What Is Importance of KUJI-KIRI First Two Mudras
What Is Importance of KUJI-KIRI First Two Mudras
What Is Importance of KUJI-KIRI First Two Mudras
Hello my dear friends, this topic is discussed for those of you who very willingly are aware
about the KUJI-KIRI mudras and are practicing various ways to develop / cultivate / collect
the vital energy known as CHI in Chinese & KI in Japanese. Obviously, it has much
connection to those people in the field of martial arts who know & practice the path of
NINJUTSU specialy. But there are many new students who know about it and want to follow
thw path of NINJUTSU. But they find it difficult to achive it and become hopeless, which
ultimately results into frustration for the practitioner and finaly they leave t his path. This is
because they don͛t have any master to give a brief on what this KUJI -KIRI is all about and
what is the vital energy known as CHI in Chinese & KI in Japanese and how KUJI -KIRI can
help you in the field of martial arts.
I had practiced a many types of breathing techniques and when i can to know this breathing
technique it was a good experie nce of my life. Here in this topic I would like to share my
experience with the reader and what i want to let you know is the ancient art which was
practiced long back by the monks during 3000 B.C. in the land of India, China & Japan who
never reveled their secrets at that time. But there were few states or kingdom at that time
who were in contact with these monks learning the secret knowledge which Buddha and
many other monks had by the means of meditation.
But first you should know that what is CHI / KI / Vital Energy, how it works, and its
importance in the field of martial arts or any other art and how the KUJI -KIRI mudra
techniques will let you to achive it.
What is CHI in simple words? Well as per my knowledge there is no definition of it in any
dictionary in world. To know CHI you have to understand it through various examples here i
will give you now.
Example-1: I came across many people who do lots of prayer to god and came to know
many thing. Once i happened to meet a driver who told me about the gold which was made
by extracting a fluid from special trees in a ncient India during the time of Rajput kings . The
extracted fluid was put in a vessel and many saints and tantriks used to do mantras on it an d
by deploying special way to process it turns into gold.
Example-2: I also heard of an incidence of a women pushing a truck huge and very heavy
than here capacity just to save here baby caught into the truck tyre. The women was not
muscular to lift the truck to save her helpless child to get out of it. But due to the sudden
emotions inside the women͛s body here mind quickly responded to the emotional changes
and the body of the women suddenly responded by the mind. But its not the body which
was able to lift the truck but the sudden production of the CHI inside the body and mind
who directed the CHI to Hands, Wrists, shoulders, legs, and entire body to produce the
force. ¢ )*$
Example-3: There are many people in India who have done Samadhi i.e. they are able to
control the vital energy of the body in such a way that they remain under water or make ,
when properly examined by doctor, the doctor will declare that person dead. But in actual
that person has so good control over his body that whenever that person wants he/she can
let the vital force to go to that body part and again let that body part to function. And when
the person is declared after 3 hours or one day the person redirects his CHI and comes alive.
I have seen many and heard of many saints in India who can remain inside the water for 2
days or even 1 month without breathing and come out successfully and live a long life.
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Example-4: There are many known institutes or saints or persons in Asia who uses these
powers, such as people practicing REKI , CHI KUNG or CHI GONG in martial arts, monks of
Shaolin, various martial arts expert breaking tiles and bricks through their punch, breathing
exercises of KUJI- KURI, many breathing exercises in yoga and pranayam, etc.
CHI is unseen unable to describe and ahs no physical appearance, but its effect is seen in
human life and human body. Many martial arts persons who had achived their highest goals
in martial arts like Bruce Lee uses this vital / chi / ki energy for better performance in their
life in any field. Various magicians, acupuncture doctors, martial atr s experts they use this
if CHI is developed & circulated in human body:
1. It increases the capacity of human body like better performance in sports, if
properly circulated in human brain it reduces the stress and strain in mind, makes
the mind sharper and increases the performance of person, in martial arts it is a
good source of power and speed allowing the user to break tiles, knockout a person
in one punch and strike with maximum strength like Bruce Lee.
2. When used in REKI it heals the wo unds and helps in maintaining good health.
3. In any accident, if during the accident of a person the CHI is blocked inside the body
to flow it creats the paralysis condithion of the person because its only the CHI
through which all the body parts are functio ning and in absence of CHI the body
goes into coma. But if through REKI/ACCUPUNCTRE technique this CHI is allowed to
flow then the person in coma will come consciousness.
4. A mentally retarded person lacks the co-ordination between mind and body. But if
CHI is circulated in mind and properly taught the ways to co -ordinate with mind and
body then there can be chances of improvement in mentally retarded person.
Kuji-Kuri is a breathing method when performed with some hand signs allows a per son to
develope CHI at the Hara and from Hara it is transferred to the required place anywhere in
body. The main function of Kuji -Kuri͛s first two mudras is that when breathing is done in
beginning first lack of oxygen in body is produce. Because of lack o f oxygen CHI starts
developing at Hara in the form of heat at Hara. Then it is taken up to the various boby parts.
There are many thing i would like to share with u my dear readers but for now i end my
words and will continue next time with the next topic ͞KUJI-KURI hand signs͟ and will
discuss with you thing before performing it.
Haresh Trivedi