Dramatic Play Lesson Plan
Dramatic Play Lesson Plan
Dramatic Play Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Template
Name Alexis Teitelbaum
Subject Dramatic Play
Grade Level Pre-Kindergarten
Date/Duration May 1, 2017 / 9:30 – 11:00
Big Ideas • There are different important jobs in a restaurant.
• All of the people in a restaurant have to work together.
• Money is used to pay for the food in a restaurant.
Essential Questions • What different roles are there in a restaurant?
• What do the customers, servers, and chefs do in a restaurant?
• How do you pay for your meal in a restaurant?
PA/Common • 16.2 PK.C Engage in reciprocal communication with adults and
Core/Standards peers.
• 1.4 PK.D With prompting and support, make logical connections
between drawing and dictation.
• AL.1 PK.B Demonstrate a willingness to participate in new and
challenging experiences.
• 2.2 PK.A.1 Understand addition as putting together and adding to,
and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
Objective • While participating in the dramatic play restaurant, all Pre-K
students will recognize the various roles in a restaurant, identify
correct choices of food and drink, and communicate effectively
with each other.
Bloom's Taxonomy • Students will describe the various roles that are played in a
restaurant setting.
• Students will demonstrate knowledge of these roles by acting
them out correctly throughout the dramatic play.
Webb's Depth of • Students will match the pictures on the menu to the correct food
Knowledge (DOK) and drink choices.
• Students will calculate the price of the meal.
Formative & • The student in the “server” role will correctly identify the food
Summative and drink orders selected by the customers, and will determine
Assessment how much money is owed for the meal based on the prices on the
Evidence menu.
• The student(s) in the “customer” role will demonstrate
knowledge of ordering at restaurants by circling their choices of
food and drink, and will count out the appropriate amount of
dollars to pay.
• The student in the “chef” role will select the correct food and
drink from the kitchen to give to the customers.
• No summative.
ISTE Standards for • Empowered Learner: Students leverage technology to take an
Students active role in their choosing, achieving, and demonstrating
competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning
Framework for 21st sciences.
Century Learning • Use of the iPad incorporates technology as an introduction to the
cooking/restaurant dramatic play, promoting the inclusion of 21st
century technology into the classroom.
Accommodations, • Students with limited fine motor skills may point to the pictures
Modifications of the items on their menu instead of circling their choices.
• Students may use a plastic bag to carry the food from the chef to
the customer instead of balancing it on the tray.
• Students may receive extra prompting and help with adding up
the prices on the menu and counting out the correct number of
dollar bills.
Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step Procedures
Learning Plan
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
• Students will be asked “Have you ever been to a restaurant? What
is your favorite thing to order at a restaurant? Do you know what
kinds of people work at restaurants?”
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
• Students will participate in the iPad app “Food Matching Game,” in
which they use memory and critical thinking skills to select the two
cards with matching food.
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions • There are different important roles to be played in a restaurant.
• All of the people in a restaurant have to work together.
• Money is used to pay for the food in a restaurant.
Essential Questions Statement
• What different roles are there in a restaurant?
• What do the customers, servers, and chefs do in a restaurant?
• How do you pay for your meal in a restaurant?
Objective Statement
• While participating in the dramatic play restaurant, all Pre-K
students will recognize various roles in a restaurant, identify
correct choices of food and drink, pay the appropriate amount of
money, and communicate effectively with each other.
• Students will act out an action involved in cooking (stirring,
flipping pancakes, eating, etc.).
Key Vocabulary
• Restaurant – a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are
cooked and served at the same location
• Chef – the person who cooks the food at a restaurant
• Server – the person who takes the customers’ orders and delivers
their food
• Customer – the person who orders and eats the food
• Menu – the list of food and drinks that can be ordered at the
Lesson Procedure PreAssessment of Students
• Students will be asked to describe what they know about
restaurants and if they have ever been to one before.
Modeling of the Concept
• Students will be shown the various stations of the restaurant
center, including the sitting area for customers and the kitchen
where the chef will prepare the food.
Guiding the Practice
• Students will be assigned various roles (customer, chef, or server)
and given the appropriate nametags. Students will switch roles as
• Students will participate in an interactive iPad app in which they
use short-term memory skills to select the cards with the matching
kind of food.
Providing the Independent Practice
• Students will participate in the restaurant dramatic play by acting
out the roles of server, chef, and customer. The play will be
independent with the teacher in a mostly supervising role.
• Students will trade nametags/roles after two minute and one
minute warnings.
Reading Materials • iPad
Technology • Plastic food
Equipment • Nametags
Supplies • Menus
• Restaurant/cash register signs
• Utensil holder (cash register)
• Placemats
• Crayons
• Pencil
• Table
• Play money
• Metal tray
• Plastic bag
Evaluation of the Formal Evaluation
Learning/Mastery • None
of the Concept Informal Evaluation
• Formative assessment will take place during the acting out of the
dramatic play. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the various
roles in a restaurant.
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
• Students will be asked what their favorite role to play was.
• None
Teacher •
Self-reflection •