The Effectiveness of Journal Writing in Elementary Grades
The Effectiveness of Journal Writing in Elementary Grades
The Effectiveness of Journal Writing in Elementary Grades
Kyaria Walker
Wesleyan College
Author Note
Journaling is a strategy that supports composition. When the strategy is used correctly it’s able to
help students generate ideas that span across different subject matters. Fluency, composition and
self-confidence are interictal parts of journaling that directly affects the students. This paper will
uncover the benefits, strategy, reasoning and how to of journal writing in elementary grades with
Writing in journals can be a powerful strategy for students to respond to literature, gain
writing fluency, dialogue in writing with another student or the teacher, or write in the content
areas. (Cox 2017) Journaling is a self-assessing tool for students and can be an ongoing tool used
in the classroom. Journaling can be used across the different subject areas for example, math
journals, science journals and social studies journals. When we think about journaling, we
typically think about using journals for ELA/ Reading. Journal writing closely resembling the
Journal writing usage and effectiveness can vary from grade to grade and from teacher to
teacher. There is no absolute right way to use journals in the elementary or middle school
classroom, but there are many wrong ways. The problems with journal writing are illustrated by
the fact that many, many teachers begin using journals with high hopes, only to abandon them
soon after. Journals without a real purpose seem like busy work to everyone involved, and they
soon fall by the wayside. (Patten Based Writing: Quick and Easy Essay)
Using journals, the correct and effective way can be beneficial to the teachers and
students. Writing strategy’s that are taught can be used in the journals for example, point of view
writing. This can be used in a journal entry to make a connection to the standard being taught.
Journal writing provokes reflection and encourages students to take charge of their
learning and their feelings. Journals help students make connections between what is important
to them, the curriculum, and the world. Journaling helps students to be less restrained when
expressing themselves. It gives students time to organize their thoughts to prepare their
responses. This gives them the extra confidence they need to participate in classroom
discussions. (Schweighofer 2018) From personal experience, journal writing benefits students
show their mastery of a standard being taught. Students can write about what was taught from
The use of journaling promotes self-evaluation. When students assess their own work. It
is an assignment in itself! Ask them to review their previous journal writing and choose their
favorite and least favorite pieces. They can then write about why they chose these pieces and
how they might complete future journaling assignments differently based on this evaluation.
(Schweighofer 2018)
Journaling can benefits teachers, as well. Teachers can use journal writing to meet
specific goals, for their students. Journaling can also have a wide-open purpose for teachers and
students. Some teachers check journal writing and work on polishing skills; others use journals
as the one "uncorrected" form of writing that students produce. Some teachers provide prompts
to help students begin their writing. Others leave decisions about the direction and flow of
Journal writing can be done at a set time during a class period or day, or students can write in
journals sometime during the day. Journals can also be part of writing conferences with
individuals or small groups. They can also be used to address writing conventions and questions
and needs students may have about spelling, punctuation, word usage, or grammar. Students can
choose to share what they have written, or they can share an idea from the journal that they
would like to explore further with another type of writing (e.g., poetry, story, or letter). Journals
can be used in conferences to discuss these other writing forms. For example, students could
write from the perspective of a personified character, such as an animal or other nonhuman, to
personify, research, and learn more about the personified character, and they could write a
fictionalized version of a diary. The same could be done with a historical figure or a fantasy
creature. Students could put themselves in the place of the character they have learned about,
personified, or imagined and write from their point of view. (Cox 2017) This type of journaling
was done previously under my supervision. Students put themselves in the place of a solider or
child during World War One and used facts that they have either researched or knew from the
lesson to write a journal entry as on of those people or characters. In the journal entry, the
students had to answer certain questions. The questions they had to answer were, when do you
think the war will be over? What is the war like? Is the war anything like we see in the
newspapers and talk about in school? Students used those questions to guide their writing. The
only direction that was given to them was to imagine that they were writing to a relative that was
off fighting in World War one and they had to ask them those specific questions in their writing.
(Walker 2019)
If teachers are looking to implement the use of journals in their classroom, they need to
be consistent in their journal usage. Being consistent will help your students become comfortable
with the practice of journal writing. Set aside a special time for daily journaling or ask students
to journal following a lesson. Be sure to allot enough time for students to form and organize their
Also use writing prompts. Writing prompts provide students with a clear goal as to what
you expect them to write about. They also provide you with a way to evaluate what they’re
taking away from a lesson. You will be able to see which aspects of a lesson they connected with.
(Schweighofer 2018)
Journaling can be used in each subject. From personal experience it was used in social studies,
under my supervision. It was used to help students understand life in America during World War
One, the impact of World War One on children and the soldiers. It was also used to coincide with
a read aloud.
Personal Experience
As stated before, journaling is a great self-assessment tool and a way for teachers to gage
integrated unit that I taught saw haw each student took what we
learned about World War one, made up a character and wrote about
it. Being able to read the journals gave me insight on what I needed to go back and reteach and
what I needed to do to help my students make greater connections. In the example shown, the
student is using point of view journaling and writing as if they were a child during World War
one. The only guidelines were to use facts that they researched during the journal and make sure
they emphasize their conclusion. This is shows what journaling is all about, being able to make
Brown, S. A. (1995). The effective use of journal writing in a fourth grade classroom, an
Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay. (n.d.). How to Use Journals in the
Hopkins, G. (2017). Journal Writing Every Day: Teachers Say It Really Works! Retrieved
Finley, T. (2010, September 1). The Importance of Student Journals and How to Respond
Cox, C. (2017, August 23). Journal Writing. Retrieved October 20, 2019, from
Schweighofer, J. (2019, July 3). The Benefits of Journaling in the Classroom. Retrieved