This document is a repayment schedule for a personal loan of ₹525,000 taken by Mr. Mahesh Patil from HDFC Bank. It shows that the loan is to be repaid in 36 monthly installments of ₹17,188 each, with each payment going towards repayment of principal and interest. The repayment of the full loan amount along with interest will be completed by the 36th installment on July 12th, 2022.
This document is a repayment schedule for a personal loan of ₹525,000 taken by Mr. Mahesh Patil from HDFC Bank. It shows that the loan is to be repaid in 36 monthly installments of ₹17,188 each, with each payment going towards repayment of principal and interest. The repayment of the full loan amount along with interest will be completed by the 36th installment on July 12th, 2022.
This document is a repayment schedule for a personal loan of ₹525,000 taken by Mr. Mahesh Patil from HDFC Bank. It shows that the loan is to be repaid in 36 monthly installments of ₹17,188 each, with each payment going towards repayment of principal and interest. The repayment of the full loan amount along with interest will be completed by the 36th installment on July 12th, 2022.
This document is a repayment schedule for a personal loan of ₹525,000 taken by Mr. Mahesh Patil from HDFC Bank. It shows that the loan is to be repaid in 36 monthly installments of ₹17,188 each, with each payment going towards repayment of principal and interest. The repayment of the full loan amount along with interest will be completed by the 36th installment on July 12th, 2022.