Renewable Energy: Ahmed Djebli, Salah Hanini, Ouassila Badaoui, Brahim Haddad, Amina Benhamou
Renewable Energy: Ahmed Djebli, Salah Hanini, Ouassila Badaoui, Brahim Haddad, Amina Benhamou
Renewable Energy: Ahmed Djebli, Salah Hanini, Ouassila Badaoui, Brahim Haddad, Amina Benhamou
Renewable Energy
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Potatoes are a very high demand product in the consumer market and are widely available everywhere in
Received 10 January 2019 Algeria. With the extensive levels of solar energy across the country, solar drying becomes a natural
Received in revised form avenue for the production of solar dried potatoes as a new prospective commercial product. This paper is
3 June 2019
a study of the drying process of potatoes using an indirect and a mixed solar dryer with forced con-
Accepted 15 July 2019
vection and a comparison of their respective performances. Experimental results indicated that the
Available online 16 July 2019
mixed solar dryer had the slowest drying rate compared to the indirect solar dryer with drying times of
4 h 45min and 3 h 40min respectively, even though the temperature at the tray level in the mixed solar
Drying models
dryer was higher than that of the indirect solar dryer. Fourier series and Laplace transforms were used to
Indirect solar dryer solve the diffusivity equation. Seven theoretical models were investigated and their relative accuracy
Mixed solar dryer validated against experimental data. Two new dimensionless models were found to best fit the drying
Potatoes curve of potato slices using the two dryers. The proposed models were found to be more accurate for
charactering the drying process of Sultana grapes, chili peppers, bananas, mangoes and cassava, ac-
cording to models reported in the literature under different operating conditions using various solar
dryer designs.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction process can reduce product storage costs. Moreover the drying
process preserves the flavor and nutritive benefits of the product
Potatoes, an herbaceous plant, are a product of great importance [6].
economically and ranked as the fourth food crop worldwide after Drying is a technique that can be applied by several ways, the
maize, wheat, and rice. In Algeria, potatoes are a strategic product most common is the open sun drying. However, this technique has
whose production increased remarkably over the last three de- some drawbacks, namely; the product to be dried is exposed to dust
cades. In 2014, the production reached more than 4 million tones and insects as it is spread on the floor or on a mat and directly
covering an area of 156,176 ha. exposed to the sun and wind [7]. In addition, the dried product may
Drying is one of the oldest techniques that permits food pres- be subject to contamination and of poor quality [8]. A different
ervation, such as grains [1], fruits [2], vegetables [3] and seafood [4]. approach that could alleviate the drawbacks of open sun drying is
It prolongs the lifespan of the product by reducing its moisture that drying can be carried out using fuel and electricity, but these
content to stop bacterial activity, eliminates microorganisms that drying methods may not be cost efficient and detrimental to the
cause rot or fermentation, stops mold proliferation and decreases environment. On the other hand, the use of tailor designed solar
product weight to facilitate transport and storage [5]. The drying drying equipment can be a good alternative and the most viable
solution from the economic and environmental perspectives [9]. In
principle, solar drying consists of converting solar energy to ther-
* Corresponding author. Biomaterials and Transport Phenomena Laboratory
mal energy which is then used to remove moisture from the
(LBMPT), UniversiteYahia Fares Medea, street Aïnd'Heb, 26000, Algeria. product directly [10] or indirectly [11,12]. The most important factor
E-mail address: [email protected] (O. Badaoui).
0960-1481/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Djebli et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1494e1506 1495
that has an impact on yield is the daily solar radiation intensity [13]. drying red peppers and sultana grapes was investigated by
The solar drying technique is widely used in the food industry ELkhadraoui at al [24]. Using this system, the drying time of red
[14]. Many examples of solar dryers can be cited, Şevik [15] utilized peppers and grapes was shortened by 7 and 17 h respectively. The
a solar dryer with a double pass solar air collector, heat pump and criterion of payback period was used as an economic evaluation,
photovoltaic unit to dry carrots. Under sunny weather conditions where the payback period was found to be short, that is 1.6 years. A
the system can be easily operated without the need for a heat v-corrugated double pass plate solar air heater with a blower is
pump. But during night time and cloudy weather the dryer can be used to force the heated air to the drying chamber. Blanco-Cano
operated using a heat pump. Also, Reyes et al. [16] dehydrated et al. [25] analyzed experimentally the kinetics of the thin-layer
mushrooms in a hybrid solar dryer. Their results showed that slice drying process of Granny Smith apples. The Drying tests were
thickness and air recycling levels had statistically significant effects performed under different drying temperatures and a novel model
on the product final moisture content. Air recycling percentages was proposed to predict the evolution of the moisture ratio during
help minimize energy supply for heating the drying air. Also, To- the drying process.
matoes were dried by Ringeisen et al. [17] in Davis, California under In Algeria, solar drying use is not widespread, it is not yet used in
variable climatic conditions throughout the summer and fall using the industrial and in the agricultural sectors although the country
a solar dryer with an energy concentrator. Note that the drying time possesses one of the highest potential of solar thermal energy in the
decreased by 21% on average when using a concave concentrator. world. As highlighted by Haddad et al. [26], solar energy can play a
Thermal storage with desiccant makes solar drying more effective key role to ensure social welfare. Algeria receives on average
in terms of drying time and energy consumption as indicated by 2500 KWhm2 per year of solar energy ranking the country among
Dina et al. [18] experimental results when drying cocoa beans in a the first countries and the one with the highest solar potential in the
solar dryer. As for the case of potatoes, Tesfamichael and Assefa [19] Mediterranean basin with an estimated yearly potential of 168 TWh
reported an analysis of the drying curves and the time requirement [27]. Experimental studies can lead to the integration of solar drying
for drying potato slices in a natural convection solar dryer. The to the Algerian economy and thus bring new social benefits.
results showed that the drying time can be reduced by 30% This paper presents an experimental and theoretical analysis of
compared to drying under direct sunlight. Likewise, Barubara et al. solar drying of potatoes using new mixed and indirect solar dryers
[20] employed a finned forced convection, flat plate solar collected under Algerian coastal climate conditions. The results were used to
to dry potatoes in Indonesia. Different slice thickness (0.01, 0.015 determine the drying characteristics curves and the rate of drying.
and 0.02 m) were tested, their average initial water content was Furthermore, an analysis of the effects of temperature in the two
76.48%.The experimental results showed that the slice thickness of solar dryers and their performances were compared. Experimental
1 cm is best for the drying process. data were fitted using seven models: Five from the literature and
Drying agricultural product using indirect and mixed solar dryer two proposed models from this study to describe the drying ki-
processes has been the subject of many researchers. Forson et al. netics of potatoes. The Two proposed empirical models are
[21] developed a model in parallel with experimental work using a dimensionless and in accordance with the boundary conditions.
mixed-mode natural convection solar crop-dryer. The model These two models were compared to other models in the literature
permitted to predict the performance of the dryer. A new prototype using experimental data from this work and from the literature to
of an indirect active hybrid solareelectrical dryer for agricultural assess their technical viability for different products, operating
products using a high range of air mass flow rates between 0.04 and conditions and solar drying equipments. The aim is to encourage
0.08 kg/m2s was examined by Boughali et al. [22]. Their results the use of solar dryers in the Algerian industrial and agricultural
showed that low airflow rates are preferable for the drying process. sectors by offering full analysis of solar drying technology to apply
El-Sebaii and Shalaby [23] experimentally investigated the thermal to various agricultural products.
performance of an indirect-mode, forced convection solar dryer.
The drying experiments were performed using thyme and mint. It 2. Materials and methods
was found that the drying times of the two products depend on the
mass of the product to be dried and the temperature of the drying This study was carried out using two solar dryers, indirect and
air. Their drying kinetics follow the constant and failing rate phase. mixed. The indirect and mixed dryers were designed and fabricated
The performance of a mixed mode solar greenhouse dryer for at UDES facility as part of a reasearch project using local materiels.
1496 A. Djebli et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1494e1506
Door Outlet
2.1. Indirect solar dryer polycarbonate walls. Furthermore, additional heating is provided
by a solar collector connected to two fans.
The indirect solar dryer is composed of two main parts; a solar Four fans permit air circulation inside the greenhouse. The hot
collector and a drying chamber as shown in Fig. 1. The dimensional air passes through carts and trays and dries the product. The
characteristics of the equipment are shown in Table 1. Air gets released moisture is evacuated using a fan on the top of the right
heated up in the solar collector then forced into the drying chamber wall as illustrated in the figure below.
through 0.15 m diameter ducts using two electric fans powered by a
photovoltaic panel. The hot air dries the product by discharging the 2.3. Data collection
released product moisture to the outside via the exhaust outlet.
The duration of the drying process depends on the type of
product to be dried. The operation is deemed complete when no
2.2. Mixed solar dryer
more weight loss is detected. A RADWAG Balance is used to weigh
the product, accuracy ±0.0005 kg is used to monitor the drying
Two main parts compose the mixed solar dryer, a greenhouse
process by recording water weight loss in the product as a function
and a solar collector (Figs. 2 and 3). The geometric configuration of time until complete dehydration; namely, the balance indicating
and dimensions of the dryer are summarized in Table 1. The
constant weight.
greenhouse receives solar radiation through the transparent Global radiation received on the collector plane is measured
during the day of the experiment. The hourly or daily tilted radia-
Table 1 tion is measured using Kipp&Zonen pyranometer. The air velocity
Solar dryer's characteristics. was measured using Thermo-anemometer C.A 1224.
Temperature is measured with K-type thermocouples with a
Solar dryer Solar dryers components Number Specification
type diameter of d ¼ 0.001 m and an accuracy of 0.5 C. All the ther-
mocouples were connected to a data logger (Keysight 34972A LXI
ISD Dry chamber volume 1 0.46 m3
Tray surface 1 0.57 m2 Data acquisition/Switch unit) which sends the data to the data
Duct 2 Diameter: acquisition computer.
0.08 m
Length: 0.8 m
2.4. Product preparation
Collector surface 1 1.73 m2
Tmax ¼ 69 C
Fan (flow rate) 2 0.01 m3/s Table 2 gives the product details before drying. The sliced po-
MSD Greenhouse volume 1 30.6m3 tatoes were set on wire trays in the indirect solar dryer and the
Carts dimensions 9 Length:1.1 m
Width: 0.65 m
High: 1.5 m
Trays surface 45 Surface:
0.65 m2
Collector surface 1 1.82 m2
Tmax ¼ 77 C
Equipped with
Fans (flow rate) 2 0.0225 m3s-1
(used for collector)
circulation and moisture extractor Fans 5 0.19 m3s-1
(flow rate)
Fig. 2. Mixed solar dryer from inside and outside.
A. Djebli et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1494e1506 1497
Inlet of the
Air collector
mixed solar dryer respectively. They were spread on the drying tray V ¼ dM/dt (3)
in a way that allows for air passage. In order to monitor the drying
process, the products were carefully weighed during the drying Where the moisture content M is defined as:
M¼ (4)
2.5. Drying kinetics DM
Lahnine et al. [28]. As for the case of the Two Term model, Yaldiz PN 2
et al. [29] and Lahsasni et al. [30] have concluded that the model is MRexp;i MRpre;i
the one that fits best the experimental data of the drying process of
c2 ¼ i¼1
Sultana grapes and Prickly pears. The Page model fitted remarkably
well with the drying curves of thymus [23], raw mango slices [31],
and chili peppers [32]. The logarithmic model satisfactorily - Mean Absolute Error MAE:
described the drying characteristics of pumpkin slices [33], long
green peppers [34] and apricots [35]. Koua et al. [2] found that 1 XN
MRexp;i MRpre;i
MAE ¼ (13)
banana, mango and cassava drying curves are well fitted with the N i¼1
Henderson and Pabis model.
Unlike the literature models, the new proposed dimensionless
models are universal, independent of units of measurement, and - Root Mean Squared Error RMSE:
verifying the boundary conditions per equations (7) and(8) as vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
follows: u1 X N 2
RMSE ¼ t MRexp;i MRpre;i (14)
N i¼1
M∞ M t∞ t
¼f (6) Where MRexp,i and MRpre,i are experimental and predicted
M∞ M0 t∞ t0
moisture ratios; Z is the number of constants in model; N is the
number of observation.
M∞ ¼ lim M (7)
2.7. Determination of effective moisture diffusivity using fourier
M0 ¼ lim M (8)
Diffusivity is an important transport parameter for the calcula-
After simplifications: tion of water transfer inside the product. This coefficient largely
determines the activity of surface water.
MR ¼ f(t) (9) In general, the diffusion coefficient is estimated from drying
kinetics, by solving Fick diffusion equation, eq (15). It has been
M∞ M
Where: MR ¼ M∞ M0 widely used to describe the drying process for most organic
products [42].
t¼ (10) v2 M 1 vM
t∞ ¼0 (15)
vx2 Deff vt
Table 3 is a recapitulation of the five mathematical models
selected from the literature and the proposed new dimensionless Fourier series were used to solve Crank's equation, equation
models. (15). Assuming that the initial moisture distribution is uniform, the
So, to select the mathematical model that fits best the experi- external resistances are negligible and the process is isothermal,
mental data of potato drying, seven models were evaluated using the initial and boundary conditions are as follows:
statistical parameters [41].
vM e
The experimental data were fit to the models using Origin Mðt ¼ 0; xÞ ¼ M0 ; ðt; x ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0 and Mðt; x ¼ H Þ ¼ Ms
software. The constants of the models, correlation coefficients and
vx 2
the reduced chi-square were computed by the software. The (16)
models are empirical and their constants have no physical meaning. In addition, for long periods of drying, all terms in the series are
Model constants depend on the distribution of measurement negligible compared to the first therefore the solution for equation
points MR as a function of time. The constraints are the initial (15) can be simplified as follows:
values input into the software to fit the model with the experi- !
mental data. 8 p2 Deff
Time values, t, were used in the five models from literature to MR ¼ exp t (17)
p 2 e2
predict moisture ratio using Excel software. As for the two new
models, t values were calculated using equation (10), which then Thus, taking the natural logarithm in both sides of equation (8)
were used to predict moisture ratio. Equations (13) and(14) were gives the following relationship.
then used to calculate mean absolute error and root mean squared
error. 8 p2 Deff
lnðMRÞ ¼ ln t (18)
The model that works best was selected according to the p 2 e2
following criteria:
A plot of ln(Xr) as a function of (t) yields a straight line with a
2 slope b:
- Correlation coefficient r :
p2 Deff be2
PN 2 b¼ thusDeff ¼ ; (19)
MRpre;i MRpre;i e2 p2
r 2 ¼ P i¼1 2 (11)
i¼1 MRexp;i MRexp;i The higher the value of (Deff) the more effective is the drying
Where (Deff) is the effective diffusivity, (e) is the thickness of the
- The reduced chi-square c2: potato slices, (t) the drying time.
A. Djebli et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1494e1506 1499
Table 3
Mathematical models that describe solar drying kinetics.
Where: MR ¼ 1 X∞
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi8 0 19
> >
Mt Deff t < 1 X∞
n B nl C
MR¼1 ¼12 p ffiffiffi þ 2 ð1Þ ierfc@q ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA 0
M∞ l2 > : p n¼1 Deff t > ; 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
(21) Time 00:00 to 24:00h (30/07/2017)
ierfcðzÞ ¼ pffiffiffi exp z2 ðzÞerfcðzÞ (22) reached at midday, and then decreased for the rest of the day. The
p scatter of the data is due to cloudiness which also the solar radia-
For n ¼ 1: tion to reach its peak value.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 1
Deff t Deff t l2 B l C 3.2. Temperature measurement
MR ¼ 1 2 þ4 exp 4erfc@qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA
pl2 pl2 Deff t Deff t
For the indirect solar dryer, four points were chosen for tem-
(23) perature measurements. The first thermocouple was placed in the
duct, outlet of the air solar heat collector, the second on the tray
The complementary error function is defined as: holding the potato slices, the third at 1 m above the tray, and the
ffi fourth is for ambient temperature outside the dryer. For the MSD,
erfcðzÞ ¼ 1 erf ðzÞ ¼ 1 1 exp z2 (24) three thermocouples were used; one, at the entrance of the
greenhouse to measure the temperature of the hot air coming from
which yields to the following equation: the air solar heat collector, the second on the potato tray and the
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi third is above the tray. The recorded temperatures are reported in
Deff t Deff t l2 Figs. 5e7.
MR ¼ 3 2 þ4 exp Figs. 5 and 6 indicate that temperature in the ISD is slightly
pl 2 pl2 Deff t
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi lower than that in the MSD. Fig. 6 illustrates that temperature in the
u ! drying chamber is lower than that in the duct at the outlet of the air
u 4l2
þ 4t1 exp (25) collector which was around 8 C. The temperature of the air
pDeff t entering the drying chamber in the case of the ISD dryer is higher
than that of the air entering the greenhouse in the MSD due to the
Where: l ¼ e/2.
lengths of the ducts used for each dryer. Heat loss increases with
the length of the ducts. Duct length is 2 m for the MSD compared to
3. Results and interpretations 0.8 m for the indirect solar dryer. As shown in Fig. 5 by the blue line,
the temperature of the air coming out of the collector and going
3.1. Solar radiation into the greenhouse increases gradually as the sun moves from a
low elevation in the morning to its highest point at noon at which
Global horizontal radiation was measured during 24 h. An time the temperature reaches its maximum level. Similar trends
example of solar radiation variation as a function of time is shown apply to the red and green curves which correspond to the tem-
in Fig. 4. In this particular case, the maximum value, 747 W/m2, was peratures at the tray level and above the trays. At noon time, the
1500 A. Djebli et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1494e1506
Fig. 5. The temperature evolution as a function of time for different measurement points, MSD.
T (°C) at the duct
0 1 2 3 4
Time 09:00 to 12:40h (30/07/2017)
Fig. 6. The temperature evolution as a function of time for different measurement points, ISD.
0 1 2 3 4
Time 09:00 to 12:40h (30/07/2017)
Fig. 7. The temperature evolution as a function of time for different measurement points.
temperature measurement above the trays shows higher values drying chamber. The temperature gain is 26.1 and 27.3 for MSD and
than inside the trays because of the higher elevation of the ther- ISD respectively. Despite the fact that the temperature in the ISD at
mocouple location which is at least 1 m above the trays. the tray level was a little bit lower than that in the MSD, the drying
The air collector used in the mixed solar dryer is equipped with rate was slowest for the MSD. This was due to the insufficient air
fins and gives an average temperature of 50 C at the entrance of circulation inside the greenhouse, where the air velocity average is
the greenhouse using the two fans, which is satisfactory for the 0.15 m/s at tray level and 0.45 m/s in the drying chamber as sum-
needs of this work and enhances the thermal efficiency of the dryer. marized in Table 4 and Fig. 7. At the start of the drying process the
The collector was used to ensure low temperature differences be- air velocity acts positively in the drying kinetics. However, for
tween bottom and top trays on the carts, and enhance the thermal products whose drying kinetics is controlled by the internal
efficiency. migration of water, the influence of air velocity becomes insignifi-
The ambient temperature on average was 26.5 C. Average cant. Despite the long drying time of MSD, 23% higher than ISD, it
temperature was 53.8 C in the greenhouse and 52.6 C in the has a superior loading capacity weight 32 times higher than ISD. As
A. Djebli et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1494e1506 1501
Table 4
Comparison between the performance of MSD and ISD.
Moisture ratio Drying rate a drying time difference of more than 1 h. One phase was observed
1 2.5 which was labeled as phase number 2, corresponding to the de-
MR V(dM/dt) creases of both the drying rate and the product moisture content to
0.8 2 the equilibrium limit.
Bonazzi and Bimbenet [44] have argued that the theoretical
0.6 1.5 drying curves, obtained for non hygroscopic and non-deformable
products such as cellulose, wood, clay or plaster, are character-
0.4 1
ized by the presence of three phases. However, the progress of the
drying process is not the same and the three phases are not always
0.2 0.5
observable as it has been shown by experimental studies. A clas-
0 0
sification of products according to their behavior during drying is
0 1 2 3 4 5 presented by Van Brakel [45].
Time (h) The absence of the product warm-up and the constant drying
phases, most likely due to the structure of agricultural products and
Fig. 8. Evolution of moisture and the drying rate of the potato slices as a function of
the fact that cell walls disrupt rapid migration of moisture to the
time, MSD.
outer surface as noted by Boughali et al. [46]. In general it is due
also to the fact that agro alimentary products are not saturated with
Moisture ratio Drying rate water, ie: they do not contain free water [47]. Transfer of moisture
1 2.5 from the inside of these products to the surface occurs via several
MR V(dM/dt) complicated mechanisms such as liquid diffusion, vapor diffusion
0.8 2 or capillarity [48]. the drying kinetics as it is shown by experi-
mental studies with several products, such as maize, potatoes,
0.6 1.5 plums, apples [47], potato slices [49,50], carrots [51], avocado [52],
dates [53] and apples [54].
0.4 1 Table 5 gives a comparison of drying potatoes between the
present studies with other investigations. The two dryers used to
0.2 0.5 dry potatoes in the present study have a better performance than
the mixed-mode solar dryer used by Tripathy and Kumar [55], in
0 0 New Delhi, India when considering drying time. Chouicha et al. [56]
0 1 2 3 4
used the hybrid indirect solar dryer in their study and concluded
Time (h)
that it has the best drying time and temperature but note that the
Fig. 9. Evolution of moisture and the drying rate of potato slices as a function of time, study was conducted in the Sahara desert with dry environment
ISD. while the present study was conducted in Bou-Ismail with humid
coastal climate.
Table 5
Comparison of the present study with other investigations.
Research Product Type of dryer Drying time Tmin-Tmax Location of the dryer
[55] Potatoes Mixed-mode solar dryer 5h 30min 30.4e50.4 New Delhi, India
[56] Potatoes Hybrid indirect solar dryer 2h 45 min 41.6e61.1 ria
Ouargla, Alge
Present work Potatoes indirect solar dryer 3h 40 min 45.5e55 ria
Bou-Ismail, Alge
Present work Potatoes Mixed solar dryer 4h 45 min 45.5e57.4 ria
Bou-Ismail, Alge
1502 A. Djebli et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1494e1506
Table 6
Results obtained from models for potatoes.
New Model1 Mixed A ¼ 0.0102, n ¼ 0.5603, k1 ¼ 7.2166, m ¼ 0.6000, k2 ¼ 2.9703, p ¼ 42.022 0.9999 2 E5 0.232 0.331
Indirect A ¼ 0.0384, n ¼ 0.6638, k1 ¼ 5.9941, m ¼ 0.6288, k2 ¼ 3.2482, p ¼ 10.368 0.99993 1 E5 0.205 0.274
New Model2 Mixed A ¼ 49.2082, n ¼ 0.3782, k1 ¼ 0.0197, m ¼ 0.9235, k2 ¼ 0.00001, p ¼ 2965.1 0.99972 4 E5 0.986 1.140
Indirect A ¼ 4773.52, n ¼ 0.405, k1 ¼ 0.00019, m ¼ 1.0157, k2 ¼ 8.61E-8, p ¼ 4434.7 0.99985 2 E5 0.623 0.735
Page Mixed k ¼ 0.4226, n ¼ 1.3373 0.99408 4.3 E4 1. 766 2.086
Indirect k ¼ 0.4803, n ¼ 1.4592 0.99629 4.3 E4 1.726 1.958
Logarithmic Mixed A1 ¼ 1.2931, k ¼ 0.3452, A2 ¼ 0.2819 0.99765 1.8 E4 1.400 2.022
Indirect A1 ¼ 1.4605, k ¼ 0.3371, A2 ¼ 0.4431 0.99639 4.5 E4 1.722 1.931
MidillieKucuk Mixed A1 ¼ 0.9866, k ¼ 0.3914, n ¼ 1.1750, 0.99921 6 E5 1.009 2.037
A2 ¼ 0.0226
Indirect A1 ¼ 0.9882, k ¼ 0.4256, n ¼ 1.2405, 0.99901 1.3 E4 0.885 1.010
A2 ¼ 0.0348
Henderson and Pabis Mixed A1 ¼ 1.0691, k ¼ 0.5826 0.98082 1.38 E3 4.353 5.976
Indirect A1 ¼ 1.0869, k ¼ 0.6882 0.97291 3.17 E3 4.807 5.291
Two term Mixed A1 ¼ 11.361, k1 ¼ 0.2167, 0.95837 3.4 E3 7.155 7.633
A2 ¼ 10.352, k2 ¼ 0.1957
Indirect A1 ¼ 1, k1 ¼ 1, A2 ¼ 0.1929, k2 ¼ 0.3156 0.94511 7.42 E3 6.567 7.532
mean absolute error MAE and 2.52∙103 to 7.63∙102 root mean coefficients r2 of 0.99993 and 0.99985 respectively. The low values
square error RMSE for the MSD and ISD. of the mean absolute error MAE, mean square error MSE and
The experimental data is in good agreement with the two sug- reduced chi-square c2 were obtained using new model2 for the two
gested models, based on the high values of the correlation coeffi- dryers.
cient r2 which is equal to 0.9999 and 0.99972 in the case of MSD. For Fig. 10 illustrates the evolution of the moisture ratio for the MSD
the case of the ISD, new models 1 and 2 gave correlation and ISD, as measured experimentally in comparison to predictions
0.8 0.8
MR 0.4 MR
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) (b)
Experimental (MSD) Experimental (ISD)
Midilli-Kucuk model Midilli-Kucuk model
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4
Time (h) Time (h)
(c) (d)
Fig. 10. Moisture ratio versus (t, time), comparing experimental curve with the predicted one based on: (a, b) Suggested Models; (c, d) Midilli-Kucuk Model.
A. Djebli et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1494e1506 1503
0.8 0.8
MR Theory
MR Theory
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
MR Experimental MR Experimental
(a) MSD (b) ISD
Fig. 11. Variation of moisture ratio of the two models with the experimental moisture ratio.
by means of the new models 1 and 2 and the Midilli-kucuk model. Midilli-Kucuk model deviated slightly from straight line.
The New models showed a good fit with the experimental data of
the MSD and ISD. 3.4. Validation of the new models with experimental data in the
Calculated values of moisture ratio MR using the theoretical litterature
models are plotted against the experimentally measured MR
values, see Fig. 11, to gauge the accuracy of the models. A good The experimental data were used to test the robustness of the
agreement between experimental and predicted moisture ratio suggested models according to various operating conditions (air
values has been noted for the two suggested models. All data from velocity, temperature), different designs and different kinds of
the two suggested models are closer to the straight line indicating products. Table 7 presents various dryer designs and operating
the best fit. In the case of the MSD, the data generated from the conditions from the present work and from the literature.
Table 7
Different dryer designs and operating conditions used in the present work and in the literature.
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1 New model1 A comparison between the suggested models and the best
New model2 models found in literature for Sulatana grapes, bananas, mangoes,
Henderson and Pabis cassava and chilli peppers, using the correlation coefficient,
0.9995 reduced chi-square and root mean square error is presented in
Table 8. The new models have high values of r2 and low values of c2
and RMSE compared to those from the so-called Two term model,
0.999 page & Henderson and Pabis models.
The data confirmed that the two new models are universal and
can characterize perfectly the drying curves of different agricultural
products under different operating conditions using any type of
3.5. Calculation of effective diffusion coefficient
3.5.1. Determination Deff using fourier series
plantain banana cassava mango
The diffusion coefficient was calculated using fick's law. The
Fig. 13. Evaluation of correlation coefficients for the three products used in Koua et al. equation of diffusion was resolved using Fourier series.
[2] study.
Table 8
Results obtained from suggested models for products from literature.
[29] Sultana grapes New Model1 A ¼ 37.308, n ¼ 1.8024, k1 ¼ 5.3469, m ¼ 1.7035, k2 ¼ 1.3649, p ¼ 1.3307 0.999999 1.34E-7 0.02
New Model2 A ¼ 0.2868, n ¼ 6.6147, k1 ¼ 10.136, m ¼ 0.5381, k2 ¼ 0.0009, p ¼ 14024 0.99999 3.23E-6 0.11
Two term A1 ¼ 0.1943, k1 ¼ 6.3513, A2 ¼ 0.8057, k2 ¼ 0.0339 0.95837 3.4 E3 /
[32] Chilli pepper New Model1 A ¼ 0.4512, n ¼ 1.57E7, k1 ¼ 3.05E6, m ¼ 0.9896, k2 ¼ 1.2479, p ¼ 7.0576 0.99953 7 E5 0.73
New Model2 A ¼ 11.102, n ¼ 0.3765, k1 ¼ 0.0870, m ¼ 0.6966, k2 ¼ 0.0005, p ¼ 814.65 0.99953 7 E5 0.74
Page k ¼ 1.1894, n ¼ 1.3373 0.9991 1.2E-4 1.14
[2] plantain Banana New Model1 A ¼ 0.2712, n ¼ 0.7744, k1 ¼ 5.7142, m ¼ 0.5743, k2 ¼ 1.6343, p ¼ 2.5100 0.999999 3.77E-7 0.05
New Model2 A ¼ 5.3709, n ¼ 0.2658, k1 ¼ 0.0861, m ¼ 0.6130, k2 ¼ 0.0307, p ¼ 10.145 0.999999 3.92E-7 0.05
Henderson and Pabis A1 ¼ 0.1206, k ¼ 0.9856 0.9997 4.20E-5 0.61
Cassava New Model1 A ¼ 0.3686, n ¼ 2.7026, k1 ¼ 6.6703, m ¼ 1.0176, k2 ¼ 0.1655, p ¼ 5.5143 0.99996 4.08E-6 0.16
New Model2 A ¼ 1.3772, n ¼ 0.8813, k1 ¼ 0.1026, m ¼ 0.4931, k2 ¼ 0.0104, p ¼ 130.17 0.99995 5.23E-6 0.18
Henderson and Pabis A1 ¼ 0.1250, k ¼ 1.0137 0.9999 1.52E-5 0.37
Mango New Model1 A ¼ 0.47778, n ¼ 1.4934, k1 ¼ 6.5357, m ¼ 0.6653, k2 ¼ 1.8269, p ¼ 2.4153 0.99916 8 E5 0.77
New Model2 A ¼ 30131, n ¼ 0.2684, k1 ¼ 0.00003, m ¼ 0.9831, k2 ¼ 0.0002, p ¼ 0.8224 0.99917 7 E5 0.7
Henderson and Pabis A1 ¼ 0.1119, k ¼ 1.0489 0.9979 4.89E-5 2.14
-2 -2
-3 -3
y = -2.33E-04x + 4.47E-01 y = -3.01E-04x + 4.82E-01
-4 -4
-5 -5
Table 9
The effective diffusion coefficient using Fourier series.
Type of dryer The effective diffusion coefficient Deff The average effective diffusion coefficient Dmeff
Table 10 Acknowledgements
The effective diffusion coefficient using Laplace transforms.
Type of dryer The effective diffusion coefficient Deff This work is supported by EPST CDER/UDES e Algeria. We
MSD 3.25E-10
gratefully thank our colleagues Miss A. Chalal and Dr. A. Diaf from
ISD 4.01E-10 EPST CDER/UDES for their support and help.
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