Predicting Ood Hazard Areas: A SWAT and HEC-RAS Simulations Conducted in Aguan River Basin of Honduras, Central America
Predicting Ood Hazard Areas: A SWAT and HEC-RAS Simulations Conducted in Aguan River Basin of Honduras, Central America
Predicting Ood Hazard Areas: A SWAT and HEC-RAS Simulations Conducted in Aguan River Basin of Honduras, Central America
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Honduras is located in the Caribbean basin where hurricanes represent a constant natural threat to human lives and
physical infrastructure. Hydrological monitoring is considered as an effective tool to respond to high flood events by
preventing and mitigating damages. The purpose of this study was to conduct and perform hydrological modeling to
determine areas prone to be flooded during high rainfall events in the Aguán river basin, Central Honduras.
The methodology involved: hydroclimatic data base building, a detailed Digital Elevation Model (DEM), a land use
cover, based on a LandSat-satellite imagery, and a soil map of the basin. With all this data, the SWAT model (Soil
and Water Assessment Tool) was used to predict discharge values. These discharge values were used, along with the
DEM, to predict flood hazard areas in the Aguán river basin floodplains. This procedure was made using the HEC-
RAS model (Hydrological Engineering Center-River Analysis System).
Finals results show the exact location of areas with high, moderate and low risk to be flooded at specific high flood
events. The results also provided the location of critical areas, so that an early warning system can be located.
Additionally, as a part of this study, valuable information was provided to at-risk residents about how to prevent and
mitigate the effect of flood-related damages in low land areas of the Aguán basin.
Honduras is relatively well rich in natural resources and they seem to be, at least for the near future, the primary
source that drives economic growth. Natural resource-related sectors represent a significant percentage of the gross
domestic product (GDP). Further, Honduras’ wealth of ecosystems and biodiversity places it in the middle of the
Central American Biological Corridor and connects it with the Mesoamerican Coral Reef System, both of
inestimable value nationally and within the continent. However, this natural resource wealth and potential are under
increasing human and natural pressures that will further undermine the economy, impoverishing the people and
region as a whole.
Honduras also has abundant water resources. The average precipitation rate is 2,000 mm per year and this
rainfall produces significant runoff from watersheds (Government of Honduras 1991). Two major river systems
drain from the central highlands to both the Caribbean sea (eight river basins) and to the Pacific Ocean (two river
Characterization of Honduras
Honduras is located in the center of the Central American isthmus, between 13° and 16° latitude North and 83°
and 89.5° longitude West (Figure 1). It has an area of 112,088 square kilometers (Annis 1993).
Figure 1. Location of Honduras. The Aguan river basin is located in the Northern portion of Honduras.
The methodology started with the data collection process. This consisted of obtaining a current land use cover.
A land use map, generated for the area, was made using a 2000 Landsat image and Arc View ver. 3.2 (Howard
2000; Alexander and Millington, 2000). The field data collection consisted of using GPS to validate the obtained
land use covers.
The soil and climate data bases were built using local data from government agencies and previous studies.
Both were transformed and edited to be used as input files for the SWAT model. A portable digital flowmeter Flow-
Figure 2. Mapping river channel features from the Digital Elevation Model, DEM, Aguan River basin, Honduras.
Cross sections are perpendicular lines to the flow direction. Their width varies depending upon channel
geometry and floodplain configuration. These cross sections were calculated for the valley floodplains subjected to
frequent inundation events (Figure 3).
Information from channel geometry and SWAT-generated discharges values were used to generate HEC-RAS
channel flows. HEC is a very sophisticated computer program to model water surface profiles from corresponding
discharge values. The HEC-RAS model calculates water surface elevations at all locations of interest for given
values. It uses Bernoulli equation (1) for subcritical flow at each cross section (Bedient and Huber, 2002):
α 2V22 α1V12
WS2 + = WS1 + + he (Eq. 1)
2g 2g
All data were analyzed and processed using the software and procedures above mentioned. Water surface
elevations predicted with HEC-RAS were used as input to generate the flood area coverages. This information
allowed us to visualize (spatially) where the high hazard areas might be located.
As a last step, a vulnerability analysis workshop was conducted in a set of community meetings, in which at-
risk resident expressed their opinions on what they though it represented a risk for their lives. In natural disaster
terms, vulnerability represents the susceptibility of the human beings who are exposed to the threat (floods, in this
case) and it is usually associated with socio-economic vales (USAID, 2001; Hubp and Inbar, 2002). Around 90
families were interviewed in the workshop, following CATIE methodology (CATIE, 2003).
Figure 3. Aerial photo showing the Town of Santa Rosa de Aguan, Aguan River and the Caribbean Sea Aguan
River basin, Honduras.
Figure 4. Digital Elevation Model, DEM, for the delta of Aguan River, Honduras.
s Obs Q
m 80
Pred Q
Figure 5. SWAT predicted streamflows versus observed flows from the Aguan river basin, Honduras.
The Q values estimated by SWAT slightly over predicted the real Q values; however, we noticed that as the
quality of the input data improved, the model would adjust better to the real-observed values. We also noticed that if
we subdivide the whole watershed in sub-watershed-small portions, the precision of the model improved. In other
words, the model worked better for small areas with better data. All these consideration were taken into account by
the time these Q values were input into the HEC-RAS model.
Municipal boundary
High Flood
Zona de Riesgo
Hazard Area
Aguan river
Lower Flood
Hazard Area
Figure 6. HEC-RAS simulations for the Aguan river delta, including the town of Santa Rosa de Aguan, Aguan
river basin, Honduras.
Discharge values between 2,410 and 4,265 m3/s were able to flood the flood plain adjacent to the town of Santa
Rosa. This data coincided with the opinion of the town residents who were affected by the recent flood events. The
high water mark for the Hurricane Mitch-simulated flow (1,063m3/s) was validated by the residents (Fig. 7).
Aguan River Delta - Food risk analysis
Figure 7. HEC-RAS simulations for the Aguan river delta for Q values of 1,063, 2,410 and 4,265, and 10,000 m3/s,
Aguan river basin, Honduras.
Simulations were ran with the following discharge (Q) values: 0.01 (normal conditions), 3.5m3/s, 7.7m3/s,
10m /s, 50m3/s, 100m3/s, 1,063m3/s (Q value for hurricane Mitch), 2,410m3/s, 4,265m3/s and 10,000m3/s. All
simulated discharges were mapped. Figure 7 shows a comparison among the 1,063m3/s (Q value for hurricane
Mitch), 2,410m3/s, 4,265m3/s and 10,000m3/s discharge values.
Figure 8. HEC-RAS simulated flows for a 50 year recurrence interval flow, close to an urban settlement (Tocoa) in
the Aguan river basin. Orange color indicates a water depth of up to 1 meter, light green=1-2 m,
green=2-3 m, and blue deeper than 3 meters.
SWAT proved to be a powerful tool for modelling streamflow patterns in Honduras. The predicted stream
values (SWAT outcomes) and one-year field measurements were compared and a small disparity was observed.
SWAT helped to understand the complex tropical hydrology. In a simple way, stream flow in most watersheds
represents that part of the precipitation that is not evaporated nor lost by transpiration. Streamflow is usually
divided in storm flow and base flow. The first one, obviously, is affected by the amount of precipitation fell in a
We acknowledge the contributions of Mr. Fernando J. Cruz and Abner J. Jimenez for their outstanding
contributions in the SWAT and HEC modeling, respectively. Ms. Alma Duarte conducted the workshops in the
communities to validate the flood risk maps; we appreciate enormously her contributions to this study.
Annis, S. (1993). Poverty, natural resources, and public policy in Central America. Transaction Publishers. New
Brunswick (USA) and Oxford (UK).
Alexander, R and A. Millington (2000). Vegetation mapping. John Wiley & Sons. EN. 339 p.
Bedient P. B., and W. C. Huber (2002). Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis. Third edition. Prentice Hall. 763 p.
CATIE Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, (2003). Documento de Curso Taller Gestión
Local y Vulnerabilidad, Yoro, Honduras, C.A.
COHDEFOR (1996). Plan de acción forestal de largo plazo 1996-2015. PLANFOR. Unidad de Planificacion
Institucional. AFE-COHDEFOR. Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras. 127 p.