.5 Detailed plant layout and basic engineering

Technical and operation factors that should be considered when developing and running a
waste sorting and biogas plant are outlined in this section. Now we are mainly concern with
the plant layout and process flow of the plant. So, for this we study the plant layout of the total
plant by dividing them into two sub-plants.

4.5.1 Waste Sorting Plant

When designing a waste sorting plant, it is important to assess the layout of the plant in relation
to logistics. Key areas must be reserved for parking, the weighbridge, transport (routes in/out
and whilst stationary), unloading and pre-sorting, bulking and storage, site offices, and welfare
facilities. Routing should be logical and crossing should be minimized to prevent accidents.

The waste storage area should be large enough to store waste that accumulates when the plant
is undergoing maintenance or downtime. Due to the likely density of waste, height constraints
and fire regulations, the land area required for storage may be significant.

The material received at the facility is weighed and undergoes inspection, followed by the
removal of the bulky and/or potentially contaminated materials by manual sorting. The material
then goes through an automated bag breaker to remove the waste from the bag and make it
available to the film grabber and sieve which separate films and fines. An air classifier, magnet
and eddy current separator separates the non-metal, ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal
(Aluminium) based on their physical properties. Recovered recyclables are weighted and
temporarily stored in separated bins or in delineated areas. When sufficient volumes are
reached, materials are bulked using balers, shredders, pelletisers and compactors.
Nonrecoverable or non-target materials can then undergo pre-treatment and preparation for
conversion into RDF for energy recovery and/or composting / anaerobic digestion of the
organic biodegradable stream. Automated dirty MRFs (sorting plants for MSW) are capable of
processing up to 20 tonnes per hour of mixed municipal waste. Paper, card and organic waste
from this type of facility is not suitable for material recovery due to contamination, and the
plastic fraction tends to be of poor quality.

Figure 4-1 Flow diagram of a mixed municipal waste sorting plant

4.5.2 Biogas to Electricity Plant

After completing the sorting process, the organic waste is collected to a separate place. These
sorted organic wastes are now transported to preliminary storage from which it goes to crusher
where the organic waste get crushed into smaller pics. After the crushing process water is added
to the waste in mixing tank and passed to the digester where anaerobic digestion takes place.
This digester is maintained to a certain favourable temperature. After around 17 to 18 days it
starts to produce biogas. Now this biogas is transferred to biogas holder through different
filtration process. Now this gas is passed to the generator which converts biogas to electricity.
Also the remaining part of waste is used as fertilizer.

Figure 4-2 Layout of Biogas to electricity plant

4.6 Selection of machinery and equipment
Selection of machineries and plant totally depends upon the various constraints like
environment, cost, technology, area available for the site location and level of automation and
engineering provided to the plant.

As already mentioned, this project is divided into two parts, as sorting plant and biogas to
electricity generation plant. Here we mainly look for the details of the plants and each
machinery required for the plant.

4.6.1 Solid Waste Sorting Plant

Here we look after the machines and technologies used for the solid waste sorting plant.

Table 4-3 Overview of waste sorting technologies

An angled rotating cylinder with holes that allow waste

Trommel screen
of a given size to fall through.

A bed of vertical-spaced discs that transports large

Disk Screen waste items but allows smaller items to drop through the
Waste screening

A vibrating/oscillating declined bed that allows smaller

Oscillating screen waste to pass through while transporting larger waste to
the end.

Waste is dropped through an upward air current in a zig-

Zigzag air classifier zag shaped flue. Light waste is blown to the top, while
heavier waste falls to the bottom

A trommel screen separator with an air current that

Rotary air classifier
captures the light weight fraction.

Air separation Waste is fed on a conveyor and dropped through an air

Cross-current stream. The light components are blown horizontally to
air classifier a collection point and the heavy components drop

Sucks light weight waste directly from the conveyor

Suction hood

A steeply inclined bed with a perforated plate screen

deck, with alternate vibrating elements. Light fractions
Ballistic Separation
are lifted by cams to the top of the bed, heavy fractions
fall to the bottom.

Waste is accelerated onto a rotating drum with spikes.
Film grabber
These hook plastic film and let other waste drop.

Magnets either lift ferrous metal from the waste, or hold

Magnetic separation ferrous metal to the conveyor while other waste is
allowed to drop.

Employees are positioned beside the conveyor and

Manual Sorting manually remove materials either in positive or
negative sorting.

VIS (Visual
Used to identify materials based on colour.

XRF (X-ray Used to differentiate between metals / alloys (for

Fluorescence) example, copper from steel).
XRT (X-ray Identifies materials based on atomic density – for
NIR (Near
Transmission) example, halogens and organic components.

(electromagnetic Identifies metals based on their conductivity.

As mentioned, machineries specification of the sorting machine, we can clearly visualize that
there is no any technologies that effects the environment aspects also we see that this
machineries best fit the requirement of our plant.

4.7 Biogas to electricity plant

Now we study about the technologies and machineries of biogas to electricity plant

Table 4-4 Machineries of biogas to electricity plant

Preliminary Storage Dry solid organic waste is collected here.

Crusher It grinds large solid waste into small particles.

Mixing Tank It mixes water and solid waste.

It decomposes organic solid waste anaerobically to produce
Gas Holder It stores methane.
Out Let Tank It stores slurry.

Decomposer Cultivation It composts the slurry to fertilizer.

Generator It generates electricity using methane.

We must not deal only with the imported equipment, we must look after the local materials in
order to promote the local’s equipment, so for the establishment of the project starting from the
very initial stage we should promote and give more emphasis to the local products. If and only
if products not available in Nepal, we go for the international importing.

4.8 Civil engineering works

For project initiation we must start with building transportation roads to the buildings for the
project. Civil engineers involve from designing phase of the project to analyse the structure
and basic civil engineering for the proper plant layout and foundation of the project.

4.9 Maintenance and replacement requirements

According to our feasibility study, we operate the plant for 16 hours a day which can be
extended as per requirement. Considering operating time as 16 hours, remaining 8 hours is
utilized for the maintenance work. Also, according to the company agreement, they provide
service of maintenance with replacement of the failure and damaged machineries equipment.

4.10 Estimates of overall investment costs

One-time investment cost generally represents the cost of machines and vehicles required in

Table 4-5 Sorting machine cost estimation

Particulars Cost in NRS

Sorting machine cost (complete set) Rs. 103500000

Tariff (18.65%) Rs. 19302750

VAT (13%) Rs. 15964357

Shipping Rs. 3000000

Total Rs. 141767107

Table 4-6 Cost estimation of biogas plant

Particulars Cost in NRS

Biogas to electricity (complete set) Rs. 400000000

Tariff (13.5%) Rs. 54000000

VAT (13%) Rs. 59020000

Shipping Rs. 5000000

Total Rs. 518020000

Table 4-7 Vehicles cost estimation

Particulars Cost (NRs)

Heavy Vehicles 300000000

Light Vehicles 15000000

Total RS.45000000

5.1 Plant organization and management.
SWM is one of the basic essential services that need to be provided by municipalities to keep
urban centers clean under the Local Government Operation Act 2017 and Solid Waste
Management Act of 2011 and Regulation 2013. Likewise, solid waste management technical
support center (SWMTSC) is the key stakeholder for providing support to municipalities in
SWM and Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA) facilitates
municipalities for finding technical and financial support from international organizations and
also support in MSWM activities in overall (OAG, 2015). SWMTSC is an autonomous body
under the Ministry of Federal and Local Development (MoFAGA). MoFAGA is responsible
for formulating policies, implementing, monitoring and also reviewing all the policies and
strategies related to sanitation and sewerage, MoUD is responsible for maintaining sanitation
and drainage within Kathmandu whereas SWMTSC works as monitoring and regulatory
mechanism for the MSWM. This clearly indicate that Nepal government has good institutional
arrangement for the MSWM but they do not have clear enforcement regulation related to SMW
promotion. Similarly, Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
(DoUDBC) provides technical support on infrastructure development and Department of
Environment provide standard for pollution control, EIA and environmental monitoring.
Municipalities are the most important stakeholder for implementing the MSWM activities in
Nepal. The flow chart (figure 18) shows the larger picture of various stakeholder involvement
and their responsibilities for the SWM in Nepal.

Figure 5-1 Institutional arrangement for the MSWM in Nepal

5.2 Organizational design
Organizational design is a step-by-step methodology which identifies dysfunctional aspects of
work flow, procedures, structures and systems, realigns them to fit current business
realities/goals and then develops plans to implement the new changes. The process focuses on
improving both the technical and people side of the business.

During the Study, with new staffing arrangements and job descriptions were prepared to
streamline operations. KMC Waste to Energy Plant committed to implement this plan in a
phased approach. It should be noted that in late 2004 the function of landfill site management
was agreed to be upgraded to a section directly under the Environment Department. This
arrangement has not been formalized to date. However, this unit, without the responsibilities
regarding Teku that is currently under the management of the SWM Section Chief, is managed
independently directly under the Environment Department Head

KMC Waste TO Energy Plant

Mechanical and Engineering SWM Section Urban Environment Section


Planning & Monitoring Unit Air Pollution Unit

Administration Unit

Sorting Plant unit Water Pollution Unit

Procurement Unit

Community Mobilization Unit Parks and Greenery Unit

Engineering Solution

Operation Unit

Transfer Station & Machine Operation Units

Organic Waste to Energy unit Field Level Staff

Store Unit

Figure 5-2 Organizational Structure of KMC Environment Department

5.3 Overhead costs
Overhead costs are frequently computed as a percentage surcharge on total material and labour
inputs or other reference items, a procedure that, in most cases, is not sufficiently accurate.
Overhead costs should be grouped as outlined below.

5.3.1 Factory overheads:

Wages and salaries (including benefits and social security contributions) of manpower and
employees, Factory supplies, Utilities (water, power, gas, steam) Effluent disposal and Office
supplies and Maintenance not directly involved in production.

Table 5-1 Annual full cost of solid waste management

Annual full cost of solid waste management

Wages and salaries of manpower and employees 5% of total profit

Factory supplies 3.5% of total profit

Utilities (Water, Power, Gas, Steam) 4% of total profit

Effluent disposal and office supplies 5% of total profit

Maintenance not directly involved in production 10% of total profit

5.3.2 Administrative overheads:

It includes Wages and salaries (including benefits social security contributions, Office supplies,
Utilities, Communications, Engineering Rents, Insurances (property)Taxes (property). In this
project we consider the administrative cost as 8% of total profit.

5.3.3 Marketing overheads:

It includes Indirect marketing costs that cannot be easily linked directly with a product are
usually treated as marketing overhead costs.

Direct marketing cost :5% of total profit

Marketing from digital medium:4%of total profit

5.3.4 Depreciation costs:

Annual depreciation charges are frequently included under overhead costs. This include the
cost or the value of machine and equipment after it is use.

6.1 Categories and function
Human resources of the KMC Waste to Energy plant fall into following categories:

Total number of staff under this plant involve is 96 persons, which is about 60% of labour are
from local level and remaining 40% will be selected according to their skills and motivation
on work. The breakdown of human resources is as follows:

Table 6-1 1 KMC field level staff categories

Staff Category Number of persons

Labour 60

Drivers 10

Technician 5

Administrative 10

Community Motivators /trainer 2

Engineers/Officers 7

Senier level staff 2

Total 96

6.2 Senior Officers and Mid-Level Staff

Senior officers of the KMC waste to energy department have the highest technical capacities
among all other municipalities in the Kathmandu Valley. Many of the officers hold educational
degrees attained overseas and have specialized backgrounds in various aspects of SWM
responsibilities. Some of the officers are often invited as resource persons for external SWM
training courses.

As for mid-level staff, most have undergone some kind of introductory training in SWM related
technical topics. A sufficient number have computer literacy and operational experience.
Some mid-level staff have not been designated to a unit, and provide general support to waste
to energy Department.

6.2.1 Field Level Staff

KMC’s field level staff are managed based on a four-layered hierarchy under the supervision
of Operation Unit Chief. Field level supervisors called Naikes, directly supervise and monitor
the labour, who then report to supervisors based in ward offices. Zonal supervisors are
stationed in the central KMC waste to energy office, and on a daily basis report to the Operation
Unit Chief and SWM Section Chief on the conditions of the labour performance.

Operations Unit Chief

Plant Supervisors Drivers

Sorting plant

Naike Biogas plant supervisors

labour labour

Figure 6-1 KMC field level staff categories

6.3 Socio-economic and cultural environment
The level of awareness, knowledge and skills on KMC waste to energy might differ one to
another among local people and local communities. In this regard, it is hard for CMU alone to
meet these needs, provide diverse activities by covering relatively larger areas and conduct
regular monitoring and follow-up activities at the field levels.

Due to the lack of decisive policy regarding community participation at the departmental and
central levels in KMC, CMU sometimes encounters difficulties in taking prompt action on
various inquiries from the public.

As we know that the project is operate in the society for the benefit of the society. These include
social structure population trend caste structure education system social value lifestyle beliefs
and expectation in a particular society. These factors have major influences on project and its
functioning. Considering the above mention factor We have select to implement our project on
sisdol which is far from residential area and according to study the project do not affect in their
socio economic and their culture environment. This also provide employment facilities and
increase their economy. So, we conclude to set our project in this area.

6.4 Project-related requirements:
According to study we required 97 manpower to conduct both plants. The work is conducted
in two shift for both plant and some extra worker are also added in peak work. The work is
done in exact timing with the available resources. The door to door collected waste is shifted
to reception where proper weighing, traffic control, and proper data record of waste is kept here
and these wastes is shift for sorting machine where these wastes are separated and the organic
waste comes after sorting is the shift in energy bin to produce electricity. And other raw
material are sold to related authority.

6.5 Availability and recruitment:

AS we know that this is new project so the recruitment of worker is done according to their
skills and willingness towards work For this The sources of recruitment that are used to hire
people from outside the organization may be many but a few most important among them are
discussed below:

• Advertisements
• Internet ads
• Newspaper ads
• Television and radio ads
• Employment agencies
▪ Public employment agencies
▪ Private Employment Agencies
• Head-hunters
• . Unsolicited Applicants / Walk – ins
• Temporary help Services
• Campus Recruitment
• Professional Organization

6.6 Training plans

This project is new in the context of Nepal. We needs a specific skillset, but that doesn’t always
mean that everyone has the skills and requirements needed for the position. So continuous
training and motivation is required for every manpower to continue this project. This help in
greater engagement throughout the company, and a reputation for valuing and respecting your
workforce. For this we conduct various orientation programs, Technical Skills Development
Training, Soft skills development training, Equipment handling training etc.

6.7 Cost estimates
The cost estimate of different level of staff is shown in the following table:

Table 6-2 Salary of staff according to level

Level of staff Salary

Senior staff Rs 65000*2=RS130,000

Administrative staff Rs 50000*10=Rs500000

Engineers/officer staff Rs 45000*7=RS315000

Technician staff Rs 35000*5=RS175000

Operator staff/driver Rs25000*10=Rs250000

Semiskilled and unskilled labour Rs 20000*60=Rs1200000

Community Motivators/Trainer Rs 30000*2=Rs60000

Total Rs 26,30,000

7.1 Analysis of cost estimates
Cost estimation is the process of forecasting the cost and other resources needed to complete a
project within a defined scope. Cost estimation accounts for each element required for the
project and calculates a total amount that determines a project’s budget. Cost estimation is
needed to provide decision-makers with the means to make investment decisions, choose
between alternatives and to set up the budget during the front end of projects.

Table 7-1 Electricity generation analysis

Cumulative Power
Electricity Power (KWh)

Generation 450 x 15 = 6750 6750

Utilization (sorting plant) 279 x 1 = 279 6471

Utilization (Biogas plant) 38 x 15 = 570 5901

Utilization (For other plant operation) 100 5801 Kwh

Table 7-2 Revenue generation

Particulars (Quantity x unit cost) Cost NRs (Per day)

Electricity 5801 x 6 34806

Plastic (12.7%) 38608 x 5 193040

Paper (6.35%) 16256 x 3 48768

Metals (0.13%) 332.8 x 8 2663

Glass (2.79%) 7142.4 x 1.5 10713

Others (10.88%) 27417.6 x 1.5 41127

Total Rs.331117

Table 7-3 Total cost calculation

Particulars Cost (lakhs)

Cost of preparatory study 1200

Cost of land estimation 210

Sorting machine 141.767107

Biogas plant estimation 5180.2

Vehicles cost 450

Total Rs 1034.787107

Fixed cost =RS 1034787107

Total variable cost =Staff salary cost +other expenses (fuel, transportation, separation)

=31560000(per annum) +20,00,000

=Rs 33560000

7.2 Break Even analysis:

A break-even analysis is a financial tool which helps you to determine at what stage your
company, or a new service or a product, will be profitable. In other words, it’s a financial
calculation for determining the number of products or services a company should sell to cover
its costs (particularly fixed costs). Break-even is a situation where you are neither making
money nor losing money, but all your costs have been covered.

Break-even analysis also deals with the contribution margin of a product. The excess between
the selling price and total variable costs is known as contribution margin.

When determining a break-even point based on sales dollars:

Divide the fixed costs by the contribution margin. The contribution margin is determined by
subtracting the variable costs from the price of a product. This amount is then used to cover the
fixed costs.

Here our Selling price is Rs.331117 per day

Selling price per annum=331117*365=Rs 120,857,705

Contribution Margin = Selling price – Total variable Costs


= Rs 87,297,705

Break-Even Point (sales rupees) = Fixed Costs ÷ Contribution Margin



7.3 Payback period method

Another method for the evaluation of the project is payback period method. The payback
method is a method of evaluating a project by measuring the time it will take to recover the
initial investment.

The payback period is the time required to earn back the amount invested in an asset from its
net cash flows. It is a simple way to evaluate the risk associated with a proposed project. An
investment with a shorter payback period is considered to be better, since the investor's initial
outlay is at risk for a shorter period of time.

Initial Investment
Payback Period =
Net Cash Flow per Period


= 8.56 years

8.1 Major advantages of the project
8.1.1 Social Benefits

Living condition of the local inhabitants shall be improved as per social and environmental
aspects. No open dumping will be carried out after development of processing facility. This
will reduce the chances of air, water & soil contamination and also will reduce odour emission.
This will improve the living standard of society & will provide safe & hygienic surroundings.
It will also eliminate the passage of solid waste garbage problems in sewer lines. Hence choking
of sewer in rainy season shall be sort out up to maximum extent. Further it will reduce the
emission of road dust, which mostly generated due to the spreading of solid and C&D waste
on road and road side. Road dust emission has the adverse effect on the health of local people.
The fine dust particle gets pass through the nasal opening and finally trapped on the lungs
alveoli of human beings and causes the pulmonary diseases. This is the major health issues in
the urban areas, which would be under controlled upto maximum extent after the
implementation of solid waste management facility.

Efficient waste collection & disposal of waste will improve the living & health condition of
inhabitants in the area. This project will improve the health condition of the area and society.
Further it will produce compost which has the social benefits for ensuring availability of low
price compost for the farmer community in the project vicinity areas. The power generation
through the plant shall be utilised for the street lighting in city ward areas, which has its social
benefit for providing lighting facility to the city resident on low cost

8.1.2 Direct & indirect employment opportunities

About 100 employees will be employed during project operation phase. About100 to 150
indirect employment will be generated for primary/secondary collection, transportation etc.

8.1.3 Economic Benefits:

a) Revenue from Waste:
Waste is material that is generally being rejected as it has no use for the people and society.
This project comprises of collection of waste, waste processing & safe disposal.

From the municipal waste following products will be recovered, which can generate revenue.

1) Recyclables

2) Compost
3) Inert waste as filler material.

4) Waste to Energy Generation

b) Improved economic status

Project will generate both direct & indirect employment. Local people will be preferred for
giving employment. This will improve economic status of the area. Emigration of local people
to other parts of state/country due to unavailability of employment will be reduced. It will
improve to generate in house employment for the local resident. Also some secondary job and
associated business opportunities shall be generate, which in turn will be the economic benefits
for the society.

c) Conservation of natural resource

Compost produced is rich in nutrient & serves as organic manure. An application of this manure
saves fertilizers and simultaneously reduces the fertilizers load on agriculture land. This is cost
effective for farmers as it is cheaper than fertilizers & also prevents soil salinity &

8.1.4 Environmental Benefits:

It will ensure the prevention of air, water & soil contamination No open dumping of waste will
be carried out, which leads to soil, water & air pollution. Also littering of waste and waste
leachate is the major sources for breeding of mosquitoes and other disease vectors in the local
areas. This project involves scientific management of waste which will prevent spreading of
diseases and environmental pollution. Also during the whole process of waste processing,
provision for leachate management has been ensured scientifically, so contamination of ground
water due to waste handling has been made totally under controlled. It will definitely improve
the aesthetic and environmental view of city.

a) Development of green belt:

Green belt will be developed along the periphery of facility. Also development of grass lawns,
local herbs and shrubs will be planted to develop green buffer at the plant site.This will help in
mitigating dust & noise pollution and improving the aesthetic and landscaping view of facility.

8.2 Major drawbacks of the projects
a) The process is not always cost-effective:
Yes, though it may pay cash to the contributors, the truth is this process needs a lot of money,
time and land to set up a plant and run. As the amount of waste that is being contributed to the
waste product unit increases, so are the number of plants that process these resources. Setting
up a huge factory obviously needs a lot of money, and this management will start fetching
yields only in the long run. Hence, this is not seen as a short-term lucrative investment.

b) The sites are often dangerous:

As the waste management sites include the landfills to recycling units under its aegis, these
sites are highly susceptible to fungal and bacterial growth thereby leading to various diseases.
Even the debris formation will be accelerated by such bacterial growth, which makes it totally
unsafe for the workers who work there.

c) Contains Impurities
After refinement and compression, biogas still contains impurities. If the generated bio-fuel
was utilized to power automobiles, it can corrode the metal parts of the engine. This corrosion
would lead to increased maintenance costs.

d) Effect of Temperature on Biogas Production

Like other renewable energy sources (e.g. solar, wind) biogas generation is also affected by the
weather. The optimal temperature bacteria need to digest waste is around 37°C. In cold
climates, digesters require heat energy to maintain a constant biogas supply.

e) Less Suitable for Dense Metropolitan Areas

Another biogas disadvantage is that industrial biogas plants only makes sense where raw
materials are in plentiful supply (food waste, manure). For this reason, biogas generation is
much more suitable for rural and suburban areas.

8.3 Chances of implementing the project

This project involves scientific management of waste which will prevent spreading of diseases
and environmental pollution. Almost all the environmental and social ill effects and adverse
impacts will be controlled by scientifically managing the waste at the processing plant and
disposing of the rejects emanating from the treatment plant at the engineered sanitary landfill.
As from the calculation we get payback period of around 8 years. In such kind of large and
environment friendly project we must go through the implementation of the project.


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