Chapter 3 Variable Weather and Changing Climate - A Continuing Challenge - PDF
Chapter 3 Variable Weather and Changing Climate - A Continuing Challenge - PDF
Chapter 3 Variable Weather and Changing Climate - A Continuing Challenge - PDF
● The specific conditions of the atmosphere of a ● The average weather conditions of the atmosphere over a long
particular place and time period of time, at least 30 years.
● Shows the short term conditions of the atmosphere. ● Climate is what people expect to experience year after year.
● Varies from time to time and place to place ○ Places with high temperatures and high rainfall
○ For example, Singapore on 1st May 2016 at experiences hot wet climate.
10 am, hot and sunny but at 4pm raining ○ A place with high temperature in summer and low
heavily. temperature in winter experiences temperate climate.
Elements of weather
● Temperature which is measured with a thermometer.
● Relative humidity which is measured using a sling psychrometer and a relative humidity table.
● Clouds which are measured with your eyes, obviously.
● Rainfall which is measured using a rain gauge.
● Air pressure which is measured using a barometer.
● Wind which is measured using an anemometer.
● Temperature is the degree of heat or coldness of a place.
● It is measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit scale.
● It is measured using an analogue or digital thermometer, although a maximum and minimum thermometer can be used too.
Temperature calculation
● Mean daily temperature is the sum of hourly temperatures divided by 24 hours.
● Diurnal temperature range is the difference between maximum and minimum temperatures recorded in a day.
○ Maximum daily temperature - Minimum daily temperature
● Mean monthly temperature is the average of the daily temperatures in a month
● Mean annual temperature is the average of the monthly temperatures recorded in a year
● Annual temperature range is the difference between maximum and minimum mean monthly temperatures recorded in a year.
● Cloud Cover
○ Presence of clouds
■ During the day, clouds help increase the albedo of the area, increasing amount of solar energy reflected back
into space.
■ This keeps the earth’s surface cool as it reduces the amount of solar energy the ground receives, thereby
reducing temperatures during the day.
■ During the night, clouds help absorb longwave radiation emitted from the earth’s surface, preventing it from
escaping into space.
■ This keeps the earth’s surface warm at night as not as much thermal energy is lost into space, increasing
temperatures during the day.
■ This results in a lower daily temperature range.
○ Absence of clouds
■ During the day, there are no clouds to help reflect solar radiation back into space, thus the earth’s surface
receives the full amount of solar energy.
■ This increases the amount of insolation the earth’s surface receives relative to when there were clouds present,
causing the temperatures to be relatively higher during the day.
■ During the night, there are no clouds to absorb the longwave radiation emitted from the earth’s surface, causing
more energy to be lost into space.
■ This causes the earth’s surface to lose heat more rapidly, causing temperatures during the night to be relatively
■ This results in a higher daily temperature range.
Relative humidity
● Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in the air.
● Relative humidity is the proportion of water vapour present in the air in relation to the maximum amount that air can hold at a
particular temperature.
● Saturation occurs when relative humidity is at 100 per cent, causing condensation.
● Dew point is the temperature at which saturation is reached.
● A cloud is a visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals that are suspended in the atmosphere.
● Precipitation refers to water in any form that falls from the atmosphere to the surface of the Earth.
Notes by some weirdo called Conrad Soon. I don’t guarantee the full accuracy of the information here.
Special thanks to Mrs Wong, the most wholesome and pure Geography ahma.
Types of Rainfall
● Relief Rain
○ Relief rain or orographic rain is rain that occurs when warm,
moist air is forced to rise over landforms such as a mountain.
○ Winds from the sea blow inland and when winds come into
contact with the highland, it is forced to rise.
○ As air rises up, it cools down to the dew point temperature and
condensation takes place, causing rain to fall on the windward
○ By the time the air moves over the highland, it has lost its
○ The other side of the mountain, called the leeward side,
experiences a rain-shadow as a result of this.
● Convectional Rain
○ The sun radiates energy which is absorbed by the surface of the
earth, heating it up.
○ Air near the surface is heated up and this causes it to expand
and rise.
○ The rising air eventually cools to the dew point temperature and
this results in the condensation of large amounts of water vapour.
○ Cumulonimbus clouds, with a flat base near the condensation
level, are formed.
○ This results in heavy convectional rain, which may be
accompanied by thunder and lightning.
○ This type of rain typically only occurs in tropical climates.
Air Pressure
● Air pressure is the force exerted on a unit area of the earth’s surface by
the weight of the air column above it.
● Areas of similar pressure are usually grouped together and demarcated by
● Air pressure at sea level is 1013 millibars.
○ If it’s higher than this, it is considered high air pressure.
○ If it’s lower than this, it is considered low air pressure.
● Wind is the movement of air from high pressure areas to low pressure areas
● Winds that blow most frequently from a specific direction are called prevailing winds.
What are the different climatic types and their defining characteristics?
Describing climate characteristics
● Temperature
Temperature Descriptor
>30 Very hot
20 - 30 Hot
10 - 20 Warm
0 - 10 Cool
-10 - 0 Cold
● Temperature range
Temperature range Descriptor
<5 Small
5 - 15 Moderate
15 - 30 Large
>30 Very large
● Annual Rainfall
Annual rainfall Descriptor
>1500mm Very high
Notes by some weirdo called Conrad Soon. I don’t guarantee the full accuracy of the information here.
Special thanks to Mrs Wong, the most wholesome and pure Geography ahma.
1000mm - 1500mm High
500mm - 1000mm Moderate
250mm - 500mm Low
<250mm Very low
Equatorial climate
● Equatorial climates are characterised by a few traits.
○ High mean annual temperatures caused by the high solar angle.
○ Small annual temperature ranges caused by the lack of seasons.
○ Very high total annual rainfall caused by the high temperatures and hence prevalence of convectional rain.
○ A lack of distinct dry and wet seasons due to a lack of monsoons.
● Places that experience this climate are typically located 10 degrees north or south of the equator such as Johor, Malaysia.
Monsoon climate
● Monsoon climates are characterised by a few traits.
○ High mean annual temperatures that are comparatively lower than equatorial climates caused by the high solar angle.
○ Small annual temperature ranges of about 3-4 degrees also caused by the lack of seasons.
○ High total annual rainfall caused by the increase in rainfall brought by monsoons.
○ Distinct dry and wet seasons caused by the presence of monsoons.
● Places that experience this climate are typically located between 5 degrees to 25 degrees north or south of the equator such as
Chittagong in Bangladesh.
Notes by some weirdo called Conrad Soon. I don’t guarantee the full accuracy of the information here.
Special thanks to Mrs Wong, the most wholesome and pure Geography ahma.
● Some shortwave radiation is reflected by the earth and the atmosphere.
● Most shortwave radiation is absorbed by the earth’s surface which then heats up as a result.
● The warmed surface of the earth emits longwave radiation to the atmosphere.
● Greenhouse gases absorb longwave radiation, warming the atmosphere.
Kyoto ● The Kyoto Protocol is an ● Many countries have met or ● Despite most
Protocol agreement linked to the exceeded the targets set by the countries being able to
United Nations Framework Kyoto Protocol. reach its targets,
Convention on Climate ● Finland, Greece and Ireland have countries such as
Change (UNFCCC), an met their emission reduction Denmark and Austria
international convention set targets. did not meet their
up with the goal of reducing ● It was also successful in assigned targets.
the levels of greenhouse encouraging sustainable ● Furthermore, some of
gases in the atmosphere. development because developed the largest
● Under the protocol, various countries were incentivised to carry contributors to
targets to reduce out emission-reduction projects in greenhouse gas
greenhouse gas emissions less developed countries like emissions such as
were set for participating installing energy-efficient China and India did
countries. infrastructure. not sign the
● National responses
○ National responses are strategies which tackle reducing greenhouse gas emissions locally.
○ They are necessary because there are measures that are specific to certain countries.
Agreement Explanation Successes Limitations
Singapore ● Launched by the ministry ● Natural gas is a cleaner form of ● However, this usage of
Green Plan of the Environment in energy because it does not natural gas results in a
2012 2002 and aimed to produce smoke. requirement for
generate 60 percent of ● As early as 2010, about 79% of complex treatment
Singapore’s energy Singapore’s electricity was being plants to process and
needs through natural generated from natural gas, pipelines to transport.
gas by 2012. exceeding the Ministry’s target. ● The pipelines have
● This reduces the amount of high maintenance
pollution created by energy costs because they
generation. have to be laid
underground and have
to be checked
regularly for leakage.
Green Mark ● Launched by the BCA in ● Existing ‘green’ buildings like the ● ‘Green’ buildings may
Scheme: 2005, the scheme allows Plaza by the Park, Standard cost more to build
Constructing buildings to be evaluated Chartered @ Changi and the because ‘green’
‘green’ and certified according to National Library Building have materials may be more
buildings how energy-efficient and reported 15 percent to 35 percent expensive and the
environmentally friendly in energy savings compared to implementation of
they are. conventional buildings. certain ‘green’
● The scheme aims to ● This decreases greenhouse gas technologies like solar
encourage more ‘green’ emissions by reducing the amount panels may require
buildings. of fossil fuels required to power more money to be
the building. spent in construction.
Plant-A-Tree ● The Plant-A-Tree ● The programme has contributed ● Trees take very long to
Programme: Programme by the to an estimated 60,000 trees mature so positive
Planting Garden City Fund and planted yearly throughout benefits will take time
more trees Singapore Environment Singapore. to materialise.
and plants Council encourages ● Trees help remove carbon dioxide ● Even relatively
residents to donate from the atmosphere, reducing fast-growing trees like
money to buy a tree or to the amount of greenhouse gases angsanas took 25
take part in tree planting present. years to reach their full
events. height.
Notes by some weirdo called Conrad Soon. I don’t guarantee the full accuracy of the information here.
Special thanks to Mrs Wong, the most wholesome and pure Geography ahma.
● Low central pressure
○ Moist air over the warm oceans expands and rises.
○ As the warm air rises, condensation occurs and releases latent heat.
○ The continuous large-scale release of latent heat warms the air, causing it to expand and become more buoyant.
○ This process continually reduces the air pressure near the ocean surface, sustaining a region of low pressure in the centre
of the cyclone.
○ As the air rises, it then cools and sinks creating a descending column of dry air.
○ This causes an area of calmness and an absence of clouds known as the eye.
Physical Destruction of ● Cyclones destroy roads, bridges ● For example, during Cyclone Nargis in
infrastructure and homes. Myanmar, it was very difficult for officials
● This makes it difficult to transport to coordinate a response as much of the
food, clean water and medicine to infrastructure in cities like Yangon like
these areas. roads were destroyed.
Economic Costs of repair ● Cyclones can destroy homes and ● Hurricane Katrina, which struck the east
buildings. These buildings then coast of the United States in 2005, cost
need to be repaired, incurring costs an estimated US$81 billion dollars.
for rebuilding.
Damaged crops ● Cyclones can destroy crops or ● For instance, Cyclone Yasi which struck
damage them, preventing them Australia in 2011 damaged about 75% of
from being sold as produce. the total banana crop, leading to financial
losses of more than 250 million USD.
Notes by some weirdo called Conrad Soon. I don’t guarantee the full accuracy of the information here.
Special thanks to Mrs Wong, the most wholesome and pure Geography ahma.
Social Disruption to water ● Physical damage to infrastructure ● For instance, when Cyclone Nargis
supply, sanitation and caused by tropical cyclones could struck Myanmar, many water pipes were
hygiene facilities cause water pipes or pumps to be destroyed or damaged and many wells
damaged, preventing people from were also contaminated with saltwater,
getting fresh water. preventing people from getting safe
drinking water.
Spreading of diseases ● Flooding caused by tropical ● When Cyclone Aila hit West Bengal in
cyclones may also cause sewage India, contaminated drinking water
pipes to burst, contaminating water caused a large cholera outbreak.
● The consumption of contaminated
water leads to the spreading of
diseases like typhoid fever.
Displacement of ● Hurricanes may destroy homes and ● Hurricane Katrina destroyed the homes
people hence displace people from of more than one hundred thousand
communities as they have nowhere people, forcing them to live in temporary
to return to. shelters.
How do people respond to tropical cyclones?
Emergency action
● Emergency action involves taking immediate action in response to any situation that poses risk to people’s health and lives.
Mitigation measures
● Mitigation measures are strategies taken to reduce or avoid the impact of a hazard.
Prediction and ● By analysing long-term ● In Japan and the United States, ● However, hurricane
warning climate records, we can this system is especially well predictions may not
establish the pattern of developed, allowing people to always be accurate as it
occurrences and the have ample time to evacuate, is not possible to
severity of damage reducing overall casualty rates. simulate events perfectly.
caused by past cyclones. ● Residents of Florida were ● Thus, computer
● We can also use sensors, warned of Hurricane Irma 5 modelling may not be
satellites, computer days before it made landfall in entirely reliable in
simulations as well as Florida, this allowed hundreds predicting the path of a
meteorological analysis to of thousands of people to hurricane and if the
determine if an area is at evacuate and as a result saved hurricane takes an
risk of being hit by a many lives. unexpected path, may
cyclone, thereby allowing lead to greater
for early cyclone destruction than normal.
Land use control ● Land use control ● By having a masterplan that ● However, land use
regulates the use of the maps the land use of an area control is only successful
land by placing and implements evacuation when authorities are able
restrictions on how land routes based on it and to enforce them.
can be used. measures to prevent floods, ● Effective implementation
● It can take the form of cities can reduce the potential of land use controls
floodplain or coastal plain of flood damage. requires much time and
management. ● For instance, by ensuring that power.
new developments on ● Areas may have already
floodplains are not prone to been developed prior to
floods, this reduces the chance the implementation of
Notes by some weirdo called Conrad Soon. I don’t guarantee the full accuracy of the information here.
Special thanks to Mrs Wong, the most wholesome and pure Geography ahma.
of potential damage caused. land use control and
● Cairns, Australia has a hence the
floodplain management plan implementation of it may
that includes evacuation routes. be trickier and more
Notes by some weirdo called Conrad Soon. I don’t guarantee the full accuracy of the information here.
Special thanks to Mrs Wong, the most wholesome and pure Geography ahma.