Góral2017 Article EffectOfSurfaceRoughnessAndStr
Góral2017 Article EffectOfSurfaceRoughnessAndStr
Góral2017 Article EffectOfSurfaceRoughnessAndStr
(Submitted January 30, 2017; in revised form March 28, 2017; published online April 13, 2017)
Metal matrix composite coatings obtained by electrodeposition are one of the ways of improving the
surfaces of materials to enhance their durability and properties required in different applications. This
paper presents an analysis of the surface topography, microstructure and properties (residual stresses,
microhardness, wear resistance) of Ni/Al2O3 nanocomposite coatings electrodeposited on steel substrates
from modified Watts-type baths containing various concentrations of Al2O3 nanoparticles and a saccharin
additive. The residual stresses measured in the Ni/Al2O3 coatings decreased with an increasing amount of
the co-deposited ceramics. It was established that the addition of Al2O3 powder significantly improved the
coatings microhardness. The wear mechanism changed from adhesive-abrasive to abrasive with a rising
amount of Al2O3 particles and coating microhardness. Nanocomposite coatings also exhibited a lower
coefficient of friction than that of a pure Ni-electrodeposited coating. The friction was found to depend on
the surface roughness, and the smoother surfaces gave lower friction coefficients.
Fig. 2 SEM BSE microstructures of the cross sections of coatings: Ni (a), Ni/Al2O3-20 (b), Ni/Al2O3-40 (c), Ni/Al2O3-60 (d), Ni/Al2O3-80 (e),
Ni/Al2O3-80 + S (f)
fissures on the surfaces. As can be seen from the cross sections with the alumina and saccharin additive (Fig. 3a, b, and c) and
presented in Fig. 2, all the produced coatings were compact. led to a fine-grained microstructure as shown in Fig. 3(c). The
The nanoparticles present in the Ni matrix were usually Ni and Ni/Al2O3 coatings revealed the presence of numerous
concentrated in agglomerates, as shown in Fig. 2(b), (c), (d), nanotwins in the Ni matrix, which influence the mechanical
(e), and (f). The distribution of agglomerates in the coating properties of the coatings. The smallest matrix grains contain-
became more uniform with an increasing amount of Al2O3 ing nanotwins were observed in the Ni/Al2O3-80 + S compos-
nanoparticles added to the electrolyte. Furthermore, it is worth ite coating produced from the bath including saccharin. A
emphasizing that although these coatings were thin (9.7- detailed description of the Ni and Ni/Al2O3 coating microstruc-
12 lm), they revealed a uniform particle agglomerate distribu- tures containing nanotwins formed during electrodeposition
tion from the substrate to the coating surface. The Al2O3 was recorded in Ref 43. An increasing (from 20 to 80 g/L)
nanoparticles had an influence on the crystallization behavior of amount of the ceramic phase in the electrolyte caused a rise of
the composite coatings. The surfaces of the Al2O3 nanoparticles the amount of the ceramic particles from 7.9 to 9.9 vol.%
provided new sites for the nucleation of nickel grains, so the embedded in the Ni matrix (Fig. 4), as was estimated on the
amount of nucleation sites for the Ni grains was higher than for basis of the SEM microstructures. These percentages by
pure Ni. It was found that the Ni matrix grew in the form of volume of the incorporated Al2O3 nanoparticles were compa-
columnar grains in all the coatings, which decreased in size rable to those determined in Ref 11.
Sa, arithmetic mean height; Sq, root mean squared height; Ssk, skewness; Sku, kurtosis; Sp, maximum peak height; Sv, maximum valley depth; Sz,
maximum height
Table 2 Results of microhardness and Youngs modulus measured for Ni and Ni/Al2O3 coatings
Coating Indentation microhardness H, GPa Youngs modulus E, GPa H/E
because the nanotwin boundaries blocked the motion of The results of Youngs modulus measured for the coatings
dislocations in the matrix to obtain higher mechanical strength. produced from the bath containing various amounts of a
Figure 7(b) presents an exemplary indentation load versus ceramic phase and saccharin are presented in Fig. 7(d). Youngs
penetration depth hysteresis for Ni and three Ni/Al2O3 modulus remained on the level of 210-232 GPa. The highest
nanocomposite coatings. The lowest penetration depth at 50 values were revealed by the coatings Ni/Al2O3-60 (232 GPa)
mN load was obtained for the Ni/Al2O3-80 + S coatings and Ni/Al2O3-80 + S (229 GPa). Interestingly, these values of
obtained from the electrolyte with the saccharin additive and E corresponded to the lowest values of residual stresses in these
the highest penetration depth for the pure Ni deposit, which coatings, 219 and 193 MPa, respectively. Moreover, the ratio
correlates inversely with the results of microhardness presented between the microhardness (H) and the elastic modulus (E) was
in Fig. 7(a). The SEM images (Fig. 7c) of the indents after the calculated, because, as presented by Leyland et al. (Ref 52), it
Vickers indentation showed an elasto-plastic character of the might be a suitable parameter for the foreseeing of the wear
deformation. No circumferential or corner cracks were found behavior of a coating. It was so-called elastic strain to failure
for the nanocomposite coatings. Additionally, the indentation (H/E), and it is considered as a reliable indicator of a good wear
imprint observed in the area containing more of the ceramic resistance in a coating. According to Ref 52, the most durable
phase was approximately the same as that in the area with fewer coatings can be obtained if H/E has a high value, i.e.,
particles, which indicates that the amount of the ceramic phase sufficiently high hardness (to resist plastic deformation), but
could be higher under the indent. This testifies the coatings with a low elastic modulus (similar to, or slightly below that of
homogeneity, which was confirmed by only a 10% scatter of the substrate material). The values of H/E calculated for the Ni,
the indentation results. Ni/Al2O3-20, Ni/Al2O3-40, Ni/Al2O3-60 Ni/Al2O3-80 and Ni/
Fig. 9 SEM BSE microstructures of wear tracks after wear tests of coatings: Ni (a), Ni/Al2O3-20 (b), Ni/Al2O3-40 (c), Ni/Al2O3-60 (d), Ni/
Al2O3-80 (e), Ni/Al2O3-80 + S (f)
case, the matrix carried the load and the fine particles impeded deformation with microcracks of worn layers transferred
the motion of dislocations (Ref 53). With the grain refinement between the counter body ball and the composite interfaces.
of the Ni matrix, the load-carrying capacity and the resistance The higher amount of Al2O3 nanoparticles in the coatings
to plastic deformation increased (Ref 18). It was especially reduced plastic deformation zones and changed the wear type
visible in the case of the Ni/Al2O3-80 + S coating, where it was to abrasion. Some delamination was the result of debris
impossible to calculate the wear index after 20,000 cycles. A smearing on the composite surfaces, and fatigue crack growth
destruction of this coating was constituted by a plurality of mechanisms subsequently caused material removal from the
scratches which were observed in the area of the friction track. composite surfaces. An addition of the saccharin to the
However, an apparent deep wiping was not visible. That is why electrolyte produced less amount of wear debris smeared on
additional tests in an extended time (80,000 cycles) of the the surface. The higher vol.% of the Al2O3 nanoparticles
samples collaboration with the ball surface were performed. incorporated into the coating enhanced the coatings degree
The wear of this coating was abrasive. The volume of the of wear resistance, which may be attributed to the higher
uplifted material on both sides of the grooves comprised 7% of microhardness corresponding to the higher load bearing
the total volume of the furrow, so it was negligible and did not capability and lower ductility (Ref 54). The better wear
take a significant part in the fissuring. The coating revealed the coating resistance indicated the high strength of the particles
highest wear resistance of all the examined Ni/Al2O3 coatings. to the metal matrix bonds.
The incorporated nanoparticles reduced the direct contact It was shown that, after a short running-in stage at the
between the metal matrix and the Al2O3 ball during the beginning of the test, the friction coefficient (COF) of
tribological test, which reduced the adhesive wear between the nanocomposites entered a steady-state period. However, for
metal and the ball. The wear mechanism of pure nickel and the Ni/Al2O3-80 + S, similarly as for the Ni coating, it exhibited a
composite coatings was analyzed by SEM observations of the change during 18,000 cycles, maintaining an upward trend by
wear tracks, as shown in Fig. 9 and 10. From the low keeping a stable value during the test of 0.31 and 0.45,
magnification SEM micrographs (Fig. 9), it can be seen that the respectively. The same character of the curves suggested the
lowest wear appeared in the coating produced from the bath friction coefficient in this composite depending to a large extent
containing 80 g/L Al2O3 and 1 g/L saccharin. The Ni/Al2O3 on the matrix characteristics. The other Ni/Al2O3 nanocom-
coatings obtained from the bath containing more than 40 g/L posites showed a much more stable friction coefficient with a
Al2O3 particles exhibited a better wear resistance than the pure similar value (0.31-0.34), as shown in Fig. 11, and its value did
Ni coating when sliding against the alumina ball. Compared not change significantly with the increasing ceramic particle
with the pure Ni coating, the worn surface of the Ni/Al2O3 content in the electrolyte. Figure 11 shows that the Ni/Al2O3
composite coatings decreased with the increasing amount of the nanocomposites exhibited a lower friction coefficient (more
ceramic particles. Wear track of pure Ni coating exhibited than 30%) than the Ni deposit under identical wear test
dominant adhesive wear mechanism, whereas Ni/Al2O3 conditions. The coatings Ni/Al2O3-20 and Ni/Al2O3-40 showed
composites showed a preferably abrasive type of wear, practically the same values 0.31, the coatings Ni/Al2O3-
whose predominance increased with the increasing alumina 80—0.34, and the smallest value was achieved for Ni/Al2O3-
content. Some rows of grooves, smearing and plastic 60. The lower friction coefficient can be explained in terms of
deformation were seen in wear tracks at higher magnification good interfacial bonding between Ni and the ceramic particles.
SEM images, as shown in Fig. 10. The plastic deformation The fine surface morphology of the nanocomposite coating
occurred by smearing of the wear debris on the alumina ball probably increased the load-carrying area and reduced the stress
was also observed. The surfaces of Ni/Al2O3 showed plastic between the friction couples. The lower friction coefficient of
4. Conclusions