Blood Bank Management System: 1.1 Introducation To Iot
Blood Bank Management System: 1.1 Introducation To Iot
Blood Bank Management System: 1.1 Introducation To Iot
IOT which is called as Internet of things is a system which is connection of
objects or physically present objects with network accessed by internet. Here the
‘thing’ in IoT could be the objects helping victims to interact with internal and
external environment, which in turn helps us to achieve our problem statement. It is
basically a concept of connection between anyone, anywhere, anything, any
network. IoT technology brings roles, challenges, chances, opportunities in network
based medical services . Increase in management of IOT in healthcare systems helps
in ever growing information and communication solutions.
Medical emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. Victims in accidents,
medical needs are sometime not able to speak for themselves. Also for emergency
identification and communication devices and things like mobile phones, wallet
/purses are either stolen or separated from victim because of some reasons A system
which can help victim display their identity to doctors when in need and helps an
individual keep a track of their respective members, creates a high chance for victim
to survive a situation of medical emergencies. Medical devices which are IOT based
are of different size, shape which contains high electronic equipment that are linked
with network devices.
Ensuring that it is connected with good cellular network connectivity so that
data access can be done anywhere is one of key factor in it. Organizations try to
focus on its data access and storage for further analytic.
RAM: 4.00GB.
The IoT is an ongoing huge trend in upcoming growing technologies that can
leave a huge impact on the very single business trending and can be defined as the
inter and intra connection of different yet unique objects and devices present within
day today environment with benefits increasing as needs increases
It can also check vital sign (Body temperature , Heart rate or Pulse Respiratory
rate, Blood pressure)of the person, the device will be able to detect an emergency
situation, and also track the person
A wearable identity (bracelet, eyelet for watches or pendant) with a unique
identification number, basic medical data and emergency contact numbers will be
provided to registered users. In the time of emergency, the person will get immediate
medical help once a call to emergency number is made and detailed medical history
will be provided to the hospital approached
Blood group
Ongoing medication
IV] If a member wishes to update or change his/her information then it is done only
by permission of user.
VI] If the trackee moves out of zone, sos alert is generated. Also, trackee can use
sos alert manually providing location to emergency contacts..
3.4. Algorithm:
V Generate unique identification for each member (Default identification for trail
VI. Request a track session to a certain member (Entry with pending status will be
VII The member accepts the track session from their device (Entry status changes to
X. SOS Alert feature to send notifications to other members with google location
XI. Logout
Internet of things is used for transforming the healthcare system completely
by using and defining apps, devices, web, and how people interact and connect for
solutions in healthcare. IOT is constantly offering help when needed in shape of
apps, new tools using integrated devices for patients to be better in no time. Even
though it is a revolution in health care network, it so has challenges as data accessed
for it is sensitive, confidential which after being shared can cause reputations
damage, destroy life and careers.
In this a work system is proposed helping needy people to use it without any
disturbance, insecurity of losing something as in this system they are their owner.
Security is a key factor which also being boon can be curse too. Increases in security
also required increase in level of data sharing. Though IOT is revolutionized work it
still need to improve efficiency which can be done through various technologies
integration. Thus, helping user in achieving result of the given proposed system
structure with a high possibility of user satisfaction.
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