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E Series

External I/O Manual

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


This manual describes external I/O signals for the Kawasaki Robot Controller E series.

This manual also explains procedures for connecting the controller and an external device.
For supplying primary source and operations of robot, see Operation Manual, a separate manual.

Please understand the contents of this manual thoroughly and perform operations carefully.

[ NOTE ]
This manual supports the following controller models.
E01, E02, E03, E04 (Universal controller)
E10, E12, E13, E14, E20, E22, E23, E24, E73, E74, E94 (standard spec. for Japan)
E30, E32, E33, E34, E76, E77, E97 (standard spec. for North America)
E40, E42, E43, E44, E70, E71, E99 (standard spec. for Europe)
E25, E27 (explosion-proof spec. for Japan)
E45, E47 (explosion-proof spec. for Europe)
E28 (standard spec. for Japan/North America/Europe)
E51, E52, E54, E58 (standard spec. for Japan/North America/Europe)

1. This manual does not constitute a guarantee of the systems in which the robot is utilized.
Accordingly, Kawasaki is not responsible for any accidents, damages, and/or problems
relating to industrial property rights as a result of using the system.
2. It is recommended that all personnel assigned for activation, operation, teaching, maintenance
or inspection of the robot attend the necessary education/training course(s) prepared by
Kawasaki, before assuming their responsibilities.
3. Kawasaki reserves the right to change, revise, or update this manual without prior notice.
4. This manual may not, in whole or in part, be reprinted or copied without the prior written
consent of Kawasaki.
5. Store this manual with care and keep it available for use at any time. If the robot is
reinstalled or moved to a different site or sold off to a different user, attach this manual to the
robot without fail. In the event the manual is lost or damaged severely, contact Kawasaki.
Copyright © 2017 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. All rights reserved.

E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


The items that require special attention in this manual are designated with the following symbols.

Ensure proper and safe operation of the robot and prevent physical injury or property damage by
complying with the safety matters given in the boxes with these symbols.


Failure to comply with indicated matters can result in

imminent injury or death.


Failure to comply with indicated matters may possibly lead

to injury or death.


Failure to comply with indicated matters may lead to physical

injury and/or mechanical damage.

[ NOTE ]
Denotes precautions regarding robot specification,
handling, teaching, operation and maintenance.


1. The accuracy and effectiveness of the diagrams, procedures, and detail

explanations given in this manual cannot be confirmed with absolute
certainty. Accordingly, it is necessary to give one’s fullest attention when
using this manual to perform any work. Should any unexplained
questions or problems arise, please contact Kawasaki.
2. Safety related contents described in this manual apply to each individual
work and not to all robot work. In order to perform every work in safety,
read and fully understand the safety manual, all pertinent laws, regulations
and related materials as well as all the safety explanation described in each
chapter, and prepare safety measures suitable for actual work.

E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual



E series controller provides hardware keys and switches on the operation panel and the teach
pendant for various kinds of operations. In this manual the names of the hardware keys and
switches are enclosed with a square as follows. The terms “key” or “switch” which should
follow the relevant names are sometimes omitted for simpler expression. When pressing two or
more keys at the same time, the keys are indicated by “+” as shown in the example below.

ENTER: expresses the hardware key “ENTER”.
TEACH/REPEAT: indicates the mode switch “TEACH/REPEAT” on the operation panel.
A+MENU: indicates pressing and holding down A then pressing MENU.


E series controller provides software keys and switches which appear on the screen of the teach
pendant for various kinds of operations depending on specifications and situations. In this
manual, the names of software keys and switches are enclosed by “< >” parentheses. The terms
“key” or “switch” which should follow the relevant names are sometimes omitted for simpler

<ENTER>: expresses an “ENTER” key that appears on the teach pendant screen.
<NEXT PAGE>: expresses a “NEXT PAGE” key on the teach pendant screen.


Very often an item must be selected from a menu or pull-down menu on the teach pendant screen.
In this manual the names of these menu items are enclosed in brackets [XXX].

[Auxiliary Function]: Expresses the item “Auxiliary Function” in a menu. To select it, move the
cursor to the relevant item by the arrow keys, and press the  key. For
detailed description, this procedure should be described every time, but
“select [XXX] item” will be used instead for simpler expression.

E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


1.0 Types of External I/O Signal ·································································· 6

1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals ·································································· 7
1.2 Software Dedicated Signals ··································································· 8
1.2.1 Software Dedicated Input Signals ···························································· 9
1.2.2 Software Dedicated Output Signals ························································· 12
1.3 General Purpose I/O Signals·································································· 14
1.3.1 Types of General Purpose Signals ··························································· 15
1.3.2 I/O Timing of General Purpose Signals ····················································· 15 I/O Timing through Teaching ································································ 15 I/O Timing through AS Programming ······················································ 17

2.0 Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals ······································· 19

2.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals ································································· 19
2.1.1 External Control Power ON/OFF ···························································· 19
2.1.2 External Motor Power ON ···································································· 21
2.1.3 Safety Circuit OFF ············································································· 22 External Emergency Stop ····································································· 27 Safety Fence Input ············································································· 32 External Trigger Input ········································································· 33
2.1.4 External HOLD ················································································ 35
2.1.5 TEACH/REPEAT Output ···································································· 36
2.1.6 Error Occurrence Output ······································································ 36
2.2 General Purpose I/O Signals·································································· 37
2.2.1 External Input Signals (External  Robot) ················································ 37
2.2.2 External Output Signals (Robot  External) ·············································· 39

3.0 Procedures for Connecting External I/O Signals ·········································· 42

3.1 Connecting Hardware Dedicated Signals ··················································· 44
3.2 Connecting General Purpose Signals························································ 44
3.3 Connecting Expanded I/O Signals (Option) ················································ 44

Appendix 1.0 Procedure for Stopping Robot····················································· A-1

Appendix 1.1 External Emergency Stop (Safety Circuit OFF) ································ A-1
Appendix 1.2 External HOLD ····································································· A-2

E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Appendix 2.0 External Program Selection Function ············································ A-3

Appendix 2.1 Using IF Instruction to Switch between Programs ····························· A-4
Appendix 2.2 Using RPS Function to Switch between Programs ····························· A-5
Appendix 2.3 Using JUMP Function to Switch between Programs ·························· A-7

Appendix 3.0 Output Function for Home Position Signal····································· A-10

Appendix 4.0 Mutual Interlock···································································· A-11

Appendix 5.0 Output Timing of Clamp Signal (Handling Application) ···················· A-13

Appendix 6.0 Dedicated Signals Classified by Application··································· A-15

Appendix 6.1 Handling Specification ···························································· A-15
Appendix 6.2 Spot Welding Specification for Pneumatic Gun ······························· A-18
Appendix 6.3 Arc Welding Specification························································ A-26

Appendix 7.0 External I/O Signal Pin Assignment ············································ A-35

Appendix 7.1 1TW Board Pin Assignment ····················································· A-35
Appendix 7.2 Hardware Dedicated Signal Pin Assignment on 1TR Board ················ A-37

Appendix 8.0 General Purpose Signal Assignment List ······································· A-39

Appendix 9.0 Internal I/O Signal for RS03 (E70/E73/E76)··································· A-41

Appendix 9.1 Outline of Internal I/O Signal Control ·········································· A-41
Appendix 9.2 Software Setting and Signal Allocation of Internal I/O for RS03 ··········· A-42
Appendix 9.3 1UU Board Setting ································································ A-43
Appendix 9.3.1 Jumper ··············································································· A-43
Appendix 9.3.2 Connector ··········································································· A-43
Appendix 9.4 Error Code ·········································································· A-44

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

1.0 Types of External I/O Signal

When using a robot for various applications, some features may be required, such as an interlock
system with peripheral equipment, a central control of HOLD/RUN, or a safety interlock. To
enable control of these functions, external I/O (input/output) signals are used to communicate
information to and from the peripheral equipment. External I/O signals can be classified into the
following three types.

Hardware dedicated signal : A signal provided by the hardware system, whether or not to use it is
selectable. This cannot be used as general purpose signal.

Software dedicated signal : A pre-defined signal provided by the software system, whether or not
to use it is selectable. When used, general purpose signal must be
assigned to replace the software dedicated signal. Software dedicated
signals can be selected again when changing the system.

General purpose signal : A signal used freely during programming and teaching.
I/O channels not assigned to software dedicated signals can be used
as general purpose signals.

[ NOTE ]
The number of I/O channels is the sum of software dedicated signals
and general purpose signals. This quantity should be taken into
account when specifying the number of I/O signals.


Software dedicated signals function after they are defined

in the software. Safety interlocks must not be
accomplished using only software. Use hardware based
signals, such as limit switch, etc., for the safety circuit.

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals

The hardware dedicated signals can be used mainly for external remote operation by changing the
wiring in the hardware. They are connected to the terminal block on 1TR board. (See 2.0
Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals.) The following 6 types of hardware dedicated
signals are available:
Input: 1. External control power ON/OFF Output: 1. TEACH/REPEAT switch
2. External motor power ON 2. Error occurrence
3. Safety circuit OFF
4. External HOLD


Even if the External control power is turned OFF, unlike OFF of breaker
on the controller, power is still supplied to a part of controller. Be sure to
shut OFF the main breaker when conducting maintenance or inspection.

External control Input signal for turning control power ON externally. When +24 VDC is
power ON/OFF applied (contact closed), control power turns ON. When not applied
(ON) (contact open), control power turns OFF. After turning the control
power OFF, wait 2-3 seconds before turning it ON again.
External motor Input signal for turning the motor power ON externally. When the
power ON contact is closed instantaneously (0.3-0.5 seconds), motor power turns
ON. This signal is valid only when emergency stop, external motor
power OFF, etc. are released and in error-free state.
Safety circuit OFF Input signal for turning the motor power OFF externally. When signal is
open (contact open), motor power shuts OFF. The following 3 signals
are available: Emergency stop, Safety fence input, and External trigger
External HOLD Input signal for temporarily stopping robot’s repeat operation externally,
only valid in repeat mode. When signal is open (contact open), robot
cannot operate in repeat mode. When signal is opened during repeat
mode, the robot stops immediately with cycle start remaining ON.
When shorted again (contact close), robot resumes motion from the
place where it stopped.
TEACH/REPEAT Contact output signal from TEACH/REPEAT switch on the operation
panel. The contact is closed while teaching.
Error occurrence External output dedicated signal. The contact opens if error occurs in
repeat mode.

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

[ NOTE ]
External motor power ON, Error occurrence output and TEACH/REPEAT
output are also provided within the software dedicated signals. Use these
signals as either hardware or software dedicated signals according to wiring
conditions. (Both perform the same function.)


External HOLD is a function that stops the robot temporarily

while the cycle start is ON in repeat mode. Robot motion
suspends at the place where external HOLD is engaged, but
the cycle start remains ON. Robot restarts motion from the
same place when external HOLD is released.

1.2 Software Dedicated Signals

Software dedicated signals function after they are defined in
the software. Safety interlocks must not be accomplished
using only software. Use hardware based signals, such as
limit switch, etc., for the safety circuit.

Once their initial settings have been made, software dedicated signals can be used for external
remote control and interlock configurations. When a software dedicated signal is used, it occupies
a portion of the general purpose signals in the system. Therefore, the number of general purpose
signals decrease as the software dedicated signals are used. Although their electrical connection
conditions are the same as that of general purpose signals, take note that they are different from
hardware dedicated signals. The used software dedicated signals are connected to the connectors
CN2 and CN4 on 1TW board as general purpose signals. (Refer to 2.0 Requirements for
Connecting External I/O Signals.)

The software dedicated signals can be set as needed by:

1. Setting of software dedicated signals by Aux. function A-0601 and A-0602. (Refer to Operation
2. DEFSIG command (Refer to AS Language Reference Manual.)

In addition, software dedicated signals specialized for each robot application are also available.
(Refer to Appendix 6.0 Dedicated Signals Classified by Application.)

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

1.2.1 Software Dedicated Input Signals

Signal Name Function
External motor power ON Turns the motor power ON externally. (Functions in
(EXT. MOTOR ON) same way as the MOTOR ON key.)
External error reset Resets errors externally. (Functions in same way as
External cycle start Sets the cycle start externally. (Functions in same
(EXT. CYCLE START) way as the CYCLE START key.)
Resets program externally. Input of this signal during
automatic operation stops cycle operation and resets
to the first step of the main program. When RPS
External program reset (external program selection) mode is set effective,
(EXT. PROGRAM RESET) the RPSxx signals that were set when this signal is
input are imported and program step is reset to the
first step of the program specified by RPSxx signals.
(Refer to Appendix 2.)
Enables switching to another program specified by
RPS-ON the external program number at the step where the
aux. data of END is taught. (Refer to Appendix 2.)
Enables switching to another program specified by
JUMP-ON the external program number at the step where aux.
data of JUMP is taught. (Refer to Appendix 2.)
Disables switching to another program specified by
JUMP-OFF the external program number at the step where aux.
data of JUMP is taught. (Refer to Appendix 2.)
Sets up program number externally. The maximum
External program number
program number specified by RPSxx signals varies
with specification. (Refer to Appendix 2.)
Stops robot temporarily in repeat mode. (Valid in
repeat mode only.) When this signal circuit is open,
robot does not operate in repeat mode. When this
External HOLD (EXT_IT) signal circuit opens during repeat mode, robot stops
immediately and cycle start stays ON. When this
signal circuit closes, robot resumes operation from
the place where it stopped.

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Signal Name Function
External slow repeat Decreases repeat speed temporarily and externally.
(EXT. SLOW REPEAT The speed is set by Aux. function A-0508.
MODE) (Refer to Operation Manual.)
I/F panel page N selection Displays the I/F panel on TP. The corresponding I/F
(I/F PANEL PAGE N panel page is displayed when this signal is input.
Backs up robot data. The corresponding data is
Auto save condition N saved based on the set condition when this signal is
(AUTOSAVE COND. N) input. Auto save conditions are set in A-0210. (Refer
to the Operation Manual.)
Executes a PC program. Names of PC programs
executed by these signals are fixed. External PC
External PC program N start
program 1 start signal executes the PC program,
(External PC Program N
“ZZEXTPC”. External PC program 2 to 5 start
signal executes “ZZEXTPC2” to “ZZEXTPC5”,
External PC program N Aborts a PC program externally. When each signal is
abortion input, system aborts the PC program corresponding
(External PC Program N to the signal number.
Turns OFF the motor power externally. Motor power
turns OFF when the contact closes. Do not use this
External motor power OFF
signal to turn OFF the motor power under the
condition on safety such as emergency stop, because
this signal is processed only on the software.
Stops the robot externally. When this signal becomes
External error stop
OFF, error message is displayed and the robot is
(External Error Stop)
stopped. Several signals can be set. Setting is done in
A-0623. (Refer to Operation Manual.)

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


Signal types indicated by “ ” or “ ” must be set

precisely for duration of 0.3-0.5 seconds. If the signal is too
short, it may not be recognized. Also, do not leave ON the
External motor power ON signal. When left ON and
E-STOP is applied, the stop is effective only while E-STOP
state is kept, and once released the motor power is reapplied

Explanation of Signal Type

: Leading edge is detected. Recommended for Pulse signals.

: Trailing edge is detected. Recommended for Pulse signals.

: Leading edge is detected.

: Trailing edge is detected.

: Level is detected.

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

1.2.2 Software Dedicated Output Signals

Signal Name Function
Motor power ON Indicates that the motor power is ON. Functions in same
(MOTOR ON) way as the MOTOR POWER lamp on TP.
Error occurrence Indicates that an error occurred. (Functions in same way
(ERROR) as the ERROR display on TP.)
Indicates that the robot is in automatic operation (in cycle
Cycle start
operation). Functions in same way as the CYCLE START
lamp on TP.
Indicates that all the conditions set in Aux. function 0602
in respect to the following items are satisfied when the
robot is operable or in automatic operation.
1. In run state (HOLD/RUN switch setting: RUN)
2. No external hold (External hold: Release)
There are hardware signal and software dedicated input
signal “EXT_IT” for external hold signals. Signal
status is determined by logical AND of both signals.
3. Repeat mode (TEACH/REPEAT switch setting on
operation panel: REPEAT)
4. Continuous cycle (Repeat Cont(inuous)/Once
selection: Cont)
5. Continuous step (Step Cont(inuous)/Once selection:
6. Teach lock OFF (Teach lock switch setting on TP:
OFF(Auto side))
7. In cycle operation (CYCLE START lamp: ON).
8. In RGSO ON (Servoing: ON).
9. Dry run mode OFF (Dry run: OFF)
10. External cycle start (Cycle start condition: External).
Set in A-0616.
Indicates robot is in Teach mode. (TEACH/REPEAT
switch is turned to TEACH on operation panel.)
Teach mode
Functions in same way as the output from the
TEACH/REPEAT switch in the hardware dedicated
Home pose 1 Indicates robot is at the preset home pose 1. (Refer to
(HOME1) Appendix 3.0.)

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Signal Name Function
Home pose 2 Indicates robot is at the preset home pose 2. (Refer to
(HOME2) Appendix 3.0.)
Indicates controller power is ON.
Power ON
Functions in same way as the CONTROL POWER lamp
on operation panel.
Is output when motor brake is released and robot is in the
servoing condition.
External program
selection effective Is output when the external program selection mode is set
(Ext. prog. select effective (RPS effective). (Refer to Appendix 2.0.)
(RPS) enabled.)
Indicates robot is ready to switch to the external program
RPS-ST number at the step where auxiliary data of END is taught.
(Refer to Appendix 2.0.)
Indicates robot is ready to switch to the external program
JUMP-ST number at the step where auxiliary data of JUMP is
taught. (Refer to Appendix 2.0.)
Program number
The selected program number (xx part of pgxx) is output.
(Program number)

Step number
The step number of currently selected program is output.
(Step number)

Teach lock ON
Is output when teach lock is ON.
Auto save warning
(AUTO SAVE Is output when an error occurs during auto saving.
Servo ready
Is output in teach mode when servo system is neither in
error nor in emergency stop.
In PC program
Is output when a PC program is being executed.
(External PC program

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Signal Name Function
Emergency stop
(Under emergency Is output in emergency stop.
Dry run
Is output in dry run mode.
(Executing dry run)

Is output in hold mode (including external hold).
(Hold mode)

Safety fence open

Is output when safety fence is open in repeat mode.
(Safety fence opened)
In executing AS language command/ instruction
Command Complete
SHUTDOWN to save data onto CF card, this signal is
output when saving is complete. (Refer to AS Language
Reference Manual.)

1.3 General Purpose I/O Signals

The general purpose I/O signals are assigned by block teaching or AS language programming.
Signals are then output to ports or input from ports when executing the program in repeat mode.
They are connected to connectors CN2 and CN4 on 1TW board. (Refer to 2.0 Requirements for
Connecting External I/O Signals.)

In terms of hardware configuration, the general purpose I/O signals are the same as software
dedicated signals. Software dedicated signals are defined in advance and used for condition
output, remote operation, and dedicated functions. General purpose signals are used freely
depending on each robot application.


Avoid using only a general purpose signal for safety interlock.

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

When assigning general purpose signal numbers and functions,
ensure that they are not duplicates of those previously assigned
as hardware or software dedicated signals, or other general
purpose signals. If duplicate assignments are made, the conflict
may cause the controller to function unpredictably.

1.3.1 Types of General Purpose Signals

There are two types of general purpose I/O signals, signals for communicating externally and
signals that can only be used internally. This manual describes only external I/O signals. For
internal I/O signals, see AS Language Reference Manual.

For the E series controller, external I/O signals can be increased in increments of 32 channels.
They contain both general purpose and software dedicated signals. When determining the system,
take into account that the software dedicated signals occupy a portion of the total external I/O
signal quantity.
[ NOTE ]
Expansion of external I/O signals is made in increments of 32 input and 32 output channels.
The channel quantities for input and output are the same due to the hardware structure.

1.3.2 I/O Timing of General Purpose Signals

Teaching procedure for general purpose signals is different for block teaching and AS language
programming. Fully understand the I/O timing of general purpose signals before using. I/O Timing Through Teaching

In block teaching, the information below is taught together all at once in each step using teach

1. Pose data of robot arm

2. Auxiliary data (interpolation, speed, accuracy, clamp, tool and general purpose I/O (OX/WX)

The general purpose signals taught in block teaching are called OX (output) and WX (input)
signals. The timing of OX and WX when executing a program taught by block teaching is shown
in the example below.

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual
Step 10
Step 8
Step 7 Step 9

WX3 (Input waiting range)
System Switch OX.PREOUT ON
If OX5 is taught in step 8:
1. When robot reaches the accuracy range of step 7 and starts to approach the taught point of
step 8, OX5 turns ON.
2. When robot reaches the accuracy range of step 8 and starts moving toward the taught point of
step 9, OX5 turns OFF because it is not taught in step 9.

If OX6 is taught in steps 8 and 9:

1. When robot reaches the accuracy range of step 7 and starts to approach the taught point of
step 8, OX6 turns ON.
2. When robot reaches the accuracy range of step 8 and starts moving toward the taught point of
step 9, OX6 remains ON because it is taught in step 9.
3. Normally, upon reaching the accuracy range of step 9, the robot starts to approach the taught
point of step 10 and OX6 is turned OFF immediately (because OX6 is not taught in step 10).
In this example, however, the controller waits for input of WX3, because WX3 is taught in
step 9. Step 9 does not switch to 10 until WX3 is input.
4. When WX3 is input, the step switches to 10 and OX6 turns OFF.

If WX3 is taught in step 9:

1. When robot reaches the accuracy range of step 9, it checks for WX3 input.
2. When WX3 has been input, robot moves to the taught point of step 10. If not yet, the robot
keeps waiting at step 9 until it is input.


1. OX signals turn OFF when robot stops due to: motor power OFF, cycle start
OFF or HOLD. The OX signals turn ON again after restarting.
2. Switching from one step to the next occurs when the robot reaches a taught
step, but the switching does not always coincide with the taught point. It
depends on accuracy data of the taught step. The more accurately it is set,
the closer the switching point will be to the taught point. The rougher it is
set, the earlier the step switches. Therefore, note that the timings of input
and output change depending on the accuracy range taught at that step.

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual I/O Timing Through as Programming

Besides block teaching (OX and WX signals) described above, general purpose I/O signals can
also be taught by programming via AS Language. By programming with this method, general
purpose I/O signals have a much wider application scope than OX and WX signals and can be
used in various ways. The following list of instructions is used for controlling general purpose I/O
signals. See AS Language Reference Manual for more details.

Instruction Function
SIGNAL Turns ON/OFF the general purpose output signals (individual)
BITS Turns ON/OFF the general purpose output signals (in a group)
Output signal

RESET Turns OFF the general purpose output signals (effects all the signals)

RUNMASK Controls the general purpose output signals at robot stop

PULSE Pulse output for the general purpose output signals
DLYSIG Delayed output for the general purpose output signals
SWAIT Waits until conditions for the general purpose input signals are satisfied.
SIG( ) Determines if conditions are satisfied for the general purpose input
Input signal

BITS( ) Reads the general purpose input signals specified by its parameters.
ON/ONI Interrupts program execution upon receiving the general purpose input

The timing of general purpose I/O signals when programming with AS Language is shown in the
example below. (Assuming that the system switch is OFF for PREFETCH. SIGINS.)

Program example: #lc4

11 JMOVE #lc1 #lc2
12 SIGNAL 5,6 #lc3
13 JMOVE #lc2 Wait
14 SIGNAL -5
15 JMOVE #lc3
16 SWAIT 1003
IN3 (Input waiting range)
17 SIGNAL -6
18 JMOVE #lc4

E Series Controller 1. Types of External I/O Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

The above timing chart is valid when accuracy for positioning (a value specified by ACCURACY
instruction) is programmed to be precise. If the accuracy is rough, transitions occur before the
robot reaches the actual taught point.

1. General purpose output signal (OUT5) turns ON when robot starts moving to #1c2.
2. After robot reaches #lc2 and the robot starts moving to #lc3, OUT5 turns OFF.

1. General purpose output signal (OUT6) turns ON when the robot moves to #1c2.
2. After reaching #lc2, robot starts moving to #lc3. OUT6 remains ON.
3. General purpose output signal (OUT6) turns OFF when robot moves to #1c4.

1. Robot starts monitoring the general purpose input signal (IN3) once it starts moving to # lc3.
2. Robot waits because IN3 is not ON in this example when reaching #1c3.
3. Robot moves to #lc4 when IN3 turns ON. If IN3 is ON after robot has started signal
monitoring but before arriving at #1c3, then the monitoring is disabled immediately and the
robot moves to #1c4 without waiting.

Generally, OUT signals do not turn OFF when the robot stops due to
motor power OFF or HOLD, unlike OX signals. If defined by
RUNMASK instruction, OUT signals will function like OX signals,
turning OFF when program execution is interrupted.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2.0 Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals

Requirements for connecting external I/O signals differ for hardware signals and general purpose
I/O signals (including software dedicated signals).

2.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals

When using the hardware dedicated signals, connect them to the terminal block on 1TR board
and comply with the requirements below.

2.1.1 External Control Power ON/OFF

This input signal turns the DC power supply (AVR) for the controller ON/OFF externally.

1. When using external control power ON/OFF

Leave the connection between pins 3 and 4 open and apply +24 V to pin 1 and 0 V to pin 2 of
terminal block connector X9 on 1TR board. Connect pins 1-4 of connector X9 as shown in
figure below.

Controller External

Connector X9
Switch or Relay contact
+24V  External  
0V  External  

4 Do not connect
Contact close : Control power ON
(1KP board) Contact open : Control power OFF

1. Take caution when connecting pins 1 and 2 of connector X9. If
connected incorrectly, damage to the 1TR board or external
power supply may occur.
2. Error “D1560 [Power sequence board] DC 24 V is abnormal.”
occurs when DC power is turned OFF by this input but this is
not abnormal.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


1. Use a switch or relay contact that meets the following specifications:

Contact power capacity: DC24 V 0.2 A or more
(Relay coil specification DC24 V 10 mA 20%)
Power supply : DC24 V 10%
(Connect 0 V side to the ground.)
2. An interval of 2–3 seconds is required between the time when control power is
turned OFF (contact open) to ON (contact close).
3. Use 22-24 AWG (0.2-0.3 mm2) for the connector wiring material.

2. When not using external control power ON/OFF

Connect pins 1-4 of terminal block connector X9 on 1TR board as shown below.
Controller External

Connector X9
Do not connect

(1TR board)
(1KP Board)


Pins 3 and 4 of connector X9 are jumpered when controller is factory shipped.

When using external control power ON/OFF, make sure that the jumper is
removed and connection to the connector X9 is configured as shown in the
previous page.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2.1.2 External Motor Power ON

This input signal turns the motor power ON externally and has the same function as the


Never leave ON the External motor power ON signal (contact close). If

left ON the robot may move unexpectedly, for example after an
emergency stop is released.

1. When using external motor power ON

To turn ON the motor power, close connection between pins 5 and 6 of terminal block
connector X9 on 1TR board. Connect a switch or relay contact between pins 5 and 6 of
connector X9. Use a pulse input signal as the contact must not remain closed.

Controller External
Connector X9
Switch or Relay contact
+24V Internal
0V Internal
board) Motor power is turned ON when the switch or
relay contact is closed for 0.3 - 0.5 second.


1. Use a switch or relay contact that meets the following specifications:

Contact power capacity: DC24 V 0.2 A or more
2. Use 22-24 AWG (0.2-0.3 mm2) for the connector wiring material.

2. When not using external motor power ON

Open connection between pins 5 and 6 of terminal block connector X9 on 1TR board and do
not connect any wiring to them.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2.1.3 Safety Circuit OFF

This input signal shuts OFF the motor power externally. When this signal circuit opens, motor
power is shut OFF. The following 3 types of input signals are available for safety circuit.
1. External emergency stop (Valid in teach and repeat mode.)
2. Safety fence input (Valid only in repeat mode.)
3. External trigger input (Valid only in teach mode.)


The Safety circuit OFF needs to be designed based on IEC60204-1, ISO10218 and
ISO13849-1, because its function and operation is very important for human safety. Safety
circuit of E series controller satisfies the following conditions.
E0x/E5x ・・・ ISO13849-1: 2015, category 4, PLe
E28/E3x/E4x/E70/E71/E76/E77/E91/E94/E97 ・・・ ISO13849-1: 2015, category 3, PLd
E1x/E2x(exc E28)/E73/E74 ・・・ ISO13849-1: 2015, category 2, PLc (*)
* Optional safety circuit of E1x/E2x/E73/E74 controller also supports PLd in category 3.
When E0x/E1x/E2x/E5x/E73/E74/E94 controllers are configured with one safety circuit as
shown below, the safety circuit does not satisfy the requirements of PL in above category.
When constructing the comprehensive safety system including robot, conduct risk
assessments and make sure that safety circuit of the controller satisfies performance

2 safety circuits are provided on this controller. E0x/E1x/E2x(exc E28)/E5x/E73/E74/E94

controller can be configured with only one safety circuit, however, it should be configured with 2
safety circuits unless there is some particular reason. When using only one safety circuit, make
the settings as shown below. E28/E3x/E4x/E70/E71/E76/E77/E91/E97 controllers cannot be
configured with only one circuit.

Item Setting
1. Dip switch SW2-1 on 1TR board ON
2. Jumper, JP2 or JP3 on 1TV board (MC unit) Insert the jumper into JP3 with JP2 open
or 1VH board

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

For 1 safety For 2 safety

circuit circuits

E0x controller
(without the top cover)
1VH board


1TV board

For 2 safety
plate 1TV board
without For 1 safety MC unit
cover plate circuit
E1x/E2x(exc E28) controller

E73/E74 controller

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

For 1 safety For 2 safety

circuit circuit

E5x controller
(without the front door)

1VH board

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

For 1 safety For 2 safety

circuit circuits

E94 controller
(without the top cover)
1VH board

E0x/E1x/E2x(exc E28)/E5x/E73/E74/E94 controller should be configured with 2
safety circuits unless there is some particular reason. When using the
E1x/E2x/E73/E74/E94 controller with 1 safety circuit, conduct enough risk
assessments before using it.


Turn OFF the controller power when switching the safety circuit configuration.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

[ NOTE ]
The following errors may occur in the safety circuit construction. When error occurs, perform
the appropriate troubleshooting as shown below.
Error Countermeasure
Inconsistent condition Check the wiring of terminal block connector (X7, X8) and the
in safety circuit inconsistent part indicated in the error message. To reset error, both
contacts of the inconsistent part must be turned OFF once. (This error
only occurs when using 2 safety circuits.)
Fuse blowout in F1 fuse (1 A) on 1TR board is blown out. Check if the connection to
safety circuit safety circuit (connector X7, X8) is correct, and replace the fuse.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual External Emergency Stop

This has the same function as the EMERGENCY STOP switch on the operation panel.

1. Use a contact circuit (mechanical contact) for turning external E-STOP
ON/OFF. Using a semiconductor circuit is extremely dangerous as shut OFF
of the motor power may become inoperable if there is a system failure.
2. Never jumper pins 2-4 and 6-8 of X7 connector. Jumpering these pins disables
E-STOP switches on the operation panel, teach pendant and on external
E-STOP safety circuit, and robot will not stop when E-STOP switches are
3. Use external E-STOP switches that meet the following specifications:
(1) Contact power capacity: DC24 V 1 A or more
(2) Conformance with safety standards
(3) Positive opening mechanism (marked with )
(4) NC (Normally Closed) contact
(5) 2 contacts or more (for 2 safety circuits)
4. Use an external E-STOP circuit relay that meets the following specifications:
(1) Contact power capacity: DC24 V 1 A or more
(2) Conformance with safety standards
(Do not use general control relay as it may not satisfy the safety
(3) Forced-guided type
5. Use 22-24 AWG (0.2-0.3 mm2) for the connector wiring material.
6. Connect 0 V External to the ground.

[ NOTE ]
When using Cubic S, X7 connector is connected with Cubic-S. External emergency
stop signal cannot be connected to the X7 connector and connect it to Cubic-S.
Also, set the JP1/JP2 jumper to the JP2 side on the 1TR board. See
90210-1272DE* for details.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

1. When using external emergency stop

(1) For connecting external switch contact directly in two safety circuits

Remove jumpers between pins 3-4 and 5-6 of terminal block connector X7 on 1TR board,
and connect emergency stop switch contacts as shown below. Jumper pins 1-2 and 7-8.
Also, set jumper to the JP1 side on 1TR board.

Controller External

JP2 OP T/P Connector X7


1 External
Jumper Switch
+24V  Internal

0V  Internal

8 Jumper

(1TR Board)
(1KP board)

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

(2) For configuring 2 external safety circuits with external emergency stop input and
emergency stop contacts taken out from the controller

On connector X7, remove all jumpers from pins 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8. Take out the
emergency stop contacts connected between pins 1-3, 5-7 from the controller. Also, set
jumper to the JP2 side on 1TR board. Connect external stop contacts to pins 2-4, 6-8 on
connector X7.

Controller External
External emergency
OP T/P X7 connector stop switch
Safety relay module

+24 V Internal 2 Input 1


4 Output 1
0 V Internal

Input 2

8 Output 2

(1TR board)


Set jumper to the JP2 side on 1TR board when taking out the
emergency stop switch contacts from the controller. If the jumper
is set to the JP1 side, circuits for emergency stop monitor may
exert a harmful influence on external circuits.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

(3) When connecting external switch contact directly in one safety circuit
(E0x/E1x/E2x(exc E28)/E5x/E73/E74/E94 controller only)

Remove jumper between pins 3-4 of terminal block connector X7 on 1TR board and
connect external emergency stop switch contact as shown below. Jumper pins 1-2. Also,
set jumper to the JP1 side on 1TR board.

Controller External

JP1 JP2 OP TP Connector X7

Jumper pins 1-2.
+24 V Internal External
3 E-STOP Switch

0 V Internal
Set jumper to JP2 side when
⇒Available for other
using in other circuit.circuit
(1TR board) JP1 JP2


Set jumper to the JP2 side on 1TR board when removing the
emergency stop switch contacts from the controller. If the jumper
is set to the JP1 side, circuits for emergency stop monitor may
exert a harmful influence on external circuits.

[ NOTE ]
When using in one safety circuit, the setting in 2.1.3 is

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

(4) For configuring one external safety circuit with external emergency stop input and
emergency stop contacts taken out from the controller (E0x/E1x/E2x(exc E28)
/E5x/E73/E74/E94 controller only)

Remove jumpers between pins 1-2 and 3-4 of terminal block connector X7 on 1TR board.
Take out the emergency stop contacts connected between pins 1-3 from the controller.
Also, set jumper to the JP2 side on 1TR board. Connect external emergency stop contacts
to pins 2-4 on connector X7.
コントローラ External
外 部

JP1 JP2 OP T/P Connector

X7コネクタ X7

300 mA
+24 V External
+24 V Internal
0 V External

0 V 0V
内部 4 Forced-guided ⇒Available
for other
(1TR board)
(1KPボード) circuit


Set jumper to the JP2 side on 1TR board when taking out the
emergency stop switch contacts from the controller. If the jumper
is set to the JP1 side, circuits for emergency stop monitor may
exert a harmful influence on external circuits.

Use only a jumper or mechanical contact circuit independent of
other circuits in external wiring. Connecting common line for a
battery or other circuits is very dangerous as formation of bypass
circuit in the power supply may disable the E-STOP switch.

[ NOTE ]
When using in one safety circuit, the setting in 2.1.3 is

2. When not using external emergency stop

Jumper pins 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 of terminal block connector X7 on 1TR board.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual Safety Fence Input

This input signal is valid only in repeat mode.

1. Use a switch for safety fence that meets the following specifications:
(1) Contact power capacity: DC24 V 1 A or more
(2) Conformance with safety standards
(3) Positive opening mechanism (marked with )
(4) NC (Normally Closed) contact
(5) 2 contacts or more (for 2 safety circuits)
2. Use 22-24 AWG (0.2-0.3 mm2) for the connector wiring material.

1. Using safety fence input in two safety circuits

Remove jumpers between pins 1-2 and 3-4 of terminal block connector X8 on 1TR board and
connect switch contacts for safety fence as shown below.

Controller External
Connector X8 Safety Fence Switch

24VV Internal
00V  Internal
V Internal

(1KP board)
(1TR Board)

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2. Using safety fence input in one safety circuit (E0x/E1x/E2x(exc E28)/E73/E74/E94

controller only)

Remove jumper between pins 1-2 of terminal block connector X8 on 1TR board and connect
switch contact for safety fence as shown below.
Controller External

Connector X8 Safety Fence Switch

24 V Internal
0 V Internal
Remove jumpers from pins 3-4
4 without fail.

(1TR board)

[ NOTE ]
When using in one safety circuit, the setting in 2.1.3 is
required. External Trigger Input

This input signal is valid only in teach mode.

1. Use a switch for external trigger that meets the following specifications:
(1) Contact power capacity: DC24 V 1 A or more
(2) Conformance with safety standards
(3) Positive opening mechanism (marked with )
(4) 3-position type
(5) 2 contacts or more (for 2 safety circuits)
2. Use 22-24 AWG (0.2-0.3 mm2) for the connector wiring material.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

1. Using external trigger in two safety circuits

Remove jumpers between pins 5-6 and 7-8 of terminal block connector X8 on 1TR board and
connect external trigger contacts as shown below.
Controller External
Connector X8 External Trigger
(3 Positions)
24V  Internal  
0V  Internal

(1TR board)
(1KP Board)

2. Using external trigger in one safety circuit (E0x/E1x/E2x(exc E28)/E73/E74/E94

controller only)

Remove jumper between pins 5-6 of terminal block connector X8 on 1TR board and connect
switch contacts for external trigger. Jumper pins 7-8.

Controller External

Connector X8
External Trigger
5 (3 Positions)
24 V Internal

0 V Internal 6

Remove jumpers from pisn 7-8 without fail.

(1TR board)

[ NOTE ]
When using in one safety circuit, the setting in 2.1.3 is

3. When not using external trigger

Jumper pins 5-6 and 7-8 of terminal block connector X8 on 1TR board.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2.1.4 External Hold

This input signal temporarily holds the robot’s repeat operation externally and is valid only in
repeat mode.

1. Using external HOLD

Remove jumper between pins 7-8 of terminal block connector X9 on 1TR board and connect a
contact for external hold as shown below. Robot will be in HOLD by opening this contact.

Controller External
Connector X9
Switch or Relay contact
+24 V Internal
+24V Internal
00V  Internal
V Internal
W hen the contact is open,
(1TR Board)
(1KP board) the robot will be in HOLD.

1. Use a switch or relay contact that meets the following specifications:
Contact power capacity: DC24 V 0.2 A or more
2. Use 22-24 AWG (0.2-0.3 mm2) for the connector wiring material.

2. When not using external HOLD

Jumper pins 7-8 of terminal block connector X9 on 1TR board.

[ NOTE ]
When using in one safety circuit, the setting in 2.1.3 is

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2.1.5 Teach/Repeat Output

This contact output signal indicates the state of the TEACH/REPEAT switch on the operation

1. Using TEACH/REPEAT output

This signal is output from pins 9-10 of terminal block connector X8 on 1TR board.

Controller External
Connector X8

Contact close : TEACH
10 Contact open : REPEAT

((1TR board) )
1KP Board

Do not connect a device that exceeds the load specification.
Contact specification: DC24 V 0.1 A or less

2.1.6 Error Occurrence Output

A contact that outputs the error occurrence externally is provided between pins 11 and 12 of
terminal block connector X8 on 1TR board.

1. Using error occurrence output

Controller External
Connector X8

Normal : Contact close
12 Error : Contact open
((1TR Board )
1KP board)

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2.2 General Purpose I/O Signals

All general purpose I/O signals (including software dedicated signals) are processed by 1TW
board in controller. Refer to Appendix 7. for pin assignments. For wiring harness connector type,
refer to Controller Installation and Connection Manual for E/E0x/E5x series controllers.


There are 2 types of 1TW boards to deal with difference in I/O

common specifications: SINK/NPN spec. and SOURCE/PNP
spec. Ensure that the correct board is installed before using.

2.2.1 External Input Signals (External  Robot)

1TW board has 32 input circuits. There are two common connection pins (pins 18 and 19 of
CN4) to which +24 V is supplied from outside for SINK/NPN spec and to which 0 V is supplied
from outside for SOURCE/PNP spec. Each common supplies power to 16 circuits connected to
pins 1-16 and 20-35 of CN4, respectively. External input signals are connected to these pins.

Input specifications:
Number of circuits : 32
Input type : Photo coupler input
Input voltage : DC24 V 10%
Input current : 10 mA
Connector type : 37-pin D-Sub connector (Screw size: M2.6)


Ensure that the polarity of the external DC24 V power

supply is correct. If incorrectly connected, damage to
1TW board, power source and contacts may occur.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

1TW (SINK/NPN spec.)

Controller External

0 V External

+24 V External

0 V External

+24 V External

General purpose input signal - 1TW (SINK/NPN)

1TW (SOURCE/PNP spec.)
Controller External

+24 V External

0 V External

+24 V External

0 V External

General purpose input signal – 1TW (SOURCE/PNP)

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2.2.2 External Output Signals (Robot  External)

External +24 V power is supplied to the output circuit via pins 18 and 19 of CN2. 0 V is
supplied to pins 36 and 37 of CN2 from outside.

Output specifications:
Number of circuits : 32
Output type : Transistor output
Voltage : DC24 V 10%
Max. continuous load current : 0.1 A or less
Connector type : 37-pin D-Sub connector (Screw size: M2.6)

Ensure that the polarity of the external +24 V power
supply is correct when connecting commons and signals
to CN2. If incorrectly connected, damage to components
on 1TW board may occur.

1. All inductive loads (such as relay coil, solenoid valve, magnet contactor
coil etc.) should be surge protection type or equipped with surge
protection devices as shown below.
Surge protection devices
24 V


2. When diode is mounted for surge protection, take notice of the polarity. If
mounted incorrectly, damage to components may occur due to the over
3. When load which generates inrush current (lamp etc.) is connected,
mount an inrush current prevention circuit.
4. Power supply which is connected to VIN-1, 2 should be shared with the
5. Output load current should be 0.1 A or less per one circuit.

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

1TW (SINK/NPN spec.)

Controller External

+24 V External

0 V External

+24 V External

0 V External

General purpose output signal-1TW (SINK/NPN)


Use surge protection type of the external relay or equip it with

surge protection devices. (For diode, ensure the polarity.)

E Series Controller 2. Requirements for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

1TW (SOURCE/PNP spec.)

Controller External

+24 V External

0 V External

+24 V External

0 V External

General purpose output signal-1TW (SOURCE/PNP)

E Series Controller 3. Procedures for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

3.0 Procedures For Connecting External I/O Signals

Take notice of the following details when connecting external I/O signals to controller and
peripheral equipment (such as interlock panel, etc.).


Turn OFF the power supply to the controller and peripheral equipment
when connecting external I/O. Prevent accidental turn ON of the power
until all connections are complete by tagging the breaker to indicate that
work is in progress or by assigning a supervisor to stand in front of the
breaker. Failure to do so is extremely dangerous and may result in electric
shock or damage to the electrical system.

E Series Controller 3. Procedures for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


1. Take the necessary noise countermeasures on equipment with external I/O

connections to controller. Electrical noise that interferes with the I/O may
cause malfunction or damage to the electrical system.
2. Do not mistake pin No. on connectors when connecting external I/O.
It causes breakdowns in the electrical system.
3. Prevent people or equipment (forklift, objects, etc.) from stepping on or
riding over the external I/O cables. An unprotected cable may become
damaged causing breaks in the electrical system.
4. Avoid wiring the external I/O cable and power line close together or in
parallel as much as possible. Separate the cables and lines by at least 20 cm.
Electromagnetic induction from the robot motor cable, the power lines for
peripheral equipment, welding cable, etc. (either in or outside the controller)
may cause noise interference in the I/O cable and lead to malfunction.
5. Use shielded cable for the external I/O cable and connect the shielded wire
to the controller.
6. Fix the external I/O cable with tying bands to the harness support set on top
of the controller unit so that the connectors on the terminal board are free
from excessive force (pulling, snagging of cable, etc.).
7. Use seal connector, etc. so that the external I/O harness never suffers
insulation failure or disconnection at the intake port.
8. All inductive loads (such as relay coil, solenoid valve, magnet contactor coil
etc.) should be surge protection type or equipped with surge protection
Surge protection devices
24 V

9. When diode is mounted for surge protection, take notice of the polarity.
If mounted incorrectly, damage to components may occur due to the over
10. When load which generates inrush current (lamp etc.) is connected, mount
an inrush current prevention circuit.
11. Power supply which is connected to VIN-1, 2 should be shared with the load.
12. Output load current should be 0.1 A or less per one circuit.

E Series Controller 3. Procedures for Connecting External I/O Signals
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

3.1 Connecting Hardware Dedicated Signals

1. For wiring of external I/O signals use

The inlet provided: on the left side of E1x/E2x/E3x/E4x/E5x controllers, on the rear or left side
of E7x controller or on the rear of E9x/E0x controllers

2. Connect the wires for connecting hardware dedicated signals to terminal block connectors X7,
X8 and X9 on 1TR board. See 2.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals and Appendix 7.0 for the pin
specifications and assignments.

3. For more details about connecting hardware dedicated signals, refer to Installation and
Connection Manual for E/E0x/E5x series controllers.

3.2 Connecting General Purpose Signals

1. For wiring of external I/O signals use

The inlet provided: on the left side of E1x/E2x/E3x/E4x/E5x controllers, on the rear or left side
of E7x controller or on the rear of E9x/E0x controllers

2. Connect the wires for connecting general purpose signals to connectors CN2 and CN4 on 1TW
board. See Appendix 7. for the pin assignments.

3. For more details about connecting general purpose signals, refer to Installation and Connection
Manual for E/E0x/E5x series controllers.

3.3 Connecting Expanded I/O Signals (Option)

The number of available I/O signals can be expanded using an internal I/O board, the daughter
board of arm ID board. For details, refer to option manuals on the arm ID board and option
harness. Arm ID board cannot be used for RS03 robot connected with E7x controller. For the use
of internal I/O board, see “Appendix 9.0 Internal I/O Signal for RS03 (E70/E73/E76)”.

E Series Controller Appendix 1. Procedures for Stopping Robot
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


There are two primary methods to stop robot motion immediately, external HOLD and external
emergency stop. Even if controller power is shut OFF, motion can be restarted from the point
where it was stopped.



When entering robot motion range, be sure to stop the robot by (external)
emergency stop. To prevent accidental entry into the robot motion range,
provide a safety fence with a safety plug installed on its door and with an
interlock system to cut the motor power OFF by safety circuit OFF when the
safety plug is withdrawn.

The robot stops immediately and cycle start is turned OFF (cycle stop) when turning motor power
OFF by safety circuit OFF. To stop the robot in an emergency, use the external emergency stop
not the external HOLD, described later. Do not use the external emergency stop during
operation except for emergencies. It places extreme loads on the mechanical unit. Normally,
stop the robot’s motion by using the external HOLD first, and then turn the motor power OFF by
external emergency stop.

E Series Controller Appendix 1. Procedures for Stopping Robot
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


External HOLD stops robot motion with brake lock. However, the motor
power is still ON. Turn the motor power OFF by safety circuit OFF before
entering the robot motion range.

The external HOLD stops robot immediately and maintains its position with the brakes engaged.
This is valid only in repeat mode. Manual operation in teach mode is possible even in external
HOLD condition.

In external HOLD condition, output signals from robot will be as follows:
1. All auxiliary data OX signals become OFF.
2. Clamp signals for handling specifications and OUT signals not defined by
RUNMASK instruction in SIGNAL command of AS language do not change.
After releasing external HOLD, the robot restarts motion from where it stopped and
OX signals are restored to ON. If cycle start is turned OFF for some reason, e.g. by
switching to teach mode, before releasing HOLD, the cycle start needs to be turned
ON again.

E Series Controller Appendix 2. External Program Selection Function
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


The following methods can be used to change programs externally.

1. IF instruction in AS program
2. RPS function (software dedicated signal)
3. JUMP function (software dedicated signal)

IF instruction in AS program RPS function JUMP function

IF instruction judges the After program execution In the middle of a program,
selection signal code and calls completes at a step taught by selects whether to continue
up the proper program. (not END, another program is program execution (JUMP
using RPS function.) selected. OFF) or to switch to another
program (JUMP ON) at the
Main program
Main program step where JUMP is taught.
END pg2

Main program
pg3 ON

pg01 OFF
Main program
pg02 pg5

END pg5
Below, the external program
pg10 number (RPSxx) is set to 0 at
program END.



pg1 pg3 pg5


E Series Controller Appendix 2. External Program Selection Function
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


Using AS instructions as below, it is possible to select a program for call up. The signal code
specified by the BITS function is read, and based on that code the IF instruction calls up the
selected program.

Program example
.PROGRAM pg00()
100 HOME ; Moves to home position
WAIT SIG(1009) ; Waits for input signal IN9 (Program selection OK signal from
external device)
TWAIT 0.1 ; Waits for 0.1 second (Setting time for input signal IN10-13)
pg.no = BITS(1010,4) ; Program selection signal (IN10-13)
IF pg.no = = 1 THEN ;
CALL pg1 ;
IF pg.no = = 2 THEN ; Calls an operation program according to the input code
CALL pg2 ;
IF pg.no = = 8 THEN ;
CALL pg8 ;
IF pg.no = = 10 THEN ;
CALL pg10 ;
GOTO 100

The above program is an example in which AS Language instructions SIGNAL, BITS and
IF….THEN….. END are used. BITS and CASE…..VALUE…..END, or EXTCALL can also
be used. See AS Language Reference Manual for more details.

E Series Controller Appendix 2. External Program Selection Function
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


The following software dedicated signals are used for changing programs using the RPS function.
To use software dedicated signals, they first need to be defined as dedicated signals by the
auxiliary functions A-0601 (input) and A-0602 (output) or DEFSIG command.

External program selection Is output when the external program selection mode is set

effective (RPS) effective (RPS effective).

Indicates that robot is ready to switch the program. Outputs
when executing the step taught END with RPS effective.
Enables switching to the program set by the program
selection signals. When signal is ON at the step taught
END with RPS effective, the program is switched to the
program number that is set by RPSxx.
Sets up program selection signals externally. The program
External program number
is switched according to these signals. The number of

signals to be used can also be set.
Resets to the first step of the program externally. Input of
signal during automatic operation stops the cycle. When
External program reset RPS mode is set effective (external program selection
(EXT. PROGRAM RESET) mode), the external program number signals (RPSxx) that
were set when this signal is input are read and the program
set by RPSxx is reset to its first step.

RPS code list (when using 7 bits)

PG0 × × × × × × ×
PG1 ○ × × × × × ×
PG2 × ○ × × × × ×
PG3 ○ ○ × × × × ×
PG15 ○ ○ ○ ○ × × ×
PG16 × × × × ○ × ×
PG99 ○ ○ × × × ○ ○
: ON
× : OFF
E Series Controller Appendix 2. External Program Selection Function
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

The example above uses a binary code of 7 bits. BCD code (binary coded decimal) can also be
used. (In some cases only binary code can be used depending on the AS software.)

PG01 and PG1 are not the same program names. When switching
programs by using external program number (RPS), 0-9 should be taught
with program names like PG0, PG1-9. PG01 cannot be used with RPS.

Signal timing

This section describes the signal timing for selecting a program by RPS.

Step where END is taught. First step

(example : PG1) (example : PG3)
RPS-ST (output)

RPSxx (input)

RPS-ON (input)

100 ms or more

When executing the step taught by END with RPS effective, RPS-ST, approval signal for
inputting program is output from the robot. At this time, set external program number signals
RPSxx at the external device (interface panel, etc.), and output RPS-ON signal, the approval
signal for reading RPS signals, after a delay of 100 ms or more from RPS signal setting. The
controller confirms the RPS-ON signal after the axes coincide with the END taught point, reads
RPSxx signals and internally sets as the next program for execution. Finally, RPS-ST is set OFF.
Maintain RPS-ON and RPSxx signals until RPS-ST is turned OFF.

If RPSxx signals are not set when RPS-ON signal is output from
the external device, an error in reading the RPSxx signal occurs,
resulting in a program selection error.

[ NOTE ]
Before inputting External program reset signal, wait for 100 ms or more
after executing Cycle start.
E Series Controller Appendix 2. External Program Selection Function
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

RPS program selection flow diagram






The following software dedicated signals are used for switching programs by the JUMP function.
When using software dedicated signals, the signals first need to be set dedicated by auxiliary
functions A-0601 (input) and A-0602 (output) or DEFSIG command.

Indicates that robot is ready to switch to another program.


JUMP-ST This is output at the step where JUMP or EXTCALL

instruction is taught with RPS effective.
Allows switching to the program set by the external program
selection signals. When this input signal is ON at the step
where JUMP is taught with RPS effective, the program
switches to the program number set by RPSxx.
The program does not switch, it proceeds to the next step,

JUMP-OFF when this signal is input at the step where JUMP is taught
with RPS mode effective.
Sets program selection signals from an external source in
External program binary format. Program is switched according to these
number (RPSxx) signals. Bit quantity can be set according to the number of
the external program.

E Series Controller Appendix 2. External Program Selection Function
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

JUMP function flow diagram


Reading ?

Current program YES Current program : currently executing program.

= Requested program
? Requested program : program number read by RPSxx.
Switching program


NOTE* When EXTCALL instruction is conducted, the following error message is displayed:
(P1014) Cannot execute because program already in use.
1. When both JUMP-ON and JUMP-OFF are input, JUMP-ON is given priority.
2. If the number of the current and requested programs is the same, JUMP-ON does not switch

Signal timing
This section describes signal timing when selecting a program by the JUMP function.

Signal timing set by JUMP function

Step where JUMP is taught First step

[Robot] (example : PG2) (example : PG5)
JUMP-ST (output)

RPSxx (input)

JUMP-ON (input)

100 ms or more
JUMP-OFF (input) (OFF)

E Series Controller Appendix 2. External Program Selection Function
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

When executing the step taught by JUMP with RPS effective, JUMP-ST, the approval signal for
inputting program number, is output from the robot. At this time, set external program number
signals RPSxx at the external device (interface panel, etc.), and output JUMP-ON signal, the
approval signal for reading the RPS signals, after a delay of 100 ms or more from RPS signal
setting. The controller confirms the JUMP-ON signal after the axes coincide with the JUMP
taught point, reads RPSxx signals and internally sets as the next program for execution. Finally,
JUMP-ST is set OFF. Maintain JUMP-ON and RPSxx signals until JUMP-ST is turned OFF.

When the motion is continuous without jumping

Step where JUMP is taught Next step

(example : PG2) (example : PG2)
JUMP-ST (output)
RPSxx (input)

JUMP-ON (input) (OFF)
JUMP-OFF (input)

E Series Controller Appendix 3. Output Function for Home Position Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


This signal is output when the software determines that each robot
joint angle is located in the specified range, based on data from
position detector (encoder) mounted on each axis of the robot arm.
Therefore, avoid using this signal alone for safety interlock.
Additional hardware type interlocks such as limit switches, etc. for
detecting home position should be installed for safety.

When the robot arm is within the home position range, an OUT signal can be output externally.
(Both the range and OUT signal are specified in advance.) Two home position signals are
available (1st and 2nd) in the system and a home position can be registered for each.

Home position

Home position range

Home position : Register the joint values (angle values) of the robot arm. When joints
coincide with these registered values (within the home position range),
the signal is output unconditionally.

Home position range : Register the range based on the values registered above for outputting the
home position signal. Set in mm. (Do not set less than 1 mm.)

The channel number for outputting the home position can be registered by the auxiliary function
A-0602 (or DEFSIG command). The home position and its range can be registered by A-0402
(or SETHOME and SET2HOME instructions).

E Series Controller Appendix 4. Mutual Interlock
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


When robots are installed in close proximity to each other, their work envelopes may overlap.
In this situation, interlocking (mutual interlocking) between the robots is required.

For example, the area of interference between robots A and B in figure below is represented by
the shaded area.
: Mutual interfering area

: Indicates a point (WXa or WXb) where a

robot confirms that the other robot is out of
the mutual interfering area before entering
Robot A Robot B
that area.

: Indicates an area where the robots send OXa

(OXb) signal allowing the other to enter
interfering area.

When viewing from robot A,

1. Robot A confirms that robot B is out of the interfering area (Robot B is sending OXb
signal) by checking WXa before entering that area.
2. Robot A allows robot B to enter the interfering area by sending OXa signal while robot A is
out of the interfering area.

Observe the output timing carefully when teaching the
permission signal (OXa, OXb signals) for the interfering

E Series Controller Appendix 4. Mutual Interlock
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Example of mutual interlock circuit

Robot A Robot B

Robot A

Robot B

[ NOTE ]
The above RUN/STOP switch is not actually prepared for the robot.
Robots A and B described here are given as an example to be
understood easily.

E Series Controller Appendix 5. Output Timing of Clamp Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


Do not turn controller power to the robot OFF during a material handling
operation. When controller power is turned OFF, all output signals
including clamp signals become OFF. If the clamp signal is lost during a
material handling process, the gripper may release the object being held
and causing damage or injury to property and personnel.

Clamp signals set via Aux. 0605 (or HSETCLAMP command) are used for many purposes
depending on the application, for example, controlling grippers for a handling task. Only those
robot models which allow clamp signals to be defined as dedicated signals can use this signal.
Solenoid valves for controlling a gripper are optional in handling applications.

In teach mode
The selected signal is output and switched ON/OFF by pressing A + CLAMP on the teach

Single solenoid : When setting clamp signal as one output in Clamp ON


Single solenoid : When setting clamp signal as one output in Clamp OFF


Double solenoid



E Series Controller Appendix 5. Output Timing of Clamp Signal
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual




(Double solenoid spec.)

CLAMP (ON) and CLAMP (OFF) in the above figures indicate the output timing for the clamp
signals that are set in advance. Maximum of 8 clamp signals can be set.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual



Material handling dedicated input signals H : Hardware dedicated signal

S : Software dedicated signal
Signal Name Function
Controller power
H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Motor power ON H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.

Safety circuit OFF H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.

HOLD H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.

External motor Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
power ON (Not required when using hardware dedicated signal.)
External error
S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External cycle
S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External program
S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
JUMP-ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.

JUMP-OFF S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.

RPS-ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.

RPSxx S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.

External HOLD S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.

External slow
S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
repeat mode

When using the internal wiring of the robot, use the arm ID board.
In that case, allocate the signal by Aux. 0607. Refer to the Arm ID
Board Manual for details.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Material handling dedicated output signals H : Hardware dedicated signal

S : Software dedicated signal
Signal Name Function
H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
switch output
Error occurrence
H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Motor power ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Error occurrence S
(Not required when using hardware dedicated signal.)
Automatic S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Cycle start S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Teach mode S
(Not required when using hardware dedicated signal.)
Home position 1 S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Home position 2 S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Power ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RGSO S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPS mode S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPS-ST S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
JUMP-ST S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Is output as clamp signals for handling applications.
Maximum 8 channels are provided for clamp signals,
and output condition can be set ON or OFF for each
Clamp or
S channel. Both single and double solenoid
(Max. 8 ch.)
specifications are available. (Refer to Appendix 5.
Output Timing of Clamp Signal.) Maximum 8
channels are provided for the solenoid.

When using the clamp signal with the internal wiring, use the arm ID
board. Allocate the signal to the internal wiring by Aux. 0607.
Refer to the Arm ID Board Manual for details.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Material handling software dedicated signals (Standard setting at factory shipment)

Output signal Input signal

Dedicated signal name Signal number Dedicated signal name Signal number
Motor power ON OUT 1 1 IN 1 1001
Cycle start OUT 2 2 IN 2 1002
Error occurrence OUT 3 3 IN 3 1003
OUT 4 4 IN 4 1004
OUT 5 5 IN 5 1005
OUT 6 6 IN 6 1006
OUT 7 7 IN 7 1007
OUT 8 8 IN 8 1008
Clamp1 OFF* OUT 9 9 IN 9 1009
Clamp1 ON* OUT 10 10 IN 10 1010
OUT 11 11 IN 11 1011
OUT 12 12 IN 12 1012
OUT 13 13 IN 13 1013
OUT 14 14 IN 14 1014
OUT 15 15 IN 15 1015
OUT 16 16 IN 16 1016

NOTE* Availability of this setting depends on specification.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


Spot welding dedicated input signals H : Hardware dedicated signal

S : Software dedicated signal
Signal Name Function
Controller power
H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Motor power ON H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Safety circuit OFF H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
HOLD H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External motor power
S (Not required when using hardware dedicated
External error reset S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External cycle start S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External program reset S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
JUMP-ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
JUMP-OFF S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPS-ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPSxx S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External HOLD S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External slow repeat
S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
A weld completed signal transmitted from 1 or 2
weld controllers (timer contactors). (See Spot
Welding Control section for details.) After
Weld completed S
output of the command signal (RUN), weld is
completed by input of this signal and the robot
move to next welding point.
A fault signal transmitted from up to 8 weld
Weld fault S controllers (timer contactors). Robot stops
moving immediately after receiving this signal.
Used for detecting retractable welding gun in the
Retractable gun
S state of retraction. Individual detection for each
retracted detection
clamp signal can be made. (Max. 8 ch.)
Used for detecting retractable welding gun in the
Retractable gun
S state of extension. Individual detection for each
extended detection
clamp signal can be made. (Max. 8 ch.)
E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Spot welding dedicated output signals H : Hardware dedicated signal

S : Software dedicated signal
Signal Name Function
H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
switch output
Error occurrence
H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Motor power ON H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Error occurrence S
(Not required when using hardware dedicated signal.)
Automatic S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Cycle start S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Teach mode S
(Not required when using hardware dedicated signal.)
Home position 1 S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Home position 2 S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Power ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RGSO S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPS mode S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPS-ST S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
JUMP-ST S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Signal for initiating welding, can be output to a max. of
Weld command* 8 weld controllers (timer contactor). (See Spot or
(Max. 8 ch.) Welding Control section for details.) Select signal
type as level or pulse (pulse duration).
Outputs weld schedule to weld controller (timer
Weld schedule contactor). The max. number of output signals is 6
(Max. 6 ch.) bits. Its format, individual or binary, is selectable.
(See Spot Welding Control section for details.)
Resets weld fault condition of weld controller (timer
Weld fault reset contactor). Is output when reset switch is pressed on
(Max. 8 ch.) teach pendant. (See Spot Welding Condition section
for details.)
Gun pressurization Signal that can be output individually depending on the
command S clamp signal numbers. (See Spot Welding Control
(Max. 8 ch.) section for details.)
NOTE* Max. total number of channels available for weld command and material handling
command is 8 ch.
E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Signal Name Function
Signal that switches the stroke, either extension or
Stroke change retraction, when using retractable weld gun. Separate
(Max. 8 ch.  2) signals for extension and retraction command can be
output individually for each clamp that is used.
Signal that outputs in material handling applications.
Max. 8 channels are provided for clamp signals and
S output condition (ON or OFF state) can be set for each or
(Max. 8 ch.)
channel. Both single and double solenoids are
available. (Refer to Appendix 5.)

NOTE* Max. total number of channels available for weld command and material handling
command is 8 ch.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Spot welding control

1. Spot welding specifications

Single stroke gun

Type Cylinder-type, retractable gun
Stopper-type, retractable gun
Weld gun
Max. number of simultaneously operable guns is two.
Quantity (Except that multiple guns can be controlled by a
single weld controller.)
Weld controller Maximum of two, controlled individually.
(Timer contactor)
Maximum of six bits.
Weld schedule
(When output is in binary format, max. of 63.)

2. Example of various connection types

Gun pressurizing valve

One gun (Standard type) Gun
Weld controller

Gun pressurizing valve 1

Gun 1
Two guns without Gun pressurizing valve 2
simultaneous welding Gun 2
Weld controller

Gun pressurizing valve 1

Gun 1
Weld controller 1
Two guns with
simultaneous welding Gun pressurizing valve 2
Gun 2
Weld controller 2

Gun pressurizing valve

Gun 1
Weld controller

Gun change Gun 2

Gun 5

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

3. Welding I/O signals

Weld schedule (max. 6 bits)

Robot Weld command Weld controller

controller Weld complete (Timer contactor)
Weld fault
Weld fault reset Weld gun
Gun pressurization
Stroke change (single/double solenoid)
Retractable gun retraction detection
Retractable gun extension detection

[ NOTE ]
Some weld controllers (timer contactor) may not have a separate input for weld command
and weld schedule. In such case, see (6) Connection to Weld Controller.

4. Weld timing diagram

t1 t2

Gun pressurization output

Weld command output

Weld complete input

Weld schedule output

t1 : Gun pressurization and weld command signals can be output before reaching the actual taught
point (axis coincidence). (Variable 0-0.99 s.)
t2 : After receiving weld complete signal from weld controller, movement to the next taught point
can be delayed. (Variable 0-0.99 s.)
[ NOTE ]
1. The weld command in the chart above is level output. (Pulse output is also available.)
2. This example shows a gun pressurization that is controlled by the robot controller,
not a weld controller.
3. The weld complete signal duration must be more than 0.1 sec., or keep the signal ON
until the weld command is set to OFF (if the weld command is a level output).

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

5. Timing diagram (Retractable gun)

(1) Spot Welding (2) Spot Welding (3) Spot Welding (4) Spot Welding
Retract→Extend Extend Extend→Retract Retract

Moving Moving Moving Moving

Robot motion
Teach data Teach data Teach data Teach data
Extend Extend Retract Retract
t1 t2 t1 t1 t6 t1 t6

Gun pressurization output

Stroke select
Retractable gun t4 t5
Retractable gun
t3 t3
Weld command output

Weld complete input

Weld schedule output

t1 : Possible time for output of the gun pressurization signal in advance of axis coincidence with
taught point (0-0.99 s, variable).

t2 : After receipt of the weld complete input signal, possible delay time before opening gun and
starting motion (0-0.99 s, variable).

t3 : After the gun clamp output (retraction to extension), delay time before output of the weld
initiation command. Used for retractable guns only (0-9.9 s, variable).

t4 : For stopper type retractable gun, delay time before outputting the signal for changing the gun
opening from retraction to extension (0-9.9 s, variable).

t5 : For stopper type retractable gun, delay time before outputting the signal for changing the gun
opening from extension to retraction (0-9.9 s, variable).

t6 : After receipt of the weld complete input signal, possible delay time before restarting motion in
extension to retraction (0-9.9 s, variable).

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

6. Connection to weld controller (Timer contactor) when using 1TW board

Robot Weld controller (Timer contactor)

Weld 1
Relay Weld 2

Relay Weld 3

Relay Weld start

Relay Weld fault reset

Relay Welding/Test

Weld complete

Weld fault

Gun pressurizing
solenoid (0.1 A or less)

Diode for absorbing surge

[ NOTE ]
1. This example demonstrates direct control of the gun pressurization by the
robot using weld fault and reset.
2. Install surge killer such as diode to relays and solenoids.
3. When solenoid valve for gun pressurization is driven by direct signals from
the robot, verify and confirm the electric load capacity.
4. It is possible to change the OUT and IN signal numbers from/to the robot.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Spot welding software dedicated signals (Standard setting at factory shipment)

Output signal Input signal

Dedicated signal name Signal number Dedicated signal name Signal number
Motor power ON OUT 32 32 External motor power ON IN 32 1032
Error occurrence OUT 31 31 External error reset IN 31 1031
Automatic OUT 30 30 External cycle start IN 30 1030
Cycle start OUT 29 29 Welder #1 weld complete IN 29 1029
Teach mode OUT 28 28 IN 28 1028
Home position 1 OUT 27 27 IN 27 1027
OUT 26 26 IN 26 1026
OUT 25 25 IN 25 1025
Clamp 2 ON (Handling) OUT 24 24 IN 24 1024
Welder #1 weld command OUT 23 23 IN 23 1023
Clamp 1 (Weld gun clamp) OUT 22 22 IN 22 1022
OUT 21 21 IN 21 1021
#1 Weld schedule WS 8 OUT 20 20 IN 20 1020
#1 Weld schedule WS 4 OUT 19 19 IN 19 1019
#1 Weld schedule WS 2 OUT 18 18 IN 18 1018
#1 Weld schedule WS 1 OUT 17 17 IN 17 1017

[ NOTE ]
Take note that standard dedicated signal assignment for spot welding
specification uses channels 17 through 32.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


Arc welding dedicated input signals H : Hardware dedicated signal

S : Software dedicated signal
Signal Name Function
Control power
H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Motor power ON H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Safety circuit OFF H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
HOLD H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
External motor Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
power ON (Not required when using hardware dedicated signal.)
External error
S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External cycle start S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External program
S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
JUMP-ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
JUMP-OFF S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPS-ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPSxx S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External HOLD S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
External slow
S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
repeat mode
Inches wire while this signal is ON.
Wire inching S
(Invalid while weld is being executed)
Switches weld ON/OFF. When leading edge is
External weld detected during weld OFF, it turns weld ON. When
S or
ON/OFF trailing edge is detected during weld ON, it turns weld
Retracts wire while this signal is ON.
Wire retracting S
(Invalid while weld is being executed)
Terminates welding when using a positioner
Positioner stop S
connected externally.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Arc welding dedicated output signals H : Hardware dedicated signal

S : Software dedicated signal
Signal Name Function
H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
switch output
Error occurrence
H Refer to 1.1 Hardware Dedicated Signals.
Motor power ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Error occurrence S
(Not required when using hardware dedicated signal.)
Automatic S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Cycle start S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
TEACH mode S
(Not required when using hardware dedicated signal.)
Home position 1 S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Home position 2 S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Power ON S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RGSO S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPS mode S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
RPS-ST S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
JUMP-ST S Refer to 1.2 Software Dedicated Signals.
Rotates the positioner when using a positioner
Positioner ON S
connected externally.
Positioner speed Outputs the speed for rotating the positioner when
(Max. 8 bit) using a positioner connected externally.
Error Is output when an error occurs within the specified
(Max. 8 bit) range of error codes.
Outputs when welder is in operation. Displays “In
execution” when ON and “Not executed” when OFF.
Outputs the state of weld ON/OFF. Displays “Weld
ON” when ON and “Weld OFF” when OFF.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Arc welding control

1. Positioner stop instruction (STWC, STWE) sequence

(1) Welding I/O signals

Positioner ON

Robot Positioner speed Positioner

controller (Max. 8 bit) controller

Positioner stop

(2) Weld timing diagram


Positioner ON

Positioner speed

Positioner stop

NOTE* ARC ON signal is output to the welder. It is automatically turned ON/OFF by the
robot controller.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2. Procedures for connecting with welder by external I/O signals

It is possible to connect to the welder by the following dedicated I/O signals.

Arc welding dedicated input signals H : Hardware dedicated signal

S : Software dedicated signal
Signal Name Function
Inputs the electric pole stuck signal sent from the
welder. When robot receives this signal, it performs
Electric pole stuck S error stop immediately.
ERROR (E6562) “Electric pole stuck” (This error is
valid only for the TIG specification.)
Inputs the state of the limit switch set in the torch
bracket. The limit switch comes off when the torch
Torch interference S collides with the base metal. When this signal is
detected as OFF, the robot performs error stop.
ERROR (E6506) “Torch interference.”
Inputs the output signal from the welder when the wire
sticks to the base metal while the Wire stuck detection
Wire stuck S signal is output by the robot. When this signal is
detected, the robot performs error stop.
ERROR (E6503) “Wire stuck.”
Inputs the output signal from the welder when the wire
contacts the base metal while the Touch sensing signal
is output by the robot. When this signal is input, robot
Wire touch S
senses the wire has touched the base material (touch
sensing). (This signal is valid only when the touch
sensing function is effective.)
Inputs the signal which indicates that welding is being
executed by the welder. If this signal is not received
WCR S within one second after ARC ON signal is output, the
robot performs error stop.
ERROR (E6502) “ Arc failure.”

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Arc welding dedicated output signals H : Hardware dedicated signal

S : Software dedicated signal
Signal Name Function
Is output when the robot performs touch sensing.
Robot senses the wire has touched with the base metal
Touch sensing S when receiving the Wire touch signal while this signal is
output. (This signal is valid only when the touch
sensing function is effective.)
Is output when the robot performs wire stuck detection.
When robot detects the Wire stuck signal while this
Wire stuck
S signal is output, the robot performs error stop.
ERROR (E6503) “Wire stuck” (This signal is output
during crater processing or arc spot welding.)
Is output during wire feeding (inching) and wire
Feeder ON S
Gas ON S Is output when the robot discharges the shielded gas.
Wire feed S Is output when robot feeds the wire.

Wire reverse feed S Is output when robot retracts the wire.

Is output when the robot executes welding. When the

robot cannot detect WCR within one second of this
ARC ON S signal turning ON, the robot performs error stop.
ERROR (E6502) “ Arc failure” ( This signal is not
output with weld OFF.)

Dedicated output signals for arc welding current and voltage H : Hardware dedicated signal
S : Software dedicated signal
Signal Name Function
Arc welding Outputs the current value to welder when welding.
current output S This signal is output simultaneously with ARC ON signal.
(Max. 16 bit) Switching between BCD code/Binary is possible.
Arc welding Outputs the voltage value to welder when welding.
voltage output S This signal is output simultaneously with ARC ON signal.
(Max. 16 bit) Switching between BCD code/Binary is possible.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Set these welding related signals using Aux. function A-0601 Dedicated input signal, Aux. function
A-0602 Dedicated output signal or DEFSIG (AS monitor command). Set all the signals in each
group. It is not possible to set just one signal in a group.

A signal can be set to “unused” by inputting the following values when assigning it.
1000 : input signal
0 : output signal

When the signal number for torch interference is assigned 1000, robot does not perform error
detection for torch interference.

When the signal number for gas ON is assigned 0, robot does not output the gas ON signal.

[ NOTE ]
1. These signals are not provided in some software versions.
2. Using these signals disables the welding interface built-in to 1GN and
D/A part of the 1TW board.

1. Arc I/O signals

Welding current (Max. 16 bit)

Welding voltage (Max. 16 bit)
Gas ON
Feeder ON
Robot Wire feed Welder
controller Wire reverse feed
Wire stuck detection
Wire stuck signal
Touch sensing
Wire touch
Electric pole stuck
Torch interference

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

2. I/O timing diagram

(1) When executing arc welding

ARC ON (output)
WCR (input)

Welding current (output)

Welding voltage (input)

t1 : Time from ARC ON to the detection of WCR. When it takes one or more seconds,
robot performs error stop.
ERROR (E6503) “Wire stuck.”

When welding, the command signals for welding current and voltage are output
simultaneously with ARC ON. If the robot does not detect WCR within 1 second of
ARC ON, it performs error stop. When welding is completed, ARC ON signal turns
OFF and the welding current and voltage signal also stop outputting. After the welder
confirms that ARC ON is turned OFF, it terminates welding and stops output of WCR.

(2) Touch sensing

Touch sensing (output)

Wire touch (input)

When executing touch sensing, robot outputs touch sensing signal. When the base metal
is detected, wire touch signal is input from the welder. When the robot detects this signal,
it recognizes that contact has been made with the base metal, stops outputting touch sensing
signal and terminates touch sensing.

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

(3) Wire inching/retracting

Feeder ON (output)

Wire feed (output)

Wire reverse feed (output)


When executing wire inching, Feeder ON and Wire feed signal are output simultaneously
as in A above. When executing wire retracting, Feeder ON and Wire reverse feed are
output simultaneously as in B above.

(4) Wire stuck detection

Wire stuck detection (output)

Wire stuck signal (input)

When the robot executes wire stuck detection, the Wire stuck detection signal is output to
the welder. When the welder detects wire stuck, the Wire stuck signal is input to the robot,
and the robot performs error stop.
ERROR (E6562) “Electric pole stuck”
The wire stuck detection is automatically conducted after crater processing or arc spot

E Series Controller Appendix 6. Dedicated Signals Classified by Application
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Arc welding software dedicated signals (Standard setting at factory shipment)

Output signal Input signal

Dedicated signal name Signal number Dedicated signal name Signal number
Motor power ON OUT 32 32 External motor power ON IN 32 1032
Error occurrence OUT 31 31 External error reset IN 31 1031
Automatic OUT 30 30 External cycle start IN 30 1030
OUT 29 29 IN 29 1029
OUT 28 28 IN 28 1028
OUT 27 27 IN 27 1027
OUT 26 26 IN 26 1026
OUT 25 25 IN 25 1025
OUT 24 24 IN 24 1024
OUT 23 23 IN 23 1023
OUT 22 22 IN 22 1022
OUT 21 21 IN 21 1021
OUT 20 20 IN 20 1020
OUT 19 19 IN 19 1019
OUT 18 18 IN 18 1018
OUT 17 17 IN 17 1017

[ NOTE ]
Take note that standard dedicated signal assignment for arc welding specification
uses channels 17 through 32.

E Series Controller Appendix 7. External I/O Signal Pin Assignment
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual




20 OUT 1
OUT17 2
21 OUT 2
OUT18 3
22 OUT 3
OUT19 4
23 OUT 4
OUT20 5
24 OUT 5
OUT21 6
25 OUT 6
OUT22 7
26 OUT 7
OUT23 8
27 OUT 8
OUT24 9
28 OUT 9
OUT25 10
29 OUT10
OUT26 11
30 OUT11
OUT27 12
31 OUT12
OUT28 13
32 OUT13
OUT29 14
33 OUT14
OUT30 15
34 OUT15
OUT31 16
35 OUT16
OUT32 17
36 COM1 NC
(OUT1-16) 18 VIN1
37 COM2 (OUT1-16)
(OUT17-32) 19 VIN2

[ NOTE ]
1. This figure shows the pin assignment of connectors on 1TW board. Refer to
E/E0x/E5x series controllers Installation and Connection Manual for harness
connector type.
2. For the channel numbers of each additional 1TW board, add 32 to the numbers
E Series Controller Appendix 7. External I/O Signal Pin Assignment
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


19 COM2
37 (IN17-32)
NC 18 COM1
36 (IN1-16)
NC 17
35 NC
IN32 16
34 IN16
IN31 15
33 IN15
IN30 14
32 IN14
IN29 13
31 IN13
IN28 12
30 IN12
IN27 11
29 IN11
IN26 10
28 IN10
IN25 9
27 IN 9
IN24 8
26 IN 8
IN23 7
25 IN 7
IN22 6
24 IN 6
IN21 5
23 IN 5
IN20 4
22 IN 4
IN19 3
21 IN 3
IN18 2
20 IN 2
IN17 1
IN 1

[ NOTE ]
1. This figure shows the pin assignment of connectors on 1TW board. Refer to
E/E0x/E5x series controllers Installation and Connection Manual for harness
connector type.
2. For the channel numbers of each additional 1TW board, add 32 to the numbers above.

E Series Controller Appendix 7. External I/O Signal Pin Assignment
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual



Terminal block connectors are provided in order of X7, X8 and X9 from the top of the 1TR

Connector X7 Pin No. Setting Function

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
Safety circuit OFF by external emergency stop
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8

Connector X8 Factory
Pin No. Setting Function
1 1
2 2
Safety circuit OFF by safety fence switch
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Safety circuit OFF by external trigger
7 7
8 8
9 9
Open TEACH/REPEAT switch output
10 10
11 11
Open Error occurrence output
12 12

E Series Controller Appendix 7. External I/O Signal Pin Assignment
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Connector X9 Factory
Pin No. Setting Function
2 Open
3 External control power ON/OFF
4 Short
5 5
Open External motor power ON
6 6
7 7
Short External HOLD
8 8
9 9 +24 V for I/O (9: I/O 24 V, 10: 24 G)
10 Current capacity (including internal I/O and
conveyor encoder):
Open 0.7 A for controller with standard spec.
0.6 A for controller with explosion-proof spec.
0.4 A for E7x controller (It is necessary to reduce
the current capacity when adding external axes.)

E Series Controller Appendix 8. General Purpose Signal Assignment List
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


Output Signal Input Signal

Signal Number Signal Name Signal Number Signal Name

OUT 1 1 IN 1 1001
OUT 2 2 IN 2 1002
OUT 3 3 IN 3 1003
OUT 4 4 IN 4 1004
OUT 5 5 IN 5 1005
OUT 6 6 IN 6 1006
OUT 7 7 IN 7 1007
OUT 8 8 IN 8 1008
OUT 9 9 IN 9 1009
OUT 10 10 IN 10 1010
OUT 11 11 IN 11 1011
OUT 12 12 IN 12 1012
OUT 13 13 IN 13 1013
OUT 14 14 IN 14 1014
OUT 15 15 IN 15 1015
OUT 16 16 IN 16 1016

E Series Controller Appendix 8. General Purpose Signal Assignment List
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

Output Signal Input Signal

Signal Number Signal Name Signal Number Signal Name

OUT 17 17 IN 17 1017
OUT 18 18 IN 18 1018
OUT 19 19 IN 19 1019
OUT 20 20 IN 20 1020
OUT 21 21 IN 21 1021
OUT 22 22 IN 22 1022
OUT 23 23 IN 23 1023
OUT 24 24 IN 24 1024
OUT 25 25 IN 25 1025
OUT 26 26 IN 26 1026
OUT 27 27 IN 27 1027
OUT 28 28 IN 28 1028
OUT 29 29 IN 29 1029
OUT 30 30 IN 30 1030
OUT 31 31 IN 31 1031
OUT 32 32 IN 32 1032

E Series Controller Appendix 9. Internal I/O Signal for RS03 (E70/E73/E76)
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual



E70/E73/E76 controller is used for RS03 robot and is equipped with 1UU board (internal
valve/sensor interface board for RS03) mounted on CN3 of 1TB board (servo board) as standard.
Internal I/O signals can be used via 1UU board.

1UU board has 4 inputs and 4 outputs, and the common voltage can be switched by setting
jumper on 1UU board. For details, see “Appendix 9.3 1UU Board Setting”.

Controller Robot (RS03)

1TB board
Optional built-in valve
(max. 4 outputs)
1UU board X4 X401 valve
Optional sensor harness
X592 (max. 4 inputs)

X3 sensor

Refer to “Optional Harness Manual” for details on connection.

E Series Controller Appendix 9. Internal I/O Signal for RS03 (E70/E73/E76)
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual



Select whether to use user sensor input and built-in valve output via Auxiliary function 0610.


When [User Sensor Input] is set to [Enable], 4 inputs are automatically

allocated to signal numbers IN13 -16.


When [Built-in Valve Output] is set to [Enable], 4 outputs are automatically

allocated to signal numbers OUT9 -12. For the clamp specification, set it via
Auxiliary function 0605.

E Series Controller Appendix 9. Internal I/O Signal for RS03 (E70/E73/E76)
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


CN3 X59






No. Content Setting

JP1 JP1: 4 user sensor inputs Jumper is set on JP1.
JP2 JP2: Prohibited
JP3 JP3: NPN, SINK spec. Jumper is set on JP3 as the standard
JP4: PNP, SOURCE spec. setting for E73.
JP4 Jumper is set on JP4 as the standard
setting for E70/E76.


No. Content Connection

X514-B 4 user sensor inputs X3
X592 4 built-in valve outputs X4 and X316 (1TQ/1TV board)
CN3 Interface between servo boards Servo board CN3

E Series Controller Appendix 9. Internal I/O Signal for RS03 (E70/E73/E76)
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual


(E1295) [Servo board XX] 24V for internal valve is low.

In robot with internal valve/sensor interface board (1UU board) mounted, the voltage drop of 24
V supplied to the board for the internal valve is detected.

The error occurs due to ground fault or short-circuit in the 24 V line for internal valve. If the
error occurs without any ground fault or short-circuit in the 24 V line, the cause may be:
1. Disconnection of X592 harness
2. Defect in the internal valve/sensor interface board (1UU board)
3. Defect in 1TQ/1TV board

1. Check for ground fault or short-circuit in the 24 V line for internal valve, such as internal
harness or separate harness.
2. Check for disconnection of X592 harness.
3. Replace the internal valve/sensor interface board (1UU board).
4. Replace 1TQ/1TV board.
5. Replace the servo board.

(E1382) [Servo board XX] Valve, sensor I/F board missing.

Internal valve/sensor interface board (1UU board) cannot be used.

1. Internal valve/sensor interface board (1UU board) is not mounted.
2. 1UU board is broken.
3. Type of 1UU board is incorrect.(1UU board with neither JP1 nor JP2 cannot be used.)

1. Check if the internal valve/sensor interface board (1UU board) is mounted.
2. Replace the internal valve/sensor interface board (1UU board) if the board is mounted.
3. Replace the 1UU board with the board with the correct part number.

E Series Controller Appendix 9. Internal I/O Signal for RS03 (E70/E73/E76)
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

(E1383) [Servo board XX] ArmID communication setting mismatch btwn software and

For the setting of user sensor input, there is a mismatch between setting on software and hardware
jumper setting to JP1/JP2 and sensor input cannot be established.

Settings of software and hardware do not agree as follows when internal valve/sensor interface
board (1UU board) is mounted.
・Software: [User Sensor Input] is set to [Enable], Hardware: Jumper is set to JP2 (Arm ID)

1. Set the jumper to JP1 on the internal valve/sensor interface board (1UU board).

2. Turn OFF/ON the controller power after change of the setting.

This error also occurs if Arm ID option is enabled on software. In such case please contact the
nearest Kawasaki office to disable Arm ID option.

E Series Controller Appendix 9. Internal I/O Signal for RS03 (E70/E73/E76)
Kawasaki Robot External I/O Manual

E Series
External I/O Manual

February 2009 : 1st Edition

January 2017 : 10th Edition

Published by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.


Copyright  2017 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. All rights reserved.

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