Seminar Paper "Innovation As A Factor of Competitiveness"
Seminar Paper "Innovation As A Factor of Competitiveness"
Seminar Paper "Innovation As A Factor of Competitiveness"
“In the long run, competition makes us better… it drives innovation” Dennis Muilenburg
1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………3
2. Competitiveness in Global
area……………………………………………………………………………… 3-4
3. Innovation- the engine of competitiveness…………………………………………4
4. The relationship between innovation and competitiveness ………………………5
5. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… 10
6. References………………………………………………………………………… 11
With globalization, companies of developing countries are increasingly
feeling the pressure of making innovation. All areas such as R&D, software,
design, engineering, education, marketing and management are increasingly taking
significant roles in the production of goods and services. In addition, developing
international standards dominate international trade and global value chains.
Therefore, competitiveness of companies and countries depend on their capabilities
to make innovations and their orientation to technology and information.
Innovation in developing countries is considered as the basic concept in addressing
social problems such as environmental pollution, health, poverty and
unemployment. Today, the role and importance of innovation have become more
significant than economic achievement. Thanks to its significant effects in a way
that increasing and supporting competition, innovation has become an important
field of activity in companies and the main factor that increases the dynamism of
national economies.
2. Compe
titiveness in global arena
The main purpose in global economy is not profit maximization, but market
maximization. On the other hand, trade increasingly follows investment and it
becomes a function of investment at the end.
Innovation- the engine of competitiveness
primary target of a country is providing a permanently increasing living standard
for its citizens. The ability to achieve this is dependent on the use of productivity
of workforce and capital within a country. Productivity is dependent on both
qualities of the products and features of products as well as the activities to be able
to produce these products. Productivity is the main determinant of long-term living
standard of a country. Increase of sustainable productivity necessitates an economy
to improve itself continuously. Companies of a nation should continuously
increase the productivities within the current sectors by improving product quality,
adding different features to the products, developing product technology or
enhancing production activity.
The four main attributes underlying the ability to make innovation of some
nations’ companies are discussed in Diamond Model of Porter (Figure 1). These
determinants are:
- Factor conditions
- Demand conditions
- Related and supporting industries
- Firm strategy, structure and rivalry
These determinants establish the national environment in which companies are born and
learn how to compete. Every point in diamond model affects the accessibility of resources
and talents needed for competitive advantage and the pressure of making investment and
innovation on information and companies which are the basic elements for the achievement
of international competition. Any industry can be successful if it possesses favorable
conditions in the environment it is active.
Source: (Porter, 1990a: 127) Fig.1 Competitiveness Diamond
contributions to the society made by companies. While it was thought that economic and
social targets contradicted with each other, today, establishments cannot isolate themselves
from the society in which they are active. Therefore, there is a parallelism between
interests of the society and interests of the company
Today, innovation-based growing is not the ability and privilege of only high-income
countries. Developing countries also tend to establish appropriate policies in order to
increase their innovation capacities. Innovation policies are developed in different forms
depending on the needs of countries and their impacts show differences even though they
are in the same development level. Some of the developing countries have achieved to
improve their innovation inputs and outputs continuously.
OECD relates the increase of a country’s welfare and employment rate with the
capacity of that country to make innovation and adapt it; similarly, the European Union
also considers innovation as an urgent and common issue for Europe. Innovation which
forms the basis of competitiveness is the key of development, sustainable economic growth
and social welfare.
Although the relationship between competitiveness and unemployment is complex,
both of them depend largely on efficiency of education system and labor market. A
country enables its citizens possess the necessary talents for providing efficient
employment by training, improving and awarding people appropriately. This is valid for
both developed and developing countries, because talent creates ideas which turn into
powerful innovation and powerful occupational abilities are considered as an important
element for competitive advantage.
There should be some basic principles for innovation to create competitiveness. In this
context, national innovation achievement principles are as follows:
database, R&D, abilities peculiar to the enterprise and institutional capital) that will lead
innovation. In addition, billions of people’s using internet and being in interaction with each
other all around the world, including developing economies, enable the dissemination of
information and creation of more advanced innovations.
Source: Fig.2 Innovation and Competitiveness
As a result of the fact that technology and innovation processes have gradually
become determinants in competition, use of new technologies and capacity to make
innovation have become prominent as the most crucial component of competitiveness and
they have become one of the basic conditions of companies’ sustaining their existence within
the global economy.
As an example of a company that managed to overcome their competitors due to
innovation is Huawei.
Huawei is the second largest smartphone maker in the world, selling more
smartphones than Apple and beaten only by Samsung.
Their smartphones are better when it comes to high quality camera. That remains true
with the P30 Pro, which has four cameras. The P30 Pro rated as having a camera that's on par
with or even better than Google's Pixel 3, which is particularly notable since Google's
smartphones are renowned for their photography-oriented features.
In conclusion I can say that innovation being the basis of development and
dynamism in all economies is also a determinant of competitiveness defined as the sum of
institutions, policies and production factors forming the productivity level of a country.
Due to this important role of innovation, companies approach innovation with its broadest
sense including both new technologies and new business forms. The fact that companies
will obtain the competitive advantage acquired with the help of innovation activities and
maintain this advantage with continuous development will also increase the national
competitiveness. Nevertheless, national competition creates the innovation pressure on
Because of this relation between innovation and competitiveness, the effect of the
factors determining the innovation for member and candidate countries of the EU on
competitiveness was analyzed and it has been concluded that knowledge-technology output
and creative output positively affect competitiveness. Accordingly, 1-unit of increase in
knowledge-technology output causes 0.0045-unit of increase in competitiveness; 1-unit of
increase in creative output causes 0.0046-unit of increase in competitiveness.
World Economic Forum (WEF) (2011), The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-