Everything That You Are Curious To Know: by Sajan Mathew
Everything That You Are Curious To Know: by Sajan Mathew
Everything That You Are Curious To Know: by Sajan Mathew
by Sajan Mathew
If you are interested in trying the AI Strategy Canvas, you can sign up here
5 AI today for the future
7 Artificial Intelligence
- Categories of Artificial Intelligence
- Types of Artificial Intelligence
11 Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Algorithm Types
22 Deep Learning
- How Deep Learning works?
- Deep Learning models
27 AI enabled companies
28 AI case studies: AI at India’s top eCom firms
- Flipkart's Project Mira
- Myntra’s Rapid platform and AI initiatives
- Amazon India's AI enabled Smart eCom
Basic ‘AI’ has existed for decades, via rules-based programs that deliver
rudimentary displays of ‘intelligence’ in specific contexts. Progress, however,
has been limited — because algorithms to tackle many real-world problems
such as predicting machine failures, identifying objects in images etc are too
complex for people to program by hand.
To date humans have been able to achieve ANI through hard-coded and
sophisticated algorithms and programs, and now it exists everywhere, from
Google search to airplanes. Currently these ANI systems don’t pose any
existential threats but badly programmed or poorly tested AI could cause
loss. However every advancement in AI research is maturing ANI and
bringing use closer to AGI/ASI.
Types of AI
Type I AI: Reactive machines
The most basic types of AI systems are purely reactive, and have the ability
neither to form memories nor to use past experiences to inform current
decisions. E.g. Deep Blue, IBM’s chess-playing supercomputer. Deep Blue
can identify the pieces on a chess board and know how each moves. It can
make predictions about what moves might be next for it and its opponent.
And it can choose the most optimal moves from among the possibilities. But
it doesn’t remember the past moves, or what has happened before.
Labeled data: A dataset that has been tagged with one or more labels, an
input, and the desired output value.
First, the "training data" must be labeled and then it is "classified." When
features of the object in question are labeled and put into the system with a
set of rules it leads to a prediction. e.g. "red" and "round" are inputs into the
system that leads to the output: Apple. Similarly, a learning algorithm could
also be left alone to create its own rules that will apply when it is provided
with a large set of the object—like a group of apples, and the machine figures
out that they have properties like "round" and "red" in common.
Description source: https://tek.io/2npWvp0
ML Algorithms Types
Machine learning algorithms can be fundamentally categorized in two ways:
1. By the learning style
2. By similarity in form or function
There are many different algorithms that tackle this issue. As a matter of fact,
Reinforcement Learning is defined by a specific type of problem, and all of its
solutions are classed as Reinforcement Learning algorithms.
Instance-based Algorithms
Instance-based learning model is a decision problem
with instances or examples of training data that are
deemed important or required to the model.
Bayesian Algorithms
Bayesian methods are those that explicitly apply
Bayes’ Theorem for problems such as classification
and regression.
Clustering Algorithms
Clustering, like regression, describes the class of
problem and the class of methods.
Ensemble Algorithms
Ensemble methods are models composed of multiple
weaker models that are independently trained and
whose predictions are combined in some way to
make the overall prediction.
Ensemble Algorithms
Ensemble methods are models composed of multiple
weaker models that are independently trained and
whose predictions are combined in some way to
make the overall prediction.
The breakthrough in deep learning is to model the brain, not the world. Our
own brains learn to do difficult things — including understanding speech and
recognizing objects — not by processing exhaustive rules but through
practice and feedback.
Deep learning is not well suited to every problem as It typically requires large
datasets for training and extensive processing power to train and run a
neural network. And it has an ‘explainability’ problem — it can be difficult to
know how a neural network developed its predictions. But by freeing
programmers from complex feature specification, deep learning has
delivered successful prediction engines for a range of important problems. As
a result, it has become a powerful tool in the AI developer’s toolkit.
A neuron may be a linear unit (the output is proportional to the total weighted
input, a threshold unit (the output is set to one of two levels, depending on
whether the total input is above a specified value); or a sigmoid unit (the
output varies continuously, but not linearly as the input changes). A neural
network is created when neurons are connected to one another; the output of
one neuron becomes an input for another.
Neural networks are organized into multiple layers of neurons (hence ‘deep’
learning). The ‘input layer’ receives information the network will process —
for example, a set of pictures. The ‘output layer’ provides the results.
Between the input and output layers are ‘hidden layers’ where most activities
occurs. Typically, the outputs of each neuron on one level of the neural
network serves as one of the inputs for each of the neurons in the next layer.
CNNs organize the layers in 3 dimensions: width, height and depth. Further,
the neurons in one layer do not connect to all the neurons in the next layer
but only to a small region of it. Lastly, the final output will be reduced to a
single vector of probability scores, organized along the depth dimension.
1. Diagnose health diseases from medical conditions
2. Understand customer brand perception and usage through images
3. Detect a defective product on a production line through images
Unlike other neural networks, all the inputs in RNN are related to each other.
e.g. To predict the next word in a given sentence, the relation among all the
previous words helps in predicting the better output. The RNN remembers all
these relations while training itself.
In order to achieve it, the RNN creates the networks with loops in them,
which allows it to persist the information. This loop structure allows the neural
network to take the sequence of input.
As you can see in the unrolled version. First, it takes the x(0) from the
sequence of input and then it outputs h(0) which together with x(1) is the
input for the next step. So, the h(0) and x(1) is the input for the next step.
Similarly, h(1) from the next is the input with x(2) for the next step and so
on. This way, it keeps remembering the context while training.
Applied AI companies
Applied AI companies use AI to optimize, personalize and/or automate
existing processes, products and services to make people, businesses and
organizations more productive. Today, most companies adopting AI would fit
in this category.
AI First
AI First companies distinguish themselves in that they develop
applications/services/products that are built from the ground up with AI at
their core and use every interaction with customers or users to feed and train
the AI algorithms and as a result improve the quality of the application
/product/service with each and every interaction, enabling new experiences
and business models and increasingly stronger competitive moats. AI First
solutions will change the way we interact with software/machines from a
master-slave relationship (where we tell the machine what to do and the
machine executes) to more of a peer-to-peer relationship (where the
machine anticipates our needs and makes suggestions as we interact with it)
and eventually to a slave-master relationship (where the machine tells us
what/when/how to do — based on a series of inputs and desired outcomes).
The AI Stack/Machine
As mentioned above, the world’s most dominant companies over the past
five years, including Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple and
Baidu, are making massive investments in AI with the ambition of becoming
the platform (the Machine) that gets used to run our lives, our businesses
and our societies. Companies that are building the different components of
the Machine and understand how to best interact with it to create value for
themselves and their customers are also of great interest. This includes AI
technology such as new frameworks, software infrastructure (distributed,
centralized, local/edge, hybrid) required to run AI powered solutions,
hardware platforms specialized for AI (distributed, centralized, local/edge,
hybrid), connected devices, etc.
Description source: https://bit.ly/2xAqI9k
Artificial Intelligence at India’s
Top eCommerce Firms
Flipkart's Project Mira
Flipkart's Project Mira is an artificial intelligence focused on understanding
customers better to improve product search experience and reduce product
returns. Project Mira was piloted through a conversational search
experience that guides the users with relevant questions, conversational
filters, shopping ideas, offers, and trending collections.
Mira can also detect incorrect images and morphed images and identify
duplicate products as sellers intentionally or unintentionally post duplicate
products, increasing user's effort in scanning to the desired set of products.
Project Mira is still in its infancy, but it has been expanded to several
verticals to solve issues such as product returns and quicker delivery.
Anticipate if a delivery is likely to lead to return and for what reasons.
Estimate if the product can be delivered in two days time to avoid midway
customer cancellations.
Myntra is focussing on building intelligent fast fashion through its AI platform
known as Rapid. “Fast fashion”, a term used by retailers to describe the
speeding up of production processes to get new trends to the market as
quickly and cheaply as possible.
This can dramatically reduce the time taken to create a fashion product to
few weeks from the typically long 9-14 months lifecycle. Leveraging the
available sales data, best selling attributes can be identified and based on
that designers can start producing the fashion items. This has helped
Myntra to quickly uncover fashion trends.
Myntra is using machine learning to improve the payment acceptance rates
of online transactions – an issue which is particularly prevalent in India
where failure rates are high. Online payments transactions typically fail in
India due to two distinct set of reasons:
1. User abandonment, this could be due to anything from a patchy internet
connection, a clunky interface, to just loss of interest.
2. Banks, which provide acquiring services in any payment transactions,
tend to have poor IT systems.
Using machine learning, the system figures out the best payment gateway
the payment needs to be routed through. This is done by detecting and
analysing thousands of success and failure patterns and then sending it
through the most optimized route. Myntra also enhances the user
experience by giving the right recommendations based on what a customer
has seen or bought in the past. It uses “collaborative filtering”, which
recommends products to one person based on what another person has
just bought and also helps match which fashion goes well with what.
Myntra is also aiming to reduce its rate of return to origin (RTO). A higher
RTO translates into higher losses as many cash on delivery (COD) orders
are not delivered for various reasons such as customers not being present
or not having cash at that point in time. Myntra can now to a great extent
predict if something is going to result in an RTO.
Correcting Addresses
Addresses in India are not well structured and often users enter incorrect
addresses (e.g. wrong pin code or city name) or addresses with missing
information (e.g. missing street name). Wrong addresses cause packages
to miss delivery dates and lead to failed deliveries. The company has been
using machine learning techniques to detect junk addresses, compute
address quality scores, correct city-pin code mismatches, and provide
suggestions to users to correct wrong addresses.
Catalog Quality
Product catalog defects such as missing attributes like brand, color or poor-
quality images/titles can adversely impact customer experience. The
company is using AI and machine learning to extract missing attribute
information like brand or color from product titles and images.
or simply connect
There is one
more thing....
Check out some cool AI experiments by coders here