Plastic Hinge Lengths of Normal and High-Strength Concrete in Flexure
Plastic Hinge Lengths of Normal and High-Strength Concrete in Flexure
Plastic Hinge Lengths of Normal and High-Strength Concrete in Flexure
overloads, they will normally be concentrated in a finite Baker and Amarakone (1964)
hinge length. Hinge length is an important parameter in On the basis of experimental evidence, including beams
full-range analysis of normal strength and high-strength with lateral reinforcement, Baker and Amarakone
concrete structures including elastic, plastic and (1964) proposed the following formula.
softening phases (Mendis, 2000). A comprehensive
review of formulae available to calculate the hinge (2)
length is presented in this paper. Although presented
way back in 1968, it is shown in the paper by k1, k3 and z are defined as for the I.C.E. formula. kud is
considering experimental results, that the formulae the neutral axis depth at collapse.
suggested by ACI 428 committee can be used as lower
and upper bounds in inelastic analysis of normal and Cohn and Petcu (1963)
high-strength concrete structures. However the ACI During their tests on two span beams, Cohn and Petcu
formulae are independent of longitudinal and lateral (1963) observed that the length to one side of the plastic
reinforcement percentages. An empirical formula is zone at the intermediate support is between 0.3d
presented in this paper to include these variables. and 0.9d.
where fu is the curvature corresponding to M u and l’ p is function of numerous possible variables. In view of this
the equivalent hinge length without considering spread scatter he disputed the validity of a least squares fit. He
of plasticity beyond the point of yield moment. proposed a simple expression for computing lp.
ACI Limits (1968)
The ACI-ASCE Committee 428 on Limit Design (1968)
proposed envelopes, or upper and lower limits, rather
than a single expression for hinge length. The length
q = tension reinforcement index, along a member from the section of maximum moment,
over which the inelastic curvatures are assumed to
occur, lp, shall exceed the lesser of these two values:
and (9)
Table 1 - Details of Beams tested by Mendis It was observed that the hinge length increased with
the shear span ratio and the reinforcement percentage,
but decreased with the lateral reinforcement percentage.
In the tests conducted, long span beams J2 and K1
showed a longer hinge length, as predicted. Except for
Beam H2, the hinge length remained constant around
0.40d for beams tested with axial loads. It is
complimentary to the findings of Park et al. (1982), who
showed that the hinge length ratio is independent of the
axial load ratio.
The experimental results were compared with the
hinge lengths predicted by the formulae presented
before. These results are plotted in Figure 3. ACI, lower
and upper bounds are also plotted in the figure with
Note: Beam J1 was not included as it was tested in
double-point loading.
solid lines. It is clearly seen that the experimental results
are within the ACI limits. The 95% confidence interval
calculated from a t-distribution for the ACI lower limit
is (1.079, 1.411): i.e. we are more than 95% confident
that the ACI lower limit underestimates the
hinge length.
As seen from Figure 3, Mattock, Corley and Mod.
Mattock formulae over-estimate the hinge lengths by a
significant margin. Sawyer’s formula over-estimate the
hinge lengths in many beams. Although the ICE
formula over-estimate the hinge lengths, the predictions
are closer to the experimental values. Park et al. formula
makes reasonable predictions for beams with axial
loads. Baker and Amerakone formula under-estimates
the hinge lengths of all the beams.
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Priyan Mendis is an Associate Professor and Reader at the University of Melbourne. His primary research
interests include design of concrete structures, high- strength/high- performance concrete, seismic
design of concrete structures and tall buildings. He is the chairman of the international sub- committee of
ACI 363 committee on high- strength concrete.