Science For Villages: Editorial Our Community at Risk

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in Issue: Feb - May 2020

Science For Villages

Who are at risk ?

Most people infected with

An effort of Centre of Science for Villages, Wardha COVID -19 recover without
taking any special
treatment. Older people,
and those with underlying
medical problems like
cardiovascular disease,
Editorial : Our Community at risk diabetes, chronic
respiratory disease, and
Covid Corona Virus -2019 is influencing our daily life in cancer are more likely to
different ways. Being a developing country having agriculture as a base develop serious illness due
to COVID -19 infection.
economy, India is also at a high risk because of the chances of spreading the
infection at the community level. This is not the first time that our The COVID-19 virus
community experiences a pandemic. More fatal one was there during 1346- spreads primarily through
1353 (namely Black Death). That time the pandemic travelled from Asia to droplets of saliva or
discharge from the nose
Europe and wiped out half of the Europe’s population. The lack of cheap when an infected person
labour initiated technological innovation there. People ensured their better coughs or sneezes.
access to good quality meat and bread at cheaper rate. American Plague of Keeping oneself protected
16th Century, Great Plague of London (1665-66 ), Russian Plague (1770-72), at community places by
Flu Pandemic (1890), Swine Flu Pandemic (2009-10), Severe Acute means of Social
Distancing, washing hands
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS- 2003) and Middle East respiratory syndrome frequently and by using
(MERS -2012) are some of the prominent ones claiming considerable bulk of face masks are advisable.
losses in terms of lives and wealth.

The Corona virus similar to those responsible for MERS and

SARS again invaded the world through trade routes in a big way with greatest
severity and greatest pace. This time people rarely got an opportunity to
exhibit any preparedness the address the pandemic of a severe type. It has Social Distancing
once again switched on studies related to issues related to community level
health and hygiene associated to germs. It has brought life at a stand still in
both cities and in villages. Farmers brought them off the crop fields because
of lack of market networks and lack of work forces.

Good habits, best sanitary practices,

appropriate food habits, cleanliness of the household and adjoining farm
areas etc. can equip us in many ways to enable us to fight any invisible
enemy during a pandemic. We are optimistic about the access of human While moving at public
beings to any appropriate technologies to address a pandemic like that of places, maintain at least
COVID- 19. This issue of SFV specifically points out some suitable hygienic 1 metre (3 feet) distance
issues that can equip fellow villagers to certain extent. between yourself and
anyone who is coughing
… Dr Soham Pandya, or sneezing. It is the only
Editor, Science For Villages effective measure
_________________________________________________ available till date.

Get informed about COVID 19 Pandemic:

Science For Villages
Ba Bapu 150
Since 2019 is a Sesquicentennial (150th)
Birth year of Ba and Bapu, CSV would like to revisit its
objectives in collaboration with other Science and
Technology based voluntary organizations and other civil
societies of national repute to draw a roadmap for action
programs. Keeping this objective in mind, a workshop of two
days duration was scheduled at “Centre of Science for
Villages” during 23rd and 24th November 2019

Major points discussed in the workshop were as follows

Which kind of people’s organization needs to be formed at Sushri Praviana Desai
village level with participatory approach? Bahan Ji inaugurated
Listing appropriate technologies and methodologies the workshop by lighting
successful in creating decentralized opportunities of lamp
employment or self employment for youths using local
17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG) 2030, outlined
by UN in the year 2015, are very much in tune with Mahatma
Gandhi’s philosophy. Participating institutes can individually
or in collaboration select one or more than one SDG and set
targets to achieve them in forthcoming years.
Joint declaration pertaining to these targets were made in the
Basic principles of all round societal development are
proposed by Mahatma Gandhi in his lifetime through his
actions and writings. Also more than 193 countries Vaishali Patil, an entrepreneur
associated with the United Nations have come out with a list sharing her experiences
of 17 agenda of “Sustainable Development Goals 2030”
(SDG) in the year 2015.
In present times also the cardinal principals to be followed by
civil society for social development remains essentially the
same as they were during the life time of Mahatma Gandhi
almost 100 years before. However in existing times there is a
need to revisit methodologies to bring about social
Keeping these objectives in mind a workshop for a duration
of two days was organized by “Centre of Science for
Villages”, Dattapur, Wardha in collaboration with “Institute of
Gandhian Studies” during 23rd and 24th November 2019 at its
Dr. Devendra Kumar Campus, Dattapur, Wardha.
In the workshop points related to development, in
accordance with the rural sector were discussed.

•“It is Health that is real Wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”
Mahatma .
Science For Villages

The workshop created an environment for youngsters

and academicians to undertake decisions for
implementing action programs in their individual and
social lifr. They were trying to think upon the issues
and constrains related to 17 UN SDG 2030 and 18
constructive work programs highlighted by Mahatma
Gandhi. Programs being implemented by CSV
effectively since 1984 were also discussed in details
by young participants and neo entrepreneurs.
Participants had an opportunity to understand scope
of addressing 17 SDG 2030 which are pitching on
through CSV’s different activities.
Participants of the workshop came to a conclusion
that all activities proposed in SDG 2030 are in
accordance to the 18 constructive work programs
coined by Mahatma Gandhi way back in 1930 and
they can be implemented even in present times very
effectively. CSV is promoting such activities through
their focal centers as well as nodal centers. The
details giving connectivity between UN SDG 2030;
Constructive Programs and Eleven Vows proposed
by Mahatma Gandhi and CSV’s activities are
highlighted in annexure I
Immediately after inaugural session respected guests
inaugurated “Mahatma Gandhi Karigar Haat” and
“Kasturba Sabhagrah” at Dr. Devendra Kumar
Campus, Dattapur Wardha.

Reaching the Unreached

• Organic Farming has benefitted
more than 1,700 farmers;
• Innovative Crops benefitted more
than 250 villagers;
• Food Processing benefited more
than 1,000 tribal and villagers.
• NTFP subject benefitted 700
Architects and 700 tribal

Youths participated actively …

I may be a despicable person, but when Truth speaks through me I am invincible...

- Mahatma Gandhi
Science For Villages

A miracle spice
There are various types of spices used in
the Middle East and Southeast Asian kitchen
since centuries. Turmeric is one such queen of
There are different reasons for which turmeric
secured its prime position amongst other group
of spices. It has wider range of applications in
our daily life.
Turmeric works as a healing agent for injuries
and wounds. It works as a natural antiseptic
and antibacterial agent that can be used as an
effective disinfectant. One can sprinkle
turmeric powder on the affected area to speed
up the healing process. IT also effectively Dr. Soham Pandya, Executive Director, CSV,
stimulates the gallbladder and produces bile delivered a lecture on the topic “Social Work
which further helps in better and faster and Rural Reconstruction” at Karnataka State
digestion and keeps the weight under control. Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
Some of the modern studies reveal that University (KSRDPRU), Gadag, Karnataka on 31st
turmeric lowers chances of developing diabetes
May 2019. University was celebrating “Gandhi
and fights colds and flu. It is also helpful in
150” along with students and participants from
preventing cancer. This spice is known to
prevent prostate cancer, as it stops the growth across India
of new cancer cells. Evidences also revealed
that it has a preventive effect against tumour
cells such as T-cell leukaemia, colon carcinomas
and breast carcinomas.

With a bit prominence, turmeric reduces the

risk of heart attacks and strokes. It has a
positive effect on cholesterol, as it prevents the
build-up of LDL (low-density lipoprotein or bad Phand (Rivea hypocretariformis); Phalsa (Grewia
cholesterol) in the blood vessels. subinaequalis); Bhui Kohla or Indian Kudzu (Pueraria
tuberosa) and Papadi (Ventilago denticuleta). Farmers
[Source : A Book titled Healthy Living by are inclined to grow Phand and Phalsa in their farm.
Chandan Sengupta ]

Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the

mind as to the body. Joseph Addison
Science For Villages
Address to a Pandemic

Sicial Distancing Hand Sanitizer

CoVID -19 has created a situation amidst which
all people irrespective of caste and colour are We are passing through a critical situation of a
exposed to the risk of being influenced global pandemic due to a virus called Corona
differently due to epidemic disease cycle. COVID -19. Only the safety measure that one can
adopt at the community level is to protect the
It has a chance of spreading at the householders and people of adjoining areas by
community level with an adequate potential of making, distributing and popularizing uses of
chances of radiating out from a patient up to 400 safety items, such as non-surgical masks, hand
other patients with considerably higher speed of sanitizers and disinfectants of some locally
spread. Countries like Italy, Germany, Spain, available ones.
Britain and USA experienced community level
contamination of the pathogen within a month.
It took us even months to come across the
experiences of human to human transmission of
the COVID-19 pathogen. Sure treatment and any
prophylactic measures are still a matter of

One can keep oneself off the map of the

pandemic by following at least of the following
safety measures:
1. Keep safe distance from one another at
public places. At least a distance of 5 ft We can easily prepare hand sanitizers at our
should be maintained in between two local out pockets by using following chemicals :
2. Washing hands periodically by using soaps or a) Ethanol 96%: 8333 ml
hand sanitizers. b) Hydrogen peroxide 3%: 417 ml
3. Taking medical advice for any symptoms like c) Glycerol 98%: 145 ml
fever, coughing and other anomalies related . (for a bulk of 10 L combination )
to upper and lower respiratory tracts.
4. Using face cover at public places for avoiding After mixing these chemicals and raising the
chances of being exposed to the pathogen. volume to its 10 L bulk, one should keep the bulk
undisturbed for at least 76 hours. After that the
sanitizer solution can be packed and distributed
Source: “COVID -19 Implications” by Chandan as per need.
Sengupta (Published in January 2020 )

There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that
you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before.
Henry David Thoreau
Science For Villages

Zero Hunger Initiatives

A “Land Cover Management Systems” is
developed by CSV for getting 2.5 times more
yield of Biomass per unit area as compared to
traditional management systems. The finding of
the research work is summarized in following
Y = B X [0.6 X r]
Y = Yield
r = moisture available to crop (it may vary from CSV participated in a National
400 to 3,000 mm) Conference on the Theme
0.6 = is a constant and “Technologies for Tribal and Rural
B = A variable the value of which differs from 20 Development (TTRD 2020)” on
to 50 & it depends on management skills related 30th January 2020 at Government
to water, soil, nutrients, light, space etc. Polytechnic, Sakoli, Bhandara

If above formula is implemented across the

country having 90 million hectares of waste land,
it can effectively address the problem of hunger
across the country.

CSV submitted a policy draft to Ministry of

Science & Technology on Land Cover

By adopting “Land Cover Management

Systems”, farmers or SHG can create quality
biomass of different kinds free from chemicals, Participants of a training program
pesticides for every family facing hunger of any for Youths associated with “Nehru
proportion etc. Yuva Kendra”, Wardha during 27th
to 29th February 2020.
This method is highly decentralized, labor
intensive and has human face. The method can
convert waste land, across country, in to lush
green productive land in a span of three to five

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment.………….. Mahatma

Science For Villages Hand Washing ….

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers don’t kill ALL

types of germs, such as a stomach bug
called norovirus, some parasites, and
Bio Manuring … Clostridium difficile, which causes severe
diarrhea. Hand sanitizers also may not
remove harmful chemicals, such as
pesticides and heavy metals like lead.
Handwashing reduces the amounts of all
types of germs, pesticides, and metals on
Do not use hand sanitizer if your hands are
visibly dirty or greasy. After gardening,
playing outdoors, or after fishing or camping
wash your hands with soap and water

Use soap and water :

1. Before, during, and after preparing food

2. Before eating food
3. Before and after caring for someone
who is sick
4. Before and after treating a cut or wound
5. After using the bathroom, changing
diapers, or cleaning up a child who has
used the bathroom
6. After blowing your nose, coughing, or
7. After touching an animal, animal food or
treats, animal cages, or animal waste
8. After touching garbage.
9. If your hands are visibly dirty or greasy.
CSV has adopted different methods to
Scrub all surfaces of your hands, including
meet nutrient requirements of crops
the palms, backs, fingers, between your
i.e. a) Amrut Paani, b) Vermi Compost,
fingers, and under your nails. Keep
c) Biodynamic Preparations and d)
scrubbing for 20 seconds. Rinse your
hands under clean, running water. Dry your
Results: Farmers have adopted all
hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
four methods of nutrient management

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable
will.………….. Mahatma
Science For Villages National Food

Partnership for Development If we would be national instead of

provincial, we would have to have an
CSV has technologies and methodologies interchange of habits as to food, simplify our
for sustainable industrialization of rural tastes and produce healthy dishes all can
sector. take with impunity. This means a careful
Innovative approaches have reestablished study of the foods taken by different
traditional artisans in rural, semi-urbane and provinces, castes and denominations.
urban areas. Some important units are Unfortunately, or fortunately, there are not
enlisted below only different combinations in different
Village Industry: provinces, but there are different styles in
Production of Compost and the same province, among the different
Bio-fertilizers communities. It is necessary, therefore, for
Production of Pest national workers to study the foods and the
Repellents methods of preparing them in the various
Organic Farming provinces and discover common, simple and
Food Processing cheap dishes which all can take without
Herbal Medicines Cultivation upsetting the digestive apparatus. In any
and Processing case, What can be and should be aimed at
Gum Collection & processing are common dishes for common people.
Tuber Crop Cultivation & This I know is easily possible if we have the
Processing mind. But to make this possible, volunteers
Non Violent Rock Bee will have to learn the art of cooking and for
Handmade Paper Unit this purpose they will have also to study the
Rural Pottery values of different foods and evolve common
Agri. tools & equipment dishes easily and cheaply prepared.
Eco-Friendly Mud Houses
Eco-Friendly Bamboo House By Mahatma (Source:Harijan, 5-1-1934)

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winston Churchill

Science For Villages
Voice of Mahatma

Highlights of Building Centre Dieteticians are of opinion

that the inclusion of a small quantity of raw
vegetables like cucumber, vegetable
marrow, pumpkin, gourd, etc. in one's
menu is more beneficial to health than the
eating of large quantities of the same
cooked. But the digestions of most people
are very often so impaired through a surfeit
of cooked fare that one should not be
surprised if at first they fail to do justice to
raw greens, though I can say from
personal experience that no harmful effect
need follow if a tola or two of raw greens
are taken with each meal provided one
masticates them thoroughly. It is a well
established fact that one can derive a
Centre of Science for Villages, much greater amount of nourishment from
Dattapur, Wardha (CSV) made a training the same quantity of food if it is masticated
hall in Dr. Devendra Kumar campus. It well. The habit of proper mastication of
was inaugurated on 23rd November 2019. food inculcated by the use of uncooked
The name of the hall is “Kasturba greens therefore, if it does nothing else,
Sabhagrah”. will at least enable one to do with less
quantity of food and thus not only make for
It is suitable for conducting seminars economy in consumption but also
of more than 200 participants. This hall automatically reduce the dietetic himsa
can successfully accommodate 300 that one commits to sustain life. Therefore
participants alongside other logistic whether regarded from the viewpoint of
services availed within the same campus. dietetics or that of ahimsa the use of
Installation of needful digital accessories uncooked vegetables is not only free from
are also a matter of minutes. It has a all objection but is to be highly
natural surrounding which can give fellow recommended. Of course it goes without
participants an experience of freeness. saying that if the vegetables are to be
eaten raw, extra care will have to be
CSV trained 45 students of Kavi Kulguri exercised to see that it is not stale, over-
Institute of Science (KITS) Ramtek, ripe or rotten or otherwise dirty.
Nagpur in Mud House Technology at
CSV, Dr. Devendra Kumar Campus,
Dattapur, Wardha on February 2020
Source : Young India, 15-11-1928

Find ecstasy in life; the vv

mere sense of living is joy enough. Emily Dickinson
Science For Villages Seminars and Workshops :

1. B. D. College of Engineering (Mechanical

Division) attended a three days
entrepreneurship development training at CSV
Extended Activities 2. LEAD – India Fellows, visited CSV and
attended a lecture was delivered by Dr. Soham
CSV conducted number of training Pandya on a topic – “CSV on Path of Mahatma
programs for villagers for entrepreneurship Gandhi”
development. These women’s Self Help 3. Students of “Priyadarshini Institute of
Groups did remarkably good work and got Architecture and Design Studies”, Nagpur
“Hirkani Award” of Rs. 50,000/- each from attended a lecture on “Ba – Bapu 150 and
Government of Maharashtra. Names of Appropriate Technologies”
4. Students from Radhikatai Pandav Institute
these groups are In cooperation with “Usha
of Architecture, Nagpur attended a lecture on
i) Mahi SHG, Village Rampuri, Block
Brahmapuri, District Chandrapur “Appropriate Technologies” at CSV, Dattapur
International Limited”, New
5. Participants associated with “Environmental
(Tadoba Andheri Tiger Reserve Area);
ii) Savitri SHG, Village Kalpathri, Block
Delhi, CSV gave training in the
Planning and Coordination Organization”,
Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal
Goregaon, District Gondia (Nagzira subject of “Stitching” to 10
EPCO, Bhopal visited CSV and interacted with
Navegaon Tiger Reserve Area);
iii) Nagzira SHG, Village Sodlagondhi, women from rural
the staff of CSV
6. Participated in National Workshop on
Block Goregaon, District Gondia
(Nagzira Navegaon Tiger Reserve
“Sustainable Rural Housing Technologies”
at Yashvantrao Chavan College of
Area). Engineering (YCCA), Nagpur and delivered a
lecture on Rural Mud Housing
These enterprises made 7. A lecture entitled “Toilet technology & retro-
Bakery Products from Mahua. fitting practices in difficult and disaster–prone
terrains” was delivered by Dr. Soham Pandya
Team of CSV extended activities in a National Workshop “Investing in the
successfully trained 20 women from Gram Sanitation Cycle; Entrepreneurship and
Panchayat Belgaon and Khairi, Block Partnership for Service Delivery” organized by
Kurkheda, District Gadchiroli in the subject UNICEF, New Delhi, at India Habitat Centre,
of Ambadi Processing during 27th to 29th New Delhi
August 2019.

An appeal for Contribution and

Participation…. Please participate in our efforts and be with us…
Dr. Soham Pandya,
While implementing constructive
programs in society under “Ba – Bapu
150” CSV made youths and farmers to Centre of Science for Villages
realize that they can succeed in their Dattapur, Post Box Number 21
carrier by using Appropriate Technologies. Wardha, Maharashtra PIN 442001
One can contribute in these activities in Phone- 07152-249542 and 250570 (office)
many ways; by getting involved directly, Mobile-- 09890434003
by extending support services, by Email Id -- [email protected] and
contributing in terms of cash or kind.
[email protected]

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