Fourier Transform For Traders
Fourier Transform For Traders
Fourier Transform For Traders
By John Ehlers
It is intrinsically wrong to use a 14 bar RSI, a 9 bar Stochastic, a 5/25 Double Moving
Average crossover, or any other fixed-length indicator when the market conditions are
variable. It’s kind of like driving on a curvy, foggy mountain road with your cruise control
locked. That market conditions are continuously changing is not even a subject of
debate. There have been a number of attempts to adapt to changing market conditions.
Volatility-based nonlinear moving averages are just one example to adapt to market
changes. Coming from an information theory background, my answer to the question of
how to adapt to changing conditions is to first measure the dominant market cycle and
then tune the various indicators to that cycle period, or a fraction of it. For example, an
RSI theoretically performs best when the computation period is just one half of a cycle
period. That is, when all the movement is in one direction and then reverses so all the
movement is in the other direction over the period of one cycle – and you get a full
amplitude swing from the RSI.
Make no mistake. Measuring market cycles is difficult. Not only the problem of
simultaneously solving for frequency, amplitude, and phase to arrive at an accurate
estimate, but also one must realized the measurement is being made in a low signal to
noise environment. Further, one must be concerned with the responsiveness of the
measuring technique to capture the cycle periods that are continuously changing
without introducing transient artifacts into the measurement. There is a variety of
spectrum estimation techniques available, ranging from the Fourier Periodogram to
modern high resolution spectral analysis approaches.
I have long railed against the use of Fourier Transforms for use in estimating market
cycles because of their lack of resolution. I’ll show you what I mean. Figure 1
represents a typical spectrum measurement. The horizontal axis is the frequency (or its
reciprocal – cycle period) scale. The vertical axis is the amplitude scale. The frequency
having the highest amplitude identifies the measured cycle. If the width of the spectral
line is narrow, just being a spike like the solid line, then the cycle is identified with high
resolution. If we have a high resolution technique we could, in fact, identify two closely
spaced cycle periods if they are present in the data. On the other hand, if we have a
low resolution measurement technique, the width of the spectral line is very broad, two
closely spaced cycles could be averaged together and you could not identify them,
demonstrated by the dotted line. On the right hand vertical scale of Figure 1 you see a
color bar. I convert the amplitude to colors ranging from white hot to ice cold, through
red hot. Conversion to color enables me to view the spectrum directly below the price
barchart as a heatmap. If the spectrum measurement is highly focused with high
resolution, then the spectral display appears basically as a yellow line. If the spectral
line is very wide, then it appears as a yellow blob in the heatmap display.
Figure 1. Spectrum Conversion
Figure 2 shows the spectrum measured by a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) below
the barchart for IBM. The color in the heatmap indicates the cycle amplitude and the
cycle period is the vertical scale, scaled from 8 to 50 bars at the right hand side of the
chart. The heatmap is in time synchronism with the barchart. Now I think you see why I
have advised against the use of Fourier Transforms. There may be some cyclic activity,
but it is so blurry that it cannot be useful for trading. It is kind of like driving in a dense
fog – maybe you can see something, but it would be a better idea to pull off the road.
Figure 2. DFT of IBM Has Very Poor Spectral Resolution
More recently I came across a relatively obscure paper during the course of my
research on high resolution spectral analysis techniques.1 Kay and Demeure showed
the spectrums of Figure 3 (I have taken artistic license and have redrawn them. That is,
my drawings are not precisely accurate – but they convey the concept). These are the
spectra produced by the more modern MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification) algorithm
and the spectrum produced by a Barlett (Fourier-type) algorithm. Kay and Demeure
posed the question of which had the highest resolution. The two spectral lines are
obvious in the MUSIC spectrum, but not in the Bartlett spectrum. One would conclude
from this visual inspection that the Bartlett spectrum is vastly inferior with respect to
Steven Kay and Cedric Demeure, “The High-Resolution Spectrum Estimator – a Subjective Entity”,
Proceedings IEEE, Vol 72, Dec 1984, pp1815-1816
Figure 3. MUSIC and Bartlett Spectral Estimate Visual Comparison Implies that MUSIC
Has a Greater Resolution
In the referent paper, Kay & Demeure showed that the two spectra are simply related by
the transformation:
1 S Bartlett
Where 0 S Bartlett 1
So, when the Barlett spectrum is 1, the denominator of the transformation goes to zero
and the spectral line of the MUSIC spectrum goes to infinity. Of course, infinity is never
reached in real world measurements. Nonetheless, the point is that the two techniques
have the same resolution regardless of how they look in a visual inspection when the
transform is taken into account.
Armed with this transform, I applied it to the DFT spectrum estimator using a 20 decibel
amplification (100:1) of the peak spectral line. The result is a spectrum that is now
useful for identifying the variable dominant cycle in the market, as shown in Figure 4. In
my opinion, when the cycle period exceeds 50 bars, the market is in a trend and the
cycle measurement can be of little help. Therefore, I limit the display to be between 8
and 50 bars.
Figure 4. Transformed DFT Spectral Estimate of IBM More Clearly Identifies the
Variable Dominant Cycle
The EasyLanguage code to apply the DFT, apply the transformation, and plot the
spectrum is given in Figure 5. Preprocessing is important for spectral analysis to avoid
having undesired frequency components introduce cross products in the multiply steps
of the analysis. Therefore, I detrend the data by first passing it through a 40 bar
highpass filter. Since long cycles are rejected by the highpass filter, the end effect
errors of having noninteger cycles within the data window is relatively small. The
highpass filter is only a 2 pole filter, and so components out to our 50 bar plotting limit
are passed. I eliminate the 2 bar, 3 bar, and 4 bar cycle components by low pass
filtering in a 6 element FIR filter. After the DFT portion I also show how to extract the
dominant cycle using a center of gravity algorithm. My experience is that this center of
gravity approach yields the smoothest and most reliable estimate of the dominant cycle
period. Traders converting this code to other platforms probably will have difficulty
displaying the spectrum. However, extraction of the dominant cycle does not depend
on spectrum plotting. The entire spectrum is computed before the dominant cycle is
extracted. Note the spectral estimate of Figure 4 confirms that there is only one strong
cycle present in the data most of the time. Simultaneous cycles are present with a low
probability. Therefore, the concept of using a dominant cycle to tune indicators is valid,
or at least sufficiently valid to be used to your advantage to dynamically adjust your
//Get a detrended version of the data by High Pass Filtering with a 40 Period cutoff
If CurrentBar <= 5 Then Begin
HP = Price;
CleanedData = Price;
If CurrentBar > 5 Then Begin
alpha1 = (1 - Sine(360/40))/Cosine(360/40);
HP = .5*(1 + alpha1)*(Price - Price[1]) + alpha1*HP[1];
CleanedData = (HP + 2*HP[1] + 3*HP[2] + 3*HP[3] + 2*HP[4] + HP[5])/12;
Kay and Demeure conclude that means other than visual inspection should be used to
assess the resolution of spectral estimators. One approach is to create known data that
contains two closely spaced cycles and see if the spectral estimator can discern
whether there are two cycles present or not. I therefore created a set of data containing
a pure 20 bar cycle and a pure 24 bar cycle of equal amplitude. Figure 5 shows the
measurement of the DFT spectral estimator. In a nutshell, it does not have sufficient
resolution to identify that both these closely spaced cycles are present.
Figure 6. Transformed DFT Measurement of 20 & 24 Bar Cycles Cannot Isolate the
Two Components
I also applied MESA8 to this same data, with the result displayed in Figure 6. Clearly,
MESA8 does, in fact, have sufficient resolution to identify both cycles as be present.
Figure 7. MESA8 Measurement of 20 & 24 Bar Cycles Has High Resolution, Clearly
Identifying the Presence of both Components.
Although the Kay and Demeure transform improve the resolution of a DFT Spectral
Estimate, I still have some problems using the transformed DFT approach without
reservation. For example, the results generally track my more advanced techniques,
but I am not convinced of its accuracy in low signal to noise environments. Further, it
still takes a reasonably amount of historical data to make a measurement. That means
it can be sluggish in response to rapid changes and mixed cycle periods within the
observation window and get averaged together even when their periods are widely
John Ehlers is a pioneer in the use of cycles and DSP techniques in technical analysis.
He is the author of the MESA8 program, and and
websites for trading.