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STATE left the crowd clueless about the magnitude of the

tragedy for some time. However, the locals swung
Maharashtra nod for Bill against social boycott into action, extricating bodies from the debris and
The Maharashtra Assembly passed the Prohibition pulling out the injured, many of whom did not survive
of Social Boycott Bill, which seeks to crack down the journey to hospitals.
on extra-judicial bodies such as caste and community While the majority were admitted to the general hospital
panchayats, becoming the first State to enact such and private hospitals in Kollam city, 12 of the injured
a law. were rushed to the Thiruvananthapuram medical college
The Bill provides for prohibition of social boycott hospital and to some private hospitals in the capital.
of a person or group of persons, by an individual The Kollam district administration had denied per-
or a group like caste panchayat. The provisions of mission for the fireworks display based on reports
the law define social boycott as a cognisable, but from the local police that the temple authorities planned
bailable offence, and provide for an imprisonment of to hold a competitive pyrotechnics display. However,
up to three years or Rs. 1 lakh fine or both. the temple authorities went ahead with the display
Addressing the house, Chief Minister Devendra after giving much publicity to the event. People from
Fadnavis said despite being known as a progressive neighbouring districts had converged on the temple
State, several incidents of social ostracism by caste to witness the show.
panchayats were reported, and there was a persistent The Paravur police have registered a case against
demand from several organisations for a new law. the temple authorities and the fireworks contractor,
The Chief Minister said the Bill had incorporated who is stated to have suffered 80 per cent burns and
provisions that enabled preventive action against any is undergoing treatment at the medical college hos-
possibility of a caste panchayat imposing a social pital.
boycott. Prime Minister Narendra Modi cancelled all his
The legislation had provisions for disbursing the fine programmes and rushed to Kollam with a team of
amount to the victims and their rehabilitation. medical experts from the All India Institute of Medical
Fireworks show in Kerala goes awry, kills 107 After a visit to the disaster spot and hospitals,
In the worst-ever pyrotechnics tragedy to strike Kerala, accompanied by Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda
110 persons were killed and close to 400 injured, many and discussions with Chief Minister Oommen Chandy,
of them grievously, on Sunday. he announced all support for the State. Congress vice-
president Rahul Gandhi also visited the temple pre-
Disaster struck the crowded precincts of the Puttingal
cincts and hospitals.
Devi Temple at Paravur, south of Kollam, around 3.30
a.m. when an entire dump of fire crackers meant to
be burst to mark the conclusion of the Meena-Bharani Gurgaon will now be called Gurugram – change by
festival exploded, killing over 40 persons instantly, Haryana Government
maiming many more and causing extensive damage The Haryana Government decided to rename Gurgaon
to nearby buildings. as Gurugram and its neighbouring district Mewat as
The State government has announced a judicial inquiry Nuh.
and a Crime Branch investigation into the disaster. Announcing the decision, an official spokesman said
Eyewitnesses said disaster struck when a cracker meant the decision to change the name of Gurgaon had been
to explode in the air fell to the ground, sending sparks taken on the basis of the representations received
flying in all directions. The sparks reached the store- at several forums that it would be appropriate to rename
house, igniting fireworks stored there. The explosion Gurgaon as Gurugram.
that followed brought down a building and caused He said Haryana was a historic land mentioned in
damage to several structures in the vicinity. the Bhagwat Gita and Gurgaon had been a great centre
The explosion was followed by power disruption, which of learning, where Guru Dronacharya used to provide
education to the Pandavas and Kauras.

1 UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016
The town derived its name from the name of Guru Mehbooba creates history as J&K’s first woman Chief
Dronacharya; the village was given as “gurudakshina” Minister
to him by his students, the Pandavas, and hence it Peoples Democratic Party president Mehbooba Mufti,
came to be known as Guru-gram, which in course of 56, took oath as the first woman Chief Minister of
time got distorted to Gurgaon. Therefore, the people Jammu and Kashmir.
of the area had been long demanding that Gurgaon The Bharatiya Janata Party’s Nirmal Singh was sworn
be renamed as Gurugram. in as Deputy Chief Minister, bringing back a popular
The spokesperson said that Mewat, in fact is a government after 11 weeks of Governor’s rule, im-
geographical and cultural unit and not a town. It is posed following the demise of Chief Minister Mufti
spread beyond Haryana in the adjoining States of Mohammad Sayeed.
Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The headquarters of Governor N.N. Vohra also administered the oath of
Mewat district is at Nuh town. The people of the office to 22 Ministers, 11 each from alliance partners
area and the elected representatives had been de- PDP and BJP.
manding the name change. Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh stressed that the
He said Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has tie-up “is only governance-centric and not an alliance
approved the proposal to change the names. of political ideologies.”
Later, chairing her first meeting of the Council of
Nitish imposes total ban on alcohol in Bihar Ministers, Ms. Mufti called for “preventing corrup-
The Nitish Kumar government declared Bihar a dry tion and ensuring transparency”.
State while imposing total prohibition on the sale and National Conference leaders Farooq Abdullah and
consumption of liquor, both country-made and In- Omar Abdullah also attended the swearing-in cer-
dian-Made Foreign Liquor, with immediate effect. emony, but the Congress boycotted the function. Most
Earlier, following an excise amendment law, the ban independent legislators were also missing.
on country-made liquor had become effective across
the State from April 1. The government will stick to NATIONAL
the 1991 guidelines on the sale and consumption of
toddy. ISRO makes world’s lightest material to help sol-
However, he said, Army cantonment areas would be diers at Siachen
exempt as they regulate sale and consumption of ISRO has manufactured a product to make uniforms
alcohol in their own way. for the Indian Army soldiers at Siachen and other
Asked about the fate of the liquor companies and places with extreme conditions. The initiative comes
factories in the State after the total ban, Mr. Kumar following the pathetic death of Lance Naik
said they can continue to manufacture “but cannot Hanumanthappa and many other soldiers who lost
trade in it within the State.” their lives at Siachen recently. Silica aerogel or Blue
Earlier, the Bihar government had banned sale and Air has a density of 1,000 gram per cubic metre, which
consumption of country-made liquor across the State makes it even lighter than air, which weighs 1,200
from April 1 with provisions of even death penalty gram per cubic metre (at 20 degree Celsius, sea level).
for those involved in trade of hooch. However, IMFL
initially planned to be banned in the second phase, India ranked abysmally low at 133 on World Press
was to be sold through 655 liquor outlets opened Freedom Index
by Bihar State Beverages Corporation Limited (BSBCL).
India ranks an abysmally low at 133 among 180
But, when the BSBCL started opening its outlets and
countries in the latest annual World Press Freedom
vends even in Patna both men and women came out
Index which says Prime Minister Narendra Modi seems
on the streets in protest.
“indifferent” to the threats against journalists.
Earlier, legislators, policemen and employees of the
The 2016 ‘World Press Freedom Index’ released by
State Secretariat had pledged not to drink liquor and
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is led by Finland,
even prevent others from consumption. Parents too
which retained its top spot for the sixth consecutive
had given written pledges in schools that they would
year, followed by the Netherlands and Norway.
not drink alcohol. Bihar will suffer an annual revenue
India jumped three spots from the 136th position it
loss of about Rs. 4,000 crore following prohibition.

UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016 2
had in 2015. At the same time, it is hard for journalists Ambedkar was born in Mhow cantonment town of
to cover regions such as Kashmir that are regarded Madhya Pradesh on April 14, 1891. The state gov-
as sensitive by the government, it said. ernment has built a grand memorial at his birth place.
Among India’s neighbouring countries, Pakistan ranks He addressed a public meeting in Mhow and launched
147, Sri Lanka (141), Afghanistan (120), Bangladesh the 11-day-long ‘Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan’
(144), Nepal (105) and Bhutan (94). China is ranked (village self-governance campaign).
The United States is ranked 44th and Russia is placed The Prime Minister Launched National Agriculture
at the 148th place. Market
The report shows that there has been a deep and The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, launched
disturbing decline in respect for media freedom at both the pilot of e-NAM - the e-trading platform for the
the global and regional levels. National Agriculture Market. On the occasion he said
(Reopens FGN 18) that the initiative will usher in transparency which
“The many reasons for this decline in freedom of will greatly benefit the farmers. Shri Narendra Modi
information include the increasingly authoritarian said this is a turning point for the agriculture com-
tendencies of governments in countries such as Turkey munity and the agriculture sector has to be looked
and Egypt, tighter government control of state-owned at holistically, and it is only then that maximum benefit
media, even in some European countries such as Poland of the farmer can be ensured.
and security situations that have become more and
more fraught in Libya and Burundi, for example, or On the occasion Union Agriculture and Farmers
that are completely disastrous, as in Yemen,” the report Welfare Minister, Shri Radha Mohan Singh said that
said. the Government is working hard for the welfare of
RSF rued that the survival of independent news the farmers and launch of National Agriculture Market
coverage is becoming increasingly precarious in both is a step in this direction. Shri Singh said that 21
the state and privately-owned media because of the mandis in 8 states have been linked to National
threat from ideologies, especially religious ideologies, Agriculture Market. By September, 2016 two hundred
that are hostile to media freedom and from large-scale mandis will be included and by March, 2018 five
propaganda machines. hundred eighty five mandis. The Minister asserted
Throughout the world, “oligarchs” are buying up media that the Center is very keen to accomplish the work
outlets and are exercising pressure that compounds as early as possible and if States cooperate it will
the pressure already coming from governments, the be done one year ahead that is by March2017.
report said.
governments and reporting in the privately-owned IIT Madras, JNU, University of Hyderabad among top
media that is increasingly shaped by personal inter- 10 educational institutions
ests,” he said. In the first of its kind ranking of educational insti-
Among the lowest ranked countries were Syria, at tutions released by the government, Jawaharlal Nehru
177th place out of 180, just above North Korea (179th) University (JNU) and the University of Hyderabad
and last placed Eritrea. (UoH), which were recently embroiled in controver-
Published annually by RSF since 2002, the World Press sies, are among the topmost institutions in the country.
Freedom Index is based on an evaluation of media The National Institutions Ranking Framework (NIRF),
freedom that measures pluralism, media independence, unveiled by the Ministry of Human Resource Devel-
the quality of the legal framework and the safety of opment, declared the Indian Institute of Technology
journalists in 180 countries. (IIT)-Madras the best institute for engineering and
the Indian Institute of Management (IIM)-Bangalore
Modi launches self-governance campaign for villages the best for management. The IIM-Ahmedabad is
(‘Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan’) placed second.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid rich floral tributes The NIRF covers 3,500 institutions in four categories:
to B.R. Ambedkar at his birth place in Kalipaltan area university, engineering, pharmacy and management.
of Mhow cantonment town on his 125th birth an- It was released by HRD Minister Smriti Irani. Archi-
niversary. tecture was included in the list when the Ministry

3 UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016
had announced plans for the ranking last November, vision for Stand-up India…This scheme is going to
but due to the lukewarm response from institutes, transform the lives of Dalit and tribal communities,”
this category was dropped from the list. Mr. Modi said while introducing the scheme in Noida,
In the category of universities, the Indian Institute Uttar Pradesh.
of Science, Bangalore, is rated the top-ranked institute Under the scheme, SC/ST and women entrepreneurs
followed by the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), will be provided loans of between Rs.10 lakh and Rs.1
Mumbai. crore for setting up new enterprises.
Jawaharlal Nehru University, which was recently in Mr. Modi said this will help in creating 2.5 lakh
the news for an event to mark the death anniversary entrepreneurs throughout the country as every bank
of Afzal Guru and the arrest of its students’ union branch will be required to provide two such loans
president Kanhaiya Kumar, is ahead of all other central – to a Dalit or SC/ST person and a woman.
universities. The Central University of Hyderabad, The Prime Minister said the scheme, which was
which has been rocked by protests after the suicide announced during his Independence Day speech last
of Rohith Vemula, is placed fourth. year, is being unveiled on April 5 to mark the birth
Perception among students, alumni, parents, employ- anniversary of Congress Dalit Leader Babu Jagjivan
ees and the public was one of the parameters for the Ram. “Whatever one’s party or ideology may be, we
ranking done by a committee of experts. Teaching want to remember those who have lived and toiled
and learning resources, graduation outcomes and for the nation. As agriculture minister, Babu Jagjivan
research were the other criteria. Ram did a lot to usher in the green revolution. During
the 1971 war, which we won, very few people would
India’s Fastest Train Gatimaan Express Flagged off know that he was the defence minister,” he said. Mr.
The semi high-speed train, with a 5,400 horse power Modi’s remarks and his choice of venue to unveil
electric locomotive and top speed of 160 kmph, covered this scheme assumes significance in view of the
the nearly 200 km distance between Delhi’s Hazrat upcoming assembly elections in five states where the
Nizamuddin railway station and Agra Cantonment Dalit and other backward class votes could be critical.
station in exactly 100 minutes, as promised. Uttar Pradesh, which goes to polls early next year,
It is, however, only slightly faster than the Bhopal has the highest Dalit population among all states.
Shatabdi launched 28 years ago, which takes 117 The prime minister said the scheme aims to empower
minutes to reach Agra but also takes a longer route, every Indian and enable them to stand on their feet.
starting from the New Delhi Railway station. Delhi’s It seeks to convert “job-seekers into job-creators.”
Hazrat Nizamuddin railway station was decked up as In an indirect jibe at Mr.Vijay Mallya, who is currently
Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu flagged off the train facing charges of wilful default on bank loans, the
at 10.10 am. prime minister said people have tried to find ways
The train, painted in blue and grey with a streak of to run away after borrowing money from banks “but
bright yellow in the middle, sputtered to a start but the poor of the country, whom we had asked to open
soon picked up speed as it crossed the Okhla railway zero balance accounts… have put in a total of over
station and from there on, completed its journey at Rs.35,000 crore with accounts opened under PMJDY.”
a tearing speed, even as the 237 passengers on board Mr. Modi also distributed 5,100 e-rickshaws under
settled down in their cushy seats of the spanking the scheme and 151 women were among those
clean AC Chair Car coaches. whoreceived the vehicles.

Modi unveils scheme to make Dalits entrepreneurs In a first, DCB Bank starts Aadhaar-based ATMs
Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the ‘Stand- In a first for any domestic bank, small-sized lender
up India’ scheme to promote entrepreneurship among DCB Bank has started an Aadhaar-based ATM usage
women, scheduled castes and tribes by enabling them facility wherein a customer can transact using his
secure easier loans and said this could be an engine biometric details instead of the PIN.
of job creation for the youth. The user can key-in the 12-digit Aadhaar number or
“Dalits and poor people, if given an opportunity, can swipe the card at an automated teller machine (ATM)
bring in various reforms in the country. That’s my to start a transaction, but at the stage of confirming

UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016 4
the identity, it requires biometric details rather than (over Rs.9,000 crore), which has led to a sharp rise
the PIN. in seizure of contraband cigarettes thereby making
Seeding the bank account with the Aadhaar number India a global hub for smuggled cigarettes. Even
will be essential before a customer can use the facility, retailers are forced to sell illicit, contraband and illegal,
he said, adding that initially, only DCB Bank cus- local and international brands to protect their live-
tomers will be able to make use of the service. lihoods.
The solution has been developed in-house and involves The Parliamentary Committee on Subordinate Legis-
connecting up with the Aadhaar server to authen- lation had also recommended that new health warn-
ticate the identity of the customer every time a ings be modified to occupy 50 per cent of the front
transaction is initiated, he said. and back panes of cigarette packs, while the global
The first of the Aadhaar-based ATMs has been average size of pictorial warnings on tobacco prod-
installed at its corporate office in the megapolis’ Lower ucts is about 31 per cent. According to the Health
Parel area and Natrajan said it will be waiting for a Ministry notification, however, tobacco products are
month more for the technology to stabilise before required to have pictorial warning on 85 per cent of
a mass rollout. the packaging space.
He added that it has great potential at the POS (point- The size of pictorial warnings in India is much larger
of-sale) terminals at the merchants’ end to make than the average of 20 per cent prevalent among top
transactions easier and also for business correspon- five tobacco producing countries — Brazil, China,
dents. Malawi, the US and Zimbabwe, comprising around
Enrolments under Aadhaar are set to cross the 100 90 per cent of global tobacco production.
crore mark soon. The data is being used for a slew Moreover, the top three cigarette consuming coun-
of purposes like opening bank accounts and the tries — China, Japan and the US — that together
government’s direct benefit transfer (DBT) scheme. account for 51 per cent share in global cigarette
consumption, have only text-based warnings (about
Delhi girl Priyadarshini Chatterjee crowned Miss 30 per cent in size) and have not adopted pictorial
India World 2016 warnings.
The winners of this year’s FBB Femina Miss India In 2012, the US Court of Appeals for the District of
have been announced— and Delhi girl Priyadarshini Columbia Circuit struck down similar pictorial warn-
Chatterjee has bagged the crown for FBB Femina Miss ings as unconstitutional, as they were found to be
India World; she will now go on to represent India factually inaccurate and misleading.
at the Miss World 2016 pageant. Assocham has urged the government to take a
balanced view on the issue of graphic health warnings
and ensure policies did not fall prey to a “misinfor-
Tobacco industry losing Rs. 350 cr a day, farmer
mation” campaign led by people with vested interests
suicides up: Assocham
that was only promoting illegal trade.
The tobacco industry is facing losses worth
over Rs. 350 crore each day as cigarette-makers have
been forced to shut operations due to lack of clarity Emergency Number to be ‘112’ in India
on the proposed graphic health warnings on tobacco Indian citizens in distress will soon be able to get
items. This had opened the floodgates to illegal imports help using a single number, ‘112’, for all emergency
to the extent of 90 per cent. services in the country, including the police, fire
Acute financial distress being faced by farmers brigade and ambulance.
engaged in tobacco farming had led to a spurt in At present, such callers need to dial in different
farmers’ suicides in the major tobacco growing states numbers for different emergencies like 100 for police,
of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana. Already 101 for fire, 102 for ambulance and 108 for emergency
over 10 states are facing acute drought conditions disaster management. The move, recommended by the
and the current imbroglio will only serve to impose Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in April
huge financial strain on many more farmers. 2015, was approved by the Telecom Commission.
The government exchequer was being denied one- TRAI had said: “In emergency situations every passing
fifth of the total tobacco industry revenue second counts, whether it is a burglary, theft, road-
rage, or a fire spreading, or a citizen struggling with

5 UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016
a heart attack — the first few minutes are crucial. tangible Cultural Heritage List began in 2008, but eight
It is likely that crucial time may be lost in figuring years on remains mired in sluggish bureaucracy.
out what number to dial.” For users, it would be simpler
and desirable to have a single number for all types Taliban launch ‘Operation Omari’
of emergencies, it had added. The Taliban announced the start of their spring
TRAI had proposed that the existing emergency offensive, pledging to launch large-scale offensives
numbers be retained as secondary numbers and the against government strongholds backed by suicide
calls made to them be re-routed to ‘112’. However, and guerrilla attacks to drive Afghanistan’s Western-
once calls to the secondary numbers reduce signifi- backed government from power. The announcement
cantly, they can be withdrawn gradually. of the start of “Operation Omari”, named after Taliban
founder Mullah Mohammad Omar, came just days after
INTERNATIONAL John Kerry visited Kabul and reaffirmed U.S. support
for President Ashraf Ghani’s government. “Jihad
Death toll from Ecuador earthquake tops 650 against the aggressive and usurping infidel army is
Ecuador’s government says the death toll from last a holy obligation upon our necks and our only recourse
week’s devastating magnitude-7.8 earthquake has risen for re-establishing an Islamic system and regaining
to 654 with another 58 people missing. our independence,” the Taliban said in a statement.
The website of the secretariat for risk management
said that 113 people had been rescued alive following Stamps issued to mark Shakespeare s 400th death
the quake that flattened coastal towns and more than anniversary
25,000 people remained in shelters. Britain’s Royal Mail issued a set of special postage
The death toll from Ecuador’s quake has surpassed stamps to mark the 400th death anniversary of play-
that of Peru’s 2007 temblor, making it the deadliest wright William Shakespeare. The 10 First Class stamps
quake in South America since one in Colombia in 1999 pay tribute to the genius of Shakespeare through his
killed more than 1,000 people. immortal words and poetry, said Royal Mail. They
Hundreds of aftershocks have rattled Ecuador since will be sold at 8,000 post offices across Britain.
the quake. Royal Mail said a special postmark saying “William
President Rafael Correa has said the quake caused Shakespeare 1564-1616” will be also applied to British
$3 billion in damage and warned that the reconstruc- stamped mail commemorating 400 years since the Bard’s
tion effort will take years. His administration is death.
temporarily raising taxes to fund the recovery.
Pfizer, Allergan drop $160 billion deal on U.S. tax
rule change
Pak.’s Kalash minority fights for identity Drugmaker Pfizer Inc and Ireland-based Allergan Plc
Pakistan’s smallest religious minority, the Kalash, walked away from their $160 billion merger, a major
speak their own language and celebrate their gods win for President Barack Obama, who has been pushing
through music, dance and alcohol, which they brew to curb deals in which companies move overseas to
themselves in Chitral’s plunging verdant valleys. save on taxes.
Here, the sexes mingle easily, marriage can be sealed Pfizer said the decision was driven by new U.S.
with a dance, and women are free to move on to new Treasury rules aimed at curbing such deals, called
loves — it is a far cry from life in much of the rest inversions. The merger would have allowed New York-
of the country, where many adhere to a strict Islamic based Pfizer to cut its tax bill by an estimated $1 billion
code forbidding such behaviour. annually by domiciling in Ireland, where tax rates are
Yet, the Kalash, who number just 3,000, fear their unique lower.
culture will not endure: increasingly their youth are While the new Treasury rules did not name Pfizer
converting to Islam, prompting activists to campaign and Allergan, one of the provisions targeted a specific
to preserve the traditions of this ancient, diminishing feature of their merger - Allergan’s history as a major
tribe. acquirer of other companies.
Their fight to get the Kalash on to UNESCO’s In- With the deal behind it, Pfizer said it would decide

UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016 6
this year about whether to split off its hundreds of Many sex workers do not have the right to work in
generic medicines into a separate business. It had France. The new law paves the way for those who
put off making that decision until 2019 after announc- want to leave prostitution to receive residence permits
ing its deal with Allergan last November. and financial support.
Obama called global tax avoidance a “huge problem”
and urged Congress to take action to stop U.S. Myanmar swears in first civilian President in five
companies from deals that allow it. U.S. inversion rules decades
have unraveled other mergers. U.S. drugmaker AbbVie Myanmar has sworn in Htin Kyaw, a close aide of
Inc abandoned its $55 billion takeover of Ireland- pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, as the
domiciled peer Shire Plc in 2014 after the Obama country’s first civilian President in more than 50 years.
administration cracked down on inversions. AbbVie The 69-year-old leader, in a brief address to a joint
had to pay Shire a $1.6 billion break-up fee. session of Parliament after the swearing-in ceremony,
suggested that the military-drafted Constitution, which
King Salman announces Saudi-Egypt bridge barred Ms. Suu Kyi from becoming the President, be
Saudi King Salman announced plans to build a bridge changed.
over the Red Sea to Egypt, in a lavish show of support Ms. Suu Kyi has been appointed as a minister in Mr.
for the government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Htin Kyaw’s government.
The 80-year-old monarch is on a rare five-day trip Until recently, Mr. Htin Kyaw was running a charity
to Egypt, a country that Riyadh views as a corner- founded by Ms. Suu Kyi. His wife, daughter of one
stone to its ambitions in the changing region. of the founders of the National League for Democracy,
Saudi Arabia has been the key backer of Sisi since is an MP.
2013, when the then-army chief overthrew his Islamist However, while on paper she will be Minister for Foreign
predecessor Mohamed Morsi, whose Muslim Broth- Affairs, the President’s Office, Education and Energy,
erhood movement was viewed with suspicion by in practice, the buck will stop with her on all non-
Riyadh. security matters in the new administration.
In effect, the NLD, which won a three-fourths majority
France’s new law on banning of prostitution in Parliament, will cohabit with the military, which has
A new law was passed in France that makes it an directly or indirectly ruled India’s north- eastern
offence to pay for sex and moves the punishment neighbour since 1962.
from prostitutes to clients. The law has been hailed Despite being the NLD’s undisputed leader, she was
as revolutionary by activists who hope it will help prevented from becoming the head of government.
stamp out sex trafficking. A law enacted by the armed forces debars her from
Under the law, passed, those who pay for sex will holding this position as her two sons are British
face fines of up to 1,500 euros ($1,700) for the first nationals.
offence, and up to 3,750 Euros ($4,300) for subsequent Htin Kyaw, a London-educated economist, was dressed
offences. They may also have to attend a prostitution in a dark, check longyi and a fawn coloured, collarless
awareness course. jacket — which in Myanmar traditionally reflects an
France follows Northern Ireland, Canada, Sweden, anti-colonial and nationalist sentiment — and a pinkish
Norway and Iceland in introducing laws designed to gaung baung or silk head wrap. Two Vice-Presidents
punish the client without criminalising those who have — one from the armed forces — took the oath with
been driven into prostitution. him, administered by Parliament Speaker Mahn Win
There are between 30,000 and 37,000 sex workers in Khaing Than.
France, according to the Central Office for the
Suppression of Trafficking of Human Beings. India-EU Joint Statement on the 13th India-EU Sum-
Nearly 85 percent of them are victims of human mit, Brussels
trafficking, mainly from Bulgaria, Romania, Nigeria, The 13th EU-India Summit was held in Brussels on
Cameroon and China, Thery said by phone from France. 30 March 2016. The EU was represented by Mr. Donald
He said shifting the criminal charge from victim to Tusk, President of the European Council, and Mr. Jean-
the client would make France less attractive for pimps Claude Juncker, President of the European Commis-
and traffickers. sion. The Republic of India was represented by Prime

7 UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016
Minister Shri Narendra Modi. paper.
The leaders strongly condemned the terrorist attacks The data concerned internal documents from a
in Brussels on 22 March 2016 as an unacceptable Panama—based law firm, Mossack Fonseca. Founded
affront to our open democratic societies and extended by German—born Juergen Mossack, the firm has offices
their deepest condolences to the families and friends across the globe and is among the world’s biggest
of the victims. The EU and India will remain united creators of shell companies, the newspaper said.
and firm in the fight against hatred, violent extremism Ramon Fonseca, a co-founder of Mossack Fonseca,
and terrorism. said the firm had no control of how its clients might
use offshore vehicles created for them.
France to end Central African Republic military Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela issued a
mission in 2016 statement saying his government would cooperate
France will end its military intervention in the Central “vigorously” with any judicial investigation arising
African Republic this year as it has achieved its from the leak of the law firm’s documents. He said
objectives of restoring security to the country after that the revelations shouldn’t detract from his
three years of communal violence, the French defence government’s “zero tolerance” for any illicit activities
minister said. in Panama’s finance industry.
ICIJ said the law firm’s leaked internal files contain
Panama Papers Leak: World figures named in massive information on 214,488 offshore entities connected
offshore tax evasion leak (Very important) to people in more than 200 countries and territories.
An international coalition of media outlets published It said it would release the full list of companies and
what it said was an extensive investigation into people linked to them early next month.
offshore financial dealings of the rich and famous, Obermayer said that over the course of several months
based on a vast trove of documents provided by an Sueddeutsche Zeitung received about 2.6 terabytes
anonymous source. of data more than would fit on 600 DVDs. The
The International Consortium of Investigative Jour- newspaper said the amount of data it obtained is several
nalists, a non-profit organisation based in Washing- times larger than a previous cache of offshore data
ton, said the cache of 11.5 million records detailed published by WikiLeaks in 2013 that exposed the
the offshore holdings of a dozen current and former financial dealings of prominent individuals.
world leaders, as well as businessmen, criminals, The newspaper and its partners verified the authen-
celebrities and sports stars. ticity of the data by comparing it to public registers,
In India, The Indian Express was part of the inves- witness testimony and court rulings, he told the AP.
tigation and has reported that many Indian indus- A previous cache of Mossack Fonseca documents
trialists and celebrities, including actors Amitabh obtained by German authorities was also used to verify
Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai, DLF owner K.P. Singh the new material, Obermayer added.
and Vinod Adani (Gautam Adani’s elder brother), are Among the countries with past or present political
named in the documents. figures named in the reports are Iceland, Ukraine,
A cache of documents has exposed the secret off- Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Argentina.
shore dealings of aides to Russian president Vladimir The Guardian newspaper, which took part in the
Putin, world leaders and celebrities including Barcelona investigation, published a video on its website showing
forward Lionel Messi. An investigation into the an interview with Iceland’s Prime Minister, Sigmundur
documents by more than 100 media groups, described David Gunnlaugsson. During the interview with
as one of the largest such probes in history, revealed Sweden’s SVT television, the Prime Minister is asked
the hidden offshore dealings in the assets of around about a company called Wintris. He responds by
140 political figures, including 12 current or former insisting that its affairs are above board and calling
heads of states. the question “completely inappropriate,” before break-
A Munich-based daily, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, was ing off the interview.
offered the data through an encrypted channel by In Russia, the Kremlin last week said it was antici-
an anonymous source who requested no monetary pating what it called an upcoming “information at-
compensation and asked only for unspecified security tack.”
measures, said Bastian Obermayer, a reporter for the

UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016 8
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry World military spending up in 2015, India in sixth
Peskov, told reporters that the Kremlin had received position
“a series of questions in a rude manner” from an India is the sixth largest military spender in 2015 having
organisation that he said was trying to smear Putin. spent $51.3 billion even as the world spent $1,676
The office of Argentina’s president, Mauricio Macri, billion reversing a global trend which was on the decline
confirmed that the business group owned by his family since 2011., as per the latest report from the Stockholm
set up Fleg Trading Ltd., an offshore company based International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
in the Bahamas. But it said Macri himself had no shares India moved one rank up from last year accounting
in Fleg and never received income from it. for 3.1 percent of global military expenditure. Over
Macri’s office commented after La Nacion, an Argen- a ten-year period from 2006-15 this represents a 43
tine national newspaper, reported that he and his family per cent jump. India is also ahead of countries like
had links to Fleg. France, Germany and Israel who happen to be among
The ICIJ said the documents included emails, financial its top arms suppliers.
spreadsheets, passports and corporate records de- World military expenditure rose by 1 per cent in 2015,
tailing how powerful figures used banks, law firms the report noted said it reflects continuing growth
and offshore shell companies to hide their assets. in Asia and Oceania, Central and Eastern Europe, and
The data spanned a time frame of nearly 40 years, some Middle Eastern states.
from 1977 through the end of 2015, it said. Sam Perlo-Freeman, head of SIPRI’s military expen-
Iceland’s prime minister insisted he would not resign diture project said that the military spending in 2015
after the Panama documents linked him to an offshore presents contrasting trends. “On the one hand,
company that would represent a serious conflict of spending trends reflect the escalating conflict and
interest. tension in many parts of the world; on the other hand,
News reports have alleged that Prime Minister they show a clear break from the oil-fuelled surge
Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson and his wife set up in military spending of the past decade,” he said in
a company in the British Virgin Islands with the help the report.
of a Panamanian law firm at the center of a massive The U.S. remained by far the world’s largest spender
tax evasion leak. The reports have prompted calls for in 2015 despite its defence expenditure falling by 2.4
a no—confidence vote in parliament against him. per cent to $596 billion followed by China, Saudi
Going on Icelandic television, Gunnlaugsson said he Arabia, Russia and U.K.
would not resign and added there was nothing new China’s expenditure rose by 7.4 per cent to $215 billion.
in the information contained in the Panama Papers
data leak. Iceland’s foreign minister also said on a Panama Papers fallout: Iceland names new PM, to
trip to India that the prime minister had not done hold early elections
anything illegal. Iceland’s right-wing government has named a new
According to the media group’s website, global banks Prime Minister and said it would hold early elections
including HSBC, UBS, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank in the autumn, after the previous leader was forced
and others have worked with Mossack Fonseca to to step down over his implication in the Panama
create offshore accounts. Papers scandal.
The two coalition partners, the Progressive Party and
Panama Papers Leak: Iceland Prime Minister Re- the Independence Party, agreed after talks late to hand
signs the prime ministerial post to the agriculture minister
Iceland’s Prime Minister resigned becoming the first Sigurdur Ingi Johannsson, 53, of the Progressives.
political victim of a worldwide scandal over hidden He replaces Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, 41, who
offshore financial dealings exposed in the so-called stepped down amid massive public protests over a
Panama Papers. hidden offshore account revealed in the so-called
Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson was Panama Papers leak of 11.5 million financial documents.
the biggest casualty of a worldwide media probe into
11.5 million leaked documents that purportedly reveal Foxconn to buy Sharp after slashing original offer
the offshore financial activities of 140 political figures, Taiwan’s Foxconn agreed to acquire Japan’s Sharp
including 12 current or former heads of state. Corp at a big discount to its original offer, capping

9 UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016
a month of wrangling that sowed more doubt over cent of the population is Muslim, with Hindus and
whether the two companies can work well together Buddhists as the main minorities.
and fend off fierce competition from rivals.
Foxconn, formally known as Hon Hai Precision In- BUSINESS
dustry Co., will pay about $3.5 billion for a two-thirds
stake, cutting its initial offer by nearly $900 million
India world’s largest remittance recipient in 2015:
following the emergence of previously undisclosed
World Bank
liabilities at Sharp.
India was the world’s largest remittance recipient in
The deal marks the largest acquisition by a foreign
2015 despite experiencing a $1 billion drop from the
company in Japan’s insular tech industry and the end
previous year, the first decline in its remittances since
of independence for a 100-year-old company that
2009, the World Bank said.
started out making belt buckles and mechanical pencils.
India retained its top spot in 2015, attracting about
It also gives the world’s top electronics contract
$69 billion in remittances, down from $70 billion in
manufacturer control of Sharp’s advanced screen
2014, the World Bank said in its annual report
technology which it does not have, and helps
“Migration and Development Brief”.
strengthen its pricing power with major client Apple
Other large remittance recipients in 2015 were China,
with $64 billion, the Philippines ($28 billion), Mexico
($25 billion) and Nigeria ($21 billion).
Bangladesh HC rejects plea against Islam as state
Officially recorded remittances to developing coun-
tries amounted to $431.6 billion in 2015, an increase
Bangladesh High Court rejected a petition by secular of 0.4 per cent over $430 billion in 2014. The growth
activists that challenges the constitutional provision pace in 2015 was the slowest since the global financial
recognising Islam as the state religion of the Muslim- crisis, the report said.
majority nation.
Global remittances, which include those to high-income
The bench of Justice Naima Haider, Justice Quazi Reza- countries, contracted by 1.7 per cent to $581.6 billion
Ul Hoque, and Justice Ashraful Kamal passed the in 2015, from $592 billion in 2014, the World Bank
order this afternoon. said.
After the passage of the Eighth Amendment Bill on According to the report, the growth of remittances
June 7, 1988, 15 noted personalities had filed a public in 2015 slowed from eight per cent in 2014 to 2.5 per
interest litigation challenging the state religion pro- cent for Bangladesh, from 16.7 per cent to 12.8 per
vision. Many of them are now dead. cent for Pakistan, and from 9.6 per cent to 0.5 per
The matter was absent from discussion tables until cent for Sri Lanka.
August 1 last year when a Hindu Supreme Court lawyer
Samendra Nath Goswami filed another petition with
the High Court questioning how Islam could still be
acknowledged as the state religion despite revival of
AP, Reuters, New York Times among 2016 Pulitzer
“secularism” as the state policy under a 2011 amend-
Prize winners
ment to the Constitution.
The Associated Press won the Pulitzer Prize for public
Mr. Goswami had himself moved the petition which
service for reporting on abuse in the seafood industry
the bench of Justice Mohammad Emdadul Haque and
that helped free 2,000 slave labourers,
Justice Muhammad Khurshid Alam Sarkar rejected
and Reutersand The New York Times shared the
outright on September 7 after a brief hearing.
breaking news photography award for images of the
On February 29, Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha European refugee crisis.
formed a new three-member bench to hear the 1988
The Pulitzer Board, in conferring the most prestigious
petition following a prayer submitted on behalf of
honors in U.S. journalism and the arts, also honored
the petitioners.
the Los Angeles Times for breaking news reporting for
The ruling came as the country’s largest Islamist party its coverage of the massacre by Islamist militants in
— Jamaat-e-Islami — called a nationwide strike to San Bernardino, California.
protest the legal move. In Bangladesh, over 90 per

UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016 10
This year’s announcement at New York’s Columbia awards cabinet.
University marked the 100th anniversary of the She has now been recognised by both the Guinness
Pulitzers, which began in 1917 after a bequest from Book of World Records and Asia Book of Records
newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer. for singing most number of songs in Indian languages.
The AP’s prize-winning “Seafood from Slaves” report While Guinness Book of Records has officially cred-
was an investigation into the mistreatment of workers ited her for singing 17, 695 songs (solo, duet and
in Southeast Asia used to supply seafood to Ameri- chorus backed songs) in twelve Indian languages,
can supermarkets and restaurants. The coverage Asia Book of Records has recognised her for singing
resulted in the freeing of 2,000 slave labourers and close to 17, 330 songs.
sweeping reforms, the board said.
The reporters “found captive slaves, countering Azerbaijani journalist Khadija Ismayilova awarded
industry claims that the problems had been solved,” UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom
AP executive editor Kathleen Carroll wrote in her Prize 2016
nomination letter to the Pulitzer judges. An independent international jury of media profession-
The New York Times, with a record 117 Pulitzer prizes als recommended Ms Ismayilova in recognition of her
and citations before this year’s announcement, added outstanding contribution to press freedom in difficult
two more in 2016, taking the prize for international circumstances.
reporting in addition to its photography award. Ms Ismayilova, a freelance journalist and contributor
The Boston Globe, the Tampa Bay Times and The New to the Azerbaijani service of Radio Free Europe, was
Yorker magazine also won two awards each. In total, detained in December 2014, and, in September 2015,
the board handed out prizes in 21 categories, selected was sentenced to seven and a half years’ imprison-
from about 3,000 entries. ment on charges relating to abuse of power and tax
In the awards for letters, drama and music, the musical evasion.
“Hamilton” by Lin-Manuel Miranda won for best The Prize will be awarded during the celebration
drama. The Pulitzer board called the Broadway hit of World Press Freedom Day, 3 May, hosted by Finland
“a landmark American musical about the gifted and this year.
self-destructive founding father whose story becomes Created by UNESCO’s Executive Board in 1997, the
both contemporary and irresistible.” annual UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Free-
The Reuters photo coverage of Middle Eastern mi- dom Prize honours a person, organization or insti-
grants arriving in Europe was led from Greece by Yannis tution that has made an outstanding contribution to
Behrakis, chief photographer for Greece and Cyprus the defence and, or promotion of press freedom
and the Guardian newspaper’s 2015 Agency Photog- anywhere in the world, and especially when this has
rapher of the Year. been achieved in the face of danger.
The team captured a series of images of migrants
crowded on flimsy sea craft and their first moments Jammu-born poet Padma Sachdev gets Saraswati
upon reaching Europe. Samman
Some images showed families rushing ashore, flailing Jammu-born poet and novelist Padma Sachdev has
away in the water or collapsing on the beach. Others been chosen for the prestigious Saraswati Samman
juxtaposed the rafters at sea with a cruise ship or for the year 2015 for her autobiography in Dogri
a leaping dolphin or the setting sun. language.
The Reuters photo staff was named as co-winner for
breaking news photography along with Mauricio Lima, The 76-year-old writer’s autobiography ‘Chitt-Chete’,
Sergey Ponomarev, Tyler Hicks and Daniel Etter of The published in 2007, was selected for the 25th Saraswati
New York Times, also for their images of the migrant Samman from among five works that were shortlisted
crisis. from 22 works in as many languages published between
the years 2005-2014.
P. Susheela enters Guinness World Records
Renowned playback singer P. Susheela Mohan, who The selection for the award, given every year for an
has won many awards and earned accolades in a career outstanding literary work written in any Indian lan-
spanning five decades, has added two more to her

11 UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016
guage by an Indian citizen and published during the Ex-army chief JJ Singh gets highest French civilian
last 10 years, is made by a jury presided by former honour
Chief Justice Justice A S Anand. Former army chief Gen. (retd) JJ Singh was conferred
The award was instituted by K K Birla Foundation, with the highest French civilian distinction, Officer
a literary and cultural organisation which has also of the Legion of Honour.
instituted two more awards in the field of literature, Singh was chosen for the honour in recognition of
including the Vyas Samman (for Hindi) and Bihari his “stellar role” in modernising the Indian Army and
Puraskar (for Hindi and Rajasthani writers of initiating robust exchanges between the Indian and
Rajasthan). French armies leading to “unprecedented” levels of
cooperation and inter- operability and creation of
Previous recipients of the Saraswati Samman include enduring ties and promotion of mutual understanding
former Union Minister M Veerappa Moily, S L between the two countries, the French Embassy said
Bhyrappa, K Aiyappa Panickar, Vijay Tendulkar and here.
Harivansh Rai Bachchan. ‘Officier de l’Ordre national de la Legion d’Honneur’
is the highest civilian award given by the French
President confers Padma awards Republic for outstanding service to France, regard-
A bevy of stalwarts from different walks of life, less of the nationality of the recipients.
including founder of Reliance Industries late Dhirubhai
Ambani, former Governor Jagmohan, actors Anupam Aishwarya wins Global Indian of the Year award
Kher and Ajay Devgn and badminton star Saina Actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has won the ‘Global
Nehwal were honoured with Padma awards. Indian of the Year’ award. Aishwarya was honoured
Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, renowned at NRI of the Year award function held here last
dancer Yamini Krishnamurthy, former CAG Vinod Rai, evening.
folk singer Malini Awasthi, ‘sage of agriculture’ The actress, 42, dedicated the award to her daughter
Subhash Palekar and celebrated chef Mohammed Imtiaz Aaradhya. The “Dhoom 2” actress will be seen next
Qureshi were among the 56 eminent persons who were in “Sarabjit” alongside Randeep Hooda and Richa
honoured by President Pranab Mukherjee. Chadha
Kokilaben Ambani received the Padma Vibhushan given Besides Aishwarya, noted tennis player Sania Mirza
to her husband Dhirubhai Ambani posthumously was also honoured at the NRI of the Year Award
amidst loud applause and in attendance of close family 2016.
members, including two sons — RIL chief Mukesh Altogether 17 individuals were given the awards under
Ambani and Reliance ADA Chairman Anil Ambani. different categories like — entrepreneur, professional,
Apart from Ambani, U.S.-based economist Avinash academics, arts & culture, philanthropy, special jury
Kamalakar Dixit, former Jammu and Kashmir Governor award, global icon of the year and India’s global icon
Jagmohan, one of the greatest exponents of Indian award.
classical dance Yamini Krishnamurthy and Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar were awarded with Padma Vibhushan. Bollywood wins big at National Awards
Those who were honoured with Padma Bhushan include It was a stellar day for Bollywood as Amitabh Bachchan
renowned architect Hafeez Sorab Contractor, Editor- and Kangana Ranaut bagged the top acting honours
in-Chief of Ajit group of newspapers Barjinder Singh at the 63rd National Film Awards, which were an-
Hamdard, Bollywood actor Anupam Kher, construc- nounced. While Ms. Ranaut picked up the Best Actress
tion tycoon and chairman of Shapoorji Pallonji group award for Tanu Weds Manu Returns, Mr. Bachchan
Pallonji Shapoorji Mistry, Badminton sensation Saina won for Piku.
Nehwal, former Comptroller and Auditor General of S.S. Rajamouli’s magnum opus Baahubali was de-
India Vinod Rai, renowned scientist Alla Venkata Rama clared the Best Feature Film while Bajrangi
Rao and chairman of Asian Institute of Gastroenter- Bhaijaan won the Best Popular Film award.
ology, Hyderabad, Duvvur Nageshwar Reddy. Tamil star Samuthirakani picked up the Best Support-
The President presented five Padma Vibhushan, eight ing Actor award forVisaranaai, a thriller based on
Padma Bhushan and 43 Padma Shri awards at the Civil the novel Lock Up by M. Chandrakumar. Tanvi Azmi
Investiture Ceremony held at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016 12
won the Best Supporting Actress award for Bajirao one point behind India who lost to the eventual
Mastani, while the film’s director, Sanjay Leela champion in Mumbai in the second semifinal.
Bhansali, bagged the Best Director award. After finishing as the second best side in the tour-
The prestigious awards — announced by a jury set nament, England are now fourth after swapping places
up by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry — with South Africa. New Zealand, who lost to England
are given away by the President. There are 30 cat- in the first semifinal in Delhi, have retained their third
egories in the Feature Films segment and 22 in the place at 120 points.
non-feature films one. In the batsmen rankings, Virat Kohli has comfortably
In a newly introduced category, Gujarat was declared defended his number-one position. India’s top-order
the most film-friendly State while Uttar Pradesh and batsman, who was adjudged player of the tournament,
Kerala earned special mentions. Gujarat’s single-widow leads Australia’s second-ranked Aaron Finch by 86
clearance facility, dedicated web portal, international points. Kohli had entered the home competition leading
promotions, database of product facilities and hotels Finch by 24 points.
helped it clinch the award. England’s Joe Root, who finished as the third leading
- Best Tamil Film is Visaranai . The film also bagged run-getter behind Tamim Iqbal and Kohli with 249 runs,
the awards in Best Editing and Best Supporting Actor has broken into the top five for the first time in his
(Samuthirakani) categories. career.
- Best Sanskrit Film is Priyamanasam
- Best Hindi Film award goes to Dum Laga Ke Haisha Joshua wins IBF world heavyweight title
- Best Background score award goes to Ilayarajaa Anthony Joshua became Britain’s second reigning
for Thara Thappattai . This is Ilayarajaa’s fifth na- world heavyweight champion when he knocked out
tional award. Charles Martin in the second round at the O2 Arena.
- Special Jury Award award goes to Kalki Koechlin Joshua, the 2012 Olympic gold medallist, captured his
for playing a girl with cerebral palsy in ’Margarita first world title in only his 16th professional fight
With A Straw’ by flattening American Martin to lift the International
- Best Song: ”Kaathirunnu” by Jayachandran Boxing Federation (IBF) belt.
in Ennum Ninte Moideen Martin, who was making a first defence, was floored
- Best Choreography Award goes to Remo D’Souza twice in the second round by right hands and failed
for Bajirao Mastani to beat the count the second time.
- Special Mention award for Ritika Singh for her role Joshua, who turned professional in October 2013, is
in Irudhi Suttru the fifth quickest heavyweight to win a version of
- Best popular film award goes to Bajrangi the world title and is Britain’s second reigning world
Bhaijaan, starring Salman Khan heavyweight champion along with Tyson Fury, who
holds the World Boxing Association (WBA) and World
Boxing Organisation (WBO) belts.

Kohli, India maintain top spot in ICC rankings West Indies defeat England to win T20 title
India’s star batsman Virat Kohli has maintained his West Indies tonight created history by becoming the
number one position in the ICC T20 batsmen rankings first nation to win the ICC World T20 twice with a
and so have India in the team charts after the conclusion dramatic four wicket victory over England riding on
of the World T20. Carlos Brathwaite four consecutive lusty sixes in the
final over of the innings.
West Indies, who won the World T20 title in Kolkata,
have number-one ranked India firmly within their sights Chasing a tricky target of 156, it was Marlon Samuels,
after they became the only side to win the tournament who did an encore of the 2012 final that Darren Sammy’s
twice. men had won, hitting a magnificent 85 not out off
66 balls with nine boundaries and two huge sixes.
The West Indies defeated 2010 winner England by
four wickets in front of a packed Eden Gardens, and However it was the unheralded giant Brathwaite, who
have consequently moved ahead of New Zealand in showed why he commanded such a record IPL price
second place. The West Indies are now on 125 points, from Delhi Daredvils scoring 34 off only 10 balls as
he hit the four most important maximums of his short

13 UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016
cricketing career. Stafanie Taylor of the West Indies was named skipper
With 19 runs needed off the final over, Brathwaite of the women’s team.
hit the first ball behind square for a six and the next Announcing the squads, ICC General Manager,
was hit over long-on for a six and the third over long- Cricket, Geoff Allardice, who chaired the meeting, said:
off to basically bring down the equation 1 off 3 balls “The experts had an extremely difficult task to select
before finishing off with another hit over deep mid- the men’s and women’s squads from around 400
wicket. cricketers who represented the 26 teams, thanks to
It was one of the most beautiful sights as the women’s outstanding performances by all the players at this
team also joined their men as the danced to the now hugely successful event.
popular Bravo rap of ‘Champion’ in unison. They took Men’s World T20 XI: Jason Roy (England), Quinton
a ‘lap of Honour from an Eden Gardens that gave de Kock (South Africa, wicketkeeper), Virat Kohli
them a standing ovation. (India, captain), Joe Root (England), Jos Buttler
The West Indies despite all their problems are now (England), Shane Watson (Australia), Andre Russell
World Champions in U-19, women’s and men’s World (West Indies), Mitchell Santner (New Zealand), David
T20. Willey (England), Samuel Badree (West Indies), Ashish
Nehra (India), 12th man — Mustafizur
ICC announces World T20 XI with Virat Kohli as Rahman (Bangladesh).
captain; Ashish Nehra named in squad
India’s batting star Virat Kohli was named captain West Indies Women crowned World Champions
of the ICC World Twenty20 XI, which also featured In a historic first, the West Indies women’s cricket
veteran seamer Ashish Nehra. team ended three-time defending champions Australia’s
A select group of former cricketers and domination by winning the ICC World T20 title with
commentators picked up both the men’s and women’s an emphatic eight-wicket victory in the final.
teams for all conditions on the basis of the players’ The foundation of the successful chase was laid by
performances in the World T20, which concluded here a 120-run partnership by openers Hayley Matthews
last night with West Indies winning both the titles. (66 off 45) and skipper Stafanie Taylor (59 off 57),
Kohli was adjudged Man of the Tournament for his who helped the team chase a stiff target of 149.
sublime form which made him the backbone of India’s
batting line-up. He scored 273 runs with a staggering India suffers 1-5 thrashing against Australia
average of 136.50 and an equally astounding strike- Indian defence crumbled under the onslaught of a
rate of 146.77 with three 50 plus scores. rampaging Australia as they were handed a 1-5
The prolific right-hander hit 29 boundaries and thrashing by the world champions in their second
five sixes in all and was second in the list of leading league fixture of the 25th Sultan Azlan Shah Cup hockey
run-getters behind Tamim Iqbal of Bangladesh, who tournament.
scored 295 runs. Australia, the eight-time winners of the Sultan Azlan
Nehra handed India an early breakthrough in almost Shah Cup, launched their campaign to reclaim the title
every game. He took only five wickets but was they lost to New Zealand last year with a dominant
economical in all five games. performance against the Indian side seeking to pro-
Besides two Indians, the men’s team also comprised vide exposure to several youngsters.
four players from runners-up England, two from the
West Indies and one each from Australia, Bangladesh, Dipa Karmakar secures Rio ticket for Olympics
New Zealand and South Africa. It also included a 12th Dipa Karmakar created history by becoming the first
man in Mustafizur Rahman of Bangladesh. The team Indian woman gymnast to qualify for Olympics as
did not feature any Pakistani player. she booked a berth for the Rio Games after a strong
The women’s team, meanwhile, did not have any performance at the final qualifying and test event.
Indian cricketer. It comprised four players from New The 22-year-old garnered a total score of 52.698 points
Zealand, two players each from Australia, England in the Olympics qualifying event to book a berth for
and the West Indies, and one each from Pakistan and artistic gymnastics in Rio Games to be held here in
South Africa. August. Apart from being the first Indian woman, she
will also be an Indian gymnast qualifying for the

UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016 14
quadrennial extravaganza after 52 long years. PERSONS IN NEWS
Since the independence of the country, 11 Indian male
gymnast have taken part in the Olympics (two in 1952, CP Gurnani appointed Nasscom chairman
three in 1956 and six in 1964) but this will be the CP Gurnani, Managing Director and Chief Executive
first for an Indian woman at the Olympics. Officer, Tech Mahindra, is the new Chairman of the
Dipa had created history by becoming the first woman National Association of Software and Services Com-
gymnast to win a medal — a bronze — in the panies (Nasscom) for 2016-17.
Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014. She then After taking over from BVR Mohan Reddy, Gurnani
became the first Indian woman gymnast to feature said he would focus on programmes aimed at making
in the finals of World Championships in November India a digital and innovation hub.
last. He identified start-ups, cyber security and analytics
as emerging areas for the Indian IT industry. “Nasscom
Djokovic, Serena bag top honours at Laureus World of tomorrow is representative of product companies,
Sports awards start-ups, among others and not just service provid-
Novak Djokovic walked away with his third ers.’’
‘Sportsperson of the Year’ trophy, while Serena According to Nasscom projections, IT industry, which
Williams also bagged the women’s top honour for directly employs 3.9 million professionals, is expected
a third time as tennis became the toast of the 16th to grow at about 14 per cent during the present
Laureus World Sports awards presented in a glittering financial year with a likely intake of 2.5 lakh new
ceremony here. employees. In 2015-16, industry crossed $100 billion
Djokovic, who won this award in 2012 and ‘15, walked mark in exports.
away with the ‘Oscar of Sports’ for a second suc- Referring to ongoing programmes, new Vice-Chairman
cessive time after clinching three Grand Slams — Raman Roy said Nasscom is working closely with State
Australian, Wimbledon and US Open — last year. governments with regard to innovation hubs in various
He was also the finalist in the French Open. cities including Bengaluru, Telangana, Andhra
Soccer genius Lionel Messi, who had been nominated Pradesh, Kolkata and Pune.
for a fifth time, once again lost out on the top award. When asked on the likely impact of the outcome of
Williams was the overwhelming favourite in the the US presidential elections and possible restrictions
women’s category after securing a record 10th nomi- on outsourcing, he said he was not expecting any
nation and thanks to her three Grand Slams last season, big adverse impact.
the American notched up her third ‘Sportswoman of
the Year’ Laureus trophy. Ranjit Singh’s statue to come up in France
Williams, however, did not attend the ceremony which A statue of Maharaja Ranjit Singh will be installed
featured some of the biggest names in international in France’s Saint-Tropez town, the birth place of his
sports and was hosted by Hollywood star Bill Murray. Army General Jean—Francois Allard, in September
In the other categories, American golf star Jordan this year.
Spieth, who was also nominated in the ‘Sportsman Henri Prevosat-Allard is a descendant of General Jean-
of the Year’ category, won the ‘Breakthrough of the Frans Allard who trained Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s
Year’ award. The 22-year-old Spieth is the reigning troops, and has announced the step as a mark of
World No.1, who has already won the Masters and respect towards the 19th century king, Mr Thandal
the US Open. said.
The world champion New Zealand rugby team won
the ‘Team of the Year’ honour, while the star of their Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid dies at 65
triumph, Dan Carter, was picked for ‘Comeback of the Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid, whose modernist,
Year’ for bouncing back remarkably following an injury futuristic designs included the swooping aquatic centre
breakdown in 2011. for the 2012 London Olympics, has died at age 65.
Born and raised in Baghdad, Ms. Hadid studied in
Beirut and London, where she based the architectural

15 UGT-2016-CA-2-April-2016
firm that bore her name. team, snatching such icons as Sachin Tendulkar.
She designed buildings around the world- a BMW Mumbai Indians, as he team is called, went on to
facility in Leipzig, Germany; sleek funicular railway win two titles after her induction.
stations in Innsbruck, Austria; and the strikingly On the flip side, the magazine said the Ambanis have
curved Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, Azerbaijan. been criticised for not having personally been givers,
She twice won Britain’s Stirling Prize for architecture commensurate with Mr. Mukesh’s $22-billion wealth,
and in 2004 became the first woman to win the Pritzker and for moving into Antilla, a 27-storey sky palace
Prize, known as the “Nobel prize of architecture.” in south Mumbai, billed as the world’s most expensive
The Pritzker jury praised her unswerving commitment home for its $1 billion tag.
to modernism and defiance of convention.

Narendra Modi conferred Saudi Arabia’s highest

civilian honour
In a special gesture, Saudi Arabia conferred its highest
civilian honour — the King Abdulaziz Sash — on
Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Theaward is named after Abdulaziz Al Saud, the
founder of the modern Saudi state.
The Prime Minister was conferred the prestigious award
by King Salman bin Abdulaziz at the Royal Court where
they held extensive talks on a range of bilateral, regional
and international issues.
World leaders who have received the honour include
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, British Prime
Minister David Cameron, US President Barack Obama,
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Egyptian Presi-
dent Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Nita Ambani most powerful businesswoman in Asia:

Reliance Industries director Nita Ambani and State
Bank of India chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya have
been ranked top two in Forbes’ “Asia 50 Power
Businesswomen 2016” list, which acknowledges the
inroads women are making in the business world,
despite gender inequalities.
Including Ms. Ambani and Ms. Bhattacharya, eight
Indian businesswomen have made the cut in the latest
list who among them bring to the table representa-
tions from diverse business fields — banking, bio-
tech, data analytics, textiles, pharma and even wellness
and beauty.
Incidentally, a Reliance Group entity is a licensee for
publishing Forbes India.
Mukesh Ambani, her husband, is the group chairman.
Among her achievements, the magazine said an
accidental entry into sports made her the face of her
group after Reliance spent $112 million for a cricket

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