Technology Management,: Greenhouse
Technology Management,: Greenhouse
Technology Management,: Greenhouse
Translated by
Agricultural Engineer
IFAPA, Spain
Reviewed by
Foreword xv
Acknowledgements xxi
1 Protected Cultivation 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.4 History 6
1.5 Importance 7
1.7 Summary 10
2.1 Introduction 11
2.2.1 Introduction 11
2.4.1 Introduction 14
2.7 Temperature 23
2.8 Wind 24
2.9 Composition of the Atmosphere 24
Water 24
2.9.1 vapour content
2.9.2 C02 content 27
vi Contents
2.10 Rainfall 27
2.12 Summary 28
3.1 Introduction 30
3.3.1 Introduction 32
3.4 Temperature 37
3.7 Summary 41
4.1 Introduction 43
4.4.1 Introduction 46
4.4.2 Climaterequirements of vegetables 47
4.5.1 Introduction 50
4.6.1 Introduction 61
4.6.2 Greenhouse types 62
4.6.3 Structure materials 63
4.6.4 Covering materials 65
4.6.5 Greenhouse screens 68
4.7 The Selection of the Greenhouse: Options 70
4.8 Greenhouse Site Selection 72
4.9 Criteria for the Design and Construction of Greenhouses 73
4.9.1 Introduction 73
4.9.2 Criteria for the design of plastic-film greenhouses 73
Contents vii
4.10.1 Introduction 76
4.10.2 Factors determining the available solar radiation 76
4.12 Summary 82
5.1.2 Convection 84
5.1.3 Radiation 86
5.2 Heat Exchanges by Air Renewal in the Greenhouse 88
5.5 Summary 89
6.1 Introduction 91
8.11 Summary
Light Management
9.1 Air Movement Inside the Greenhouse 154
9.1.1 Introduction 154
13.10 226
15 Postharvest 240
16 Marketing 250
16.1 Introduction 250
Appendix 1 267
Temperature 284
Pressure 285
Energy and Power 285
Radiation 285
Water Lamina 285
Prefixes 285
References 307
Index 327