Course Outline BUS321 - BRAC University
Course Outline BUS321 - BRAC University
Course Outline BUS321 - BRAC University
BRAC University
Summer 2015
Course: BUS 321 - Principles of Entrepreneurship
Course Instructor: Arif Ghani
Lecturer - II
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Prerequisites: FIN 301: Financial Management and MKT 301: Marketing Management
Class Meetings:
Section 0002 Monday, Wednesday 03:30 PM – 04:50 PM UB20104
Office Hours:
Additional course materials, texts and other details will be announced throughout the semester.
Course Description
This course is to aid the student to develop a general understanding of a wide range of topics within the
field of business and how they will be able to manage their own businesses in this competitive world. The
purpose of this course is to open your mind to the possibilities, the challenges, and the rewards of owning
your own business and to provide the tools you will need to be successful if you choose the path of the
entrepreneur. It is not an easy road to follow, but the rewards both tangible and intangible are well worth
the risks. Not only may you be rewarded financially for your business idea, but, like entrepreneurs the
world over, you will be able to work at something you love and will enjoy near future.
Students who successfully complete this course should be able toarticulate the importance of being a
successful entrepreneur as demonstrated by class discussion, book problems, and class or non-class
exercises. They should be able to interpret, critically analyze, recommend, and defend with supporting
evidence feasible courses of action for actual real life situations. The course introduces the student to the
processes for creating a potentially successful business plan. Student may wish to build his/her career
interest in specific areas in business.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to define the role of an
entrepreneur, explain how entrepreneurs spot business opportunities, explain the forces that are driving
the growth in entrepreneurship, understand the role of diversity in small business and entrepreneurship,
understand the various methods used in valuing a business, how to negotiate the deal, and most
importantly, understand some of the government regulations affecting small businesses, including those
governing trade practices, consumer protection, and he/she should also be able to take into account ethical
behavior and social responsibility in current business activities.
Teaching Strategies
The course incorporates different teaching approaches: lecture, exams, assignments, class exercises,
group work, report activities, organization/company/industry visits and interviews, article reviews, case
studies and analysis, and class presentation and discussions, etc. You are expected to come to class having
read and thought about topics scheduled for the class sessions. Note that your participation will make the
class pleasant and intellectually stimulating, so please do attend every session.
Performance Measures/Exams
The examinations will cover materials contained in the designated chapters, presentations, and other
topics discussed in class. We will discuss the exam’s details in class. The course will require one midterm
exam, one final exam, threequizzes, case studies, and one group report and presentation.
A (4.0) : 90 – 100
A- (3.7) : 85 – below 90
B+ (3.3) : 80 – below 85
B (3.0) : 75 – below 80
B- (2.7) : 70 – below 75
C+ (2.3) : 65 – below 70
C (2.0) : 60 – below 65
C- (1.7) : 57 – below 60
D+ (1.3) : 55 – below 57
D (1.0) : 52 – below 55
D- (0.7) : 50 – below 52
F (0.0) : below 50
Grades without numerical value
P Pass
I Incomplete
W Withdrawal
Registering for this class implies that you know the days and times the class meets and accept the
responsibility for attending classes and being on time. Excessive tardiness and/or leaving the class early
“is” an absence. Class participation reflects actual participation, not just attendance. If you miss
classes because of school activities, you should bring a schedule of expected dates of absence with
supporting documents. BRAC Business School faculty has adopted a policy, requiring regular attendance.
You will not be allowed to sit for the final exam if your class attendance does not meet university rules.
You must attend at least 70% of classes to be eligible for grades – No exceptions will be made!
I expect you to keep up with your assignments, to participate, to be present, and to be on time for all
classes and exams. I also expect appropriate and ethical personal conduct from you. Scholastic
dishonesty is subject to disciplinary penalties, including possible failure in the course and dismissal from
the university. There will be no curving and no make-up exams.
There will be two exams- Midterm and Final.The midterm may consist of fill in the blanks, True/False
questions, MCQs, and short answer questions. The final may consist of MCQs, fill in the blanks,
True/False questions, and both short and essay answer questions.The objective of the exams is to test
your learning in the course. Final exam syllabus will be comprehensive.
Quizzes are an excellent preparation for the midterm and the final exam.Three quizzes will be taken.
Please note that under any circumstances there will be no make-up for unattended quizzes.
Case Studies, article review and interview with entrepreneurs will be the part of assignments. Case studies
are used to give practice in analyzing opportunities, solving management issues, and preparing business
Business Plan
You have to prepare a business plan. Detail outline will be provided in class. The business plan must be
submitted and presented on the assigned date.It should be computer-typed in word format, printed out on
A-4 size papers with the font of “Times New Roman”, paragraph form, double-spaced, font size-12, and
with inserted page numbers. Handwritten assignments and reports will not be accepted in any situation.
Report and assignments need to be submitted in groups with group members’ Name and ID must be
written clearly on the cover page and has to be computer composed. Students are allowed to select his/her
group members at the beginning. They will work in the same group throughout the semester. No changes
in group composition will be permitted once the groups are formed. The maximum number of students in
a group is five.
There will be zero tolerance for plagiarism in all course assessments. You are expected to mention all the
sources of information, as per needed. You have to submit both soft and hard copy of all the assignments
and report. Students have to sign a plagiarism statement with group members’ name and ID#.
Group presentations have been scheduled during the last two classes. The presentation for the business
plan will be approximately 20 minutes long (including questions and answers from the audience).Your
group members will receive the same score in the report and group assignments. You will be judged
individually for your part of the presentation. Please make sure that you manage to complete your part of
the presentation in the allotted time. Interactions with the audience, clarity, professionalism, quality of
slides, handling question and answer session, and overall planning, organizing and delivering, and time
management will be used as a criteria to evaluate the group presentation.
If I have any announcement to make, I will do so in the class and/or in the TSR server. Please check the
TSR server regularly and frequently for any announcements, changes, etc.
Session 21 Ethics and Social Responsibility: Doing the Right Thing Chapter: 21
Session 22 The Legal Environment: Business Law and Government Chapter: 22
Session 23 Quiz III (Chapter: 19& 21)
Business Plan Due date
Good Luck!