Gaussian Basis Sets: CHEM6085: Density Functional Theory
Gaussian Basis Sets: CHEM6085: Density Functional Theory
Gaussian Basis Sets: CHEM6085: Density Functional Theory
Lecture 8
C.-K. Skylaris
• The strength of the LCAO approach is its general applicability: it can work on
any molecule with any number of atoms
molecular coefficient
(spatial) orbital (a number, to be
basis function determined by the
(fixed) SCF calculation)
Slater function
Gaussian function
s functions d functions
p functions
s functions
d functions
p functions
• More than one CG per atomic orbital, e.g.: DZ (“double zeta”), TZ (“triple
zeta”), QZ (“quadruple zeta”)
• One CG per “core” atomic orbital and more than one for the valence atomic
orbitals, e.g.: SV, 3-21G, 4-31G, 6-31G, 6-311G
Write down how many CGs some of the above basis sets will include for the
following atoms: H, C, S
• CGs of angular momentum higher than in the valence orbitals of each atom.
These “polarisation functions” enhance the “flexibility” of atoms to form
chemical bonds in any direction and hence improve calculated molecular
structures. Examples: 3-21G*, 6-31G*, 6-31G**, DVP, TZP, cc-pVDZ, cc-pVTZ
• CGs which extend further from the nucleus than the atomic orbitals. Such
“diffuse functions” improve the predicted properties of species with
extended electronic densities such as anions or molecules forming hydrogen
bonds. Examples: 4-31+G, 6-31+G
• Basis sets are considered “balanced” when they include both polarisation and
diffuse functions. Examples: 6-31+G*, 6-311++G**, aug-cc-pVDZ
Write down how many CGs some of the above basis sets will include for the
following atoms: H, F, S and molecules: H2O, CH4
Example: STO-3G
basis for hydrogen contraction
1) Describe how many and what type (s, p, d) primitive and contracted Gaussians you will have in the STO-2G, DZP
and 3-21G basis sets for the O atom.
2) The 3-21G* basis set for a carbon atom can be input into a quantum chemistry program using the following
parameters (exponents and contraction coefficients):
172.256000000 0.06176690
25.910900000 0.35879400
5.533350000 0.70071300
3.664980000 -0.39589700 0.23646000
0.770545000 1.21584000 0.86061900
0.195857000 1.00000000 1.00000000
Which of the above parameters describe functions for the core electrons, valence electrons and for polarisation?
Describe how you can “uncontract” the basis set and what effect this would have on your calculations.
3) Substitute the expression for the basis set expansion of a molecular orbital into the Schrödinger equation for the
Kohn-Sham orbitals and derive a matrix representation of the Schrödinger equation, involving the “matrix
elements” of the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian and the overlap matrix of the basis functions
(which are not orthogonal). This matrix equation can be solved on a computer to obtain the orbital expansion
coefficients (diagonalisation of the Hamiltonian matrix) and is part of the traditional SCF procedure.
1) Why are Slater functions more suitable than Gaussians as basis functions?
2) What do we mean when we say that a basis set contains “polarisation functions” and what do we mean by
“diffuse functions”?
3) What is a “double-zeta basis set”? Would you expect a triple-zeta basis set to give better results than STO-3G
and why?