Seasonality in The Statistics of Surface Air Temperature and The Pricing of Weather Derivatives
Seasonality in The Statistics of Surface Air Temperature and The Pricing of Weather Derivatives
Seasonality in The Statistics of Surface Air Temperature and The Pricing of Weather Derivatives
The pricing of weather derivatives motivates the need to build accurate statistical models of daily
temperature variability.Current published models are shown to be inaccurate for locations that show
strong seasonality in the probability distribution and autocorrelation structure of temperature
anomalies. With respect to the first of these problems, we present a new transform that allows seasonally
varying non-normal temperature anomaly distributions to be cast into normal distributions. With
respect to the second, we present a new parametric time-series model that captures both the seasonality
and the slow decay of the autocorrelation structure of observed temperature anomalies. This model is
valid when the seasonality is slowly varying. We also present a simple non-parametric method that is
accurate in all cases, including extreme non-normality and rapidly varying seasonality. Application of
these new methods in some realistic weather derivative valuation examples shows that they can have a
very large impact on the final price when compared to existing methods.
Stephen Jewson & Rodrigo Caballero
continuous or discrete stochastic processes. The diffi- Table 1. The eight US weather stations used in the modelling
culty lies in finding stochastic processes that accurately described in the text, with the optimum lengths of the four
capture the observed behaviour of the temperature moving averages as selected automatically as part of the fitting
anomalies. Dischel (1998), Cao & Wei (2000), Torro procedure for the AROMA model.
et al. (2001) and Alaton et al. (2002) have suggested using
AR(1) (first-order autoregressive) models or continuous Station m1 m2 m3 m4
equivalents. Others (Dornier & Querel 2000; Diebold & Chicago Midway 1 2 3 17
Campbell 2001) have suggested more general models Miami 1 2 4 28
that all lie within the larger class of autore- Los Angeles 1 2 9 33
gressive moving-average (ARMA) models (Box & Boston 1 2 5 32
Jenkins 1970). Caballero et al. (2002) (henceforth CJB) New York Central Park 1 2 4 18
have shown that all these models fail to capture the Charleston 1 2 4 22
slow decay of the temperature autocorrelation function, Detroit 1 2 3 24
and hence lead to significant underpricing of weather Atlanta 1 2 7 27
options. CJB and Brody et al. (2002) (henceforth
BSZ) have suggested Gaussian discrete and continuous
stochastic processes, respectively, that overcome this
problem by using models with long memory (i.e. listed in Table 1). These data are not directly suitable for
power law decay of the autocorrelation function). analysis because of (a) gaps in the data due to failures
CJB model the variability of temperature anomalies in measurement equipment, recording methods or data
using a stationary autoregressive fractionally integrated transmission and storage, and (b) jumps in the data
moving average (ARFIMA) process (Granger & Joyeux due to changes in measurement equipment or station
1980), while BSZ use a fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck location. To avoid these problems we use data that
(fOU) process. ARFIMA and fOU models are mutual have been processed by Earth Satellite Corporation to
analogies in the discrete and continuous domains. These fill in such gaps and remove such jumps (Boissonnade
models work well for locations where the assumptions et al. 2002). These processed data were provided to the
of normality and stationarity are accurate. However, authors by Risk Management Solutions Ltd. Even after
as we shall see below, temperature anomalies at many such processing the data are still not representative of
locations show marked departures from normality and the current climate because of trends due to urbanisation
stationarity. In these cases, the CJB and BSZ models and global warming. Removing such trends is extremely
should not be used for pricing weather derivatives as difficult, as the trends vary by location, by year and
they are likely to give misleading results. by season. Attempting to model the variations by
year and season can only by done rather subjectively,
This paper tackles the question of how to model and so we have restricted ourselves to the simple and
temperatures at these locations. In Section 2 we describe transparent approach of removing a non-seasonal linear
the data sets to be used. In Section 3 we examine trend, estimated over the entire data period, for daily
the evidence for non-stationarity in the autocorrelation mean temperature at each station. The linear trends were
structure of surface air temperatures. In Section 4 we fitted by the method of least squares, and removed in
model it using a new class of parametric statistical such a way that the detrended data values are consistent
models that we have developed specifically for this with the last day of the data (in other words, where
purpose. In Section 4.2 we also describe a simple there is a warming trend we increase the earlier values up
non-parametric model that provides an alternative to present-day levels). Most weather contracts depend
method for cases where parametric models entirely fail. on daily mid-point temperature, calculated as the mid-
In Section 5 we investigate seasonally varying non- point between the daily maximum and minimum, and
normality of temperature variability and we present so all our modelling will focus on these values.
a new method that can be used to model such non-
normality. In Section 6, we compare the performance The second data set is the US National Centre for
of the various approaches in pricing a specific weather Environmental Prediction (NCEP)’s 40 year reanalysis
derivative. In Section 7 we draw some conclusions. (Kalnay et al. 1996). This data set is obtained by
assimilating observations into a dynamical model and
produces a gridded representation of the climate over
2. Data the whole globe. We only use surface temperature values
from these data. The reason we use these data in addition
The studies of temperature variability described in this to the station data described above is simply that the
paper are based on two data sets. The first data set reanalysis data are conveniently presented on a spatial
originates from the US National Weather Service and grid, which makes it much easier to produce maps of
consists of daily minimum and maximum temperatures spatial fields.
measured between midnight and midnight (local time)
for 40 years (1961–2000) at 200 US weather stations (in Both temperature data sets are converted to anomalies
this study we only present results for eight of them, by removing deterministic seasonal cycles in the mean
Seasonality and the pricing of weather derivatives
of the temperature anomalies. Figure 2 shows maps
of s for summer and winter over North America and
Europe. In both seasons, persistence is greater over
the oceans. In winter, persistence is relatively uniform
over North America, but shows a banded pattern over
Europe, with high-persistence bands over Scandinavia
and the Mediterranean and lower persistence over the
southern European mainland. The situation changes
markedly in summer. The biggest change is over the
oceans, where persistence increases almost everywhere.
There are also changes over the continents. In North
America, persistence increases over the Gulf states
and southwestern USA, but decreases over coastal
California. In Europe, the banded pattern described
above is still in place but the relative amplitudes change,
with persistence decreasing over Scandinavia and central
Europe and increasing over the Mediterranean. In
summary, we find strong seasonality of the ACF over
Figure 1. Observed ACFs for Chicago (top row) and Miami
large (and economically significant) parts of the USA
(bottom row) in winter (defined as December–January, DJF) and Europe. This motivates the search for a time series
and summer (June–August, JJA). In each panel, the solid black model capable of capturing such seasonality.
line is the annual ACF (i.e. the ACF computed using the entire
data set) and the dotted line is the ACF for the season specified
(computed as the average of the seasonal ACFs in the 40 4. Modelling of seasonality in the
individual years). The dashed lines show the 95% confidence autocorrelation structure
intervals around the observed estimate, calculated using the
method of Moran (1947). We now proceed to the main topic of this article, which
is the modelling of seasonality in the autocorrelation
and the standard deviation: this was achieved by structure of temperature. A first approach might be to
regression onto three sines and cosines in each case. try to extend the ARFIMA model of CJB to include
seasonality. This could be attempted by allowing the
parameters of the model to vary with time of year, or
3. Seasonality in the autocorrelation structure perhaps by fitting the model to data from only one
of surface air temperatures part of the year. Both such approaches are theoretically
possible. However, they are also rather complex. The
In Figure 1 we compare the seasonal autocorrelation ARFIMA model represents the slow decay of the ACF
functions (ACFs) at two locations, Chicago and using a long memory parameter d. A model that allows
Miami. Chicago shows essentially no seasonality, the long memory parameter d to vary with the time of
with no statistically significant difference between year is hard to fit, and fitting d on data for only one
summer, winter and annual ACFs. The situation is season is also difficult.
strikingly different in Miami. Persistence of temperature
anomalies is clearly much higher in summer than in CJB suggested that the long memory of surface air
winter. It is clear from this that a stochastic model (such temperatures may simply result from the aggregation
as those used in CJB or BSZ) that assumes stationarity of several processes with different time-scales, such as
of the ACF will severely underestimate the memory in internal atmospheric variability on short time-scales,
summer, and will overestimate it in winter. If such a land-surface processes on medium time-scales, and the
model is used to derive the distribution of a weather interaction of the atmosphere and ocean on long time-
index such as cumulative temperature, it will severely scales. Indeed, a simple statistical model consisting of
underestimate the standard deviation of the index in a sum of 3 AR(1) processes was shown to give results
summer (see CJB, Equation 11). that were indistinguishable from long memory over the
length of data and number of lags used. This 3 × AR(1)
We turn to the NCEP data set to examine how model is not, however, practical for simulating artificial
widespread seasonality of the ACF is. We define an temperatures because the parameters cannot be easily
index s as estimated. It does, nevertheless, motivate the search
40 for other simple models that might perform as well as
s= ρk (1) ARFIMA and yet avoid the difficulties introduced by
k=1 the long memory parameter d.
where ρk is the ACF for a particular season at lag k. It was shown in CJB, and subsequently in more detail
The higher the value of s , the greater the persistence in Brix et al. (2002) that the well-known ARMA
Stephen Jewson & Rodrigo Caballero
Figure 2. Persistence of surface air temperature anomalies as quantified by the index s (defined as an average of the ACF at each
point over the first 40 lags; see text) in (a) winter (DJF) and (b) summer (JJA). Contour interval is 0.05. Light shading shows
values > 0.1, dark shading values > 0.2. (c) Difference (DJF−JJA). Contour interval is 0.05. Dashed lines show negative values.
Shading shows absolute values > 0.05. Data from NCEP Reanalysis, 1950–1999.
Seasonality and the pricing of weather derivatives
readily to include seasonality. From the standpoint
of meteorological interpretation, AROMA is more
attractive than the ARFIMA model, appealing as it
does to the idea of different timescales in weather
variability, corresponding to each of the moving average
terms. If temperature today is related to an average of
temperature over the last two days, then this is probably
just a reflection of the impact of small scale weather
systems. If it is related to an average of temperatures
over the last 20 days then this may be because of the
memory in soil moisture, for instance.
Seasonality and the pricing of weather derivatives
data. For each window position, we add back the
seasonal cycle in variance and mean appropriate for the
contract period, and calculate a historical index value.
The end result is many more historical index values than
are obtained in the index-based methods. In our example
we have a seven-day contract and a 35-day relevant data
period which means that the seven-day window can
take 29 different positions. Each year of data thus gives
us 29 historical index values. This is 29 times as many
as if we only used the contract period itself (although
these 29 values are not independent). The advantage of
sliding the window rather than jumping it (even though
the underlying data used are the same) is that (a) it
creates a smoother estimate of the final distribution,
and (b) it uses more possible combinations of days of
daily weather, which can result in more extreme values
for the index.
Table 3. Results for the summer contract example. Expected payoff values have been rounded to three significant figures.
Table 4. Results for the winter contract example. Expected payoff values have been rounded to three significant figures.
Stephen Jewson & Rodrigo Caballero
Taken together, these examples emphasise the im- tions in other areas of geophysical and environmental
portance of modelling both the distribution and the modelling.
ACF of temperature correctly in the pricing of weather
options. Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank Jeremy Penzer, Anders
Brix and Christine Ziehmann for useful discussions
7. Summary on the subject of the statistical modelling of daily
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significant interest in the understanding and statistical Danmarks Grundforskningsfond.
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