TD TAD1032GEWorkshop Manual (Techanical Data)

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Workshop Manual

Technical Data

TAD1030G, TAD1030GE, TAD1030P,

TAD1030V, TAD1031GE, TAD1032GE
Workshop Manual
Technical Data

Industrial Diesel Engines

TAD1030G/GE • TAD1030P/V
TAD1031GE • TAD1032GE


Safety precautions ..................................................................... 2

General information ................................................................... 5

Identification plates .......................................................................... 8

Technical Data .............................................................................. 9

General ............................................................................................ 9
Electrical system .............................................................................. 9
Engine .............................................................................................. 10
Valve mechanism ............................................................................. 10
Crank mechanism ............................................................................ 13
Lubrication system ........................................................................... 15
Fuel system ..................................................................................... 17
Cooling system ................................................................................ 18
Intake and exhaust system .............................................................. 18
Wear tolerances ............................................................................... 19
Tightening torques ........................................................................... 19

Safety Precautions

As a general rule all service operations must be

Introduction carried out with the engine stopped. However,
The Workshop Manual contains technical data for the some work, for example certain adjustments re-
Volvo Penta products or product versions noted in quire that the engine is running when they are
the table of contents. Make sure that the correct carried out. Approaching an engine which is op-
workshop literature is used. erating is a safety risk. Loose clothing or long
hair can fasten in rotating parts and cause seri-
Before starting work on the engine read the
ous personal injury. If working in proximity of an
“Safety Precautions”, “General Information” and
engine which is operating, careless movements
“Repair Instructions” sections of this service
or a dropped tool can result in personal injury.
manual carefully.
Take care to avoid contact with hot surfaces
(exhaust pipes, Turbocharger (TC), air intake
pipe, starter element etc.) and hot liquids in
lines and hoses on an engine which is running
or which has just been stopped. Reinstall all
protective parts removed during service opera-
tions before starting the engine.

Check that the warning or information labels on

the product are always clearly visible. Replace
labels which have been damaged or painted

Never start the engine without installing the air

cleaner (ACL) filter. The rotating compressor in
the Turbo can cause serious personal injury.
Foreign objects entering the intake ducts can
also cause mechanical damage.
In this book and on the product you will find the fol- Never use start spray products or similar when
lowing special warning symbols. starting the engine. They may cause an explo-
WARNING! Possible danger of personal inju- sion in the inlet manifold. Danger of personal
ry, extensive damage to property or serious injury.
mechanical malfunction if the instructions are
not followed.
Only start the engine in a well-ventilated area.
IMPORTANT! Used to draw your attention to If operating the engine in an enclosed area en-
something that can cause damage or malfunc- sure that there is exhaust ventilation leading
tions on a product or damage to property. out of the engine compartment or workshop
area to remove exhaust gases and crankcase
Note! Used to draw your attention to important infor- ventilation emissions.
mation that will facilitate the work or operation
in progress.
Avoid opening the coolant filler cap when the
Below is a summary of the risks involved and safety engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can spray
precautions you should always observe or carry out out as system pressure is lost. Open the filler
when operating or servicing the engine. cap slowly and release the pressure in the sys-
tem, if the filler cap or a drain cock/venting cock
Immobilize the engine by turning off the power must be opened, or if a plug or engine coolant
supply to the engine at the main switch (switch- line must be removed on a hot engine.
es) and lock it (them) in the OFF position be- It is difficult to anticipate in which direction
fore starting work. Set up a warning notice at steam or hot coolant can spray out.
the engine control point.

Safety Precautions

Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid getting hot oil WARNING! The delivery pipes must under no
on the skin. Ensure that the lubrication system circumstances be bent. Damaged pipes
is not under pressure before carrying out any should be replaced.
work. Never start or operate the engine with
the oil filler cap removed, otherwise oil could be
All fuels and many chemical substances are
flammable. Do not allow naked flame or sparks
in the vicinity. Fuel, certain thinner products
Stop the engine before carrying out operations and hydrogen from batteries can be extremely
on the engine cooling system. flammable and explosive when mixed with air.
Smoking is not to be permitted in the vicinity!
Ensure that the work area is well ventilated and
take the necessary safety precautions before
Always use protective glasses or goggles when starting welding or grinding work. Always en-
carrying out work where there is a risk of splin- sure that there are fire extinguishers at hand
ters, grinding sparks, acid splashes or where when work is being carried out.
other chemicals are used. The eyes are ex-
tremely sensitive, an injury could result in blind-
ness! Ensure that rags soaked in oil or fuel and used
fuel or oil filters are stored safely. Rags soaked
in oil can spontaneously ignite under certain
circumstances. Used fuel and oil filters are en-
Avoid getting oil on the skin! Repeated expo- vironmentally dangerous waste and must be
sure to oil or exposure over a long period can deposited at an approved site for destruction
result in the skin becoming dry. Irritation, dry- together with used lubricating oil, contaminated
ness and eczema and other skin problems can fuel, paint remnants, solvent, degreasing
then occur. Used oil is more dangerous than agents and waste from washing parts.
fresh oil from a health aspect. Use protective
gloves and avoid oil soaked clothes and shop
rags. Wash regularly, especially before eating. Never expose a battery to naked flame or elec-
There are special skin creams which counter- trical sparks. Never smoke in proximity to the
act drying out of the skin and make it easier to batteries. The batteries give off hydrogen gas
clean off dirt after work is completed. during charging which when mixed with air can
form an explosive gas – oxyhydrogen. This gas
is easily ignited and highly volatile. Incorrect
connection of the battery can cause a single
Many chemicals used on the product (for ex-
spark which is sufficient to cause an explosion
ample engine and transmission oils, glycol,
with resulting damage. Do not shift the connec-
gasoline and diesel oil), or chemicals used in
tions when attempting to start the engine
the workshop (for example degreasing agents,
(spark risk) and do not lean over any of the bat-
paint and solvents) are dangerous to health.
Read the instructions on the product packaging
carefully! Always follow the safety precautions
for the product (for example use of protective
mask, glasses, gloves etc.). Make sure that Always ensure that the Plus (positive) and Mi-
other personnel are not exposed to hazardous nus (negative) battery leads are correctly in-
chemicals, for example in the air. Ensure good stalled on the corresponding terminal posts on
ventilation in the work place. Follow the instruc- the batteries. Incorrect installation can result in
tions provided when disposing of used or lefto- serious damage to the electrical equipment.
ver chemicals. Refer to the wiring diagrams.

Always use protective goggles when charging

Excercise extreme care when leak detecting on and handling the batteries. Battery electrolyte
the fuel system and testing the fuel injector jets. contains sulfuric acid which is highly corrosive.
Use eye protection. The jet from a fuel injector Should the battery electrolyte come into con-
nozzle is under extremely high pressure and tact with unprotected skin wash off immediately
has great penetrative energy, so the fuel can using plenty of water and soap. If battery acid
penetrate deep into the body tissue and cause comes in contact with the eyes, immediately
serious personal injury. Danger of blood poi- flush with plenty of water and obtain medical
soning. assistance at once.

Safety Precautions

Turn the engine off and turn off the power at the lifting device two people are usually required to
main switch(es) before carrying out work on the do the work, one to take care of the lifting de-
electrical system. vice and another to ensure that components
are lifted clear and not damaged during the lift-
ing operations. Check before starting work if
Clutch adjustments must be carried out with there is enough room to carry out removal work
the engine stopped. without risking personal injury or damage to the
engine or parts.

Use the lifting eyes fitted on the engine when

lifting the drive unit. Always check that the lift- WARNING! The components in the electrical
ing equipment used is in good condition and system and in the fuel system on Volvo Penta
has the load capacity to lift the engine (engine products are designed and manufactured to
weight including gearbox, if fitted, and any ex- minimize the risk of fire and explosion. The en-
tra equipment installed). gine must not be run in areas where there are
Use an adjustable lifting beam or lifting beam explosive materials.
specifically for the engine to raise the engine to
ensure safe handling and to avoid damaging
engine parts installed on the top of the engine.
All chains and cables should run parallel to Always use the fuels recommended by Volvo
each other and as perpendicular as possible in Penta. Refer to the Instruction Book. Use of fu-
relation to the top of the engine. els that are of a lower quality can damage the
engine. On a diesel engine poor quality fuel
If extra equipment is installed on the engine
can cause the control rod to seize and the en-
which alters its center of gravity a special lifting
gine to overrev with resulting risk of damage to
device is required to obtain the correct balance
the engine and personal injury. Poor fuel quali-
for safe handling.
ty can also lead to higher maintenance costs.
Never carry out work on an engine suspended
on a hoist without other supporting equipment
Observe the following rules when cleaning with
high-pressure water jets. Never direct the water
Never work alone when removing heavy en- jet at seals, rubber hoses or electrical compo-
gine components, even when using lifting de- nents. Never use a high pressure jet when
vices such as locking tackle lifts. When using a washing the engine.


All rights to changes or modifications reserved.
Printed on environmentally-friendly paper

General Information

About this Workshop Manual Certificated engines

This Workshop Manual contains technical data for the Engines certificated to meet national and regional en-
repair of the following engines in standard format: vironmental legislation carry with them an undertaking
TAD1030G/GE, TAD1030P/V, TAD1031GE, from the manufacturer that both new and existing en-
TAD1032GE. gines in use meet the enviromental demands of the
The Engine Designation and Engine Numbers can be legislation. The product must correspond to the vali-
found on the product plate (see page 8). Please al- dated example that was granted certification. In order
ways include both the engine designation and the en- for Volvo Penta as the manufacturer to take responsi-
gine number in all correspondance. bility for engines in use, certain requirements regard-
ing service and spare parts must be met by the user
The Workshop Manual is produced primarily for the according to the following:
use of Volvo Penta workshops and service techni-
cians. For this reason the manual presupposes a ● The Service Intervals and maintenance operations
certain basic knowledge and that the user can carry recommended by Volvo Penta must be followed.
out the mechanical/electrical work described to a
● Only Volvo Penta Original Spare Parts intended for
general standard of engineering competence.
the certificated engine may be used.
Volvo Penta products are under a continual process
● Service work on the injection pump and injectors
of development and we therefore reserve all rights
must always be carried out by an authorized
regarding changes and modifications. All the infor-
Volvo Penta workshop.
mation in this manual is based on product specifica-
tions available at the time the book was published. ● The engine may not be altered or modified in any
Any essential changes or modifications introduced way, with the exception of accessories and ser-
into production or updated or revised service meth- vice kits developed by Volvo Penta for that en-
ods introduced after the date of publication will be gine.
provided in the form of Service Bulletins.
● No modifications to the exhaust pipes and air sup-
ply ducts for the engine room (ventilation ducts)
may be undertaken as this may effect exhaust
● Any seals on the engine may not be broken other
than by authorized persons.

IMPORTANT! If replacement parts are required

use only Volvo Penta Original Parts.
Use of replacement parts other than AB
Volvo Penta Original Parts will result in AB
Volvo Penta being unable to assume any li-
ability that the engine corresponds to the
certificated engine variant.
AB Volvo Penta excludes any liability for all and
any type of damage or costs caused by the use
Spare parts of replacement parts that are not Volvo Penta
Original Parts for the product in question.
Spare parts for the electrical and fuel systems are
subject to various national safety requirements.
Volvo Penta Original Spare Parts meet these specifi-
cations. Any type of damage which is the result of
using spare parts that are not original Volvo Penta
parts for the product in question will not be covered
under any warranty or guarantee provided by AB
Volvo Penta.

Repair instructions

Dimension Tightening torque

Our joint responsibility
Nm lbf.ft.
Every engine consists of many systems and compo- M5 .................................................... 6 4.4
nents that work together. If one component deviates M6 .................................................... 10 7.4
from the technical specifications this can have dra- M8 .................................................... 25 18.4
matic consequences on the environmental impact of M10 .................................................. 50 36.9
the engine even if it is otherwise in good running or- M12 .................................................. 80 59.0
der. It is therefore critical that the stated wear toler- M14 .................................................. 140 103.3
ances are observed, that systems which can be ad-
justed are correctly set up and that only Volvo Penta
Original Parts are used on the engine. The stated
service intervals in the Maintenance Schedule must
be followed.
Some systems, such as the components in the fuel
system, require special expertise and special testing
equipment for service and maintenance. Some com-
ponents are factory sealed for environmental and Tightening torque with
product specific reasons. Under no circumstances
attempt to service or repair a sealed component un- Protractor tightening
less the service technician carrying out the work is (angle tightening)
authorized to do so.
Bear in mind that most chemical products, incorrectly Tightening using both a torque setting and a protrac-
used, are hazardous to the environment. Volvo tor angle requires that first the recommended torque
Penta recommends the use of bio-degradable de- is applied using a torque wrench and then the recom-
greasing agents for all cleaning of engine compo- mended angle is added according to the protractor
nents unless otherwise stated in the Workshop Man- scale.
ual. Pay special attention to make sure that oils and Example: a 90° protractor tightening means that the
washing residue are handled correctly for destruc- joint is tightened a further 1/4 turn in one operation
tion, and do not unintentionally end up in the nature. after the stated tightening torque has been applied.

Tightening torques Lock nuts

The correct tightening torques for critical joints which Do not re-use lock nuts that have been removed dur-
must be tightened using a torque wrench are listed ing dissassembly operations as these have reduced
under “Technical Data – Tightening Torques” and service life when re-used – use new nuts when as-
stated in the method descriptions in the Workshop sembling or reinstalling. For lock nuts with a plastic
Manual. All tightening torques apply to cleaned insert such as Nylock® the tightening torque stated
threads, bolt heads and mating surfaces. Tigthening in the table is reduced if the Nylock® nut has the
torques stated are for lightly oiled or dry threads. same head height as a standard hexagonal nut with-
Where grease, locking or sealing agents are required out plastic insert. Reduce the tightening torque by
for screwed joints this is stated in both the operation 25% for bolt size 8 mm or larger. Where Nylock®
description and in “Tightening Torques”. Where no nuts are higher, or of the same height as a standard
tightening torque is stated for a joint use the general hexagonal nut, the tightening torques given in the ta-
tightening torques according to the table on the next ble apply.
page. The tightening torques stated are a guide and
the joint does not have to be tightened using a torque

Repair instructions

During service operations use the same agent or an

Strength classes alternative from a different manufacturer.
Bolts and nuts are divided up into different classes of Make sure that mating surfaces are dry and free from
strength; the class is indicated by the number on the oil, grease, paint and anti-corrosion agent before ap-
bolt head. A high number indicates stronger material, plying sealant or locking fluid. Always follow the man-
for example a bolt marked 10-9 indicates a higher ufacturer’s instructions for use regarding temperature
strength than one marked 8-8. It is therefore important range, curing time and any other instructions for the
that bolts removed during the disassembly of a bolted product.
joint must be reinstalled in their original position when
assembling the joint. If a bolt must be replaced check Two different basic types of agent are used on the en-
in the spare parts catalogue to make sure the correct gine and these are:
bolt is used. RTV agent (Room temperature vulcanizing). Used for
gaskets, sealing gasket joints or coating gaskets. RTV
is visible when a part has been disassembled; old
RTV must be removed before resealing the joint.
The following RTV agents are mentioned in the Ser-
vice Manual: Loctite® 574, Volvo Penta part No.
840879-1, Permatex® No. 3, Volvo Penta part No.
1161099-5, Permatex® No. 77. Old sealant can be
removed using methylated spirits in all cases.
Anaerobic agents. These agents cure in an absence
of air. They are used when two solid parts, for exam-
Sealant ple cast components, are installed face-to-face with-
out a gasket. They are also commonly used to secure
A number of sealants and locking liquids are used on plugs, threads in stud bolts, cocks, oil pressure
the engines. The agents have varying properties and switches and so on. The cured material is glass-like
are used for different types of jointing strengths, oper- and it is therefore colored to make it visible. Cured
ating temperature ranges, resistance to oil and other anaerobic agents are extremely resistant to solvents
chemicals and for the different materials and gap siz- and the old agent cannot be removed. When reinstall-
es in the engines. ing the part is carefully degreased and then new seal-
To ensure service work is correctly carried out it is im- ant is applied.
portant that the correct sealant and locking fluid type The following anaerobic agents are mentioned in the
is used on the joint where the agents are required. Workshop Manual: Loctite® 572 (white), Loctite® 241
In this Volvo Penta Workshop Manual the user will (blue).
find that each section where these agents are applied
in production states which type was used on the en- Note: Loctite® is the registered trademark of Loctite Corparation,
gine. Permatex® the registered trademark of the Permatex Corporation.

Repair instructions

Location of identification
Each engine is supplied with two identical identifica-
tion plates, of which one is mounted on the cylinder
block, see fig.
The other identification plate should be mounted in a
suitable location adjacent to the engine.



T – Turbo charged
A – Air-to-air charge air cooler
W – Water-to-air charge air cooler
D – Diesel engine
10 – Displacement, liters
3 – Generation
0 – Version
P – Stationary engine (Power Pac)
G – Gen Set engine
V – Engine for stationary and mobile operation
M – Engine for mobile operation
E – Low emission engine

Technical Data

Technical Data

Designation ....................................................................................... TAD1030G/GE/P/V, TAD1031GE, TAD1032GE
In line four stroke diesel engine with direct injection.
Turbocharged and air-to-air intercooled (TAD).
Numbers of cylinders .......................................................................... 6
Displacement, total ............................................................................. 9.60 litres/586 in³
Firing order ......................................................................................... 1–5–3–6–2–4
Rotation direction, viewed towards front ............................................ Clockwise
Bore ................................................................................................... 120.65 mm (4.750")
Stroke .................................................................................................. 140 mm (5.512") in
Compression ratio ............................................................................. 15:1, TAD1031GE: 17:1
Compression pressure, starter speed ................................................ 2600 kPa (377psi)
Dry weight,
TAD1030G/GE, TAD1031GE engine only ..................................... 1107 kg (2441 lbs)
TAD1030P/V, engine only ............................................................... 1062 kg (2342 lbs)
Idling speed, low (approx.),
TAD1030G/GE ................................................................................ 1300 rpm
TAD1030P/V ................................................................................... 600 rpm
TAD1031GE .................................................................................... 1300 r/min

Max output: See applicable engine diagram
Max torque: See applicable engine diagram

Electrical system
Volyage and type ................................................................................ 24V, insulated from earth
output ............................................................................................... 60A
voltage ............................................................................................. 28V
rating ................................................................................................ 1700 W
make ................................................................................................ Valeo
Starter motor battery capacity,
maximum ......................................................................................... 2 x 152 Ah
minimum at > +5°C (41°F) .............................................................. 2 x 110 Ah
Density of battery electrolyte at +25°C (77°F),
fully charged .................................................................................... 1.28 g/cm³ (1.24 g/cm³)*
battery needs recharging at ............................................................ 1.24 g/cm³ (1.20 g/cm³)*
Starter motor,
type .................................................................................................. Bosch 5.4 kW/24V
Starting heater .................................................................................... 24V

* Note: Refers to batteries with tropic acid.

Technical Data

Engine Pistons
Piston clearance ..................................... 0.15–0.18 mm
Cylinder heads (0.006–0.007")
Type ........................................................ One per cylinder Height above block face (max) .............. 0.55 mm (0.022")
Length ..................................................... 157 mm (6.18") Number of ring grooves .......................... 3
Width ....................................................... 240 mm (9.45") Front marking ......................................... Arrow pointing
Height, min ............................................. 114.65 mm (4.514") forwards

Piston rings
Compression rings
Cylinder head bolts Number .................................................... 2
Number/cylinder head ............................ 4 Piston ring gap measured in ring
Thread size ............................................. 3/4" – 10 UNC opening, 1st ring ..................................... 0.40–0.60 mm
Length ..................................................... 200 mm (7.874") (0.016–0.024")
2nd ring ................................... 0.35–0.65 mm
TAD1032GE: opening, 1st ring ................ 0.45–0.60 mm
Cylinder block 2nd ring .................................... 0.45–0.60 mm
Length ..................................................... 990 mm (38.976") Oil scraper ring
Height, upper block face – crankshaft Number .................................................... 1
centre (A), min ........................................ 438.8 mm (17.276") Piston ring gap measured in ring
Height, lower block face – crankshaft opening ................................................... 0.35–0.65 mm
centre (B) ................................................ 120 mm (4.724") (0.014–0.026")
TAD1031GE/TAD1032GE: Piston ring gap
measured in ring opening ........................ 0.60–0.80 mm
Gudgeon pins
Clearance, gudgeon pin – connecting
rod bushing ............................................. 0.018–0.026 mm
Gudgeon pin diameter, standard ........... 51.998–52.004 mm
Gudgeon pin hole in piston .................... 52.000–52.008 mm

Valve mechanism
Disc diameter,
Inlet ..................................................... 50 mm (1.97")
Exhaust ............................................... 46 mm (1.81")
Stem diameter,
Inlet ..................................................... 10.982–11.000 mm
Exhaust ............................................... 10.966–10.984 mm
Valve seat angle,
Inlet ..................................................... 29.5° min
Exhaust ............................................... 44.5° min
Seat angle in cylinder head,
Cylinder liners Inlet ..................................................... 30°
Exhaust ............................................... 45°
Type ........................................................ Wet, replaceable Valve disc edge, min.,
Height, total ............................................ 287 mm (11.299") Inlet ..................................................... 1.2 mm (0.047")
Stepped edge height above block face . 0.15–0.20 mm Exhaust ............................................... 1.4 mm 0.055")
Cylinder diameter ................................... 120.65 mm (4.750")

Technical Data

Valve clearance, cold engine or at Measurement between valve disc and

operating temperature, cylinder head face,
Inlet ..................................................... 0.40 mm (0.016") Inlet/Exhaust ....................................... 1.2–1.7 mm
Exhaust ............................................... 0.70 mm (0.028") (0.047–0.067")

The valves can be adjusted according to the two-position

When 1st cylinder piston is at T.D.C. after compression, adjust
valves 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 and 9.
When 6th cylinder piston is at T.D.C. after compression, adjust
valves 3, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12.

Valve guides
Inner diameter (spare part)
Inlet/Exhaust ....................................... 11.032–11.059 mm
Height above cylinder head spring face
INLET (outer spring)
EXHAUST Inlet ..................................................... 19 mm (0.748")
Exhaust ............................................... 21 mm (0.827")

Valve springs
Valve seats Outer valve spring
Outer diameter (meas. A), standard, Length, unloaded .......................... min 61 mm (2.40")
Inlet ..................................................... 54 mm (2.126") With load of 300–390 N (67.5–87.8 lbf) 49.6 mm (1.95")
Exhaust ............................................... 49 mm (1.929")
Oversize, Inner valve spring
Inlet ..................................................... 54.2 mm (2.134") Length, unloaded .......................... min 53 mm (2.087")
Exhaust ............................................... 49.2 mm (1.937") With load of 80–170 N (18–38.3 lbf) .. 42.6 mm (1.677")
Height (meas. B),
Inlet ..................................................... 6.8 mm (0.268")
Exhaust ............................................... 9.5 mm (0.374")
Diameter, front bearing journal, min. ..... 68.985–69.015 mm
2nd bearing journal, min. ...... 66.610–66.640 mm
3rd bearing journal, min. ....... 64.222–64.252 mm
4th bearing journal, min. ....... 63.435–63.465 mm
5th bearing journal, min. ....... 61.047–61.077 mm
6th bearing journal, min. ....... 60.260–60.290 mm
Valve seat location 7th bearing journal, min. ....... 56.285–56.315 mm
Diameter (meas. C), standard, (2.2159–2.2171")
Inlet ..................................................... 54.000–54.030 mm Axial clearance ....................................... 0.05–0.18 mm
(2.1260–2.1272") (0.0020–0.0071")
Exhaust ............................................... 49.000–49.025 mm Radial clearance ..................................... 0.03–0.08 mm
(1.9291–1.9301") (0.0012–0.0031")
Diameter (meas. C), oversize, Check of camshaft setting (cold engine
Inlet ..................................................... 54.200–54.230 mm and valve clearance = 0)
(2.1339–2.1350") Inlet valve for no. 1 cylinder must
Exhaust ............................................... 49.200–49.225 mm with flywheel position 10° A.T.D.C.
(1.9370–1.9380") have opened ........................................... 4.5 ±0.3 mm
Depth (meas. D), (0.177±0.012")
Inlet ..................................................... 9.8–9.9 mm Lift height,
(0.386–0.390") Inlet ..................................................... 8.6 mm (0.339")
Exhaust ............................................... 11.8–11.9 mm Exhaust ............................................... 9.2 mm (0.362")
(0.465–0.469") Max. valve lift, inlet ................................. 13.3 mm (0.524")
Seat bottom radius (meas. R), exhaust .......................... 14.3 mm (0.563)
Inlet/Exhaust ....................................... 0.5–0.8 mm Min. valve lift, inlet ................................. 13.0 mm (0.512")
(0.020–0.031") exhaust ........................... 14.0 mm (0.551")

Technical Data

Camshaft bearings
front bearing ........................................ 69.050–69.075 mm
2nd bearing ......................................... 66.675–66.700 mm
3rd bearing .......................................... 64.287–64.312 mm
4th bearing .......................................... 63.500–63.525 mm
5th bearing .......................................... 61.112–61.137 mm
6th bearing .......................................... 60.325–60.350 mm
7th bearing .......................................... 56.350–56.375 mm
wear ............................................ max. 0.050 mm (0.0020")

Timing gears
Number of teeth,
drive gear for compressor (1) ............. 33
camshaft gear (2) ................................ 60
intermediate gear (3) .......................... 53
drive gear for injection pump (4) ........ 60
intermediate gear for coolant pump (5) 31
drive gear for coolant pump (6) .......... 19
crankshaft gear (7) .............................. 30
intermediate gear for oil pump (8) ...... 48
drive gear for oil pump (9) .................. 21
drive gear for servo pump (10) ........... 19

Backlash ................................................. 0.03–0.17 mm

Axle journal for intermediate gear,
diameter .................................................. 92.084–92.106 mm
(3.6253–3.6262") 1. Drive gear for compressor (optional)
Bushing for intermediate gear,
2. Camshaft gear
diameter .................................................. 92.131–92,166 mm
(3.6272–3,6286") 3. Intermediate gear
Radial clearance for intermediate 4. Drive gear for injection pump
gear ......................................................... 0.03–0.09 mm 5. Intermediate gear for coolant pump
(0.0012–0.0035") 6. Drive gear for coolant pump
Axial clearance for intermediate 7. Crankshaft gear
gear ......................................................... 0.05–0.15 mm 8. Intermediate gear for oil pump
(0.0020–0.0060") 9. Drive gear for oil pump
10. Drive gear for servo pump

Technical Data

Crank mechanism

Crankshaft, axial clearance ................... 0.06–0.27 mm Oversize,
(0.0024–0.0106") 0.2 mm (0.008"),
max. axial clearance .......... 0.40 mm (0.0157") (axial bearing 0.1mm/0.004") ............. 46.175–46.225 mm
Main bearing, radial clearance ............... 0.07–0.14 mm (1.8179–1.8199")
(0.0028–0.0055") 0.4 mm (0.016"),
(axial bearing 0.2mm/0.008") ............. 46.375–46.425 mm
The crankshaft is nitro carburized.
Note: A nitro carburized crankshaft may be ground down to
0.6 mm (0.024"),
maximum the 2nd undersize. If ground additionally, the
(axial bearing 0.3mm/0.012") ............. 46.575–46.625 mm
crankshaft must be nitro carburized again.
Fillet radius (R) ....................................... 3.75–4.0 mm

Main bearing journals

Diameter (Ø), Thrust washers (axial bearing)
standard .............................................. 99.978–100.000 mm
(3.9361–3.9370") Width (B), standard ................................... 2.312–2.362 mm
undersize 0.25 mm (0.010") .................. 99.724–99.746 mm (0.0910–0.0930")
(3.9261–3.9270") oversize 0.1 mm (0.004") ....... 2.412–2.462 mm
0.50 mm (0.020") .................. 99.470–99.492 mm (0.0950–0.0969")
(3.9161–3.9170") 0.2 mm (0.008") ....... 2.512–2.562 mm
0.75 mm (0.030")1) ................ 99.216–99.238 mm (0.0989–0.1009")
(3.9061–3.9070") 0.3 mm (0.012") ....... 2.612–2.662 mm
1.00 mm (0.040")1) ................ 98.962–98.984 mm (0.1028–0.1048")
1.25 mm (0.050")1) ................ 98.708–98.730 mm
Note! The crankshaft must once more be nitro carburized.
Main bearing shells
Type ........................................................ Replaceable
Main bearing journals, Thickness (D), standard ......................... 2.447 mm (0.0963")
out-of-round ................................ max. 0.006 mm (0.0002") oversize 0.25 mm(0.010") .................. 2.574 mm (0.1013")
wear, out-of-round ...................... max. 0.08 mm (0.0031") 0.50 mm(0.020") .................. 2.701 mm (0.1063")
taper ............................................ max. 0.05 mm (0.0020") 0.75 mm(0.030") .................. 2.828 mm (0.1113")
Width, axial bearing journal (A), standard 45.975–46.025 mm 1.00 mm(0.040") .................. 2.955 mm (0.1163")
(1.8100–1.8120") 1.25 mm(0.050") .................. 3.082 mm (0.1213")

Technical Data

Connecting rod bearing journals Connecting rods

Diameter (Ø), standard ........................... 86.003–86.025 mm Length, centre – centre (E) ..................... 260 mm (10.24")
(3.3859–3.3868") Marking:
undersize 0.25 mm(0.010") ................ 85.753–85.775 mm Connecting rod resp. cap ....................... 1 to 6
(3.3761–3.3770") “FRONT” on rod turned .......................... Forwards
0.50 mm(0.020") ................. 85.503–85.525 mm Connecting rod bushing bore (G) .......... 52.022–52.026 mm
(3.3663–3.3671") (2.0481–2.0483")
0.75 mm(0.030")1) ............... 85.253–85.275 mm Axial clearance, connecting rod –
(3.3564–3.3573") crankshaft ...............................................
0.15–0.35 mm
1.00 mm(0.040")1) ............... 85.003–85.025 mm (0.006–0.014")
(3.3466–3.3474") Connecting rod bearing, radial clearance 0.08–0.12 mm
1.25 mm(0.050")1) ............... 84.753–84.775 mm (0.0032–0.0047")
Width (A), axial bearing journal ............. 53.90–54.00 mm
Fillet radius (R) ....................................... 3.75–4.0 mm
Connecting rod bearing journal,
out-of-round ................................ max. 0.004 mm(0.0002") Flywheel, installed
wear, out-of-round ...................... max. 0.08 mm (0.0031")
Max permitted axial throw measuring
taper ............................................ max. 0.05 mm (0.0020")
radius 150 mm ........................................ 0.15 mm (0.0060")
Note! The crankshaft must once more be nitro carburized. Ring gear on flywheel ............................ 156 teeth

Connecting rod bearing shells

Thickness (C), standard ......................... 2.413 mm
undersize 0.25 mm(0.010") ................ 2.540 mm (0.1000")
Flywheel casing, installed
0.50 mm(0.020") ................. 2.667 mm (0.1050") Max permitted axial throw for rear
0.75 mm(0.030") ................. 2.794 mm (0.1100") contact surface ....................................... 0.20 mm (0.0079")
1.00 mm(0.040") ................. 2.921 mm (0.1150") Max permitted radial throw for inner
1.25 mm(0.050") ................. 3.048 mm (0.1200") edge guide .............................................. 0.25 mm (0.0098")

Technical Data

Lubrication system



Lubrication system, general

Oil system capacity,
incl. filter .......................................................................................... 38 litres (10.04 US gals)
excl. filter ......................................................................................... 34 litres (8.98 US gals)
Difference in volume between MIN. – MAX. ...................................... 9 litres (2.38 US gals)
Oil pressure,
rated speed ..................................................................................... 300–500 kPa (43.5–72.5 psi)
idling speed (min.) ........................................................................... 150 kPa/1,5 kp (21.75 psi)
Oil temperature,
normal .............................................................................................. 105°C (221°F)
max. ................................................................................................. 120°C (248°F)
Oil filter, micron size ........................................................................... 0.040 mm (0.0016")

Oil valves
1. Reduction valve
Marking ......................................................................................... Yellow

2. By-pass valve, oil cooler

Type ............................................................................................... Pressure spring
Spring length
off-load ....................................................................................... 46.0 mm (1.81")
loaded 54 ±1 N (12.15 ±0.23 lbf) .............................................. 30.0 mm (1.18")

3. Overflow valve, filter

Type ............................................................................................... Pressure spring
Spring length
off-load ....................................................................................... 68.8 mm (2.71")
loaded 18 ±1 N (4.05 ±0.23 lbf) ................................................ 32.0 mm (1.26")

4. Piston cooling valve

Marking ......................................................................................... –

Technical Data

Lubricanting oil, engine Viscosity is selected as per table below.

Temperatures refer to stable ambient temperature.
Oil grade Standard
VDS-2, VDS Volvo Drain Specification −30 −20 −10 ±0 +10 20 30 40 o
ACEA E3–96, E2–96 ACEA
CD, CE, CF API −15oC SAE 15W/40
CF-4, CG-4 API −25 C
SAE 10W/30
✱ SAE 5W/30
−10oC SAE 20W/30
±0oC SAE 30
+10oC SAE 40
−22 −4 +14 32 50 68 86 104 F

* Concerns synthetic or semi-synthetic oil.

Note! Only SAE 5W/30 may be used.

Lube oil pump

Type .................................................................................................... Gear
bearing sleeve, intermediate gear .................................................. 92.084–92.106 mm (3.6253–3.6262")
intermediate gear, bushing .............................................................. 92.131–92.166 mm (3.6272–3.6286")
Axial clearance,
drive gear ........................................................................................ 0.11 mm (0.0043")
intermediate gear ............................................................................ 0.14 mm (0.0055")

Oil filters
Full-flow .............................................................................................. 2
Micron size .......................................................................................... 0.04 mm (0.0016")

Technical Data

Fuel system

Fuel specifications
The fuel must be approved according to national and international standards for commercial fuels, for example:
EN 590 (With environmental and sub-zero temperature specifications according to national requirements)
ASTM D 975 No 1-D and 2-D
JIS KK 2204
Sulphur content: According to current legislation in respective country.
Note. Fuels with extremely low sulfur contents (“Urban diesel" in Sweden and “City diesel" in Finland) can cause a
drop in power output of 5% and an increase in fuel consumption of 2–3%.

Feed pump
Type ................................................................................................... FP/KG 24 P200
Feed pump pressure .......................................................................... 100–150 kPa (14.50–21.75 psi)
Feed pump, max. suction height ....................................................... 2.0 m (78.74")

Injection pump
Pump type,
TAD1032GE .................................................................................... Bosch PE6P 120A 300 RS7502
TAD1030G/GE/TAD1031GE ........................................................... Bosch PE6P 120A 300 RS7289
TAD1030P/V ................................................................................... Bosch PE6P 120A 320 RS7288
Govenor type,
TAD1030G/GE ................................................................................ GAC 175 D
TAD1031GE/TAD1032GE .............................................................. GAC275D
TAD1030P/V ................................................................................... RQV250 – 900PA1069
Pump element diameter .................................................................... 12 mm (0.47")
TAD1030G, 1500/1800 rpm ........................................................... 15°/15° ±0.5° B.T.D.C.
TAD1030GE, 1500/1800 rpm ......................................................... 12°/15° ±0.5° B.T.D.C.
TAD1030P/V ................................................................................... 15° ±0.5° B.T.D.C.
TAD1031GE .................................................................................... 9° ±0.5° B.T.D.C.
TAD1032GE, 1500/1800 rpm ......................................................... 11° ±0.5°/12° ±0.5° B.T.D.C.
Lift from basic circle (stroke position),
TAD1030G/GE/TAD1031GE/1032GE ............................................ 3.45 (±0.05) mm (0.1358" ± 0.0020")
TAD1030P/V ................................................................................... 3.45 (±0.05) mm (0.1358" ± 0.0020")

Designation, nozzle holder ............................................................... KBEL117P73, TAD1031GE: KBEL 117
TAD1032GE: KBEL 117 P237
nozzle ........................................................................... DLLA 150 P429, TAD1031GE: DLLA 152 P571
TAD1032GE: DSLA 152 P1184
Marking, complete injector ................................................................ 670, TAD1031GE: 8194094
Opening pressure .............................................................................. 25.5 MPa (3698 psi)
Adjustment pressure, new spring ...................................................... 26.0 (+0.8) MPa (3770 psi (+ 116) psi)
Bore .................................................................................................... 5 x 0.30 mm (5 x 0.0118"), TAD1031GE: 6 x 0,24 mm
TAD1032GE: 6 x 0,27 mm

Technical Data

Cooling system
Type ................................................................................................... Pressurized, closed circuit
Pressure valve opens at .................................................................... 70 kPa (10.15 psi)
Recommended coolant,
Volvo Penta ethylen glycol or Volvo Penta
anticorrosion additive together with clean fresh water
Coolant capacity,
engine ............................................................................................. 16 litres (4.23 US gals)
engine incl standard radiator with hoses ...................................... 37.3 litres (9.78 US gals)
marked ............................................................................................ Green
starts to open .................................................................................. 86°C (187°F)
fully open ........................................................................................ 96°C (205°F)

Intake and exhaust system

Designation ........................................................................................ Schwitzer S3B
Lube system ....................................................................................... Pressure lubrication

Boost pressure
TAD1030G/GE/1032GE 1500 rpm 1800 rpm
Prime power, kPa (psi) ........................................... 145 (21.0) 165 (23.9)
Stand by power, kPa (psi) ...................................... 190 (27.6) 200 (29.0)
TAD1031GE: Prime power, kPa (psi) .................... 210 (30.5)
TAD1031GE: Stand by power, kPa (psi) ................ 230 (33.4)
TAD1032GE: Prime power, kPa (psi) .................... 185 (26.8) 180 (26.1)
TAD1032GE: Stand by power, kPa (psi) ................ 215 (31.1) 210 (30.5)

Boost pressure
TAD1030P/V 1500 rpm 1800 rpm 2000 rpm
Continuous power, kPa (psi) .................................. 143 (20.7) 155 (22.5) 160 (23.2)

Exhaust system
TAD1030P/V 1500 rpm 1800 rpm
Exhaust gas temperature after turbine °C (°F),
continuous power ............................................... 540 (1000) 530 (990)

TAD1030G/GE/1031GE/1032GE 1500 rpm 1800 rpm

Exhaust gas temperature after turbine °C (°F),
Prime power ........................................................ 485 (910) 445 (830)
Standby power .................................................... 510 (950) 495 (920)
TAD1031GE: Prime power ................................. 490 (914)
TAD1031GE: Standby power ............................. 530 (990)
TAD1032GE: Prime power ................................. 510 (950) 475 (887)
TAD1032GE: Standby power ............................. 520 (968) 490 (914)

TAD1031GE, TAD1030G/GE TAD1030P/V

1500 rpm 1800 rpm 1500 rpm 1800 rpm
Max. allowable back-pressure in exhaust
line kPa (inwc) ........................................................ 5 (20.1) 7 (28.1) 6.8 (27.3) 9.7 (39.0)

1800 rpm 2000 rpm
Max. combustion pressure MPa (psi),
continuous power ............................................... 12.0 (1740) 11.3 (1639)

1500 rpm 1800 rpm
Max. combustion pressure MPa (psi),
Prime power ........................................................ 12.4 (1800) 11.0 (1600)
TAD1031GE: Prime power ................................. 14,5 (2103)
TAD1032GE: Prime power ................................. 15,3 (2219) 14,9 (2161)

Technical Data

Wear tolerances Tightening torques

Nm lbf.ft
Cylinder heads Cylinder heads 1)
Height, min. ........................................... 114.65 mm (4.5138") Main bearings ......................................... 340 ±25 251 ±18
Connecting rod bearings,
First tightening .................................... 40 30
Second tightening ............................... 75 55
Final tightening (angle tightening) ...... 90°
Axial bearing, camshaft .......................... 40 ±4 30 ±3
Cylinder liners Timing gear cover ................................... 40 ±4 30 ±3
Gear, camshaft ....................................... 60 ±5 44 ±3.7
Cylinder liner (pistons and piston rings) should be replaced
Gear, injection pump drive ..................... 33 24
with wear of 0.40–0.45 mm (0.0157–0.0177") or if oil con-
Intermediate gear journal ....................... 60 44
sumption is abnormally high.
Bearing bracket rocker arm shaft ........... 40 ±4 30 ±3
Drain plug, oil sump ............................... 60 ±15 44 ±11
Oil sump, .................................................
gaskets with a string of silicone ........ 16 ±2 11.8±1.5
other gaskets ...................................... 24 ±3 17.7±2.2
Crankshaft (tighten in a specified order, see figure
below) 2)
Max. permitted out-of-round on main Bracket, oil pump .................................... 40 ±4 30 ±3
and connecting rod bearing journals ..... 0.08 mm (0.003") Intermediate gear, oil pump ................... 17 ±2 12.5±1.5
Max. permitted taper on main and Intermediate gear, coolant pump ........... 120 189
connecting rod bearing journals ............ 0.05 mm (0.002") Flywheel ................................................. 175 129
Max. axial clearance on crankshaft ....... 0.40 mm (0.016") Crankshaft pulley .................................... 60 ±6 44 ±4.4
Flywheel casing ...................................... 140 ±15 103 ±11
Centre bolt, crankshaft ........................... 550 406
Delivery valve holder, injection pump .... 85 ±5 67 ±3.7
Nut for retainers, injectors ...................... 50 ±5 37 ±3.7
Clamp bolt, injection pump .................... 90 ±9 66 ±6.6
Connecting rods Pump coupling, carrier flange ................ 62 ±5 46 ±3.7
Straightness, max. deviation on 100 mm Cleaning plugs in cylinder block and
(3.94") measuring lenght ........................ 0.05 mm (0.002") cylinder heads ........................................ 60 ±10 44 ±7.4
Warp, max. deviation on 100 mm 1)
(3.94") measuring lenght ........................ 0.1 mm (0.004") Tighten the cylinder head bolts in 4 stages.
First tightening 50 Nm (37 lbf.ft).
Second tightening 200 Nm (148 lbf.ft).
Third tightening 370 Nm (273 lbf.ft).
Final tightening, angle tightening 90°.
Valve stem, max. permitted wear ........... 0.07 mm (0.003")
Max. permitted clearance between valve
stem and valve guides,
Inlet ..................................................... 0.2 mm (0.008")
Exhaust ............................................... 0.3 mm (0.012")
Valve disc edge should be min.,
Inlet ..................................................... 1.9 mm (0.075")
Exhaust ............................................... 1.4 mm (0.055")
Valve seat may be ground down so far
that distance from valve disc (new
valve) to cylinder head face is max.,
Inlet/Exhaust ....................................... 2.5 mm* (0.098")* Tightening torque diagram

* With greater values, the seats must be replaced.


Max. permitted out-of-round (with new
bearings) ................................................. 0.05 mm (0.002")
Bearings, max. permitted wear .............. 0.05 mm (0.002")
Lift height, min.,
Inlet ..................................................... 8.4 mm (0.331")
Exhaust ............................................... 9.0 mm (0.354")
Valve tappet, max. permitted radial
clearance ................................................ 0.08 mm (0.003") Tightening torque diagram, oil sump



























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Signed: .............................................................

AB Volvo Penta
Technical Information
Dept. 42200
SE-405 08 Göteborg
7738335-4 English 11–2001

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